"What's Jesus Saying to His Church?" | POWER HOUR | Ep.105

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] hey good afternoon or good morning whenever you're joining from power our family it is thursday the 12th is it thursday the 12th of november episode 105 of power hour and we're just super excited chuffed as we would say to be with you or if i wanted to be like a teenage boy in glasgow buzzing buzzing where we're just going to prophesy in our super happy place here in the word of the lord for the church for his people we just believe that god has good things to say today and i'm joined by the amazing cedar jane and look um that are just ready fool with lots of words to bring how are you doing sarah jane you're not with us yesterday you are celebrating a very special day where are you glad to be back glad to be with you and a little bit of an echo um yes we were celebrating in um our honeymoon haunts actually in the center of scotland so we ended up honeymooning in scotland because we bought a house that we weren't necessarily expecting to buy early on in our married life you know when god kind of interrupts everything it was one of those moments and so we really just went to some places that are our favorite places which happen to be right on our doorstep now and um the greatest joy actually obviously spending a day with my husband was a great joy alistair we had a lovely time the weather was mince as they say in glasgow it was raining it was drink another scottish word for you international people a drink which means basically gray wet and pretty yucky and but we had a lovely time and it was great and the best joy was i got my engagement and wedding ring back now sam you know this story luke you might not know this story so last august we were having a church weekend away which was super fun was it yes it was it was super fun and somebody had a bright idea of hiring an inflatable in fact two inflatables one way you run with the bungee attached to you and it flips you back that was very funny actually emma doing that was really funny all of us was really funny about especially when emma did it we had lots of laughs however this other thing that was inflatable do you remember had a big like ball which was slightly soft but weighted and you had to throw it and push it to four three other people that were on these inflatable platforms you had to stand up and throw it at each other now sam i remember you and taylor being very good at that and quite violent maybe craig was really good all these young guys you know who got good balance you do the gym and they're fit now whose idea was it i don't know if it was mine it could have been mine if it probably was to say to some of the moms let's have a go what a great yeah i will not name names who threw this all at me but as i was trying to get on the inflatable platform i was doing like a surfboard balance like this i wasn't looking and then this ball literally came out of nowhere and hit me right on the end of my wedding finger it was the most painful thing for many years let me say that i've had and literally it was agony and haven who was taking photographs at the time happened to get the exact moment when i was like oh you know take shot no please don't show that david do not show that picture if you have it anywhere so it's taking a year to for my finger to mend and it's all bent and out of shape and so i had to get my rings resized i was hoping oh where did those picks go i don't know let them be lost in time and never come back again so they had to get refit because my finger just hasn't gone back to its normal shape it's deformed um so now i'm very happy i've got my wedding and engagement rings back yesterday on our 20th anniversary that was a long story it was funny but it was also painful it was painful and your fingers were really swollen i just remember sitting because i did the work like song words at one point for something in a worship set while we were there and i just remember standing at the back right and i was taking pictures of everybody and i didn't know what happened and i didn't know that you'd had your fingers banded and so everybody's got our hands in the air i'm thinking when i look at this picture to edit it what's that right inside of him because of the way your fingers were bandaged was like this in the ear honestly it's quite star trek but nearly yeah but you know that's where i i i lost it at that point and thought this i mean i felt like your finger of me looked at that picture i thought there's a new word well i thank god that we had nicola nicola who is brilliant that so many things and so many heads of department which we always make fun of but actually she is a very experienced practice nurse and she got the first aid kit and sorted me out yeah anyway that was a long story there's jane's tragedy of last year and the successor yes what's happening with you it's doing good what a great anniversary gift though you're written back isn't that it was and it's platinum apparently or porcelain i'm not a big fan of things porcelain so i was very happy to get them resized and put back as new yes yeah exactly as new that's great well i've been so i've been i got these in the post today so these are my socks in the box nice this was a christmas gift last year and uh i'm i'm actually quite an introverted person um and uh and so when when my wife deborah uh bought me this gift last christmas and it's the gift that keeps on giving because you get one every single month she specifically chose the muted down you know not in your face not bright colored you know introvert version and this is this is what came in fact every single month i've got uh i've bought i've got a pair of socks that unfortunately are probably you know i will only wear in my extroverted moments so i've got those this set yeah it's been one every month and unfortunately there's only been one or two pairs and i can actually wear out but i must say having said that during lockdown it has been a little bit of a uh you know a nice thing to maybe exciting your day a bit by putting on some brights happy socks i know two men who love those socks david stark and alastair they both wear crazy