Starting Warhammer 40k - CHAOS

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to another uh faction breakdown this one in this episode i'm sorry in this episode we're talking about chaos we're talking about all the armies in chaos we're talking uh death guard chaos demons chaos space springs nights even hello mario uh and there's a lot to break down here because there's just a lot of [ __ ] so let's get right into it starting with thousand suns that's you i'll talk about thousand suns all right i might be wrong with t-suns um i i kind of just read the wiki well we checked we did the lore i can i could do it maybe okay so basically all of chaos are traitor marines or they're they're traitors of uh of of the imperium basically right horse yeah yeah yeah the chaos space works yeah the chaos space marines um uh so uh let's see here uh a thousand suns are trader marines who pray to the god of zinc who are led by magnus magnus is their they're very scenes correct so far so good uh got sent uh and then they all got sent to a world of like a bunch uh magnus got sent to like a world of a bunch of psychers right and they kind of learned how to become like who's the amazing psycher that he is correct he's kind of a nerd but yeah yeah something around there um he became really good and then he basically created the thousand sons right like he's the one that well he's the primark they already existed oh they already existed before that's basically all i know about thousand suns and that uh they're all psyches and they're all built around being sikers so the wolves like burned the [ __ ] out of their planet and almost killed all of them so the dude armond the big like hq guy he did the spell and they all turned to dust and so they have no bodies anymore oh yeah that's also true yeah yeah yeah they're like they're just like hollow shells of all yeah just inside this cool looking armor and all their armor looks like very egyptianized they have this very egyptian type of aesthetic which is weird because necrons are like supposed to be kind of like yeah but they're like undead skills yeah but they're like undead but um yeah a thousand cents they have like the rubric marines are so cool they have like this pharaoh like thing on the back and it looks so cool and they have like these really cool staffs called scarab cult terminators or something like that terminator yeah because it's scarable it's scary yeah egyptian scarab yeah something like that they probably have some of the coolest models like some of the coolest looking ones like rubik marines uh magnus uh what else the uh bullhorn tits yeah unfortunately they're pretty low tier uh they're not in the best spot they're not that great um they have a lot of psyche so they give up aboard the witch really easily um they but one of the cool things is that they can soup really well with other armies and that's basically what you kind of bring them for is to soup them and what souping is is when you take one army like thousand suns and you mix it with another army like a [ __ ] death guard or something or like chaos demons and you can put them together because they share the same keywords and then you know they have buffs that they can do they have like stuff that they can do very specifically and then the other army has stuff that they can do very specifically you kind of make them mesh together and work together and that's uh that's one of the cool things that you could do with thousand suns is being able to soup uh pretty well uh the units aren't really that strong um i like rubrik morgan rights are really cool they're they're they're they're good but like that's basically like it right like you can't breathe you can't bring yeah you can't really you can't bring magnus because magnus is a titan well you can bring cans yeah you can but like he'll get shot off the board like turning but we're talking fun here yeah if you want to get shot off the board turn one and you want to spend a bunch of money on magnus then you can buy magnus payne and put him on the board and watch him get shot i play 40k yeah like if you're playing against other people that are like you and new they're not going to shoot madness off the boards heard one yeah okay yeah um let's see uh some pros they have a bunch of different psychic powers some of the cool psychic powers out there so many different types of psychic powers like a lot of armies they'll have just like one uh discipline of just psychic powers these guys have two a bunch of different stuff uh they can get like jank miracle dice which is really cool for psychic powers yeah for a psychic they're the ones if you were to look up online chaos space brains they're one of the top ones you would see you would see black legion you'd see war bears and you'd see or why definitely you probably see death guard now i'm sorry death guard uh and you would see a thousand suns because thousands and suns like even though they're chaos space rings they're fairly clean looking so first of all rubric marines marines are just cool um get rubric yeah they just get rubric marines they're psychers uh so you can put them out in the field uh five up uh they have a five up involved which is cool um they do yeah yeah they have a five-up involved they really built in yep don't wait do they still have the if you're targeted by one damaged weapon you get two up armor uh i don't know i don't think because they used to get that i don't know i don't think so they might maybe rules are changing anyways uh they have to keep going yeah they have a five-up involved they have high ap guns next thing you're probably gonna want is a demon prince demon prince is like you're all around basically every every everything every list that we're every army that we're gonna go through right now you're probably going to want a demon prince they're pretty much the primaries of chaos yeah like they're just here they're just your your your go-to psychers basically did they get a big points hike though i'm sure they did i mean 160 points yeah they're they have good melee yeah um if i'm in full uh yeah add one to saving