I Got a Pokemon Center LUCKY BAG!! ✨ Pika Pika Box 2021

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[Music] hey guys welcome to another lucky bag video today we've actually got a lucky box i can't believe i got one this year this is the pokemon center lucky bag or i guess it's in box form this year this has been increasingly more and more difficult to get over the years because it's become so popular that they've made it a lottery system so in order to purchase their lucky box you need to apply online about a month in advance and then wait a few weeks for the results to hear if you were chosen or not and for the past couple years i have failed it but i was lucky enough to be chosen for one this year so i'm very excited to open this with you guys it has been way too long since i've had a pokemon center lucky bag i think my last one was 2018 so three whole years so if you are new to pokemon center lucky bags they usually include one product that is the same for everybody who gets the bag and then the rest are just various items that they had left over in the pokemon center that didn't sell so the one item that everybody has the same this year is a fleece blanket i believe and it has one of three pokemon attached to it pikachu score bunny or yamper i'm hoping for pikachu just because i'm not really a fan of the other two so let's open it up and see which blanket i got first of all [Music] wow there's lots of plushies in here as usual they're usually very generous pikachu very generous with their plushies oh i'm so glad i'm so glad i got the pikachu one i didn't think i would because as you guys know it's very common for me to get lots of pokemon items of pokemon that i'm not a huge fan of like rowlet i will be extremely surprised if there isn't a rowlet in this box but the first item we have is this adorable pikachu blanket it is so soft it's not fleece i was wrong it is i don't know what you call this material but it's extremely soft and it looks like you can take off the pikachu i didn't realize that i thought it would be like attached permanently so the pikachu kind of holds the whole blanket together when you want to store it but you can take it off and just have it as a separate little plushie that'll actually look really cute on my shelf with my sleeping charmeleon so perfect let's see how big the blanket is okay it's small but it's a nice like laugh blanket if you're sitting at your computer it's so cozy all right good start to the box i'm very happy that i got the pokemon that i wanted um i'm just gonna reach in and grab something pokemon wow it is a gallerian ponita that is really really soft this is like that marshmallow like mochi kind of plushie that is so satisfying to squeeze oh my god i love it and it's just beautiful this is such a pretty pokemon i think everyone will agree next we have ah snorlax oh is this a dolls it is okay so the pokemon dolls collection is kind of like a chibi version of pokemon they're supposed to be little dolls and they're really really cute you can't really tell uh that this is one of the doll pokemon because it's normally the eyes that are different so because snorlax has his eyes closed you can't really tell but it's still a very cute round chibi version of snorlax i think i'll put him up on my shelf as well so far so good i'm very happy with the things i'm getting oh charmander if only it was a charmeleon but um this will still look good in my background i'm thinking to decorate the shelf with more pokemon i had it more of like a japanese plants and candles and tea theme but i do miss my bright pokemon plushies so i'm gonna use most of the contents from this box if they're pokemon that i like to decorate my background shelf so charmander will be perfect for that i feel a carpet it's a psyduck ah it's a psyduck like matte or bath mat possibly it's got grip on the back and then the material is kind of like just a regular carpet so i think it could be a bath mat i am so stoked to get this because i was actually in the market for a kitchen mat for in front of my sink i have been eyeing this really expensive jeebly one of cat bus but this is super cute this will look really cute in my kitchen so that is such a huge bonus i didn't even know they made that awesome next we have oh a baby cider because this is a doll as well oh no it's not this is the pokemon fit collection it's got a little beanbag you can hear that so he will sit very nicely on my shelf psyduck's one of my favorite pokemon honestly like the first the first gen i love anyone from it i don't think there's many pokemon i dislike so i'm pretty stoked that i'm getting so many first gem pokemon how lucky is that next should i grab something that's not a plushie as always there's so many plushies in this bag but let's get something else oh pretty 12 pikachu [Music] pencils sakura pikachu they're quite pretty i don't use pencils at all honestly and these are the kind that you have to sharpen so i'm pretty lazy i don't know if i could be bothered to sharpen these and write with them i do prefer writing with a pen but i might give them to my sister