What's The Best Grocery Store Salsa? Taste Test

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Eh, this lady ain't my cup o' tea.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/bluebledthesea 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Link made a new friend.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

That girl on this episode made it hard to watch. She was annoying and ate with her mouth wide open. Nasty.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/TheTurdSmuggler 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good morning everyone!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I hadn't heard of Eva before but I really liked her so am going to see what her channel is like.

GMMore was really good with the hole digging and good humour around it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KitnKalamity 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

She was pretty cool. But all those salsas were trash, Mrs. Renfo's makes some tasty mild stuff and some that are real hot (some of them are comically hot). There's other good ones too I'm sure, but those old time standards have really fallen off

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SubbyZ510 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Homemade is the way to go. r/SalsaSnobs

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GaryNOVA 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I knew I recognised her! She's the literally my life girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqDVIu689ow

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/toastynotroasty 📅︎︎ May 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why didn’t they guess the brand?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Emerald_Rain4 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Which salsa should you dip your chip in? - Let's talk about that. (groovy electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Joining us today is the Eva in My life As Eva, YouTuber extraordinaire Eva Gutowski. Welcome to the show! - Hello! You have to clear something out of your throat? (Rhett grunting) - He's like-- - Welcome to the show, Eva. - You need to clear your throat too? - No I'm good, I still have my-- ♪ Let me clear my throat ah-na-ah-na-ah-na ugh ♪ - I still have my youth in me. - Oh you think it's 'cause I'm an old man. - Oh that's what it is. (laughs) She got you. - I gotta clear my throat. Okay. - Eva saw me this morning-- - Let's change the subject from my voice-- - She was like what happened to your hair? - I swear last time I saw you, your hair was not gray at all. - Yeah. - Yeah, well it's been awhile. - He aged like a president. - Yeah. (Link grunting forcefully) - YouTube's really got ya stressed. (Link grunts) - Oh, you wanna get into that? - Okay how do you feel about salsa? - You know, salsa and I have a love-hate relationship. If it's spicy, I love it but if it's like mole salsa-- - Oh. - Okay. - I can't do mole, I'm sorry. - Okay well no mole here. - But I do like salsa. - All right so you're opinionated, I think that's good for what we're gonna do. Of course Cinco de Mayo's comin' up so that means if you didn't pay your rent you're four days late. - Yeah. - But it also means-- - Uh-oh. - In that love-hate relationship you gotta skew towards love because lots of salsa is gonna be consumed. - Yeah, yeah. - So we are gonna determine the best salsa that you can get off the shelves right now. It's time for we're prepared-ay to taste this verde. We want to know-ha what's the best roja? Hey former California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, we're about to name the best picante. (chuckling) That's about as political as we get around here. - Okay here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna be tasting salsas blindly, we're not gonna know what they are but the brands we'll be tasting in no particular order are: Frontera, Tostito's, Newman's Own, La Victoria, Pace, and Whole Foods 365. - You sure that's not Pachay? - Well you wanna call it Pachay? - No, Passay, Passay? - Pace. - Pace. - Like paso doble. - I don't know, I don't know. We're gonna rank them each on a scale of one to 10. That's the only thing I do know. We're gonna combine our scores and then in the end, we will crown the best salsa and that salsa will win a kiss from each of us. - Oh that's weird. - I don't know about his throat clearing. Maybe he goes last. - I'm not sick! - Kisses last. - I'm just like-- - Okay, and for the purpose of consistency, we're gonna be using all chunky mild variations. No mole. - And no spicy. - That is what is the best-selling flavor on Amazon. All right let's salsa. - [Rhett and Link] Round one. - All right we've got what we don't know brand here and I don't know what chips these are either but they will be consistent. And again even though you may like spicy, the mild is the best-selling and we can focus on the taste and then infer that spice would only help. - Hmm. - Hmm. - It's a pretty thin salsa. