What's My Line? - Top 10 Favorite Mystery Guests! [CLIPS VIDEO]

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what's my line brought to you by Kellogg's the folks who give you the widest choice of cereals in the whole wide world all the great grains in the forms you like best yours from Kellogg's of Battle Creek now let's all play What's My Line are you in any phase of the entertainment business yes have you also appeared in television before tonight yeah also have been on the radio I beg your pardon mr. Galan as he also been on the radio I wanted to know lovely sorry Dorothy that we didn't get the question I want to know he'd ever been on the radio yeah sure did you call yourself an actor yes have you ever played leading man mmm are you under 48 yeah this is making me nervous I want to make sure a Dorothy of the sex of this person I'm not convinced that you're that this is a man I'm gonna tell him all could be anything are you I'll dispose this very quickly are you by any chance of female yeah I'm gonna may I take a stand but this John are you Rosalind Russell - a singer they are not Dorothy that 48 darling I didn't have you in mind well it was a great burst of applause when you walked in may I assume that your picture has appeared several times in the newspapers that is it we are very fearful and if you want to hear the voices of our guests or the voice of our guests or the various accents of our guests immediately you would learn too much so that the answers will come to you by knocks for a little while - knocks means yes one knock means no I just got a yes well this is going to be very revealing isn't it are you associated in any way with the entertainment field I can't tell from that well that's a male knock or a female yes that is that a male knock No 90 gold instruments not a male anyway are you are you in the movies are you in a picture that is currently on Broadway then three knots means we're not sure but it could be that's two down and eight to go mr. Allen I tell you what I've been wondering are you an actor I mean an actress what am I saying that's for me you know that awful echo in here are there two people over there besides John and me man together I thought maybe it was trigger stamping we've been hard enough on you long enough I'm going to ask our guest now if they will use their voices instead of knocking and making reply don't ask the judge I know how it is good give me more that's desi and Lucy I can George and Gracie ejected Gracie that's right I think one thing that we've got was it bet it was the one who gave us the most fun you said I had a mail yeah now the answer before had been given by Gracie so when you said into the mail George Lee no because we were answering God maybe I wasn't fair because you should be answering both of you should be answering every question so she said you said hamper mail which would have put me on the wrong track altogether what is all off the track probably for a good long time well I must say George and Gracie that we've had a lot of fun with milk I didn't know you could have so much fun with not say I do there myself for the panel here I'm sure it's true that we are to be counted always among your most loyal and I might say happiest viewers when you get on television thank you and they repay the thing about your show it is just wonderful Thank you very I watch it every Sunday it's 7:30 California very much as Brendan would you say goodnight to the panel all right judging by the lot hollering and squealing I take it that your face is familiar to the general public is that correct yeah I say my face I further take it that you're not now speaking in anything that remotely resembles your normal voice is that correct ah nothing like my normal or are you an actor ah it's a matter of opinion I said something is coming through here err just a moment like to listen I'm just gonna take a wild guess I haven't I just said the voice just hit me if I'm wrong it's all up to Arlene are you Fred Allen hey stupid Alan indeed and I must say I wasn't talking through my nose I don't know singing a little shallow friend uh well you might call it them isn't what I did all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery Challenger we depart from the usual rules go to a new pattern you asked one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we begin the general questioning with Robert Q Lewis well from the applause sit sign would seem that you had just flown back from Geneva are you you must be terribly well known sir have you recently would I have seen your picture in the newspapers recently sounds like somebody from outer space ah are you a performer I don't know yet whether you're a man or a woman alright mister sir oh I know thank you for letting me work tonight my voice on the glass and it wonderful to have back I were all worried about how you were feeling one of them not all back I'm man what are you doing how do you say that how do you what were you doing you look through your glasses I talked I would tell you that our guests voiced is I think so well known that I'm going to answer the first few questions perhaps the first rounds questions but let's get right down to cases and begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen are you accustomed to facing crowds yes because you John that's me made it was not recognizable better that's what is it dog are we to gather that this person's voice is even more famous and that of say a famous motion picture star yes well you know I all think it's a relative in this relative world of ours I would say that our guest voice is most famous and we would leave the comparative to the decision of that individual who chose to pose the question nicely it appears on television but not too frequently is that it that's about it we're posting the same things is he in the dizzy operate in the political arena does he operate in the political arena I would say that you get an O there because it's not a he that makes it to dotted eighth to go miss Frances oh are you intimating them that it is a lady that sometimes operates in a political arena I'm not meaning to intimated anything if you would like to ask that specific question now or have you ever been associated with politics have you know you now or have you ever been associated with politics I would think that the answer to that would have to be yes thank you since you used associated oh but that is also to advise you that in one way or another almost every good citizen of this country we will now say I pledge allegiance in you as our guest is our guest ever found in the vicinity of Hyde Park New York is our guest ever found in the vicinity of Hyde Park New York and almost every other vicinity you can think of this is Franklin Delano tonight I think