throws if the attack has a damage characteristic of one and the minus one to hit modifiers for moving shooting heavy do not apply to them yeah wow marines and they carry a bunch of heavy weapons huh i think so and they are suckers yeah so you take arm in take some rubric marines and boom love armin yeah there you go sorcerers on discs and stuff like that i mean i don't like super bad guys oh and then also you want to get magnus just because magnus is cool yeah magnus is so sick maybe they'll buy him first yeah you know but yeah don't do that yeah but but like you know maybe buy him like on your second round uh and then always make sure that you do it without his chest plate so you could see his beautiful beautiful bare chest or you can magnetize it yeah and take it off when you want the next thing that we're going to talk about then is uh demons of zinc and this these are chaos demons yes so zeach is naturally the god of the lord of change god of change he's a demon god of kind of twisted machinations these little schemers little [ __ ] if you're like spirits too like if you're greedy and a lot of like like corrupt politicians things like that they go to zeach because he he is like the the weaver of the fates he's he's planned for everything and yet it's always changing he's an entire like he's a paradox he's like an enigma he's very mischievous that being said zinc is kind of a little bit into cosmic horror and also body horror lots of gross contorting [ __ ] that goes around so pink horrors are a big unit the main troops of zeach pink horror is these little gremlin dudes and then when they die they split into little gremlin dudes exploring little gremlin dudes they're super aggravating yeah um but those are actually rather interesting the pink horse there are screamers and flamers which are giant like flying stingrays but the big thing if you want to those are cool the big thing is the lord of change the or kairos fate weaver it's a giant [ __ ] two-headed bird with a huge ass staff that is nigh unkillable and is insanely powerful with the exalted demons upgrades you get with cpu um it's also got some insanely good psychic powers warp time to allow you to move again um death hex i as a custodian player pucker is my [ __ ] um turn off all inval saves for the targeted unit and then one of my favorite psychic powers in the game treason of zeach pick another enemy character of any kind and then you can use that character as if it was your own for the rest of the turn pretty good it's really cool and it's particularly terrifying when you're like yo ragnar yeah kill kill the blade guard yeah yeah kill them all they're very cool if you're gonna run some zinc demons i'd probably advise against going mono i think combining them with a thousand suns or various other chapters is very good yeah pink horrors are wonderful flamers and screamers that stuff is pretty good i like the mutilus vortex beast quite a bit it's not great but i think it's an awesome model but if anything you're going to want to pick up a lord of change they're awesome models probably the best in the game yeah and they're very effective so so just as a quick uh disclaimer here most of the stuff that's in chaos you're probably going to want to suit yeah you're going to want one of everything yeah chaos is known for suping uh all of their armies uh just because they can all they they kind of all like work together almost yeah they're all about chaos they're so chaotic um next you know we're just going to blow through this let's go to chaos space marines let's run through chaos chaos let's just run through the whole thing so if you guys didn't like space marines in the first episode guess what we got more space this time they're more edgy tom you want to roll down the lord you want to go pop up pop up sure that's it give that [ __ ] okay okay all right all right tom hit it black legions you got 30 exact legion yo 30 seconds so for reals black legion is like the og of chaos space marines they are they are previously the luna wolves which were the horus is like boo man like that was horus was the betrayer of mankind his dudes were the luna wolves they became the black legion the black legion are the main space marine chaos that is what they are every time you start right now that's who you see on the block the black he leads spoiler yes uh iron warriors percharabo smug ass smug percharabo they are the masters of the siege they hate buildings this is awesome and they [ __ ] they [ __ ] hate they hate it it's awful this is awful this is a terrible design you specifically said you wanted to burn through these well i mean like burn through it as like let's just get them over with okay black legion go ahead a little bit what do you mind [Music] that you want to take with black legion taking a [ __ ] is you want you want to take chaos lords demon princes dark apostle chaplains master of possession uh as far as troops go it's just chaos space marines the black legion chaos space brains uh elites greater possessed and possessed heavy support one of my personal favorites obliterators models are yeah they're just giant minigun totem dudes uh venom crawlers uh pretty much like that they are they are the ultramarine of chaos space brains like the most vanilla chaos that you can possibly get they're fun to paint they're easy to get parts for they are the primary dudes when you want to get into chaos what do you what's their trait like what do they get if you run uh black legion is plus one a leadership uh and their uh rapid fire become assault when they uh when they are uh assaulting okay i guess it's something crazy like i said it's basic like basic play these are the guys that you fill out a really good solid like demons list with you want to take black legion yeah they're they're you take abaddon you know it's basically a basically a primark he's not quite but yeah basically girly men yeah yeah he's one of the most powerful like chaos like space marine units i think the only real like major named one um other than uh uh uh the red [ __ ] what's his name the corn no the the magnus magnus