Scuffing my way through Fire Emblem Fates Conquest without resetting or loading saves

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to begin my fire emblem faints lunatic conquest iron man i create my customizable avatar character i select lunatic as a difficulty and i choose to opt out of being unique by using the default male current with the plus defense and minus luck stat line with cavalier as a talent this will be an iron man play through meaning that i will not restart chapters and if i get a game over i will need to reset the run however once i make it past the prologue i will be resetting using branch of fate which will take me to the start of chapter 6 where the story branches off between the birthright conquest and revelations routes i quickly skipped the opening cutscene to avoid getting a copyright claim and i begin the run the prologue is a quick tutorial chapter depicting a custody trial that is decided by a fight to the death but it is cut short because it is one of those fake flash forward cutscenes popularized by the success of firearm awakening in chapter 1 of this conquest iron man coron is awoken by his two twin hostage maids and is brutally attacked by a strange man on a horse i attempt to obtain an early game over by having xander kill corrin but my plus defense staff would make that impossible since xander will never initiate an attack then we are introduced to all of the norian royals xander who has good stats camilla whose assets make her a fan favorite leo who exists primarily to ensure the core never has to do anything more than dubious and elise who is technically an adult in the english translation to cover intelligent systems ass now that korra knows how to kill a man he has finally earned permission to see his father the king of noor whose moral integrity and strength of character are well known across the land in chapter 2 of this conquest iron man corrin is given the ganglari a sword forged out of a gigantic brick of gunpowder garen the king of noor demonstrates his infinite mercy by asking his child to murder half a dozen hoshide and prisoners of war to release them from the hellish torment that is fire and the faith's conquest storyline after non-lethally beheading all these helpless captives corn refuses to actually kill them making daddy very mad but to stop the situation from escalating further leo uses golden experience to pretend to execute the prisoners to preserve koran's moral purity the prisoners rinka and kaze are released back into the wild because they have unique portraits this is apparently only a good thing and will never backfire because they are merely being seen alive will be solid proof of treason or insubordination in chapter three of this conquest iron man coral gets sent into a death trap as punishment for the events of the previous chapter a chapter premise that will be repeated so many times it defies explanation upon arrival he casually triggers the international incident by non-lethally butchering the border guards after committing this naked act of aggression a bald man named hans pushes gunter off a bridge corrin in a rage plays out the dragonfang animation which takes like 10 seconds and shortly after is he heated into the bottomless canyon by his own sword but as it turns out lilith one of his maids and apparently a bird he saved at the barn because coron is homeschooled and is incapable of identifying common animals who also happens to be his biological sister by means of a shared parentage with an evil dragon not appearing in this route permanently transforms into a fish unyields corn out of the canyon and gives him exclusive ownership and control of an upkeep free interdimensional timelocked space fortress that she just had lying around for some reason it's free real estate cordon exits the castle and instantly knocked out in chapter 4 of this conquest iron man corn wakes up with a concussion and permanent brain damage from the severe head trauma he has just suffered i theorize that this is the cause of many inconsistencies and illogical actions in future chapters it is revealed that corn was actually a child of the hoshidin royal family kidnapped years ago by garen but this scene is interrupted by an attack by magical zombie combat gimps on a nearby village this chapter is a preview from the gameplay experience of the birthright route where ryoma kills everything and steals your xp after defeating the faceless corn meets azura who is cutting a skip to avoid the copyright claim as it turns out azera is a norian royal princess who was counter kidnapped by hoshide ninjas as revenge after corn was kidnapped because turnabout is fair play i guess i kind of wonder why they didn't trade kidnapped kids isn't like that the whole point of kidnapping their kid i guess it didn't work out because karen's evil or something yeah that makes sense in chapter five of this conquest iron man khoran's evil bomb sword is stolen from him by his ghost stepfather sumurahi who uses it to kill his wife makoto before disappearing and never showing up again this causes corn to lose control of himself and have a heated gaming moment the turn counter caps out at 999 as i spent 2 100 turns over the course of 8 hours spread across two days live on stream having azure dance record to grind xp making her into a monstrously overpowered abomination since this was done before branch or fate all future playthroughs of any route can use this azura freely azera sings with the 2100 finally succeeding in calming coron down by sheer exhaustion returned to his human form corn finally recalls the scene where sumaralgi gets 360 dose gold by garrus archers four completely unrelated reasons the divine blade yato appears and throws itself into korin's hands seemingly out of nowhere marking him as a hero of legend who will bring peace to all of uh does the setting wait wait hold on a second does the setting have a name [Music] oh apparently you know it doesn't [Music] anyway uh marking him as the hero of legend will bring peace to all of faith's landia uh in chapter six of this conquest iron man we must make a decision where we can choose between the conquest routes where we side with our adopted family and the birthright routes where we side with our birth family despite the fact that korin is genetically unrelated to any of the hoshide and royal siblings as seen in all four of their s-rank supports where mercoto uses her prophetic powers to grant her step-children a coupon that says that they and corn are not related by blood because korin's true father is not king sumaragi but rather the anthropomorphized form of a soul fragments of the first dragon anonymous that was shed off because he was losing control of his power and going insane from dragon alzheimer's thanks mom koran's only actual sibling is the fish dragon lilith who was self-saddened by a non-considered process of asexual reproduction you can also refuse to choose a side to play the revelations routes where your shovel snow and play mario party style mini games or even make a fourth choice the super smash bros route receives playing a strategy game entirely and start playing a fighting game instead anyway i picked the conquest route and non-lethally brutalized the hoshide not really birth family to signal my in-group status to nor in chapter 7 of this conquest iron man corn returns to castle krakenburg and is once again sent on a suicide mission by kane garen as punishment for his disloyalty and accidentally stumbles on a local bdsm convention attended by norian combat zombies on the way to stop