Custodes (Bricky) vs. Death Guard (Dameki) 2,000pts. | LIVE Battle Report Warhammer 9th Edition

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this battle report is brought to you by patrons like nergal's favorite you can help support the channel by becoming a patron at dice check yt to get access to behind the scenes content exclusive patron only battle reports and so much more at forward slash dice check yt or by clicking on the link in the description armies are cool but are they cool that's cut water spirits the wonderful canned alcoholic drink that keeps me red and keeps me going ah that's strong welcome to dice check uh my name is bricky joining me i'm demeki and we got a cool game for you we got a game of two people that are really big really chunky just don't plan a dive before we start with that uh this stream as well as the video ensuing afterwards is sponsored by flg frontline gaming if you want to learn more about them you can do exclamation point flg in the chat to get all kinds of things like they do mats it's like the only thing we don't know yeah we get maths and terrain and rain they have dude they have some really sick discounts on models though they do they do yeah like uh i want that drew carey set because i need more raiders oh the patrol box yeah yeah oh everyone needs more raiders yeah i need more raiders and then i need like i need everything in that box cool because there's inky buy in there i do i know these guys that like can get you a good set a good deal oh yeah yeah yeah is it flg it is oh my god holy [ __ ] demeki can you cast smite on a five uh yeah use psycher yeah okay so uh besides that uh thank you all very much for joining us um i'm looking at the board can you can you go can you go to the top down yeah yeah can we get a top down [Laughter] so so um as you can tell we have some excellent excellent new objective markers currently littering the board right now if you actually would like to check out some of these objective markers you can go and look at exclamation point 3d6 in the chat as these are 3d6 objective markers now for every single one of the dice check crew we have a pog objective marker you can purchase mine's a little scuffed um but that's the way i wanted it so if you'd like to check that one out please do because it is it is just wonderful it is just wonderful continuing mm-hmm you want to tell us about the mission we're playing today today is scorched earth so scorch to earth is uh still trash uh even with the new gt 2021 whoa whoa whoa scorched earth is fine the the secondary objective yeah that's what i'm in the secondary objective for score starts is still trash it's still raised yes it is uh so there there were changes into the secondaries we did get a book and we've updated everything so we're fully ready for gt 2021 um we were waiting to see what the mission secondaries were going to look like and yeah it didn't change no it did not so we're doing scorched earth yes um in case of terrain which we probably should point out yeah can you give me a top uh as for terrain we have the usual obscuring and breachable for all the big three actually these aren't breachable sorry uh but obscuring and breachable obscuring unbreachable same with the middle ones uh we are classifying the drop pods on both sides as if you're standing on the little lips and stuff you get light cover but if you're firing through the whole part you get dense same thing with this bad boy these are both uh acting as dents yeah they in yeah sorry this is difficult ground difficult grounds oh never mind these are difficult ground as well yeah i guess if you're passing over it doesn't affect me anymore they already they already took that back sorry so it's only difficult ground for me right it's difficult ground for me excellence um we have a talking point called daddy demeki can you what the [ __ ] is that uh all right i guess i'll just tell everybody since like we kind of spilled the beans last week anyways so i'm expecting my second child now oh right yeah oh yeah let's go yeah yeah oh so no no no i did not write it for that oh okay you just wrote it to annoy me dude does that mean that means you that means you yeah in the dice check and the dice check lore yes have canonically had sex yes i'm not let's go i'm also not gamer that means you're not gamer anymore you've lost your gamers i've had sex yeah uh hopefully everything goes well and february of 2022 yes yeah i'm gonna name it first first name tax middle name break oh that's good yeah i preferred first name transhuman second name physiology um speaking of of only winning on a four up you want to do your army list yeah sure so for today uh hqs i brought a death guard demon prince uh he has wings he knows the psychic ability miasma of pestilence i gave him the separating plate which gives him a 2 up save characteristic uh and then also each time an enemy fights after it makes its attack if the bear lost any wounds as a result i roll a d6 on a 2-up that unit suffers one mortal wound uh for my second hq today since i'm running a battalion i brought a lord of contagion i gave him hulking physique uh for troops today i brought three uh five-man units of plague marines uh for elites i brought one six-man unit of destroyed terminators uh i brought a file blight spawn in order to get a fight last and then i bought a biologist putri fire in order to get some more uh mortal wounds inflicted on six up wind rolls and then for fast attacks today i brought one or two units of one chaos spawn and i brought for heavy support three play burst crawlers and then dedicated transports today i brought two of the nasty drills from forge world those those drills have five 12 inch melted shots each and they do the same thing oh my goodness they do the same thing in melee yeah it's kind of terrible melee is really nasty so melee they do uh it's times two strength minus four ap and then it's d3 plus three but if it's a vehicle it's d3 plus six how many attacks three attacks oh okay yeah i didn't know that all right let's go um let's do we'll do with mine then okay so i apologize my guys aren't fully painted yet so luckily they're very gold so that's all i really needed uh so i am taking uh my points list says 2033 points but it's actually 1998 it's including the new point changes as for my hq's i am taking captain general trajan velores i'm also taking a shield captain in the shadow keepers shield host he has a signal blade and storm shield with the stasis obliette as well as the lock warden trait and two more wounds for the captain commander i'm taking valerian and aleya for the first time in in in the history of the [ __ ] world which is exciting um so i'm taking them i'm also taking three squads of custodian guard two are three man units with guardian spears one is a five man unit with three of them carrying storm shields and two with guardian spears as for good old elites we've got four alaris terminators in deep strike we have three custodian wardens and we also have two squads of prosecutor sisters of silence and so long as i'm making sure i didn't forget anything oh i did the vexilla praetor with the vexilla magnifica for the minus one to hit and last but not least a [ __ ] land raider because it got a 20 points nerf in a chapter approved it is not good but it's a land raider hey does it have anything in it no it has it has nothing in it there are no units inside of it because when i asked demeki hey what do your plague burst crawlers have and he said entropy cannons and i was like this is an empty transport now and that's my list i didn't know your drills did d3 plus six on vehicles yeah you're not getting near that you're not getting near my 280 point land raider yeah how much cp are you starting over nine i'm starting off at 19. so i normally would have 11 but i'm giving the the shield captain with the storm shield and all the stuff victor of the blood games right for two cp what uh what what's your like chapter or whatever oh uh shield host shield um that's the shadow keepers okay so that we don't have like regular stuff like guard regiments or anything we have what you have where it's like companies yeah it's like a company yeah um so that i gave the warlord tree and the relic to the guy there with the storm shield and blade oh this dude yep um and i told you about that it's the half attack characteristic yeah yeah stuff i do have a one cp strat to whenever you're shooting something at me lower the strength of what you're firing by one okay so uh helpful yeah but most of your army's like what t5 everything besides the sisters are t5 except for the land raider sisters what t4 t3 t3 okay um yeah and then for me today uh i forgot to mention that i'm taking the play company the nxr inexolorable and it's not for their contagion it's actually uh for their stratagem miasma which is minus two to your charge rule right um i think we should go over our secondaries now yeah yeah you want to go first sure i'll do it uh so for my secondaries we are taking raise the banners high we are also doing assassination which has been slightly changed where if i kill his warlord i get one more point he has four characters in total so the most i can get is 13 but i still consider it worth it and then i'm taking to the last which is the new variant of albe stanley fight if you would like to know my huawei stands it is the five man unit of custodian guard with the storm shields the land raider and the four man unit of alaris terminators yeah i mean that's about it it's whatever i don't have kodak secondaries and you're really hard to tech into and assassinate would give me more than bring it down considering your vehicle so yeah yeah i was struggling with my third too so for today i brought engage on all fronts i went with the new uh well it's kind of new it just requires scramblers yeah retrieve octarius data and then i took to the last cool and uh to the last today for me is uh my demon prints one of the drills and the uh desk route terminators you should probably pick which drill it is yeah i'm going to pick i need something that's going to distinguish them because they look relatively the same well when you when you bring them in from deep strike just be like that's the one with the with the why we stand yeah yeah i i knew i had painted them slightly different so i can determine if i needed to so yeah uh two last things one uh patreon yeah