I Built a LEGO Aircraft Carrier!

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today I'm going to build a Lego aircraft carrier and then test it out to see if it can actually work in the water I've only Built one other Lego boat which was the Noah's Arc build I did and that one filled up with water pretty quick so we're going to have to do a bit better this time the plan is to build a 5T long Lego aircraft carrier with a hanger inside for storing aircrafts a catapult launch system and even propellers to actually make it move the first step is to start building up the hole of the ship to be waterproof I had to buy a lot of pieces for this so I'm going to lay down the first two layers on these base plates and then we'll have to taper it out and up from here this brings us to our first problem which is these cracks in between the base plates the thing about Lego is that they're not exactly watertight but I do have a plan for how we might be able to fix that I bought this heavy duty Saran Wrap which hopefully if we put it between the plate layers it can actually help keep the water out and kind of seal the cracks this worked okay for the Noah Arc build but that was regular Saran Wrap This is actually Ultra Premium strong we just take this and stretch it right over the first layer and it add another layer of plates I'm going to put a layer of bricks all the way around this and then we're going to start tapering it out and overlapping them and the goal is to overlap each one of the bricks so that none of them are like stacked right on top cuz it makes the gaps bigger so we're going to start by building up tall layers and then transition to Shorter layers we're going to do that at larger scale but that's kind of shape we're looking for we just got to keep building this up until we get high enough to where we can add the propellers which are going to make this thing move all right here we have the hole so far and as you see it's not bending which is a truly good sign now what we're going to do is build propellers for it the propellers need to be in the bottom underwater but we can't just drill holes into the side of this and then stick axles through for the propellers because then water would get in and the whole point of using the Saran Wrap and all that stuff is so that water doesn't get in so my plan is to attach some propellers on 90° actuators so that we can stick the motors and everything on top but the axles will lead all the way down to the propellers which will make it actually go pretty much the closest thing to a propeller Lego makes with an axle hole is this and this is literally the size of my thumb they do make these blades so if we attach some of these together we could get a pretty good propeller all right we have our finished propeller design now I know what you're thinking that is really looking complicated I don't know what's happening also you're spinning it around we basically just had to angle each one of the propellers and then hold it in place with these pieces here so if we grab our motor and our battery box here will it work I think we need to actually test this underwater maybe they'll start moving let's see oh we overdue the motor already this is good news or no it's not this is news we need a gear ratio would you quiet now we've added a small gear ratio here let's see if it works oh wow do this thing what's happening is the motor is sensing that too much power is needed so it shuts off because the water is slowing it down I'm thinking if we just remove one of these guys that might be enough because that's a lot of power [Music] nice okay shut off again well at least we know that the propeller works now we just have to figure out the gear ratio and the system that's going to make this go underwater instead of having the motor level with it so that's underwater so now that we have a working propeller design I'm pretty sure my plan is to use these little 90° thing miges and if we attach two of these like this we can make it actually spin at a 90° angle they're going to sit right about here but I can't install them cuz clearly the walls aren't high enough I'm just going to build up the walls a few more layers until we get to the area where we're going to build the hanger and now we just kind of start the bottom and then work our way [Music] up dang it I was trying to move a brick and I made a little hole I'm going to add an extra piece of Saran Wrap there and hopefully that'll seal it in we got the first layer of bricks over the San wrap end of day one building this and my plan tomorrow is to add another layer of Saran Wrap because as you can see I was a little short in the measurements so yeah now we just got to build up these walls High and we'll be good to move on to building the hanger for the floor of the hanger I'm going to use a bunch of tiles I think we Hammer these down that'll really seal the floor that is going to be really strong that's an issue the thing about adding the Saran Wrap is that there's just a little bit too much space between the bricks obviously that's not the you know best thing for this but I think sacrificing that is going to help for the waterproofing so it's worth it so I just got to finish up the floor and then we're going to have an elevator that actually Works to raise the Jets up to the top this thing is ginormous literally this is already bigger than the Noah's Arc build we did we got the inside that we can detail I just added some plates and tiles to the ground and I did like three or four layers of the Saran Wrap in different places now I built up these walls here that'll be four thick it doesn't have Saran wrap around the top part but I think I have a genius way to kind of soak up some of the water that'll leak in I sliced up SpongeBob into 30 different pieces actually