What You Didn't Actually Know About Exp in Fire Emblem Engage.

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in this video we will talk about how to get the most experience you can out of every map while not strictly necessary to beat the game a few extra level UPS can definitely make the difference between getting overwhelmed and breaking the game in your favor this can be especially important for taking on maddening difficulty which limits or removes the potentially Infinite Experience that is available on normal and hard via skirmishes and Tempest trials but on any difficulty sometimes you just realize that you want to start using a unit that you've benched or neglected for a bit and you want to catch them up to speed the methods I will talk about today will cover basically any situation when it comes to grinding exp from trying to squeeze extra levels to getting a unit caught up to speed with as little pain as possible it may be surprising to hear but there are seven big ways to grind exp in this game Beyond just simply defeating enemies let's talk about them now before we start though what is very complementary to exp grinding is sp grinding and if you do exp grind always be sure that the unit you're focusing on at least has a bond ring equipped if they have no rings at all they're missing out on SP Bond Rings give half the SP amount as emblem rings do so obviously one is better than the other but still don't forget this number one mentorship and lineage these two skills are cheap sync skills that can be inherited as soon as you have bileth or the three houses Lords as emblems while lineage is locked behind DLC and biliff isn't available until after chapter 14 no discussion of experience gain would be complete without mentioning these skills the fact of the matter is some people have DLC and some people don't but it's best for this guide to mention both if possible lineage increases exp gain by 20 for the unit that has the skill and mentorship gives that 20 to both the unit and adjacent units at only 150 SP for lineage and 250 SP for mentorship these skills are some of the cheapest in the game and are definitely worth considering just to passively increase exp gain throughout the game when you have them or especially combined with the other methods in this video just keep in mind the adjacency bonus for mentorship does not stack so you can't double your exp gain by having five units with mentorship move around the map together there is a quirk with how mentorship specifically works when combined with other Buffs for some reason when multiple exp Buffs are active mentorship applies first then the total is rounded down to the nearest integer then all other Buffs are applied before rounding down again at the end when mentorship is your only exp buff this makes no difference but when multiple Buffs exist and your base exp gained isn't divisible by 5 you will get less exp than you would expect some people have also argued that mentorship and lineage aren't worthwhile as they will get you to a higher level faster and thus your exp gain will slow down again but from a strict mathematical perspective these skills do increase exp gain regardless of level and thus are worth including on this list number two the emblems Mikaya bilith and Tiki several emblems have engage abilities that do not attack enemies but still give experience great sacrifice on Mikaya goddess dance on bileth or divine blessing on Tiki all can generate free experience through just using them if you have a weak unit you want to train up give them one of these emblems and have them use their engaged skills as many times as you can every map even if those units are too weak to fight you can still use the plentiful engage recharge spots on most story maps to fill up engage meter for free letting you easily use these abilities too three or sometimes more times in a chapter you can also use favorite food from Celica if you're doing this on a skirmish this can give you potentially several Free level UPS on every map without going out of your way to grind or if you want to go infinite you can set up a combat where neither you nor your opponent can damage each other giving you an endless way to generate engage meter then it's just a matter of repeating those turns over and over again until you have all the experience you want for example if you had an under leveled unit and you want to keep charging great sacrifice you can get an adjacent chain guard to absorb the first hit and let the EXP Gainer cycle through their engage meter without the risk of dying in combat one thing to note about great sacrifice specifically is that the EXP it gives is related to the number of allies who receive the healing so if you want to maximize exp gain for a single use wait until more of your army is injured it doesn't matter how much pu heel just the number of units additionally armor units using Makaya apply a plus one defense buff to all units for their next combat which applies regardless of HP so if nobody has taken damage if you have units without the buff you can still get exp from great sacrifice we will talk about emblem weapons that are good for exp like marth's mercurius lucina's Parthia silica's recover sauron's reflect and Veronica's four to five plus in later sections number three staff grinding staves have been a staple of generating non-combat experience in Fire Emblem and it's no different in engage every time you heal a unit create an obstruction use the Alum staff or attempt to freeze an enemy or break them warp or do anything else with the staff you will gain exp what is new about engage is that Makaya can let any type of unit use staves up to Sea rank thanks to her skill cleric this means you aren't limited to grinding free experience through staves based on class with Makaya everyone from armor knights to wyvern Riders can use a staff to get free experience Makaya also lets your staff use affect multiple units so if you want to get