but pretty much every like they're leaving the biggest like the dark crusade like the black crusade that's what they do okay so uh i have iron war so i'll start on iron warriors um let me see what my what i wrote down for iron warriors because i looked at them it was like oh this is i hate this and then i just never and then i never went back to them um so let me just make it all right all right here check this out though iron warriors this is all i wrote are you ready are you ready i wrote this down okay load of bottom tier one of the worst chaos space marine legions what do you mean you get plus one damage they get buildings they get to ignore saving throws for being in cover and re-rail failed wound rolls against buildings oh it's dot dot dot awful all around terrible models to get noise marines i guess and that's all i wrote down for our for iron warriors but the their lore there are so many upset iron warriors i like iron warriors they're cool they're really cool they're dope yeah it's just that as far as the meta is concerned they're not that great right now dude hell brutes oh yeah oh yeah okay so so they do have some cool models um they have the coolest color scheme and they're gray and then they're yellow the main villain against the imperial fists they hate each other yeah percharabo is so smug i don't know i just pearl fists are good at fortified iron iron warriors are good at seizures i was like i was looking at them and then i was just like oh man but then like because here's here's what happened what is the first uh first i looked at uh demon engines those dudes okay see the thing is the thing is that the first thing i read was uh world eaters and i was like oh my god these guys are awesome and then i looked at iron wars as like oh i don't care and that's that's why that's that's what that's what happened there because world leaders are way more they they have corn berserkers yeah yeah i know and it's cool all right go ahead talk about the lord for iron we'll do this we got it already we're fine okay okay what's next i'm so sorry for everyone that wanted to learn about iron they are cool they're gonna jump into everest children or creationist bile or uh let's do creations of bile oh cool creation is a bile uh basically they've got their newest uh supplement came out with uh what is that um war the spider yeah it's my newest one that's come up uh they have uh fabius bile is like their main like leader dude and uh they're pretty much they're kind of like a nurgle army um but they're they're all about like cybernetics and enhancements and and crazy freak like working on themselves plastic surgery like the hardest core um really gross um very much like that type of niche they've got new things coming out their biggest thing i think as far as like their their army uh trait is like they can reroll morale no sword bearers oh that's word bears okay i'm sorry oh okay creation spots plus one they have like augmented bodies you know when i was looking up photos for uh creation of mile all i could find were just pictures of fabulous smiles chaos space marines but bile's there and he's tinkering that's all it is yeah it is the creations of bile yeah look at all those photos they have a fabulous bible dude that's that's a skin suit yeah a skin um yeah so uh what do you say what did i say he was the texas chainsaw massacre yeah he's mobile based marines yeah he's way smarter yeah yeah uh most of chaos space marine is in a pretty bad spot right now um i'm not gonna lie he's gonna change it yeah likely that's gonna start they're developing them i think as we speak they're they're coming out with more stuff so hopefully if you were to get into them and build an army for them you can run them as a multitude of different chaos armies if you wanted to but i think the benefit is that you're really kind of getting into something that is only going to grow from there yeah you know you're going to get a core unit uh having plus one strength plus one movement is pretty good so it's i mean i would say it's a pretty good start considering the fact that like i literally knew nothing about them before tonight so i mean i would say it's a good start if you're getting into them they're fun all right okay let's go into let's do emperor's children okay emperor's children they are the emperors they are the space marines chaos space marines trailer legion that exists for no other purpose than to worship slaanesh and they exist for no other purpose but to exceed every extreme and to know every possible sensation they listen to loud music do lots of drugs have lots of sex music those kids yeah those damn kids listen to their loud ass music rock and roll they're yeah so they're they're they're warriors are just entirely enthralled of cenesh the dark prince of chaos which we will talk about later um their primark fulgrim strived for perfection and all that they did and man yeah there so that's his big thing was striving for perfection as well have a pretty cool paint scheme you could paint them like pink purple blue because they're just loud and excessive on the tabletop uh they are like other chaos based rings they are good to soup with other ones definitely must must buy unit for these guys are noise marines boys marines marines there's a very fun quote where they say this quiet offensive nation [Applause] so noise marines might be the best shooting troop choice in the game um they came back i want to go that far they're chaos yeah yeah eradicators you can buff them up with stratagems to give them that strength reroll um you can give them you can use the strategy and reroll the wound rules they can shoot twice they can shoot on death noise marines they uh really fun to paint really fun to paint they do not have their own dedicated um like model right now other than the 30 mile which they sell one for 30 dollars you might have they don't have a dedicated noise green model they do not they have uh upgrades upgrade sprues yeah but it's like it's not the same you know so uh what are the models uh pretty much i don't have many other recommendations other than