I just bought a bunch of sponges and these will go inside the walls and hopefully any extra water that comes in will just get soaked right into the sponge it'll also keep the ship super clean sorry I think that was my last sponge joke you're good dude perfect amount 32 sponges and that didn't make it much heavier we're going to weigh this guy what does it say that's it you strained yourself a lot to lift that this is how you lift this I also want to put an elevator in this that the Jets can go onto and that'll raise up so it'll be flush with the top of the surface cuz they actually have these giant elevators on the aircraft carriers and it's pretty cool this will be our elevator so my plan is to put this on two pulley that'll be controlled by these two Motors and it will basically raise it up and down the problem is this is going to be really fast so let's grab a worm gear this thing has a gear ratio actually built in already so hopefully this will make it Go just a little slower let's try this there we go that's very elevatory we just got to find a way to mount the motors to the base there we go now that we got the basic mechanism all I got to do is install this in the hole of the ship and ideally it'll work he hey it's working let's go uh-oh well there's one issue so it just needs a little bit of fine tuning but the idea is there and then so this is level with the top I'm just going to put a layer of bricks on it as well as a ramp right in front so the Jets can actually get onto it there we go look at that cool next thing we need to do is build some jets for the hanger and the interior and while I'm doing that I can tell you about this video sponsor liquid IV the number one powdered hydration brand in America that helps you quickly replenish electrolytes and fluids lost from sweat and exercise with Summer right around the corner getting outside is a must but while you're out there enjoying the summer heat it's important to stay hydrated and liquid IV makes that way easier with zero sugar eight vitamins and nutrients and three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink liquid IV provides Superior hydration than water alone and apparently our bodies are made up of like 60% water so clearly hydration is important here we have our Fleet of fighter jets done you can see I got a little dude for scale that's the size of the people are going to be also built a Blackhawk helicopter and a little shuttle to get people from ad Tob inside the aircraft carrier we just got to finish decking out the hanger with all the Living Spaces and stuff where these are going to go I love that liquid IV doesn't have sugar personally I've been sugar-free for over a year now because it just feels so much better I'm really into healthy eating and more recently calisthenics like push-ups and pull-ups and like most of you I usually forget to drink water during the day until I get really thirsty liquid IV is made without artificial sweeteners or colors and has the essential minerals my body needs to to stay on top of the game it slim packaging makes it easy to throw a couple in a purse pocket or a travel bag for any of your outdoor activities this summer so whether you're out hiking or doing push-ups or even building a giant Lego boat that's slowly grinding off the tips of your fingers use Liquid IV to maximize your hydration so you can get the most out of your summer new customers can use my code brick science to get 20% off your order thanks liquid IV for sponsoring this video and now we've completely finished the interior of the hanger we have our engine room right here a nice cafeteria with some round tables and then moving over here we have our living quarters just a lot of beds building stuff in Min scale presents an interesting challenge but it looks pretty good in my opinion now we need to build the top deck which is going to have a system for launching Jets and since that's the most important thing I think I'm going to build that first so basically what we need to do is build a simple catapult that can shoot one of these Jets and so on the bottom as you can see I've added some of these nice little rounded plates and what these allow us to do is actually build a track for it so it doesn't go right or left all right now that we got the base built out we just need to build a sled that will actually push the Jets across so I have some elastic I'm going to do something similar to what I did for my crash test Sim so when you stretch it back and put a pin in it you just let it go and it'll snap the thing forward and here we have it it looks like a little plane but this is going to work just got to install the reverse part of the track on the bottom that'll hold these little things all right so this is what I came up with as you can see on the bottom we have the sled right now the way this works is the Technic bricks inside of this have a little hole you just stick this right through oh oh gosh eye protection then we just want to push it back into the butt of the sled and boom all we have to do is pull this little temporary pin right here this thing is perfect now we just need to take one of our Motors and build a little release mechanism that will pull the pin out for us watch this that works push this guy back locks in and you cannot move that and this is just pretty simple rotational linear actuator mechanism that just works like this we have a radar gun we're going to see how fast it actually shoots I want you to put it right here does hit the lens I'm scared get me here we go 16 mph I worked out broke my rist sorry dude 18 mil an hour this thing shoots pretty fast check it out I even built a heat shield deflector and that's just built using a linear actuator in this little 90° thing here just pushes it up like that now that we got the release