What's inside a GIANT SAFE?

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♫ Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go - Welcome back to What's Inside. I'm Lincoln and this is Dan, and today we have a safe as tall as me. - This thing holds up to 18 rifles, and it also keeps your valuables safe, so people will put things in here that are like their bank records, title to their cars. We got this for a few reasons. First, you guys have asked for it a lot. You've said cut open a safe, and I thought that's actually a really good idea because I don't even know if we can cut into it. The second reason is because we partnered up with an awesome YouTube channel slash TV show, Studio C. We did this really, really fun sketch that we're gonna link in the description at the end of us trying to break into a bank vault. We've got a couple of our friends, Jeremy and Matt. If you've seen Studio C, I'm sure you recognize them. What do you think the odds are that we're gonna actually get into this with this tool? - I don't know. - It's possible. - I think that we're gonna cut through a couple of layers, but I think it's gonna be hard. - This is 360 pounds, 11 gauge steel, but then there's also something else inside of it that I don't know. Maybe concrete, maybe insulation. I think I'm gonna go around the top here. If we can get this top part peeled off, maybe we can see what's inside the top of it. That's kinda what I'm thinking. (hip hop music) That actually was a lot easier than I thought. The first layer, we got in with this guy. (hip hop music) I guess I should say this with all of our videos: Kids, don't go cut your dad's safe open just 'cause we're showing you how to do it. (hip hop music) - I'm impressed, you got in there. - It's smoking. - A deep cut. - That was easier than I thought. Okay, change in plans, I'm not gonna go around the top. I'm gonna come and open our own door. We're gonna make our own door on the side. (hip hop music) I don't know. You can feel there's some stuff inside of the sides here. - [Lincoln] Pixy dust! - [Man] This is drywall. - What do we got? What? We're literally in right now. Are you kidding me? That is it. That's all that it was. So one sheet of metal and then you've got this, what is that, like sheet rock? - [Man] Yeah. - It's sheet rock with a little bit of carpet on it. That is stinking it. Are you kidding me? - It's been like, what, 10 minutes since we started cutting? - It was, it took longer to figure out how to close it. - It's true, it did. - That was too easy. - I'm burying my money from now on in undisclosed locations. - I feel kind of bad about this, honestly, because we just showed the world that with $120 saw and a seven inch metal cutoff blade you can cut open a safe in less than a minute. I've seen people in videos get in to this safe with a crowbar. Since this took like five minutes, let's try to do it with a crowbar and see if there's two different ways you get into a safe. (metal thudding) - [Lincoln] No! - Let's get into this. No, Lincoln wasn't under that. He was yelling from over there. He's right there. (metal clanging) ♫ Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig ♫ In our mine the whole day through - Then you have to get it in between the door jam and pull it apart like that. - Oh yeah. - So I have a finance degree. That's what I studied in college. What'd you study in college? - I studied psychology. - Psychology, and how about you? - I studied film. - Film. We are definitely qualified for this. (metal groaning) Look at that, we're spreading the door, the bars of the door away. I can see inside of it. What were you looking for? - The chisel. - A little chisel, and you came back with what? - A sledgehammer. - A little lower, right here, so it has some leverage. Now, come straight down on it. Ready, go. (metal clanging) Nice. It's good to give it a little swinging action. (metal clanging) Alright, we lost the sticker. I'm determined to get this little lock off. Here we go. (metal clanging) Alright, there's the lock. Just had that little spinny part. So look, there's a little metal bar that goes through there. I bet that's what you spin, and inside it somehow tells it to unlock. - [Lincoln] I knew a sledgehammer was a good idea. (metal clanging) - That one just broke. Here we go. Oh, careful. We're in! We did it! We broke into a safe. - Twice. - Two different ways. Oh man, we broke the hinges off of this thing. Those five things are what we had to do on the other side. We had to split this apart far enough and so that it would come up and then when we bent it over, the hinges just kind of broke right off. I wonder what's inside the door. (wooden smashing) - [Lincoln] Yeah! - Is this just drywall that's covered in fake metal paper? - It says the Sergeant Greenleaf series lock. Man, that thing looks old school, doesn't it? - This thing lasted about as long against us as it would a fire. - 30 minutes or less. Then this right on here on the other side is the handle. If I had it unlocked and I turned it, it would open up right now and you would see this slide over to the other side. And that would move these bars down. They'd go, and then these ones would come up this way. That's pretty much all that side of it is. This is not a shot at whatever safe company this is. This is just the one that we bought. I didn't wanna buy a used one 'cause there tons of 'em on the classifieds, and I'm like no, I don't want you guys to say that's so out of date. That's not what they're like these days. So I brought a brand new one just so that we could see the real effect. We successfully got into a safe two different ways. That was much easier than I thought it would be. - It was crazy how easy it was. You need to have a challenge, don't you think? - I guess for the What's Inside guys and for the Studio C guys, a safe is no match for us. Give us something harder to cut into. Come on, really? - You did sweat a lot. - I did sweat. We filmed one of our favorite videos that we've ever done and it's not even on our channel. It's on the Studio C channel, and we broke into a bank vault. Also we did a behind the scenes that kinda showed how it came to be in our backyard. So we need this thing tipped over. Lincoln said he wants to do it. Let's see if he can. Just touch it. - How is it not falling? - [Dan] Just barely tap it. Blow on it. (metal crashing) - Yeah!
Channel: What's Inside?
Views: 4,779,442
Rating: 4.6541271 out of 5
Keywords: gun safe, safe, gun, guns, gun safe (product category), rifle, gun safes, ammo, gun (invention), firearm (sports equipment), inside, science, experiment, whats inside, fire, what's inside, teardown
Id: 0SQTS2u4HFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2016
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