a rebellion by the ice tribe from which his two twin hostage mates flora and felicia were taken from coryn is cornered and alone except for his dragon fish sister maid landlord lilith who pieces out the moment danger is involved but is soon joined by felicia who has accidentally committed treason followed by silas elise all might and effie who have all intentionally committed treason after everyone helps himself to the buffet i move all of my troops to the south and use the ridge as a choke point for all of the northern faceless much of the xp is allocated into training effie and core as i finish routing the enemies upon the map's completion it is revealed that this was surprisingly an intentional trap laid by iago as felicia happily leads corwin's motley crew into the mountains to brutally suppress her tribe's rebellion in chapter 8 of this conquest iron man corrin almost dies from exposure on the way to the ice child's village but is unfortunately rescued by the village chief kilma who ranks high on the fire emblem tier list for character names most suitable for a deez nuts joke a comical misunderstanding ensues which results in a fight i use path bonuses to give the koran two boots enabling an easier strategy where we can freeze the northern enemy lancers to stop them from recruiting the eastern upper villages we are reinforced by leo's two retainers namely odin who is one of three disguised interdimensional mercenaries teleported directly from fire of awakening hired by the benevolent soul of anonymous as part of his proxy war against his evil alter ego paid in whole with decorations for his original timeline that was destroyed by the fel dragon grima and niles who was a thief i visit three villages for the maximum gold reward and i clean up the map after coron's forces now legally exterminates all of the rebels kilva and the ice tribe agree to soft to insurrection and disappear from the story never to imagine ever again in chapter nine of this conquest iron man the norian royal siblings employ the powerful surely he can't kill us all tactic to convince garrett to not kill corrin garen concedes the point but decides to switch gears and resolves to paccord into moral quandaries in which he has no agency because he will always be bailed out at last minute by convenient circumstance to reach our next objective we must pass through fort dragonfall whose cryptic name leaves us unable to discern even a hint of the fort's origins truly mysterious we recruit nyx whose young appearance belies her true age and azira who has a similar backstory because of the gameplay story time dilation effect that has compressed 2100 turns of singing into a mere few minutes of in-story time i equipped effie with the javelin and get her killed by the shining bull archer near the boss because the jaguar's speed pedal zika doubled and then i unnecessarily sacrificed nick to trigger the reinforcements my azura with a brass naganada does exactly enough damage to bring the boss haitaka down to 1 hp allowing for an easy capture upon completing the map i find it safe to assume that all of the castle's inhabitants are non-legally suppressed but nobody cares anyway since none of them had unique portraits in chapter 10 of this conquest iron man we must defend a port from takumi and his retainers hinata who can give you a fury 3 in fire alum heroes and oburo whose hobbies are fashioned and being racist this is one of the most popular and well-designed maps in the franchise owing to the dynamic events and carefully curated tools available to the player however having a level 37 kimchi knight azura is probably an advantage unanticipated by the development team i decide that planning is for losers transcend azura south to one round of borrow camilla baruch and celina arrive as timely reinforcements for some much appreciated help takumi triggers the dragon vein and drains the water on the map allowing for the enemies more freedom of movement and i defeat hanada by shooting him twice with the bronze bow i disappointedly only suffer one casualty as order gets snagged by a random enemy sky knight as the chapter nears its end such a good opportunity for a bloodbath but alas i have squattered it upon successfully defending the porch core allows the kumu and soldiers to walk away because he has once again somehow managed to avoid killing even a single person you poor thing orphaned at such a tender young age you are my child now in parallel one of this conquest iron man a small hoshide village has been destroyed by the faceless leaving the villager grower mozu an orphan and her mother without a head korin's spidey senses tell him that there is a trainee unit with enhanced growth rates nearby allowing him to arrive just in time no matter how many main story chapters have been completed after clumsily misplacing her mother mozu has also managed to lose herself in a sea of buff dudes who can kill her by flexing too aggressively i pair corn with azura and send them directly to recruit mozu before she is uppercut into low earth orbit i use dual strikes to feed kills of mozu and get her to level 6 by the end of the chapter koren recruits mozu into the northern military as a child soldier conveniently neglecting to mention that her family and everyone she has ever known was massacred by the norian military i guess they didn't change the script based on the route in chapter 11 of this conquest iron man we arrive at notre dame's a guest where we must seek the blessing of the rainbow sage who is the human sona of a first dragon who runs a shipping chart in the record hall however cochitin aggressors have forced to be taken custody of the old man and taking him to the seven-fold sanctuary where he must face a gauntlet of thrilling challenges we're ah just kidding this chapter is free xp and everyone knows it after going room by room and not lethally exsanguinating every last one of the hoshido soldiers i have azura shoot honoka in the face of the bow after once again confirming that nobody has died we finally meet the rainbow sage who tells us that the real power was within us all along however iago zoom calls us with a magical hologram to tell us to kill the rainbow sage but in order to preserve cord's moral purity the sage commits suicide on the spot in chapter 12 of this conquest iron man we must escape or defeat ryoma within 16 turns because we need to get medicine for elise who has coincidentally fallen ill from a tropical disease that will soon kill her that can coincidentally only be treated with hoshidin herbs that coincidentally can also be found at the norian town of macarath where corn has coincidentally simultaneously been given orders traveled to as part of a convoluted trap that coincidentally only works if all of the previous statements are true otherwise this conflict simply does not materialize as corn will not need to fight ryoma to save his sister xander's two retainers join us the first being laszlo who is the fan favorite character and eagle from fire emblem awakening and the second being perry who is a psychopathic serial killer whose personality is that she loves murder what who the wrote this character this map well known as the pot map features many medicinal pots that can be broken to provide buffs or inflict debuffs there's one at the start that buffs your defense which is pretty nice i power through and i get silas and perry killed for minimal gain to meet my quota the map's difficult components are easily dealt with with a liberal application of azera saizo aguero and even ryoma are defeated for 1 xp each