everybody knows begins the 8th annual observance of United Nations week it needs no one least of all me to tell the great part that our guest has played in the development of the United Nations and we are very pleased and proud mrs. Roosevelt to have you as our guest I think perhaps too that you could describe better than anyone just what the purpose of United Nations Week is well you know Nations week of course is I think rather an American undertaking the American Association for the United Nations started United Nations week as preparation for United Nations Day which is an international day practically as many countries as our members try to memory United Nations day but we in this country try to prepare during the week beforehand so as to spread more information and understanding about what the day really means and that is the week that we are beginning tonight that is the week forever getting tonight well I think to work it that we go off to a good start you're the best spokesman that any one could possibly hope to have and yeah more than that this is a banner day for What's My Line we will always remember very fondly that you honored us by being our mystery guest and I'm sure that the panel would love very much to shake your hand are you in the entertainment business would you be considered a comedian are you would you consider yourself a leading man I would say that our guest is handsome enough to be a leading man and young enough to be a leading man in the country but he doesn't consider himself a leading man I think probably he also considers himself a leading Hey do you do anything besides act I mean by that do you play a musical instrument or sing you play an instrument oh I bet you thought I knew what I was talking see does your does your wife ever work with you when you work it's too bad is your hair are you having a little problem with your hair well if you work with your wife and you play a stringed instrument and you have hair even if it isn't all your own are you Jack Benny the Maasai Widow only asked if he was 39 but I ask just one question why on earth do I get paid for tonight I was as interested as Bennet in the audience reaction there was a lot of whistling and screaming and punching of Usher's and that sort of thing are you a would you call yourself a well not you maybe but would anyone call you a glamorous figure would you like we have a little problem here our guest is certainly glamorous in the connotation of great reputation but can I have a small conference please I would say than glamorous in terms of great reputation but not glamorous necessarily in the more modern application of veterinary by which I meant to say he wasn't a pretty boy and I'll defend the statement in any open course I know that what you just did watch the whole yeah we're not sure here yet miss methyl I just got a kiss darling from this unglamorous comedian wood this comedian be a romantic figure always that kiss misleading I'd like to ask rather personal question do misha Elman and Jascha Heifetz scream with horror at mere mention of your name oh shut up I must be what is romantic we made the whole book bed your romantic that was as nice a kiss as you've got no Steve I want to know one thing how can this show afford me well let's see are you in show business yes are you having tooth from I withdraw that plate have you ever been in motion pictures yeah yeah might you'll be described in pref John Wood after answer this is a leading lady I don't know isn't it no no yes yes what our guest is meant to say is yes have you ever appeared in a Technicolor picture ever work on TV would attend about are you here to publicize a picture and it's a minder Internet alert on it well but sometimes before they I was not here just about nice no no car with the European picture and for me tear down a date to go into service you are a lady we've established that would you be would you be correctly deem a star no on a using ok love also gone oh no yet yeah yeah yes yes I guess so yeah have you ever played any dramatic roles in in motion pictures oh I gotta have a conference I've been waiting for this permitted oh I like those conferences thank you darling I would say oh yeah I hear thin hair farm captain here all right okie dokie okie we at least pictures showed a very beautiful girl smooching around with any station posed at all for any pictures without official yeah I mean there's a what you mean smooch you know Oklahoma word my wife use it means cuddling up a little bit oh that wasn't me no I'm just curious perhaps as being a reporter for so long but I saw Eddie the other night after he'd taken Debbie home and he was looking very starry-eyed and I can't believe that she's come here without him is he here I want to play my biggest scene right now miss rennolds I'd like you to meet mr. Fisher all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery Challenger we get right down to the general questioning and let's begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen do you do something in addition to acting what is your particular enemy miss Kilgallon I'll have to ask you to repeat the question have you ever been in motion pictures I beg your pardon have you ever been in motion pictures one and is it true that you have never been on what we call the legitimate stage in New York that's great that's true and one picture I think you're that new Michelle kid al carny have you also worked prominently in the center have we had an answer John no tuned out of a thing over again have you got a regular television show yes you know I think here with your permission regularity particularly have you ever been honored by the poor Richard club in Philadelphia no 5.5 do you also sing badly have you ever done an imitation of the fellow you're sitting right next to at this moment yeah you just did John the other night didn't it all this I had I had to work last Friday night unhappily and I missed it but I if you need any barometer of the affection and respect for you in the general public you should have been with me Saturday everywhere I went on Saturday said did you see what Art Carney did with you of the last night and they just thought it was great you know it's hilarity they took all of us off it was a wonderful wonderful show on the brothers it was enjoyable doing it and do they do these I mean oh I was going to say you mean you yeah I have a little laryngitis but when they don t ask me about Broadway Broadway conjures also a conglomeration of structures offering entertainments of various varieties in the more popular forms of artistic endeavor therefore I believe the pharisee is it one of the biggest comedy hits it's come to New York in the last ten years well yes you might say oh yeah and are you a gentleman who used to work