noise marines and the i don't know if i should recommend the fourth world model but the the new terrex drill is pretty cool will bring your noise marines in and it kind of acts you'll bring your noise marines into the center of the field and then your moisture rings will just kill anything in their pathway um yeah terminators are cool all right so as i mentioned before sanesh also known as the dark prince the prince of pleasure the lord of exodus excess the perfect prince except the prince of chaos in the imperium of man is the chaos god of pleasure excess and decadence as i mentioned before sex drugs loud music [Laughter] you're forgetting a big one poker's pain pain pain is a big part of that is a big one uh well we talk about jakari pain they talk of pain as if they are familiar with the feeling pain all i know is pain plus pride self-indulgence are the hallmarks of all who follow sanesh sanesh is the youngest of the four major chaos guards because he um spawns because of the eldar living there pretty much we will talk about that later such an exuberant life that they created strives for perfection and actually is neither a girl or a boy but people refer to him as a he has androgynous got nine kitties [Music] [Laughter] yeah all chaos gods don't have a physical form yeah so we assume that they have nineties fan art okay when i was looking up pictures for slimness you have no idea how many nipples how many women how many women i'm titty people i i saw there was so much i had to find specific pictures or it didn't have woman titty in it um but did you see the fiends the [ __ ] anteater once like the 17 tits yeah it is so weird man so imagine painting one two three honey are you coming to bed hold on i need to darken this anyways on the tabletop they are very very melee focused uh they don't have much shooting i think their longest gun was like 12 inches how do they have any shooting of any kind besides like the will they're like yeah the longest thing is like 12 6 to 12 inches i forget which one it is yikes most lists you'll find will have demonets they are your go-to unit you their troop choice you run big blobs of these things ranging from ten to thirty um uh their army wide trait is that they can fight first um which will grant you a free interrupt if you're charged by uh multiple units um other than demonets i would have to say keeper of secrets um so if you remember the pictures that raph showed earlier they were you saw the little ones those were doing that's the big ones those were the keepers secrets they got 18 titties they are huge beautiful models that are cool to have they destroy [ __ ] on the table tops they're worth they cost 200 points have 16 wounds toughness seven um you can upgrade them um to be exalted for one cp there's a lot of different really cool upgrades you can do you can make them move faster you can give them an involve save you yeah um you can make it give them exploding sixes you can make them tougher to hit in melee um you can make them horribly intervene yeah i guess the one thing that uh might drive them away from newcomers is that they're melee focused don't have much shooting um they're really spindly yeah they're really thinly kind of hard to paint kind of hard to move around they're also kind of expensive because if you run demonets you want a lot of them yeah don't forget to mention fiends ah yes fiends can you talk about fiends [Laughter] so fiends are like an elite choice weird animated one the main thing about fiends you can run them in groups of one but uh they have natural cannot fall back from me yeah just just straight up so so you run up to any kind of big tank or or anything that matters and you just kind of like grab it and that's huge to restrict movement is it on a do you have to roll no it's free that's good but yeah chaos demons if you want to be competitive they're they're pretty they're a pretty good army lots of demon princes yes you'll see suit with maybe amber's children you see slash stooped with death guard yeah because death guard moves slow demons move fast they hit hard yeah death guard moves slow they don't they get kind of okay but you know they're just there to survive sometimes you'll get demon monster mash where it's like some grand clean ones some loads of chains secrets yeah you get a little bit of everything that way all right john p are you are you done talking yeah because you're about to talk about alpha legion first first things first um yeah but uh alpha legion not much is known about the alpha legion um they have a seemingly uh they have they kind of they are allied with chaos some people think not um people think they're loyalists but some people think they're like yeah their history kind of indicates that their seeming service to chaos might be the greatest the ship the greatest deception they have ever played upon the imperium um they're all about like deception misinformation their primark is uh he's known by the cipher alfarius there might be like multiple copies of him do you know who the cipher is i do not he's just archangels dude yes around that stupid sword i see but yeah very little is known about these guys other than they are deceptive uh mischievous um they're cunning um they got cool armor uh it's like a blue with a green tint their logo is a hydra um because of their like deception um i am offering this stuff um they're pretty memey um people like to make a lot of jokes about them on the tabletop they have a very good defensive trait minus one to hit outside of 12 inches um pretty good if uh your opponent's not close up to you um which makes it a good soup candidate once again um soup these guys with like slash demons they can they can handle the front line while felicia handles the back line um yeah um where is my thing i have here that you should run them for models you can buy a sorcerer to get warp time to move your guys um you can get a huge possessed bomb to protect them with the fun strats that they have they have a lot of cool strats a lot of fun strats that mess with your opponents you can make your enemy deep strike at 12 inches