What's in My EDC Backpack | Everyday Carry Summer 2020

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welcome back everybody my name is taylor martin this is the best amydc and this video is probably one of the most requested videos that i've had on this channel since i started it over two years ago and that's a bag dump i have not done a bag dump i've done zero bag content since i started this channel i think a lot of that comes with me not being happy with the bags that i've had i've bought a lot i've gone through bags i like bags but i've never really been in love with a bag this could change that this is a really cool bag and it's been recommended to me several times over the years and it's new to me so full disclosure this still could be the honeymoon phase and me just being smitten with it for now and it could change but i think this one's here to stay for a while at least it's got a lot of really cool features and it has what i wanted in a bag so with that said this is my edc bag dump and let's do the damn thing finally [Music] so here we are at long last with my edc bag dump and i've gone through a lot of backpacks over the last several years over the last i don't know 10 years i've probably owned 30 or 40 bags and i'm always kind of not super blown away with them this one i think could be different i should just get it out of the way right now and say camera bags are a different story i have two that i really really like but my edc bag i don't need nearly as much out of it and uh i feel like not a lot of companies put thought into their bags they just make a big pocket and then throw it up for sale and that's how i felt about the last several bags that i've owned they're fine they're made well it's just there's no thought put into them this bag is a little different however it is from mystery wrench this is called the rip ruck 15 and i i ordered this a few weeks ago it came last week so it is still very new to me i've only had it for a few days and been using it for a few days but i already really really like it and one of the main things that i really liked is it's kind of the the middle ground between a zippered bag and a rucksack which i like rucksacks i like the idea of them but i hate drawstrings and i don't like roll tops i wanted something as easy as a zipper but as cool and as accessible as a rucksack and that's where this bag fits in perfectly it's called the rip rook because you can just yank this lid open and you're into the bag and i really really like that you just open it up it's that easy and i i freaking love that i love that you can just yank this thing open now the downside is that there are two zippers to close it back up but just yank it open that's so so neat but this is their od green version of the 15 liters i don't want a big backpack for everyday carry for the longest time i carried a massive edc backpack and the problem with that is that i tend to put too much in it i'll put stuff in and put stuff in and put stuff in and then forget to take it out and then before i know it i've got a 40-52 pound backpack and that's that's not good especially for every day um so i've learned to slim it down carrying a smaller bag helps in doing that i got it in od green and it's got this really i don't know what this fabric is i really like the the finish and fabric on it but what i really love are these these straps they're very very very soft this is a foam strap and a lot of the ones that you get are either really hard or just sometimes on a really small bag like this sometimes they're just straight mesh and that's not comfortable this thing is super comfortable it does have a buckle i never use buckles on the straps because my chest is so wide then i usually am all the way out on this and it's still pulling on my chest but you've got some of that same padding down here which is essential but if we go back around to the front another reason i really like this is smaller backpacks a lot of the time don't have bottle pockets and i like having a bottle pocket so i do typically keep a bottle in there today i have this which is just a blender bottle which these get really messy because i put ice in them and then they sweat so i don't have it in there right now because i didn't want it flopping around on the table but i usually have a bottle with either water or coffee in this bottle pocket and then you have some lashing here for attaching stuff and then you have molly attachment points on the top and you have a little velcro patch on the front which is really really neat i guess we'll start with this front pocket there is internal organization you can see inside this pocket there are three pin loops which i have some knives in you have one bigger pocket which in that i just have a handkerchief for wiping off screens and that's all that's in here these uh two little knives i put little fidgety knives in here so one thing that i think separates me from a lot of you is that i have an office and most of my knives and gear stays at the office a lot of the time so when i go home i don't have i can't play with my knives or fidget and tinker so i tend to take several home with me all the time it's not always these two i just kind of rotate and throw some in the bag and go home so yeah there are going to be an excess of knives there's a lot of redundancy here there's a ton of knives in this bag i don't expect that to be normal for anybody other than mostly just me i guess but in here i have a yellow birch outfitter's pocket organizer and i mainly have this for my pen and my notepad which i use to take notes i've been carrying the pin in my pocket until this bag came in and i just threw it in here because i find myself not needing it every single day i need it maybe once or twice a week and it's not much more difficult to just grab it out of the bag because this bag is usually near me whatever edc bank i have it's usually within reach it goes everywhere if it if i come to the office it's with me at the office when i go home it's there if i'm in my truck it's usually in my truck so this always goes with me i also have a little sebenza in here just another knife to fidget with and keep with me and then a little swiss army knife mostly for the scissors the file it also works really well as just like an emergency camera plate tool if i don't have something else on me because