"Well Watered" | Warrior Women | Ep. 46

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello warrior women welcome welcome it is thursday and we're excited to be with you hello all of you gorgeous ladies i know you're gorgeous i don't need to see you so you're gorgeous ladies coming on from all over the place hello all the ladies from michigan northern ireland australia let's see england uh trinidad and tobago welcome ladies and we are so excited we have paris and allie hi charis nally hello [Music] we we are talking about being well watered women in god size dreams today so we are excited to talk about that releasing you into your god-given dreams and yeah just kind of coming back to the dreaming world again and so i think sometimes we get you know kind of stuck in our day-to-day lives that we forget oh like there's a god who wants to dream with us and so yeah we're excited to kind of just dig into that and talk about all that so but welcome me if this is your first time we welcome you and just jump right in make sure you let us know where you are from because we'd love to see we do read your comments as best as we can while we're talking so make sure that you comment let us know where you're from and yeah so ladies what you've been up to well i mean as you can see i am in a completely different place this is my kitchen this is my daughter's unicorn artwork i thought i'd leave it there just for you all to see three different unicorns right there for you and i have moved because some of you may have noticed that myself and sam were streaming from the same place and that is because sam was lodging with us for the past 10 months we had him for 10 months 10 glorious months we loved having him i know me and my husband and my little one we had uncle sam or gunson as she would like to call him and so we had him for 10 months and then he has left and gone to live in his own flat in glasgow which was so i mean it's so great but we do miss him um and yes he took all of the streaming equipment so now i'm here with my bedside light he left me nothing he left her it was all his so i can't really expect it to have left anything but yes i'm here with my bedside light in my kitchen because the back room no longer looks like a nice office it's more of like just you know a graveyard for things that need to go in the bin and so yes welcome welcome to the kitchen we're going you know what we're going back to uh we're going back to the basics the authentic of ourselves so we're stripping back all the cameras and the lights and we're going back to streaming in our kitchen like let's reminisce for a second about when we were when we first started i was in my dining room and i had an ipad that i couldn't look directly at the camera and then i had to like scroll on the thing to see the comments uh like let's just go back to music you know yeah we have yeah and we had the bright the bright colorful lights in the background you remember that keras we had the bright colorful lights in the background and the you know i think my original uh setup was like my my laptop which has a terrible camera and a terrible microphone so like when we did our first episode if you just want to laugh go to our first ever episode when we were real power and it's just me like just like looking over it like because oh awful thank you lord that we have progressed yeah we have progressed and we've i hopefully we have gotten better and we're a little bit more enjoyable to watch with our new background yeah for sure well we um so last night some of you are gonna find us incredibly gross but just just mute if you need to but so last last night my daughter so me and my daughter kind of had this fetish now of watching youtube videos of of earwax like the largest pieces of earwax like the um being pulled out have you ever watched those videos no i feel like and i'm not sure this is something you should like admit on the internet but literally go youtube like the i forget what we what we looked at but it was like the largest p or earwax removal the biggest pieces of earwax removal go watch it it's so i don't know why i don't know why cass i just it's like people like it's like wasn't like dr pimple popper like it's the same thing that like people love that stuff so do does anybody else have this fetish of like when you pop yeah like popping a pimple or like same thing with like ear wax being pulled out it's like almost like a a different kind of like satisfaction of doing it like i know it because i when i went to the doctor's office i used to do that i used to clean people's ears so the thrill of like syringing someone's ear and earwax come you know like the big balls like it's just anyways right i get it i get it i just think it's more it's more satisfying if it's myself as opposed to me watching another person and their earwax and their pimples but for me myself [Laughter] yeah someone's turned into a prophetic word i feel the lord's cleaning out ears there you go prophetic anyways one of those random things they i don't even know if nate knows that i don't watch those videos anyways so my daughter has a new hobby i guess but anyways i guess we'll move on so we are diving into talking about god's size dreams now when we say god signs dreams i need to go from earwax to talking about god dreams anyways how do you really transition to that you just do that so we're talking about god's size dream so when we use the term god size dreams we're not talking about you know numbers or you know the big that you know the big um kind of the natural fruit of it now of course we know that when we enter god's size dreams those that can be a fruit you know like uh you know whether it's you know financial provision or it could be you know numbers of people working within the dream that god is you know but we're not talking about that today we're not getting