instead of 9 you can make your enemy vehicle blow up on threes it says sixes um well that's cool yeah that's my favorite yeah yeah you kill an enemy vehicle uh and you roll uh uh one cp they add three to their explosion rule yeah yeah you're like wait that one might blow up a little more likely um they have a stratagem so that if a unit is not the closest targetable unit the enemy cannot target it um to protect that huge possessed bomb death guard have that too right a lot of flies i think yeah yeah yeah athletes cool and that's alpha legion okay all right uh let's talk about word bearers well there's not really anything like super special about them as like if that was your army you wanted to play uh they basically reroll morale tests that's pretty much cool yeah but the coolest thing about them is the fact of like like who they are the ward barriers were like the dudes who like made the heresy a thing like at least they really helped yeah like they were the ones that were like they were the first uh other than horace's dudes the uh luna wolves they were like the first ones to be like kneeling for the emperor now [ __ ] that yeah you know like and really funny because loregar was like the most like religious you know loregard was like all about um like the emperor to the point where he was like you know what you're not emperor enough for me you know like why don't we we should follow horus he's super emperory you know logarro is a dick yeah basically yeah um but yeah i mean like the models themselves that they're they're nothing special there's nothing really like over exaggerated about them um black legion and ward bearers are mainly separated by a paint scheme like darker red yeah basically yeah but when like if you're gonna play ward bears you're playing them because you like the heresy that that's the reason you're playing them so they're more a lower army to get into they look awesome they look they're phenomenal like if you're looking for like fluff or yeah yeah and you want to just be like fu emperor fu imperium f you anything to do with happiness that's ward bearers like that's what they do you know no 40k player ever came in and said i want to play word bearers they learned the lore and then they were like oh i should play with that i should play yeah and the cool the one thing i will say about them is like you run them just like you would space france minus the primaries you don't necessarily usually run them with uh demon princes and stuff but at least the list that i've seen and the reason is because of the fluff you can do that but they're kind of cool to run just as a direct combat against space marine so it's space marine on space marine yeah um and they definitely can you can even play them in 30k which you know that's we're getting into all these kind of words there but you can play them in other game modes which is really cool uh what are the models that you suggest for them honestly it's just space marine models i mean it it black legion models um or any chaos space marine models there's nothing like i said super fancy about them you want to basically take uh you know um uh chap dark chaplains um uh they're your chaos space marines any type of they have some cool flyers uh i think they get some type of bonus to their flyer but i can't remember exactly off top my head um is the chaos space marine flyer a hell drake it's a health driver i'm sure there's some foreign ones but the hell drake is a big part of the big one engines demon engines are really cool to run with these guys merely just for the paint scheme honestly um and it goes with them that actually does remind me though there are two particular models that we have not talked about with all these chaos space screens that we really should the venom crawler i brought yeah he mentioned this did you mention the lord gordon no i did not eventually i had venom crawlers for a black legion but i didn't say it but yeah the lord escorted it lord scoring great for alpha legion ward bears are very much you're getting into them because you like the lore behind them which i would definitely recommend getting into yeah and also too they're a really fun way to run space marines but be really bad guys about it yeah okay so uh we'll move into world eaters next uh world eaters uh probably like in the same range as emperor's children in the sense of like uh what's uh what's good out of chaos space marines um just because uh they get like plus one to wound so oh they're abilities oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's good yeah that's good no they get like plus one attack or something oh so they get like world leaders are basically like dark um they [ __ ] melee yeah yeah they they yeah yeah they get well oh yeah yeah yeah they're legion trade is that they get an extra attack that's what it was possible on top of hateful assault so they're you're getting two attacks um so world eaters they're servants of corn uh they kill for the sake of just wanting to kill uh they basically just want vengeance they want to just spill blood for the blood god yep um yeah yep um that's basically it like if you want if you want to play uh chaos basements you want people that just want to kill [ __ ] because they feel like killing [ __ ] you want to go world eaters um let's see uh yeah um unfortunately they are kind of like lower to bottom tier chaos space marines in general um you know they're they're kind of lower to bottom tier um but world eaters you know they want to get into melee combat uh they they run up the board with like warp time and stuff and they get into melee combat using things like berserkers berserkers are absolutely insane with these guys um you can re-roll charge rolls with icon of wrath yeah that's pretty cool yep um they're melee blenders uh they also uh get blood for the blood god uh which lets them attack twice which is insane that is crazy uh also they look really edgy they're super cool they're super edgy looking um and with and since they are chaos space springs they get shock assault well i call it shock assault but yeah it's the same thing it's not