What's The Most NSFW Thing You've Seen At A Party? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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what is the most NSFW thing you have witnessed at a party dude ran to the bathroom yelled I gotta shoot then pulled his pants down sat hisses on the toilet and puked on the floor in front of him realizing his mistake he stood up faced the toilet to puke and shat on the floor behind him walked in on my best friend's little sister sucking two guys decks at one time I quietly exited and never spoke a word law a while back I was too young to be at a party in this girl ran out of one of the kitchen buck-naked started twerking on the wall her boyfriend rushed into the room literally picked up H his GF and started to carry her to his car the whole time they were walking to the car she kept yelling about how she couldent wait for the deck tonight I was 14 visiting my 19 years old cousin I wasn't ready our CEO had a Super Bowl party at his new giant house for all of the company employees there was probably 30 to 40 people there as the night goes on everyone is pretty drunk and has that type of guy who loves to party and is handing out shots all night then one of the new guys we just hired can't hold it anymore and pukes on the back patio crowd freaks out and the CEO walks up and tells him if he will lead if off the ground he will pay him $100 puking guy looks at his disappointing look on his wife's and then turns and says he'll do it for $1,000 CEO busts out $1,000 cash I guess he just walks around with it a spoon appears out of nowhere and he proceeded to eat if off the ground crowd freaks out CEO tells him he would have paid him ten thousand dollars worst party's Monday morning the CEO fired him saying we can't work with people that would do something like that WTF at a party a couple of years ago I witnessed a grown-ass adult who was currently attending university drop a turd in a plant pot in the hosts living room he was just in the corner squatting over a plant pod thinking nobody would notice a cast party for the theater department at my university lead to an orgy for guys five girls I went to a party right out of high school and was drinking with some friends there was a girl that got super freaked up but was somehow still functioning and there were some dudes inevitably trying to hit on her after a few hours in fairly drunk and end up getting tired so I figure him about to pass out on the couch until drunk girl sits next to me she tells me she's horny and that we should freak in like yeh okay I've got a condom sure five minutes of fooling around and she stops me and tells me that in order to freak her I have to tell her that I love her I sat there for a moment and responded but I don't love you this apparently broke their heart because she ran off to the other room and I was just kinda left there stupefied a minimum later I hear people yelling and freaking out I walk in the kitchen and lo and behold drunk girl is face down in the floor dresser no panties with liquid shoot erupting out her as like some kind of white-trash Krakatoa the smell was foul and I didn't stick around for the clean up I went to my car and passed out until about 7 a.m. and went home final year of high school at a party where everyone was really wasted like the stupid drunk you got before you understood limits anyone one girl couldent handle it anymore so she pulled her jeans down and started masturbating on the couch in front of everyone was dark and I don't know if everyone really noticed wasn't like those videos where everyone stands around cheering but then the dad who owned the place walked in and it got kind of awkward good party went to a topless party in college as in a party where guys and girls were shirtless after doing a jello shot off of a stranger's Bob's I told my friends a few doors down about the party they arrived just as most of the girls went into a back room to get high and a big bearded man decided to show off his Jacob's Ladder by making it a bottomless party my friends didn't trust me for a while after partying in the barracks my room had all the beer in the fridge I was going down on this girl when I felt a hand on my left shoulder briefly pause to look up when my buddy says Caxton's you're doing a great job I just needed to grab a beer I went right back to what I was doing I once saw a guy shoot his pants and then chuck them out the window we were throwing a house party for one of our roommates that was turning 21 said birthday boy was wasted fairly early in the night and was placed in the bathtub with the curtain drawn their logic was that he could sleep and if he threw up he'd be in the tub a couple hours later this girl shows up she was a friend of a friend 18 maybe five foot tall super white girl who just got off her shift at Twin Peaks as the mostly sober host I welcomed her and went outside to have a cigarette maybe 15 minutes later I returned inside to find the tiny white girl on the floor puking into a trash can well that escalated quickly but not shocking considering her size the start of the weirdness was that she was conversing with my friend Daniel in fluent Spanish oh okay so she speaks Spanish a little surprising but whatever so between heeds Daniel and I helped her to the bathroom to pray to the porcelain God she wants to shut the bathroom door I say sure but not to lock the door so we can get in there if she passes out to make sure she doesn't you know die of course as soon as she goes in she locks the door what we had forgotten was that birthday boy was asleep in the town he was awoken by what he described as the worst-smelling shoot he had ever smelled in his life not wanting to let this random girl know he was hiding in the bathtub he did his best to keep quiet through the gagging tiny girl had diarrhea so rank that she decided that she was too