yeah second goal is a giant crusade game isn't it yeah yeah if we reach our second goal on patreon what's the second goal uh second goal is two thousand right two thousand and also there's no stream next week because we are all going to the warhammer cafe yes and so we'll be gone for a bit we've been hyping up for the community and all that stuff so it's cool also they're gonna have forge world models that's nice that's that's nice tell them on heavy dreadnoughts get them shall we roll to see who goes first yes sir oh boy well here a two that's two uh three that's two you gotta go first all right that's that you wanna help me remove these yeah have you removed your 9 000 dice just got rated by next level painting hey what's up guys let's go hey guys it's death guard turn one baby almost last time you played custodies uh i think i have i think i haven't played custodias in over like four months but you'll be fine uh so i advanced my chaos spawn here um i still didn't get engaged though that that was unfortunate i just moved my plague marines uh from this corner over here to grab this objective and start the first tally for the new deploy scramblers move my plate burst up to get line of sight of his land raider over there hi i'm land raider uh i moved out my death shroud and the rest of my characters just forward and then uh move this plate burst crawler forward he can see uh but he's gonna get a minus one to hit either way he already has one yeah if he's firing at the land raider then i moved this chaos mode we put him up here because of all his tentacles and stuff but he's actually down on the first floor and he's in the cover and that's it for my movement i'm gonna catch so i'm going into my psychic phase oh yeah it's time yeah it's time let's go uh i'm gonna cast miasma pestilence onto my desk shroud okay which one does that do uh that's the minus one to hit okay so you've minus one to cast because of the sisters of silence okay i need a seven okay i got a nine that's a nine all right um so it's minus one to hit yeah how much other casts can you do that's it only one yep you only can cast one yeah [ __ ] it i'll spin a cp okay on a on a three up against the knights yep cool so i'm gonna start with this plague burst right here uh the mortar is going to into the sisters right here okay uh the entropy cannons are going into the chaos land or your land raider and then uh his heavy slugger will also go into the ladies it's a 36 inch i'm pretty sure it got it uh so i'll start with the mortar first so heavy d6 two let's go threes to hit up two ones wow it's all right it's the mortar yeah so the entropy cannon is fine yeah uh i'll do the heavy slugger next all right let's go all in threes nice i'm t3 okay uh so this is on threes all right ap minus one minus one uh four ups got one failed one all right one damage one damage is now the entropy cannons let's go cool you got two more plug bursts yeah i know um you got two more i actually i think that one's not in range because it's 36 for the entry piece let me check all right uh well then his canon will go into the ladies here okay d6 shots two shots again turning on threes uh one hit and then this is winning on twos yeah plague weapon plug weapon it's okay there you go uh ap uh minus two minus two yep give me a five no one dies so mortar into the ladies again okay and then the entropy into that all right uh i'll do the entropy first so this is on fours they both hit there you go t8 and then winding on force uh so this is the entropy so this is this wait wait what never mind you already rolled it [ __ ] it okay are the entropy cannons uh plague weapon they are yep okay it's fine okay uh so your save what's the ap uh minus four oh uh five up involved let's go this is the d6 shots from the order three this time is that the ladies yeah one hit the two give me a five no okay the pain of having a uh of not being core yeah um any more shooting i don't think so uh points um all right uh i'm gonna give you one point for scrambler okay just to make it note um to the last we're gonna count that later yep engage no okay then i guess it's my turn yep i gained a cp all right jakari in the [ __ ] jar yeah i'll put drazer in it so um i did very little in my movement phase because moving outward would end with me in the range of the death guard and that's a great way to die so i mainly just re-centered my forces adjusted their positions got the land raider in view of his plague burst as well as everything else over here i am actually going to be using a leia to deploy banners okay raised banners i'm using these sisters over here to also raise banners and then a few other things occurred i move these guys up these dudes you see underneath they're actually touching this objective there just right underneath towing it that's that's what we decided on and that's basically it vexilla and trajan are below the shield captain with the storm shield is right there chilling a little bit and yeah i'm basically just preparing for i'm gonna see what i can get done before i get hit with the full force of the death guard um okay let's go uh we are gonna start off firing all three of these gentlemen directly into your terminators okay um all three of them are only getting one shot they hit on they hit on twos got them all you're t5 yeah these are wounding you on fives got two it is that minus one minus one yeah it's a two so it's a three all right so two on three okay it's no it's it's normally two damage now it's one moving on i'm gonna fire all three of those custodians in the far left into your chaos spawn okay um can you measure how close they are to the chaos spawn i think they're within 12. right these no no the ones on the left yeah they're within 12. all three of them yeah okay i believe yeah okay so they get two shots each uh then these hit on twos uh a valerian is near them so if i reroll once custodians let's go what's your toughness on the kspawn uh t5 fives to wounds wow wow uh three of them go through at minus one three minus one yes sir all right it's gonna be on sixes let's go and they don't have a demonic save that's that's great but how many they don't have demonic you sure oh uh three three oh my god so only one okay two damage two damage uh i did not give them the blessing so that is good so he's that too i'm going to fire the uh the the [ __ ] land raider i'm gonna send this is actually a very very i'm not sure thing about this why don't we do it anyway i'm going to fire all of his laz cannons directly into your death shrouds okay not the plague burst okay and i'm going to fire his heavy bolt i'm going to find the storm bolter in there as or and i'm going to fire the heavy bolts in the storm bolter into the chaos spawn okay which um so you so i got plus one in my cover save yes but no minus one to hit because i'm not hitting the the chunk of the drop pod okay because it's right down there right yeah okay so let's do that first um six shots oh i'm gonna spend one cp for archaeotech munitions that's how it's pronounced i get to re-roll my damage rolls on my last cannons okay let's start with the heavy bolsters on him first on two three rolling ones thanks to trajan velores that is all of them um and now i am your t5 you said yeah wounding you on fours also rerolling once thanks to trajan three go through minus one but you get a uh um you seek a cover so you should be at fives now yeah all right this is my chaos one how many three yeah three uh two go through two damage each okay it's dead all right all right my last cannons four shots on twos we rolling once got em all wounds on threes because of strength nine uh re-rolling ones because of trajan volorus i'm gonna cp re-roll this other one damn it all right i'm down to seven cp three at minus three all right four open bowl all right don't hurt me like this uh cp reroll one there's three at minus three oh it's three you got one more roll let me roll that one okay okay you want cp one of them i'm gonna cp the three okay nice uh it's d6 damage one dies yep whoo terrifying that shroud is that is that your schwarzenegger coming out it's just scared me all right okay so charge phase that's all i got over there uh i am going to charge your chaos spawn i have i believe that is an eight inch charge with them and a nine with valerian uh so i will use ferric miasma use the stratagem in your in your chart in your opponent's charge phase uh unit from your army is selected as a target oh yeah so it's that unit so all everyone is minus two tier charges gotcha so you're at eight now i think because you do the cp reroll yeah okay so in that case a 10 for the big boys easy mode demeki oh my god easy mo holy [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] let's go oh my god oh my god valerian's going in too uh uh i'm gonna roll for my uh thing so it's one one means what what the hell does my thing mean he's mutated beyond reason oh his attacks minus four so i have a characteristic of minus four minus four what uh ap yeah you're not gonna survive to use it i was just saying you could literally fail all of these attacks yeah all right all right let's see nine attacks hitting on twos fail one what's the strength what's this toughness is five right yeah string six so threes and you're you're minus one toughness right now yeah oh that's okay um those are all minus three okay uh they all go through yeah he's dead are you sure he doesn't have a demonic safe he doesn't have a demonic servant are you positive yeah he does not have a democracy spawn do not have a democrat really yeah yeah okay then i got him yeah all right i believe that's custody's turn cool um as for oh i should get something to i punched my hand and i punched a little too hard and now it hurts um i'm gonna use something for uh i need banners yeah for banners here here just use a drum no no no no no no no no no no no no no just stick this on it okay the deed is done i need i need two penises oh you need one more penis yeah use another this is just yeah that's too much i'm taking the [ __ ] drone fine fine i have seven cp no no raise the banners yet no assassinate yet um no to the last yet it's your turn now yep and you gain 10 for primary yep all right one two and then and then you're gonna see peace here at nine cool you're up okay if ricky ever does a custodian's tier list don eagle on jet bike would be broken past s tier a little bit gentle it doesn't