we're not getting to all that but the size we want you to understand that the size of the dream isn't important but it's the size of our god that isn't important and so we're when we were talking earlier we're just saying you know how where we carry god's dna in us and and we love when and at times you know when we have when we have because we do a lot of prophetic ministry of course um and so when we are giving personal prophetic ministry a lot of times which you know is what prophets should do it's what the gift of prophecy releases is that we're prophesying into someone's future and a lot of times when we prophesy into someone's future we are prophesying things that god wants them to know or wants them to do that maybe they either haven't tapped into or they have they know it they know that god has given them a dream about something but they've never tapped into it and so when we when we prophesied to people we are pulling those things back up from its root yeah and so actually just this past week we were prophesying over a lady through one of our prophetic checkups and we had prophesied over um as far as you know god we hear the spirit of lord saying that you need to go into business and begin artwork again now whatever that looked like to her now we hadn't we did nothing about her we knew nothing about you know her god-given talent of being creative and in a unique way but that struck a chord with her and she just burst into tears and and so and it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing to see because what happens is that most times when we are pro when we are ministering to people it is speaking what god is saying to them of dreams and things that have not yet come into fulfillment yeah and so a lot of times it's because there is a diminished view a lot of times we have a diminished view of ourselves yeah to fulfill the call yeah and so today god is saying fulfill the call come into the dreams that i have destined for you yes so i just before we even go into any discussions i just want to i just want to release that into the airwaves today and i just want to say come alive dreams are coming alive again today god is birthing not rebirthing god is birthing dreams inside of you ladies and the god-sized dreams they are coming alive they're no longer dormant hidden and put away we call for the dna of heaven into our dreams into into what god has spoken over and into us it is now time ladies to bring to life the immaculate taste of our god-given dreams and assignments back to him yes and i i love that god wants to use us now we all have our own you know maybe lists of dreams or things that we have written in our journals think you know we have those things but we want to try to press into what is god dreaming for us yes that's what we are dreaming for ourselves and so when we reach out when we reach out and take a hold of the dreams that god has for us we find in him that we can do the impossible things yes yes so and i love it and it's and we find and what we find in that is we find the wonder of god again that makes it possible yes and so he's not just we're talking about this he's not just making things new he's not repurposing something he's not re uh he's not renovating something new okay so the best way to describe it is he's not renovating your house but he is adding to your house and he's making something new he's putting a new dream inside of you he's not rebirthing he's birthing something new inside of you come on ladies this is exciting yes maybe some of you are saying well i don't i don't know what my dreams are i don't know what god has for me then you need to sit down and ask god the questions what is your dream for me yes what is your dream for me and so not what are my dreams and so yeah so i'm just going to stop there allie carris jump in there and yeah yeah that is just oh sorry ally and you go well i was just going to say i felt like the question that would come up here megan when we started to talk about dreams is like that how do i know that i am partnered with a god dream and so like that was my first go-to when when the when the whole thought of dreaming comes up like how do i know that that i'm partnered with god on these dreams how did i know that they're god-given dreams and so when i looked in the bible for like you know aspirations of the disciples before that they met jesus it was like they wanted to be fishermen and they wanted to be in tent makers or if you look at david he was a shepherd and then he was called to be a king and i kind of feel like none of the characters in the bible end up where they think that they're going to end up before they have an encounter of a word of the lord they have other ambitions and other dreams and then they lay them down in order to partner with what god has spoken or what god has given and so when you guys out there are thinking about are my dreams are the things that i dream of doing are they god centered then i would ask the question has god spoken it and has it come from the very word of the lord or number two has have my dreams completely changed since i met jesus yeah if you're still living in the dream before you met jesus of maybe building your own house or i'm not saying that there's anything wrong with these dreams then what i would say is that you have not yet heard the word of the lord or you have not yet partnered with what god is dreaming for you yeah so i think that's really important megan what is god dreaming for us and i think the the keys that i that i could find for god-given dreams ladies as number one you have to be in relationship with him and you have to have intimacy intimacy with him you have to have heard the voice of the lord or be able to you have to know him and number two is that every character that affects change in the bible gives stuff up there is always a sacrifice