What's My Line? - Louis Armstrong; Ross Hunter [panel] (Mar 22, 1964)

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what's my line taught to you by Geritol I fought in C vitamin iron-rich tonic in liquid or tablets to help you feel stronger and now let's all play What's My Line and now live from New York let's feed our what's my line panel first the delightful star of stage and television miss Arlene Francis now I'm very happy to be able to present a top-ranking motion picture producer I speak from experience he produced a picture I was in with Doris Day called the thrill of it all but he is soon to be represented by a remarkable story that will be seen in pictures called the chop guards mr. Ross hunter it's my pleasure to introduce a delightful lady who's voice of Broadway has heard all the way to Hollywood Miss Dorothy Kilgallen and online EFT tanned and handsome just back from South America mr. Bennett Cerf so I discovered all over Brazil and Venezuela Puerto Rico they all know our panel moderator they review them with admiration respect and a certain amount of sheer utter disbelief and here he is John child I've been thoroughly disarmed thoroughly disarmed I was going to announce that Bennett got to Brazil in the Cruzeiro promptly went to 1602 the dollar but I can't say that Wow thank you very much better that's wonderful to have you back am i safe full steam to see you Stu hunter I hope you enjoyed this first experience with it I'm looking forward to it and we've got some good occupations for you will also have a famous mystery guest before my friends on the panel a little bit later in the program we meet our first challenger after this and now to meet our first challenger will you enter and sign in please Alain make sure mrs. Mason mrs. Mason where you from it's Chicago nice to have you with us mrs. Mason may I present the panel now will you join me over here please we left the audience at home and the audience in the theater know exactly what you're lining all right panel we can tell you that mrs. Mason is self-employed and deals in a service and I think since you had the big rest we ought to start off with you Bennett Cerf Thank You mr. Baig mrs. Mason you're left-handed I observe that and you're very good-looking I observe that too did the fact that you are such a lovely looking person have anything to do with the work that you perform mrs. Mason you're a nice bronze do you work outdoors at all no you go to 400 mrs. Mason do you deal with both men and women yes do you work in the home mm-hmm three down and seven to go miss Kilgallen uh if I were in the right time and place mrs. Mason could I use your services oh yeah could Bennet because I'd like to get Yan this I already like - oh that's nice they all could um would you talk to us yes could you talk to more than one person at a time yes would you ever talk in front of what might be termed an audience no or congregation no lord I don't think the Gov is deserve miss Mason is there anything is your work got anything to do with the improving conditions in the home or around the home no no I don't think so 5.5 to go miss Frenchy from that laughs I figure you do very well outside the home oh yeah is there anything instructive about what you do know Mason's permission I would say that we would have to agree if you use the word instructive in a broad sense that the only way I ever use it just which I thought that might be so that with your permission we'll give you qualified yes on is there some fun attached to your job no I'll let that add to stab cutter oh I gather if there's no fun than you hate what you're doing no I gather you do you need any special training for what you do yes uh would you have to go to college to get a degree no seven down and three to go miss Kilgallen mrs. Mason do you do any writing in your work yes ah is it creative writing yeah well I say that very often probably some of miss Mason's of clients would like to like her to be creative though wouldn't you say I guess we couldn't say it was created though could be no we could we couldn't say she's crazy great attitude ago mr. sir mrs. Mason does your work have anything whatever to do with the law yes would you be more and the detecting side of the law than in the punishing side of the law no no does that mean you would be more in the punishing side of the law well I would say here because I think it's only fair to do it the Bennets question with respect to a relationship the law was extremely broad and nothing should be inferred from the answer that is specific hello there she really doesn't have to do anything to do with the law but no Bennett asked a question on a relationship with the law that was very broadly put we had to agree that the relationship no matter how tenuous one might consider it was there but this does not sway by 12-yard yeah I should have said is there anything punitive in your work no no that can doubt and nobody go for once we fooled you mrs. Mayton prepares income tax return it's the D and E Mason Income Tax Service I consider that punitive John yeah well it was a troublesome area Bennett you know and I must say I'm glad mrs. Mason that there was anything it was fun about her over casino doesn't everybody love to have their income tax turn sure I think I make it enjoyable I would think so yes that's known as the mason-dixon line well mrs. Mason thank you very much for puzzling the panel it's a great way to start a night it's been nice to have you with it let's see the second challenger will you enter and sign in please Edie Dempsey presenting rating from knowledge knowledge near Norwich New York where is that sir that's between Bentham Syracuse ah so nice to have you with us Dempsey may I present the panel you join me over here mr. Dempsey will let the audience's at home and that in the theater know exactly what your line is that'll mr. Dempsey is salaried and he deals in a product and we begin the general questioning with Arlene Francis is it a product that I might use mr. Dempsey yes it is is it a product that would be seen if I owned it would I have it around where it would show yes you would well now John demain Oh God have it showing for my house permit Dempsey would in what two relevant terms do you speak of it showing you mean would you have it on display in your living room no no no no I just mean if I were using mr. Dempsey's product would it show when I was using it as opposed to something that would not show yes well I think in those terms we can let the affirmative answer stay is it anything mr. Dempsey that would be used on the person no no all right let's one down a nine to go mr. hunter is your product decorative no no dude out of eight to go mrs. Kilgallon is it then primarily useful yes would you think that an average American home might well have one or two of these things around well would you be more inclined to have more than one than just one yes Cheaper by the Dozen I would say is it anything that you is it solid rather than liquid yes is it anything that you would ever pick up in your hand yes when you were using it the way our lean is using it so it shows right what if you would you ever apply it to anything