embarrassed to face the party her solution climb out the tiny bathroom window when we got the door unlocked and went and we found her halfway out the window her chute covered thong on the floor and birthday boy pail and sweating in the tub after his unwanted birthday surprise she slept on her side on the couch with a female friend to watch over her the next morning she claimed to not remember a thing and swears she doesn't know a word of Spanish TL DR a tiny white girl got absolutely sloshed in a few minutes started speaking Spanish then shoot herself so bad she tried to escape through the window Edit added a couple details at an outside party at an old house of mine where a Rando passed out on his side in the middle of the driveway the eight or so friends had come with all let him sleep and the party continued around him eventually someone yells my name and points at the passed-out fellow Haase managed to get his deck out and start peeing while still on his side at this point everyone outside has stopped what they were doing to gasp at this turn of events after a while he begins to slowly lean backwards and the arc of this gradually goes higher and higher into the air finally he makes it all the way onto his back and the angle of his pecker is just right so that the remaining piss hits him right between the eyes half the party was disgusted and unimpressed but the rest had plenty to bond over for the rest of the night TL DR passed out dude pisses on his own face in front of an audience edit everyone asking if this was in their city is hilarious you all are freaked out at a party in a huge house on the lake that had a second living room upstairs walking up the stairs I can hear all this commotion going on as I enter the room there is this guy smashing a chick on the couch doggystyle right there in front of everyone he was getting high fives from other guys and people were just standing around watching and cheering well a few years later I get married and at Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws when my brother-in-law brings his new girlfriend to meet the family you guessed it it was her same girl that was getting smashed on the couch well he ended up getting married to this girl and now every time I see them at a family get-together all I can see is the image from that night of the lake some dude passed out in the corner of this apartment party and there was a dude crouched over him trying his hardest to shoot on his head he cold do it so nothing happened but I wondered if I should have told the passed-out guy what he tried to do but then again if someone tried to shoot on my head when I was passed out I won't want to know about it I've been to a couple of parties where a few people decided it would be a good idea to throw decorum to the wind and start freaking in the backyard most of us gathered round to watch but on one occasion a few others joined in friend hired a prostitute for his day party and she proceeded to bang any guy who wanted it man of them even knew they all thought she was some chick who was visiting from Georgia they still tell the story like she wasn't a prostitute some [ __ ] was having a house party while her parents were out of town and she was in her teens invited like half the school she was a typical stuck-up Beach that didn't really have real friends just a bunch of fake ones anyways this one guy is having a good time being reasonable and she doesn't like him so she has a bunch of people just starting to treat him like shoot even gets told to leave and has like I gotta use the bathroom first and there is currently all bathrooms occupied so she tells him to leave he can't use the washroom the juban said oh there's a urinal here and proceeds to punch a hole in the wall and purses in it edit added a few words her parents I was at a Halloween party in the last year of high school where two friends of mine had a threesome with a girl in the bathtub while one other girl watched that's how my friend lost his virginity seem to blokes trying to get a girl to bed not at the same time the one who actually did came back after and threw the used condom in the other blokes face and says smell what you could have won happened at my house girl came over got way III too drunk took off all her clothes and started masturbating on my stairs and then on the couch and then back on my stairs then she fell down said stairs we tried putting her to bed before all this went to-- but she kept coming back out each time with less and less clothes on eventually we all just kinda ignored her and let her do her thing at it I just wrote this out of order we tried putting her to bed multiple times first each time she came out she had fewer and fewer clothes on until she was necked then she started towing her thing I've seen a lot of crazy stuff but distinctly remember being in the basement at a house party playing a game where everyone ends up naked door busted open and him looking at the boots of the town sheriff yelling for his daughter oh shoot she can't find her pants help me find my parents a lady smoking a cigar with her but someone did a bump of coke in the bathroom then took off all his clothes and ran around the house the reason why the police were called was because this was at a 13 year olds birthday party we were at a house party and his drunk guy got on the roof everyone wanted him to jump into the pool so he did breaks an ankle in the process when he missed watched a girl drink a beer bottle full of piss my friend thought it would be hilarious to piss in a bottle and put it in the fridge a girl who was smashed picked it out the fridge and then drank some she shouted this tastes like this then proceeded to take another sip never drink an open bottle of beer left in the fridge at a party people edit my inbox is full of this a guy and a girl full-on freaking missionary style at a warehouse party