sacrifice of their own dreams of their of where they're living or they have to move you know you've got mary who says yes to jesus and then has to go all the way to bethlehem to birth him so that they fulfill the word of the lord you have um you know david who is a shepherd who then has to defeat goliath he then spends years knowing that at some point he's going to be king before he steps into the fullness of that but he said yes and partnered with what god is dreaming with him so god really needs you to be able to surrender the things that you hold tightly and dreamworld and have ambition for yeah and he needs your yes and whatever he is speaking and i don't know if you guys want to jump in on that yeah wow so good we had like we got very excited even before this and we started talking about as we unplug i mean this is that's how you know that the word of the lord is on it because we're adopting it in ourselves first and we're like oh god that's amazing i want to do this for myself and it comes out of personal devotion and but like those two things that you just said ali is almost like um so tightly and related to some of the things the lord was speaking to me that first one about intimacy i think this framework and the idea of dreams says everything about the god that we serve i think it says everything about the god that we serve because we become like him when we dream because he is a dreamer he is everything about him screams that he is creative and innovative and and he thinks about things and he and he plans them out you know we talk about god's plan you don't start a plan without a dream and an idea first it doesn't you don't just start planning but you have the i dream and the dream and the vision first so the first thing about that intimacy in the intimacy with the god who is the dreaming god we become more more dreamer like we we get the dreams out of that place of intimacy and i was saying this to the girls before i think it says scream so much of the father heart of god when we dream because when you think about i mean i'm not personally a mother but these two wonderful women with me right now are mothers incredible mothers at that and i'm sure there's plenty um mums in the in the um in the comments but um and even those who don't yet have kids but have a dream of having kids i think that is a mirroring of the father's heart for us like when he when he was making us and building us and growing us and he was saying what is gonna be what is this child going to be like you know um what is my daughter gonna create what is she gonna have hopes and dreams for just like you would when you had a conversation with your husband and you were like i wonder what our child is gonna be like i really hope she has your creativity but has my and my um flair for mass i hope she has your knee on the nose but she has my eyes you know that kind of thing of the imaging of god so in the intimacy with your father you become more like him so then you become more in the place of dreaming because you have that conversation with him just as ali said and say okay god what's your dream for me before you formed me you knew me just like it says in jeremiah so what were your plans for me what were your hopes for me what were things that you put in me before i was even born that you were like i really want her to have a go at this i really want her to see that this is inside of her having those kind of conversations will make you come alive and that second one that you said ali about um you know once you meet jesus your your dreams change and i had this whole um you know have a conversation with the lord about circumstances and i know that a lot of us have become very easily cynical and jaded about the plans that we have we hope to have and the dreams that we have because we see in the world's eyes and i think it's easy to say oh just look from heaven's perspective yes we need to do that but i think there's something of also going back to the god size which is the character of god they said god pours things out for us and give things to us and gives plans to us and works through us in full knowledge and understanding that we are quite unreliable and there will be times when we just won't we won't do what he asks us to do but he still does it because he loves to work through his people and there's something that we have to say today that when you meet jesus and you're like god if you are not worried about circumstances then i can't be worried about circumstances and there has to be a moment of like god i'm not gonna make my decisions because i might get hurt or things might go wrong i'm gonna make the decision because you gave me the dream in the first place and that's what living life is truly meant to be that we dream and we make it happen if things go wrong they go wrong but that's not the point the point is that we do it and we outwork the dream and i think there's a healing for some of you guys today and i'm just this is just off the cuff here but the lord is wanting to do a healing work in your heart for where you have had dreams but you felt like they have died or they have been buried under the soil and you're like god how was that ever going to be resurrected and actually the lord just as a megan was saying is not to be resurrected it's to die philly but just like that and that scripture but the seed that dies from that dead seed comes the new life and the lord has wanted to bring a new life and a new resurrection and a new dream to you from that dead dream and that is a healing work and almost a grieving work but then out of that will come the fullness of the new thing that god wants to release to you today sorry i know that that was a lot but megan and that was really good you want to just clean up some of the stuff in the comments um where someone was saying we're talking about dreams as in dreams in the