NEW Everyday Carry Setup 2021 - Secret New Goodies

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so welcome to 2021 i think we're starting off on the right foot don't you agree so we're finally doing the edc update for winter 2021 i guess you could say it's january so it's technically winter i got a lot of new stuff i also got a lot of old stuff that carried over but i really think that there's a lot of stuff in this that a lot of you guys are going to find very interesting because there's some stuff that i got that i was like man i don't know if i'm really going to like that but then once i received it i was like wow this is amazing before we really get into everything i just want to let you guys know if you see anything in today's video that interests you maybe you want to check the price maybe you want to buy it and get one for yourself i'll provide a complete parts list for you with links and hopefully i can find some promo codes i have promo codes for a lot of stuff but i'll look for some new ones i will have that link as the first link in the video description and i'll also pin that link in the comments so it'll be the very top comment essentially that's just going to take you to a separate page where this video is also hosted and in the description of that video is where all the links will be because we're not allowed to link to these parts on youtube anymore so that's why we have to do things that way you know i've only been a gun owner for five years over those past five years i've been simplifying my edc more and more and more because i've just found that i want less and less things in my pockets and on my person and i want it to be as streamlined as possible so i don't carry a ton of things that a lot of other people carry but i do carry the most important things i think so first let's talk about knives for the knives that i like to carry i like to carry some things that are budget friendly and i like to carry some things that are a little above budget friendly so starting off with number one pocket knives so this is the kershaw cryo 2. these are available at drop point as well as tonto blade this one is currently the tonto blade i also have one that is a drop point but my wife keeps taking it i was like man i want another cryo too so i ordered this one for me and i'll let her keep the drop point you know i have cheap knives and i have some that are expensive you know i have a microtech ultra tech which is probably the most expensive knife that i have but i find myself always drawn to this knife although it's not the best blade steel it sharpens super easily i can just i can sharpen this thing super fast and it holds an edge quite well especially for a knife that was made in china um the other knife that i've been carrying more recently for winter is my spyderco yojimbo ii now this one was customized by a gentleman um he has like he's not really a business he's just a he's a guy on instagram and he knows how to customize blades and he actually made this into a copper finish that actually patinas over time and he he reprofiled it and then i added these micarta grips and then he added these titanium you know bolts and stuff like that he did a phenomenal job um i love this knife to death this is on the higher end of things i think there are over a hundred dollars for these knives and then when you have it customized they're even better but i just love this knife to death i've always loved the yojimbo the only downside to this knife is i've broken the tip of it twice and i've had to reprofile the blade and it's funny because the first time i broke it i was actually trying to pry something which i didn't know you weren't supposed to pry with these knife the second time i was just trying to take a stupid instagram photo and i dropped it and it landed tip first on the concrete but nonetheless i love the blade steel on this it's an s30v blade steel it's a higher end blade steel it holds an edge very well and it sharpens super easily another knife that i like to carry that's also kind of on the budget side of things but also has a good blade steel is the kaiser sheepdog mini i think it's the mini the kaiser sheepdog mini i don't know where it is otherwise i would show it to you i left it in some pants i think and it got in the washing machine it's around here somewhere but i had it in my last edc video update now the kaiser mini sheepdog isn't quite as affordable as the kershaw cryo but it does have a higher quality blade steel with a 154 cm blade now with these knives they can range in price like if you want the titanium scales you're going to pay 180 for this knife but if you just get the basic g10 they're only like 60 to 69 depending on if they're on sale or not and i love that knife to death and i'm really bummed that i can't find it i'm hoping i find it soon otherwise i'm gonna buy another one um to sharpen my knives i use this thing here called the spyderco triangle sharp maker it's not the best sharpener in the world but it's great for newbies especially if you don't know exactly how to hold the hold the knife when you're sharpening it because every knife has a different blade angle this one only has i think two blade angles it has a 30 degree and a 40 degree blade angle but i love this thing it's super easy to use and all you do is it holds the rods at an angle and you simply just move the knife straight down and you don't got to worry about holding the angle i love that now i wish that it had adjustable angles i think that would make it perfect if they just made like a swivel system that clicked into place and you could adjust the angles that would make it even more amazing now i know there's better sharpeners out there and stuff but i don't over complicate it it works