do any damage yeah but he's just unkilled he's just an unbelievable character yeah okay all right uh i brought this plague burst crawler up to toe or touch this structure so that he can get a shot off at those guys over there on the drop pod uh i did the same thing with these plague marines to get a clear shot on those guys uh moved up this plague burst just a little bit to get a clear shot on the land raider and whatnot uh same thing over here but i kind of backed it up because he still has units in reserve and they have thick bases so they're chunk so yeah i'm just trying to make sure that i can deny him as much as possible there uh here i just moved everybody up then i brought out a drill and then my marines got out uh i kept playing around with the demon prince because i was trying to get him out of that stratagem range but as of right now i can't so i'm just going to do it and he'll have to spend the one cp if he wants to deny it so that's it psychic phase do it uh me as a pestilence on my desk rods again hold up all right your minus two to cast oh yeah cause it stacks yeah yikes let's go wait how about what you need for it i needed yeah i needed eight because it's my six it's minus two sisters of silence [Music] all right shooting this play bursts over here he's going to fire his motor into these women right here these and then his entropy cannons are going to go into these gentlemen those and his heavy slugger we'll start with the mortar first four shots let's go hitting on threes not re-rolling okay and then running on twos yeah all right three wounds uh ap minus two yes three ups oh sorry five ups sorry i don't know why i said that threes two fives uh okay so three die owie here's the entropy cannons um do i get do i get a minus one since they're on top of it or how are we doing no no because now because the i mean i feel like lore wise we should but nah in this game no you're fine okay uh so this is on threes uh both hit and then running on what twos uh no threes uh rerolling plague play weapon still one so one four up involve safe fails it d3 plus three oh it just dies then okay the heavy slugger that's going at them all right not re-rolling and then this is on g5 uh this is on force all right all right two more all right ap minus one so plus one because or uh because of the thing yeah so twos fail one got one uh uh one damage so this play bursts right here we'll fire his mortar into the same group all right and then he will fire his heavy slugger into these women right here okay and his entropy into this all right i'm gonna spend one cp for grim responsibility okay that makes it so that everything you fire at my land raider is going to be -1 strength uh this is the mortar shots what it is one uh i could see people got entropy cannons still yeah well the yeah one all right that's fine jesus and one all right this is the entropy on twos they both hit and then on fives uh nothing wins i'm gonna cp reroll one and nothing still uh down to eight uh the heavy slugger into the solo that group of solo tall girls yep that was all hit well all three of them yeah and then this is on threes to bloom uh two wins ap minus one yep fours i believe got both uh okay so now this is gonna fire it's melta shots all five yeah all right so you'll um oh chef i forgot you have to take a minus one a hit for the land raider earlier um it's fine now we can remember it because of the fact oh yeah yeah so you'll or minus when it hits and you'll be down one strength so your melters are eight to seven so this will be winning on fives here we go five shots and then the combi bolters that's uh filters yeah i have comedy bolters too uh we'll go into here all right you're taking minus one on that one yeah as well because that's all right hitting on fours not re-rolling this is this is a this is going great i'm learning about fives uh plague weapon no it's not it's it's a it's a termite uh sorry sorry chat uh yeah yeah i'll pick it up pick up i'm sorry my my rolling machine was off let me just turn it off yeah well i'm not gonna yeah yeah i'm i'm trying to i'm trying to be positive i'm trying yeah you're not positive all right after this game okay this is better all right so they're minus one all that hits oh yeah this is the bolters that you're ladies so threes yep and then four wounds ap minus nothing right nothing all right three that's ups i need that's all you need there they go someone in the chat was saying how the custodians guy in the sidebar looks like brookie i was like well the cassettes were modeled after bricky 48. and then the lazy bump says maybe the [Music] uh mortar into their entropy into this actually you don't like them shots but i mean i think that's all i can do well i can fire the entropy into these guys i'll do that yeah uh entropy into these guys along with the heavy slugger okay so mortar number of shots at the ladies on the objective three thank god uh on threes uh not re-rolling and then on twos are you rolling ones okay all right minus two five ups they die uh i'm gonna see p1 okay got it now this is the heavy slugger into your boys and then i'll do the entropy so heavy starter all right three hit and then i'm wounding on fours uh they all wound minus one you're running on i'm t5 is it five oh [ __ ] yeah ap minus one again uh minus one oh okay i'm i didn't tell him to cover so threes i should have done that one takes a wound okay now the answer piece both hit ah threes roll ones ah all right both one ah four pimples ah one dice the pain of playing custodies and not getting your involved classic custodies plastic uh i think that might be it for my turn because just wet noodle fights yep i told you it's gonna be wet noodle fighters wet noodle fights yeah at the end of my turn i do get engaged on all fronts um wait so you get engaged for two points yeah actually i could try to make this 10 inch charge with the drill that would be funny if you'd like to yeah i'm going to try it okay it's charged with the drill no oh i can't cp re-roll it but i'm not going to maybe you should though you won't uh i'm here for you man how much tv do i have eight oh yeah go ahead [ __ ] it oh [Laughter] dude my heart was [ __ ] pounding right there pounding he got two points for engage yep he did one scrambler not another scrambler not yet uh not yet so terry's data to the lot whatever um so for me i get two points for banners and then i hold one oh wait i got morale to take yeah okay so they have leadership nine they lost four on a six she runs and that cost me five points yeah and i don't think it's worth it to spend two cp okay but i'll be real hot damn okay i get 15 points because i hold three and oh i know you don't sorry oh three you hold three two i did the [ __ ] plug burst like a little bitty bitty i get ten sorry and then i get five i'm at five cp now let's go oh because somebody's going in at 22 points at the start of their turn with death guard going in at 23. so the person that said that this custodes drawing looks like brickie how in the [ __ ] does that look like this because the dude's gonna undercut a beer that's all it takes apparently racist that's [ __ ] racist bro he's just because he's white this looks nothing like bricky okay so as you can see here i moved up a bunch of my dudes plus my shield captain that single lady will most likely survive only until the end and then she will die i'm running banners with my single character with valerian over there if you want to grab another one of those things over there to put on those dudes moved up a little bit these dudes moved up a little bit um as for the rest over here i spent three cp for vexilla teleport homer to bring in my large custodians uh wholly within six of the vexilla but only three inches away uh however i'm also going to use trajan velores's moment shackle to make the cost of the stratagem zero so i brought them in for zero cp i can only do that once per game though um alea has moved up as well oh i can put this back boop uh valee's moved up the guard moved up and also the land raiders over here so that's pretty cool i'm gonna spend 2 cp bam bam and i'm going to use it on two separate stratogens i'm going to use it on both blood games veterans as well as superior fire patterns and it's both going to go on my alaris custodians so what they're going to do is they get to make double the amount of attacks with the rapid fire weapons okay and any hits or any hit of a six automatically wounds with any of their weapons okay and they're gonna be gunning directly for your death shroud okay so there's four there's four of them which means normally i would make two shots each but now they're going four shots each and then all right and this is with their castellan axes you're also going to be getting a ballisticus grenade launcher but that comes later so all of these into the death stride terminators these are hitting on twos re-rolling ones sixes auto wounds three sixes so far just ottawa not mortal women auto wounds okay four auto wounds okay and these will wound you on fives uh rerolling ones because of trajan that was a lot of ones but you get to re-roll them why even roll your dice well this is winning on fives no never mind all right so eight wounds at minus one threes okay or go through uh it's just this is two damage but well it's one damage it's one damage uh okay so one dies and one's down to two okay and now they're going to shoot you with their ballastis grenade launchers each of them has a wrist mounted one to d3 shots each one two three four five six shots it's not that many um hitting on twos you're only one sixes are auto no autos and these are wounding you on fives where you're only ones two this is at minus three all right pour a pimple let's go uh one damage one damage just one damage just one damage i am now going to fire my land raider the raider of land named after arkan land has nothing to do with actual land i'm going to fire all of his gun guns or his his like anti-infantry into your destruction okay all the last cannons into the plague burst okay i am also going to spend one more cp for the burst or the the drill the plague burst okay i'm also going to spend one more cp for archaeotech munitions to have my d6s um you know uh there i can re-roll them okay so let me go ahead and fire the storm bolters first i am not within half so i only get two shots two shots on twos nailed it on fives nailed one one two