9th Edition Warhammer 40k for Beginners. Past edition of 40k.

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hey everybody how are you guys holding up today jt mcdowell here with my good friend taiko umaga we're looking at warhammer 40k 9th edition and we're going to show you how to play today so jt we're here with play on tabletop bringing you the indomitus crusade what are you bringing today to the table ah i'm bringing the necron half of the indomitus box set 40 million years ago they went to sleep they conquered the galaxy and their awakening and they are pressuring humanity now and humanity's on the brink of destruction because the necrons have risen to reclaim the galaxy but the scions of the ultramarines are going to band together defend humanity and uh yeah bring you some real strong primaries marine action it's gonna be a lot of fun [Music] so in order to play this game you need a couple of things to start off with first thing you need is a rule book that's going to tell you where all your rules are you can buy that separately one comes in the indominus box or the basic rules are available for free to download online you'll also need dice dice are your standard six sided dice that's how everything works in the game to hit to wound all those neat things are all based on the role of a dice you'll need a measuring device of some kind so you'll need a tape measure measuring stick whatever it is that you need to measure in inches the ranges and movement of your models you're also going to need a place to play coffee table dining room table or this beautiful battle mat that we have here lastly and almost most importantly for me you need models you need a gorgeous army so you can play warmer forty thousand and in those models you have a couple of options the stuff that comes in the indominus set is what we're showcasing here today and is a fantastic way to start your hobby however there are codexes rule books for each individual army and you can add more units to your army flesh out your force and create crusading marines unstoppable necrons vehicle-bound marines necron foot soldiers necron destroyers marines and jump packs you name it you can have anything you want and all that information is going to be in that codex rulebook [Music] so within your codexes you'll find data sheets these data sheets describe the units that make up your army those units are made up of models so for a unit of bikes you'll have three models and that would be a discrete unit that moves around the table top together other times you have characters so that single model would make up a unit other times you'd have much larger unit this unit of necrons is consists of 20 warriors in the one unit every unit in warhammer has a data sheet that data sheet contains the unit's name in this case necron warriors it tells you how many models can be in that unit and their vital statistics necron warriors for example under m movement have a movement of five inches this means they can move five inches across the tabletop the second step we're gonna talk about is weapon skill that is how well necron warriors hit things in hand-to-hand combat their weapon skill is three plus that means on a roll of a d6 they need to roll a three or higher to hit their foe [Music] ballistic skill is the next stat ballistic skill for necron warriors is also a three plus this means when they shoot a target they need a three or better on a six-sided dice to effectively hit strength is a statistic that describes how hard something hits in hand-to-hand combat often weapons will have strengths under themselves that can be make them more effective at damaging things toughness is a measure of how resistant to damage a model is strength versus toughness is used to calculate if a model takes a wound or not wounds describe how much damage a model can sustain attacks are the number of attack roles that a model gets when in close combat leadership is a description of how tough a model is mentally we'll come up in the morale phase saving throw is a measure of how effective a model's armor is of staving off damage that has wounded it the necron warriors that i'll be playing have a four plus save meaning should they take a wound on a four or better on a six-sided dice i will actually ignore that wound next on the data sheet you'll find the weapons these are the weapon options that the models may have in this unit sometimes you get to choose between one or another often times it'll be chosen for you for the particular unit the two necron weapon options here are gauss flares and gauss reapers today i'm going to be playing the necron warriors with the gauss flare which is a 24 inch range which means if i'm within 24 inches i get to shoot at tycho the rapid fire type denotes a special type of weapon in this case if i'm in half range i actually get an extra shot because of the rapid fire keyword weapons will often have different keywords and those will come up as we show you how the game plays strength is a measure of how strong my gun is the armor penetration is very important because in this case it's -1 which