because of the sheer level difference between her and any enemy for the first 20 or so chapters upon the resolution of this contrived conflict we managed to cure elise of her illness oh right i almost forgot to mention no one died in chapter 13 of this conquest iron man we are sensed by garen to squash a rebellion in the country of chi which was invaded and occupied by nor after they told guaranteed chi of these nuts can fit in his mouth this chapter features isolated groups of enemies that can be effectively lured by using sacrifice strats i clear the northwest with my formidable fires and then i use a generic skynet hero way to learn reynold's central group and defeat her with a zero i use the remaining aggro and cavaliers to trade mozu the generic skynet nanoha is then sacrificed in lyra takumi's group in the east and his forces are defeated in detail lastly i use the non-general unit charlotte as sacrificial bait for scarlett's southwestern group and i face down the reinforcements in the northeast i defeat them but leave some enemies alive to feed the xp into mozu who has by now reach level 15. i phase tank them at the bridge by using corn with an unequipped dragon stone so he doesn't steal kills which has zero probability of going wrong until it does after not healing coron defoe one of the cavaliers shuffles out of the way to allow an enemy diviner to move in hit corner 17 damage killing him and ending my first iron man attempt oh my god i lost in my second attempt for this pharaoh evelyn fates lunatic conquest iron man i create a female avatar corn with a plus defense boon minus luck bane and a talent in archery fortunately since i'm starting from branch of fate i will retain the same higher level of zira that i grinded for in chapter 5 saving me a lot of time i begin the run by squeezing out slightly more xp for corn in chapter 6 by defeating ryoma and i speed through chapter 7 and 8 promoting jacob into a strategist in chapter 9 jacob dies almost immediately because strategists have very low base defense and arthur follows him into the grave shortly afterwards chapter 10 disappointingly goes rather smoothly and i only lose one generic shrine made it once again squandering an opportunity for brutality that generates entertaining youtube content chapter 11 as always is easy xp and in chapter 12 i sacrificed perry to the dark gods and then a cult ritual to supernaturally grant myself better decision making it doesn't work between chapters in this conquest iron man decide to take a detour and recruit prince marth from the super smash bros franchise by scanning an amiibo three times we can play mark's recruitment map where he is accompanied by generic facsimiles of his allies these enemies have linked ai meaning that attacking them is complicated unless you intentionally sacrifice a character to lure them into attacking you but of course nobody in their right mind will ever do that i use selena as blood tribute and she is instantly killed by not jaegen this leers the rest of the enemies and not ceda is defeated when she attacks into azura marth is quite strong and can one shot camilla in corin because his foul shin has effective damage against dragons i freeze the not jagen marth parap to stop their movement and i defeat not gordon not drought not able and not kane i make use of a zera and a shadow cone of the same azura that i bought from the ironheart jar shop for 15 000 go to slay not jaegen and the hero king it's just like in the meme marth is impressed with the brutality of my methods and joins my army because he wishes to learn more in chapter 13 of this conquest iron man we once again go in to non-lethally suppress the cheval rebellion which is being secretly supported by the hoshidin cia we are accompanied by hans of the norian standing army who assures us that the time he tried to kill corn back in chapter 3 was just a prank we bump into takumi who shoots corin and then elise because his mind is being manipulated with evil sorcery by a dragon not appearing in this route i use the same strategy as last time sacrificing charlotte and nix as bait we defeat orochi who kidnaps sibo reyna who just like perry loves murder but is at least classy about it and scarlet who is mainly known for being one of the few characters who dies in the revelation route after corn has finished non-lethally crucifying the leaders of the rebellion as an example to others hans decides to cut the crap and just starts killing everyone at this point coron has finally come to the stunning realization that king garan might be evil in chapter 14 of this conquest iron man garen decided to go to sarkenzia a town in the irrelevant neutral territory of nestora where he will attend an opera with his loving family garen compliments corrin on brutally massacring all of chief since hans gave him the credit what a bro the performance begins and the singer whose disguise so flimsy that a child could see through it sings a magical song that causes king garen to grow in increasing discomfort unfortunately traumatic brain injury induced prosopagnosia runs in the northern royal family meaning that nobody knows that the singer is actually azera the performance is interrupted by hoshide assassins and also hidden chosen for some reason i go north and i attempt to capture an enemy kimchi knight reinforcement but i failed to do so and also lose keaton silas and lazzle in the process i clear the map and i capture the boss kuma guerra who has a bunch of neat skills like certain blow and counter magic since garen's congenital face blindness makes him incapable of identifying the mysterious masked singer who is so obviously azera that anyone with two brain cells rubbed together can make that connection he asks for all the singers in the city to be killed and for court to do it fortunately just like every other time garen orders some cruel day to perform he loses interest in the enforcement of his orders almost immediately just like a baby who lacks object permanence leo whisks corn away and reveals that he plans to save the singers that's all the norian royals secretly plot to keep garen in check and that he's not some kind of hero for doing this prompting his magical tone the globe marking him as a legendary hero of nor who was prophesized by the rainbow sage to join forces with the wilder of the legendary blade yatto to bring peace to all fates landia yeah this is a little on the nose don't you think in chapter 15 of this conquest iron man corn witnesses azura attempting to drown herself to escape the story and tries to follow her only defining herself in vella instead of the sweet embrace of death this mysterious land is populated by invisible ghosts and also somehow gunter who has not died of starvation off-screen like he probably does in the birthright route this map is easy and is basically just a catch-up map where he can grind corn to level 20. after doing just that corn jumps off of a cliff to leave up whose existence must be kept a secret because of a curse that kills you for talking about it unless you pay 20 dollars to buy the dlc for the revelation route to prove that king and garen is not only evil but has also been replaced by a demon the juror whips out a single-use magical crystal this allows coren to view garen's instagram photos without the filters revealing him to be an imposter then in one of the stupidest provinces of the entire franchise azura comes up with a genius plan of exposing garen's true form by conquering all of hoshido to get the false king to sit on a special chair in chapter 16 of this conquest