What's My Line? - LOST EPISODE!!! Hedda Hopper; Constance Moore [panel] (Apr 29, 1951)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen once again Jules botany incorporated makers of fine cosmetic makers have stopped at Bray deodorant deodorant that is changing a nation's habit deodorant you apply like this whoo there goes perspiration invite you to enjoy television gayest game what why lie and now let's meet our what's my line panel of well-known personalities whose lines you already know first the popular writer whose voice of Broadway appears a newspapers from coast to coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen [Music] and on my less famous publisher and author of the new book laughter incorporated mr. Bennett Cerf my left is this constant war who went from Dallas to Hollywood and then the television in one triumphant sweep and on my last one of my very favorite comedy writers who also has a radio show of his own mr. Howell I'm I left news commentator foreign correspondent the fellow has just been signed up to do a thing for the citrus show I think it's a orange and lemon show called What's My Line John Daly good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line presented by stop it I would like to say first of all that I've been advised by mail and by word of mouth many times during the past week that we gypped Micky Quinn who runs the APIs out of the Zoological Gardens here in New York has $5 last week I want to set all your minds at rest he got his $5 I made the mistake that we made up for it and I had a plan and you had the bed well once again tonight we're going to put our cameras close up on a few people from some varied and perhaps unexpected occupations all of them are going to come here to give the panel a run for the money they hope to carry home some prizes we'll also have a famous guest challenger before our panel a little bit later in the show but now to start things rolling it's time for the experts to meet our first challenger whose job they'll have to spot so would you sign in please man Murray H Fernandez that right okay mrs. Bennett would you mind telling us where you live Chicago Chicago oh good because the stages come a long way so home-like sponsored the home of our sponsor say something and stop it sure now you'd like to get a closer look at mr. block I'm sure because he's shouting at you across the Great Divide when you walk down in front of the battle foam have always fascinated me on television good night beautiful let everybody go we should walk down in first the panettone please I'll leave you two sir for the moment maybe your hands please how do you do thank you alright mrs. Fernandes would you come over here now and sit down next to me it on the basis of your handwriting what you said how you said it your admiration for mr. blocks dimples for which you will undoubtedly have to answer to somebody sooner or later I will give them one free guess as to what your line maybe we'll begin the free guesses with Miss kill gap I think she's a Palmas I promised mr. Cerf and she's a babysitter she like how block a bit more I think she's my hairdresser a hairdresser mr. block I think she's a pallbearer for the New York giant so I'm afraid you're all wrong and now we're going to let our viewers at home have another really close look at mrs. Fernandes and at the same time panel will tell them what her line is however you have to work you've got to find out exactly what her line is and you know how it's done you ask questions in turn to be answered yes or no no answer will cost the panel $5 we keep the record of it up here and when you've got Kendall's racked up you've lost the game we'll give you one more bit of help mrs. Fernandes is self-employed with that will begin the general questioning with mr. block well from from your position I'd take it you're dealing services yes well from your job would the fact that you liked my dimples hold any weight no I don't what about an ID ago miss gilgalar did you come in contact with people yes are they both men and women yes does what you do make people happier that depends upon the person because you sleep well well could it make them happier yes very much so it also could make them uncomfortable in some way yes dude is there any end product involved in what you do no to down a date to go mister do you use any special equipment for you job yes I do is it portable equipment that is can't be moved I do have something that is portable and something that I'd want to injure you do you have to have any special training for the work you're doing very much so does it require getting some kind of a degree a certain type of degree would be let us say a good background but it would not qualify Robbie mrs. Fernandez you're much too generous that's three down and seven to go Miss Moore you don't need a degree go ahead tell me do you do you wear any special sort of uniform no four thousand six to go mr. block dimples we call it do you deal with people yes rather than animals yes ah do you do they come to you yes they do would I be the type of person okay brother I might would it be a happy occasion mrs. Fernandes is answering that question because I know the answer going I know you know like with the 8th last week ah does what you do make these people that come to your happier we've determined it we have something specific like that well it does your thing have anything to do with health no that makes it five