What's The Difference Between WHY and HOW COME in English

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hey student watch this video and learn the difference between why and how come coming up hey France teacher breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English first of all thank you so much for joining me on another English lesson as you know from Monday to Friday I'm always here on YouTube making different kinds of videos to help you become a better and more confident English speaker so consider subscribing because I have many different kinds of English lessons to help English learners from all over the world improve their English skills now let's dive into the content today we're gonna talk about the difference between why and how come not many of you know they structure how come so I thought of showing this video to you guys so that you can have an option first of all there's nothing wrong with why you can continue using why keep it up if you prefer Y if Y is easier for you that's alright but today I'm gonna show you a different option a different way to ask why so first of all why and how come they are the same thing okay if I want to know why if I want an explanation if I want to know the reason if I want to if I want to have an explanation I will use Y or I can use how come so let's make that very clear how come is a different option okay it'll give the same idea that's why now there is a difference what's going on okay I don't know if you can hear this but I can't it's anyway now what's the difference the difference is in the idea that changes a little bit like a little bit okay and they structure they structure changes okay so the way you make a question with Y and the way you build a question with how come will change so if you prefer to use why go for it but a very important difference is the way you will structure the question with how come okay now let's take a look quick review let's have a quick review of how to use Y and the explanations I prepared a few examples for you guys why is a wh question question word okay so you use Y to ask questions that you want when you want to know the reason when you want an explanation so you will use the w-wait question why now when you ask questions with y you will follow the rules of interrogative sentences some rules using auxiliary verbs if you are asking a question with verb to be you invert the position between subject and and the verb to be for example or the same thing applies to could or can you invert the position between the subject and the action the same thing happens when you use auxiliary verbs but then you have auxiliary verb then the subject then the verb and the rest of the question so this is a basic structure of a question a wa8 question word question okay so this is the regular the traditional conventional question the type of question so here you have some examples why do you study English that's a question that stay style of a question that I make with w-8 question words why is Susan so angry so you see here I don't have an auxiliary verb because I'm using verb to be so when I used to be i don't use doer thus I can okay so why is Susan I invert the position between the subject and to be why is Susan because if I say Susan is that's an affirmative structure I can't do that okay why does Peter look so tired here I'm asking a question with does in the simple present singular he she Peter look nothing happens to the verb in the next question I'm using could why couldn't you come to my party last night it's a simple past question but because I am using could I do not used it so these are the traditional structures of questions that I can ask when I want to know why when I wanna know explanation and as you have learned why is the standard way to ask the reason for something or the purpose of something okay now depending on your intonation depending on how you use your intonation when asking why and depending on the kind of conversation you're having using Y can be a little confrontational you know and these can make the listener feel a little defensive I don't want to tell you I I don't talk about it but it depends on the kind of conversation and a problem with my OBS one second guys second one second yes there was a problem can you guys hear me well don't know why but I think I'm back I'm back yes I'm back okay so why as I was saying is the standard way to ask a question in English but you have to be very careful about the way you use your intonation because depending on how you express yourself when asking a question with Y it can sound a little confrontational okay and this will make the person listening to you through a little defensive oh I don't want to talk to you weird why are you asking me that I don't know okay excellent now to answer questions that I made with Y I will use because simple like that plain vanilla I will use because to answer questions with Y because I want to give the explanation okay so why do you study English well because I want to live abroad that's why why is Susan so angry well because her boss told her off you know he's coated her that's not nice why the speeder looked so tired oh because he worked all night long why couldn't you come to my party well because it was sick so to answer questions with why you will use because this doesn't change even when you use how come you will use because to answer the question that doesn't really take that doesn't really change okay now moving on to how come the star of night you use how come to ask why something happened so you you want to know why it's the same idea however you will use how come in more informal situations that's the catch okay when using how come you don't have the typical question structure that is to say that when you're making questions with how come you will follow quote-unquote like a firm motive and negative sentences okay you will not follow the interrogative structure intonation okay but they structure the grammar in structure will not you will follow an affirmative and the negative structure I will show you so here we have the example with why why don't you study English how come you study English so you see when I use how come I make an affirmative structure I don't use do I don't use does I no use did okay I don't use this kind of question structure okay next question why is Susan so angry hmm how come Susan is so angry so you see if I ask a question with y in verb to be first will come a further verb to be will come first and then Susan the subject okay with how come I go on as an affirmative sentence how come Susan is so angry okay so I meant Ain the affirmative structure and that's important if you don't do that then it's just better to use Y okay and not how come why does Peter look so tired how come Peter looks so tired now if you pay attention here looks remember that in affirmative sentences I need to change the verb I need to add s s or IES to my sentence Fabiana lage thank you so much for your donation okay I really appreciate it Fabiano has just made super chat when you make