apply it to anything or anyone you mean in the sense of hanging it on something or touching touching I think not that's three dot and seven to go miss deserve mr. Dempsey when this product is picked up by a person do they keep it in their hand sometimes for a considerable period of time no no or added things to go miss fresh it is not anything edible is it mr. Dempsey well I would think we would have to agree it is wouldn't you yes that's five down five to go mr. hunter I ask that the wrong way didn't die it is edible would I go to a special store to buy this that's a little difficult me have a small country would you go to a special store Oh like a drug store or a hardware store or something specifically a special character of store a drug store or a grocery store but specifically and isolated as a special character stole I know he said I know I'm all right to get it over with picked out at forty governments qgl in other words it doesn't have to be a special store you might be able to get it at a general store such as a supermarket would that carry your good mr. Jimson could which I might go in and buy a dozen of but I wouldn't hang on to it very long is it because it's hot got it free to go in Paris Dempsey has this edible product ever been alive no nope ain't down and two to go Vincent is it a product that one might use at Meal Time no is it a product edible my you don't have it at Meal Time you might use I would say with mr. Dempsey's permission that the given a certain specific set of circumstances it is possible that it might be used at mealtime I think is there anything about this product that is helpful yes would it be found certainly in a drugstore therefore yes uh is it in any way in the pill family yes it is would it be a very good idea if I took one every day because I'm planning on it whatever it is it would be hard to say whether because I don't think we're competent to say being uncertain as to the specific need that you might have don't want to be good we can agree that under certain circumstances one might find it beneficial to have one every day yes are you ruling out vitamins when you say that is it something other than a vitamin yes it is is it however medicinal more than it would be anything else it would be something that would be used for a corrective reason of some kind would it be anything that a doctor might prescribe yes would it help me if I wanted to clear my head which I do all the time yeah would it help me if I had a bad headache yeah you deliver the brand name is it an aspirin or Oh this density is 50 norwich pharmacal company and i guess you make as many or more of these and most anybody else don't we make quite a few make nine million a day at this particular we put this here for a reason we figured that when you go home tonight and get your income tax return finished you need your SP in those races that we see on television is your product win very often when that race it starts up of the throat well I must say mr. Dabney came very close to sticking him and I hope you enjoyed yourself it was fun having you here on What's My Line nice to see it made tonight's mr. guest in just a moment after this message and now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery challenger for which my friends as always a blindfolded blindfolds in place panel yes good will you enter mystery Challenger and sign in please all right and as you know one question at a time in turn moving clockwise that will begin did you mention my name John yes are you primarily a motion picture star nope are you uh on the other hand a famous comedian on the stage Freddie are you appearing at the present time in either a club or a theater in New York reader how's everything over to Hunter are you basically a television star what often take to go Vince you're jealous have you ever been a member of this panel yah yah yah yah yah you have been a member of this panel huh let me have your question is have you ever been a member of this panel right that's right and the answer is no 5.85 daughter are you related to anybody that has anything to do with What's My Line are you related to anybody who has an indica with one party go Arlene friends what happened like we can't hear anything benefit are you related to anyone who has anything to do up under my line and our guests that no no Anna Anna and our guest is not in the fier he's not appearing in a nightclub and he's not known for his work in pictures what is he doing here are you primarily a comedian who added three to go miss the hell are you in the the sports world 8.2 to go miss Kilgallen no I guess do you make records have you a record that is it has been the last six months one of the top 10 records in the country I know it's not Van Cliburn is it your question is is it been quite am I the last one because let's have a conference no that's a no and it's nine down oh oh and mr. hunter welcome he other conscious you may have 30 seconds you want one yes I'd like one what about Satchmo he's got a hit I thought it might be his recording of Hello Dolly um yeah that I'm not sure if he plays an instrument maybe you'll get some of that uh do you play an instrument I have a request John yes I mean I'm tired of playing it on the on the Victrola on the high five sing me hello darling Hello Dolly this is news my friend did me where you love right darling you going you still growing oh very did bloom and the band slave are all very Jews for when I win haha so golly gee fellas little faith in me fellas gallon never go away I never never got something Louis Armstrong one of those remarkable human beings who brings life and color and joy to every assemblage that he joins thank you so much I must tell you one thing having read the papers exhaustively he's come to us I don't even have a hospital oh but oh bob days before a 5-11 yeah you don't hello the lips chatter there you wanna let Fred up here what that that's what did you tell couldn't stand up for a while and do anything a sense of humor cat coming auspice Amanda tell me you have very close vein to their potential I don't know when we've enjoyed the company of anybody as much as we have you tonight thanks so much for coming to join us okay and it was just great fun having you to three-panel it in balance you've done very well so far tonight we'll all be back after this word from our alternate sponsor and good night bizarrely in French good night John good night Martin are you behaving good night Roz lovely to have you with us thank you good night Arlene good night John give my doorman I come again Ross good night Jake are you behaving I know my phone's behaving she's sitting right great to be back again not only that Phyllis knows he's behaving because she's sitting right there too a good night Ross thanks for being with us on what's my life the CBS television network production in a note relational in Markman hilltop
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 233,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Ross Hunter, Louis Armstrong (Musical Artist)
Id: 5PM5Xk9Hxxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 03 2014
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