what's good it is it is one's hateful yeah one's hateful one's a shot one's like huh one second they are the same yeah yeah so they get shock assault so they get plus one attack plus with world eaters legion trait they get another one attack um so they get extra two attacks along with blood for the blood god that's that's it's crazy it's a lot of times um their their real big cons is that they move really slow they're only one moon models for now um probably when they get updated they'll be updated to about two wounds um and then they just die fast they're not very durable so the stuff that you really want with them are berserkers that's like your bread and butter with world eaters bread and butter and butter bread and butter man group of 10 of them get 40 attacks of shock assault and legion and then with blood for the blood god you double that so that's 80 attacks that you're getting plus you have an attack against stratagem so you can essentially do you can fight three times you can fight three times that's 120 attacks no matter what you're attacking they're dead that's a bit of an overkill at that point yeah yeah that's so overkill the best kind of kill yeah you can get plus one to wound for one cp uh with berserkers uh you know they're troops so they get opsec soap the nails gives you exploding six ups for one cp berserkers are nasty you need more hits though with berserkers i don't know at that point you need better weapons dude when i looked at berserkers and i read what they do i was like oh my god what are all the combos that you can do and i just like looked it up dude they're nuts they're so cool next thing you want demon prints obviously yeah it's a chaos uh demon prince bread bread and butter red and black butter uh but they have like cool uh like you know death hex prescience diabolic strength all those good stuff and then uh the next thing that i think that you should get if you're gonna play world eaters is definitely a rhino uh oh yeah your units are so slow they're so slow you need a rhino which is a dedicated transport to move them across the board just because if you don't they're going to die and they're squishy that's the point they're squishy so that a rhino kind of protects that yeah that's a world eater that's world eaters also mentioned earlier the emperor's children might get a codex type thing it's the same deal with world eaters because that's the major corn faction and engron primark of the world eaters is alive yeah and he's demon primark yeah in the lore yeah ingrained so engron removed uh put a bunch of nails in his brain to remove all the parts of his brain that made him not angry so he's just perpetually angry all right um so demons are corn they are as they they seem they're corn blood for the blood god squirts the skull throne they want to murder murder murder um i'd say corn demons are like they're a little bit i would argue that the worst of all the demons in terms of meta uh i think that their bloodletter bombs and stuff are pretty terrifying uh but i would say that the zinc lord of change is it's like their competition is each and the lords of change are just nuts um corn demons are just melee focused where sonesh runs up really fast and it hits first and hits a lot uh demons hit insanely hard in corn demons that is uh bloodthirsters and blood letters particularly i know a bloodthirster can get exalted ability that gives them like any gasgle when you just think like demons and hell and all that stuff that's that's corn yeah that's corn that's demons of corn um thanks buddy um i honestly feel like corn demons are since the blood letters themselves are really solid they're great units to run i think that the blood thirsters which the giant dudes with the axes you might see in the couple of photos that came by i think they're really powerful in terms of how hard they can murder you i think they simply lack a whole lot of sort of ability and they don't like enough weird goofy tricks that people like uh selections each have and they don't have the durability of nurgle um that being said if you want like red scary demons with horns and satan like he said yup these are your classic demons classical corn boys you think of ozzy osbourne and like that that's ripping off i think like little nikki little nicky and they have uh dogs uh dogs of corn and therefore they are corn dogs [Music] so that was demons of corn okay let's go wait so that finishes off chaos space marines as well night lords oh yeah night lords i forgot about night lord so i'll do night lords quick um they're conrad occurs they're basically like super terrorism um they're all about fear tactics so they're all about leadership removal like lower leadership lower leadership make you run more um which in ninth edition isn't it it does not play out very well they do have two particular strategies i think are super great one of them is a two cp strat that you pick a character in 18 inches and it turns off all their auras which i think is really good yeah um like you roll out the bell sorry it's call and you're like no just delete him yeah he just like stops doing his work um so him uh that's cool they also have a one cp um you can't fall back which is kind of nice honestly if you're doing night lords it's similar to the word bears thing you aren't coming into night lords like i'm gonna play night lords you learned about them through your escapades and you're like okay i want to do these guys you have the big batwing type things they have dudes called raptors the raptors uh yeah the raptors are probably the main unit you should buy they're a bunch of jet pack murderous chaos marines and they fit night lords perfectly besides that um i don't have a whole lot conrad kurz is dead so we're not getting a primark model of him um they're just if you if you wanted to play night lords you're already really playing night lords same thing with word bears very similar to word bears they they're also compatible in 30k yes you know yeah so that's that's a whole like i said a little other thing but you know so you've got some some maneuverability there they're