night i think what we're we do have to kind of define what we're talking about here dreams we are talking about vision we're talking about um aspiration we're talking about the things that god has given us to build towards in the natural so you might have the inspiration for your god-given dream and through a nighttime sleep dream or a prophetic word but really what we're talking about as as destiny and god's plans for our lives and how we partner with that just wanted to clear that up yes no i and i see some i see a couple of you commenting putting in the comments you know what you feel like your god-given dream is and and some of you i want you to if you if you if you can i want you to write just in a brief in a brief phrasing what what is what do you believe god has given you uh what do you believe that your god dream is in the comments and so or maybe it's something that you've known for a while but you have yet but has yet to manifest i want you to put that in the comments because i think that when you type it out and you write it again because some of you it's bringing it's bringing back things that you know are god-given dreams but you've let fear or maybe rejection whatever that looks like kind of put it on hold and so i want you to write in the comments what is your god-given dream and so i think that even as you type it there will be something released because it's a reminder of what your god-given dream is so type that in the comments and if you don't know ask write the question like we were talking about earlier what is a what is your dream for me god what is it and so and i believe that when you partner with him he's going to reveal to you what that is and so it's it's really exciting and i love that you know uh a story that i i love in scripture you know allie i know that you gave several examples too and i want to i want to add another one too was when god gave gideon the dream and i know that i've mentioned this on here on a while back but when god gave gideon a dream to defeat the neighboring nation that he thought in his own in his own corner of mind that oh i've got 32 000 men so i'm good to go but if we know the story god says hold up no no you don't need 32 000 men i'm going to only give you 300 men to accomplish the task to defeat the neighboring nation and so when you think about that practically it's kind of mind-blowing um but he's stepping in because he's like no i want you to see and i want others to see what i can do through you get in when they're when there's only a small portion look at what i can do with the small look at what i can do with my hand when when i am in the god-given dream and so that wasn't gideon's dream to to defeat the neighboring nation with 300 men his his thought was i've got 30 i've got the people i've got the size i've got the quantity and god was like no hold up no i'm only going to give you this many because i want people to see i want you to see what i can do through through you and so and i really feel like today it is is it is breaking down a lot of religious walls even it's breaking down walls in our lives so we can actually fulfill the call that he has given us and wants us to step into and so yeah there's a lot of talk a lot of and it's bringing glory to him and it's bringing glory uh to to his kingdom and and this is not about us even though we are living our lives this is not about our our carnal dreams that we want to it's about what he wants to do and partnering with us so do not limit yourself to just what you think is is a good dream don't limit yourself to that because usually god has more than that it's it's usually an impossible dream but he's using us to he's taking the impossible and making it possible and so and i feel like he we know that he is the god of him of impossibilities that yeah possibilities so yeah ally go ahead i think we would be missing an opportunity if we didn't bring up calling alongside dream and and how that interlinks because i feel like that the ground can get a little bit muddy as to what is what and my my thoughts are that calling is is when the lord speaks and in essence it's when he gives you permission to dream and in what direction he gives you direction for dreaming and then the dreaming part is when you partner with what god has spoken so technically you're calling what he's spoken over you what he has called you to when you partner with your calling and you dream accordingly so you dream in the direction that that god is pointing you and i think that dreams are really interesting in the fact that gideon dreamed that he would defeat this army like when god spoke that he would defeat it his initial dreaming with the lord was that he would defeat it with thousands of our of army yeah with thousands of men but god then spoke into his dreaming and said no we're gonna go with 300. and so you're dr you have to hold your dreaming loosely yeah you can't hold it tightly you have to just know that you're dreaming in the right direction and allow god to come and correct what it is you're dreaming so for many of you who are posting on here i'd dream this in a dream that i dream about i mean so many good things like walking in god's fullness through community outreach and ministry organization so great watch women on the wall that sounds like you're calling how do you dream in that direction and hold your dreams loosely how you think it might look might not be quite how it looks when god starts to speak into that and when you dream with him and so i don't know if you guys want to add anything no yeah you're so hit something there allie because like when we're talking yeah when we're talking about this i think because we are in a seasonal shift and we're in the new thing we have to kind of grasp behold that this isn't a small thing we can talk like we talk about dreams but i think we kind of throw