"What's God Saying?" | POWER HOUR | Ep.117

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bruh [Music] good afternoon for our people sorry jessica was just in my screen there my daughter back and david was sorting a tech problem so i'm slightly distracted do you want to say hello she's saying no because she doesn't have any makeup on but anyway i'm glad you guys are here from all over the world denmark america jamaica uh never been would love to go uh are your comments upside down guys yeah from the top and they normally come in from the bottom don't they right david has given us the new tech package and i'm doing that upside down words i'm like no it's all the right ones no like there's no one from the top not the bottom right right right do not panic i'm not technically brilliant but i'll get used to it hi from ireland and uh glad you're in the house sam sarah jane how are you sergeant that looks positively like mistletoe behind you it is holly it's christmas it's holly and my little robin sitting on a wreath i thought you know it's my last power hour before christmas so we better have some a little bit of decoration i haven't got the lights and sparkles as you have but um yeah i thought i'd bring a bit of christmas in david and samuel were up on the ladder this morning trying to hang that but i don't know that it has the sparkly lights behind me i know that it's quite the wow christmas effect anyway because we all know david loves a good christmas decoration doesn't he not at all above his desk i bet he he is chuffed with that well it's my dad who has a particular hatred for penguins on christmas cards because he says it so demeans the season if you're going to send a christmas card at least send them with you know angels or jesus or wise men or something on it you know so we all deliberately sent him christmas cards with penguins that could be true of any animal i mean in scotland you've got like a great choice of christmas cards with highland cows on them and and deer i mean literally every second card yes or brussels sprites on your christmas card kind of misses thee and i very much am one who's going merry christmas rather than happy holidays so don't say that do we no it's definitely it was christ so we'll just keep that in anyway uh but the school's been on the phone as of my son today because samuel's off sick but david accidentally phoned the wrong child in sick so now we're getting calls where is samuel and why is peter at school when he's sick that is knowing that everybody that we need what is december exhaustion is what's your name again i need to sleep i can't remember what child sex i'll just i'll pick one the middle one which child i know and this is because the swimming went back that my son does and so after covid and they've been back two days in the pool and david has been up at half four in the morning both days to get peter to uh swimming on time so no wonder everybody's a little bit like exhausted it was like no fun at all anyway sam i saw you yesterday for the time in weeks and weeks and weeks we were actually in the same place and i might have been a little bit naughty and gave you a hug even though it's not technically a light and now i've admitted that i've broken the law live on air i gave you a small hug because i hadn't seen you in weeks and weeks and weeks it felt very very naughty but anyway because i i mean i think loads of us have voted you do give the best hugs emma you genuinely do so and so many people talk about them like joe and emma hug honestly there's nothing that beats it sometimes so i was happy i was happy mommy happened absolutely it was good but it was great to be in your company yesterday and yes all although it was a good day yes an unprofessionally giggle the whole way through yes moments and sergeant you managed to get out of lockdown to have your hair done we're like little children aren't we we saw each other and actually bizarrely i saw another member of our power hour family nate who also had a haircut and i saw him as i was christmas shopping in a window at starbucks on his laptop and i stopped outside and i had my mask on obviously and i looked and i went kind of like is it you and he went it's me you know so then we had a week a wee chat and this i put a selfie photo on the power hour um slack chat also this was really fun i bought some stocking fillers for my daughter jessica don't tell her she's at school at a makeup counter in a famous chemist in our nation called boots and she was super helpful and then at the very end she said to me um do you work with emma stark on power hour and i was like yes she said i recognize your voice and i was like um yeah who are you and anyway stephanie shout out to you and your mom who apparently catch up with power hour every night and are looking forward to us having a building so they can come and join us and yeah we all i said that is there any any news on your building i'm like as soon as we know we'll let you know but yes we will be meeting as soon as we can uh so that was really cool and obviously we've got a mask on halfway and uh yeah it was just great to to see a young woman who obviously loves makeup you know loves jesus um and watch his parents i'm sure there's many of you out there but it was a lot of fun it's it well we must have been on the same job because jessica took me to a similar makeup counter to buy her stocking fillers for christmas teenage girls and their requirement for maximum eyebrow products i think that's it i didn't even know genuinely i didn't know until jessica took me the last couple of days how many eyebrow products there are on the market because when we were first buying makeup eyebrows weren't even a thing and neither like the thing you must quaffure so coffee and men apparently are doing does it just mean hairdresser