now i've slimmed down so much i don't always have a little camera plate tool on me but that's all i have in the front pocket here i did miss this this is the hero clip that i talked about in that unusual edc gear video so the way these work is you can clip this carabiner here but you can still have a little hook so you can hang your bag and keep it up off the ground just a very very useful very handy tool these run about 15 to 20 dollars and you get multi packs of them too but that's going to stay right there because it's just a super handy little tool to have but that's it for the outside of the bag and this little front pocket on the inside and i again have slim this way way way down because i used to carry way too much all the time i was the kind of person that would have like 50 usb cables in my bag because you know that's a normal number of usb cables to have on you the first thing is just kind of sliding out here is this little nylon zip pouch and in here i just have like spare face masks and face coverings and i mainly have this in here because i've been out several times with other people who don't have one they're like hey do you have a spare mask or anything and i typically have at least one or two spares in here for other people that's all that's in there this is a distilled union bag if you buy face masks from them they'll send you one of these bags the other two things that you see sticking out of the bag are usbc cables these are extra long usb-c coils i think this one's like six speed so it's not extra long but this one is 15 feet so a very long usbc cable and i like to keep at least two in the bag because i have an ipad that uses usbc my camera uses usbc some of my headphones use it a lot of the gear i have uses usbc and i don't have a ton of usbc cables but have a million micro usb i have a million lightning cables bunch at home a bunch of my truck a bunch here so having some usbc cables always on hand is very very nice and sometimes essential and these are long this one's like six feet i think this one is 15 feet so yeah it's just nice to have those and have that extra length and to go with that in the very bottom of the bag i have a hyper juice so this was a kickstarter project or indiegogo i can't remember i backed it totally forgot about it but on the front you get two 100 watt usbc ports and two 18 watt usb a ports and that makes this thing extremely handy this would charge my macbook when i had it it'll charge my ipad extra fast anything it just charges so so fast and it's small and it's just a really really cool little thing i've got a few bricks like that one but this is definitely the best one that i've picked up you guys are familiar with this so i won't dwell on it too long this is my maxpedition pouch with a little tool kit inside it's not changed really i think i swapped the flashlight out maybe maybe one or two other things but this is just tools i grabbed this leatherman a lot i could probably get by with a leatherman and a flashlight but i've got all of this stuff in here because why not right the only other thing down in this main compartment is this and this is a knife roll from ark company so like i said when i'm not at the office my stuff is here and i like to have stuff with me so sometimes i'll bring this with me especially on the weekends if i want to rotate knives or whatever i'll bring some of my favorite knives with me so i can you know carry a different knife and i don't have to come to the office just to switch it out when i know that i'm going to be away for a few days or if i'm going somewhere if i want to take some knives and show a friend i usually grab this and throw it down in the bag so i keep just some of my favorite or most commonly used knives down in this little bag i can talk more about this and knife organization in another video but uh really cool little knife roll from arc company he surprised me with that but it's been something i frequently use since he sent it to me and inside this back pocket here this tablet sleeve i have my ipad pro i've been working from ipad pros basically since i came out but more recently i've sold my macbook pro so this has been my main mobile computing solution and uh frankly i love it i've written a ton of articles in the past from ipads and i've really just grown to enjoy them and use them as a computer but i do everything from task management planning out videos chatting in the discord just about every single thing but shipping and editing videos from this right here this is just my main computer really but the case that i keep my ipad in is actually brought to you by our sponsor for this video sub case sub case if you're not familiar with them they make very very rugged and still very slim cases for all sorts of phones this one is the unicorn beetle pro case for the ipad pro and i love it because it still keeps the pro very very slim a lot of rugged cases are very big and bulky but this one i still feel like provides a ton of protection but it's still very lightweight and very thin and it's coming clutch lately because we went on vacation a few weeks ago and we didn't have our tv and my daughter wanted to watch netflix so i gave her my ipad she's 16 months old i had no worries about her holding this ipad on her own because she tends to toss things when she's done with them so i didn't really have to worry about handing this to her and letting her watch netflix from my ipad i felt it was still very secure but there are some things about this case that i really really like such as the kickstand it's just one of those things every every tablet case needs a kickstand but i love that you can flip this one over and use the on-screen keyboard i also love that it has this little cradle for the apple pencil so with the ipad the apple pencil 2 just sticks to the side of it using magnets and when you throw it down in your backpack the apple pencil just kind of gets lost it falls off this keeps it on your ipad very well i don't think i've had it fall out of here at all because normally even if it gets jostled it gets sucked back in there and the buttons on this are just super easy to use just as easy as without a case and the best part is that these sup case cases are very affordable this one is just 30 and if you want to know more about it or maybe buy a case yourself hit the link in the description down