I ONLY Had $350 To Build A Gaming Setup...

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in this video I'll be building the world's cheapest functioning gaming setup to prove that anyone can do it with a low cost but let's lay out the rules since I am a tech Creator on Tik Tok I do get sent a lot of tech products so that means I can't use anything I already have I must purchase or newly obtain the items I'm putting in the setup and our budget is only $350 did you set it to this mhm and it has to be a PC setup well let's get right into it so since I was given a really low budget to build this gaming setup I begin to research to find the best deals possible I search Best Buy Amazon Facebook Marketplace and even s low enough to team it all right all right all right we're not snooping that low after searching the web for a bit and mainly going through Amazon I actually found some pretty decent peripherals I found this white and blue Meiji keyboard off Amazon and it is a 60% with Blue switches so is it going to sound like the greatest keyboard in the world probably not but it is only $30 so we're definitely staying in the budget and for the mouse pad I found this black and white Topo one and it says it's an extra extra large for only $11 and it's 48% off so even better of a deal and for the screen I found a 22in 1080p 100 H monitor for only $70 which I think is an absolute steal so with all these items off Amazon that already puts us at a grand total of $112 spin which brings me to my last preferral that I definitely don't have to order but I can go pick up from the [Music] store [Music] hi welcome thank you do you buy any chance out this gaming mouse oh yeah it should be right over there all right thank you all righty got the last peripheral and a couple more add-ons so we're purchasing these and all the other stuff that puts our current total at $122 55 which only leaves us with $22749 127 is very much a stretch so after returning back home and thoroughly searching through eBay and Facebook Marketplace I finally found an absolute steal that perfectly keeps us in our budget okay so I've been searching on Facebook and eBay for a little while and I just found an unbelievable deal this guy's selling an all-white PC for only $200 which is genuinely nuts and doesn't exactly sound right so now I'm just hoping this posting is legit and we don't endanger ourselves trying to get this thing so I'm going to shoot a message over to the seller and see what they say so it's been an hour since I first messaged the seller and he did respond with I just want to get this thing off my hands come and scoop it seems a little sketch so I'm going ask for video proof to make sure this thing even works cuz I don't want to just like spend $200 on a broken computer oh wow he's responding quick now he did send a video and said just bring cash and it's yours bro well say [Music] less all right boys so we're headed over to get the PC right now and I'm bringing my cousin with me who is recording cuz $200 for a allwhite in xtpc almost seems like too good of a deal I'm not going to lie so I don't want to show up by myself I want someone also as a cameraman too so I will uh update y'all when we get there okay we just got to the seller's house and I'm going to give him a call let him know we're here and uh I just really hope that he doesn't realize okay here's the deal this man is selling a really expensive computer for $200 like this was an absolute hail marry to find this on Facebook Marketplace so I just hope he doesn't like back out of it or something goes wrong but uh let's get it over with hey what's going on man hey you got the money bro yeah of course bro I wouldn't show up empty-handed I got you here you go you want to count it no I'm good all right bro well I appreciate you hey quick question's up what's up with the mask I got Ops all right bro appreciate you does not have Ops okay well PC secured the interaction was a little strange I'll be honest with you I guarantee you here's the deal that kid does not have hops bro we're in the most Suburban neighborhood in my town I'm not even trolling but we got a freaking PC for $200 he didn't even count the money but hey I'm I'm an honest man in my words I gave him 200 bucks got a PC we're still in the budget let's go build this setup all righty we're back home with the PC and I guess I'm just genuinely shocked that I was even able to get a computer for $200 that's just not exactly heard of so shout out to Facebook Marketplace and now that we have this we just need to wait for all the other products to get here that I ordered from Amazon so I'll see y'all [Music] then ew oh yeah ketchup sandwich M that's [Music] disgusting okay so all our packages are now here for the gaming setup but I'm sure the question crossed your mind of what about the desk what desk are you going to use is he going to play on the floor well the wonderful company of Vernal actually sponsored this video and sent out this allwhite standing desk for completely free to supply our budget setup and make it super functional it can raise all the way up so you can stand and work and of course go all the way down to sit and relax it was honestly really easy to put together and it holds up to 160 kg which makes this table really sturdy it even has really helpful Cable Management trays at the bottom of the desk to keep yourself set ups cables clean unlike mine and they even included all these add-ons to improve our setup even more so go get the Vernal standing desk for $100 off now and make sure to use code Chandler for an additional 7% off they also have a bunch of nice accessories to go with this desk on their website called the setup inone system you'll be able to find all this in the description below so let's get back to building our budget setup okay first off we've got our absolute steal of a PC we able to pick up which I'm still kind of concerned if this thing's even going to turn on or not but we shall see and for those of you that were curious about the specs in this thing it has an RTX 460 TI an i5 12400 F and 16 GB of RAM which now that I'm thinking about it whoever built this thing really bottlenecked it but at the end of the day it was seriously like an insane steel and I know I keep saying it but finding a $200 computer is just unheard of especially with the 4060 in it cuz I believe the 4060 TI is like 400 bucks itself and we got a whole PC for half the price of the graphics card so no complaints on my end and next up we've got our kri I believe that's how you say it monitor that we were able to pick up for $699 9 that's actually a really nice monitor though it's super skinny dude I actually really like this thing I'm not even going to lie and since veral hooked us up with this awesome looking desk shelf I'm going to place the monitor