MICRO EDC Gear | Light Summer Everyday Carry

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welcome back everybody my name is Hanna Martin this is the best MATC and a few weeks ago I talked about how my carry changes in the summer spoiler alert if you haven't watched that video already it's basically I wear shorts in the summer a lot because it's really hot and humid here and I can't stand being hot so I try to stay as cool as possible with shorts but more specifically the pockets on those shorts effect what I carry and how I carry it mainly because slanted pockets are the devil but point is I carry smaller and lighter gear in the summer that paired with the recent Altoids urban EDC survival 10 video I did I got me thinking a lot about really small lightweight gear so put those videos together and you come up with this which is a hypothetical micro EDC this is not my actual EDC even though it's not too terribly far off to be completely honest this is just to kind of jog the brain give you guys some ideas about how you can reduce and lighten your carry for the summer or just in general and I figured I don't talk about this sort of stuff a whole lot so I put this video together I'll also talk about how my carry is a little bit different than this and also in a few weeks I will be doing my personal summer update but again this is just a hypothetical to show you some different alternatives for smaller lighter gear so with that said let's do the damn thing make no mistake this video is not carry the smallest stuff you can find I don't want to make that video you can find really small pieces of gear easily it's not hard to find really tiny pieces of gear but with that tiny gear you often have a big drop in functionality or utility and that's not what I wanted to do here so there are smaller pieces of gear and probably every single category here but I wanted to find the smallest gear I could find without taking a massive hit and functionality so that's what this is I took pretty much every piece of my own personal carry and just swapped it for I think the best and smallest piece of gear possible so let's start with the flashlight because you guys know all about this one this is the O light I 1 R 2 EO s and it's just a really really tiny keychain flashlight of course there are smaller flashlights out there have a mare attack peanut which is even smaller but it requires a recharge module that you have to screw off the lens screw that on and plug it in that's annoying does have replaceable batteries where the the I 1 R 2 does not but they're both USB rechargeable just unscrew it here the main difference between the 2 and the original is just that this is spring-loaded so the cap does not come off or the lens does not come off but your USB recharging there you have a twist interface with two modes very simple to operate turn it just a little bit and you get your low mode which is 5 lumens that'll run for 6 hours and then bump it up to the high mode which is 150 lumens that'll run for about 15 minutes super simple super lightweight you put this on your keys and it practically disappears and that's what's so great about it and if you lose it or the battery stops working or anything goes wrong with it I mean it's 20 bucks that's not the end of the world if you have to replace it and that's why I like it it's really really cheap and it packs a huge punch for what it is I mean 150 lumens in this tiny little flashlight is incredible so this one is one that I've been carrying and I carry that actually with Mikey so I put it on this little split ring and I carry it with my keys and since we're talking about this let's go to the heat organizer this is the quiet carry shorty they have several different versions of their key organizer but it is this one-sided minimalist key organizer has a clips you'd have three keys stored here in the back and then on the other side you have either this multi-tool which has a little nail lift or pry bar you have a cord cutter a bottle opener and I believe that's it and then the other version of the shorty comes with a small knife blade now I could have gone with that for for this tool the reason I went with this one instead of the knife blade is I would rather have a dedicated knife and not some sort of multi-tool that functions with everything else something that I pull out the knife I want to use the knife I don't want to have all of this other stuff in my hand so what the multi-tool insert for the shorty because I think that's useful and it keeps me from having to carry another practical it's built right into my keys think there's an expansion tube which will allow you to carry more but it gets really thick I mean this thing is kind of thick to begin with so that might turn some people away but I've really grown to like this because I have my multi-tool right here now to be completely fair I don't actually carry this on me all the time this is just my office keys my post office key so this stays either here or in my truck I don't carry these with me everywhere and on this I just have a little titanium tiny little titanium carabiner that's the key and flashlight situation like quiet carry shorty a little generic titanium carabiner and the OL III 1 R 2 EO s and these I do actually use and staying on that trend basically since I did the 500-hour discord EDC video I've been carrying the Leatherman squirt ps4 this is the one that I bought from John Smith it stayed in my 5th pocket ever since because it's just a really really great multi-tool it's not the best ever it is small you do you know have to deal with whatever tools you have but the tool set I think on this is one of the most complete especially for such a tiny