up on your death shroud okay heavy bolt twin heavy bolts here uh let's see hits them all strength five wounds on fours one two at minus one is on my desktop again yep so threes uh i'm gonna cp reroll that one okay nice okay last cannons twos you're only ones wounds on threes are you rolling once damn it you shares threes strength nine oh it's strength nine okay um did i see p yet i don't think i did right i don't think so now i didn't but i'm not going to three at minus three all right my five up okay okay two d two d six d six one uh i get to reroll because of archaea technicians two oh my god so one all right and then so four so five damage re-roll the five you won't no i won't [ __ ] ooh if that's rough i gotta stop using that stratagem all right uh nlr's terminator bliss's grenade launcher they are assault so he advanced he's gonna fire uh d3 shots uh minus one to hit yes sir so d3 shots with his grenade launcher one shots hits on threes we rolling once because of trajan got it moon's on fives got it minus three and a four up damn it wow that sucks we'll shoot over there now um the two guys that walked over the drop pod yeah are gonna fire into your plague marines okay uh it should be four shots i think uh no re-roll one's on fives nothing yeah all right so six shots on twos got them all wounds on fives oh there's there it is uh five at minus one i get plus one cause i'm touching the cover at least for four of them how many five so three so threes threes all right holy [ __ ] one damage it's supposed to be two but you know you know how it would be yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna die uh okay it's time for charges yes yikes okay i'm going to charge your death shroud terminators words never spoken by intelligent men oops sorry all right i need an 11 for that and a 10 for that are you prepared yeah my shield captain 11. easy my guys a 10. easy it's all right yeah yeah all right all right all right yes um i'm gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] charge these guys into your plague marines minus two i got seven should be five then i'm fine yeah uh elea is gonna go in that's an eight turns into a six yep i yeah two cp left yeah i'm gonna charge these guys into them two these guys need eight those need eight looks like it eight on the first the guys in the front nine [ __ ] finally other guys yes wait come on are they both going because you didn't declare i declared them i declared both of them they were going in i rolled the first one then second oh cause the way that you said that i thought you were gonna charge the plague burst no it's not it's not reachable okay okay well because i mean if that was the case now it's been used as stratagem so you need a win but you knew i was charging these guys in i wasn't sure about this that's why i was saving it but i said that these guys were going first okay all right did you want to spend the strategy okay well then i failed both i'm sorry i'll take your cpu away i'm sorry it's okay it was it was just no you can't you can't go through that it's not reachable okay who's the guy with the fight last door uh this man and then six inches dead in the middle yep what a [ __ ] what a stinky [ __ ] i'm gonna charge the big boys into these two okay um there's probably no way yeah okay all right okay i will to spend two cp for slayer of nightmares um i'm gonna send my entire custodian squad here into the drill okay uh and because you have a higher toughness than me i get plus one to wound okay what the [ __ ] kind of custodian that's [ __ ] bad ass you're stronger than me [ __ ] you slayer of nightmares um i am going to be hitting you at strength eight so i'm going to be wounding you on threes technically how much help do you have uh the tank yeah 14. i hate all of your stuff so much all right here we go um twos we rolling once i won't be that guy oh that's a lot of ones there's so many ones okay nice all of that at minus two okay damn that's a good conversion five ups five six seven eight all right d3 damage each okay because everything's d3 damage in this thing all right uh one damage technically okay wait does it have minus one so okay well tell me if that's disgustingly then because that's what i'm looking up okay if it doesn't it's super dead if it does i think it has one wound no it doesn't i don't think so oh thank you it's dead it does uh uh three six nine damn she fine twelve fifteen uh sixteen seventeen eighteen twenty damage okay i still have to roll it oh it's true okay then those two custodian guard are coming for your ass they are not within range of the of the general so twos uh threes to strength six that at minus three all right minus three sixes not a single six all right it's d3 okay uh please give me threes one dies because it's minus one two die and then one more die so three die okay all right last but not least a leia's gonna hit you uh she has the somnis blade and she has four attacks she hits on twos no re-rolls and the somnis blade gives her strength four so she wins on fives got one at minus three y minus three yes sir six nothing d three damage one damage all right so uh this is going to go into the lady how dare you yes wow hitting on twos twos or three sorry okay hang on threes that's me and then uh she's t3 all right so i'm winning on threes and i'm rerolling once because they're plagued weapons like not plague knives yep nice is that all four yep minus one oh [ __ ] okay um fours ow wow uh i believe she lives i think that's all okay um in terms of actual stuffity stuff no assassinate still to the last is still fine no banners so now it's next round yep all right round three you my friend gain a cp you're up to six as far as primaries go you have two so okay 33 22. let's go let's go that's only your first one right brookie uh yeah but i was also losing a little and i was getting scared so i got red yeah if you want to measure how much i'm i'm worried about this game oh we're playing uh playing 40k in general just look at my face and see how red it is the redder i am the more scared i am of what's coming to get me so my other drill came out of deep strike it's here now uh this is the actual wobbly stam one the plague marines jumped out they deployed their new scramblers uh then moving right along uh i moved the plague marines that were here i actually advanced them towards this direction uh i brought this plague marine that was or plague marine this play burst crawler that was in the back forward towed the objective uh just to i don't know shoot and it's probably gonna get charged either way but we'll see what happens uh move this one forward just to put some more shots down range also moved uh i did not move this one i left it where it was and i moved all the boys out to actually do some melee shenanigans and mess some stuff up so that that's it all right so now i'm on my psychic phase all right your minus one minus one casting miesma of past miasma of pestilence on my desk routes let's go does not go off guys no i do not need it uh i'm gonna start with that plague burst crawler okay is he bracketed nope okay not yet uh i'm gonna have a fires mortar into this then uh his entropy cannons will go into i'm going to target him the vaxilla yeah okay yeah you can um so entropy cannons into him uh i'm gonna fire the heavy slugger into uh these guys right here sure so and then yeah that's that's what we're gonna do okay all right so the mortar first number shots four oh oh threes hitting on threes oh my god a little a little less than average yep all right one hits two on twos we roll them once all right minus five up armor save dies finally there it is jesus now this is the entropy cannon hitting on fours uh-huh not re-roll all right one goes through all right our wounds on threes one win four up involve safe got it now this plague burst crawler will fire his mortar into these gentlemen okay entropy cannon into him again okay and heavy slugger into the same tier okay do it like that all right uh number of shots for the mortar five hey this is on threes i'm dropping dice uh all right and then this is on threes again all right how many uh four minus two all right i gotta do three up intervals first cuz my storm shield fail one how much damage uh it's two damage oh it's flat two yep okay so he's down to one wound three up involved three up involved wow really three up involved for the other guy okay one dies and the other one wow that was [ __ ] terrible um all right one dies another one takes takes two damage now the entropy on fours all right uh another one on threes one wound four pinville safe nope damage hit me d3 plus three five uh oh this is a question vex celebrator and terminator armor six wounds that plague burst the mortar into here okay um entropy into here okay and then heavy slugger into there as well okay okay uh mortar two two uh one and then threes nothing all right and then the entropy both nice plague weapon that's what you get for miss handling the dice floor up involves safe uh typical it dies anyway don't worry about oh wait how much damage d3 plus three five those five yeah they have a six seven female pain okay that was such a good [ __ ] role too all right if it was a five-hub the the good feeling of failing florup involves custodies uh plaguesburg gauntlets into these gentlemen okay i should be able to fire all of them yeah one two three four uh they're d6 and they auto hit so they're flamers yeah all right uh one two three four right yes for some of the dish shrouds yeah yeah so that's four six nine twelve ten eleven twelve twelve all right on fives roll ones thank god too wow wow wow wow at least it's just these ones yeah what's the ap uh i don't think it has yeah it doesn't okay in that case we got four two ups that's all i needed uh well no this is her with the two wounds this guy goes down to one cool i'm gonna use the unholy where is it it's very unholy or no god damn it isn't unholy or not i thought it was i need to know if it's unholy or not damn it no i'm looking at demeki please shush i need to know if it's unholy or not it's not unholy there's a huggles no foul blight spawn will fire his uh plague sprayer okay into those guys so it's assault d6 five auto hit and this is at seven strength so threes yep all right three and this is at minus three holy [ __ ] okay three ups uh figures one dice yes yes the termites so that he's firing everything into that