socks david's known for crazy things yes we want crazy smoke flocks in the box definitely the way to go every month on time on schedule very dependable and i'm making a note for alex's christmas yes i mean we can see once we're actually allowed to gather in the building who has the best socks out of the three of you know well i think i might have some that could yeah could compete i feel the competitive and inflatables at church social someone was saying i don't remember doing that at church social weekend that's even tame compared to emma loves to get is really working in some extreme sports when we are at church weekend away in leaders weekends away so it's pretty normal for us at the global prophetic alliance at power church to go into that world but it is unusual anyway we want to prophesy today and really um bring some words to the church but to you all individually in terms of what does god say guys people personally not individual prophetic words otherwise you'd be here for decades i think and but it kind of personal that god is saying to his people right now and really we spent some time over the last weeks talking very much about nations about politics about elections uh about changes that are coming to structures etc etc and as we were praying and listening to god over the last couple of days particularly this week we really felt like god was changing our focus now that almost even what we said on monday was a kind of full stop on the end of the revelation that god was bringing there 40 time and god now is saying i want you to speak to my church i want you to speak directly to my people right now because i have some things that i want to say to them today and so we're going to talk and release personal words to you about how god is moving in your life how god is moving in the church and how we should then respond to the moving of the spirit to the moving and the activity of god to partner with him at a time like this and what i would love to just say before i hand over say to jane to begin with her prophetic words as god is starting his church to rise in an entirely new way at this time and i want you to get excited yes the church is being refined yes god is also shaking the church and the prophets and the people in my in many regards but it is probably one of the most exciting things that he's ever done with us before he is shaking the church stirring the church he is burning the church in many regards as well because there is a church of power and glory and of national transformation that is about to rise in the nations of the earth so be invited as god speaks to you today so senior james you want to begin with your word about living in the moment and living in today and look and i will kind of jump in as as god leads great thanks sam yeah i was asking the lord lord what is it you're saying to the church right now in this moment and we've had some challenging words that we've had to release and i was really you know not not actually crossing my fingers but because that would be superstitious and we don't cross our fingers but i was like please god say something helpful and nice and happy today and not not a hard word for us to hear actually i heard the lord say live in the moment a very simple phrase for words you know live in the moment i'm like lord what do you mean and it almost arrested me because i was walking the dogs and i was chantering to god in the way that we sometimes do and i was talking to him about specific things and saying lord i really need to talk to you about this and that and the other and what you're saying about this and then what are you saying to the church today and it was just this arrested phrase live in the moment and i felt like it was a live in the moment and enjoy the view live in the moment and actually look at the trees and feel the sun on your face feel that cold wind that's coming at you and be present in the moment and i don't know about you and how you live your life or even how how you grew up but i was always the one saying to my dad in the natural are we there yet dad if we were in the car you know have we how long have we got to go when will we get there and before climbing a hill because i lived in the lake district which is very hilly and lots of lakes i would have been saying to him when are we getting to the top is this the top you know when do we get to the top and constantly kind of the next thing what's the next thing let's think about the next thing and so i know that this is almost something as sarah jane and also as a prophet who's looking to the future every day and and that's my you know my professional position is looking forward god's saying to me live in the moment had greater levels of meaning living the moment means yes for the natural but it also means for the spirit how many of us are thinking about tomorrow and being concerned about it how many of us are thinking about future months future weeks future years what if this what if that happens or is this going to happen or is this not going to happen and the lord is saying to us all today whatever nation you're in live in the moment church this is the time to live in the moment and and god was speaking from psalm 62 particularly where david says twice find rest my soul in god alone and it was god saying find rest my soul in me now today find rest my soul in this moment right now not tomorrow or not in some future point but actually today and in this moment we're living in there was also this godly wisdom god took me to psalm 111 where the lord was saying yes the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and there is godly understanding which is for this moment not far off not something like a slippery bar of soap where we try and grab it and can't catch it and almost think like well one day god will get your wisdom one day i'll have some good understanding godly understanding but i can't quite get a hold of it right now and i'll maybe try again later the lord is saying no right now in this moment is your wisdom is godly understanding and this living in the moment church that i believe god is not just challenging us with but he's actually putting befores and saying you know almost like i