cool but they're they're just they they need a rewrite because leadership is not as powerful and ninth and and their whole army revolves around yeah you're getting them basically space marine vs versus space marine that's why you're playing them absolutely raptors though get raptors all right so moving on to the next one the big stinky boys big stink big stink probably one of my favorite uh chaos besides thousand sons a lot of people's favorite now yeah death guard uh they're basically just dead space marines uh they're devoted to uh nurgle they're not dead or whatever they're they're rotting yeah so uh they followed mortarion uh into battle during the i think like during the horus heresy or something and uh when and they like went to the warp and then when they went to the wharf they got like this plague sickness and then that's kind of like what bloated up their bodies and made it so then they started like it's basically from their pla the planet mortarion was was cast into the warp and then they took a took over a planet that was uh ruled by these nerve demons all of his sons came over now inhabited the planet due to the fact that they are on this planet the plague of the planet has now become them yeah the they they got this sickness and bloated up their bellies that's why they're all fat um which is kind of cool is there a reason why you locked eyes with me when [Laughter] um so yeah so like they they got big fat bellies uh because of the the plague that they had um teeth too yeah yeah yeah uh so they have like they're eternally just like rotting flesh all the time they smell rancid so they're really stinky boys um they and they in fact they smell so much that they literally have flies around them which makes them minus one to hit like in the actual gameplay it literally says they smell uh the smell attracts flies so much that it obscures your line of sight i think it's so funny too that they have auras where like if you get close to them they deal more wounds if you just by being close to them yeah yeah because just how much they smell yeah because i think i think it's called like pestilence or something where uh whenever you get near them they smell so bad that it causes mortal wounds to yeah they are one of the higher tier uh armies in the game very good they're one of the better armies especially when you soup them uh but like they can they can do kind of well mono uh manufacturing no actually i think that they do perform really well as model faction but they perform even better uh when you soup them uh in order to play them they kind of just want to stand on an objective they are hard to hit they're hard to move off the board uh you kind of create a bomb of hard to hit hard to remove units because all of the units in there are t5 or higher uh and they all have a 500 feel no pain yeah most units that you're getting pox walkers yeah but you know like your plague marines uh you know they're gonna be uh t5 everything that you're everything else that isn't a pox walker i think is t5 or higher everything has a five-up feel no pain because they're mostly t5 you're usually winning them on fives or higher with your regular troops uh you know they're they they hit just as hard as regular space marines and melee combat because they get hateful assault play weapons plague weapons you get to re-roll your wound rolls of one uh [ __ ] thing there's soon to be two wound models when their death uh when the death guard codex comes out next month oh two wound plague marines oh my gosh terminators and then they're also they also have some of the coolest models in the game as far as models go what you want to grab are plague marines big marines are just amazing i was going to say bread and butter butter cheese rotten bread and butter they're rotten bread and butter definitely plagued marines there's going to be two wounds incredibly tough it's hard to melee they get shock salt or they get hateful assault um i literally wrote in here your bread and butter unit uh foul blight spawn uh that's a good way to let you be able to get on two objectives faster because it lets you get two rolls on your advantage i think it is or something to do with a little bug on his shoulder it's a it's a it could be yeah i think so yeah i don't remember yeah um but yeah he just lets you do that oh no no no i'm sorry a foul blight spawn doesn't let you advance that's what lets you uh attack first everything that's around him uh seven inch aura lets uh his fight last flight so foul blight spawn uh really good get your plague marines on the board and then let them hit first amazing uh playburst crawler i think that that's a really solid model um t8 12 wounds five up in bone five up feel no pain it's a great tank moves nine inches but it can advance and still shoot uh what a strength 72d6 flamer um also it's a plague weapon so you get to reroll wound rules of one and it has a mortar that ignores line of sight yeah great model i think it only costs like 150 points or something nurgling's another great one uh just we'll talk about it later and then a chaos rhino again because they move slow chaos rhino is good to help out and yeah i'm now going to talk about demons of nurgle they are chaos demons demons and herbal shouldn't take too long it's basically the same thing yeah let me tell you guys about demons and nervous demons and nurgar are basically like death guards and and i'm not and i'm being dead [ __ ] serious um they literally play the same way as death card except that they're just a little bit more harder to kill um chaos demons were made by the chaos god nurgle so they go to worlds and spread diseases and decay you know basically like spreading their sickness throughout the worlds that they kind of uh want to capture or whatever um and uh in order to conquer those worlds they're led by someone called the um the great unclean one and he's just like this big imagine like buddha but like a zombie um and that's nurgle nurgle's highly competitive especially when it's souped with death guard or running demons undivided uh same thing they sit on objectives they're hard