thousand five to go me to kill gala do these people come to consult you in any way no I don't think so no I don't think they come to consult her that's six down and four to go mistresses do these people come to see you on anything that might have something to do with their looks no that's seven down and three to go Miss Moore yes this does have to do with their health no no no we've determined that before so I won't give you a no on that Miss Moore you go ahead thank you very much tell me do you come in in actual physical contact with these people just once the first lady just once do you think we should have a car and then you never get in touch with them again never mind mr. Lockwood will give you up she said Digital perfect don't give him any more help we'll give you 30 seconds for a commentary I was educated at the energy disciplinary it isn't health it isn't looks they don't consult her but showing this review today might give them some kind of an injection you choose some kind of equipment that's equipment yeah she hasn't said they find out she gives them an injection they learn all right I'm sorry the conference period is over will you continue this way yes do you also go work to these people to these men and women as well as they're coming to you only occasionally mutation for any particular reason why not oh good they under the same circumstances come to you or you'll go to now no that's eight down and two to go mr. block when you come in contact with them do you do something to them like what we were talking about you might have something that would say something the criminal equipment is an air disciplinary trim oh no I don't discipline anyone it has nothing to do with disciplinary no I don't know in miss mrs. Fernandes case that would be nine down and one to go miss Kilgallen would anyone like to advise me she might be a way he undertaken she might be a field worker for the Keith Lauver tonight would anybody ever come to see you more than once if he could help it no no no that's ten down and none to go mister mrs. Fernandes runs a lie detector operates in my life sometimes disciplinary rescues no extract confession no now you're wired exact she herself has no different be in a job are you a wise it oh yes well you're naturally elided well dimples I'm sent me sorry you didn't perform better in this case Thank You Boris Carmen well thank you very much for that if you won the full prize and thanks very much for being our guest [Applause] will you sign in please sir such Joy's brother hey is the building safe Bakara with our there we have that soft bag guitarist thank you very much you don't have an awful lot of chalk would you mind telling me where you live sir Rockland old Thank You ruff well I don't quite know whether to stand on shift those two just crouch down I do it again get a chair that I'll be a sign on a certainty snow on the top of his head doughnuts are undoubtedly our friends what I hit it closer but I could say something will you hello judge what's that all my daughter Oh God let's do now you go down to see the panel take it with you how could I just take a look and try to label your coat but ordinarily said maybe Robert Hall now it's just for you it might be a stadium share this with you Dorothy am i oh boy as a matter of fact six of us as long as one hand sorry mr. Horowitz come on over here and sit down will you try this chair out if you will another basis of your head the members of the panel of head at you we're going to get one free guess as to what's your line maybe we'll begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen well I'm really stumped really don't I can't even guess I suppose he's in something sexual it looks poet Brad I'm talking yes Brian poet eraser I think he's a brain surgeon a brain surgeon with more I think he's a musician he plays a violin a violin at the block to me he looks like a popular trio great you're all wrong well let our viewers at home have another close look at mr. Horowitz the same time we'll tell them what his line is however paddles you'll have to take respect I would go through the rules again you know very well that every time you get a no answer from mr. Horowitz is going to cost the panel $5 keep the record up here and when you've had 10 knows or lost $50 the game is over we'll give you one more bit of help is to Horowitz a self-employed with that will begin the general questioning mistress if you're self-employed do you work in your own home some of the time no one down a nine to go Miss Moore do you do you work in the same place all the time most of the time after the town do you work in an office yes and though who fell behind a desk no oh dude out you never get behind a desk yes and no yes and no you see I'm afraid we're going to give you a yes or no on that because we gave you a yes and no in the office so you go ahead miss Moore thank you do you you need any special training at all for your work one more yes or no no no well I would say this mr. Horowitz is self-employed so we can assume it at some stage some special training was necessary so that he could achieve such a happy status you know don't work for somebody else is a wonderful way to live so we will not give you a flat knowing that you go ahead Miss Moore tell me do you um do you deal with some particular product yes you do you manufacture this product yes is it a fairly inexpensive product no two down a go can this product be used by men and it