want to say like a commanded word if you will it's it's not in scripture so it's not a command a scriptural word but i feel it's almost a command to live in this moment and not to allow ourselves to get stuck in a tomorrow place or a future thinking place and so the strength of the lord the perseverance of the lord the good things that god has for us is for this moment and we just give the scripture that we all know really well that that jesus says in matthew 6 34 therefore do not worry about tomorrow and i would put there in brackets live in the moment for tomorrow will worry about itself jesus said each day has enough trouble of its own the living the moment medicine to us from god is the verse before verse 33 seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all those things we're worrying about will be taken care of and will be giving to us as well so it's a look to the jesus challenge it's a look to the father it's to receive his rest and his joy for our souls and his peace and his joy and his wisdom for this moment that we are living in right all now so good so good sarah jane and actually just as you're on that someone was commenting there which i think i want to stress because it's so good at someone called kerry you were saying we need to stop borrowing troubles when we worry too much about what happens in the future this thing happens where we actually disempower ourselves to make energy when we partner with a worry for the future when we partner with troubles from tomorrow we just power ourselves to make any real change decisions today and if you speak to any let's take financial decisions as an example if you speak to any debt advisor if you've ever faced debt or a bill that you need to pay off they'll always tell you do not stress about the big final sum how am i gonna gather ten thousand pounds they tell you to think every day what am i able what financial decision even if it's small am i able to make today that will help in the long term offset that burden and so that verse that stated jim was saying before don't borrow tomorrow's troubles is what kerry is paraphrasing that about seeking the kingdom of god is how do you want me to seek your kingdom today and as a result what kingdom actions can i make today and that word today is important and when you start to ask those prayers and partner with god and that those sorts of prayers that's when you empower yourself to make decisions that then in the long run actually help to offset whatever the burden might be that you're carrying um absolutely sarah did you want to continue or look do you want to add to that i was just thinking in regards to that we um you're right we we throw so much don't we on to tomorrow or onto our experiences from yesterday we pull them into the present moment um but uh i'm just reminded that uh god's god's always living in the present moment always you know um he's even though we live in uh within this time frame god's outside of that so he's always living in the present uh so uh unless we actually are able to step into that moment and let go of a whole load of those things that we worry about and you know we even look to and look forward to um and unless we can actually just uh sometimes just shrug them off you know throw them off throw the weight of it off and just take a breath and go oh okay god where are you today you know i'm here i want to speak to you uh you know in the present moment because he's he's always in the present you know he's always in the present and he's his his kingdom and the fullness of his kingdom is is in the presence and our ability to one connect with god but also connect with the fullness of his kingdom is in our ability to to do exactly what that scripture says cast off those things from the other you know backwards and forwards and stand in the present moment um and so it's a it's a tough thing to do it's a tough thing to do but i think the heart of god is he wants to know us he just won't know us that's good and a key for us to know him and to be known by him is to be able to stand in the present because otherwise like you know it's like when you talk about someone in third person language you know i wouldn't i wouldn't talk to to you sam or sarah jane as if you were in a another room i would talk to you face to face and it's the same even our language brings us into a present moment so you know when you walk in the dog you talk with god what are you saying today you know or even acknowledging the truth of where you are i'm feeling like this today you know what do you have to say about that god you know where you know what what is your what is your heart on that what are your thoughts on that and straight away suddenly you step into a dynamic of the heart of god and the kingdom of god where one he's able to meet you where you're at but you're also able to step into the realm where he's at yeah yeah and i i think there's something as you you guys are talking i think there's something about when we focus on tomorrow and the future we can miss the daily provision of god yeah because it's like we're distracted for that thing that feels like it's not coming that we are so bothered about and so focused about and it's almost like i feel like the lord is saying to us today look this daily provision that i'm giving you in the moment don't miss it you know don't miss the joy of the view if you're in the countryside like i was this morning you know don't miss the the feeling of the moment that you're in on a phone call or a conversation with somebody you know cherish the moment that we're in cherish the moment in the natural in our relationships and our daily lives but also cherish the moment with god and his daily provision and it makes me think of when the israelites were in the desert and we all know the story really well god provided mana angels food for the people of god and it was just take this for today and take then twice as much on a saturday so that your friday would be i guess so that you have you know the right amount for the next two days and then you have a restroom gathering and this sense of actually if we don't listen to that word from god in the moment we cannot just mr provision but we can