iron man core must ponder the ethical dilemma of either abiding piracy or killing a man to use the skin to make a pair of boots this map has a gold reward that reduces over time but i won't get that much of it because i played like a coward the boss is disguised as a norian soldier so you must reach all the four neutral npcs to identify him though the imposter is always the last one you talk to i sacrifice odin for the greater good to protect kuma guerra who was then almost immediately killed by an archer ah i complete the map and i have the no written pirate shira at my mercy sure despite being a norian pirate is also a hoshida ninja once hired by the hoshide royal strategist yukimura to kidnap azura from the northern royal family originating from the long lost clan of koga that was destroyed by the ninja cultural of mokushu who is the boss of the next map he has traveled a long journey to either be recruited into her army or return into footwear i decided to put the decision to a vote and then by a complicated process of re-polling both splitting gerrymandering and outright bribery i decided to keep shira alive for the time being in chapter 17 of this conquest iron man koren seeks to cement an alliance with mogushu a treacherous ninja clan that i mentioned in the previous chapter koren's forces non-lethally defeat several squads of hoshido ninjas before it is discovered that cultural has dare to take a captive the horrifying audacity of such a dishonorable action is enough to convince coryn to murder cultural and slaughter his entire clan down to the last man this map is colloquially known as ninja hell but is honestly pretty easy if you just use xander to block off the enemies at choke points xander's excellent defense with a pair up and the tonic is enough to convince enemies to stop attacking entirely even if they can debuff him or do damage to him with poison strike this allows you to stonewall enemies and pick them off at your leisure though this doesn't happen since i lose camilla almost immediately for no reason and this might seem like a tremendous mistake well it is with camilla lost i decided for a goal farming xp and decided to kill the boss directly this sparkles rather smoothly and cultural mokusu is slain avenging shiro's countryman apparently also sizo and kaize's father who was also named saizo the story unfortunately has the audacity to once again rub corn's moral high ground in our faces by telling us how they didn't kill any hoshita soldiers i assume that the credit for the deaths of cultural and his forces was intentionally left vague in chapter 18 of this conquest iron man koran stops by the neutral kingdom of isumo the rest of recuperate only to bump into the hoshini royals in an extremely awkward chance encounter a fight almost breaks out but the insufferable duke ozana calms them down xander and ryoma have a cat fight over who is actually corn's non-blood-related big brother but this is interrupted by azada who has actually been replaced and impersonated by the no illusion wizard zola who uses this opportunity to capture the unarmed hoshidens and tried to execute them to win the war instantly and gain favor with king garen xander and koran disagree with this treachery and decide to stop zola which if nothing else is at least consistent with the previous chapters in this map there is a time limit of 20 turns to defeat two bosses just like the cost of 20 dollars that you need to purchase the revelation around dlc my first move is accidentally get clone azura killed by enemy heroes before going north to take out zola and then south to defeat the generals while going through great pains and capture by using niles the shining bow upon the mass completion zola is quartered and begs for his life but leo executes him so corn doesn't have to the real dukasana is then rescued allowing the awkward family get-together to presume korin takes this opportunity to ponder about another world where everyone gets along they're trying to get you to buy the 20 dollar revolution route dlc in chapter 19 of this conquest iron man koren evades the hoshidin army by entering a mountain range home to the kitsune a race of people who can transform into foxes on the way the motley crew encounters kaiden the chief of the kutsune village who cheerfully tells them that he and all of his people will fight their death to murder all of them for intruding on their territory this chapter is much believed there being a humongous pain in the ass because the kitsune all have leah blue anime powers that allows them to face out of reality in limited difficulty you face 37 of these with effective damage against your non-vibrant monster units and some can walk right past your formations with a pass skill i choose to avoid all this by flying all my guys right onto the mountain where none of them can hit me from one range i set up an xp grand to power level elise at barucha with ranged weapons and lure them with korra who gets killed by a jacked kitsune with 31 speed only five minutes after i started the chapter oh are you kidding me [Music] oh i'm so stupid oh god damn it i got doubled this abrupt death concludes my second iron man attempt [Music] this is why i shouldn't use corinne in my third attempt of this fire emblem fates luinit conquest iron man i create a tall male avatar corn with a plus strength boon mind as luck bane and a talent and being a ninja to publicly display my shame for losing the previous two runs to stupid garbage i create a filled runs calendar at the bottom of my overlay that depicts the horrible ways in which i have been killed i begin the run and i proceed past chapters 6 and 7 easily but in chapter 8 i miss a 91 freeze on the enemy lancer that recruits enemies instantly putting me into extreme danger i fight valiantly against the enemies but i lose ground on every front and i get cornered losing both odin and all of the golden water visiting villages in chapter 9 i get incredibly impatient and decide to charge zero into an entire group of enemies depending on her to dodge tank through multiple 30 hit chances and she dies i give up all hope and decide to prematurely end the run and go for a fourth attempt in my fourth attempt of this fire emblem fates lunatic conquest iron man i'd create a tall female avatar coron with a plus magic boon minus luck bane and a dragon sound for wyvern classes i turned off my webcam to help myself focus and take off my mask to get my peripheral vision back i start off by gambling on a 55 hit chance to kill ryoma for slightly more xp in chapter 6 and then accidentally lose effie in chapter 7 by playing way too quickly chapter 8 goes smoothly and so does chapter 9 where i managed to capture haitanka successfully i however do forget to deploy her for chapter 10 which was half of the entire point of recruiting him and this starts a chain of events that inevitably lead to disaster i consistently lose ground and i'm pushed back because of other early casualties ultimately in the final turns i am forced to desperately bodybug with my unit to stop the enemy from overrunning me and seizing the defense tiles odin arthur silas nyx and baruch have all fallen by the end of the chapter and while this brutal massacre is detrimental to my chances of succeeding in this particular run it is absolutely beneficial to the odds of this particular episode performing well on youtube and at the end of the day isn't that all that really matters i continue my fourth attempt on this fire emblem fates lieutenant conquest iron man by having coryn esport with jacob so he can ride