dozens of people just walked by with barely a glance a San Francisco a girl was proud that she could fit a 125 L coke bottle in her vagina everyone was like yeah cool that's kind of weird to tell everyone and everyone carries on about three hours later everyone is frig up and the party is getting a bit weird some people had taken acid some had dropped some Mac apps some were smoking weed standard stuff this girl is off her face on map and is adamant about wanting to show everyone how cavernous her vagina is so she takes her skirt off and readied herself then proceeds to put a 125 L coke bottle halfway inside her cells everyone was shocked but fascinated she was so proud she wasn't so proud the following week at school when everyone called her Kona Candace edit a word a girl blindfolded tied down to a bench and sucking off whoever was standing in front of her while her girlfriend alternated between spanking and whipping her addendum if this is sfw for you please let me know where you work it sounds fun back in high school friend had an open house and threw a party uncle came to check on us and we found him smelling a girl's vomit in the bathroom and playing with himself that's one Frick tap fetish a guy shoot his pants while trying to dance with a girl he was beyond freaked out and that defined the rest of his stained career edit this is from 2005 to 2006 we were stationed at Camp Cassie then moved to Camp Castle right up the road we were the main support battalion closest to the north he wasn't nervous just cold not shoot his pants when he got super wasted this blew up pretty quickly for a shoot your pants story thanks for letting me relive some great times I hadn't thought about in years watched a guy lose at beer pong and get mad enough that he turned around and punched the first thing he could land his hand on which turned out to be a window in the movies if you break a window you don't get hurt in real life if you slam your fist through a window the falling glass cuts you so deep you practically amputate your own hand there was so much blood that we thought that was what happened we thought he sliced his hand off one of the sober party has rushed him to the hospital while the rest of us just left because the scene involved so much blood and gore that none of us even wanted to party anymore he ended up okay as in a lease car for the rest of his life but at least he didn't actually lose his hand I was at a college pool party with all my friends but they invited some weird-looking guys but hey they brought more food and drinks we were all in the pool just having fun it wasn't a really big pool maybe 15 mts long tops and then outta nowhere they started having six there while we all were inside the pool we all ran from the pool some girls were screaming and they just kept doing it I swear to god those guys didn't give a Frick at all posted before but still NSFW slash and saw Darwin Award guy that I knew of in high school thought that because he was gangster he knew how to handle a gun grabs a revolver from the home and tries to cowboy a gunslinger it by spinning it on his finger he got one or two rotations in her and bang 138 round right to the empty space between the ears party died just as fast as he did I was about 18 and at a friend gathering slash party said friends mum came home from her date drunk followed me into the bathroom and wrapped her hands around my deck and tried to go down on me this would be like an ultimate fantasy if she was hot but sadly not still not told him that all the time a girl took off her pants and squatted on to a smirnoff ice bottle and proceeded to pleasure herself with it and posed for pictures saw some guy put a banana in the washing machine put it on a forty spin and masturbate whilst watching it don't do drugs kids it's more in SFL but one time a guy threw a chair at a girl eating her directly in the face there was a moment of shock and people ran to help her but then every body including the women seemed to lock eyes like we are going to freak this guy up he soon tripped and fell down the deck stairs four times more NSFW saw a guy at a party in college beating off two guides and blowing one sitting in the middle I'll let them have their privacy and while him not personally gay I did pause for a moment before I left the coordination involved was impressive no matter what your sexuality he mats him meet up four packs and we've got people from all over the country crammed into like three rooms some guy pissed himself we kick him out two dudes take turns railing some not very hot chick the night goes on and things quiet down until like 4:00 a.m. when these dudes start talking about calling for a hooker when I got home and pretty sure I had swine flu - it was [ __ ] I saw a guy stick his big toe in a naked girl's vagina on a ping-pong table went on a camping trip with my then boyfriend and three other friends one of the guys had just broken off his relationship so we expected a lot of healthy drinking to take his mind off things well chute went sideways we were all drinking and having a good time but he got absolutely smashed and started screaming across the lake we were right next to Lake properties and he was letting out guttural screeches like a banshee then he whips out his deck and started pissing so we all got ahold of him and put him to bed before someone called the police on us 15 minutes later were sitting around the campfire and Hesburgh wailing like a banshee this time however has completely naked this guy's 100% blacked out to the point where I don't think he even knew where he was he starts spinning around and pissing like a sprinkler while we desperately try to talk him down without getting in the line of fire eventually the bravest among us knocked me grab ahold of him and lead him back to the tent where he subsequently screamed himself to sleep and pissed all over his