to kill they run lots of nurglings to run them all over the board they basically they revive models with the unclean one um they're demonic so they have a five up involved bro do you know that grey on clean one's ability when he charges what crushing bulk pressure yeah it's good yeah whatever you charge on the floor take some more yeah yeah yeah nice crushing bulk they can also revive high toughness models which is nasty at like full health doomsday bill yeah with the doomsday belt um they have access to plague bearers which are nasty they have access to beasts of nurgle which are nasty um nerve wings nerglings no east of nurgle and they're going oh and yes yes so they just have uh it see it looks like that neural doesn't have a lot of damage but they actually do in terms of mortal wounds like beasts of nurgle have some uh i think that like on a six you deal mortal wounds right i don't remember but beasts and they're going their own right are just really strong yeah uh yeah so beast of nurgle that's definitely something you want to grab if you're running nurgle um they have a five up involved five up field no pain t5 d6 attacks rerolling failed windrolls and uh they can heroically intervene and they have five wounds yeah and because their bases are pretty large you can actually put them on an objective and stop people from getting on the objective or else you're going to heroically intervene into them and then just [ __ ] kill them and that doomsday bill yeah you can just revive them nurglings are really good just because it gives you opsec um being able to revive them forward deploy also and forward deploy they have infiltration so that's also really good but yeah nero is pretty cool man um super strong that gets it if you're getting into chaos they're the ones that yeah probably them are corn it's it's pretty much corn and black legion yeah you're probably you're going to probably either run demons of nergal oh death guard uh slaanesh death guards good too because because their main facet of their army their insane toughness does not require skill to play in a sense so if you're a new player like you don't have to do any it's an entirely passive ability right yeah you have to do anything for that that toughness to help you out so it's really good for yeah now let's finish this off strong and talk about chaos nights all right if nobody else wants to okay it's not much to say it's [ __ ] there's not much to say um okay okay so chaos no no jump you do it john i have i have no swear imperium nights oh nice uh imperial knives i want to see him do something that's not written it's the same thing okay so uh knights are these huge things that were scattered across the universe to protect the planet that they inhabit um they are ancient battle suits that are 30 to 40 turn feet which are 9 to 12 meters tall um they are protected by europeans nearly impenetrable ion shields and armed with a devastating array of heavy weapons the knights are colossal war machines that tower over the battlefield their joints are lined with adamantium um to protect their vulnerable joints slogan yeah like a logan they are driven by a pilot uh this pilot is bonded to the machine it's called the princess they're yeah they're yeah they call it princess with chaos knights these things were once noble and turn to chaos and that's what makes them different [Laughter] i don't want to say it that's what i said um you know uh those that is basically what chaos knights are to imperial knights they look great they're amazing models and you basically like if you if you're just starting out it's so hard because like i want to recommend chaos knights because or just like nice in general because you only need three of them yeah or like ironically they're one of the cheapest armies to feel because you need so few yeah they're expensive individuals yeah they're expensive individually but you just have just one big [ __ ] on the field and you're just like fighting me yeah and you know it's like yeah so um with these guys obviously the big expensive models on the tabletop you'll probably only have like four or five models on the table um they are not good at all night edition i would say they are pretty bad they are very bad they don't play the objective well they don't do actions well they bleed secondaries there's an abundance of terrain in this edition there's a lot of line of sight issues that they have makes it just doesn't feel good for them uh if you make them it's not really good for a new player because if you make a mistake and you lose a guy that's like a core of your army just gone yeah um but do what do what he said yeah like a night like if you're gonna do it by one by one cool night and run it with your demons or your chaos space yeah yeah don't do all night all night it doesn't work um it's like playing chess with four queens like yeah it's cool but you're going to lose because chess players are good yeah and every time one of them goes that's like a quarter of your army yeah yeah they don't have many models uh some miles i personally think are really cool the knight gallant it's the one with the big chain sword and the thunderstrike gauntlet like gallant like that i think it's called the rampager gallium galleons galleons there's no y in there i know wow oh it's silent yeah knights are pompous [ __ ] it's just it's just british has a really cool gun it's a flamer uh strength 10 deals 10 damage that's the thunder coil harpoon yes ricky will explain the night's valiants it's just it's a big [ __ ] night with a giant flamethrower and a harpoon that does flat 10 damage yeah it's hilarious yeah um it's it's super fun and it's you only run it if you have like a massive [ __ ] if you're a fan of water none of us do not do it's why i do not own my bag all right okay so that is chaos thank god we are officially done with all space marines yeah everything that has to do with space screens [Music] they're pretty cool though yeah [Music] you
Channel: DiceCheck
Views: 136,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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