a dragon by which i of course mean that i reclass jacob into a malignite and nothing else there is only one interpretation for that statement i breezed through chapter 11 and lose selena and a generic strand made in chapter 12. i then take the time to grind several dozen birthday rewards to get many moonlight tomes i forge a plus 4 tome and name it marth's glock i sacrificed perry and charlotte as bae in chapter 13 lose benny in chapter 14 to a pike ruin club and grinding corn to level 20 in chapter 15. i sacrificed laszlo on chapter 16 and keep shura alive and then accidentally lose at least in chapter 17. i then spent an extreme amount of effort to recruit mozu and train her up to level 10 in her joining up and then continue to train her up in invasion 1 and in chapter 18. and this sets me up perfectly to take my avengers on the consuming clan the next chapter in chapter 19 of this conquest iron man the craven consuming clan ambushes coryn's army forcing her to engage in preemptive self-defense by hiding on the mountain in complete safety and shooting them from above i lured the enemies into position on the mountains while staying out of the range as much as possible to reduce the odds of another instant tragedy this allows me to get the kitsune stuck at the bottom of the mountain while a freshly promoted kimchi knight mozu reigns hellfire down upon them for minimal damage you will gain xp whenever you participate in a combat where you deal damage to an enemy including dual strikes but this xp will go down over time until it eventually reaches 0 for each individual enemy however the total amount of xp you can gain from this will exceed the amount you get from simply killing the enemy for an enemy of equal level a kill is worth roughly 30 xp or getting the maximum 10 or so hits will give you roughly an additional 55 xp in my castle you have a random chance of gaining an item called the cupid bow which heals your opponent with 20 percent of their maximum health after every combat and what this allows us to do is to reach the maximum amount of hit xp for every enemy by artificially prolonging their life with his healing bow i repeatedly damage and heal every casino to exhaustively extract every drop of xp that i can from them before ending their lives using all of this xp from all 37 of the foxes on this map i managed to train mozu into a level 9 promoter kimchi knight with monstrous offenses and defenses somehow worse than azera's upon the mass completion cory laments that she has destroyed the entire gasoline clan in self-defense and one of the few cases in the conquest sprout where corn can not only kills anybody but clearly they deserved it in chapter 20 of this conquest iron man korean's army wishes to pass through the windshield's territory and inside the parlay with its chief fuga tuga senses that corn may not be worthy of the grand quest of the blade yatto and decides to test her determination by attempting to kill her in the draftiest castle known to man made into a figurative rollercoaster by powerful winds this is the map popularly known as fuga's wild ride i deploy what i dubbed the norian air force though half of its fires are captured units from hoshido my first move is to go to the right and clear the enemies by using the winds to launch my forces into range i then brace for impact from aggressive fliers from the northwest and reinforcing mages from the starting areas i swing around and take out the enemies near the western chest that contains a rescue staff and then continued to pick away at the wind tribe's forces by this point i have cleared two thirds of the map and the reinforcements and i decided to take on a trio of isolated on mioji's i sanded korin to attack first with the forged moonlight tome since by using it she can heal 20 percent of her hp after combat and i realized too late i have attacked her one range with a powerful tone and that these anime yoji's have counter i recognize my mistake almost immediately and also proceed to instantly die ending my fourth iron man attempt you should kill yourself now no god damn it how could this happen this is what i get me i got i i should just not use corin for anything in my fifth attempt of this fire emblem fates lunatic conquest iron man in reference to my ignominious loss by attacking into an armyology with counter i choose to create a short male avatar named counterin with a plus magic boon mine is luck bane and a diviner talent so he can reclass into an onmyoji for this attempt i will primarily be playing with a still png of myself in lieu of webcam because i want to take it seriously in chapter 6 i sacrificed xander to give current the ryoma kill to get largely more xp but that's okay because royals can actually die in this chapter chapters 7 and 8 go well and in chapter 9 next dies and then accidentally kill pitaka with a dragon defending activation making him be unable to capture him chapter 10 goes smoothly with only a generic shrine maiden dying in chapters 11 and 12 are also no big deal the first stages of chapter 13 go well but when i attempt to bait raiden's group i also accidentally learn scarlet's group activating their reinforcements and forcing myself to fight three times the enemies on multiple fronts they're gonna die i'm gonna get killed i have no chance now i think i i learned i learned those guys too early there's the wife and ready to reinforce into the north reyna and her cavaliers in the east and scarlet forces to the south not to mention the distant cavalier reinforces from the southeast with perry dead i desperately try to form a defense i immediately take out arena with azura for her own protection and i freeze two out of three wyvern virus to the north and kill the third with niles i then protect him by setting charlotte to block the bridge i then create a defensive wall formation with camilla odin betty and effie to protect my squishy healers and have arthur tank scarlet however this formation falls apart entirely when odin is instantly killed by a pair-up attack and in the same way that the soft squishy and internal organs of a crustacean are vulnerable once as hard exoskeletons cracked open my squishy healers felicia and elise are destroyed by the cavaliers arthur is slain by a diviner that i'm reasonably sure is exact same one that ended my first run however i do manage to rally my forces and save niles by pairing him with camilla and charlotte however is left behind i managed to clean up with only six units left on the map being corrin camilla azira niles effie and benny i then give effy a draco shield to boost her defense and then ponder over whether or not that was necessary before she gets crit by takumi and in fact would have died with exact damage had she not used it this absolute bloodbath of a chapter with six character deaths may seem run ending but by this point in the story i typically kill this many of my own characters on purpose so it's actually not that much different from any of my other runs to continue my fifth attempt of this fire emblem fates leading to conquest iron man i attempt to capture kuma guerra in chapter 14 only to accidentally kill him with a critical hit no chapter 15 as always gives core enough xp to promote and in chapter 16 i sacrificed baruch to protect more important units i also lose benny to an armored slayer crit and sacrifice silas to safely lure the shining evil adventurers the two runs in which i recruit ashura ended in failure so clearly it is an ill omen so this time instead of deciding to recruit shira into the army i recruit his skin into