in french yes help out there somebody help us out who speaks french and let's educate someone yes it is she doesn't have any naturally she's on samuel's chat she says this is jessica i don't have any natural light my daughter wasn't born with eyebrows i honestly don't know how that happened and she wanted more with eyebrows and we have to work really hard to draw them all on anyway it's the she's on her brother's computer it's just as well jessica that you were with me when you chose your birthday your christmas presents otherwise that would have been a ruined surprise i didn't know you were also on right right we're going to do something uh spiritual now that sam has been educated in the word kwafur what to do with hair and eyebrows our hair is another great word actually buffon i love that word that's another hair word sam abu phong which means it's very big like 1980s hair in 1997 buffon before have you heard just i don't even know what i can even pronounce any of those words i think they're so gone that i think is a beautiful word decolletage which is another female where you get you know cream can i tell you what somebody bought me um okay i think let's start with the neck right here let's put our polo legs on and david says he doesn't have his banner it's time for something spiritual what's going on anyway i'm like what [Laughter] that is when it's like when my apostolic oversight i'm not even kidding you on the the person who has apostolic oversight over david and i said to me once do you think you'd need some some um botox emma for your wrinkles here and i'm like what i thought apostolic oversight says that does that mean you have to do it [Laughter] is that the number one wrinkle no no no i've numbered my wrinkles number one this one's number two anyways no words right right right coming spiritual night oh my god [Laughter] i have to say eric jesus is my foundation as is trini london my foundation as well bff yes anyway yeah right right right advertising makeup let's yeah no advertising brand right um words of the lord david can i ask a question you because it's the last time the three of us are on this year because i've uh other people are on the road to do you have that um video to play on the green where jane fell down the hole in the snow help me jesus so if you don't i've got to i've got a few weeks to get over it so david he says let me find it in the private chat if you can find it we'll play it at the end and you'll have to wait and see it is the most hilarious thing it needs to be on one of those tv you've been framed jane falling down the hall although i do fall it down to down at two after you right right right sam you've got some prophetic words let's have the glory of god it always comes to me after i have a laugh and first get back into serious prosper to prophesy to do something spiritual yes okay thanks emma yeah i think we've got so much to share today and and certainly uh the next couple of days when we're on before christmas we just want to saturate you all with the word of the lord um the kind of final couple of power hours of the year can you believe that almost the cut the last ones of this year god has really been speaking quite loudly over the last couple of days about social media and a world of social media and about our participation in social media and really part of that is because of some of the stuff that's going on and the world of social media over the last couple of weeks uh you don't have to to be a prophetic or discerning to see that social media has become an ever increasing hostile or corrosive environment where there always seems to be a new hot topic to fight and fall out about i mean i think that just seems like every day we're waking up thinking oh what am i gonna read on social media today who's following up with who who's disagreeing with who who is on another side from someone else but god has called us as christians he's called us as his prophetic people to be those who can shift the atmosphere shift the culture on social media and turn it around so that it's a place where uh god can step in and so this morning i asked god this question just when i was thinking about social media and some stuff that i'd seen over the weekend god what are the demonic spirits that are operating on social media most aggressively that we need to be aware of if we are going to be an influence in this arena what are the divorces because you've got to know this we're not asking god what are the demonic spirits so that i can run away and hide we're asking god what are the demonic spirits so that i am able to enter into battle knowing who i am in combat against and knowing what medicine to apply knowing what weapon to lift depending on the enemy that i'm fighting and god quoted scripture straight back at me and it was mark 8 15 and this is jesus and you you'll know probably the scripture well jesus says be careful watch out for the yeast of the pharisees and that of headed watch out for the yeast of the pharisees and that of herod and immediately i was taken into a vision where i could see these two spinning tops i think i hope that translates you know those kind of spinny things that spin out of control i could see both these spinning tops spinning wildly over this chessboard like gaming platform this chessboard like board and they were just throwing every piece out of the way causing confusion making it hard to take any ground to make any movement and immediately the lord said to me the two demonic spirits that are operating on social media most aggressively that you need to be aware of are the political spirit and the religious spirit they are the two spirits that are operating on social media that we need to be aware of i think the political spirit we know this and actually this year we have seen the rise of the political