What's My Line? - Roy Rogers; David Niven [panel] (Sep 28, 1958)

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what's my line brought to you by Helene Curtis makers have stopped at deodorants flowing cream spray and stick suave hairdressing and Endon dandruff treatment shampoo now let's all play What's My Line and now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first are delightful star of stage and television soon to open on Broadway in a new play once more with feeling miss Arlene Francis and now a gentleman that took 80 days to go around the world and all of us would have been very pleased if he'd taken 160 days but he is soon to appear in what I understand is a marvelous movie separate tables the dear mr. David Niven oh and some people wonder why I crop out from time to time on this panel and I don't blame them wondering because so far I've accomplished nothing's have to demonstrate in front of some 40 million people that I'm a birdbrain the real reason is that I do enjoy an occasional Sunday evening flanked on either side by beautiful and intelligent women and now it is my great pleasure to present my beautiful and intelligent left flank myth doll to kill Gary first time I've ever been called that laughter and now it's my pleasure to introduce our panelists who I don't believe is running for office but you'd think so because he's about to embark on a lecture tour making seven speeches and five days in the Middle West starting tonight mr. Bennett serves when I was a boy many many years ago the Schubert's used to bring Viennese operetta is over here by the boatload and after the opening chorus some chorus girl would always herald the first appearance of the male baritone by saying oh here comes our dashing Prince Haakon scruple now and here's our dashing young Prince Haakon scruple John - scuffle daily it was nice to be here and welcome ladies and gentlemen to What's My Line it's nice to have mr. Niven back with us again because our plan tonight is to make the panel suffer despite of lecture tours and successful plays this half-hour is going to be difficult for all of them we will also have a famous mystery guest before the panel a little bit later in the show we'll meet our first challenger in just one minute Oh panel I forgot to tell you something I forgot to tell you you don't have to blindfold nice let's see what you can do with the first Challenger will you come in and sign in please right there Jack O'Dell right let's go Dell where are you from Newport News Virginia Newport News Virginia fine mr. ordell meet the panel panel mr. Odell will you join me over here now please and do you know how we keep score yes fine if you know how we keep score let's let folks at home and those who come and joined us in the audience tonight know exactly what your line is the usual bit of help will tell you that mr. Odell is salaried and let's begin the general questioning with miss Arlene Francis mr. Odell from Newport News is it possible that you work for a non profit making organization uh is not possible it's not possible just make come now you know a profit or nonprofit well then we talk about the fishing down oh yeah alright that will give you a know what got a nine to go it is a profit-making organization mr. Niven is there any service involved in this thing yes there is did you perform that's great is this a service that I would enjoy uh no I think if it were necessary to practice the service on you you probably wouldn't enjoy it that makes it two down and eight to go miss appeals gala visitor well then mr. Dell may I assume that none of us on the panel would particularly care to take advantage of your services unless it were absolutely necessary oh I would say under certain circumstances and taking no particular account of the present moment in time that it is likely that given a certain set of circumstances you might be the happy recipient of the services which mr. purvey so we'll give you a note that's two dotted eighth to go mr. sir mr. Odell I wonder if this confusion of a profit making or not could be that although you yourself are in a profit-making business you have something to do with the United States Navy do you serve the United States Navy in any way shape or form no sir I do not that's three down and seven to go miss Frenchy mr. Odell if one had to make a choice between whether you work on the land or the sea or the air could I make a choice of perhaps the sea you want to make a choice on the seat because you want to give me a note yeah exactly right $5 five to go mr. Libin if I had had the same training that you have a head could I perform this service yes you could would I enjoy it ah I think so I would enjoy I believe you would very much I could really throw myself into the heart and soul and heart and soul of any animals connected with it no six doubted for to go Vince Kilgallen are there any women connected with your work you know what David enjoys don't you uh you do something that women enjoy receiving let's put it if mr. ordell performs his services efficiently the job women who might be beneficiaries thereof it is reasonable to presume under most circumstances would be happy that he was performing the service Thank You mr. Odell do you perform your services at any time indoors yes can you do whatever it is you do in the daytime or the nighttime no that makes it seven down and three to go mr. sir well now if we have got down to a point where we'll have to find out whether you do them in the daytime or the nine-time is that correct hmm well I'll take the first guest you do your services in the daytime no it's done now if you go I know that work at night are let's see my husband and night watchman is there something you watch at night mr. Odell oh that's correct uh would the less knowing of us just called you ordinarily a night