makes tycho's saving throw of three plus on his marines go to a four plus or a minus one that denotes how strong the gauss player is at punching through armor the damage characteristic is the amount of damage it will do one wound should i successfully punch through tycho's space marine power the next section talks about abilities these are specific abilities that the necron warriors have final box we have faction keywords and keywords all right so today we are playing a incursion size game i have come here today with a really powerful 50 power level a group of combat-oriented space moons led by a captain with a relic shield this guy's gonna be hard to take down and i can't wait to throw him into the lines i'm going to be bringing the necron half of the indominus box set absolutely love the box set the necron warriors look gorgeous and can shoot a ton i'm really excited though for the scorpek destroyers they're a fantastic unit that can absolutely mince space marines up power armor means nothing to these guys backed by the scorpek destroyer lord i'm really looking forward to making some space marine sushi with these guys the next step in fighting a battle is actually choosing the type of battle you're gonna fight we've chosen open hostility annihilation that's quite the title of the mission what this does is detail what our deployment zones are and how we set up our forces so for simplicity's sake we've decided to pick a pretty straightforward mission that doesn't involve any objective markers or other forms of scoring but know that other missions within the warhammy 40 000 book have a variety of ways to win and to score points this is a very straightforward how to play this game shoot the enemy chop the enemy get at her that's what we're out here to do all right our next step is to set up the battlefield and we're going to do that now you need a place to play and we've got this beautiful battle mat from game matt eu and their fantastic fallout terrain doing better about this terrain is it comes pre-painted you don't have to do anything right out of the box you're ready to go absolutely fantastic so we've set up this is our battlefield size denoted by the size of the armies that we're playing 30 inches this way 44 this way and this is kind of our pipes give us our borders a little bit for game purposes the important thing is to decide what key words the terrain is going to get we're going to call these big structures i think they're ruins these look like barricades to me they do barricade fuel pipe absolutely and then that one is going to be industrial structure let's go armored container um because then you can climb up and on top of it but you don't get cover for standing on it because you really shouldn't because you're in the open it doesn't look like a lot of places to hide up there it doesn't really look like a lot a lot of places to fall in and get munched we're going by what gw has written in the basic rule book about what a ruin is what a barricade or fuel pipe is and what an armored container is so the specific keywords like obscuring and light cover and those kind of things are right out of the robot and now we determine the attacker and the defender here we go ha ha i am going to choose to attack i suppose i'll defend so we are playing open hostility annihilation and my deployment zone is this corner of the board 10 inches off of the center and tycho gets the opposite corner of the board so step six claire reserves reserves and transports none of us have any transport so nobody's to embark but i am gonna put my scorpek destroyers for one command point i'm gonna use strategic reserves and i'm gonna place them start them off the board they'll be able to come on on turn two or turn three and be able to come on from aboard etch not counting your home board edge i'll also spend a command point and put my eradicators into strategic reserve i don't want you being able to remove my big nasty guns off the table right away so i'm gonna put them back so now as i've chosen to attack i'm going to deploy my first unit and then you're going to deploy a unit until we run out i'm going to start with my canoptic scarabs i think the first unit i'm gonna deploy is my assault intercessors i am gonna deploy my canoptic re-animator he is gonna go back here and because this is a ruin and because i am behind it you cannot see through unless you can draw a one millimeter thick line to my base so even though there's a window here if you can't draw a straight line to my base he is going to be obscured i'm going to deploy my outriders to edge my deployments i'm going to deploy my necrons next they have a 20 man unit unit coherency is important in 40k and depending on your unit size you have certain limitations the smaller the unit the farther apart they can be for example tycho's outriders just have to be within two inches of one other model however my 20 man necron squad every model has to be within two inches of two other models my next drop is gonna be my captain he wants to make sure that my assault intercessors know where they're going i'm gonna place my scorpek