What's My Line? - Tyrone Power; Wally Cox [panel] (Mar 27, 1955)

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time now for everybody's favorite guessing game what by line 45 new stop at America's leading spray deodorant now with its anti immunity factor poof there goes perspiration now let's all play what my line and all let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first the popular Broadway columnist Miss Dorothy Kilgallen and tonight if fred allen who was sitting on my left looks a little different than usual it's because he's made up to look like mr. peepers and here he is now Wally Cox and on my left the most charming and newest deputy sheriff of Jefferson County Texas Arlene Francis just be careful long wallet and on my left the distinguished publisher of Random House among whose books are those of the very well-known dr. Seuss those amusing fascinating books and he has to be here in our audience Bennett Cerf now my left are fantastically sometimes displaying ly articulate news moderator and panel moderator John Chow good evening and welcome to What's My Line tonight we have some very fine folks with some very fine occupations to give the panel what we hope will be a difficult time of it we say this in the friendliest of spirits needless to say we'll also have a famous guest challenger a bit later but I think it's time to get these experts to work on the first line that has to be spotted so would you sign in please sir Charles Charles Hume that right sir are you mr. Hume fine where you from sir from desplaines Illinois DesPlaines Illinois I'm glad you're here now I know how to pronounce that name and not that my skull caved in when I run into it in the news well our panel over there would like to get a chance to look you over as it were so will you take a hike down on the plains over there YUM hello sir that's a nice boat alright mr. Hume if you'll come over here now please and sit down next to me we give the panel one free guess as to what your line may be see if they can just sort of pluck it out of thin air as it were and we'll begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallon I think he's a saxophone player a saxophone player mr. Cox hey razor blades distributer razor blades distributor miss Frances I think he manufactures made-up bow ties mr. sir I mr. Hume wrote home Hume sweet Hume I'm sorry about that but no nobody has it right well let our viewers at home have a further look at mr. Charles Hume of desplaines Illinois at the same time we'll tell them what his line do you know how we score this ruckus you're well aware I all right we'll just announce then that mr. Hume is self-employed and let's begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen mr. Hume the audience seemed terribly pleased at your occupation do you usually make people happier more entertained in some way yes do deal in services yes all right let us go at services actually mr. Hume is self-employed there is an element of service that is rather vital in this category so we let it go well you deal in a product yes is it a product that would be found in the home yeah is it used by both sexes yes are they people type sexes yes those who use it if it were found in the home and it were the ordinary suburban two-story house would you find it on both stories or could you find it yes is it something other than an edible product yes is it ever worn no small country don't you wish you could hear him yes mr. Hugh agrees that giving full consideration to the difficulties which face the panel every evening we should not unnecessarily mislead you no we will give what you say well it after we were getting the night off you get there give you a yes to that if it's ever worn we would say yes but it can is it a useful product yeah can it be considered useful when it's not worn yes yes sometimes actually I mean there it's like an occasional thing perhaps and it's useful and it could not be useful and you know it would depend pretty much on your context I don't Claire does yeah if company came would it ever be lying around in plain view would they be likely to remark upon it yes yes would it be a little unusual to find it in the average home yes would you say that I might get along nicely without having one is this something that's alive yes is it in the animal family rather than the Fisher bird yes does it have four legs yes ooh is it bigger than a hamster yes is it bigger than a dog no no I don't think we can sit in on a general category that's one down and 9 to go mr. Cox well you were doing so so Ally you you perform some service for something that's bigger than a hamster speaking you could say that mr. Hume does perform a service for something bigger than a hamster it has four legs in it and it can be worn okay well what has four legs and it's worn every day well lab you you you a service this sytem man your own establishment do you in your own establishment yeah good I thought you thought it was a funny question well just when it's a there's no it's am I right in assuming that our recalling that it is not always worn yeah yes the question was asked be warned and we with some reluctance admitted that it could be yes I see can it be walked on as mr. Hume said it's a possibility I see well then most things can be walked on and I don't know the husband husbands don't have four legs I was ready with that fact or I came well I give up when you say it can be worn I presume