also get i think confused about the provision and the medicine that is personal to us but also as a corporate church what is god doing in the moment and i think we'd all love to say we all love an easy ride you know we'd all love it to be less challenging that it is right now but i think the word of the lord that comes to us daily and in the moment is going to be not just medicine but it's going to be essential for where we are as families of god where we are as as as blood families and spiritual families together that we need to encourage each other and actually strengthen each other with that moment word with that moment encouragement as much as we get it from god and we need to hear for today not like last week's or last month's word um yeah very important so good so key questions for you to write down and take down an action those of you that are watching what are you doing in my life today god what are you doing in my life today god how do you want me to seek you today how do you want me to seek you today today is so important not just what you want to do in my life in the future that's good because you need sometimes you're at your heart to be to be to be stirred by dreaming about the future but you also need to be empowered to act today so god how do you want me to partner with you today how draw me to partner with you today these things they seem almost too simple in some regards but i think we probably all struggle with that concept when we properly assess our daily lives and we think i probably spend too much time worrying about tomorrow how much of your thought life is given to thinking about your present moment in comparison to thinking about your future if you were to do an honest assessment what percentage of your thought life is focused on today and what percentage of your thought life is focused on what is coming really recalibrate that and when you understand what god is doing today you empower yourself then to partner with him in a way that will change your tomorrow change your future so it's so good you want to share your work on grace that you were having and just what you were carrying that you shared before we came on that was so powerful yeah well even in response to just just doing that you know just sitting down and asking the question to god what what do you want to say to me today what have you got for me today um and immediately i heard the lord say um i want to know you more which is great because it's so welcoming and inviting and i felt the invite of god you know just to step in and connect with him and know his heart and said i want to know know you more so i i asked him well god how do you want to know me more what can i uncover of my heart and then he was quite direct and he said to me you have mistaken freedom for lawlessness and i was like what god you have called grace you're right but actually my grace is a gift to you wow and it it hit my heart because i didn't think that's where my heart was yeah i didn't think that's where my heart was he said is grace is grace above the law question does grace negate the law no grace fulfills the law it fulfills everything that has gone before and if grace fulfills the law and if grace fulfills the law it still requires a life of obedience yeah a life of walking close with me a daily place of submission but communication and recognizing i'm a son but also a servant and he really really challenged me because um i've i feel that we can all take liberties with the grace of god but actually if grace fulfills the law there is and actually talks in scripture about the law of grace that actually not only does grace fulfill everything that went before but it releases into something new and he challenged me and he said you know what i released grace as a gift not just so that you could be saved from death it wasn't just for you and he said to me but my grace is actually also for me how is grace for you god and he said great the grace was for me as well because in the beginning when everything happened in the beginning not only were your hands bound by the sin but my hands were bound by the sin and i have longed to release my fullness into the earth and so now grace enables me to release my fullness into the earth wow and uh he took me to matthew 7 verse 21 and it says this not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven i think we all know this passage of scripture but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven on that day many will say to me lord lord did we not prophesy in your name did we not cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name and then i will declare to them i never knew you and that hit my heart because more than anything i heard again write to my spirit the lord just saying i want to know you in this moment in this present moment i want to know you and that's probably the the key thing that has come out from what sarah jane was just saying there was actually that today the lord wants to know us he just wants to know us and he wants us to step into the reality of knowing him even though we may prophesy great words even though we may cast out demons even though we may see a a whole dynamic of that kingdom of god still the heartbeat of god is to know us yeah it's to know us so he's calling us to know know him and he was calling me this morning just to know him um and then i read in matthew 24 12 because actually as lawlessness increases love grows cold and that that just that cleaned out my heart because i think more than anything um i we want to have hearts not just that are on fire but that are in love and pouring out you know in love and pouring out our love upon him and being ones who are known as the beloved um you know not to be lukewarm but to be passionate with our fervency and passionate with the the fire that we carry inside but more than that i recognized that actually i had misunderstood grace and the liberty that i'd taken was actually causing my heart to grow cold where the lord was inviting me to know him more so that my heart could be raging on fire again for him you know because it says it says in titus for the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all people and training us to