destroyer lord next characters in 40k are only untargetable if they are within three inches of a unit that has more than three models or a vehicle or monster in this case my character my scorpek lord is getting protection from the wall of necron warriors in front of him my blade guard veterans will display at the edge of my deployment zone as well so my plasma answer and crypto thrall are gonna go crypto thralls are gonna go right there my blade guard ancient i'm gonna put my roll warden down so my lieutenant is gonna hang out over here with the blade guard veterans looks like an ultramarine castle my overlord is going to deploy again behind the wall of necrons my chaplain that's me completely deployed you get to deploy the rest of your stuff determine first turn all right so now down to the roll of a single dice to see who goes first best of luck tycho best of luck jt now that we've deployed and rolled for first turn we would resolve pre-battle abilities and stratagems i don't have any i'm gonna not do over bombardment off we go a warhammer player turn consists of seven phases there's the command phase where command abilities are used and you gain a command point for a battleforge army the movement phase where models are moved you choose to advance and how you move in this phase the psychic phase where your spell casters and psychic powered units can do their magic fun stuff the shooting phase where your units armed with shooting weapons and ranged weapons can target and shoot enemies the charge phase which is where you choose which units to get into combat with the fight phase which is where you fight and chop stuff up in close combat and finally the morale phase the morale phase is where you suffer battlefield losses and possible combat attrition start of the command phase get a command point so i get a command point at start of my command phase i was at six to start the game one to put my score pack destroyers into reserve and now i'm back up to six command points are used for stratagems things like overwatch or falling back if you're tied up in combat but we'll talk about more of those as they come up now during my command phase i do specific things in this case i will take my overlord and i will tell my necron warriors to my will be done that means my necron warriors are gonna get plus one to hit in both shooting and fighting ooh they're mean so from the command phase we go to the movement phase the move characteristic on my models determines how far i go i'm gonna start moving my scarabs move ten inches plus one for my overlords bonus and they fly which means i ignore intervening terrain i am floating beetle bugs around the board 11 inches these guys believe move five i'm not going to move them very far at all just going to move them to get a little protection there i don't want to get too close to you because you're really good at shooting five plus one is six i'm gonna move the canoptic reanimator i am going to advance my scorpek destroyer lord so advancing is when you take instead of moving a normal movement you add a d6 to your movement and that's how far you can travel so my scorpek destroyer lord is going to advance eight plus five 13 inches i just want to get to 18 inches of the bikes i'm just gonna move this overlord up to here that's the summation of my movement phase now we go to the psychic phase i have no cycles however the next step is psychic phase if you had psycho units librarians wizards warlocks etc now is the time that you would cast their spells use their abilities we don't have those so we can go right to the shooting phase one of the key things to pay attention to on all your data sheets are the ranges of your weapons my plasma answer has an 18 inch range however i don't want him to get too close so i'm not going to move him up my royal warden has a 24 inch range now he's well within that to shoot at tycho's intercessors so i'm happy with that placement i've chosen to advance my scorpek destroyer lord because that way i can get his taiko's bikes into range of his 18-inch weapon it's an assault weapon so i'll have a penalty to shoot it but i'll still be able to shoot it even though i've advanced normally you can't fire a weapon after you advance my necron warriors will be able to have a choice of targets as their range is 24 inches with their gauss blasters and i have my royal warden in range of your assault intercessors it's about the only thing he can shoot at so i'm going to target your assault intercessors with my royal warden it's rapid fire 2 at 24 which means i get 2 shots at 24 inches of range i need 3s to hit you i hit you once and i miss you once my strength on my weapon is 5 and your toughness is 4. my strength is higher than your toughness but let's take a minute to explain exactly what that means to everybody watching when a strength and toughness characteristic are equal you have a 50 50 chance of wounding your target that means a four or up on a d6 that means a four up on a d6 exactly if my strength is four and your toughness is four i need a four if my strength is six and your toughness is six i need