tiny tool and it for being about 3035 dollars I think it's a really great value as well these pliers really come in clutch when you can't pick up something really small or hold on to something really well you can pull these out and hold on or just tighten something if you need to or loosen whatever you need those players are really really handy on this tool set you also have a blade a small blade which I'm not a huge fan of it is chisel ground it is a very very small I never tend to use Leatherman knives nothing against them I just I just don't the file I've used actually quite a bit recently mainly for grooming my nails you also have a flat head and a bottle opener now which could be used as a pry tool as well very small one then you have a Philips driver right here and then on this side there is a set of scissors which I find myself using pretty often but the Leatherman squirt ps4 I think it's a fantastic really tiny tool if you don't need pliers I would recommend the Victorinox mini champ is a really really tiny compact tool and if you don't need all these other tools you of course can get a Victoria a classic SD for 16 dollars roughly but this is a very similar toolset to the Leatherman squirt it's a little bit smaller but no pliers so the these would be my two recommendations for really tiny multi tools that pack a lot of punch of course the mini champ alex is gonna be a little more expensive I think the a locks version is $45 roughly you can get it with plastic scales that also comes with tweezers and a toothpick for and a pin and certainly I have a little pin actually in the scale and I think that one's closer to thirty thirty-five dollars something like that but both of these tools are fantastic for the price now something that is brand new and new to me as well is the big idea design mini pin typically I would have probably recommended a Fisher space pin bullet or a tactile Turnbull tection mini but this comes in quite a bit smaller there are also polka pins which is like a big version of a Fisher space pin bullet but this this is very very tiny and this is built around the same concept as the TI pocket pro in that it is a twist pin a very very compact pin and there's no pocket clip it is just very minimal it's basically just a little housing for these tiny inserts these are the same ones that you use in like a kvitko sport very small very standard refills this is a perfect example of something that's really tiny that you can still get a lot of utility out of I can still hold on to this comfortably and right whereas in the urban EDC survival ten that out Boyd's 10 video I did I included this which is the key smart nano pen and it's just very difficult to write with it's marginally smaller in the grip and this cap does give a little bit of extra length but not enough to where it's actually easy to write with I struggle writing with this not that I end up writing a ton but if I'm going to I would much rather have this pin right here it is shorter but it's easier to grip in my personal opinion these are about $35 they come in a few different finishes and I think they're fantastic this is just one of those examples where you have a lot of different options that are much smaller I think slug house makes a nano pen I think it's what they call it or something it's like an inch and a half long but some point things become pretty much unusable and you can't write well with them and this is one that I still can write with just fine this is not so that tiny difference in size makes a huge difference when it comes to writing with it let's call the wallet before I get to the knife this right here is a wallet I carried for years this was I think maybe not the original but this was the one of the original elastic wallets out there this is the tight wallet and they are a little more expensive than some of the ones you can find on Amazon but they're extremely high-quality and they come in a billion different versions and I love this one because it has this leather pocket on the front and I just loved this I think there's almost called the Americana it's just a cool wallet and like a replacement of this one because this blue is faded so much I did carry this one for years for probably 2 or 3 years this was my primary wallet and it's just super minimal I love how small and slim this is of course you could go with something equally small like the trave axe armored summit it's about the same size as your cards just an uber millimoles wallet and then this one is a thread wallet which is pretty much the same thing I think the the elastic quality is maybe a little better on the tight but this thread wallet is still super nice as well and and much cheaper much more affordable when it's warm outside and want something small in my pockets I tend to go with something like this or that armored summit wallet from Trebek's but it's been a long time since I've carried this one and I just wanted to talk about it a little on the channel because this one is a wallet that I carried for a long long time and loved it and I totally forgot about it honestly when I made that minimalist wallet video my buddy Peter asked me why I didn't include the tight wallet and to be completely honest slip in mine totally forgot about it I should have included this and the best EDC minimalist wallet so if I ever do an update to that video you'll see this wallet in there again but they're a billion different patterns and combinations that you can get this wallet in but there you go that is the tight wallet and lastly the knife the reason I brought this one up last is because in a real situation I probably would not carry this as a primary knife this is a keychain knife I don't