live self-controlled upright godly lives but in the present age and i feel the call of god to step into the present but recognize that actually there's a dynamic of grace that is not just how can i say it um there is there is there are still rules to grace yep that unable us to access the fullness of the kingdom of god yeah grace is not just a go and do whatever you want it actually fulfills what the the law was trying to brings to a point to the law made us you know recognize what sin is and that we were sinful but then he came and by grace he saved us but then grace also is unto you know it's like unto but it requires us just knowing him more and so i just heard that heard the lord say right now today in this present moment i am calling you to know me more and to understand that i want you to live a life obedient and close and in love you know so it's so good look and i a real call there back to a fiery pure love of god almost like a return to that first love place where then that produces abandonment that produces obedience that produces a surrender to the will of god and i think we've got to say god i'm sorry for where in my look warmness i have misunderstood your race i'm sorry for where in my lukewarmness and my lack of intimacy with you i have forgotten a whole aspect of who you are and that your grace actually requires me to come in closer rather than giving me a permission to distance myself from you that grace at the end of the day is the ability to come closer to god because you understand that it requires you to be more righteous it requires you to be more in love rather than a carte blanche go do what you want it doesn't matter grace covers and so the grace of god is the ability to come close to god and not fart away from him so god we're sorry for where we have partnered with look warmness and really that feeds quite into what i heard the lord saying and what god showed me this morning and slightly changing attack just jump in as i talk about this word of the lord as we go on i woke up this morning and i saw this enormous dark storm cloud rolling in towards me and just for honesty because we're family i thought oh no please lord let this not be another chaos word or another shaking word i was like i'm so done hearing that please can i could it be the storm of joy can we go with that god or a storm of of of sleep i'd quite like that to be enveloped in a storm of sleep you know that's what i'm thinking because it was early in the morning when he woke me up with it and god said this to me what you are seeing is not just another storm and i thought thank you jesus i was like oh well what is it then god because it looked quite almost violent and it was as as for some of you who have maybe been in places like like like thailand that have the the tropical storms that come and that the sun is you know beating down one moment and then before you see it it rolls in with thunder and lightning and wind and rain it was that sort of storm though greater than i was watching and the lord said this to me about the storm what you are seeing is a storm of a reverential fear of me that is rolling into the church again what you are seeing is a storm of a reverential fear of me that is rolling in to the church again and the lord said this to me the purpose of every other storm that is in the earth right now is for this storm of a fear of the lord to come that every other storm every other shaking every other storm that is going on in the earth just now is because god is putting a fear of the lord back onto and into his house you see the bible uses the word fear almost a thousand times it uses the word fear over 300 of those around 340 to 350 depending on translations fear is used in reference to god that's a third of the mentions of fear in the bible is about the fear of the lord yet i think we often don't play it and and when we talk about fear as well we like to change and the fear of god we like to change the words that we use don't we so i'm in reverence of god or i respect god or i'm in awe but very rarely does the word of god change the word fear and reference to a fear of god to something that down plays it and i think we've got to say god i need to understand that the fear of god is the most important fear and the most powerful fear there is and where we talk so much about this fear and that fear and this fear and that fear it's the fear of god that we need to talk about more than anything else see i think we fear the world or the enemy more than we fear god and that's where my heart was going to this morning just as i woke up why do i think that because we think that the world or the enemy is the biggest threat there is we think the world or the enemy is the biggest threat there is but god is god is the biggest threat i mean what statement to say god is the biggest threat god is far more powerful far scarier if i can use that word than the world or the enemy and when we assume that the world is the biggest threat we give it unwarranted power because what we fear we give the power to to define us whoever has our fear has the ability to define who we are to define our actions to lead our actions but god is the biggest threat yeah what a statement right there we're not used to that language of fear you can kind of feel your skin crawl a little bit even at that that statement god is the biggest threat you see he is the biggest threat to our egos and our selfish ambitions he is the biggest threat to our human structures and our systems he possesses an enormous threat to delusions and idols he as the biggest threat there is destroys our vain imaginations so that by truth he can set us free the world is not the biggest threat god is the biggest threat because he sets in judgment of sin so that we can then know the redeeming and liberating power of forgiveness he casts us down so that he can lift us up and the lord is see saying right now to his church when fear returns social glory when fear returns soul shall glory let me see it again the word of the lord to the church right now is this sex worded sentence when fear returns social glory wow and we see this throughout scripture when it pertains particularly to revelation that