a four if it's even it's 50 50. if i'm stronger than you are tough it's easier for me to wound you so if i'm strength five and your toughness four i get a plus one to wound three or better if i'm strength double your toughness however then i actually wound you on a two or better because i'm more double or more than your toughness with my strength that means the only way i'm failing to wound you is on a one conversely it goes the other way as well so if my toughness is higher than your strength five or higher to wound something that is of higher toughness if i have double the toughness of your strength then you need a six to wound me so it can be very difficult to wound large structures high toughness monsters and vehicles so i hit you once with my royal warden and i'm strength five versus your toughness of four that means you need a three and i failed with a one i'm gonna fire my scorpic lord at your outrider bikes 18 inch range i'm within range and my weapon is an assault 2d3 blast now blast was really good against big units but against a 3-man unit it doesn't get the bonuses if you had say a 10 man unit i would actually get a minimum number of shots with my blast weapon i'm gonna fire three four times total at your unit so normally you'd be hit trying to go for twos but you advanced meaning that you can still shoot your assault weapons but at a minus one so you hit me on threes so i get four shots from my scorpek lord i'm normally ballistic skill two but as we said i advance so i minus one to hit which puts me hitting you on threes are better but because i'm a destroyer and i hate everything hardwired hatred i re-roll once so on threes oh two sixes and two ones well we couldn't get farther end of the spectrum typical play on dice i reroll the ones because of the destroyer so i get four hits now my weapon is strength six what's the toughness on your bikes if this is five meaning you're holding me on facebook i'm moving you on three so how many wounds do i get so i've rolled two wounds i wound you on threes my two doesn't wound but because i hate everything i also reroll my one to wound and it doesn't matter so i've wounded you twice these are both at ap one which means your three up save is gonna be a four or better and they'll do one damage each to your outrider biker so i need a four or higher to stop these wounds from hurting my bikes two threes that's not gonna help me at all i've taken two wounds i get to pick as the receiver of my wounds which of my models take these wounds but because i am a multi-wound model i have to take all the wounds i'm taking on one particular model until he is dead now i've got my necron warriors left one of the key things to remember is if you can't tell what you can shoot at get down to the table and look i'm looking at what my necron warriors can see and well it's not a ton i'm going to shoot 10 guys into the bikes i'm going to shoot four guys into the bladeguard vets and i'm going to shoot six guys into the assault intercessors sounds good so that's how my shots are gonna break up so let's start with the bikes four eight ten shots now they were the benefits of my will be done so they will be hitting you on twos effective very effective i hit you a lot i'm strength four it's five two five so i need fives to wound you ooh there's a few fires i get one two three wounds minus one ap so you'll go to a four or better safe or better save my bikes oh look at that i rolled pretty well there i got two saves one wound gets through that means my bike is still alive oh and i did not kill a bike well that's too bad now the four guys are shooting into your blade guard veterans targeting them three hits strength four toughness four or five so i'm warning you on fours i get no wounds oh that's [ __ ] yes six shots into the assault intercessors there you go i hit all six times thank you my will be done moving on forward winning on force because toughness four now i'm ap one but you are getting cover so that means that there's no effective into my armor i'd still move saving on a three or three or better so i have failed twice on this particular armor safe and that means that i lose an intercessor because they have two wounds a piece two wounds each so this guy here dies that is the end of my shooting phase now we go on to the charge phase during the charge phase you can declare charges on any units that are within 12 inches you have to be able to reach the unit that you charge so i have an option here to charge your assault intercessors i would need a 12 but i know that nine assault intercessors against six canoptic scarab swarms is a definite loss for me so i don't think i'm gonna charge that means we go from charge face to assault phase because nothing is with engagement range engagement range being one inch from an enemy model there is no fighting we go right to the morale phase i have taken a loss which means that i need to take morale check for the unit that has taken the loss so i roll a d6 and add to it the number of models that i lost my leadership is eight nine because i get plus one for my general which is right back