more exp per staff use you can easily double triple or more by getting more than one unit in a single use to optimize experience from staves keep in mind that higher rank staves give more XP generally speaking a heel staff will give less exp than amend staff which will give less than a physics staff and so forth utility staves such as Alum obstruct warp and rescue also give the XP as do combat staves like freeze and silence regardless of if they hit or miss some emblems give free staves as emblem weapons granted staves are not infinite they cost gold to buy and have limited uses but the amount of experience you can get even out of a simple 500 gold heel staff is well worth the time and money some emblems give free staves as emblem weapons at Bond rank 10. Celica gives a recover staff Soren gives a reflect staff and Veronica gives four to five plus these staves give a lot of exp and reflect doesn't even require an injured Ally and it's an AOE stats for nerds exp equals staff base minus level penalty minus level difference penalty if minimum then set to minimum times mentorship rounded down times lineage staff bases 25 exp for heal reflect and fortify 30 exp for Mend fracture obstruct alume restore and notice 35 exp for physic freeze silence warp rewarp rescue and entrap and 40 exp for recover the asterisk signifies healing multiple units and for that you run the calculation for every unit individually at the mall then multiply the sum by mentorship and lineage at the end contrary to popular belief staves and engage do not give decreased exp gain based on how many times you use them in a map instead the game has a preset exp penalty that increases with level that gets higher on harder difficulties this gets subtracted from the base exp value of the staff you are using to give the actual exp value of the action for instance a heel staff has a base exp value of 25 at level 1 in normal you have a zero exp penalty in hard you have a minus six penalty and in maddening it's -12 meaning you get 25 exp on normal 19 on hard and 13 on maddening for using a heal staff at level 1. meanwhile the same heel staff with a level 19 unit would give 18 12 and 6 exp on normal hard maddening respectively the decrease of Staff exp relative to level is always constant meaning the same staff use will always give six less exp on hard and 12 less exp on maddening no matter the staff or the level engage also penalizes you for using staves on units with a significantly lower level than your healer this is the only other change to the EXP formula with regards to difficulty as the over leveling penalty is significantly higher on harder difficulties technically the level being measured is your unit's internal level not their display level which comes into play when you second seal or early promote or with some pre-premotes but the important thing is that while the game actively tries to prevent you from over leveling you are still getting guaranteed experience from staves even if it gets reduced to only one point and because they don't require a Target this makes illume and obstruct staves the best staves to use to level an over leveled healer as they only suffer the raw level penalty not the internal level comparison penalty it is worth noting that fortify is actually very poor in exp gain at higher levels as every Ally healed only gives the post-calculation heal exp so if you have a high level healer who is getting 4 exp per Ally healed you could use mend for 9 exp per Ally physic for 14 per Ally or recover for 19 per Ally meaning you would have to heal 5 allies with fortify to get more exp than healing one Ally with recover not to mention fortify is much more limited in who can use it being an a-rank staff number four chain guarding Fire Emblem engage introduced the chi adepts a new type of unit with a special ability chain guard it can be activated if the guarding unit has full HP but it redirects the first attack of any unit being protected to the guarding unit and Deals a flat 10 percent of the guards HP instead of normal damage after triggering a chain guard the guarding unit will gain exp you can then heal up the guarding unit and then chain guard again the next turn this is a slow but effective way to generate free experience every turn and with the right setup you can go infinite you can combine chain guarding with healing staves to guarantee you always have a heal Target or use skills like Corn's Quality Time or healing Dragon veins to freely regenerate to get infinite chain guards for free the amount of experience you get for each successful chain guard decreases when guarding a unit with a lower internal level but you will always gain at least one exp for a successful chain guard lucina's engage scale bonded Shield Works similarly to chain guards except it can proc for the first hit of every round of combat and it doesn't hurt the guarding unit making Lucina another emblem that can provide Infinite Experience with the limitation that her method is locked behind being engaged more stats for nerds exp equals base exp for level minus level difference penalty if minimum then set to minimum times mentorship rounded down times lineage like staves chain guards gave different amounts of exp on different difficulties both at base and when guarding weaker units however while the level comparison calculation is the same as staves the base exp calculations are different on normal the base exp starts at 13 and slowly decreases to 8 by internal level 40. on hard it starts at 10 and decreases down to 6 and on maddening it's 5 no matter your level this value gets subtracted by your penalty to get the final exp for the action on maddening this means guarding any unit three levels lower than you only gives one exp on hard it depends on your level but you may be able to guard units up to 5 levels lower than yourself before exp is reduced all the way down to one and on normal the level difference penalty is so minimal that you can be around 10 