The SUPER SOMNIEL SURVIVAL GUIDE. Helpful Tips and Best Practices. Fire Emblem Engage.

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the somniel is the base of operations for alir and their allies where you can handle preparations in between battles today we're going to be talking about all the facilities in the somnielle and their practical applications in order to best spend your time preparing for the next battle here this video is geared more towards newer players who may be overwhelmed at the amount of things to do in the somnia and those who have had quite a bit of time multiple playthroughs of the game and so on may not think they'll learn anything new here but you may be surprised there could be some lesser-known facts and aspects about the samniel that may have fallen through the cracks even for those more confident in their way around the Hub world let's take a tour starting at the plaza this is where you have all of your important shops available right next to each other these are the Armory the item shop the blacksmith and the boutique at the Armory you can purchase weapons for your army the item shop is where surprise surprise you buy items like vulneraries and seals and all kinds of staffs at the blacksmith you can refine weapons or engrave emblems onto them to increase their effectiveness in battles at most weapons can be refined to plus 5 and each specific emblem can only be engraved into one weapon at a time there's a lot more to go over in the blacksmith but going any further would detract from the focus of this video so instead it might be getting its own dedicated guide in the future finally at the boutique you can buy and change characters outfits it doesn't have any impact on battles but hey if you don't like some character outfits or simply want to dress up your Army in different casual clothes then this is the place for you north of the plaza is the cafe Terrace in Cafe Terrace there is a bulletin board where you can track achievements and gain Bond fragments from completing them this is also where you can invest gold into countries in order to get reward packages and to increase after battle rewards that take place within these countries this is also the way to get the following s-rank weapons once a particular country has reached level 5. Divine fist art the S rank martial art with 11 might obtained from brodia notice a single use s-rank staff staff that fully restores everyone's engage meter obtained from ellucia venomous an s-rank smash Lance with 34 might that can poison foes when attacking obtained from farinae and the froggerok a s-rank ax with no special properties but has a 19 base might obtained from Psalm you might also notice the music box on the right side of the room where you can change the music that plays in the thumbnail saving the best for last go up to the counter and you can cook a meal for yourself and two allies of your choice the main benefit of doing so is getting support points between alir and their dining partners and some minor temporary stat boosts depending on what you ate you can use the ingredients you find around the thumbnail or after battles to increase the effects of the meal and chance of a higher grade dish while the result of cooking is mostly random the character that is cooking is more experienced cooking certain dishes indicated by star symbols next to the name of the dish for example diamont is an expert in cooking mutton and cottage stew and is skilled at making braised beef in grape sauce which means that the food will more likely be of a higher grade than if you were to cook a peach cake in which she has no experience in on top of cooking something the chef can cook it is also good to take note of what your eating companions like as well if both characters like what they're eating then the amount of support points gained between the three of you will be higher as a general rule of thumb most characters tend to like food from their home nation more than they would foreign dishes in the same vein characters are generally more experienced with cooking their own local dishes some handy meals to think about are making plus two speed meals that every nation has access to but in particular candied fruit it's a meal that only Anna is skilled in but requires only fruit to make which you can get from the orchard it gives plus two speed and plus one magic in res above Cafe Terrace you will find alira's personal room while there isn't anything to do here in regards to battle preparations there are some minor things you can do first off you can take a nap on the bed doing so will actually Advance time within the somnielle and you will be greeted by a character when you wake up this serves three main purposes number one to advance time for activities that only take place within in certain time frames number two to get a fan servicey scene of a character when they come to wake you up and get achievements associated with them and number three doing this changes where characters are located including changing who the chef is at the cafe you can also reminisce at your bed to view any support or Bond conversations wake up events or CGI cutscenes you have already seen not to mention that you can also listen to any music you've heard so far finally you can change the difficulty from your bed keep in mind that you can only lower difficulty so you can go from maddening to hard or hard to normal but you can't go from hard to maddening also keep in mind if you start on maddening difficulty that has fixed growth rates on by default you will still have fixed growth rates on even if you lower the difficulty going clockwise from the cafe we have the arena at the arena you're given two options standard training and emblem training in standard training you can put two of your characters against each other for a sparring match you get to decide one fighter who will get exp while their opponent will be chosen at random from your army regardless of the outcome of the fight you will be rewarded a small amount exp and support points between