what's the cheapest PC you can build at Micro Center? #shorts

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the most expensive GPU at Micro Center is nearly two thousand dollars while the cheapest is less than a tenth of that price similarly the most expensive CPU is around 700 and the cheapest I found for seventy five dollars so what's the least amount of money we can spend at a Micro Center but still build a brand new computer well to find out we can use their website's custom PC Builder to sort each component by at least expensive as well as to ensure compatibility from that we can find this ASRock a520 motherboard for sixty three dollars a 512 gig Gen 4 nvme from solidine from 33 bucks 16 gigs of gisco's 3000 megahertz ddr4 RAM for 35 and to round things out a 650 watt PSU from Power spec and the mid Tower X1 case from montec so with that the cheapest computer that we can build at a Micro Center is 483 dollars leaving plenty of room for their other deals like this Ender 3 S130 printer for 199 dollars for new customers in store only all you have to do is use the link on screen to grab the coupon and then take that to your closest Micro Center store
Channel: mryeester
Views: 6,473,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc, pc tips, pc building, mryeester
Id: f681mCfDdK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 53sec (53 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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