also be used by women definitely does it give them pleasure Oh [Applause] that's a very dirty lamp out there ah [Applause] well is it also could have is it also a utilitarian product made the people use it in their everyday life I believe so but you neither be you the pleasure is utilitarian [Applause] the product if you manufactured that it have does it have moving parts we gotta step into government Kilgallon would you consider this a luxury product no well now we have to explain to mr. Horowitz here that we have a standard as to to luxury would you describe what you mean by luxury if it's something that you could live without but even though it might be nice to have know about it in the context of our modern civilization I would say most of us would expect to have it so we would say for thanks to government is what you might use in side the home yes is it used in a special part of the home yes yes is it used in a segment let us watch ourselves is it in a special room that has a certain designation no yeah no yes hey we'll have a small country well I I would say this too we don't want to mislead you mister I'm sure mr. harless agree we can't give you a flat no on it because it is used in in the home it can be used in other areas but there is a room in which it normally would be placed you'll agree to that well maybe it uses a different places if it that who no effort there if it were put in a home would you find it in the bathroom no 5.5 to go miss more mr. Harwood you say that this product of yours is not inexpensive and still that it's it's pretty vital to our way of living tell me if you couldn't afford to buy this product could you could you read it perhaps for a week or so and then now you couldn't rent the product six down and four to go mr. block may we have a small you may have 20 seconds per cell I think we ought to get down to what room well gotta try the bedroom I just have a feeling you have a feeling why'd I say I felt like I'm just right about Lincoln and if it's a if it's anything like Abed Connie is right because you could rent them from hospital supply Chase's but he's not thinking in those terms but maybe it's not all right the 20 seconds is up go ahead mr. block is it a bedroom yes and you do something in the manufacture something that can you be used in the bedroom yes but evidently it couldn't be a bed because you can rent them well he doesn't think so I just try it is it by any chance part of a bit yes what well yes in the term the way we use the term that that's right we'll say yes to that go ahead mr. block well there are only two things that can be either a pillow or a mattress let's actually try is it a matter yeah [Music] congratulations man you did very well on that mr. Horowitz you ever use your own product no you did very well with the prizes and thanks very much for being with us one byline good night sir it's a harpist of luxury products we said it we said it wasn't a luxury in the context of our civilization we may not gotta go on it Kevin though not before we beat our mystery so don't feel so bad yeah in fairly well round before we meet our mystery guest for this evening here's a problem for you viewers at home take a look at this young lady and see if you can tell us what's her life alright I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm a salesgirl what do I sell I sell cosmetics face creams powders deodorants you know what do I know about deodorant I guess I know just about all there is to know after all I've been selling them for years the best selling the odor is in this store is this new one stop it you see are you stop it myself and so I recommend it to all my customers stop it is the wonderful new antiperspirant you spray on just a quick squeeze of the bottle and poof there goes perspiration no sticky fingers no fuss no muss stop it is gentle - that's very important with my customers it has the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval so you know it's safe as well as effective as for economy there isn't it the odor of this store that compares with stop it the large bottle costs one dollar 25 cents plus tax it contains hundreds and hundreds of applications this smaller size purse of travel size I call it contains up to a six month supply and sells for just 60 cents plus tax why don't you try stop it remember don't accept imitations insist on the original spray deodorant in the original squeezable bottle stop it spray deodorant now we come to the regular special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity and since our experts over here would recognize our famous guest by sight we've provided them with blindfolds so they all in place channel good when you come in mystery Challenger and in play [Music] come over here satanic me please panel as you know in the case of our mystery celebrity we dispense with all of the usual preliminaries and get right down to the general questioning we begin that general questioning with Miss Kilgallen do you frequently appear before the public sometimes really are you female yes do you consider yourself in any form of the entertainment business some people say I do sound like Snow White have you ever appeared on stage yes you ever appeared in the movies yes have you ever appeared on radio yes versatile are you what is generally known as a leading lady sometimes are you usually the one who marries the hero in the end I never guess the man what not a night ago mr. Sarah have you