the pair if applicable if the character you choose to participate actually wins you will get a boost in experience earned but that's about it with the exception of maddening mode which is locked to 10 exp no matter what emblem training is the more impactful option in the arena in emblem training you spend Bond points to level up your character's Bond points with specific emblems only up to five levels at a time and bond conversations will be viewed automatically upon reaching Bond level 5. this is a quick and reliable way to unlock access to skills that you want to inherit on people without having to actually manually grind their bond exp in battle keep in mind that the bond fragments required for each individual level increases exponentially but the cost is reduced depending on the amount of bond exp you currently have with the individual pair continuing clockwise from the arena will see the training yard there are two separate facilities here that you can take advantage of the most noticeable thing here is strength training which will boost either strength dexterity or HP provided you succeed at their respective mini-games which provided your training with Sami it is literally impossible to fail as Sami will nullify any mistakes you make doing push-ups requires you to press a in Rhythm to the following line multiple times try to press a as soon as the line is about to pass to The yellow section of the bar succeeding at push-ups will increase earlier's strength by one to two points and even up to three on Expert difficulty sit-ups are mostly the same but instead of pressing a at a rhythm you're mashing a until the line reaches the top of the bar you're only allowed one mistake until you fail succeed and a leader gets HP this time for the next battle finally we have squats in squads you will move both control sticks in a simple minigame follow the movements of the arrows as soon as they reach the circles on the bottom of the screen you have up to three mistakes until you fail succeed and you will get dexterity for the next fight one thing to keep in mind is that the bonus stats you get from strength training the cafe and from tonics all count towards the same activity buff bracket so you can use tonics to forego doing these minigames entirely if you so choose the other facility in the training yard is wyvern riding here you can ride Ivy's wyvern and play a mini game reminiscent of Star Fox once you finish the minigame you will be given rewards based on the difficulty and your score most notably you should be getting at least 100 Bond fragments every time you do this while also getting free items such as elixirs and pure Waters next to the training yard is The Farmhouse here you can house animals that you adopted after battles each type of animal gives different types of items dogs give materials that can be used in the blacksmith to refine your weapons cats give you fish that can be used in cooking chickens Drop Eggs seagulls and pigeons drop nuts so on and so on keep in mind that you can only have five animals out at once and ideally to maximize benefits of your animals it's best to have five dogs out at once if possible below The Farmhouse is the fortune teller shop run by sea doll cedoll will open up the shop at night time since he spoke up during the rest of the day once you visit you will be presented with a list of units and you can choose who sadal will read a fortune for there is no limit on this so you can do as many of these as you want while the fortunes themselves don't have much practical application the person they're thinking of does as in they will have boosted support Point gains in the next battle whenever it's applicable as sometimes they don't have support conversations with the character they're thinking of right next to the fortune shop is the flea market run by Tamara here Tamara will sell you items not sold in the plaza and most notable of which are ingots for the blacksmith and upgrades to your fishing rod she'll also sell gifts that you can give to your Army in an unlimited quantity other than that there's not much else to mention keep following the path South and you will reach The Grotto this is where you will find Sami Shrine when visiting the shrine you can feed pet and dress up Sami every time you feed or pet them you get 100 Bond fragments for a total of 200 after every battle Sami also likes you more each time you feed and pet them once they like you well enough they will follow you around the samniel and like I mentioned before will help you during minigames keep following the path and go south and you will reach the southern tip of the samniel it's here where you will find the Tower of trials in the tower you can participate in three forms of battles Tempest trials relay trials and out realm trials participating in Tempest trials entails that you fight a series of three battles in a row at a difficulty level that you get to decide beforehand on normal and hard mode you will receive exp after each fight and the amount varies by what numbered battle it is but not during the battles themselves in maddening mode you don't get any exp from this whatsoever despite this the main reward from doing this are crystals you get after completing battle 3. these crystals are used to refine engage weapons that are used by emblems with you getting more rewards the higher the difficulty of the enemies are relay trials are similar to Tempest trials in which the objective is to clear a battle shocking but there are three major differences number one you have to use relay tickets in order to start a run number two you need Nintendo switch online to start a run and number three you cannot finish a run yourself after starting one the way relay trial works is that you spend a relay ticket to start a run depending on the map you choose you have two to three turns once your number of turns are up you are officially done with your portion of the run from there someone else will have to pick up your relay run and take over from there this will continue until 5 players including