spirit we've watched the rise of the political spirit and the social media realm we have seen the the the political spirit get a set of teeth in many regards and become very violent and aggressive in its agenda so we would almost go when we hear the political spirit well yes check i know that's on social media the one that i think is interesting is the religious spirit and that's a little bit bizarre to be included in the spirits that are operating most on social media because we think of the religious spirit as confined only to church or to christendom or to denominations or to the christian circles and christian environments we think that in some regards the the religious spirit respects the boundaries of those areas but the religious spirit is not confined to the church and to christianity and though it may be the place where you first met the religious spirit the religious spirit partakes in bringing confusion and disruption and destruction to many environments across the face of the earth and i want to list some things that the religious spirit does that we can identify as in happening within the area of social media i don't know if any of you want to add on to those spirits just now before i list yeah it's i think it's fascinating what you say there because i think we immediately go yes of course the political spirit is on social media it's the spirit of taking sides it's this spirit of i'll put you right it's the spirit of i have the right to critique you and say what i want and so we understand that political spirit i think what you are you know condemnation comes within the political spirit it's really important that you know what the major demon is and you know what his minion demons are because then you are are more able to navigate the space so uh the political spirit as a top demon guy uh of course remember uh ephesians talks to us about the ranks and the levels that there are in the kingdom of darkness and the political spirit is a named higher uh functioning demon so he will have million demons like criticism like lies like hatred likes uh taking sides and all of those minions come under his broad umbrella and the political spirit is really a spirit that wants to bring war so if the political spirit is operating on social media in essence what it wants to do in social media is to create a warfare and a worrying uh mindset or an at war mindset one with another and so you'll notice that you feel irritated with people because you've come under that spirit that wants you to in essence be at war and that is the political spirit as the top boss really but i think it's fascinating what you say that you're also naming the religious spirit as a top social media functioner that is probably a new thought we need to have so unpack what that would look like totally so let me just give you some top line some of the functions that the spirit of god just put in my spirit this morning that the religious spirit has within social media i think straight up and you'll as soon as i see these you go yeah i can see that yeah i can see that the religious spirit is always opposite to how god deals with people god judges by the heart man judges by the outward appearance therefore the religious spirit is always about judgment by appearance how someone appears about how someone looks yes the religious spirit is even behind some of the attacks on how people look some of the judgment about how people look god judges by the heart looks at the heart the world man judges by the outward appearance number two the religious spirit is forcing you or tries to force you to conform to the masses that's what the religious spirit wants you to do so in a church setting the religious spirit wants you to conform to old dead traditions or patterns that the masses are so that he can render you ineffective because when you look like sound like act like say like every other person that that is present you don't have a voice that is loud enough to bring change and so the religious spirit wants you to conform to the image of many others the religious spirit funds criticism and the argument of argumentative uh conversations that we'd see within the social media environment where social media has become this place where actually i think we could almost take the word social out of it and often put the word criticism or critical media down because that's what we see present more often than not on these platforms it is about showing or painting this image of a perfect lifestyle more than revealing who your life source actually is the religious spirit causes division and separation is the aim of the game i want there to be camps and camps and camps and camps and camps of separating people who are disempowered i think the most sinister though of the religious spirits activity is that it is constantly aiming to misinterpret what someone is saying to misrepresent who they are so even and this is we've seen it quite a lot even recently even if someone takes hours to craft a couple of sentences where they think right i'm saying exactly what my heart is here i'm making sure there's no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding the religious spirit comes right in and willfully misinterprets even that statement in a bid to misrepresent and discredit the person who is speaking and we see that constantly the religious spirit misinterprets to misrep resent that is what it does and that is the twisted twisted work of the religious spirit where someone says something that actually is great and almost leaves no room for misunderstanding yet because of the filter that the religious spirit puts up in front of that others who read it misinterpret it therefore the person is misrepresented their heart isn't represented through what is being said and finally the religious spirit on social media wants