because she likes drawing and i have a feeling that she probably uses pencils more than i do they're very pretty so i would say that's still a bonus even if i don't use them myself next we have another plushie oh another ponita a mini version of the gallerian ponita this is just a regular plushy collection i think nothing special so tiny so cute this one might be better for my shelf than the big one i'll find a place for it it's actually a keychain i wanted to hang it on some luggage or something but cool another cute pokemon nothing that i dislike yet and out comes shroomish okay would it be my first choice although i do like paris which has like mushrooms growing on its back i'm not a huge fan of shroomish he's kind of cute but yeah it wouldn't have been my first pick so i think this is probably the first item i got in the box that i'm not extremely in love with but he's still cute i feel a very chunky chunky pokemon oh my god there's something very weird about this one um this is motor pickle in japanese i think yeah mori peko i think in english it's just more more peco is that right he feels like so weird kind of like a ball like he's like i don't know i don't like how this plushie is made most pokemon center plushies are really soft and they feel like super high quality something about the material of this one like he just feels like he'll float like he's made out of like a rubber ball material or something it's very strange he's very light he's pretty cute not gonna lie might put him on my shelf he's not one of my favorite pokemon but he is kind of adorable i feel a few more plushies they're just endless oh lucario cute little keychain lucario plushie i find it hard to find uses for these keychain plushies so i might ask my friends um if there's any that i got that they're like a huge fan of and they want them all right oh one more plushie oh it's a little baby grooky it's another one of the dolls collection a little sad it's not one of my more liked pokemon ricky is cute but not a huge fan but that is adorable uh i must say honestly every single pokemon in the dolls collection is cute if you've never seen it before maybe go onto the pokemon center website and see if you can find the line of plushies but the dolls collection is one of my favorite for sure okay i think that's all the plushies let's see we've got three more items what is this it's like an acrylic pop-up stand thing it says kapigon no akubi up in the corner here that means snorlax is yawn i don't know if this was like a set i have a feeling that this is probably one of many pieces in a set or something because there's like a little dresser um and a little tree there and i feel like it would look good in the background of possibly other pokemon and stuff i'm going to look this up actually i'm going to google this kapigono akubi okay so it was a series of merchandise based around snorlax oh that's so fun okay so do you guys see how it kind of looks like a puzzle piece the piece in the middle there so if you collect the whole set you can make a full puzzle like this and they'll fit together nicely that's really cute oh no they've given me like one piece and now i want the rest of them that's cool i've never seen this set before so i'm glad that they included this so that i know it exists because that's really cute and the last two items we have some washi tape it says pokemon galar tabi which means like gala adventure galler trip so it looks like it's just pokemon wandering around really big one and a thinner tape at the top i'm always in the market for washi tape i use it to seal my letters and decorate postcards and stuff so happy to receive that and it looks like we have one more item left the final item in my box is this it looks like it's an embroidered sticker patch and it has one of my favorite pokemon on it and a flareon so this is glamio she's freaking adorable and yeah a flareon this couldn't get much cuter honestly so that is really cool heck yeah i would say that this box was definitely a thumbs up the pokemon boxes are so random everybody gets such different items that you really don't know what you're gonna get but my box certainly included lots of the pokemon that i love and lots of cool items like the bathmat i am so thrilled for that i would say that the snorlax um pokemon dolls series plushie and the psyduck bathmat are probably my favorite items out of the box how about you guys what did you like the most and the little pikachu blanket of course i'm very lucky that i got the one i wanted but that is it for the pokemon center pika pika box this year i hope you guys enjoyed watching that and i will see you again very soon for more lucky bag videos bye for now guys [Music] look at you
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 302,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Center lucky bag, Pokemon lucky bag, pika pika box 2021, lucky bag 2021, Japanese lucky bag, ピカピカボックス, 福袋2021年, 福袋, Sharla pokemon, sharmeleon, Sharla in japan
Id: Xn35hnmYjV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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