on top of here for a better aesthetic and as I had mentioned at five and below about getting small add-ons I got these cool little fake plants just to add more of an aesthetic and wow something so little can really bring something together now we got this $111 mouse pad that I got off Amazon but it is extremely skinny and for some reason it feels silk but at least it matches is our set up with a cool black and white too design so for the keyboard I did end up going with the migi one that I showed earlier on in the video and I'm happy I did because the blue and white just really bring some more color into this setup the only issue is it didn't even come with the cord so I will have to find my own USBC one to plug into this but besides that I actually really like this thing and finally our last item is the mouse that I did get from Five and Below there really is not much to say about this Mouse I mean it doesn't feel horrible but it definitely does feel like the worth which was $555 but as as long as this thing is functional that's all I really care about so we have just about everything laid out and I'm really liking how it's looking but I'm realizing I'm missing a very crucial part and that's some RGB but our budget is getting extremely tight and led strips are usually no cheaper than 10 bucks so I decided to do the last resort I'd like to phone a friend dear Nano Leaf my name is Chandler and I am a content creator on YouTube and Tik Tok okay I just cooked up a pretty good email and now we wait and see for a response it is now only 4 days later and when I tell you Nan Leaf does not play around they do not play around here are our beautiful LED strips that are now going into the setup and shout out to n for sending them out for completely free we are definitely staying in the budget okay so now that our budget setup is complete we need to go down the list to make sure that I actually stayed in budget so I'm going to have afro check move punk okay bro okay relax relax I take these budgets very seriously I need to make sure this man did not go over the budget to prove that you at home can build this setup yourself first off the PC was apparently $200 definitely not worth that but that's what he got for the mouse was $555 this keyboard was $30 his mouse pad was 11 his monitor was 70 and these plants together were a combined total of $12 and of course the desk was completely free shout out Vernal which leads to the final decision of having our total cost be $328 55 I can't confirm the setup did stay in budget but I do have a question for you where is your chair at thank you for checking I do appreciate it and yes yes um I do not have a chair which this is a standing desk so you technically do not need one so I'm just going to do the thing that any other Typical Gamer would do that's on a budget and that's using a dining room chair in my setup let me know in the comments if any of youall have ever done this as well so now for the real Moment of Truth of seeing if this PC actually even turns on I'm honestly kind of nervous but here's the Moment of Truth why is it not turning on why is it not turning on oh wait let's check together I knew it the power switch on the back was flipped off so now for the real Moment of Truth he actually sold me a working PC for 20 bucks I didn't think it was going to work I didn't think it was going to work dude no way okay I can't get too excited I need to see how this thing performs so I just put it up the PC and the guy actually forgot to wipe the computer of his stuff so this wallpaper makes a whole lot of sense of who we were dealing with so I'm going to get this thing wiped so that we can log into our own gaming accounts so we can see how this PC actually runs as well as how it feels to to use the peripherals I bought with it so after clearing the other guy stuff and downloading fortnite it was time to check this thing's performance for some reason fortnite took like an hour and a half to download but now that it's finally up let's see what kind of frames we can get so I decided the first thing to check out would be creative mode because I feel like that's where this game best performs and we're actually pulling around 380 to 400 frames per second which is genuinely nuts but at the end of the day who cares about creative performance let's hop in a real game oh wow okay so actually loading into a real game we're put at 60 to 200 frames per second so that's literally cut in half from 400 to 200 and the thing that sucks the most too is that we are getting 200 frames but we're technically only seeing 100 because the monitor we're playing on is only 100 HZ but really I cannot complain because the image of this monitor is pretty solid for only being $70 so now that I've tested performance what do I rate this setup well the peripherals were a little rough trying to game with since they weren't the highest quality of course but they definitely weren't horrible and for the PC's performance I'm I'm impressed because 400 frames in creative and 200 in casuals is genuinely nuts for only $200 with everything all together I'll give this setup a solid six but since the aesthetic is super nice I'll bump it up to an eight but let me know what y'all rate this setup in the comments cuz I would genuinely love to hear but that just about wraps this video up and I'm very impressed what I was able to do with $350 and a Little Help from sponsors so let me know in the comments what challenge to do next and this is crap I say give yourself for real Challenge and build whatever set up the most like comment says that was very aggressive afro but all right say less if this video gets 10K likes I will build whatever set up the most like comment says so to everyone that watch this video I greatly appreciate every single one of you and my only ask of you is that you hit the like button and make sure to subscribe because that really helps me out and it gets me one step closer to reaching my forever goal since I was like 10 years old of hitting a 100,000 subscribers so all yall fellas stay blessed and remember to always put God first and until next [Music] time
Channel: The Chandler
Views: 503,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget gaming pc, gaming pc, pc gaming, $350 Gaming setup, $350 budget gaming setup, Chandler, Chandler Gonzalez, The Chandler, Gaming pc under $400, Gaming pc under $200, $200 gaming pc, fortnite, fortnite gaming setup, setup, gaming setup, setup transformation, building a gaming setup, building my dream gaming setup, dream gaming setup, aesthetic gaming setup, fortnite setup, Best gaming pc, best gaming setup, cheap gaming setup, SetupInOne, Standingdesk, VernalStandingDesk
Id: SmztxgRMQNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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