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, they may say it's chunky but-- - [Link] Sure let's double dip. - [Rhett] I found a chunk. - This is giving me like college frat party vibes. - Is that a good thing? - I mean not frat, like frat barbecue. - Frat barbecue, a little inebriated perhaps. But not too much. - No. - It does feel a little cheap, doesn't it? - Yeah it feels like a college student picked that up to be nice. - Which is I guess why I love it. - And now they can't afford their textbooks. - I do, I like it, I like it. - I like it. - Ain't nothing wrong with it but-- - It wasn't bad. - Nothing's really, it's not making a statement. - It's super simple, it's a little thin for me. There's nothing horrible about it. I'm gonna give it a six on a scale of one to 10. - I as well, six. - Oh! - I would give it a four. - Ooh. - Okay, a little salsa critic. - I'll give it a five, I'll give it a five. - No hey hey-- - No give it a four. Stick with a four. - Go with your instinct. - I mean it's not bad, it's not learning towards bad, it's just really not special. - But you wanted to say four. Don't let us influence you. - Four. - There we go. - All right four. - [Rhett] And that's a total of 16. - [Rhett and Link] Round two. - Look at this one, it's got some chunk to it. - This one's looking better. - Yeah, definitely chunkier. - [Rhett] Oh that looks nice and thick. Doesn't drip back into the-- - Oh look at that, it holds on the chip nice. - Your chip's not holding together very well though. - Oh, very salty, oh. - I would say tangier than the previous. - It's pungent. - Yeah. - Oh I like that. - So where the other one lacked a punch, this one's making up the difference. Givin' you more to experience which brings my score up. But the taste is kinda the same. It's like a punchier version of the previous, I don't know. - It's like they just added tons of salt to the old one. - It's still salsa. - I don't know. I have no clue what it is, it doesn't taste like Newman. - This is La Victoria. - What does Newman taste like? - Newman's tastes like-- - I'll know it when I taste it. - But Newman's like, it's got that this is all going to charity vibe. - Oh really? - (chuckles) You know what I'm saying? - Newman's gives me like white people buying salsa and they are scared that it's gonna have a little too much kick to it. - (chuckles) You right. (Link chuckles) You right. - This one's La Victoria. - I'm gonna give it a seven 'cause I'm just gonna inch it up the scale. - A seven? - I didn't love it that much. - I'm gonna give it a five. - I really like this one. - Really? - I may have to readjust my scale, but I'm giving this an eight. I reserve the right to go above 10 in another round. - [Link] Well I think that brings us to a 20. - [Rhett and Link] Round three. - Uh-oh. - Look, now this one is just so red. - It's ketchup. Which incidentally, when we went to London, we were given salsa and they gave us ketchup with onions in it. - Ew. - Go ahead. - So let's-- - This looks like it comes in a giant industrial-sized tub. - Yeah, this is one of the ones that comes in like a Arizona tea jug. - Oh my God, it actually smells like the ketchup. - Oh wow. - Yeah. - I really, guys, I have like a phobia of ketchup. Like I actually do. - Well I don't like tomatoes but ketchup's fine with me. You're scared of ketchup? - Yeah. - It's not that much different than salsa. - This is brave for me. - No but you're right. - All right. - Looks just like ketchup. - [Rhett] This has a very ketchup-y taste. - Oh no no no. - It's a very, this tastes like London salsa. - All right. - Is Tostito's in London? - Oh my God, it tastes like if you order at a restaurant kid's spaghetti and this is what comes on it. - Yeah. (Link chuckles) I give it a two, it's horrible. - This is horrible, this is-- - I wanna say one but you never know, it could get worse. - Now you thought the last one was La Victoria, but I'm pretty sure this is it. - Really? - Yeah. I'm givin' it a two as well. - I'm gonna give it a two. - That's a bad salsa, y'all. - [Link] And that's a total of six. - [Rhett and Link] Round four. - Oh look, I can see things in this. - [Eva] This one looks nice. - [Rhett] It's also darker, doesn't look like ketchup. I see actual seeds in there. - Seeds? - That's good. - Like seeds from things. - And look, I see onions. - Seeds is not good, is it? - I like seeds, you're not a seed man? - I like seeds. - And it's chunky. - See this is really confusing me now 'cause throughout all the brand names, this looks good and I just don't know which one it is. - It's darker. Let's see if the taste is spooky. - Kinda sweet, why is it sweet? - Man, it looks great. It does not taste good. - Why's it sweet? - It's really sweet but-- - It's also spicy. - It's spicy. The seeds. - Yeah, yeah. For this to be a mild to be this spicy, boy, I'd hate to meet spicy on the street. Hello, my name is Spicy, ooh. - I really-- - That's how the conversation would go. I would say ooh. (chuckles) - It tastes fakey at the beginning. - Yeah, it gets better as you keep going. - I do appreciate the effort they put into the spice. It looks good, it ends good, the middle is real bad. - Three. - It's like my life. - I'm gonna give this a six. - Oh you like this one kinda? - I mean-- - You like spicy. - Yeah, but the sweet is just no. - I'm going with a three. - Yeah. - Three. - That brings us to a total of-- - 12. Round five. - Here it is. - Wow. This one's got like little, like black things in it like it burnt some peppers in there which that's good. - [Eva] That looks nice. - It's also very, very bright. - It's like a restaurant experience. - This is like a nice one, like a