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- That's it. - I'm nervous. - This is the moment. - Yeah? - Let's do it. - If it's graded a nine is at like (beep). - The last few months I've been doing tons and tons of storage locker exploring. I've been buying up lockers. I feel like storage lockers in general have tons of Pokemon cards inside of them because the kids had them, their grew up their parents held onto those cards. Well, now Pokemon cards are worth a crazy amount of money. That could be up to $200,000 if it's in pristine condition. And if it's not even in pristine condition, that could be 30, 40, $50,000. And people are now rediscovering it and going where's my Pokemon cards. And it turns out a lot of times they're in their parents' storage locker that they ended up letting lapse. And then somebody like me, hopefully, we'll end up buying them. On today's video, we are guaranteed to have Pokemon cards. This is how, this is my friend, Andy. And you have Pokemon cards in a storage locker, right? - This is true. - [Interviewer] How long have they been in the storage locker? - They've been in the storage locker now probably 10, 15 years. - [Interviewer] Why haven't you gotten them out? - Well, I found them last year and I was like, 'I'll bring these to my little boys.' But I was like, no, not yet. They're still too little. So I put them back. - The funny thing is until yesterday, Andy had no idea that these cards could be worth thousands of dollars. He just thought they were fun things you could play with. This wasn't like you just had Pokemon cards and you tried to play with them. You actually got them to save them. You put them into the sleeves, right? - Yeah. We have like the three by three sleeves, and nine sleeves you put them in and you have the little extra sleeves you put them in inside of those. Guarantee, there's holographic cards. - [Interviewer] Do you have a charizard? - I do have a char. I hope. No, I do, I do, I do, I have one. Yes. - [Interviewer] You're pretty confident. How confident are you? There's a charizard? - I'm 99.99% positive. It's a charizard. - There is a charizard inside of this pack. Alright, 10 hour drive. (upbeat music) We're you like a huge Pokemon fan when you were a kid? - No, I really wasn't a huge Pokemon fan, but my little brother was, and so my step-mom at the time she'd go around and buy us a bunch of packs. We'd cut them open and then slowly over time she wanted to start collecting them for us. So she had like two full sets or attempting to get two full sets. (fast upbeat music) - [Interviewer] Which one is it? - [Andy] 92. - [Interviewer] That's it. Number 92. This is the one, just right there. That's it. - That's it. - There's no gate or security or anything. It's just hundreds of thousands of dollars of Pokemon cards sitting in this little old storage facility. That's what you're telling me? - Yes. Let's go, okay? Come on. (interviewer laughs) (upbeat music) - [Interviewer] On a scale of one to 10. How excited are you about this moment? - An 11. (interviewer laughs) Because the anticipation from driving up here has been just. (andy exclaims) - [Interviewer] It's killing ya. - Oh good, it's still full of junk. - [Interviewer] Okay, let's inside of here. Okay, there are a lot of bins. There's a lot of tuffs, a lot of bins over here. Smells like a storage locker. Why do all storage lockers smell the same? That's the storage locker smell. - This is rolling. We are here to find Pokemons. To catch that charizard. (upbeat music) - [Cameraman] Okay. We're rolling. - So this is the moment. Oh no, this is not the moment. GoPro on, search camera on. - I'm good. - This is the moment that we've come here for, we have to drive five hours home and it's either going to be a really sad five hours or really happy five hours. - Happy. - Yeah, I feel optimistic about this. Even though I just met Andy this last week and now I'm on a road trip all across the state of Utah with you with him to find his Pokemons. (both laughing) Okay. I'm just gonna come in and watch. This isn't my storage locker, but I'll only come in and gonna check it out and see what's up. Try not to break anything. - We are gonna find lots of great stuff in here. - Good luck. - They'll be found in a tuff box. - So you think they're in one of these bins, these big plastic tuffs over here. - Yup. Absolutely. - A lot of times, they're not going to be out in the front like when you see the pictures of ones that are for sale online, like the different storage lockers. - We got a box of old cell phones in here. This to most people it's probably worth more than what the Pokemon cards are. So they're usually put away with somebody's school assignments or things when they were growing up, nostalgic. Nostalgic things? I'm gonna buy a storage locker sometime in the next few months that legitimately has Pokemon cards inside of it. I am determined. (upbeat music) - You have to do this strategically. - You can pass some this way. We got room too. - This one's heavy. (andy grunts) - Okay. (andy grunts) If it's in this one, I'll be really happy. Oh wait, that sounded good. - Hey, remember that green purple thing I was telling you about? - That's it? - There might be something in there. - There are some type of cards in there. If you just look close, there's some cards. I'm not gonna open it yet. I wanna open it outside. That's definitely not a full set. That's all like a hundred cards You have Nintendo DS. (andy grunts) Oh yeah, the box. You can sell a Nintendo DS. - Look, what about this? - Oh, that's it! Where did you find it? - It's from what you gave me. (andy shouts) Pokemon catch them all and this is a thick book. Look at all those cards. It's real. - I told