norian sweatshops so they can be fashioned into footwear chapter 17's ninja cave goes flawlessly in the recruit mostly to train her in chapter 18. in chapter 19 i mess up and keaton and general kimchi knight are killed by foxes out of class selena and mozu indication knights and have them ruthlessly harvest the foxes for xp and by slaying all 37 of the consuming i managed to get both of them to promote at level 5. with shuri's soul buying the soles of my boots it is now impossible for anything to ever go wrong ever again in chapter 20 of this conquest iron man i forgot to record my stream in obs in its original quality and so i was forced to download a lower resolution version of the entire six and a half hour stream bond off of youtube for completely unrelated reasons this episode will be made available exclusively in 144p resolution and 10 frames per second i follow the same general strategy as last time taking down groups of enemies slowly and methodically starting with the forces on the right then the reinforcements and then the ones on the left i captured the counter on mioji that killed me last time and recruit him and then i used the dragon veins to push the northern enemies away from the posts to take them down individually i gang up on fuga and beat him up immediately to avoid the reinforcements that trigger upon approaching him and i beat the chapter fuga dusts off his non-lethal wounds and non-lethally tells korn to do whatever he wants because the story and every other character will bend over backwards to justify his actions in chapter 21 of this conquest iron man we are playing the map where you climb stairs iago laments that corn has apparently suffered zero casualties which will uh come on look 16 dead characters and the game doesn't even acknowledge it and for some bizarre reason the hoshidi defenders have already all been killed and replaced by iago's faceless there will be reinforcements on both sides that don't give xp so you are encouraged to hurry i deployed several capture generic fires to help ferry around leo and xander who will be activating dragon veins while my main fighter squad of azura selena mozu and camilla will deal with the enemy stoneborn which are bulky long-range attackers that have weary fighter and cannot be doubled i also vary around coron who can one shot these dawnborn with a lightning tome or marth's glock a plus six odyn's grimoire that i obtained by grinding birthday events i chained together dragon vein activations by pairing and unpairing xander and leo with my generic fires to continuously immobilize the enemies every turn while i hop over ledges to take out the stolenborn artillery i use a total of four dragon veins and i escape with all of my characters complete the chapter in five turns and with zero casualties in the following cutscene xander and azura choose to hold off the faceless while corn runs ahead or he is ambushed by another faceless who punches him suddenly lilith who has not appeared for any story event since chapter 7 appears out of nowhere to collect fortune chapters worth of unpaid events for cory's actual sky fortress she takes the blow in place of corn and is instantly killed and all i have to say about that is what the where did that come from and despite this tragic incident being caused by a need to hurry up the escape xander and cory somehow find the time to sit in place and have a roughly 500 word conversation warning cordon's astral fist dragon sister made landlord and this is extremely understandable because i for one am extremely emotionally invested in this character who in this route has had a total of two appearances in chapter 22 of this conquest iron man koran's forces prepare to storm fort jinya hoshido's front line which is commanded by the strategist yukimura and princess sakura of hoshido who is not related by blood to corinne this map splits her forces onto the two halves of the fort but i instead decide to put all of my troops on the left side if you play your cards right you can ignore the entire right half of the map and not even fight tsubaki i brute force my way through the enemies by walling them all off with xander and face hannah's squad which will not move unless you get much closer into range normally you must activate a dragging vein on the other side of the map to expose the squad or risk fighting in a cramped space but i instead send in a single generic unit as a sacrifice to lure them into attacking me they follow me single file down to the starting area where i slay them all individually i then proceed to sneak all my units through a breakable wall and over untraversable mountains with flyers and then i group up right outside the final reinforcement zone and i pile on to defeat yokimura and seize immediately to end the map xander demands that the hoshidas surrender and they do so considering corn has a great track record for sparing everybody but suddenly hans xander attempts to stop the massacre but garen shows up and since xander has daddy issues that won't be resolved until the penultimate chapter he retracts his objection and allows the atrocity to continue before i take on the next main story chapter in this conquest iron man i decided to do a bunch of paralog to bolster my ranks and train my team for the end game i begin with the shigeru paralog whose parents in this run are azura and korin and reclass korin turn on mioji and mozu into a master of arms to obtain useful skills for the end game we find ourselves suddenly on a boat in a scene jarringly disconnected from any part of the main story shiguri crashes into the boat having escaped his deep realms because his village was destroyed by backlight soldiers and just like every other dead beat parent azura has her reasons for not raising her child that she refuses to elaborate on our boat is flanked by two enemy ships that will each periodically dock and deploy a handful of enemies to attack every other turn i take my time to defeat all the reinforcements and get a considerable amount of xp from these scaled up enemies korin reaches level 15 and gets the rally magic and tone fair skills mozu is at the edge of level 15 and even azura manages to get a level up i pass on rally magic and air superiority to gure and promote him into a falcon knight so he gets rally speed as well at the end of the map it is revealed that all gary's friends are dead but that's okay because they didn't have names and he can now be drafted into her army as a child soldier the next paralog that i do in this conquest iron man is the kana paralog notable for his utility and gaming experience corn returns or visit khanna after leaving to get milk at the store for 15 years and finds her under attack by violet soldiers and in the process of defending her gets his ass kicked kana transforms into a very angry dragon that is very fortunately not a game over condition if defeated the way this map works is that every turn a group of three to four enemies will move towards you meaning that if you take them all down quickly you can fight each squad individually on turn 8 two banded brothers show up lloyd and lewellen who are high level berserkers and potentially useful if captured i make an attempt to get both of them but kana kills lloyd instantly and while i do capture the violin i accidentally release him for the prison afterwards erasing him from existence there are additional reinforcements who arrive if we don't route the map by turn eight which i happily fight to further train my squad azura reaches her level cap and learns amaterasu and mozu obtains life and