to control and confine you into a pre-made box rather than releasing you to be the fullness of who god has made you could be i suppose my question in that sam is once we uh define the enemy or or isolate what the the higher ranking demonic force is behind it and we're in a very impart place so i then go on to social media not kind of unguarded but i come onto social media with a guard up because i know that there are major demons operating there that i need to then be very careful with when i choose to scroll because if i'm feeling you know dying or flat or a little bit vulnerable that actually i don't then plug in immediately in a moment of fragility into something i know has two major demons talking continually through it so there's the correct the question i suppose i want to ask is what do you think we should pray or say internally to ourselves or what is the conversation with god we need to have before i switch on my uh instagram uh or my facebook feed because what we're saying is it we've lost up to this point the church has lost setting the culture of the internet or social media we've lost the high ground of shaping social media in actual fact i would be even more determined in what i say church maybe shaped it wrongly in the first place because the church brought its partnership with religion and its partnership with politics and it published it in social media and it did not set a different tone so what we battle in the church building has become exactly what we battle in the social media culture and uh so what do we pray and how do we think uh a bit more intelligently so in my exhausted last thing at night i don't actually have a demonic influence i think there's a couple of things that we need to pray and realize i think the first thing is that when we are scr on social media we are not partaking any neutral or obsolete activity we've got to realize that that actually we've got to have the mindset that in many regards social media is as much as a battle or of a battle as anything else that we engage in the second thing is the be careful words of jesus that is what he says before he introduces the political and the religious spirit he introduces it by saying be careful be cautious be aware and so tread cautiously when you are on social media particularly as emma said there because normally when i turn my ipad on my phone and i look at social media normally it's when you're just wanting some time out so your guard is down often to what is going on but when you take up your phone and you're thinking i'm gonna have a look at social media posture yourself with but i'm gonna be careful because when you are aware you can then consciously resist and overcome but what i would say is the key prayer and it's we know this passage so well but the new prayer for when it comes to how we are to engage with social media we must wash ourselves by praying daily romans 12 2 do not be conformed to this world any longer with superficial values and customs but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and that says look your life your mindset your thoughts your actions should be massively distinguishable from the worlds and the question to ask when you are commenting on social media or acting in social media or partaking in social media is what i am doing distinguishable as part of the kingdom of god can this be distinguished as not of this world or does it look like sound like appear like every other piece of noise that is out there i would i would say look i i i feel very protective of you guys as uh par our family you know in on facebook and youtube and although i don't know all your faces i certainly know your repetitive names in the comments and i think it's heartbreaking to think of what social media has done to many of your hearts and uh you know those that i love and those that i have a responsibility for and that actually we could probably all tell a story of a day where we felt less when we came off social media less in our right mind less valuable uh in somehow slimed in a way that we maybe only ever felt in church before where we were misunderstood and that sense of self-justification doesn't get you anywhere and you know that sense of indignation doesn't get you anywhere on social media as it doesn't in a church that has uh politics and religion at their core either and so that sense of i want you guys to be safe and so i want you to be much more intentional in the guarding of your own hearts that you go on knowing that you step into a live battlefield please do not be naive any longer about the fact that you step into an active war zone when you go on to social media if you are feeling weak and fragile don't do it in that moment lift up a guard on your own hearts people okay because you're too valuable not to have that guard over your own heart you matter too much to not have put that guard in place and to not then be invoking the power of god in your commenting now imagine if all of us start to comment with a kingdom of god perspective you would slowly start to see the grind be taken wouldn't you so i want you to think over this christmas period and sardine i'm going to come right to you and give you some time to talk about rest look i don't know a person standing upright right now who's not exhausted if you are not exhausted you must have been doing something gorgeously right because every conversation i am having with people who i lead or in my network or you know connect connections in the kingdom of god everybody is exhausted and i think it's just this year and if you feel exhausted i think you're just in the team in the team i think we all need a medal for surviving this year sure there are medals in heaven for those who have lived on planet earth through 2020 okay everybody's exhausted so do yourself a favor and look after your heart