levels higher than your target before you start only getting one XP the mentorship rounding error most notably applies when getting three or four exp per guard at base preventing users with both mentorship and lineage from gaining any extra exp because it rounds down after each multiplier instead of multiplying by 1.4 or 1.44 as you would expect it's not much but if you're trying to grind infinitely these skills won't help you once you exceed the level of the unit you are guarding number five chain attack setups this one is less a method to generate extra exp and more to raise awareness of where your experience is going whenever you chain attack all the experience will go to the unit that made the initial attack and never to any of the backups even if the enemy dies to a chain attack and the lead unit never actually attacks themselves or couldn't actually deal damage the lead unit will always get the experience this means you can feed any kill to any unit even if units are too weak to deal any damage themselves by using chain attacks this is a great way to get weaker units leveled up as they will still get the EXP calculated based on the difference between their level and the opponents meaning that you can easily get low level units to catch up to your trained team pretty quickly if you're making use of an emblem weapon with increased experience gain like marth's mercurius or luciness Parthia then even better using these weapons even in tandem with mentorship and lineage are great combinations to bolster exp even more since these weapons double the rate especially on maddening given how tight exp rates can be here's a quick bit of stats for nerds once again for those curious the way these exp multipliers are stacked are like this total exp times mentorship rounded down times lineage times exp doubling weapons like mercurius or Parthia for example getting a kill on maddening with a five enemy level bonus using mentorship lineage and mercurius would look like this say you got 21 exp from a kill it would be 21 times 1.2 which is the mentorship multiplier rounded down which equals 25 then you would take 25 after mentorship experience times 1.2 again for lineage times 2 if you're using an exp doubling weapon for a total of 60 EXP number six boss life bar kills everyone who's played Fire Emblem knows that killing bosses gives the unit that deals the final blow a ton of exp but this is because most bosses have a much higher internal level than other enemies did you know that engage gives you a similarly massive exp drop for every life bar the boss has with some bosses in maddening having three to even four life bars that's potentially hundreds of exp going around on a single unit choosing how to deal with bosses can be an incredibly lucrative decision-making process in terms of exp gain carefully managing your life bar finishers can be the difference between training a strong team quickly and throwing a lot of exp away number seven Arena blast up but certainly not least in our coverage of exp gain and engage is the arena after every map you play the thumbnail activities including the arena will all reset on maddening the arena gives a flat 10 exp per match to whatever unit you choose regardless of level making it a great way of leveling your higher level units or finishing up a level you barely didn't get in the previous map it doesn't matter if your unit wins or loses or who they fight they will always get 10 exp on hard and normal difficulty the EXP gain will be a bit more random but will always be at least 10. additionally on hard or normal doing any map in the tower of Trials or even a quick go at relay trials will also reset the thumbnail letting you continually grind the arena as much as you want despite being more limited on maddening this small but very important amount of experience is something you should never leave unclaimed as a final tip with Arena that is very important and often overlooked emblem Rings get unequipped during combat while thematically this makes sense it also has the annoying side effect that SP cannot be grinded while using Arena the workaround while definitely annoying is equipping a bond ring Instead This Way in your Arena training you will also be getting SP here are some Arena stats for nerds wild maddening always gives 10 exp the arena formula for hard and normal is actually pretty interesting it sets a base exp value for the fight that you will get no matter what and then adds a bonus if you win both of which depend on the internal level difference between the two units that fight because you can't control what unit you fight this rarely comes into play and I was unable to find what level the emblems are considered if they are chosen as your opponent but while 10 exp is the base value for fights within one internal level the base plus win bonus formula means the least exp you can earn on a win is 15. while the minimum exp you can get for losing is actually only five though this requires the rare circumstance where your unit loses to an opponent more than six levels lower than you if your unit gets matched up against a unit 6 or more levels higher than them they will gain 20 exp for a loss and a whopping 50 for a win which is insane for a source of exp you can refresh anytime one more cool fact is that unlike everything else this is the only exp calculation that's the exact exact same on both normal and hard and that will do it for today's video If you ended up learning some new methods to grind exp that you may end up trying let me know in the comments below and if you have any tips we didn't cover don't hesitate to post those either please don't forget to leave a like on this video as it does help 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Channel: Faerghast
Views: 28,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem, fire emblem engage
Id: m8JFQwBfXEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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