watchman as opposed to other things that you really have as a job yes I'm afraid so mr. Odell I agree we have to agree that you're a night watchman there is some fun attached to the fact that mr. Odell I think anybody that works at night has fun John yeah should have a conference do you think perhaps he's a night watchman at a girls school that's right let's go delis Nightwatchman it's in Catherine's School in Richmond and are you doing haha David you like this work would yes he does he looks very but they fit on it at me now I don't know whether there's any connection but in the daytime mr. Odell reject is equally busy he attends the University of Richmond Law School maybe this is necessary if you're a night watchman at a girls school that's an idea well we nearly stuck them all the way and thanks very much Jack I hope you enjoyed nice going paddle with you we can do with the second Challenger will you come in and sign in please Carol Carol long long review come Salisbury Maryland Salisbury Maryland yes where is that with relationship ugly hub of the Eastern Shore how about the eastern miles east of Baltimore its famous country the Eastern Shore of Maryland long the panel and maybe one will you join me over here please sir do you know how we keep score mr. Arthur fine then we let the audience hear and the people at home know exactly what your line is all right panel will tell you that mr. long is salaried and let's begin with old self-declared birdbrain there mr. Libin well um the inevitable question is there a service connected with this yes there is is there any product connected with it yes there is pretty good tonight I don't is this a product that I would enjoy having around my house I think so very much yes is it um a product of known all over the world an international yes would it be found I can't go on much longer would it be found to be found in Russia yes in Russia man try so hard to get a no and be confounded in the process this is bigger than all of us this thing would it be found in Red China yes are you a member of the Communist Party is it something I could carry around yes sir could I carry it in my hat yeah yes you could carry is it something that's on me now what miss Kilgallen is it is it something that has ever been alive yes is it alive when it gets to you or when you get to it yes is it alive when David would have it in his house yes it could be yes or could be could be yes or no is it something that is to be found on land or in the sea rather than in the air is it something they could be found on land or in the sea rather than the air you're excluding the air by this question well I'm excluding you know above the ground you know like blue like birds yeah well I guess we'd have to give that a you yes yes and this is not some form of bird life in other words yes yes we don't give you a no that's too down a date to go mister sir you mean by that that it is some form of bird life yes but it doesn't get far off the ground is this a bird that is found along the shores of Chesapeake Bay around Maryland where you live very much so now if I only knew what birds have found along the shore oh excuse me there was no pail for the conference that's awful Dorothy is mentioning an edible fowl is it would this be an edible foul as you deal with well Dorothy said chickens so I'm going to take I'm going to avoid this so she can have one comes around the do these fowls make a funny noise like a quack when they go walking around no they're not awake that eliminates ducks doesn't it they fly yes chickens don't fly in the air do they very much not very far why anyone is it a member of the fowl family yesterday what members are the dog in the club um can you buy this at a butcher's yes uh would you buy it at special holidays any time any time well if it was a turkey it would be a special holiday so that eliminates the turkey I know but you're rich now that we've had the menus but is it is it closer to a chicken than an ostrich yeah is it in the chicken family yes is it a chicken yeah you have something to do with the chicken something to do with a chicken do you raise chickens no that makes it four down and six to go mr. Nibin do you careful David do you pluck chickens no 5.5 to go miss Kilgallen well do you do something other than selling them no 6 down and four to go miss your album yeah we're actually Bennett's you do get get it mr. lawnmower particularly as a chicken auctioneer he runs at Salisbury they have this daily the chicken auctions at Selby Delaware Shelbyville Shelbyville don't yellow no but chicken I'd like to hear the noise you might yeah would you I have sent a note of one I want to be let out her ever to the middle whatever lives that means equal seven and they hate every 1918 I have 18 the fella who bought it goes up and he hit him tobacco yeah you did open American tobacco well we had loads of fun and thank you very much I might say that we haven't a compact reott miss long because he does a market report on television every day down in in southeast in Southern Ireland Shaw in Salisbury does the report said was nice to have you now we'll meet tonight's mystery guest in just a moment but first here is a word from our alternate I have a wonderful picture of David Niven walking around with a chicken in his at and so we can do the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity for which I asked my friends to blindfold themselves blindfolds on panel yes good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right as you know penile in case of our mystery challenge you we go to a different form of from you ask one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we'll begin it all with uh mr. Bennett Cerf well that was the kind of hollering he usually here up at the Yankee Stadium I'm just wondering whether mr. guess we'll have anything