actually the majority of the glory encounters that we see in scripture that utterly transformed an individual or a nation were built on a foundation of a fear of the lord moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at god in exodus 3 verse 6. ezekiel falls on his face in reverence in ezekiel 3 verse 20 3 jeremiah's bones are trembling his body overcome because of the holiness of god in jeremiah chapter 3. daniel is terrified and false prostrate on the ground and then needs a holiday to recover because of the fear of god in chapter eight and isaiah cries out woe is me as the glory fills the temple and he meets his god in chapter six and it's john who then falls down as though dead when he sees the glory in the spread splendor of the lord and revelation one how often is that your response to god how often is that the church's response to god how often is that what happens in a church service or in a conference that that when god turns up in that sort of way is how we respond i think it's a small percentage yet in the bible the overwhelming percentage of a response to god is fear awe and wonder yeah look at something before i continue do any of you want to add on to this concept of fear returning so glory shall come as well yeah just i think it brings home the importance of um we are still called to live a life worthy you know because uh he he is uh if the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom which i know has actually been said a few times in the last few episodes but maybe it's a word for the season if the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom then we need to step into a place of being wise we need to step into a place of being wise sons and daughters and standing in the place that he's calling us to um what i was trying to convey with that in relation to grace is that grace the law is still applicable with grace why because actually what god did has actually just opened up the power aspect of the godhead in the earth and if the the power of god has been opened up to its fullness in the earth then there is a fear that must go with that and an understanding that there is a um a duty for us to live a a requirement for us to live or not even to the letter of the law that was required before because that was just to keep us in the right place but actually to go beyond that so so to live wholly beyond that to live righteous beyond that to go beyond that why because actually he's released such a greater measure in the earth that is potentially accessible that actually the fear of the lord should be greater the acknowledgement of who he is should be greater our awe struck you know uh state should be greater before god now than it ever was before because before it was because of fear of death but now it's almost the fear of all that god could potentially do and wants to do in the earth so it's a now word uh the fear of god and the fear of the lord is integral and right now he's saying the only wise way is to step into a dynamic of the fear of the lord absolutely virgin jonah should as well on that yeah absolutely just as you said that at the very end there step into the fear of the lord what i was watching in the spirit was almost like this this corporate expression of the church where we've walked alongside that place where the glory and the or and the thundering of god's glory clouds is almost like to the side of us and we are walking along this many of us actually unaware of the awe and the brilliant fear that god emanates from who he is and the lord is saying that to us step into that step into that fear of the lord step under if you will the thundering glory clouds of god and i was just having a conversation with god as you guys were sharing and listening to what you're saying and asking him lord what does this look like and he reminded me of um stories of smith wigglesworth who many of us know to be uh a great man of god and actually you can probably talk more about this because this is your kind of uh your your area and you you know a lot about smith smith wigglesworth and actually uh andrew cannon white and was talking about him a couple of weeks ago when he was interviewed about his new book and how he carries smith wigglesworth bible he was a man who would always go to the word of god for a word from the lord throughout his day he was a man who took communion every day not in some religious way but because he pressed in to the fullness who god was and he was a man who saw these miracles where he would sometimes pray and lay hands on or sometimes even punch tumors of cancer out of people and they would literally physically fall on the ground and if you've not heard of smith wigglesworth who was from bradford in yorkshire and a saint in the 1800s in england you you could do um yourselves a service to find out more about him because his life is inspiring but there's stories of him standing in the presence of god and the thick glory and the weight of god coming on him where other pastors would be with him and they would be trembling as sam is saying they would be physically afraid and they would be getting down on the floor and lying on the ground and he would be still standing in the presence of god because he had come to know uh the awe and the fear of the glory of god like nobody of his time and i feel like the lord has been speaking about that even though the last few years that this time now is coming where we need to be those who see the glory and the thundering face of god you know it and to fear it and they would say after i had to crawl out of the room because i thought i was going to die because of the weight and the terrifying shaking of the fear of the lord and i heard the lord say as i asked him this question what will this cost us as church what will this cost us individually and he said to me this will cost you everything everything that we know if uh if you will of who got us to this point because our whole lives and our whole if you will relationship with the lord is going to be completely changed transformed blown out of the water as we step in to knowing truly what it is to live under the fear of the lord and under the awe of god i don't think we have the mind sam