gentleman fear yeah all right five shots so five shots hitting on threes not re-rolling okay you're gonna win me on threes as well winning on threes uh uh i'm gonna see p reroll one okay wow okay okay uh save the thing all right so um i think it's a four up involved just doesn't matter all right e6 damage six uh i think that kills him oh yep he's dead that's a character gone there goes valerian get one shot by a by a [ __ ] drill he got drilled he got one shot by he got one shot by a drill um you're gonna charge that yes all right no he's not gonna charge why would he do that all right let me come over here can we come come come i'm gonna i'm gonna come cp re-roll i need [ __ ] i only need a buyer i only need a five for that whole multi-charge okay so roll me a five then it's easy domecki it's easy i saw that one i was ready i saw that one here it's coming i saw that one too what's next mikey uh dirty mike's gonna get in there where the [ __ ] is dirty mike that's that's my lord of the contagion okay that's a shout out to kenny ah dirty mike yeah ooh he's in he's just gotta charge these boys dirty mike all right so he's gonna use his ability for the death row to get the the inflict mortal wins on sixes okay uh then he's going to make these gentlemen fight less because i i assumed i'm going to fight last anyway and then i'm going to charge here on to my vexilla yep okay charge me bam i am going to heroically intervene okay so i'm going to have my champion i must split my hits okay that's always a good idea yeah that's great that's always a great idea man this man splitting my hits he's evolving so two from him going into her right okay then the four from him going into her that's six okay then his three are going into him and then these two are going into here i am going to spend three cp to do what one for vermid whispers okay which gives me plus one to attack okay the other for eternal hatred uh-huh which gives me plus one to win okay got it and then on unmodified wound roles of six mortals yes okay so i'm gonna do the champion first okay the first guy the first three attacks all right this is all i'm cleave okay so plus one minus one uh i'm good yes so you hit on two's normally yeah okay and then this is uh times two so this is eight strength threes plague weapon okay all those all right four pinholes i made two how much damage three flat yeah dead now the two attacks from him okay good cool twos this time okay ap minus three sixes got one other one three damage yep dead okay all right so now eight attacks yep okay all right hitting on twos rerolling once because lordy contagion i was here euro once yep oh [ __ ] okay and then threes again threes isn't it plus one to wounds so wouldn't it be twos yeah okay right all right that many wins all right um four i had a single six that's fine four up intervals uh i felt all but one holy [ __ ] all right they have four health each so only one one goes down to one yeah well that that was only two eleven's only two oh it was only two down to two then wow holy [ __ ] i needed a [ __ ] break thank god thank god okay all right five attacks from lord of contagion now oh my goodness okay he's going to cleave that's pretty so he's going to cleave this before you roll these i say this dice roll sponsored by cutwater yeah let's go yeah this this roll's sponsored by cutwater i wish we're not though not sponsored oh yeah you're minus one toughness too not an ad okay well i would've been to you it doesn't matter you're still with me on twos all right so i'm hitting on this one i'm hitting on threes all right because i'm using cleave all right drop one okay uh i'm wounding so this is on seven strength so i'm t4 now but okay so still threes uh plague weapon all right how many three three four up involves three got two lost one all right damage two one dies i'm gonna try to kill the other guy all right wait kill what's the other guy this guy you wanna kill trajan yeah okay uh so six attacks uh with this is with the hell ford sword okay six attacks i'm hitting on twos 87 strength four threes then okay uh i'm gonna see if you reroll this one though okay that puts me down to one cool all right minus three three damage each oh seriously yeah four is it total yeah uh it i okay um if i roll terribly then this is the death three damage you said yep i live oh [ __ ] christ oh my god okay okay looks like it's my turn to attack you with everything now oh my god dude my heart's racing there's so much [ __ ] that's gone mad um i'm gonna attack your death straw with all of my crazy turmeys all right they hit you on um twos to hit this is strength eight so they wound you on threes they reroll ones because trajan voloris is still alive that's a lot of ones okay how long is it how far is this buff it's six inches but the guy's right there um all of that minus two so four up involves i think yep uh four go through okay it's d3 damage each one's at only one so he auto dies yeah um and then i got three more dice i gotta roll oh i got a three so two damage yep which means the last one will auto kill him okay and then one more dice that's two so only one damage after that one i'll hit you with the vaxilla first why the [ __ ] not man do you have discussion resilient on a demon prince uh the demon prince has a separating plate what's that do uh what that does is it each time an enemy fights until after it makes its attacks if the barrel lost any wins as a result of that attack roll one d6 on a two up that unit suffers one more wound oh the bearer has a uh safe character characteristic of two up then i have a five up involved and i have a five up feel no pain many more tyrion and uh both of my characters that only have one wound left on a two uptake of mortal wounds yes what kind of [ __ ] is this that's called the separating plate we roll i think i just lost two characters tells you toughness uh he is t6 fives two wounds minus nothing he's punching you with a flag all right two all right would you look at that at least you didn't lose any wounds so i can't say so he lives he survives goody uh five attacks from trajan belorus twos yearling ones got em all strength ten threes three rolling ones got four minus three four minus three so this is on fives uh save two to go through e3 damage each only three damage three damage all right five volt philadelphians uh two damage on a two-up you take a mortal oh can i see p roll that of course you [ __ ] can't it's the rain plate so i take two [ __ ] hell whatever i'm gonna i'm gonna start furiously coming um all right all right end of my turn yes i get engaged on all fronts for three you do uh yes you get three points for that uh i also deployed my second thing of scrambler i got that and that is it okay my turn i hold one two and since those plague marines are there you technically hold that one so i get ten points i do however get because these guys have obsec one two three for banners yeah boop boop boop and then assassinate all that we'll get later i get one cp all right schmovement schmovement i [ __ ] love gray knights i think that they're cool they are not they're not very good right now because secondaries kind of [ __ ] them but besides that they're still cool i mean paladins are still paladins and the hq grand master [ __ ] it's so good gets like a three up involved all right so this lantern raider just kind of smoothed his way backwards he's trying to get a bead on both these whoa hello there we go trying to get a beat on these plague marines they're gonna be firing at them from there and he's gonna take his last cannon shots at the drill over there and then these boys made their way up obviously they're stuck they're stuck this captain made his way up as well and all the way over here these boys are going to be trying to take out that plague burst crawler so that's what's the plan so far so let's start off with some shots um this i think he's just there no maybe not um he's gonna fire cause this guy over here is not like protected so he's gonna shoot at him okay um it's two shots of the sentinel blade hits on twos he rerolls once because he's a captain wow get him out now get him out now get him out now these spear lads are going to fire into the plague marines right there they get two shots we roll one because the trajan got them both these wound on five re-rolling ones of course not all four of those boys are gonna fire into your plague burst crawlers i don't think they can see the marines behind them nah um so eight shots guardian spears twos got em all wounds on sixes one wounds minus one one minus one yes sir uh that might go through yeah yeah it's two damage but it's one now yeah ah i'm gonna spend my one cp once again for archaeotech munitions okay so my good old land raider is going to fire all of his bolt weapons into those guys okay and then his last cannons into the drill what does the stratagem do again re-rolls the d6 damage in the last cans i got twin heavy bolts bolter oh thank goodness okay wounds on fours we rolling ones okay four wounds on those um plague marines it's minus one but you're on cover so three four three ups all right one dies okay now the four last cannons hitting on twos rerolling the one wounds on threes on the drill because strength nine rerolling the one got of course i always drop the two all right three at minus three three minus three this is that mode drill that's how you drill all right so these are all sixes okay these six damage each yes six three five it's fourteen it's die yeah let's go does it blow up no no yes that's that is five uh to the last points to the last it's charge phase time i'm gonna charge your demon prince with uh the captain over there okay he's like a six that's seven now those dudes are gonna charge this should be yeah oh my god 11. dude you both have been rolling hot and cold all game this has been ridiculous and i'm going to spend the strategy i assumed you would all right so now you need a a measure for you you need a nine nine nine for the first and ten for the back yeah nine for the first i rolled nines last time did none for that time 10 for the back that was that was a very that was a huge loss right there all right so before you activate they'll fight last and then they'll get their the buff okay in that case um i'm gonna pick him he gets half the attacks okay and now i'm going to attack with all these boys guardian spears are first sentinel blades they're