been in a play on Broadway within the past year no - Donna days ago Miss Moore have you been in a picture in the last year you have are you a visitor in the city yes do I know you can you I don't know personally I mean what that's fair to ask can I ask them yes you can ask that question do I know you first so many she won't want to admit it yeah oh are you a blonde by the drugstore [Laughter] we all she dies by our own hand ha ha ha are you married I was this could be anyone are you are you a comedian some people think I'm funny all right it's a block is that your own voice or where you're scared by an arrow let us say that it's a disguised voice mr. block but I still think all you think would be nice if we know for regular voice oh not at all you carry on old boy ah does she have dimples yes she died not as big as yours [Laughter] what has Connie ever worked with you in a picture she has can we have a conference between figured I think Connie is going for it I can feel the heat from here we have only 3 min each Oh pedal you can say it out loud no doubt is it easy Hardy no three down seven to go we have about three minutes to go miss Kilgallen you say you've appeared on radio have you ever had a running part in a radio program yes you played the same type of character oh yes it'll be Billie Burke no gender John Day no al fresco guessing please go ahead miss Gilgal you see maybe it's al fresco as Joe Prescott ah are are you regarded as a pin-up girl [Laughter] No four down and six to go mister sir do you ever do any dancing oh yes have you danced in pictures that you've been in no no I was dance five to go Miss Moore were you or are you now under contract to any particular studio any one studio no six down and four to go mr. block are you in are you in New York now for a special purpose like television or a play or something no seven down and three to go miss Kilgallon are you just here having fun yes are you having fun yeah oh wait a minute do you do something besides act yes do you write some people think I do do you have a radio program in which you sometimes act sometimes give chatter sometime are you had a hopper [Applause] [Music] was not my natural boy yet I would have just died if I hadn't gotten me how come we never got to the Hat no newspaper woman should talk back no one knew first of all I thought I would use a low voice you know like Tallulah I knew that I couldn't disguise it so I thought I'd go up and use that any estoy perfect it was just wonderful are you mad naughty on the area that we guests are getting added astonish you got the limes rider to check to your favorite [Applause] [Music] a very quick reminder if you would like to appear in our program to puzzle our panel with your occupation simply send us your picture and a small snapshot will do your name your address your occupation when you expect to be in New York send all of this to What's My Line cbs4 85 Madison Avenue New York 20 to New York and please address your letters to What's My Line and not to me because you'll only delay their arrival at the place where they really ought to go if you send them to me and the you panel congratulations you did very well now in just a moment ladies and gentlemen we're going to give you a preview look at a picture of one of the challenges whose line our panel will be asked to try and identify in our next program but first of all here's a message of interest from StuffIt well looks like somebody's off for a vacation that means pretty close lots of fun and of course that means stop it the spray deodorant in the bottle that can't break leak or spill travels perfectly yes that bed is a joy to use anywhere anytime simply spray it on with one quick squeeze of the bottle and poof there goes perspiration you never touched up it hardly know it touches you and stop that protection laughs you'll play golf in the broiling Sun you'll dance half the night with complete freedom from perspiration worry so remember stop it when you're packing for a vacation when you're working and playing at home a wonderfully economical form of yoga hundreds of applications in each bottle ask for it by name at your favorite cosmetic counters ask for stop it spray deodorant and next week at the same time our panel of experts will be asked what's my line by this woman would you know what her occupation is could you spot her line for the answer to this another personality puzzle be sure to tune in again next Sunday at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time but once again stop at invite you to play what's my line for other localities check your newspaper for the date and the time of our weekly series until then this is John Daly saying good night Dorothy did not Bennett good night Connie good night hell good night Louella Parsons good night ladies and gentlemen and thanks for being with us on what my life [Music] What's My Line has been presented by George Martin incorporated produced for CBS by marketing and Joba coordinator of production bop bop and directed by Franklin Heller remember to look in Sunday night or what my life this is CBS the Columbia Broadcasting System
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 218,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, What's My Line? (Award-Winning Work), Constance Moore, Hal Block, Rare, Exclusive, Lost Episode, Hedda Hopper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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