you. - It is real. (interviewer laughs) - Here we go. Check it out. Pokemon cards from a storage locker. Oh, look at the backs of those. Those are pretty good. I think it's good shape right there. - Hey what'd I tell you about the black binder with a bunch of stickers on it. - Yeah, you're right. There we go. There's the guy right there. - I know. - That's the one. Are you ready for this? I'm nervous. I'm holding these things and I have no right to be holding these. These are not my Pokemon cards. There are tons of cards inside of here. First things first, let's go with this future city one. Why don't you do it? You do the honors, it's your cards. (suspenseful music) - Basketball cards. - [Interviewer] Kevin Garnette? Look at that. Upper deck, Kevin Garnette, okay. Basketball cards could be worth something too. - Is my new Ford Raptor right here? Is this my Raptor? Am I holding my Ford Raptor? (lively music) - That's the charizard (indistinct). Here we go. - I'm nervous. - This is the moment. - Yeah? - Let's do it. Charizard, oh, it's not a first edition, but that's still charizard. - It's a charizard. - It's still charizard. - Blastoise. - It is not first edition. (andy groans) And it does have a shadow. - [Andy] Hey look, look, look. - [Interviewer] Okay, you got a first edition of Machamp. - [Andy] Hey. - [Interviewer] Hey, that's good. Pikachu, the yellow cheeks Pikachu. - [Andy] Is that a good one? - [Interviewer] That's good. That's really good. - So some of these have two of them. - [Interviewer] Yeah, I guess he doubled up. (ethan exclaims) - [Interviewer] Jigglypuff. Oh, why do you have the first edition Jigglypuff hiding behind there? - [Ethan] Then we could like have some more potential. - [Interviewer] All these. A first edition under there. We've gotta go through all of them. - Oh, let's see. - Pull out the charizard, be careful. Careful you don't wanna ruin it, at all. Every little bit of it hurts it. - It's only one card in here. - It's only one, okay, then go for it (indistinct). - There's only one card. - [Interviewer] Is there Pikachu behind it? There's another one. Yes! That's good. They don't have holographic Pikachu's. People love that card. - Really? - [Interviewer] I think that's like 500 bucks. - No way! - [Interviewer] Maybe a thousand, yeah. Dude, this is awesome collection you've got! This is really good. - And, oh. - [Interviewer] Oh, another Charizard. (fast music) - [Andy] Oh, Oh. - [Interviewer] What is this? - First edition (indistinct). - [Interviewer] Dark Charizard. - [Andy] First edition. - [Interviewer] First edition Dark Charizard? - [Andy] What is that? - [Interviewer] What is that? - [Andy] A whole bunch of them. (gentle music) - [Interviewer] What is that? - Whatever these are. Another one (indistinct). - [Interviewer] They either from The Jungle Series or something? Another Dark Charizard. I'm facetiming Joshua and he is our Pokemon expert. "Hey Josh?" - "What's up?" - "Did I catch you at a bad time?" - "No you're good what's up?" - "We need your help. Check this out. We have some cards here that we need your help with, one of them is P base set, Pikachu. Then pull that one out. Then we looked behind it and there's this one that says first edition. - Ooh, first edition hiding there. Yeah, so if those are good shape, they've been going for like $800. - 800 bucks! Okay. (indistinct) - This I don't know. Okay, right here. - Oooooh! Hey, big win! - Big win? Okay! - I just looked yesterday, so do you guys know anything about the grading system. - Nope. - Yeah. - You've got a PSA 9 so not perfect, but still in good shape. - Yeah. - If it's graded a 9, is that like $2,000 - What $2,000? - So you're telling me there's potential to be a couple thousand wealth. - Without even looking I would say I can to offer you three grand for that binder if you want it. - Three grand. (andy exclaims) That's amazing. - Is that a maybe? - Oh, he's actually making you an offer right now. - No, we've gotta find out more. No sorry. - You found Pokemon cards in 2020! - We are gonna send some of the ones in to the PSA. I don't know how long it takes. It might take a few months, but stay tuned. I am going to be buying some more storage lockers and I'm going to be looking for Pokemon cards. And I have really good feeling about it. I'm going to get my own Pokemon cards from a storage locker somewhere. If you feel bad for the people that lose the storage locker, I know I feel bad for them too. At the same time, there's 20,000 a week that go up in America and somebody's buying them. So either somebody buys them and just goes and sells them or we could buy them, show the world and show you guys and then go sell them. - Hey, this is a win. This was a great day. Thank you. (interviewer laughs) I just wanna go figure things out. I'm hoping we have something. Yeah. (interviewer laughs) - He's speechless. (dramatic music) So (indistinct) wants to capture the moment. He's putting a GoPro on his hat. I don't think the hat's a good idea. I think stay away from the hat idea, it's a bit much. This one will work right here. - But this is like first person, get it. - [Interviewer] Okay. Well. - Alright. (andy screams)
Views: 3,001,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WE FOUND HIS 20 YEAR OLD POKEMON CARDS!, pokemon, pokemon cards, charizard, rare pokemon cards, pokemon card collection, pokemon base set, old pokemon cards, i found my old pokemon cards, what's inside, what's inside family, pokemon card opening, old pokemon cards value, old pokemon cards found, old pokemon cards collection, josh horton, catch em all, catch em all cards
Id: gY95spc_aSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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