death at level 15 and reclasses to sniper gaining certain blow at level 16. i passed down tone fare from corn and amadorasa from reserva to kana who will hopefully be a very useful dragonstone or tome user for many chapters to come after the previous two paralogs i take a detour and once again pick up mark from his hero battle since the bonus amiibo recruitment chapters do not scale i am able to defeat mark's posse quite easily i send an effie who at this point has 39 defense to do the job i managed to recruit marth into my army even though at this point he is severely under leveled and probably won't be any good in a fight i then decided to upgrade marth's glock they forged odin's grimoire's home from plus six to plus seven by spending a considerable amount of time grinding birthday events and since i have run out of current zero overlapping birthdays because of the limits of my system clock which prevent me from time traveling farther than the year 2076. i utilize shigeru's birthday to get even more items and this is possible because birthday rewards are dependent only on route and story progression and not the character having the birthday my plus seven months glock has a total of plus 11 might plus 20 hits and plus 15 crits but its use has highly questionable utility because in addition is not being able to double it also gives you -20 crit dodge meaning that your enemies will have a plus 20 chance to crit and possibly instantly kill you the next paralog i do in his conquest iron man is nina's paralog whose parents are kamila and niles somehow in the midst of invading a foreign country silas has found a way to resurrect himself from the dead to protect some old man's funko pop collection niles catches the leader of the thieves his estranged daughter nina and a fight breaks out in this map there is a special game over condition if nina managed to escape to stop this you can either intercept her by going to the sides or chaser by opening the central chamber i use an entrap sap with an 81 hit chance to grab nina and beat her up and it succeeds now that nina has her taken care of all of the remaining enemies will attempt to escape the enemies on the left and right escape undisturbed but i decide to farm some xp on the enemies in the central chamber i crack open a breakable wall to the right of the door to funnel all of the enemies through a choke point as they attempt to run effie almost dies after being attacked by two shining bull adventurers but i get a lucky dodge against a 70 hit and survive and take out the singular enemy with a doro key to stop them from swarming me and i grind the rest for xp and support ranks i capture an adventurer named reinhard a berserker named rodrick with counter and a general name stefan that has the inspiration skill upon beating the map niall is reconciled with his neglected child who has inherited riley's skill from her father and trampled from her mother camilla nina finds herself intrigued by the interactions between niles and silas the latter of which is in fact dead the fourth paralog i do in this conquest iron man is midori's paralog whose parents are kaze and mozu midori is out foraging for dragon herb which are very potent stack boosters the herbs however are stolen by a bold adventure named candice and who's candace you might ask well i have the faintest idea but dory is recruited immediately upon the start of the chapter and she inherits life and death from mozu and poison strike from kaze the map objective is to prevent candidates from escaping but since she is an adventurer that can only wield bulls i can safely body block her to stop her movement and kill everything on the map for precious precious xp kaze is still fairly weak so i decide to feed him some xp using the shelter scale to keep him safe after every attack however i flubbed some inputs and kaze is killed by a stationary general the fire equivalent of having an automobile collision with a parked car the map melancholically ends with midori hallucinating a conversation with her father's ghost the fifth paralog i do in this conquest iron man is solei's paralog whose parents are laszlo and effie this map has two gimmicks the first of which are several npc lancers that you can defend for rewards depending on how many survive and the second being multiple obstacles that you can use to block off choke points and redirect enemies i wind up completely neglecting the obstacles and i overextend suddenly finding myself surrounded by a truckload of enemies including dark knights with lunge misses a 94 hit and is subsequently killed and the situation rapidly deteriorates dials gets lunged by several dark nights and also perishes and in my hasty retreat i feel so late to die with reinforcements spawning behind me i also ditched laszlo like a lizard self-amputating its own tail to distract a predator for long enough to escape pushed into desperate straits i decided to bite the bullet and take a chance by using cord no serato tank which goes surprisingly well so well in fact that i wonder why i wasn't doing it to begin with i make a steady retreat attacking into reinforcement to stop myself from getting overwhelmed and i am able to whittle away all the remaining enemies at the end of the chapter i have achieved a total net gain of zero characters over the past five paralogs and i am rewarded for the zero lancers that i rescued with a single voterary since i have run out of space on my death counter it begins to overflow and cover other parts of my stream the final paralog i do in this conquest iron man is sigurd's paralog which has a very bad risk to benefit ratio even under normal circumstances the map is filled to the brim with hordes of incredibly powerful enemies with six reinforcement points two of which activate every turn to beat the map you must activate six dragon veins to stop their associated reinforcements and then route the remaining enemies this chapter chapter's only item rewards are a single vulnerary and a partner seal and the reinforcements have void curse meaning you cannot use this map to grind xp i load up chord with every single magic and offensive stat boost that i can i use a malignant gunter for a pair of bots eat at the mess hall forge the nosferatu use a magic tonic and make character statues to increase corn's magic stat cap i don't know exactly how much this adds up to but it's enough to kill pretty much everything on the map in one hit i first extract secret by defeating two enemies and whisking him away with a flyer and i send all of my non-protagonist units the high in the lower right corner while coren massacres the entire map with no serratu i prioritize sending corn to the upper right dragon vein which spawns master ninjas because poison strike and reduced nosferatu hit rates are potentially dangerous i take out that dragon vein before too many master ninjas can spawn and with all my other characters tucked away safely i clear the rest of the map with corin gaining minimal rewards aside from weapon xp and recruiting siegbert a child named after his father's sword the skills he inherits don't matter since i will never use him for combat in chapter 23 of this conquest iron man i sell most of my assets to resurrect niles as an inheriar for around 20 000 gold for the sole purpose of recruiting rally man a master of arms that has rally strength speed defense and resistance conflict is brewing in the norian army and two factions have formed one half that is loyal to king garen for some reason and the other half that is loyal to xander for some other unspecified