have it on a keychain but that's what it is and this is the James brand Elko in the urban EDC supply exclusive micarta version with a black blade it's a sweet little knife I've carried it's um it's not a primary knife it's not something I would carry a ton because well frankly if I'm carrying a multi-tool like the Leatherman squirt or the mini champ that's not a knife that's a knife you have tiny knives on these already and I don't find this much more useful than these small knives and these multi tools so I wouldn't carry this one on its own this one was just one of those that's like you can if you don't want to carry one of these or don't like these even smaller blades you can cut plenty with this this knife is perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with it at all even cutting an apple you could cut an apple just fine with this tiny little knife so I think it's a valid option however if I'm gonna carry something uber minimal and small I'm probably gonna end up with something like this shameless plug this is the best damn EDC version of the TPT slide these will be coming out pretty soon this is a little sweet topo pattern I don't have a release date on them yet they do not come at the top of blade but stay tuned for more information on those but I would go with something like this just because it's kind of maintenance-free you can just beat it up you don't have to worry about it you break a blade whatever swap it out I still love these little utility knives I use them all the time I think these are really really great especially for something really lightweight in the summer if I were to go with something a little more traditional like a locking one-handed opening knife I would personally out of my collection go with the Esper box that has blade HQ dapper this thing is sweet really really small but doesn't really compromise on utility yes / of course is the king of the tiny blades the Fox knives suru also by the Gasper another fantastic knife there are several yes / designs that are really really that I would recommend highly recommend another couple of guys that do really great small blades our firm Forge they have the gent and the firm forge Falcon both of these are roughly three inch blades fantastic knives ergo czar perfect spot-on great great options right around the hundred dollar mark you could of course also get a spider coat delica my personal favorite lately as a small knife has been the quiet carry drift it is right at a three inch blade really really great disappears in the pocket and of course another option if you can find them is the element 'm but of course these are these are kind of bigger knives when we're talking about a micro EDC so finding something that's this small and still very high quality can be pretty difficult but there are a lot of options out there the the knife part of it is something that even if I were carrying all this tiny gear I would still want to opt for something around a three inch blade like this where you can still get a long cut but it's not a huge huge knife last thing I want to touch on really quickly I didn't include it in this because I had a pry tool in the quiet carry shorty but if you wanted a pry tool for your EDC there are several really great options for tiny tiny pry tools the Griffin mini is probably the most notable but there's also the ever ratchet from gear infusion and then the Gerber shard is a classic but you can't go wrong with any of these but if I were to choose one I'd probably go with the Griffin mini because it also can double as a hook and you can hang your keys on things there you go that's the micro carry I hope that helps with some ideas for what you could carry in the summer for lightning and condensing your carry if you've got ideas for a really small still very functional gear let me know in the comments down below that's gonna do it for this video if you found it helpful and you enjoyed it be sure to hit that thumbs up button down below and subscribe to see more stuff like this in the future and hit that notification bell so you're notified when I upload new videos if you want to support what I'm doing here hit the links down below I linked everything you saw in this video if you purchase anything using those links many of them if not all of them are affiliate links so I get a little bit of a kickback it doesn't cost you anything extra it's really kind of a win-win help support what I'm doing but it doesn't cost you anything you can also go to carry commission calm or carried out best that's my store where you can buy shirts just like this one another gear and merch directly from me and there's also a patreon you can go to patreon.com/scishow semi DC to support their but also follow us around the web you can find us on Twitter and Instagram fsme DC you find me Taylor Martin on Twitter and Instagram and cats protect there's also a Facebook group and a discord server you can find links to those down below but with that said and until next time carry on
Channel: Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin]
Views: 117,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, everyday carry, edc gear, edc knife, every day carry, mini edc, mini edc gear, micro edc gear, TGT Wallet, Big Idea Design, Ti Mini Pen, James Brand Elko, Leatherman Squirt PS4, Quiet Carry Shorty, Olight I1R, TPT Slide, Victorinox MiniChamp, Classic SD, Thread Wallet, Vox Dapper Knife, Fox Knives Suru, Ferrum Forge Gent, Ferrum Forge, Civivi Elementum, Spyderco Delica, Quiet Carry Drift, Pro-Tech Malibu, Reverse Tanto, Tactile Turn, Prometheus Lights
Id: 98jO_JmiKYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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