for me and if a knife doesn't have the blade angle that this has i reprofile it with this and give it that blade angle so for my flashlight i carry two basically i carry my phone which is an amazing flashlight i find that my phone is a great replacement for those itty bitty keychain lights i used to carry the keychain lights and i like them i love them but my phone tends to serve the same purpose and it's just less bulk on my keys now when i do carry a flashlight i carry this little guy right here this is the olight s1r baton 2. um i have one of these in every single vehicle and currently we have four vehicles kind of crazy and then in my pickup truck i carry a bigger olight i forgot which one it is but it's orange and it's kind of big and it puts out a lot of lumens the reason i like keeping these in cars is because the back side is magnetic and if you watched my edc update video from the summer of 2018 i actually got a flat tire in the middle of nowhere 11 p.m somewhere in the middle of the desert between vegas and arizona and these little lights were absolutely amazing essentially i had two of them in my car and one of them i clipped onto my hat like this and then the other one i actually magnetically stuck it to the wheel well so i can get the tire off these little lights the fact they have a reverse clip for your hat and the fact that they have magnetic bases and you know they charge and they can get super bright i love these lights to death i i haven't always had a great experience with olight my first one i bought in 2015 broke three times in a row had to send it back and for the longest time i swore awful light but since that time they've really stepped up their quality assurance and their lights are much better now i probably have about a dozen or so ol lights now and none of them have malfunctioned including my weapon lights now i'm not paid by them to say that they have done one paid video on this channel and it was for christmas 2019 and in that video i made it very well known that i was being paid to make that video definitely try to reach out to me every time that you want to do a big push i'm sure you've seen it on you know your youtube feed when everyone's doing a light video i typically refuse those because i don't want to be i don't want to be in that you know what i mean it's just it just doesn't feel right to do it like that so they don't pay me for these but um i do have affiliate links so if you buy them i get like a small commission and that's how we support this channel so you know we're not monetized on youtube anymore um there might be a handful of videos from three years ago that are still monetized but we don't make any money off of that i only have one channel sponsor so 98 of the way that we keep this channel going is through affiliate links so that's why i always talk about links in the description and stuff but yeah that's basically as big of a light that i carry on my person and then i keep one in each car um and the ones that are in the cars different old lights ranging from bigger ones to smaller ones let's talk about watches so i basically have a rotation of three different watches at the moment i have more watches but these are the three that i've been rotating between the most these two right here are i would say my higher end watches they're not high end they're higher end than my beater watch these are the seiko samurai these are both the same exact watch this one here is more of a tactical it's got a pvd coating and this one's more of a chrome one and i took the metal bracelet off and put a nato strap on it these are automatic dive watches i just love dive watches even though i'm not a diver i like the fact that they're over engineered i like the fact that they look good but they're not too flashy you know sakos can be had for anywhere from 150 to four or 500 depending on which one you get i believe i paid close to 300 for each of these um and i like them so much that i just keep working with them you know they tell time and i like having a watch because a watch is something that i could barter with i know a lot of people talk about wearing a rolex submariner especially guys that are spec ops because if they're overseas and they get stranded they everyone recognizes a rolex and they can trade it in and you know get quite a few thousand dollars they could trade it for a car now i don't have a submariner maybe i'll get one one day in the future but those things are like 10 grand but that's not the primary reason that i carry them i just like watches and i kind of geek out on them i'll make sure to put links in the description for those now so those are my higher end watches i guess if you want to call them that but this is my beater watch right here this is the casio tough solar i've had this watch since 2015 i paid 35 dollars for it it works off the atomic clock so you don't ever have to set it you just tell it what time zone you're in and it will automatically set and you can also turn on and off the daylight savings time because here in arizona we don't have daylight savings time you can turn that on or off and it will automatically switch whenever daylight savings time comes around the other cool thing is the battery never dies like this thing works off of ambient light and it works off of sunlight so for example before i picked the watch up today it was actually turned off and both hands were at the 12 o'clock position and the moment it sent slight both of the hands started moving and going to the you know setting the current time and date and everything so for 35 bucks this is an amazing watch this is one that i try to wear to the range or if i'm going somewhere outdoors or if i'm working on the car and i bump my wrist it's not a big deal