whatever to do with the World Series it opens on Wednesday new one nine and nine to go me frankly have you been in the papers in the last two weeks in New York City yes miss Neven are you European new dude our date to go this Kilgallen are you in something other than the entertainment business primarily new three Dodd and seven to go mr. sir uh are you performing in or about metropolitan New York at the present time immutably miss Francis are you performing in the theater new or down and six to go mr. Niven are you performing on television apart from this minute I mean new five down and five to go miss Kilgallon are you tall dark and handsome new I are you I think I guess comes within the the description told are can hit submit sir yes not television and not the theater there's a rodeo in New York now have you got anything to do with the rodeo yes well I presume Bennett knows who you met agree when I say only one I know would be Roy ride with anybody the Roy Rogers were they opened last Thursday Madison Square Garden but it nearly worked you know we asked Roy to come and join us tonight as we figured your minds would be on the world series so that you might go wandering all the field you did wander for a while so that helps and Roy it's good to have you back back with us he does perform on television but his series is running on film Darr David so that's why we had give you know he doesn't perform personally on television right now that right sadistic moon here just at the moment right here well you get that English accent from David Niven uh I was watching him backstage well Roy as usual I know you have big success with your radio must be because the youngsters will come from far and near to see you they ever do we've been on a tour John state fairs and we certainly had a wonderful time meeting the kids all over the country huh and there were a lot of no--nor today I'll bet there were cuz he goes without saying that mrs. Roy Rogers is Dale Evans and one of the wonderful things about this couple is they have seven youngsters all but two of them adopted and it's a great family congratulations nice to have you back and so we'll have another contestant in just a moment all right now we have time for a final contestant will you come in and sign in please Laurie Silva that's right here let me show this time did you tell us where your frog from New York City still bear the panel panel see what will you join me over here please you know how we keep score fine then let's get the folks at home and our friends here in the audience know exactly what your line is a very little time we will tell you that mrs. Silva is salaried and we begin general question with Miss Dorothy Kilgallen is there any product involved in what you do miss silver no there isn't that's one down and nine to go mister sir I couldn't help thinking right after Roy lodges we should say hi-ho silver it Pittsburgh and Chicago he's coming that's the selber you perform a service or some kind yes I do is it a service it can be formed with people form for both men and women yes and is yes do you come into actual contact with the men and women that whom you perform the service no I don't to dominate to go miss Francis do they come to an office in order to acquire your services no they don't three down and seven to go mr. nibble a talk to you on the telephone no four down and six to go mrs. Kilgallon do they listen to you on the telephone uh no 5.5 to go mister sir uh sorry is that your first name is seldom I'm Mari hmm uh do you have anything to do with any kind of governmental work like the United Nations or anything of that sort not at all six down and four to go miss French do you work for a non profit making organization no seven down and three to go mr. livid could I avail myself of this said you needed I'm on the right track any I was just kidding David god only mislead you much could I arrange that later on tonight uh uh well yes you could really be take them it's missing some silver but it is a service which done oh my it's a service which you could arrange you could initiate at least to receive later this evening Dorothy has a hot bun I passed well I didn't really hot David do you want me well I thought do you give any advice mrs. silver yes I do do you write the advice yes advice to the lovelorn yeah they prefer the writes a column for mcfadden publications the title of which is I need advice under the pen name of Jane Evans which I think clarifies things thank you very much mr. burr nice to head you and I'm sorry we didn't fool them another 20 seconds well I must congratulate you panel you had a very good night just tonight and on that happy note until next week and with further and greater success with your play as it is deserved good night miss Eileen French thank you Dear John good night David have a good trip back to California thank you very much thank you good night Dorothy good night David and you don't need any advice for the lovelorn oh good night then it denied our thing and I John well he doesn't know but a man who comes in and says he's a bird brain and then performs this brilliantly needs advice from somebody and thank you ladies and gentlemen for being with us on What's My Line if you'd like to attend our broadcast and see the panel and our guests in person right four tickets to What's My Line CBS television 485 Madison Avenue New York 22 New York transportation for contestants on What's My Line is arranged by United Airline this has been a CBS television network production in association with mark Goodson and bill talk
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 197,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Roy Rogers (Author), David Niven (Author)
Id: qDmqaPgTHMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2014
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