second guardian spears on twos re-rolling oh my god re-rolling ones all right um guardian spears at strength six what is your toughness uh i'm t7 is he seven yeah okay fives we rolling once uh wow three go through minus um minus ow minus three okay so my envelope yes all right on my involved five all right two go through damage d3 each six uh minus one so four doesn't have disgustingly resilient yeah no demon prince does all right so four fill no parents all right two damage two damage yeah and now the next squad what separating plate but not yet i'm not done yet okay all right we roll the one got it uh these wound on fives again are you rolling ones three more same ap minus three all right fives all right two more d3 damage another another four all right all right three down to one now you can do separating plates uh it's one unit okay all right he dies all right and now the captain will hit you all right five at twos heroes once all right wounds on fives again rerolls once thanks to the shadow keeper traits got two um you have a extra minus one to your involve save so you're saying about sixes okay d3 each uh so two three damage and you only have got one left all right separating plate yep all right he is down to seven wounds cool okay all right i think it's your turn now yes uh so the champion is going to go and so this is the one where uh the sixes are immortal wins and stuff right all that good stuff uh he gets five attacks both are attacking the same unit right yeah this is all right so this is on three zero ones right this is the champion uh yep okay so drop one so this is this is eight so twos re-roll ones because the plague weapon all right nothing so these three minus three okay this is three flat two four up involved uh i failed two they have four wounds so one dies and then this is the other one all right three ones we roll the ones so what do we oh right the lord yeah all right okay and then this is on three this time all right and play weapon yeah all right uh these are both mortals oh [ __ ] so these are two mortals i've made them both okay so down to two mortals in addition so one's down to two and now here's my lord of contagion uh he does not get to reroll once okay and then this is on uh threes reroll the one plague weapon all right so two floor up involves made one fail one damage uh two damage he dies your turn to hit me back all right i will obviously hit your death shroud four attacks um he doesn't get the reroll once to whom he does get the reroll once to hit because the captain's near him yeet okay this one's on threes because strength eight two at minus two on your death shroud all right two minus two so that is going to be four's fours all right uh he dies because regardless it wouldn't actually wait no hold on if i roll uh a five from the first one i do and the next one will be five again so down to one wound for your final death shroud that was that was that was bloody yeah that was a lot do you need to take morale nope how many did i kill just two two okay then yes uh i don't need to take morale either only lost one that guy lost two but they have like leadership nine or eight it wouldn't matter regardless i think it's time for points yeah all right points uh assassinate i killed this primark yep or no the prince yeah uh so he's used your warlords so i get three plus one yep uh yeah so for to the last he has five i have 15. okay you have one cp and you i think you actually hold more than yeah i do oh you're single obsec guy [ __ ] yep you got 15. yeah i guess it's your turn round four oh man i'm too excited for the the match just so tense [ __ ] well you wanna rub your back while you yeah yeah there you go there you go there you go oh it's gonna be okay it's gonna be all okay so many good rolls and bad rolls nice uh all right so i moved these boys on this objective to get rid of his flag or his banner uh over here i did have that death route fall back um i don't know if i'm gonna be able to to protect him doubt it uh so i might just lose those five points as well but i am about to give them all of my plague burst crawlers because i've moved them all up to make sure that they can shoot some targets i kept this one in the back though to make sure that i can uh hold this objective and then i move the plague marines over here forward trying to get past that 30 inch mark i didn't quite get it but we're going probably to round five anyway so i'll probably get it then um that plague marine is deploying the last scrambler and for or not the last grandmother but the scrambler for that quadrant this quadrant gotcha um yeah that's it if i chant dad dad dad that's probably that's probably going to make me hate my life uh no i'm [ __ ] with you what if i call you mom so psychic phase i don't have a psycher anymore so moving on moving on moving on all right uh because i i really need to get rid of something while we stand you're the last to the last to the last to the last to the last brickie pog i'm gonna start uh actually with him oh okay so that his little spitter is going into there it's 12 inches okay so d6 shots auto hit two let's go is that seven strength all right so threes uh let's go ap uh i believe it's minus three holy [ __ ] i will tell you this doesn't matter anymore well regardless i'm rolling a three-up involved i failed it i rolled a [ __ ] one is it one damage no it's two what the [ __ ] yeah all right my storm shields have not done well today uh i'll start with this plague burst uh mortar into here okay entropy into here okay heavy slugger into here all right all right so mortar number of shots five nice minus kind of hits minus one to hit hitting on fours nice nice and then threes winding on threes all right two wounds minus two three up involve save figures and it's two damage yeah yeah this is the entropy now yep force uh one goes through force again all right five a bin bowl made it next we'll do the same for this one okay so uh number of shots for the mortar four on fours on fours that is one all right one two three four trees on threes all right uh four up involved yep down to one wounds all right here's the entropy now uh one all right four nothing is strength eight right yeah uh that one's mortar into here and then his entropy and heavy slugger into there okay all right so uh mortar border five and pestle on fours all right three three and on threes uh plague weapon sweet three of them yeah give me four up involves made two one goes one dies now on threes at these guys this is the heavy starter okay pull these out they all hit and then this is on uh fours right no fives because it's 25. four is then oh four i'm t5 okay all right two minus one all right three ups made one lost one one damage uh those are the closest guys yeah uh six or feeling the pain made it uh here's the entropy cannons now uh you only have one cp left yep and then does that fail yeah because it's 75. wait hold on where's my aura at right now what's your aura my army aura you're at round four so you're at max oh yeah you got max contagion range then yeah it's minus one oh then you then you'd make it yeah give me a four up involve save i'm good dude i totally forgot you have minus one toughness aura i totally [ __ ] forgot that existed holy [ __ ] yeah so technically i was probably winning on twos there too charge phase uh i'm gonna have this man charged here and this man charged here okay uh start with him i think i just need like a four sorry yeah you could just roll it first and we'll figure it out because because you got box cars yeah i think you made it oh my god okay holy [ __ ] in that case i will heroically intervene all right zoom in that case he will fight last you're gonna choose him to fight last yes okay i'm going to have the future fire hit your captain first then since that's the case okay uh so he gets four attacks i'm hitting on threes oh wait it's the beginning of the fight phase yeah i'm picking him as what having your attacks stasis obliet okay well he's gonna also any anything is mortals on a six same that's fine still half half your attacks yeah this is four attacks this is hitting on threes we're rolling once they all hit all right uh this is wounding on this is strength four strength four but your minus one toughness so four is still right rerolling ones because it's a plague weapon is it a plague knife yep okay all right so one at minus one minus one yep he's storm shields uh gives him plus one's armor save so it's a two up fails damage one wow down to six wounds no this isn't your captain is that this guy oh yeah um still fails i guess because i rolled a one didn't i yeah so one damage yeah down to three okay uh foul blight spawn at the same guy it's four attacks hitting on threes we're rolling the ones they all hit and then he does not have a weapon this is just his fists okay this at strength four all right so two hit at the same guy yeah so it's nine minutes yeah all right so twos got them both all right and then i guess i'll act i have to activate now with my lord of contagion uh i hit first i get five attacks uh i will attack who has what are their saves what's the difference between them what's going on they both have a three-up save okay do any of them have involves uh no okay which one has fewer wounds uh which has fewer wounds fewer wounds they both have four wounds okay i will attack this guy then okay um five attacks on twos we rolling ones got them all uh t what uh t5 all right so fours all right three at minus three however you get a minus one to your save so i think you get no save okay because what what does that lock warden's uh willow trade so it's minus three an extra minus so it'd be nothing then right i guess so yeah all right so d3 damage each one uh two two three so that should this should kill one two three four okay uh now fight with your lord of contagion yup this is on twos nice and then on twos again yes okay is it strength eight yep okay roll one okay eight how many three yep minus three minus three uh how much damage actually it's not anything it's straight seven but i still wounded at all okay anyways uh it's three it's two damage flat okay so four up in volts oh it dies there you there he goes there goes one of my to the last okay end of turn you get i think you do get engaged from here yeah i get engaged so you get three points for engage yes um one two three scramblers he did another one right yeah he did one