here and that means that the total of two is not higher than my leadership i don't fail my morale test i don't have to take combat attrition i'm okay my space marines are stalwart so that's the end of my turn um i don't kill any units this turn uh i do some wounds but i killed a single model tycho onto your turn one sir all right my turn one starts with like a man phase so i generate a command point for being a battleforge armor so mine back up to six commandants i have a litany of hate to sing with my chaplain which he succeeds on a three or higher he succeeds important to note how tycho is moving his bikes only infantry swarms and beasts can move through ruins that's what the breachable keyword is referring to and despite me wanting to have cover from your nasty nasty guns i need to engage you quickly so i'm just going to get as far forward as i can all right that's as far forward as i can get without advancing oh movement is done do you have a psychic phase i don't none of my guys have the psychic keyword or any psychic powers so that's it for the psychic phase moving on to shooting so i'm gonna shoot with my outriders they have rapid fire two weapons that have a range of 30. my strength is four your toughness is four meaning i need fours meaning i wounded you a grand total of one time oh that's an unfortunate so i need a five or better to save i get a five i'm all good eight of them can see this crypto thrall uh they're near enough to their captain to reroll their ones two misses so i need fives to wound luckily i'm pretty slick in rule three there i get to remove my one for my lieutenant i believe yes i do oh look at that so four wounds at minus one so four wounds at minus one three four i'm still within three inches of that barricade so i'm gonna get a plus one on my save so again plus one minus one i'm gonna be on three upsides look at that oh so that's actually gonna kill a crypto thrall but i think i'm gonna use a command point to reroll one of my failed saving tools i have six command points i'm gonna use one of them so one is gonna fail for sure and i need a three or better to keep him alive and i don't i spend my command point and i still lose a crypto thrall so moving right along i'm going to head to my charge phase to the charge phase all right sir right so i need an 8 or higher on 2d6 to make this charge i cannot choose to overwatch because scarab swarms don't shoot oh look at that it's a 7 but i don't like that 7. i have a command dice left so i'm going to head down to five command points and here's the key because you're choosing to re-roll a charge test you have to roll both dice there it is a 10. all right so that charge was successful and re-rolled and you don't have a re-roll again i am out of rerolls for this charge phase we'll see how far i can get with my bikers okay so you're gonna declare a charge on my necron warriors that's right i am going to overwatch overwatch now overwatch is a stratagem it'll cost me a command point and every one of my warriors gets to shoot you as if it were the shooting phase the only difference is i only hit you on sixes so i'm gonna have 19 warriors firing at your bikes i'm under 12 inches away with my unit in rapid fire range doubles my shots from rapid fire one to two so i get 38 shots 38 shots i hit you four times i'm strength four you're toughness five i wound you once so one ap one against your bikers oh no and i can't we roll that it's during my charge phase i've already used my command reroll that's true sadly that means i lose a bike model one bike i did kill a bike now i get to try and actually sync this charge home six inch charge not a whole lot it doesn't mean that i can't probably move away far enough away to get away from your scorpek board who's going to have a heroic intervention move which i'm a little worried about that six was actually a pretty bad roll on my side and does leave me within three inches even if i scoot over my blade guard veterans have an off chance of being able to make it through all this terrain and actually engage they will go for a hail mary i need a full box cars a 12 roll here a heroic charge from blade guard veterans it's close but not close enough sadly they fail and that means that i don't move at all that would be the end of my charge phase i don't get to move anything else i get to do a heroic intervention heroic intervention happens when a unit is within three inches of a character and that character is not already in engagement range if you'd rolled farther you would have got away but he is going to heroically intervene into the bikes that means i'll get to fight your bike to do a fight i first i start with my pile in move which means i can move three inches before fighting so over here this is an account for a lot it's gonna allow me to get way more intercessors into the actual fight by hopping over these barricades now you can fight through barricade so a pilot move allowed my entire unit to get with an engagement range i have nine intercessors on the charge here all right so i'm going to start with my assault intercessor sergeant he has three