in war zone areas all right because you're too important to be taken out during a christmas period when you're a little bit fatigued or utterly exhausted uh as people are saying sir jane help us out you've got some great thoughts just take your time and unpack what god is requiring all of us during this christmas break in terms of rest sure okay so i heard the lord say very clearly to us today be fallow so you may be fertile wow wow that we should not fear the fallop season for is from these fallow times that fertility comes so first of all what does god mean by saying to us be fallow so you may be fertile fallow it for those of you who are farmers for those of you who have understood what it is to have land and what that means fallow is a period of time when land is left to rest and in this case sometimes now sometimes land has been left to rest to go to waste or sometimes land has been left to follow for different reasons but the lord says in this season your land my land spiritual land has been dug up it has been churned up it has been plowed and it is now god is saying being left to rest so that the seeds that have been planted in the soil the wild seeds if you will will come forth at their due time this is not about forcing cultivation in some man-made way this is not about having straight lines and we must all be in man order this is about the seed of god in us being left to have room to grow forth and to come to life and so the lord is saying let the land that i've dug in you this year be at rest and be fallow so that it may recover its fertility because fallow seasons allow a rebalancing they allow the biodiversity to come back in the soil and they allow as i say that wild growth where is that in scripture leviticus 25 4 where god is very clear and he says in the seventh year give the land rest give it rest and there's that sense of the need to actually determine ourselves when god is saying be follow so you can be fertile to say i am going to agree with that enforced period of rest that god is giving me permission to have now some of you i felt like as i prepared this word it's going to be longer than a couple of weeks holiday there are seasons of fallowness that actually are going to be extended so that the great fruit of the lord is going to come forth from your life there is a need to have an entrance into this fallow season with great joy knowing that god is bringing forth his seeds that are wild in you at their due time remember this is not can i cultivate something can i make something grow can i make something happen can i push forward with that growth no the lord is saying you rest and the growth will come amen good i think that that imagery sir jane is so rich of uh you won't be fertile if you haven't been fallow we must deal with peculiar performance uh ideals we must rip up this kind of protestant work ethic of this pressure of drivenness you must rest and you must rest well are you hearing us you are not going to be able to do what you need to do in 2021 if you have not rested if you have not prioritized and loved yourself into a rest place this is a time for a different sort of christmas do not burn yourself out in hospitality do not burn yourself out and running around the places uh you know seeing everybody i really feel the strong word of the lord sit down and rest i mean i don't think i rarely speak that straight straight into your hearts but there is a sense of where we are going is so different in 2021 you have got to have a built-in capacity that you will not have unless you have a lot of early nights and a lot of rest and let me tell you this and maybe i've said it before sergeant uh on on par it is only when adam in the garden of eden is fast at sleep that god can bring eve from within him and we we listen to this lie that i must keep doing to be fruitful and the first sleep that we see the first sleep that you see in scripture the first time we talk about rest in scripture really is the concept of adam being knocked out and it is from his rest that his greatest fruitfulness comes which is the person of eve and so there has to be this understanding that my rest creates a gap for god that i cannot create any other way that my sleep and my switching off create miracle spaces for god that actually you can rob your life of the miraculous by not resting come on you can rob your life of the breakthrough of god because you will not take your hands off and sit down and rest that is a massive issue in the west for us to deal with so take oh sam you're back take it from us you have got permission you can say i have permission to rest i think some of you need to type that in because i don't think some of you have really owned that i have permission to rest come on i have permission to rest you i boy some of that feels resistant in this spirit doesn't it i have permission to rest okay yeah good some of you are typing at night sergeant do you just want to bless us on the back of that word absolutely to help us get into that absolutely and i have a testimony of this in my own life years ago when god actually gave me a word you have permission to come and sit down with me and walk away from work it was a strong and it was a hard word and this was ah gosh in fact it was before i met emma before i did gpc world it was before all of that and i didn't know what was coming but let me tell you god has something for you as you accept his invitation to come and be at rest and to be fallow stop producing and be at rest and so i bless you with that testimony from my own life i didn't know what was coming you don't know what god has for you and what he's planted in you that is about to come forth but i now force a blessing on you to enter into rest and i feel that resistance as well and i'm like we are emersam just agree with me we are pushing you