sleeping bag I've been waiting to share this disgusting story with Reddit it'll probably be buried but even a fight can make one person feel how I felt I'll be pleased I was at a party and this couple went into a bedroom to do their thing no big deal it happens they come out and I noticed this guy run into the room right after them and dig in the garbage he fishes out their freshly used still damp condom and takes it out to the main floor and gets everyone's attention then he shamelessly tips it back and dumps the entire contents in his mouth and swallows that you literally took a cam shot from a used condom in front of an entire party just to get a reaction out of everyone for some reason he looks pleased with himself and everyone else looks absolutely disgusted I've been trying to rationalize the action ever since I saw it all so the guy who owned the cam tried to fight him and was really pissed off about it someone broke it up and the party dispersed soon after I used to collect money from everyone that wanted to party then I'd use the money to organize the party I was in a goodwill and they had a freaking giant box of plain white t-shirts and another of plain white boxes they were on all unused donated in the big boxes I asked if I could buy both boxes for a hundred and got em then I bought alcohol mostly vodka and Everclear a couple kegs of beer I bought a ton of fruit and juice I bought two kiddie pools and filled them with watered-down juice soaked teachers and vodka bananas two had a few watermelons with a hole cut in the top and the rest of the bottle of Everclear plugged in each one party day rules men in boxes women in t-shirts got a bob for a peach if you are a dude banana or if you're a chick then you can party dentally freakin nonsense idea that didn't work at all except to get every guy and girl there totally messy totally sticky and totally freaking shoot faced nudity everywhere even print people had some sort of naughty bits showing so basically everything worked exactly as intended but those peaches and bananas were hard mode to get out which made everyone get even more messy I wish I hadn't come into this so late I threw a party at my house and a bunch of people from another school that I didn't know showed up one guy came wearing a Hulk mask in those giant healt gloves he ended up freaking this chick on my pool table still wearing his outfit chanting give it to the Hulk give it to the Hulk TLDR Hulk smash then new girlfriend invited me to a party at a hotel room lots of alcohol many of them had drugs sobriety has left the building after most everyone had passed out I was woken up by my G /f as she was woken up by some guy trying to grape the girl he brought in her sleep didn't go so well for him when I was still in college I was at a sorority party with my then girlfriend a woman probably a freshman was on the floor a sob pants and panties to her ankles funnel in her ass and people were pouring shots in her [ __ ] I was too high drunk and stupid back then to realize that this could easily have killed her and I just left the room with my gf had this happened today I definitely world intervened but back then I was just like whoa dude she lived so it's all good when I was a sophomore in high school a girl I know invited me to a party she was throwing at her house in hindsight I realized she had a crush on me in high school I did not party at all nor drink but I was curious so I decided I would go I get to this party and the eventual valedictorian of our class was dancing topless on a glass table barefoot a split second after I noticed this her weight causes the table to collapse and shatter since I was the only even remotely sober person at the party I was tasked with dealing with the fallout thankfully it was relatively tempered and the shards wear and particularly small or sharp and she wasn't too badly injured edit well this is by far my highest ever upvoted comment to celebrate I had very spicy noodles young wife and I hosted a few Halloween parties over the years nothing really scandalous just good times one year had a girl fall down the stairs house was a split-level it was like six stairs and somehow turned it into a single handed cartwheel with beer in hand she somehow landed it leaving a bit of beer on the wall and a big dent in the ceiling from the heel of her shoe I would have never believed it had I not been standing there talking to someone and seeing it actually happen we had kids and lost a fun factor edit spelling I was in charge of taking care of a 28y slasher German exchange student while I was only 19 at the time at some point during a party I realized I had lost track of him and I started to hear whispers around the room in response I made a cursory search to find my missing German he wasn't that hard to find while he was hidden from the main line of sight he was still relatively in the open making out with a girl half his size it was getting to the point that she was riding his hand and moaning if left alone they definitely would have gone further that's when I heard what the whispers were saying she's 13 I immediately had a no freak moment and went over to pull them apart I asked my German competitor if he knew what middle school was he said no I asked him if he knew what high school was and he said yes that girl was in middle school which comes before high school she's probably less than half your age you can have fun tonight but you need to be more careful his eyes grew to the size of saucers as he realized the extent of what was going on in his panic he said no no more fun and promptly left to get some air and probably a drink [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 115,454
Rating: 4.8920779 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: ynSwdyWPewI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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