now for my pen and my wallet i'm still using this bifold wallet from papav leather i have not been able to get on the trend of these minimalist wallets that fit in your front pocket i don't like a lot of stuff in my front pockets and i like to carry cash on me so i tend to get these i typ i have quite a few cards as well you know one of which is my uscca card i've made a whole video about this but if you're interested this is concealed carry coverage in my opinion after comparing most of them it's my favorite and i'll make sure to put a link you know in the build list in the parts list for all this i'll put a link to over there so you can get a little bit of money off if you want to sign up for concealed carry coverage but in my opinion i think if you can't afford to get coverage you shouldn't be carrying a gun because yeah good luck coming up with a hundred thousand dollars to defend yourself in a justified shooting so anyways off topic i love this wallet to death papa of leather doesn't give me any kickbacks i don't have an affiliate program with them but i have this wallet here and then i have the exact same wallet in brown also in case i want to change up the color scheme but you know one thing i will say i've had this wallet i think since 2018 in the past you know i've had tons of different wallets you know i've had some from fossil i used to love fossil wallets back when i was younger and they would last about a year maybe that and then they started falling apart things like that sorry the baby's crying i don't know if you can hear that so but these wallets have held up tremendously well they even still have a great smell of leather and if you're the kind of person that prefers the traditional back pocket bifold wallets i love these to death the other thing that i use is this bullet space pen right here and this bullet space pen comes apart and then it becomes a larger size pin so you can write with it but when it's in your pocket it completely disappears and i love that and this one has the pocket clip with it you can get them with or without it and it's in a pvd black they also have them in like a silver chrome bullet looking thing this i'm surprised that i still have this pen i'm surprised that i haven't lost it but whenever i'm going to the range you know usually when i'm going to test products and stuff i'll have like 20 different products to test in a range day you know the sun is super bright out there so usually um i like to put checklist on my phone for everything however because it's so bright when i'm out shooting in the desert it's hard to see my phone screen so i'll write down everything that i need to get footage for or i'll write down like something that i need to test maybe i had a problem with it the previous range day so i use like these little field books or field notes whatever you want to call them and then i'll use this bullet space pen and i can go through there check things off and i also just find myself wanting to write stuff down a lot when i'm in the car so i keep one of these in the car and then i usually have this in my pocket if i'm leaving the house now something new for this edc update is my wedding band it's funny because in the past i've actually seen comments of people saying why doesn't he wear a wedding band he talks about his wife i thought he was married this is my original wedding band you know obviously i wore this all the time now when i started youtube i started shooting every single week you know going to the range and a couple things i didn't like about having a ring was when i would get my grip and i'm under recoil this ring would start digging into these into my primary hand and it would hurt like crazy not only that but i found that i started getting this crazy callus on my knuckle and because this ring would move around over time that callus kept getting larger and larger and i would straight up just take a file and file the callus down so i could get the ring off and get the ring on but i couldn't get rid of it completely so then i discovered these little fellas right here these are i forgot the brand name but i'll have a link for it have tons of different colors but these are made of of silicone and what's cool about them is when you see them from a distance or you see them you know just on your hand they look like they're made of metal or some kind of hard plastic but they're really squishy they also have a ton of different profiles so some of them are rounded over i like the ones this one's more flat with chamfers and then the inside's red i mean there's so many different colors it's crazy i think the best thing that i like about these is they're only like 30 bucks and then if you screw one up you can just get another one really easily another reason why i stopped wearing a traditional wedding band is because i am out doing things you know like getting things out of the truck or you know out of the range there's always a chance you could you could shoot your finger or there's always a chance you could break your finger and if you ever break a finger that has a ring on it sometimes they have to amputate your finger because your finger will swell up and sometimes they can't cut the ring off in time and then your finger has to be amputated because it took too long so instead of trying to worry about all that just get this and if your finger swells this can be pulled off super easily so for my edc belts i'm currently kind of going back and forth between two or three my primary edc belt is this guy here from blue alpha gear i just loved her belts i've had this one for a couple of years now i got it in gray it's still rigid it still holds up it has your traditional you know cobra style buckle on it and it works really well and then