gently but forcefully with the hand of god to sit down for those of you that feel like oh i've got to do this and oh i've got to do that lord is saying no no no daughter no no no son sit down and rest and so we just agree now we bless you into rest we bless you into fruitfulness and we bless you into growing from the spirit of god what he has planted already in you that he's making room to come forth from you amen amen okay let me just prophesy i heard the spirit of the lord say this this morning capture your daydreams actually actively reach up and capture your daydreams then i heard the lord say this capture your distractions capture your familiar rhythms and capture your self-criticism and i heard the lord say this i want you to take a net and to reach even around your atmosphere and terrain in your daydreams your distractions your familiar rhythms and your self-criticisms the lord says this is a time where i want you to tie them up and set them on fire says the lord for the spirit of the lord says this i need your head i've never heard the lord say that before i need your head says god i need your mind the lord says i need to be in your head i need to dwell in your mind says the lord the lord said this you have given me your life you have given me your heart you have given me your time you have even given me your money but i know i need your mental processes says the lord i need your thoughts and i need your mind or you and i will not be able to build the future says the lord for the future is so new i must have full access to the inner workings of your brain my thoughts must become your thoughts says the lord and of course remember bill johnson is famous for the phrase that goes something like this i cannot afford to have one thought in my mind that is not in his mind and the lord said this to me i am smashing your mental processes that hinder now i just think we need a hallelujah i am smashing your mental processes that hinder says god i am removing mental patterns of repetition by making all things new the lord says that is a work that begins in your head says the lord and so i just feel that the lord is saying to us right now that we are going to have to take such new decisions in 2021 that the surrender of our minds must happen right now and the lord said this for at this time you must begin a new level of dangerous decision making dangerous decision making and the lord says it is courageous decision making but it will feel like dangerous decision making the spirit of the lord says i am not asking you to take decisions about your diary it is not this is my diary it is not what is in and what is out in an old-fashioned way of thinking about your days the lord says you need to take decisions about framework about scaffolding about major things of how you live and why you live and where you live and what you do for the lord says you are entering a year of decisions that you are not used to taking and the spirit of the lord says it is a day for big jumps it is a day for big steps the lord says if you will not leap you will not break through did you hear that if you will not leap you will not break through and so the lord is saying surrender your mind that i may smash it's hindering processes come on you want to comment on that before i keep going and prophesying just um the battlefield in the mind right now i mean even for me last night i was like what the heck is going on i've got all these thoughts in my head that are not my thoughts and actually that that word that you just said emma there of i can't afford to have a thought in my head that is not from to memory and and but it it was it's it's a struggle it's a struggle to have peace in the mind and i think we are fighting into rest in our minds fighting the rest of god to our thoughts i mean how many of you out there are feeling that sense of oh anxiety of thought you know not just the doing bit but actually anxiety thought over family over work yourself over whatever it might be like crowding your head out and i feel like the lord is saying enter into my rest of the mind yes yes and i think when the lord started off that word by saying to me capture there is something of our engagement i must capture some thinking and i must say god smash my wrong processes my mental processes that hinder me let me keep going then the spirit of the lord said this to me some of you think you have gifts that you don't actually have some of you think you have gifts that you don't actually have then the lord says some of you have gifts that you have suppressed to gain acceptance and the lord says most of you are majoritatively operating in gifts that are not your top three what a comment from god this morning as i was prepping and it took me back to that that the kind of the management guru kind of chat that if you operate outside of your top three gifts or your top three skills you usually end up in a lot of fatigue and a lot of frustration and i felt like the lord was saying a lot of you are fatigued and frustrated as a lifestyle because you are operating outside of your top three giftings and your top three skills and calls and the lord started to say to me and talk to me about churches and we know that in some churches the value is given to preaching so everybody wants to be a preacher because it's valued then in other churches the being an apostle is valued oh everybody must be an apostle because that's where value is given or prophecy is value so of course in in my world everybody everybody wants to be a prophet because it's valued and uh we have to deal with a lot of that uh and actually that means that we are often guilty of the sin of comparison if we want the dominant gift that that our denomination uh uses that is a sin of comparison a sin of thinking that what i've got is not good enough and a sin in