that you mean that the skin or the fur on some part of it the pelt might be worn but when it's alive at Israeli one correct and it is unusual to have this in the house yeah right can any part of this animal be eaten no now wait a minute I think here again we've got an area I would not like to say categorically that any part of this animal cannot be eaten because I'm not sufficiently waiting who might eat it if they were hungry well you're some elements other elements and human elements might consider it a satisfactory diet well is it an animal that one might ever see in a circus yes would you no no I got your cord this is out in Illinois sure you could uh is it does it belong to the cat family No the Puma here goes daily two down and eight to go I would say definitely not and I think we're right about that right all right 2.8 to go miss Tiana I just have a few one more minute mr. Jung if you stepped on this animal would the animal be likely to give out some kind of an odor that you didn't like am i approaching a skunk in some way that's right you have something to do with skunks yeah what do you do deodorize them well actually that's one of the things that he might do we want the general classification he's a skunk raiser let the Hillary flip some cards because that was a very interesting wanted panel congratulations for getting it now let's see what you can do with another challenger would you sign in please sir max max Fleischman right there where are you from Brooklyn New York Brooklyn New York nice to have a neighbor with us sir thank you these folks are your neighbors but they still would like to get a look at you so will you take a hike down there in that night - how are you ten anything all right mr. Fleishman over here now if you will and sit down next to me and we give the panel one free guess as to what your line may be we begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen well you look like a super salesman of something to me paints miniature portraits miss Frances I think mr. Fleishman makes yeast and everything rises in Brooklyn I think mr. Fleishman owns Fleischmann's business no I'm afraid not there wasn't a specific category there in one instance so we will have to say that you did not get it on the wild guests will that our viewers at home find out exactly what it is mr. Fleishman does but the panel's going to have to dig for it all right historic operation yes good deal mr. Fleishman knows how we score it so we'll announce that you're salaried and let's begin the general questioning with Arlene Francis do you work for a profit-making organization yes do you work indoors No uh Maureen that's whether if you could we will withdraw the negative answer there and say yes he could be indoors it was raining now I would say he basically works indoor basically works indoors is there a product in here involved in what you do is it a useful product yes is it found in the home yes is it found in the kitchen yes does it have is it something one eats no one doubted 9:00 to go mr. circle did John Daly have something in mind when he said that there wasn't this category mentioned mr. Fleishman did one of us get somewhere near you in our wild guest no well this puts me in the rough spot now doesn't it if I answer this I can be accused of bum giving her too much help I will say that one of you said something very general to the degree that that statement was made it was accurate but it was not specific enough to really leave well that doesn't get me very far it's in the kitchen but is not edible that's right is it used for some kind of cleansing purposes yes is it used to clean objects rather than people yes well I don't know much about cleaning objects is it is it a solid yes is there fat in it Thank You puck is there fat in it oh no that's dude on a date to go mr. gallon out of my depth mr. Fleishman does this the product that you'll have something to do with does it come in a variety of shapes and sizes rather than all being one standard item just one size that's three down and seven to go mr. cotton it has four legs and you can wear oh well the other panelists seem to be going on some an assumption gathered from your answers that you deal with a product which is used for cleaning that's right if there then I can proceed on the same assumption sure okay now and first time you first time you were asked if you worked outdoors it didn't sound as if you didn't and then all of a sudden it did I think what we clarified that to say that mr. Fleishman basically worked indoors basically mm-hmm but some of his work carries him outdoors does it he does tend to go out into the open air as we all do you know in the normal pursuit of our daily living well then when he goes outdoors it's just to go to work is it yes yes actually he's out dog on his assignment at work yes oh I see I see I see then I see yes what do you mean then is he's just he's being paid a salary while using the transit system in the audience you don't mean that no I just do that no actually he works indoors but he would naturally as we all do as we perform our tasks have an occasion to go outdoors you see I mean well that normally would go without saying yeah I'm going to ring the bell flip the card over the Magnum and denounced the Sutton system Fleischman sells toothpicks and when the JD products company gave me some with my name on them so I can be very elegant all right in just a moment we meet tonight