attacks right out of the box he has an astartes chain sword which adds another attack he also has angels of death which means that he he's charging or has been charged or a heroic intervening he gets an extra attack so he alone is going to dish out five attacks into these swarms here he goes he only hits three times my strength is four can optic scarab swarm is toughness three that means i wound you on threes look at that three wounds fantastic circus chain sword is minus one ap my canopic scarabs have a six up safe [Laughter] so that's you're just gonna that basically chained up good wound remains four wounds a piece for these swarms four wounds a piece for the canopic sailors form yeah so 11 moons total so 4 5 9 10 11. all right i've already fought meaning now i get to choose to consolidate which you have to do towards the nearest enemy model alright so next i'm going to pick my next charger here's my bikes ah i'm going to spend two command points of my remaining four to take me down to two to choose to interrupt during the fight phase the way this works is because you've already declared an active fighting unit after you've declared a unit to fight i can spend two command points to interrupt with one of my units to then fight you before you get to fight again again can only happen once and i'm gonna choose the scorpek destroyer lord but why because those bikes scare me so because i spent the command points i'm gonna go big or go home i'm gonna hit you with my hyper phase harvester so it gives me strength plus two on his natural strength of six so i'm hitting it's a strength eight weapon it's ap4 and it's a flat three damage but i might just want to hit you i normally would hit you on twos but i minus one to hit because of the weapon so now i'm hitting you on threes however i'm a destroyer lord i re-roll once so hitting you on threes oh my is it hit strength eight versus toughness five on the bikes is threes re-rolling the ones because i'm a destroyer lord oh so i do flat three damage and flat three damage all at ap minus four minus four means that i don't get an armor save no you don't so i'm gonna get the rolling dice there and i take a total of six damage to my unit you can't overflow so you kill off my not sergeant i've got a lone bike sergeant he has three attacks base he gets an extra attack for us to start his chainsaw he gets a further extra attack for angel's death and finally he gets two extra attacks for devastating charge for being an outrider so that's seven attacks on the charge here he comes chopping up necron warriors wholesale i'm so glad i killed the other look at those ones where's his captain when he needs so ap one my necron warriors have a four up save which means i'm on five up i save them i save two and i fail one i'm okay with that i will take out a necron warrior and that's all your charger sir that's it so then i'm gonna get to fight back with my necron warriors so i've got nine necron warriors that can fight back against your your primaris outrider sergeant i get one wound on any tycho no armor penetration value that means i get a three up that's a two i take a wound actually i'll use a command strategy i'm here to reroll that because i can it's near the end of my phase a three that'll do it they have four attacks each any sixes will automatically wound you to hit because feet are mandibles so i need fives so that is going to be a total of three wounds against your intercessor assault squad saving me on three ups so i took a wound you took a wound you're in the back the morale phase uh i have lost enough of my bikers this round to get a plus two to my roll actually that means with my leadership of eight i still can't fail you still can't fail i lost two necrons and because of the plus one to the leadership from my overlord my necrons don't have to test either i lost three of my canopic scarab swarms which normally you would think they'd need to test for morale but as their leadership 10 i cannot roll a seven on a six-sided dice i have tried to roll seven on a six-sided dice but it doesn't work so again nobody has to roll morale at this point that takes us to the end of the first turn all right all right turn two turn two so turn to my command phase first thing i do get a command point my royal warden is going to use his adaptive strategy ability to allow my necron warriors to fall back and still shoot and charge if they choose to intense my overlord is going to use his command ability to give them my will be done i get one back and i don't get one back he's just got to be placed in coherency with the rest of the models movement face so start of my moon phase i'm going to move my royal warden i'm going to move my crypto thrall just about an inch away so i can't fail a charge and i move my plasma answer a couple inches away all right so now my necron warriors because of the adaptive strategy are able to fall back and they'll still be able to shoot that's my lord he's going to move up to here reserves so it's the second turn which means i can bring my reserves on from any table edge except in your deployment zone i have