church leadership of thinking people with diverse skills are not worthy and i felt like the lord wanted to deal with all of this and the lord was saying over this christmas period you must lay your gifts on the altar you must lay your skills on the altar lay thoughts of what you are on the altar for the lord says i need to heal you during what he was calling an emptying period you are going to feel a little bit emptied over christmas i know i wish i was telling you something nicer you're going to feel a little bit emptied till year end you're going to feel a little bit diminished incapacitate now nobody is probably cheering over that yay i'm going to feel diminished and complete i actually feel like it started you're going to feel diminished incapacity you're going to feel a little bit emptied god says i'm going to remove what has come to you as a burden through the need to perform i'm going to remove what is a burden that man set on you of wrong expectations i'm going to remove even the wrong expectations you had of yourself and the lord says i am going to create at the beginning of 2021 a new movement that he is calling the gift awakening movement and the gift understanding movement where the lord says i'm going to go deep and i'm going to go fresh with my people who will start to know what gifts they have and not have to pretend or suppress in the new year and the lord says i am revisiting the arena of spiritual gifting from corinthians and i am going to bring those to a mature way in the body of christ but first you must lay down the gifts that you think you have that you don't and lay down where you have even taken decisions to suppress who you are says the lord samuel jane do you want to copy a comment into that i have a lot more but we're not going to get it through all done today yeah sure i think there is a a lie in the the christian charismatic world and that caps many and and we know the phrase that we are to be a jack of all trades and but the other end of that phrase is if you are a jack of all trades then you are a master of none and god would rather that you are a master of a few trades rather than a jack of many rather than an amateur of many and and the word that the emma said there about the diminishing of yourself over the next couple of weeks as a sovereign activity of god because who wants to actually give up something that they really really think they want to have it's not in us to want to give that up so god in the diminishing is bringing you to a place where he can then raise you up as a master raise you up as an expert in 2021 and beyond in particular areas that you're called to influence and so a key question as god what are the few trades what are the few things the handful of areas the handful of gifts that you have called me to be utterly brilliant at my life too and does that mean that you then get to touch none of the others no but it means that your time is dedicated in a particular area and the others complement the other guests complement the main ones that you're a master in rather than detracting from them or leading you elsewhere and so i want to break off you right now the lie that has come around that you are to be a ma a jack of all trades and a master of none and you know what the enemy does with that he spreads you too thin so that you're exhausted and worn out by doing too many things and trying to be too many things as well so i loose to you the ability to discern the voice of god over what you need to pick up and what you need to lay down as you enter into 2021. sir jane i feel that lord wants to display his splendor in every one of us you know he's saying be excellent and it's not just about letting things go but it's about shining in what god has put in us and actually it's that narrow gate i feel as we walk more with the lord it's getting narrower and narrower and narrower and actually he's saying look be a specialist be the expert be the one that you've trained to be and of course we all come in broad and we all do try lots of things but then we find what we were born for we were we find what gifts god has given us and that is where the anointing is and it's not i'm sorry i didn't see who posted it it went by so quickly but that prayer of you know uh i must diminish so god can increase i i feel like you know that's not really what god is saying what he's saying is i want you to increase in the areas that called you to be a specialist and excellent in so that he can display his amazing giftings and his amazing um diversity in the body of christ because if we're all monochrome do trying to do the same thing we're not displaying the splendor of god as the body of christ the the interesting thing and this is perhaps quite personally reflective on the ministry of glasgow prophetic center and the global prophetic alliance you know um uh sir jane you and i have certainly worked together uh 12th coming into our 13th year next year and it's a long time it's it's it's the best years of our lives you and i have been bonded together and worked together and sam i've worked with you since you were 16 eight years and what i notice what i notice in in what we have in glasgow uh together is we have a privilege and it is a privilege i'm aware of that but we have a privilege of going deep in one aspect of the nature of god and uh we are specialists and have become specialists in the area of um prophecy uh and and deliverance but mainly hearing the voice of god discerning of spirits that now we are not elite trumpets and we are aware that we only hold a portion i mean we only have a little piece a little jigsaw piece of the entire puzzle of the kingdom but nonetheless the peace that we have we are specialists in and i find it very disconcerting to find that there are very few specialists in the kingdom of god in some of these