you i know you've probably seen this in previous edc updates but the other belt that i like to kind of you know switch between is the blue alpha gear and the core essentials belts now i have a couple of these core central belts and i've always had one big problem with them their buckles were typically too wide to fit between this clip in this clip and they weren't quite too wide but they were just wide just as wide as these two sides and so whenever i had it on the belt i couldn't adjust you know side to side lateral motion of where i want the holster to sit and so usually when i wore the core essential belts i had to turn them to the side so i could get that now the problem with that is these belts are meant to be you know non-conspicuous you know they're supposed to look like dressier belts they have tons of different belt styles and belt buckles and things like that that some look more tactical some look more dressy well i wanted to get a brown belt this year because i bought a new set of red wing shoes that are brown and if you know anything about fashion even if you're fashion illiterate your shoes should always match your belt or at least be a complimentary color to your belt so for example um you know you could have black shoes and a brown belt you could have gray shoes and a black belt or you know gray and black go together really well i got some brown shoes and brown it just doesn't have too many complimentary colors except for black and i wanted to get a brown belt so i got this guy the thing i like about core essential belts is the way they adjust they use a ratcheting system like that and now you know you can fine tune the fit also when you get them they are way oversized and you simply cut them to size and there's markings on the back to make sure that you get them cut correctly and then you just put it on and go so this one has really impressed me i've been wearing this one a lot more than i've worn previous core essential belts i don't get any kickbacks from core essentials and they're not an affiliate of mine but i do appreciate what they're doing with this and i'll include some links for them now this is going to lead me into the next part that of course essentials my previous edc updates i would say from 2018 to today when i talk about sunglasses i've always been wearing these magpul sunglasses um you know they're ballistics rated they're great and they they're still holding up to this day these things have basically been drugged through the dirt dropped partially stepped on and they're not broken and i'm surprised i haven't lost them to be really honest with you i do think i lost one pair in texas a couple of years ago um when we were on a humvee if i had it in my pocket of my hoodie and it slipped out and fell in the water but i've always liked these now core essentials came out with a sunglasses set and they sent me an email and they said hey would you like to try them out and at first i was like i don't know if i want to try them out or not you know it's just sunglasses that's what i thought and then i got them so these are called the neolock sunglasses from core essentials they have three different styles they have the reckless they have the badlands and then they have recon ballistic and i believe that these are the recon ballistics recon ballistics and the badlands look identical to one another the only difference is the lenses but the recon ballistics have like i guess a higher grade of ballistics ratings on the lenses whereas the badlands and the reckless they are ballistics rated but not as much as these i thought that was kind of cool um one thing i do like is typically with sunglasses i have bad luck with them usually the front is too narrow for my face and what i mean by that is i have a big dome so when i would put on sunglasses typically this frame would be so narrow that i could almost see like these things coming out and i it just makes me look funny and so with the magpul glasses they had like three or four different styles but the only style that fit my head were the ones called the terrains now when these first came out a couple of years ago they were around 150 dollars you can now pick them up i believe for close to a hundred dollars not 100 sure but i'll try to find some links and promo codes just in case you want to check these out now these for their highest end ones are 160 for the highest end and then if you go down to the badlands which look identical but have the lesser of the lenses they're 150 and then i believe the reckless ones are also 150. now a couple cool things that i like about this number one comes with this cool little can usually i don't use these cans but this one i do i put this in my car as a catch-all so for example you could put your sunglasses in the can but that's not the coolest thing about these sunglasses on the sides of these sunglasses here there are magnets you can actually see the magnet on the inside right there and what that does is when you put these down it locks even cooler if you're wearing a short sleeve shirt for example you can clip these on and you're sure it will not move also if you carry these right here they sorry it's hitting the mic they won't move at all so if you stoop down you know sometimes with glasses you know not so much these but other glasses i've had you put them on your shirt and they fly out or if this isn't stiff enough they'll come down and fly off well these that doesn't happen at all they stay where you put them and that is more awesome than i thought it would be the other cool thing is is in the box they they provide this strap and this strap mounts to your visor of your car and so when i first got the strap i was like okay big deal i mean a strap for your freaking glasses but what's