all three of my destroyers as well as their plasma site to come in so nine inches from these guys that puts me all the way back here so i'm gonna go there plasma site's gonna hide there he's going to go there and this guy's going to bring up the backside my plasma answers harbinger of destruction ability unit with an 18 that's closest which is your assault intercessors on a 4 up you take mortal wounds so that unit takes three mortal wounds oh shitty ouchity ouch i don't get any saves against that so my royal warden is going to shoot two times into your blade guard veterans i hit you twice i'm strength five i do not wound you so strength forward t4 is on four so there's one two three four five six seven eight wounds sir eight wounds ap1 so i am a blade guard veteran i have a storm shield three wounds we need a stratagem that costs one command point to reroll one of these ones hopefully save myself a great guard veteran i'm gonna have two wounds off i'm gonna declare a charge with my overlord into your primaris outrider nine inches all right so i'm gonna charge my crypto thrall into the assault intercessors i hopefully can make it look at that i can and now to get within an inch of you yeah that's a big charge i need at least a 10 to reach with my destroyers otherwise they're gonna stand there and do nothing so here we go oh i failed i'm gonna spend a command point on the stratagem to re-roll eleven all right so start of the fight phase before i declare who's activating i have to declare whether i want to inject tainted energy into my scorpex on a d6 i roll if i get a one it actually kills one of them so my destroyers are going to have an extra attack and plus one strength so i have two weapon profiles inside this unit there's the threshers and then there's the reap blade so i'm going to do the hyper phase reblade first just because it's so fun i hit you on threes oh i only hit you twice i don't want to spend any command points to reroll that and i rolled twos so strength 8 versus toughness four i need twos so that's two at ap4 and flat three damage so i'm just going to kill these two so i'm moving you on threes oh only three wounds at ap three flat two though so sixes how much uh two so it'll kill one guy three attacks from my overlord hitting you on twos i hit you twice i'm at strength seven versus toughness five so on threes to wound i'm gonna command point re-roll that that two becomes a four two wounds at a p three d three damage each of them i believe d3 damage is three wounds on your bike sir he's got one moon left well i hit you eight times look good lord i'm strength six uh no bonus on my strength uh so i'm winning on threes okay rerolling once okay look at that well thank you you get to make eight ap one saving throws so if i roll four or higher if he runs eight fours [Laughter] oh this party almost does failed twice sadly that my bike sergeant has been destroyed i've taken quite a few losses on my intercessors five in fact this round meaning i got a plus five bonus to my role and i need to come under my eight leadership so i'm not particularly confident that i'm gonna use a stratagem cost me two command points that is insane bravery this means that i just don't have to roll and they're going to stand there and keep fighting this is the only opportunity i'm going to get to use this stratagem it says particularly in the strategy myself it's usable only once per game clan face i'm gonna gain one command point back sing a lot with my chaplain la la so these two guys advance they won't be shooting and they will not be charging but everybody else is available to do so at the end of my movement phase i am going to bring on my strategic reserves so i'm going to bring them right here uh-oh i have eradicators oh do you ever and eradicators eradicate things i am going to empty the unit because if i declare only one target for my shooting phase with all of my models in my unit i get to shoot twice so i'm gonna do that oh not too beautiful only four hit okay i have a strength of eight you have a toughness of six six so i'm wounding you on threes i'm going to use a command rerule three roll my two because i want lots of wounds on this guy sure that means that all wounds get through at minus minus four four wounds at minus four oh that punches my armor completely but he has what's called an invulnerable save and an invulnerable save is a flat save that doesn't get negated by armor penetration value it's oh lordy oh and i failed three i need to try to make him live so i'm gonna re-roll with my last command point so i'm out i need to make a four or better to save and i do so two of them go through now i am within a foot meaning that i actually get to roll two dice for damage and pick my favorite why's that because i'm a melted weapon so for the first one six damage down he goes that's gonna kill him so you don't even need to roll the wounds for the second damage so my scorpic lord is dedicated who did some work and heroically intervened is definitely eradicated those four guys who are in combat because they have pistols can shoot in combat crypto thrall