once with a rather stout man named Jackie Gleason how do you beat this man you don't have to either this is terrible all right Connick Rd we're this evening on this network on The Ed Sullivan Show miss Debbie Reynolds and mr. Kirk Douglas the husband of the lovely lady next to me were stars and just to be sure you're not playing any tricks on us are you either of those people I read it either one of those people are you however a motion picture performer be fun what am i a motion picture performer yeah sometimes mr. Allen are you a man well if you're not better known for the work in the movies or the theater might you be best known for television I then fourth mostly in television so sometimes in the key records and animal imitations how was that job abducted I'm a kitty records new an important do impersonations you start your own I just wanted to keep on talking I I think something's beginning to penetrate uh that's your vicks vapor rub I have no trouble saying who it's not that's easy not one Peron it's not when you are on a regular series was it co-starring with mr. Jackie Gleason audio wife and night was absolutely remarkable because we used to recreate the events of the past few weeks and in one half hour this of course was in radio in the good old radio days he would do Winston Churchill Franklin Roosevelt Everett Dirksen James Polk James Kelch exist McKinley Diddley but he's actually wonderful he's the greatest Churchill I've ever heard you know it for it again no fear do it new presidents all right this won't take long he's holding up his hand my friend many years ago we were floundering in an effort to keep our heads above water today we are still floundering but at least at least we have learned how to pray on the wall all right panel as you know the case of our mystery Challenger we go to a different form of questioning you ask one question in turn at a time are you a comedian again here well he doesn't feel he is but I would have to stake No you're getting nowhere buddy is he is a comedian is a comedian is he a comedian on television mm-hmm I think it is fair to say that he is not a comedian on television effect what am I to go to Corinne have you ever been accused of looking like me mm no miss Kilgallen not Jack Lemmon have you ever played Hamlet mm-hmm mr. Sirk have played Hamlet have you got brothers who are well known what are you slapping a Bible we love you don't talk yet I think it might be Harper wouldn't hear what the answer was haven't heard them yet get it has Matthews question yet but I didn't hear the answer to Hamlet yeah Oh what is it Maurice Evans well no way no you're not your turn yet because is it resemble no that's to nose that makes it first yeah that's seven down and one to go I mean eight to six and it's mr. Randall know where anybody are you a man yes maybe not that kind of a night maybe man maybe he's a knight like a Knight of Columbus the knight of the round table are you uh no no I think you're cheating are you a cheating night yeah I'm yes you are cheating night mmm I can I'm I can't allow that answer to stand on the record I would have thrown the towel in I just want to say this one thing I've been promising to do this to Bennett Cerf if it's anything the most dishonest mystery guests we've ever had I know that you are the most confused panel out of July this was really wonderful I told Bennett a long time ago that if I became on this program I would only do it under one condition that would be able to lie my head off do you remember that I walked in and Phyllis said I'm going to tell him I must say this if I may there you go we're very pleased about this because we all are very fond of Danny we think as I know you all do it he's one of the great great and we are similarly pleased because this is the first time he's ever been on a live television program and we think you did us a great great favor so thank you John delight thanks very much when you go take yeah well I'm with a special program I got to get off will do I'll take care of it we'll be back this weapon from our are you primarily a motion picture star nope are you I on the other hand a famous comedian on the stage are you appearing at the present time in either a club or a theater in New York have you ever been a member of this panel yeah yeah you have been a member of this panel but let me have it your question is have you ever been a member of this panel right that's right and the answer is no 5.85 daughter and I and our guest is not in the fier he's not appearing in a nightclub and he's not known for his work in pictures what are you doing here I have a question yes I mean I'm tired of playing it on the on the Victrola on the high five sing me hello darling hello dolly this is news my friend to be where you love right dolly you throwing you still growing oh very broom and a band slave are all very tuned for we're back wins ha slow Gong Li Jie brothers will invade them beans bellows gallon never go away and never never got where you Louis Armstrong one of those remarkable human beings who brings life and color and joy to every assemblage that he joined thanks are you in the field of entertainment or the arts yes we serve are you at present starring in a show on Broadway yes oh boy you're a doll are you a redheaded Wildcat are you in the world of entertainment yeah yeah Gable are you yeah rebelliously in television a mostly yeah mr. Hackett are you a male mostly move are you a dazzling redhead no yes yes lose Ebola yeah may I are you female I can straighten that out yeah you known for your work in motion pictures what mr. sir are you so first sound yeah my wishes boy are you in the world of entertainment what did it say I asked the same question his Dorothy that was Martian talk it means yes are you in what might be turned show business rather than the athletic world kind of endorphins dying boy have you ever been on television the Bleak endorphins Reedy fat that means it indubitably what do you sing ah are you a man in America on sign boy easy no you have your own show on television lang and orphan guy key have you been in well certainly the top 10 or 15 in the television show and I I'm black come by he thought film guy and yeah yeah yeah miss Cardew you know who this is but I think it must be who do you think it is you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 1,073,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, What's My Line? (Award-Winning Work), Dorothy Kilgallen, Fred Allen, Steve Allen, Deborah Kerr, Buddy Hackett, Lucille Ball, Rosalind Russell, Art Carney, Louis Armstrong, Danny Kaye, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jack Benny
Id: 67xLUSc1UA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2016
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