so you should be at eight points now for scramblers yeah and i killed another character so i get three points for that yeah and then i get only five because i only hold the one yeah because that's obvious and then you lose five to the last um i already i got rid of that i only have 10 now and then i still do get two points for banners okay um i'll do my quick movement and i'll let you answer questions rob cause i gotta pee [Laughter] what army would you think would be the strongest chaos space marine army if we're talking about csm kodak specifically uh i think emperor's children world leaders it would be world leaders world leaders is the one that gives you uh an insane amount of attacks right yeah emperor's children would probably have the edge though because they can soup with slaanesh all right uh these guys moved up near the plague burst pretty simple uh this guy i think is still in combat with him yeah um and then some of these boys moved up the land raider moved up that's about it all righty it's time for some shoesting he's going to fire his uh the vexilla guy who's going to she's the only wound on four fives and sixes on what who i'm just lord of contagion oh i wasn't aiming at him i was just letting you know okay yeah yeah say the lord of contagion i was like i was like the whole army no all right so i'm gonna the i'm inspiring the death trial okay i'm gonna go like i'm gonna take a i need a camera on me so i need a camera it's a grenade launcher on the fish go pop but it doesn't pop as well as cutwater spirits oh my god all right d3 shots three shots nice all right give me a two zero only ones thanks to trajan velores got them all wounding on five zeroing ones thanks to trajan got one minus three on your death shroud how many one all right four up nice thank god all right um oh yeah he's got a pistol uh the blade is a pistol yeah he's gonna fire two shots at you the captain into whatever that guy's name is yeah he fails both okay cool um uh i'm gonna fire now this custodian guard is gonna fire into nice it's gonna fire into your death shroud terminator okay two shots you're rolling the ones got it one's on fives got one minus one on the death shroud all right three nice all right uh trajan velores is gonna fire his watchers axe at the same guy we rolling the one got him uh this one's on fours actually because the strength five got one minus one i believe same guy same guy yeah he's got two upside threes oh my goodness i just need to just need to kill one man ah i gotta do it yeah all right um my my tank my land raider yeah he's gonna fire all of his bolt weapons and one last cannon yeah into your death shrouds okay the other way you want to split it the other last you're sure you want to support the other twin last cannon yeah it's going into this one plague marine okay you sure you want to split it i'm firing the twin last cannon got them both which one is this at the plague marine okay all right wounds on threes minus three you have a you have a cover so fives yep all right it's d6 damage so yeah he dies just what you needed scary all right the other twin last can at the other desk shroud got them both wings on threes b-rolls one because traitor veloris got them both four up involves all right d6 damage each so yeah all right caught it all those guys gonna fire in the play burst okay one two three four one two three four twos uh six sixes nothing hey man no no okay uh i am going to charge the vexilla into your plague burst crawler i'm gonna uh you know what you know overwatch i'm gonna overwatch he's overwatching that's your final cp my friends yeah that's fine this isn't tau let's go this is a towel but this is death guard let's go all right uh mortar number of shots four oh boy sixes oh oh oh oh oh oh all right and your minus one no strengths oh oh okay yeah your minus one toughness yes yes so this is on twos re-rolling once because we'll play one okay minus two four pin he's good [ __ ] all right the intro piece no the heavy stubber the heavy stubbers sixes yes oh all right and this is five strengths i am so three is now because of my uh minus minus one eight minus one three up damn all right all right let's see if it makes it no sucks damn he's a little short cpv roll you won't he could have died i might see p reroll that i just might [ __ ] this is difficult to discern i'll do it i'll see if we roll it okay oh oh box cars box cars let's go those he takes the [ __ ] flag he turns it over and he's just like let's go all right all right i'm going to charge i am going to charge both with trajan he can't fail so yeah there it is and i'm gonna charge your lord of contagion with him thank god he can't fail yeah oh my god i rolled snake eyes all right i'm gonna charge your plague burst crawler okay first squad can't fail what about the second squad they're both fine um so now he gets the the more the board of wounds on sixes okay who's fighting last nobody you killed that guy oh i did yeah poggers yeah all right let's go um in that case i'm going to use my stasis obliets on him okay um so he has all the usual issues uh in that case i'm going to attack with both of them on to him first because he only went on fours right four fives and sixes so in that case let me make sure well i'll do the guardsman guy first three attacks twos we rolling ones i i rolled two snake eyes and i rolled two more snake eyes uh four i guess got it um which toughness anyway uh i'm t5 okay then there's the four four up involved uh so minus three yep it's a one all right uh d3 damage three uh three damage down to two uh he has seven wounds so he goes down to five okay wow he's tanky yeah he does look pretty chunky trajan yep twos that's a yes um well forest you know okay okay four wounds minus uh it's either two or three would that change anything uh no it goes i go from a two up save to my four up in bowl if it's minus two then that would be what it is i don't know if it's three or not but uh all right only one d3 two damage one now one damage now i will attack with my vaxilla yeah i think he has five attacks i honestly don't know and don't really care i don't care well it's two wounds at ap nothing i i think i have three ups three up saves okay okay it's one wound all right i don't know down to 11. i just i just flung dice all right now the wardens and the guard over there so the wardens have four attacks each the guard have three they all have guardian spears however so we're talking twos uh we are talking at the same time though fives that would be one two three four it looks like four uh minus three all right five open bowls four five up involves let's go nothing damage uh d3 okay 43. two four five six uh five six yeah now it's your turn to fight back cool all right five and pump everything into that that's three attacks uh i'm hitting on twos not or no i'm hitting on threes because i'm going to cleave all right so i'm hitting on threes not the wrong ones all right winning on threes and then uh sixes are mortals uh re-rolling because of plague weapon damn all right one four up involved damage two down to one uh my turn i'm gonna hit that guy over there yep five attacks with the shield captain hits on twos of course uh tough strength five t5 yeah all right um so oh fives and sixes right uh well no it'd be maybe what's your strength maybe a five so we have fours but i failed a lot of those yeah um i'm going to spend my victory of the blood games reroll okay got it two it minus three plus one more minus because of the all right damage just roll the damage all right two d three two two um hit me back with that guy yep four attacks vortex they all hit wow uh who are you attacking again you're captain right or no you know what you want to attack the one yeah i want to attack the one guy doesn't matter because he doesn't have or no he has a plague knife sweet okay all right so he has a plague knife so this is uh four strength and now minus one now i'm four so four fours three rolling ones no ones but one at minus one minus one yeah three up uh involved uh now yeah yeah run me over let's go all right so three attacks i think i'm hitting all fours this is the least important and also the most fun no i'm hitting on sixes all right i'm hitting on sixes let's go nothing okay over there uh the same thing i believe oh damn no it's five words he's down to five runes right yes anyway it's fine oh did i yeah well i was looking at a number of attacks oh it's four attacks i owe you one on each all right roll one on each then nope oh i was excited in terms of stuff no more assassinate i didn't kill that one guy raise the banners is it now do your characters get object secured they do okay um so in that case we're around five yeah i get 10. holy [ __ ] yeah um yeah you get 10. 10 points so you maxed out your primary it doesn't matter but yeah um okay and then okay and then you get cp yep okay you're up my man i know when i looked them up when i initially was picking uh which faction to do i didn't like iron wires you didn't like the color of them right i didn't like the color yeah they weren't black enough [Laughter] geez out of context that sounds so bad all right a conga on these boys whoever said you can't conga line in ninth suck it i did it look at those balls look i'm controlling two objectives look at this it's nuts all right uh that's what i did with the plague marines that were here uh and then back this way are you gonna fall back that play burst no okay i'm leaving the plague burst in close in combat with these gentlemen over here i moved these marines up they deployed my last scramblers so i've got my points for that or i'm sorry what is it called now it's no longer true yeah retrieval and you guys are arcturious and you guys are mad about to the last yeah um we both think that we think that both are bad uh this plague burst just stayed here sitting on the objective for me uh this stayed in combat then i moved my lord of contagion back so that this plague burst can fire everything into that one man because he is to the last i won't be able to kill the land raider unfortunately but uh yeah that is what i have done all right uh i'm gonna do the pike burst because everything is going in that one guy all right to deny those five points do it all right so here we go uh number of bursts four thank god it was not anything else threes all right yeah minus one to your toughness yep so twos twos you're rolling