i'll hit uh two two wounds and i have a three up armor save what's the uh what's the ap so i need a four or better to save and i failed and i'm out of command points so my crypto thrall is dead i am blam my first charge will be my judiciar that's only a five but he didn't need it so any gums charge with my bladeguard veterans into your warriors and again no overwatch nope lieutenant eight that's a worthy charge we'll go straight up over here to give the captain a clean winner got a queen run two he needs an eight does he make it a three i'm going to use my command point reroll here that's an eight that does it yes sir in we go i'm gonna heroically intervene with my plasma answer to get into range of your assault intercessors judiciary is attacking your overlord four wounds on you and i make two four damage i think i have one wound left uh blade guard veterans have three attacks based they have angels of death they have four sergeant um ends up with five so that's going to be 13 total because i'm within six inches of my ancient i get plus one so i'm hitting you on twos because i'm within six inches of my chaplain i get to re-roll one two three four five six seven necrons uh captain has five attacks base six in the charge i believe so four moons minus three two piece four ones minus three two damage each two damage each so i'm gonna kill one destroyer and then the destroyer that is in base with the intercessors has one wound remaining the lieutenant uh has four base attacks five on the charge five rules five wounds so the first one it's gonna kill that destroyer so we'll move him out of the way and then the last four i need sixes he's dead and i think that is the end of the fight phase so i lost eight necron warriors that turn my leadership is ten plus one from my overlord is eleven so that means if i roll a four five or six i'm gonna suffer the effects of morale oh so i suffer the effects of morale i lose one model automatically so this guy cannot be reanimated so he's well and truly deed and now i have to roll attrition so i have 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i'm not under half my starting value so i need to roll for every model remaining in the unit and on a 1 that model 2 will flee because of combat attrition had i been under half on a one or a two i would actually lose more models so i have ten models remaining two three four five six seven eight nine ten on any ones these guys i lose more models i'm okay good thing i wasn't under half i would have lost more so that's all i lose for the morale phase in the second turn exactly what i thought was going to happen the moment you got to grips with my lines you started to munch the crap out of me i think you're in a really good place now if i can get some reanimation back if i can get these back up and then i can shoot you enough i think i can hold you off but i'm really in tough with my overlord there he's gonna have to get out of there i'm in a tough spot and the marines are definitely in a good spot i think to take this what do you think tycho i think that the second round has shown that uh yeah once i've got to grips i'm able to do must do some damage take out a serious threat on this side and a serious threat on this side i think i'm in a good position to to move in at the same time you can reanimate and move your unit back and do a a lot of damage there uh we'll see how this plays out but i feel pretty confident that i've taken the center of the map i'm showing the crusade off and using power swords to their full effect are you ever [Laughter] in a mumma phase he's going to do on four ups they take more wounds uh take two more wounds to the intercessors i'm gonna shoot him at the uh at the judiciary everything hits three wounds um ap two i think like a boss like a boss i had to play guard two hits two wounds and then it's warriors he lives i'm gonna charge the blade guard with the canopic reanimator four inches i'm good flip warriors are gonna charge your gcr five fail across the span point reroll they're in yeah the start of the fight phase everybody within six of him on a four up takes mortals starting here he takes a mortal wound he does not assault intercessors do not blade guard takes a mortal wound so kills a blade guard at the start of the face you're not lucky okay [Music] well i hit twice it twice and once ap ridiculous actually i'll use a command point to re-roll so two wounds nope damage oodles blade guard champ will charge your batman yep i really hope that this helps you learn how to play the game of 40k it's a fantastic good time we've had a great time showing it to you we're very happy to kick off 9th edition 40k with the indominus box set and its contents we had a lot of fun filming this we hope you enjoyed watching and hope you learned something until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim dark universe play on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 1,263,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: taUqZCiijvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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