cool is when this is on the on the visor they just simply stick and then you pull them down super easily you don't got to worry about wrapping this thing around it they just stick up there and it's cool because i've taken these in my truck off-roading and they didn't fall off you know they're really strong neodymium magnets now one cause of concern that i did have about this magnets affect your body i don't know if you guys remember this but a long time ago there used to be these dudes at the mall in those little kiosks and they were selling these magnetic bracelets that supposedly make you stronger what they don't realize is your blood has iron in it and when you put magnets on your body a lot of people don't talk about this but the magnets can cause the iron to collect in a certain part of your body and cause blood clots or it can cause difficulty in breathing because iron is what transports oxygen to our tissues so wearing magnets on your body can be dangerous especially if they're neodymium magnets well with these they kind of thought of that the magnetic field only goes outward it does not go into your skull and to prove it you can see how that sticks on the inside nothing so there's no magnetic field that's going into your skull so if you had any safety concerns well you could put that the rest hopefully now on the frames of these these feel and look way more robust than the magpul glasses i just that's just how they look and feel and i love the way that they fit on my head and when i'm at the range shooting it's almost like they add a little bit of hd so to speak to the target and you know living in arizona i wear sunglasses everywhere you really have to when it's super bright and so these i found that i like these a lot more than i like the magpul not that the magpul is bad but these definitely take the cake so when it comes to my keys you know i've tried different like ways of you know managing my keys so for example you know a long time ago i had the key smart thing and then i got the key bar and you know the key bar i got the most basic simple key bar you can get got it in you know like a pvd black has a belt clip and then i have my keys and then i also keep a 60 gigabyte flash drive um because usually whenever i'm traveling somewhere like i'm going to be going on a trip here soon and i'll make a video for you guys sometimes when i'm out in the field and i'm filming i need to transfer data i need redundancy for data i love this to death i find that i like clipping it on like a pocket knife and it allows me to pull my keys out you know to my cars a lot easier now recently i've kind of been running into a problem so for those of you that follow my other channel i have a car channel and you know i'm just building cars that i would like to build on it you know not really build but modifying i now have three cars i have i have my truck i have the camaro zo1 when le and then i have a honda civic type r and the problem is i don't want all of these connected to this at the same time this is too bulky and so i find myself always struggling with the key rings you know to put them on and take them off and it's super annoying so i'm looking into a quick disconnect system i'll put a link in the parts list of the one that i ordered it just hasn't arrived yet but i needed a quick system so that i could just have these you know just quick on and off because i always need this because this is keys to the house mailbox stuff like that the other cool thing i like about keys and this is just something i did for funsies says remove before pew pew i'll make sure to put a link in the description for that i i bought some i think i got like five or six of them for like a couple of bucks it's just something fun and easy i like it it looks cool but having the key bar really minimizes any keys jingling it fits like a pocket knife and i think i paid like 30 maybe 40 dollars for it i'll put links for it it's not very expensive but i do feel that it's a lot nicer than the key smart that i previously had now moving on to the gun that i'm using um i i brought this up in the last video that was going to start carrying it and i've been carrying it around i want to kind of give my thoughts on it this is my glock 19x that i pieced together and then had customized you might not know what that means but basically i bought a glock 19x frame i had a gen 5 slide from a glock 19 gen 5 and i just took that slide and i sent it to rocket city stippling and then rocket city stippling also works with boogeyman customs boogeyman customs did this slide i think it's called the valkyrie cut looks really good and then i put on these mirroglow suppressor height sights that have the blacked out rear i had this uh red dot laying around this isn't really my favorite trijicon because it is the 6moa dot i prefer the 3.25 but i put this one on because it matched they painted it sniper grey and then he stippled through it he did some undercuts to it and then i have my fde aplc on here i don't think you can get the aplc's anymore but they are they did just come out with a new line of enforce apls and i'm waiting for those to arrive so we can test them and then for the trigger i actually have the redesigned apex trigger in here the redesign is literally not nothing it's not anything huge there's a difference in the way that the safety works on the trigger i'm also using a minus connector as the connector in here and that's all the trigger upgrades i've done now for the barrel i have a zaferi precision glock 19 gen 5 barrel and it is flush cut and crowned at the end and i thought that they just looked dead sexy looks really good on this gun and i've been shooting it and shooting it since november when the range reopened i went out and