them off but a dream partnered with a call is something monumental and something so powerful a god dream that is partnered with your call that's where forward movement and forward shift happens but i think ali you're so right there because i think that this is where you could easily get misled when actually it's an opportunity for you to dream with god in that space because in that space the god could tell you something that your call that you've seen someone else with a similar call and but it's not making sense to you and you're not moving forward in it because it's not the same it's not the same because the dream has to change and the method and the dreaming and the vision for that call has to be different and i think some of you and need to go back to the drawing board a little bit and be like god i have not sat with you and i asked you what the dreams for my call actually looked like because i thought it looked like somebody else's i thought it looked like what you did for them but in reality it's a completely different thing that you're doing with me and a completely new thing that you're doing with me and i feel like sometimes even the like i think the lord was kind of showing me that dreaming um is like the the engine or the fuel of what you're doing in your call because it it drives it forward and it brings you to a new place it's part of the journey and it fuels the journey by dreaming with god as you go through that place of call it's not all about methods but it's about that kind of thrust and and that movement and that communication with your god as you move forward in this ah like i feel like that we almost have to shake ourselves off and be like god what have we been doing what have we been doing like and i'm looking at you guys amazing some of these things that you're saying are incredible yeah they have to go back to the journal and say god why have i not been doing it then why have i not been doing it have i been dreaming the wrong dream if i have take it away and let's start dreaming again because all of these things i'm very good if some of you started to actually birth the businesses that you know you have a dream for what would happen if someone just knows that they're a massage therapist and as soon as they lay hands in there people that get healed yeah we have to have that moment where we get we almost have to sit back down with god again and sit in front of him like okay god i've missed it somewhere let's start dreaming again yeah yeah i know that but you feel the urgency of the spirit on it yeah in the scripture you know yeah the scripture that comes to mind is you know that one um i can't remember where it is girls but without vision the people perish and it feels like it's related like you know without vision your calling or your dream will die like with without those those thoughts and those conversations with god about how this moves forward and how i walk into this without actual action plans um with god then actually your dream is still just a dream on the wall like your calling is is obsolete because you're because you're unwilling to partner with god and what is his vision and to move forward and so yeah a real encouragement to go and be intimate with god and ask the difficult questions and ask for strategy and ask for what is the next move be specific with your questioning of the lord and we are just believing with you today that that god is going to answer you and that you're going to get clarity and you're going to get direction and i just want to pray before we go like for those of you who are feeling like you don't know where you're going that you don't know what your your calling is or your dream or your vision and that you feel like you're at a crossroads right now we just speak into your spirit and we speak to your body and we speak to your mind and we decree a clarity a god-given clarity over you right now and we decree the ability to hear the lord we come against everything that would come against your ability to hear him and to decipher what he is saying we come against it right now in jesus name and we bind it in the mighty name of jesus and right now we declare that you will hear the word of the lord and you will dream again we release dreams right now to you in jesus name and we we release clarity of calling right now in jesus name over every single one of you receive it in love in the mighty name of jesus amen yes so good gosh we can just keep i hope we can keep going i know i know i know honestly i think when it comes to talking about dreams and stuff it's kind of a conversation that you could kind of just continually go on with but no we we bless all of you and yes we do we just declare given dreams to you that the vision will come alive visions we call forth vision today that you can partner with the holy spirit so absolutely that was a powerful prayer ali and so we love all of you our time is up but we will be back next thursday and so we bless you we're excited here we want to hear listen this is i know we talk about different things every week but you know especially when it comes to something like this we want to we want to know what's going on you know like email us and let us know hey you guys talked about the dream when you talked about god-given dreams this is what we've started or you know we want to hear what's going on so let us know um and or or send even a prayer request you know how we can continually pray for you because we want to see those visions manifested we want to see those god-given dreams manifested in you and in us and so but we love you ladies we'll see you next thursday and have a wonderful wonderful weekend bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 1,809
Rating: 4.9578948 out of 5
Id: mm9sVX8rkQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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