Breaking into a massive 1000lb Safe with a Plasma Cutter

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hey guys backyard scientist here this is a plasma cutter it's basically the closest thing we have right now to real working lightsabers the torch uses electricity to produce a 20,000 degree plasma flame now this will melt the metal and it uses compressed air to blow the molten metal out of the kite let me demonstrate on this garage door spring I [Music] might need a little bit of practice using this thing but you know what they say if you don't know what you're doing you might as well look cool doing it oh yeah unfortunately the material you're cutting needs to be electrically conductive and it needs to be able to be melted and blown away by the air so that means you can't cut well you can't cut glass or plastic and of course really you can't cut watermelons either but we can try all right so let's see how much damage we've done well does it look like we've done much damage at all you can see right here is where we cut it and the damage doesn't really go deep at all in fact I barely even broke the skin of the watermelon but something tells me that this would do a lot more damage to a person so to see what would happen if you accidentally plasma cut yourself let's try it out on a slab of meat I don't know it doesn't look that appetizing what do you eat this yeah going all the way through yeah it kind of smells like burnt hair so you know I think I should probably start wearing gloves and I'm using this thing the first two tests were a little bit easy so let's straight cracking open this state I filled it with some valuables and let's start plasma cutting it open without damaging what's inside and I have a bad feeling about this [Music] all right so let's take a look at the damage here the money number one looks terrible there's that's one dollar bill this is the second dollar bill and then the third dollar bill you can see that they're all pretty much useful to this point especially if somebody uses a plasma cutter to break into an ATM or something I don't think you could get away with spending these now that didn't quite satisfy my urge to break into a safe because this is about one of the cheapest saves you can get it's not going to keep out a determined - Robert so let's find one of the crazy safes I can find and see if I can break into that I knew I needed a bigger challenge for a safe so I went down to the backwoods and I found this be stubborn state it's like three foot by four foot weighs over 700 pounds and it has a really cool story about it I know you won't believe me if I tell you so take it apart this antique safe has been in a suburban family in years he retired and out of state now we're wondering what's inside what is it because ah yes I think this is big enough all right here is our old safe this thing weighs about a thousand pounds it was super hard to get here in the first place it's about a hundred years old it was made by Hall Safe Company it is a beast its walls are about four times thicker that little safe that we cut through earlier and then on top of that it has six inches of concrete and then you have to cut through another internal steel wall if you can get to the inside of this thing and looks like people have been trying to break into it over the years there's hammer marks all over the dial there somebody tried to pry it open here they knocked off one of the hinges there's hammer marks on the side they knocked off the handle like good luck nobody's gotten into this thing but they didn't have a plasma cutter turn the safe around because my plan is to go in through the back I'm going to plasma cut this back steel panel off and then bust through the concrete so we can get to the inside of the safe and see what's in there I don't think there's going to be anything cool but I want to see if it can be done anyway for one step closer that total time was probably only about 10 minutes and try to imagine doing down in 10 minutes with an angle grinder there's no way that's going to happen so let's bust this open with the edge hammer now this is way harder than I thought it's going to be [Music] haha look you can see the inside right there I finally reached the inside core of the safe after busting through about I don't know eight inches of concrete it probably took about an hour and a half of like total work time - the brakes because that was really hard but I'm going to try using the angle grinder to cut a small window and do so I'd offered safe to plasma cut smells like burning hair hey that's me anyway we've reached the inside of the safe oh man Oh guys check it out it's nothing the safe is totally empty oh man you know I just noticed on the inside of the safe that you can actually see the locking mechanism back there in the safe and I don't know if you guys can tell from the camera but there's actually only one of those rotating combinations you know there's like three or something which means that somebody has to take it off to them which means that there's only one number but I have to put in here to open the safe and that shouldn't be too hard oh wow check it out and got it this is the inside of this safe band yeah there's nothing in here so I kind of did all that for nothing and just started raining here's the metal plate that I cut out the inside wasn't as thick as the outside exciting here there's pretty much just like like dust but I don't know this guy was a jeweler so there might be some kind of gold dust in here maybe I'll send it to Cody's lab and he could expect that or something like an old paper anything out of paper nope it's the mold sandpaper hold on there's opinion here check it out it's a penny from 1979 so that means it's still it's still a copper penny but I promised the lady half of whatever we find inside so I think you know I got to do with this South now that I've gotten into the safe I kind of have no idea what to actually do is it because it's so big it's three feet by three feet it's too big to fit in the house I was thinking maybe turn into an aquarium I could turn it into a Media Console by like taking a middle section out to make it not as deep and I could put my TV on top of it and stuff I was thinking maybe ferry in the yard for the next people that move into the house to find it could be like another secret safe I don't know if you guys have any cool ideas let me know down below in the comment section and I'll be looking out for you see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 3,724,841
Rating: 4.8228168 out of 5
Keywords: safe, plasma cutter, break into safe, lightsaber, plasma, torce, torch, palsma torch, cutter, vault, thebackyardscientist
Id: 9npSxELHxGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
Reddit Comments

I don't think I have ever watched any of his videos, but he seems like a guy I would watch. He's genuinely excited, and does a great job explaining things.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Hilby 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

Is there ever anything in anything on this sub?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/natesplace19010 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

Next science project: Test that for asbestos

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/v8jet 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

wow he is pushing 1000lb like it was nothing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mr-frost 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies

He's using a plasma cutter and then a normal hammer? Man, get some proper tools!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/polish_niceguy 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2017 🗫︎ replies
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