mechanism complete we can actually install this thing on the top of the deck which we need to build as well we're going to need a lot of these plates okay so I'm going to line the outside with these plates and then we'll come in with some tiles and structure to kind of sandwich them between and then as you can see we'll take our launcher and put it right at the front this thing is ginormous oh my gosh now we just got to add some bevel pieces like these these little wedges to the corners and then really just lock all these pieces together I have them tacked together but that's not going to work so [Music] you can see we have the Catapult installed in the flight deck and this thing luckily I just built it with some tiles so you can just lift it up as one little panel we can also install the propellers added just a simple gear ratio to this to make it go a little bit slower cuz it was way too fast and that spins the blade that'll go into the water I'm just going to build a little control station at the back here to kind of hide these and hide the battery boxes and I'm going to grab a handful of bricks and go one layer around the very outside of this just to make it look nice that'll also probably keep some of the water from getting on top of the boat I want to add some parking lines for the planes on top so what I'm doing is building in these little jumper plates to the tiles if we put them in just the right layout we can actually add tiles on top and it'll snap together at an angle check it out just kind of a cool technique if you need to build tiles at an angle instead of having everything be flat the last thing we have to do is just build the control tower right here we have these two cables that are going to go into a battery box and this should be the last of our motorized things we just have to hide this in the control tower and add a bunch of dishes and Radars and stuff that makes it look like the actual one on the ship I'm just going to add Li this cuz I have no idea what's on a real control tower but looks like there's some rooms and then some dishes and things that Branch out so we're going to go with that [Music] I'm a little concerned this is going to be a bit too heavy and cause this ship to tilt what I'm going to do is wave this and then I'm going to take that weight in sand fill a few tiny bags and then put that on the other side of the ship I really don't want that to cause the ship to flip over it's done you guys we are finally ready we can take it to the water and test it out I have no idea if it's going to work but really hopeful let's get this thing loaded up all right guys we are here at the pool we have the aircraft carrier this thing is huge took 22 to build and we're finally going to test it out I'm going to test this launcher before we actually put it in the pool just in case it doesn't float so what we're going to do is we're going to pull this guy back like this and then we're going to push this button and that will'll lock it in place like that and then what we're going to do is put up the heat shield and so to do that we just click this button just like that and then we just got to hit the release Let's test this out in 3 2 [Music] 1 dude look how far that went check it out the launcher obviously works but now we're going to put this thing in the water and fully test it with propellers and all this is so nerve-wracking dude I have no idea if this is going to float or not here we go you ready three two one it's floating yes it worked it's working let's go now we just got to attach the propellers and now full back let's see if this actually works oh that's forward hold on we got to go back I'm just going to stand completely still see if it starts coming towards me it's moving right dude it's working all right is it filling with water I don't really see any water like I think the the thing is just high enough let's see if we can turn here so we'll go one forward One backwards we're going to try and turn it counterclockwise dude it's actually working you can see the hole underwater is staying together nice oh we're going to crash full back full back uh we bumped it a little bit so we're going to load a jet on pull this guy back and there we go we're loaded which means probably not the best idea to stay in front of this so we're going to rotate it around I'll probably do it with the remote then this thing should rotate this is I'm not like I'm not messing with this the these propellers are actually working 100% on the back here all right okay it's taking too long we're going to turn it manually now we're going to launch this in three 2 1 dude that's so cool we even have the little elevator in here that goes up and down there is some water in there we put the elevator up like this and raise this guy up to the top check it out there we go so we can move the planes or the Jets from the bottom to the top on the way here it got a little offc Center but boom as you can see it actually works in water it moves around this is I'd say it's better than the ark 3 2 1 now now it's time to finally see if it's full of water dang it I'm positive those sponges are completely soaked huge thanks for watching check out when I built Noah's Arc right here and tested that in the water and then check out this video where I flooded an entire Lego City see you
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 3,450,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, Legos, LEGO Aircraft Carrier, LEGO Boat, Testing LEGO Boats, I Built a LEGO Aircraft Carrier, I Built Noah's Ark in LEGO, Brick Science, Brick Science pool, Brick Science LEGO City, Brick Science Boat, LEGO Boats, LEGO Jet Launcher, Testing LEGO Planes, TD Bricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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