yourself have gone if the map isn't finished by then then you will get no rewards whatsoever to make it easier on the future players there are tiles on the map that you can activate by standing on them and doing so will allow future players to deploy more units out realm trials are reminiscent of Aether raids from Fire Emblem heroes in this mode you can set up a defensive map from assets and elements that are provided to you this custom map is then used in battles against other players as teams controlled by Ai and custom defenses the custom maps made by both players are being used at the same time with a divider in the center keep in mind that if you are on the offensive you cannot use any units emblems nor items that are being used by your defensive setups regardless of if you win offensively or if your defensive AI wins against the other player on the defensive you will receive minor rewards such as gifts there are rankings but I have yet to see any actual rewards for climbing the ranks one major thing to note for the entirety of the Tower of Trials anything thing that happens within the trials such as changing inventory or classes or even death will be reverted back to what it was like before you started a trial After exiting the tower take the path Northwest and you will find the fishing pond you are given the choice of fishing rod and given three bait each time you go fishing once you choose your Rod you can aim where you will cast your line and then press a to cast it wait for your controllers to vibrate or when diamon deals now then press a once the fish bites move the left stick in the indicated Direction in order to Daze the fish once it's dazed span the a button to deal continuous damage towards the fish's health bar until it recovers rinse and repeat until its Health part is completely empty at that point there is one last Quick Time Event where you have to press a once the two circles overlap a la three houses north of the fishing pond is the amiibo gazebo here you can scan amiibos up to five times a day if you scan a fire emblem amiibo you will get a clothes and music voucher the first time you scan them these vouchers can be exchanged for outfit and music based on each emblem afterwards each time you scan the same Fire Emblem amiibo you will get a relay ticket continue up The Path and you will find the orchard it's a consistent stream of fruits that can be used as ingredients in cooking last but certainly not least the ring chamber this is where you can inherit skills from emblems create and meld Bond rings and refine engage weapons once you reach Bond level 5 with a specific emblem you can start to inherit skills from them for that specific pairing this is where most of the build variety will come from so use emblem training in the arena to your advantage Bond rings can be made using Bond fragments and range from rank C to rank s some rank s Bond Rings even come with skills check the list out right here what Bond Rings you can create are limited to the emblems that are currently in your army by use of the crystals you picked up from Tempest trials you can add specific refinements to engage weapons like the Rapier or even give them Effectiveness on certain enemy types if they don't already have them so far we covered quite literally every everything notable about the Samuel but what if you wanted to spend as little time here as possible and just get on with it towards the next battle visit your five dogs yes that's literally all you have to do as these are the only animals that give you ingots for the blacksmith even if you get a single silver Ingot from them that's still 90 iron or nine steel if you exchange them obviously you would want to visit the blacksmith if you have the materials and money necessary to refine the weapons you want to refine or to do emblem training to deepen the bonds with the emblems to in turn inherit skills in the ring chamber while technically optional you should probably always cook a meal for the global and sometimes random bonus Buffs that the cafe Terrace provides as mentioned previously all the Buffs you get from the cafe in strength training fall into the same activities bracket they'll also override a smaller numerical value with the higher one should you get two bonuses of the same buff making meals at the cafe Terrace is quite easy and fast but if you for some reason are compelled to not be in the song yell ever tonics technically can do the same job although I would recommend getting the meal and that will do it for today's video like I said before the somniel has a lot of facilities to visit but some are definitely more worthwhile than others the way I personally use the thumbnail is get my oars from my dogs and then Forge if I need to then get Buffs for the next battle get tonics if necessary S Plus 2 will be higher than plus one if that happens do my Arena grinding and focus on any emblem skills I'd like to inherit and then finish off my visit in the ring chamber although most of the time I'm annoyingly going back and forth between the latter two everything else is too long or annoying to bother with hopefully the information provided here will help you manage your time within the thumbnail a little better and I'm sure you must have learned something about the Hub world I actually learned quite a bit I now pass the following questions off to you what's your somniel routine what activities do you like and dislike the most and finally did you learn anything new today if you liked this video please consider leaving a like before you go as more likes helps boost this video guide in search engines and if you want to see more guided educational engage content please subscribe for more thanks for watching deuces [Music]
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 50,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem Engage, FE17, Fire Emblem, FE Engage, Engage, Alear, Veyle, Alfred, Timerra, Diamant, Ivy, Emblems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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