Smith now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity for which my friends on the panel wear blindfolds are those blindfolds all in place panel yes good then will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please the unknown person alright panel as you know in the case of our mystery celebrity we dispense with all of the preliminary questioning get right down to the facts of the case that we begin with mr. Bennett Cerf you dispense with the applause either thus there was no applause or my obstacle but suddenly my hearing has gone back on me are you in the entertainment business yes your man yes is the reason that they played this dirty trick on us that if they hadn't told them not to applaud there would have been thunderous applause is that correct I think I left there to that question penitence there yes in other words and you're a recognized star is that correct yes have you ever been a star in the movies yes are you a big star today in the movies I'll answer that Bennett yes definitely gosh I don't I was in town did your lessons better have you got a big picture either on Broadway or about to come to Broadway now yes Mickey Mouse would it would it be a picture that had something to do with juvenile delinquency no that's one down and nine to go miss Kilgallon are you the big tall good-looking type would you like to give a specifications here princess when you say tall how tall do you mean oh well over six feet over six feet no that's to dominate to go mr. Cox am i anywhere near the microphone yeah who are suffering from a voice condition now no well but he got a picture it no no picture coming right he has a picture wall-e it has nothing to do with juvenile delinquency boy that's right that's I'll tell you and and he's not over six feet Wally and it's not you I wish it were me it were i Wally well I I am I'm not good at this sort of thing I'm sorry you passed well now you're here in town how do you ever get in the theater good did you go into pictures from the theater yes have you appeared in the theater since you have been in pictures good have you appeared in the theater in the last let's say year yes have you are you talk are you dark yes ah did you ever appear in a play with a and with Judith Anderson yes have you recently appeared in a play of christopher fries yes is the play the dark is light enough but not by the nose is it Tehran power yeah - what picture were you are you in the long gray line it's playing now oh yeah yes very much so but I want to get one thing straight Tyrone whose idea was it to do away with the ball well that was mine I'm afraid II thought it would be a lot of fun see if we could trap you just to see what happened one maybe it was I thought now that I've seen you that it maybe was the beard what's not the beard for well we have that's for the place where the rock is light enough yes yes don't you know you're not six feet tall you said over sacred feet tall just six feet we hadn't measured with an o'clock Rufus Rufus and it came out just right at six feet thank you very much sighing please sir we'll see what we can do with the final panelist you're going to have something less than two minutes to do it in so we will dispense with all of the wild guesses and dispense with the trip it's Jack Jack psych is that right sir Oh from Oak Park Illinois you come with me if you will we sit down and what we will do immediately is let the folks at home know what your occupation is but the panel just had to take a quick look at you and to begin their questioning all right let's set the viewers at home know that what mr. psyche does all right you know how to score we'll announce that you're salaried and let's begin the general questioning with Wally Cox and you have something like two minutes to do it in your time you do you perform a a service yes you are you self-employed no no we're not stupid seller oh you're not listening what a pass Wallisch yes all right well as fast as this president one minute to go do you instruct anything instruct any teach anything tell me one down nine to go mister certain that's a psyche I understand where he comes from Oak Park two of you've got anything to do with either writing or acting no - Donald eight to go mrs. Kilgallon do you have anything to do with any branch of the Armed Forces no three thousand seven to go mr. cotton got around fast in nepali conspiracy well you're employed then yes mommy but actually we ran out of time just thought you might catch it you know in wild questioning mr. mr. psyche rent tuxedos Kouga Oh until next week this is John daddy saying good night miss Dorothy good night Wally good night Arlene that's right while you did that very well good night good night breaky daily good night battles good night ladies and gentlemen thanks for being with us on what my life transportation to Charles humours arranged through American Airlines American Airlines the country's leading airline now the United States makes it go in Canada this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production in association with a CBS television network you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 202,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Wally Cox (TV Actor), Tyrone Power (TV Actor), What's My Line? (Award-Winning Work), Tyrone Power (Film Actor)
Id: jehh_xoGTdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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