a super Chad you help teacher pricks especially now YouTube is going a little crazy so I really appreciate it thank you very much very nice Jo I'm happy to know you understand that's amazing next time write in English try that okay now going on to the examples as I was saying Peter looks tired no does okay and I have to change the verb not look looks because I'm using how come it's a different way to ask why it's more informal more casual okay why couldn't you come to my party last night how come you couldn't come to my party last night and here I forgot to delete was sick because I was sick typo mistakes so as I was saying this is the structure you follow it's in a way it is easier because you don't need to think about the structures of questions when you are using how come the idea is the same I want to know why okay that's what I want to know okay now how come I want emphasized this again I want to highlight this isn't formal it's casual okay especially you will you use how come especially when you want to express surprise nice maybe you get to work and then your boss says something very surprising if you have a good relationship because it's informal okay yeah it's an informal conversation then you can say wow how come and you can stop it how come okay you can just with why when I just say why how come it is possible to do that now if you will fee if you finish the question which is common okay you can finish the question oh no how come you are leaving the company we love you maybe your boss comes to you and talks to you in private hey hey I'm not gonna work here anymore I got a new job and a different company Oh Andrew how come you're leaving we love you ah you know I was tired I really needed a change I really needed to do something different so I'm leaving in 10 days oh well start spreading the news I'm leaving today how come is this look how come it's just a little bit more informal okay yes if you're writing you're going to use why is that a question if you are writing are you going to use wine yes if you're right yes it depends what kind of message are you writing are you writing a story because if you're writing a story then you can do whatever you want but are you writing an email then then if you're writing an email at work let's imagine this you're what are you writing you're writing an email at work I'm not gonna say directly why why can't you do this for me in an email if you are at a formal environment maybe you would say hey I would like to ask you why this is happening I was wondering why you never start directly with why if it's a more formal environment and you're writing there are better ways to ask questions with why if you are writing okay so be very careful with what you mean writing if you're writing a message to your friend on whatsapp my friend you can do anything you want you can see why actually native speakers if they are chatting they will not type why they would type just a letter why why let me just close this close close they will just ask why and put a question mark so you see English can become extremely informal so what I'm explaining here will be much more useful in spoken conversations because if you're chatting with a friend you can be even more informal and you're not gonna type complete words you will abbreviate a lot of things think about your language think about all the crazy abbreviations you use in conversations on the Internet we do the same in English okay the same thing happens when I'm writing the pronoun you I'm not gonna write y-o-u I'm gonna write you only the letter U so this happens in informal conversations now if you're writing a document a report something a little bit more formal then okay you're going to ask why but maybe the way you structure your phrase will not begin right away with the word Y okay so I believe that in formal meetings for example you will use Y I definitely recommend using Y but be very careful with the way you begin your question during a meeting okay because again depending on intonation depending on how you eat you structure your question you may sound a little bit to control a confrontational and this may not be a positive thing for you okay nothing wrong with Y just keep that in mind that it depends on how you're talking if it's a very formal environment think about how you make your sentence when you want to know why there's always a better way to to to ask why okay okay so this is important so as I said informal you are surprised so usually when you surprising news this is a good way to go I was watching friends I'm because everybody's in quarantine I mean I'm watching friends a lot and I think I watched two episodes where they use how come again surprising surprising news they heard something surprising and then Rachel immediately said oh how come why okay basically she wanted to know why and then I think Phoebe oh how come okay so it was informal it's a moment when she's expressing surprise because of something she had listened to she had heard okay now how come you haven't subscribed to my channel yet make sure to subscribe because that supports the channel I know that you guys are enjoying if possible hit the like button because that helps me understand that this is the kind of lesson you enjoy this is the kind of lesson that you feel like it's productive and it's gonna help you somehow so I really appreciate that it would be great if you could give give us some lessons about tough Oh writing and speaking it suppose a little bit more complicated um I have private students that do tough oh I give preparation courses and stuff but based on the audience based on the people who watch my channel at this moment tough I would not be the the best way to go maybe in the future I can I can do that Fabiano says I've already done it you've already subscribed that's amazing if you have already hit the like button that's amazing - thank you very very much for beyond oh let's see if there are more questions and comments oh my god I don't know what that is but beyond Oh how come seems like Oh Shane ah okay are you from Northeast that's probably why that's a Portuguese word not very common in in in San Paolo okay okay okay excellent my friends I gotta go cuz I got stuff to do thank you so much for watching and if you have English questions post them down in the comments if you're watching the replay I always take a look at the comments even if I don't reply them I check them out okay so check the the comments let me know what English questions you may have and I will make sure to prepare something nice for you guys thank you so much and I'll see you tomorrow for another English lesson bye bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 4,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, vocabulary, english lesson, teacher prix, study english, why and how come, why and how come in english, how come in english, how to use how come, difference between why and how come
Id: APNpDgl1_WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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