areas that means we don't have people in in my world who understand timings enough who understand forth telling enough to keep the body of christ on track we don't have enough or specialists in kicking out demons so demons run rabid we don't have specialists in healing and when you don't have specialists you don't have fathers and mothers you don't have fathers and mothers you can't have double portion because double portion comes in the children and you know on other multiple anointings come in the generational line and i feel like what god is doing here in this gift awakening and this gift understanding that we're going to hit is that we're going to have the freedom to become a specialist with i think we're saying chaos in the house you're right if you don't have specialists there is chaos in the house and i feel like the lord is saying that i want to strip from you some of the things that bore you and the things that don't bring you alive and i want to make 2021 your year of specialization in some of the gifts now i think you and god need to discuss that together you need to spend time asking god god what are my dominant spiritual gifts sit with your bible know where your specialism is and if you're not a specialist yet know where it should be okay so that you can work towards that all right uh god is going to raise up a generation of parents who can then start to see the double and the treble and the quadruple uh portions look i am now we discovered about three four weeks ago fifth generation preacher i thought i was only four generation and then my dad remembered and was telling me stories about his great-great-grandparents and all of this so i'm my fifth generation preacher i know that what i carry is not because of who i am look honestly it's not those who know me well will know that but it is because of the ability to be parented multiple times with generational anointings it gives double portions all right it means you must have specialization are you hearing me it is not enough to be a surface person when it comes to the gifts next year how can we steward a world if we are only in the shallow waters of the power of god because we wouldn't bother to commit ourselves to maturity in one area so good so good and it is an investment isn't it it's an investment of focus it is as you say emma that we actually have to bother ourselves to ask the lord what is it that i'm called to what is it that i'm anointed for this question what was i born for god what was i born to give you glory in and actually shine in and ask god i want to be one who shines brightly and reflects your kingdom in the the most determined sparkling way i can so god where do you want me to sparkle and focus our energies and our attentions on that and i think you know for me i didn't know i was born for until i was gosh how old was i i don't know uh 39 i think something like that and i'm sad for that but actually the convergence point for many of us to figure out actually our giftings our anointings and actually what we've trained in in our previous lives before we find it takes some time some of you are going to be younger i mean sam's a an example of that you know that you can find it a lot younger and so i pray that for all of you out there who are younger than i was but that sense of actually ask the lord and say position me in the fertile soil where i can flourish in those giftings yes and be sharpened in those giftings and if it's hospitality let's celebrate the gift of hospitality i love friends who have that gift of hospitality and you know if it's if it's something completely different if it's art let it be our if it's hidden intercession let it be that you know be a secret intercessor be a person for the lord you know let's have experts and specialists so you've got homework dave is going to play at that funny clip for us but actually the part of the word i'll give you a little taster for when we back on thursday because of course we're not doing wednesdays in the run-up to christmas but thursday i actually want to talk about uh ecstatic prophecy mystical trances translations and third heaven encounters because i really feel like there is an explosion of those kind of gifts and abilities in this year of this specialist arising so make sure you join us on thursday because that's kind of that's the wilder end of some of the stuff that we say but uh let me just play you this clip and you can giggle along or david well we were on a staff retreat sam is out in the snow sarah jane goes towards him falls in the ditch i go to rescue sarah jane and i fall in the ditch and one of our team captured it on film so i just went back and laughed the girl in chaos yes yes yes the rest of the team just watched us fall down halls so here we go so there's some are you can you press but there's some sam on top of the hill oh does it play oh we made it that's me yes oh sam up in the hill jane walking oh and into the it goes well for a minute and then it stops going well all the way in it's complete i think this makes me giggle every time fiona and i come to try to rescue you here she comes right and i think fiona was trying not to um yeah i was trying to cross the legs as well [Laughter] by the way [Laughter] absolutely useless though all right oh that makes me giggle every time uh falling down uh allison my pa is saying i was cheering you on yeah thanks alison for recording [Music] making fun of me some snow if we get any and having fun in it in the holidays great brilliant okay well we will see you on thursday merry christmas bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 13,279
Rating: 4.87251 out of 5
Id: leUKLbzXU_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 10sec (3970 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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