got it zeroed started shooting it and i'm absolutely in love with this gun really like this is honestly everything i would want in a gun do i like it more than a regular glock 19 about the same i would say the main advantage to this one i would over like a standard glock 19 for me is a standard glock 19 i would get a mag well on it to give me a better grip whereas this one doesn't really need a mag well because the grip is long enough i might get a mag well for it in the future but right now i don't really feel like i need one and then if you do decide to put a mag well on these you do have to grind off this front nubbin so it will fit i also removed the lanyard loop that sticks in the back here because you can't use mag extensions with a lanyard loop so i took the lanyard loop out now i got mag extensions now this is going to bring me to my next point i want to give a big shout out to today's video sponsor which is ets group they make all these clear polymer magazines for various guns now i mean they got for all the glocks basically they got it for the p320 the vp9 mmps and then they got them for czs i think i'd have to i don't remember they got them for ar15s all kinds of crazy stuff i do have a promo code for them big shout out to them those guys for helping us on the channel and sponsoring it they are the only you know channel sponsor that we have at the moment and that's because i use them i never recommend their mags for self-defense use especially for handguns but i do recommend them for the range wearing these out before you wear out your oem mags that way i can carry the oem mags for self-defense and they last longer so i'll have a link and a promo code for those in the parts list but for mag extensions i've kind of been between two different mag extensions this one is from shield arms this one is from tyrant cnc these two are the easiest mag extensions to install and they are also plus three rounds so on a glock 17 size magazine i can carry 20 rounds here put it in my as my backup then i'll have like a flush mag here for this one so now i have seven i have 37 rounds ready to go at all times and this is my tier one concealed holster this is the uh figure out which one this one is this one's gray in the front red in the back at all matchy match and this one conceals like a dream even when i'm not wearing a hoodie so even on a glock 7 on a glock 19x which has a 17 grip i can conceal this draw press out and shoot no problems at all if you're new to this channel i know the subscribers know this this is my favorite holster company at the moment and they've been my favorite holster company for probably you know the past couple of years or so mainly because their customer service is always on point now typically over this past year things have been a little bit different but their customer service is always on point that part hasn't changed their lead times obviously with the pandemic and stuff everybody's been ordering stuff so their lead times did increase a little bit but they did a really good job of getting things back on track and getting holsters shipped out they are a little bit pricey there's trade-offs with everything right you get good quality you get pretty decent lead times and therefore you're going to pay for it there are other great holsters out there but at the moment these are my favorite and they're way more comfortable than they look because they're flexible and they mold to your body now talking about these mag extensions i'm gonna have to show you this up close so you can see more about that so with these shield arms mag extensions the thing i've always liked about these is they have a two screw system and essentially what i mean is you have an allen wrench and you take this plate off and that releases the spring tension you can pull the spring and the follower out from the bottom and then you have another screw that pushes this little guy up and so when this guy's pushed up you can't get it off well when you unscrew the other one this backs out and then this slides off no fuss no must that's something that i've just always liked it had the cleanest and easiest way to install them but but recently tyrant cnc has come out with their own way of installing a mag extension so let me take it off first and i'll show you exactly how it works so essentially i got this little cool little tool that you use and it will remove them for you and basically the way this little tool works is you just put that into there you put that right here and then you you squeeze it like that and it comes it pops it loose then you get all that off so that's what i use that for if you notice here it's really jacked up on the sides and that's because of the way that these install but i guess the magic of this system here is they have this little spring-loaded plunger right here that acts to retain your mag essentially i guess the way you do it what you do it is you push your spring down with your fingers and you get it started right make sure that your spring stays down and then it slides over and then that pin right here will prevent it from backing off that's all fine and dandy until you need to remove it which is why this got all jacked up was from removing it so both of these mag extensions work phenomenally well both of these mag extensions come in multiple different colors and they're about the same price based on my testing i've always said that i would i carry with these and i trust my life with them and from my test and evaluation of these i would trust my life with these as well both of these come with extended springs so you don't lose spring pressure so you have reliable feeding when you're shooting and so for me either one of these will be good i will put links to both i tend to