ones rerolling the ones oh no all right four minus two four up involves are easy yeah he's dead he's dead there it goes thank god there's all right i gotta i lower my to the last points by five uh now i'm shooting in combat i can't do my mortar uh so everything else will go into this guy so uh two entropies hitting on fours so hitting all fours not re-rolling all right one goes through uh i'm guessing winning on twos oh you know it because of minus one toughness uh there we go hot damn but what's a four up involved with that all right and now the heavy sluggers if i rolled award i would've uh okay two and then uh this is five so three because of minus toughness yes one give me that solid ass there you go yeah uh then over here same thing uh entropies into which the wardens are the guard the wardens are scarier the wardens okay they have the same defensive profile oh the warren said it didn't matter i missed i mean oh okay the warrens have a feeling of pain though oh okay uh fours nope oh one yeah all right uh minus one no yeah got it yeah that's it combat combat um i can't charge cause i already charged with my stuff so if it's prolonged i go first yes so i'm going to whack you with the uh he's going to give it to himself yeah i was just assuming trajan voloris is going to whack you yeah five attacks on twos and then wounding uh strength okay so twos yeah we roll ones because he's trajan uh five at minus minus three all right sixes five problems five sixes five sixes come on no problem bam nope all right i think he's gone i might i might consider his death uh i'm gonna hit you with this play burst crawler smart idea all right so three attacks hitting on success or four attacks nothing all right i'll hit you over there okay uh the wardens four four three three in common twos you know not bad uh fives one two three four at minus three all right four set on my five yes uh two go through two go through d3 each two damage uh five over there i get four attacks hitting on sixes okay nothing all right that seems to be the end yes um wow you got full oculus data you're out of to lasts right yeah i'm out you're out okay um what about engage though engage i get three more three more yep one two three i gain a cp uh and i don't do my actual primaries yet i get one for banners i got three more for assassinate this is pretty close not gonna lie 15. oh no i think you might beat me by one point unless i can get one more banner down here's the the idea of what's going on right now right so um in this situation i if i i can get 15 points for primaries probably not too difficultly uh because i can i can move him up charge that uh i've obstacle all that stuff right the thing is and then if i get 15 from there and then one more and then if i kill him so three more first assassination 18 and then one more for banners that makes 19. you are exactly 20 points more than me so i need to be able to get a banner out in order to you know get it um the question in that sense is simple can i deploy a banner if there is an enemy unit on it or do i need to have them dead first you need to control the point yeah so if i control the point i can put a banner down uh check the gt that's what i was wondering about so so regardless there are still some things i need to get done yep and so i'm going to do those things now uh a union cannot start this action while there are any enemy units in a range of the same objective marker so you have to do you can only do it you can't do it anywhere nope it looks like unless oh can i wait i moved him up there's already a banner here though yeah ah i don't think i can do it anywhere which means if i kill the final warlord first uh the final character for assassinate and get three points and then one more for a banner and then i get 15 i will have a grand total of 77 to 78. gggs dudes oh my god that was so difficult oh holy [ __ ] it was so hard oh oh my god all right that's what she's doing that was really good it was fun it was wow that was such a good game you [ __ ] up all your entry roles yeah i [ __ ] up all my storm shield rolls and then you one shot a character and then i blasted there was so much back and forth in that goddamn game holy [ __ ] all five rounds yeah almost all five man yeah total of 78 to 77 death guard you know what was my mistake sending in both of those squads to attack the plague burst i should have left one back to place a banner or something yeah that would have been a good idea why was the land raider so useful i don't know i blasted it the beginning was really bad all the entropy cannons yes missed or or or just didn't do anything i did prep for that yeah but then but then i was counting on the meltas from the drills and i mean they did kill a character but they but they they they couldn't they couldn't manage to get close enough to land raider yeah i mean but like i kind of ignored the raider after that i was just like you know what [ __ ] it i'll just yeah it was and also laying around on everything else has like 16 wounds anyway it's kind of hard to break well the thing that the thing that was irritating me the most was the the d6 on the cannon on the sisters at the beginning because i was just like three plague bursts should have been able to kill a five-man unit of sisters of silence so it didn't it didn't it did not it did not it was very frustrating um anyway who's your mvp um you know the land raider did a pretty good job i don't think he was the mvp maybe maybe not um i will admit i made some mistakes with well okay so these the alarms terminators did surprisingly well yeah um they always do though i think the shield captain having your attacks and reducing your involves and doing all that [ __ ] was really nice at the end um that captain was insane this that captain is ridiculous he's not as ridiculous as another captain i know of who's on a bike but he's pretty good i was that's why i was more concerned about when we went to the match before i was like god i hope he doesn't bring that captain on bike no i wanted to try something different i was like no bikes you're for you um i shh who who got the most i have to say play burst crawlers honestly because the the fact that they could shoot without line of sight with the mortars and get stuff off of objectives and then force you to move things around yeah and and rethink how you're controlling objectives they're they're the they're the mvp yeah that's why they're great i agree now i'm starting to see it more that play bursts are probably a must take almost with more tyrion like i'm not saying more terrain has to be a mistake but more tyrion's up there with his abilities and what not he's going if you bring more tyrion as death guard like kenny said last week he's either going to be gone within term one or turn two so anytime that he's there after term one turn two you're happy right but like three plague bursts allow you to shoot anything wherever in a world of in a addition of terrible terrible vehicles the plague bursts are like the exact opposite they're very good um yeah lvp lv i was gonna say the drills yeah uh i mean they did what i wanted them to do they got me they got me in quarters of the map that i normally wouldn't be in probably that's true right um but again wouldn't you just rather strategic reserve those plague marines and save the hundred and something so that was the original idea was to take the third unit and strategically reserve them depending upon uh what mission we were doing today so like instead um i think i kind of played a little bit fast and hard with the the chaos spawn i probably should have just yeah they look like your objective holders and your and your grabbers they were i was like i gotta get rid of those the way i was picturing them was to get them into both quadrants to try to advance them and get them into both quadrants that way i would have had engage all four on turn one yes that would make sense so that was the idea with them i have to say they're probably the lvp just but i mean it's really my fault because i was the guy that played him was my lvp yeah oh i didn't choose um i don't think i had one i mean dice d3 damage d3 is my lvp yeah i mean my lantern rare did decent my vixila was super important d3 is pretty bad the [ __ ] um trajan's re-rolls were incredible the captain was good i don't think they're gonna give that army flat three though they'll probably give them maybe flat too maybe but like they don't have we can make a whole hour-long thing about what custodians could be changed they're still a good [ __ ] army but no yeah it's like old ad mech run them this way or else perish you know or tau like valerian went up he deployed i think he got whapped but he deployed a banner leia or deployed a banner she minus your roles the sisters yeah the sisters were a target you had to shoot at yeah they held stuff they subtracted your psychic phase they cancelled two powers honestly god though like me not getting off miasma wasn't a problem like it it would have benefited honestly yeah but me not getting it off didn't like i didn't care what i'm saying well i mean i figured i feel like you should have because those are your your death shroud those are you yeah yeah even if because i was in the i was thinking like if i lose one or two before i get to you oh then i'm fine i still got four it was fun it was a good game it was a good game it was very good game it was a lot of shenanigans thanks everybody for coming out and watching this video if you liked it please go ahead and hit subscribe down at the bottom and give us a thumbs up for a like and then on top of that leave a comment because that helps us out yeah that's good so you 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Channel: DiceCheck
Views: 545,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 9th edition, warhammer 9th edition, custodes, adeptus custodes, death guard, custodes battle report, adeptus custodes battle report, death guard battle report, how to play custodes, how to play death guard, custodes 9th edition, adeptus custodes 9th edition, how to play adeptus custodes, death guard 9th edition, dice check, bricky, dameki, how to start custodes, how to start death guard, battlereport, battle report
Id: 1pgYwHNQvc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 7sec (6067 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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