and luke i don't think we have the mindset as the church right now to understand what it means to live under the fear of the lord and i think we do ourselves um great favor by actually saying god give me the mind of christ to navigate this season now that we are coming this era actually that we're walking into where the fear of the lord is something that we wear and that we live in to love god was to fear god and uh and we our minds can't comprehend what it is to love god in fearing god but when you see the example as even as you shared that story when you see the example of uh the likes of smith wigglesworth or a man or woman who got of god who fears god you see that actually it is it's like a um intense love there's so much love that there's so much fear that there's so much respect that there's so much honor and it's like you know it it's this incredible mix of it's like just this holy love where god is god and is able to do what god does uh because of someone who has um i can't remember who said it but we are yet to see a man or woman who was fully submitted uh to the spirit and i think that's probably what it looks like um someone living under the fear of god in that way yeah amen absolutely and just a comment there that i thought was excellent i think you moved too fast but julia you said hey i think that was your name that the fear of god is not the same as the fear of the enemy and the fear of man because the fear of god causes us to tremble so much that we repent and then we see god in a way that enables us to obey him i think that's an excellent kind of summary even of what the fear of god is thanks for that julia let me just keep going there's some things that i want to hit and just in our final 10 minutes as we then come into land proverbs 28 14 blessed is the one who fears the lord always but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity blessed is the one who fears the lord always but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity and here in this proverb the fear of the lord is contrasted with a hard unreceptive heart they are put at opposite ends and contrasting as contrasting one another as being opposites that you either have the fear of the lord and you're receptive to god or if you do not have the fear of the lord then you're not receptive to god and it is the fear of the lord that makes you able to receive from god it is the fear of the lord that makes you able to receive from god and i wonder how many of us have gone through battles where we have thought i'm receiving nothing uh you know i feel like everything just kind of hits me and falls away from me that god sends my way i'm not able to tune in and receive more of the presence of god and we've kind of fought with ourselves and fought with thoughts when god is saying you just need you to get more fear of me yeah you just needed to bow down low and come to a place of feeding me for it is when you fear me always that you then have a soft receptive heart that fear of god makes your heart soft and receptive to god and so we've got to pray and we pray this often you know soften my heart god but we need to partner that with by increasing my fear of you if god's going to soften your heart he does it by increasing the fear of the lord in your life that's how he does it let me say something uh as well just as we kind of clarify the fear of the lord and just what god is saying to me hey god is saying to the church right now there is terror outside of christ when you are outside of christ there is terror that's how i would like to kind of uh distinguish fear uh from the feet the fear of god from the fear that happens outside of christ there is terror t-e-r-o-r it sounds weird with a scottish accent because we like to roll our arms there is terror outside of christ but inside of christ there is trembling inside of christ there is trembling and an overwhelming amount of scripture talks about the people of god being a people who tremble philippians 2 talks about working out your salvation with what fear and trembling isaiah also talks about those who hear my my word those who hear my voice my people they hear it with trembling and trembling is set in scripture as a distinguishable mark of those who are saved and i heard the lord say this morning it is time for the trembling church to arise it is time for the trembling church to arise and then you know i started i could hear and the spirit the angels sing and we know the song you know jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble when i could hear the angels almost chuckling but singing at the same time rewriting that song jesus jesus you make your people tremble jesus jesus you make your people tremble because outside of christ there is terror but inside of christ there is trembling and we've got to pray god would you restore to me trembling that i would tremble in your presence that i would tremble in your course that i will tremble in your house god i need to see the bigness of who you are that i may understand that you've called me to tremble and you work out your salvation by fear and by trembling wow if you remember a couple of weeks a couple of sessions ago i actually can't remember when it is i released a word let me just submit it really quickly and then go into what it looks like that god said this coming are the days where the wise church shall rise because coming first to the church is fear of me coming are the days where the wise church shall rise because coming first to the church is a fear of me not straight out of you know psalm 111 and proverbs 9 they both say this is a similar thing the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom it is the fear of lord that births wisdom yet we bypass the fear of the lord because we think that we can get to wisdom without it we think that we can work our way up to wisdom uh by by bypassing the process and god says if you want wisdom then you first need fear because when you fear god you do what he asks you to do yeah when you fear god you want to please god more than you want to please man this is why you get wisdom when you fear god when you fear god you get wise because you stay accountable to god for your actions when