favor these based on this little divot cut right here these are easier to strip out of a mag if they get stuck whereas these do have a divot cut but it's just not as pronounced so it's really preference from an objective standpoint i would say they're equal from an objective standpoint i just tend to favor this one a little bit more because i do take my mags apart a lot to clean them and get the springs clean and so this one is easier to disassemble and this one is faster to install but this one's just simpler to decompress springs if that makes any sense to you um typically for the past couple of years i've been carrying hornady critical duty which i still kind of do um i still have some left over but you know with the past year and ammo going out of stock couldn't find any hornady critical duty anywhere however i could find federal hst law enforcement this is a 124 grain plus p 9 millimeter ammo this ammo gets rave reviews i've had it in the past and i enjoyed it the problem was was a long time ago i couldn't ever find it in stock i could find quantity critical duty but during the pandemic for some reason there was a ton of this i don't know if it's still around but if there is any in stock i'll try to find links to it and put it in the parts list for you but this is amongst some of the best carry ammo that a person can use for self-defense another thing that i got that's new for this year is the clearwater stag works edc dump tray now i've actually reviewed this a couple of years ago but they've updated it since then and they've added added wireless charging to it this is now my second valet tray from them the only difference between this one and the old one is this one has wireless charging but what i found very fascinating was that the quality was consistent and it was good last time and it's good this time now these aren't cheap these are a little bit pricey depending on which model that you get but they can range anywhere from you know 60 something dollars all the way up to 200. they also have multiple different stains i prefer like this dark black grayish stain that's just my favorite but you can get it in some cherry stains or natural finishes if you want i'm going to be really honest about something i don't typically use this for the gun holder portion not because i think it's bad it's just i have kids and i have a five-year-old and a six-month-old you know the five-year-old's getting where he likes to get into things so i can't just set my gun on this display you know by my nightstand because he might come in there in the middle of the night and touch it i would love to be able to do that because i think that having it there in the middle of the night if i hear a bump i can just grab it but i can't so typically i just keep my gun holstered you know i keep it beside me somewhere where i can access it but it's out of the way where he's not going to hopefully look and i have the retention on my holster set to a point where i don't think he could pull it out if he wanted to so that's kind of how i prevent that now the cool thing is is if you're in that same situation as me and you can't just display your gun like that because of kids or some other reason they do have a valet that is identical to this minus the gun portion so that's always a good thing um cool thing about it is it will fit your watch on the top left hand corner you fit your wallet in that little slot right there and then you can put everything else in the dump even if you don't like wireless charging they have versions that don't use wireless chargers and there's a little hole in the bottom where you can run a little cable up so that it's just there for you and i thought that was a really cool little feature i may or may not have a promo code for it i don't remember i have to check my email and if there is a promo code i will include it by the link over in the parts list for you let me know down in the comment section guys i'd like to know given you know recent events in the past 18 months have you changed your edc setup i would like to know that i have met quite a few people that who once carried like an m p shield or a glock 43 some of them either a stepped up to a larger capacity firearm or b they started carrying extra mags on their person for me i've always liked carrying a glock 19 and then carrying a spare magazine that had an extension on it you know so i could always have more than 30 rounds on me of hollow points at a time i wasn't planning this but getting the glock 19x actually did increase my capacity quite a bit by about five or six rounds you know with the extension and everything it does make me feel better to have more bullets and that's just where i'm at with this you know we've always been taught hey you're probably not going to need more than two or three bullets you know in a self-defense shooting but we've also were taught that you should buy guns and ammo in calibers that are common so you can find them during a shortage well i think this year has has proved that theory false because all the common calibers are hard to find and the gucci calibers are easy to find it makes me challenge the notion of do we really only need three or four rounds for self-defense and i've just always felt like more is better regardless of the situation and if you can do it comfortably why not but anyways guys let me know what you think down in the comments section below i look forward to seeing you in the next video but until next time i love you you guys stay sexy
Channel: Tactical Toolbox
Views: 303,414
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
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Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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