homemade restaurant one. I'm gonna get a little black thing in my chip. - It smells like tomato sauce though. - Oh it does. - Just straight up Boyardee. - It does, it smells like canned soup. - No. There's a smokiness to it. You know me. I'm a smoky man, I like a smoky plan. - Oh there's the smokiness but it's too sweet. - You (chuckles), I don't taste sweetness at all. - Really? - I only taste the smoky. It's like someone just-- - Going in again. - It almost tastes water-- - Smoked a cigarette and just infused it. (inhales) - Does it almost taste watery with a little smoky, like smoky water? - Yeah it's like a damp cigarette. - Hold on but just give ti a chance for a second 'cause a lot of people like, for me being one, like that smokiness of a, I don't know what it is. It's almost like a Chipotle. I think there's a strong Chipotle flavor in there. - It's like a tomato mezcal. - Tastes like you made Chef Boyardee, dipped a cigarette in it-- - With some mezcal. - It's not my favorite, I gave an eight to my, it's not as good as the one that I said was the best. I like the smokiness but other than that-- - Are you going big? - It's not doing, I'm going with a seven. - Okay. - So pretty good but not incredible. - I don't like smoky. Unless it's with the bandit. (chuckles) so I'm gonna give this, I gotta give this a two as well. I just don't like it. - Oh come on. - I'm giving this a three. - [Rhett] And that brings us to 12. - [Rhett and Link] Round six. - Now this one has little black little checks in it. I don't know if that's pepper or-- - [Link] Black checks? - You know, black spots, and this might mean that-- - You said that about all of 'em almost. - No, the last two. - Oh gosh, what's happened? - You lost your chip in there. - I'm like, I'm like-- - Oh! - This is so chunky, look how chunky it is. - This one smells like tomato sauce too. - Man. I would have never thought that salsas could be so different. - This one is very, almost sour, am I right? - There's something strange happening here. - Why are you laughin'? You think I'm just makin' this up? - I just don't know what this is. - Oh, this is Newman. Newman in a jar. - And then it almost fizzles out with no taste whatsoever. - Yeah it really is so mild on the end. - On the end of it it's like you just got saucy water. - You're like was I eating salsa? - This is the last one and we've been really hard on these salsas, like nothing has met our standard of salsas, like what are we doing? - This is a no. - I could still eat the whole bowl. - I'm actually fine with this one. - And that goes with all of them. - No I can't. - This reminds me how much I don't think about the food that I'm eating whenever I'm at a party, I'm just like. Somebody's like, you know, that was actually dog turds. Oh! (Link chuckles) It was in a salsa bottle. - No matter what salsa ultimately shows up at the party, I'm gonna be eating that salsa. - Right, you acclimate to the salsa. - Yeah yeah. - I give it a six. - I give it a five. - I like it. - Give it a five. - I give it a four. There's no taste in that. - That's a 15. And Stevie? - [Stevie] Okay so if we come in-- - What does that bring us overall? - [Stevie] The weird thing is, if this had been a brand guessing game, Link, you're on it for some reason. Like you were gettin' it. But the salsa-- - Victoria, Newman. - [Stevie] To shun is La Victoria. You guys gave that a six. - Show that La Victoria, guys, toss it over here. - Yeah that was real bad. - [Stevie] But you're gonna be kissin' up on the Tostito's brand salsa-- - Really? - [Stevie] 'Cause you gave that a score of 20. - Boom, so worst and best. I think you wanted La Victoria to be good, so you can have that. - Ew! - But see, it is watery. - Was this the one that was like tomato salsa? - Yep. - Yeah. - Gross. - Congratulations Tostito's. You are the winner, and let's kiss it. You wanna go first 'cause of, well-- - Oh gosh, oh my gosh. - I couldn't see it from my angle but-- - Well she used her tongue. - All right. I guess I'll use mine too. (Eva squeals) (Rhett laughs) I used to do that to the shower wall in middle school. - Uh I'm just gonna find the bottom and give it a little peck. - All right be sure to check out Eva's channel My Life As Eva on YouTube. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - She's knows what's up. (Rhett laughs) - Hi I'm Rick. - And I'm Lauren. - And we're at Chichen Itza, Mexico. - And it's-- - [Both] Time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Chichen Itza. - Yeah! Click the top link to watch us rate bad trendy fashion in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Hey hun, would it be a sin not to get one of our pins? Mythical and GMM enamel pins, now available at Mythical.store.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,243,054
Rating: 4.6486006 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 15, Bottled Salsa Taste Test, Eva Gutowski, taste test, salsa taste test, gmm taste test, rhett and link taste test, good mythical morning taste test, eva gutowski gmm, good mythical morning eva gutowski, gmm salsa taste test, salsa, best salsa, my life as eva, blind taste test, gmm rank, eva gutowski videos, eva gutowski guest, eva gutowski vlogs, mylifeaseva, lifeaseva
Id: IaqqKiky0nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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