you fear god wisdom increases because you dare not act against his will when you fear god wisdom increases because in a desire to honor him you live a life of intentional pursuit of righteousness when you fear god god calls you wise because you hate sin and flee from it and when you fear god wisdom is put on you because you love them with all your heart with all your soul and with all your strength and this is why the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and this is why we go aha i understand when moses chose leaders to lead israel in the wilderness he said number one they need to fear god that's exodus 18 21 number one they've got to fear god above all things and moses chose his leaders dependent on how much they feared god yeah so let me see that one sex worded sentence that i believe is the word of the lord to the church right now again when fear returns social glory when fear returns score shall glory and even as i've just said that there i've heard that i just heard the spirit of the lord say it it's time to stop bypassing fear of me for the lord says you cry out for awakening you cry out for outpouring you cry out for my glory to hover yet the lord says how do you expect to get there if you bypass fear for the lord says fear is the pathway to glory and fear is the way you enter into wisdom and fear is the way that you get more of who i am to land on the church and fear is the way that you get awakening to come yeah sarah jane and look do you want to add anything to that or pray or anything as you feel led just with our final minutes um i can just see that as you're saying it's um this this the darkness of god and as the church gets on her knees under the fear of god there is this cracking open in the spirit as if you would crack open an egg but the darkness revealing that liquid glory of god that that thundering lightning glory of god that is coming and i hear him say again and this is not a new word that the lord has released the church but this year 2020 has been that word where god is keeping saying over us as church and over the nations on your knees and it is that it's all i see the church on her knees in this dark fear fear thundering of the fear of the lord and then this opening of the glory and it is the on your knees because i am the lord it is on your knees because i am god and it is this sense of actually we again we said this over the last couple of weeks on your knees in submission on your knees in in reverend oh on your knees in fear of the lord willingly and voluntarily and not in a forced way so that the glory of god can be revealed and so god we say we get on our knees and we put our face to see your face god that we see that face that is not just kind and not just loving but ferocious and thundering and glorious and i heard the lord say that as we tremble as the church the foundations of the earth get shaken and where do we find that in psalm 82 there is a glory that will be revealed from the mantle of the earth itself as the church becomes the trembling church as we vibrate with the fear and the glory of the lord the earth will vibrate and tremble and shake and the foundations of the earth will reveal the glory of the lord and it's almost like you know if i put you on something that is that is moving that is vibrating your body starts to vibrate if i put a uh what you call them a drill on the street uh the vibrations go through the street there is the sense of actually the mass shaking and trembling of the corporate church of god in this hour begins a momentum of shaking the foundations of the very earth that we stand on so the lord says shake vibrate tremble under my hand but first i hear the lord say on your knees before me i am god yes so we just respond to that and we say we want to be a people that you find on our knees that we want to be a people that are on our knees and fear and awe and wonder of you and so we get on our knees and we below and we take the permanent posture of the bowed low place and god we pray even as the psalmist prays give us teach us the fear of the lord teach us the fear of the lord god we need to be taught the fear of the lord because we don't understand what it actually is god would you give us the fear of the lord that's right of psalm 34 11 come children listen to me i will teach you the fear of the lord or i will give you the fear of the lord so god would you teach us what it means to fear your name sam just as we know the quakers were called the quakers because they had this this kind of trembling to them the lord says i will now have my shakers and i hear the lord says you know our prayer and our response is what shake me god shake us god and yes we will look strange because we will be a church you actually physically shake and get thrown about that is something where you have to have the fear of the lord over people of man we will look uh yet strange and ridiculous to many but the lord says you will be my shaking church not just my queen church and so for those of you that are hearing this word and go i don't care god whatever it takes whatever it looks like how strange we look how strange i look i want you to shake me under your hand i want to feed you god and i want to be a sign on the earth that we would be the trembling shaking church be strange god says and shake wow come on we agree amen amen well there's some business for you to work on for the next few days and over the weekend before we come back on tuesday with power hour teach me the fear of the lord and shake me god there's two simple prayers why because when fear comes social glory when fear returns so shall glory thanks for joining us this week we've had a wild ride for uh for power hours such a great time i know that you'll have been blessed challenged and starved so we actually being on team as well we've been blessed challenged and starred and we'll see you on tuesday for episode 106 of power hour see you then [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 9,489
Rating: 4.9525223 out of 5
Id: JTbxBtXIySg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 2sec (3902 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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