below or go to amazon and search ipad case by sup case to see more and buy one for yourself and thanks again to sub case for sponsoring this video all right so we're almost done there's not a whole lot left inside this bag there is this pouch behind the tablet sleeve so if i had my macbook still i would be tossing my macbook in there it's kind of hidden a little bit you can put this flap down here so this stays open or you can kind of shut it so it's a little more secure there are some mesh pockets here one on either side there's a little divider in one pocket i just have a little microfiber i think that's the only thing down in there just for wiping screens again and in this side i think the only thing down in there yeah is a fixed blade knife i have this in here because i'm actually wrapping up my month of fixed blade carries and i've been switching between the giant mouse knives gmf one and the penia x series clip fixed blade but i just have that one down in there so i can quickly swap out for the other one if i want to and then all that's left are these two side pockets clipped to this one so these pockets aren't actually this isn't the pocket this goes all the way through as you can see my hand comes all the way out the bottom so this is just for like clipping stuff too i guess i don't know the pockets are actually zippered but i have my my keybar clipped here so these are just my post office and office keys and i just keep them clipped there because they're out of the way they don't impede getting to the pocket they don't impede the zipper it just stays there it's easy way to keep up with it rather than just leaving it in the center console of my truck or something it's always in my bag which is always with me and down inside here i have just one thing and that is my airpods so i have airpods pro and i keep them in this sub case case very much like the other sub case cases i've talked about this one just kind of slides on it's also got some leather to it which really resonated with me but i keep these in here because they're accessible but the case does make them a little too big to carry in my pocket and i didn't like the case by itself in my pocket because it's so slick it'll just fly out and then on the other side you've got a pocket similar to that one and this one i just keep basically some hygiene stuff i have some alcohol prep pads in there listerine strips orbit gum and some o'keefe's that's it that's all that i have in those side pockets and i think that is all i have in the bag so we'll just put these things back in here and close up shop ipad goes there towards go right there tool kit goes to the very bottom so does the knife roll the charger brick goes also very down to the very bottom and then this just kind of floats right there close it up and this is magnetic so this the one thing that i that does kind of give me some cause for concern is i also have a little watch roll similar to the knife roll and i'll take some watches home with me for the weekend but if you're using an automatic watch magnets are not good for those sometimes especially if they don't have any extra anti-mag properties inside or technology so that is something that maybe makes this not the best bag for every situation but you pull these two zippers shut and you're good to go and that that is my edc bag and uh i've tried to minimize it and keep it pretty slim but i like to keep a small bag so i don't put too much stuff in there but one that can't expand so when i have to take more stuff home or bring more stuff into the office i've got extra space in here for bringing lunch or whatever oh and there is one more thing hang on to that point of being able to throw extra stuff in here one thing that i often throw in is one of my cameras which we're rolling right now or this which is uh says peter mckinnon nomadic this is one of the little modules that went inside his camera bag or came inside the camera bag so i have a little road mic in here i have my rx100 battery charger and a bunch of spare batteries and a microfiber and this just zips closed it's a very easy way to carry all the stuff for my camera what i was saying when i'm going home for the weekend this can just shove right there bag still closes very easily and i'm going home with a way that i can at least take photos or shoot a video yeah i think that works really really well i'm very pleased with this bag so far and i'll keep you guys updated on the progress of of this bag as my edc bag but yeah just let me know if you guys want to see more bag content or maybe even what's in my camera bag like when i go on a video shoot which is something i haven't done in quite some time but yeah let me know if you guys want to see more bad content that is going to do it for this video if you found it helpful and you enjoyed it be sure to hit that thumbs up button down below and subscribe to see more stuff like this in the future and hit that notification bell so you're notified when i upload new videos if you want to support what i'm doing here hit the links in the description down below everything you saw in this video will be linked there and if you click through and purchase using those links those are affiliate links and i get a little bit of a kickback but it doesn't cost you anything extra in some cases there are even discounts you can also support by going to patreon.combdc or carrycommission.com where you can buy gear and merge directly from me but also follow us around the web you can find us in most places at best mdc and there's also a facebook group and a discord server they're both linked down below with that said and until next time carry on you
Channel: Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin]
Views: 189,548
Rating: 4.8170099 out of 5
Keywords: EDC, everyday carry, every day carry, edc backpack, edc bag, best edc bag, best edc backpack, Mystery Ranch Rip Ruck, HEROCLIP, Yellow Birch Outfitters, Grimsmo Saga, Pocket Notebook, EDC Tool Kit, Apple iPad Pro, SUPCASE, Unicorn Beetle, iPad Pro, Giant Mouse, Sony, RX100 VII, Rode VideoMicro, AirPods Pro, KeyBar, Okluma DC0, Christopher Ward, C65 Trident GMT, Fix Blade, bag dump, edc bag dump, edc gear, whats in my bag, everyday bag 2020, everyday bag essentials
Id: IoqIw80xJLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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