reason the norians prepare to besiege the great wall of susido which has fantastic amenities such as several front-facing staircases to welcome invading aggressors i leer a bunch of the enemies with flyers and take them down capturing rally man in the process and then i confront the main group outside the wall i deal with these guys by having korra and tank them all with nosferatu and i positioned myself to take out hinata henata's squad won't attack you until you cross the halfway point on the bridge so i line up all of my forces for a massive attack i disintegrate them all down to their constituent atoms and move on to attack the wall defending the stairs are several spearmasters with a lunge skill that can move your units into a deadly trap however lunge does not activate if the user is killed and since coron can do enough damage and one shot them he clears half of the wall on his own without being moved around oboro's squad moves in without attacking coryn and i pounce with all the rest of my units clearing them away and allowing me to reuse a graphic that i made for chapter 10 because azura gets the kill i grab the gold and boots from the treasure chests get s-ranked tones with corin and proceed to one-shot takumi with mark's glock defeated takumi starts glowing purple and jumps off of the wall banishing himself to the shadow realm in chapter 24 of this conquest iron man the norian army enters the hoshidin capital and starts committing some atrocities addressing these unwarranted acts of brutality the wise prince xander bows his head and solemnly says to korin there's actually zero difference between good and bad things you imbecile you in this map we face down hanoka a hoshidin royal helicopter and countless waves of reinforcements from every side of the map periodically hinoka will activate dragon vein to speed up fire movement and slow down ground unit movement creating large threat zones and making it harder for your character's maneuver i send out a current to intercept the majority of the enemies and slay them all with nosferatu activating dragon veins to counter hanoka's dragon veins i defeat the boss by having mozu shoot her and then seize the end the map hinoka surrenders and korn decides to execute her by menacingly holding up a book before saying psych and asking her to pretend that she's dead hinoka protests but relents once camilla threatens her in the scene positively dripping with sexual tension as corn enters the castle to face ryoma noka wonders about what could have been if only corn had paid 20 dollars to play one of the other routes in chapter 25 of this conquest iron man prince ryoma sets his house on fire and challenges corin to a duel and then decides to wait patiently for 20 turns before getting his revenge by the way he only waits for 25 turns if you're a filthy casual who isn't playing on lunatic difficulty in this map we have two options the first is a gold on the sides and fight hordes of ninjas with the inevitable end skill which makes the buff stack allowing them to whittle down in the strongest of units eventually if you do this you can interfere with the duel and it's just corn the second option is to accept the duel and fight ryoma alone the crockpot in which the corn and the lobster are being broiled has a hidden damage reduction effect meaning that any damage received in the room is reduced to 1 4 of its original value fortunately i have the plus seven morphs glock whose ridiculous overkill crit damage now comes into play for the first and only time i violate the spirit of the honorable duo by using rallies to buff quarters damage and hit rates before attacking ryoma from one range after all bonuses are accounted for core can create ryoma for 240 base damage after the damage reduction effect this becomes 60 damage which is still sufficient to one shot him [Music] upon the lobster lord's defeat corrin attempts to trick garen into sitting on his special chair early but garen demands that corn kills not's blood-related brother for entertainment colerain waffles about an indecision so ryoma decides to take the matter into his own hands and kills himself in chapter 26 of this conquest iron man the norian royals finally decided to kill hans in iago something they probably should have done ages ago this is one of the toughest maps in the game if you play normally which is why i'm going to exploit the hell out of it i opened the door to the first room and blocked with my two highest defense units xander and effy who stand firm against the heroes the hexing rod made hits the generic berserker roderick because of his high hp and low resistance i then attack with everybody and clear the room you can now choose between going left and getting destroyed by poison strike stone boar or going right and fighting a bunch of mages which i do because it is easier i sacrificed the generic berserker to open the door and lure the mages and the reinforcements to me i am positioned in the starting area to give core multiple positional buffs which let him know this route to tank every single one of these mages i do the same for the final room using the hero king mark as a disposable dorky luring in generals berserkers and reinforcement sorcerers they are all slain in a similar fashion and i repeat this once more for hans and his escort having successfully cheesed the map i defeat iago grab the treasure and seize the throne in the following cutscene leo kills iago so quorum doesn't have to a reoccurring theme already well established by this point with the loyalists defeated corn and azura finally decide to reveal the grand horrifying truth to their siblings that king garen is an impostor in chapter 27 of this conquest iron man the noriad royals lampshade the flagrant's plot contrivances that have brought them to this point and entered the throne room is the floor covered in garen's bodily fluids king garen's true form that of an average discord moderator is revealed driving xander to recoil in horror and have his character arc the siegfried resonates with michael transactive energy granting corn's sword the cosmetic shadow yattle dlc which she cannot use because he is a sorcerer in this map you must hurry to defeat king garen before you're overwhelmed by several enemy kill squads that are troublesome to fight normally there are also four maids with infinite range and trap stabs that will teleport your units into the side chambers where they must 1v1 a powerful enemy fortunately this isn't a problem since i no longer need the majority of my cast i sacrificed azana leo xander flora effie and seven other generic units for zero benefit aside from dating my ranks i even have flora use the bifrost staff to resurrect a dead shrine maiden to score another kill the assad chambers each have a door that has a direct route to garen allowing me to go for the kill once the rest of my team has been confirmed dead i buff moses with rally man and movement to instantly kill the boss in one round with the crescent bow now that the regal warmongering jelanis impersonator has been defeated the war is won and peace will reign throughout all of fateslandia wait who's that my god it's the cubie with a steel chair he shoots corn and instantly kills him the end thanks for watching everyone in the final chapter of this conquest iron man korenzato goes flaccid and our intrepid protagonist floats on the edge of life and death he speaks to the spirits of his mother and his lost blood-related brother ryoma who will tell him that he can either die like a or return to his previous save state to resurrect himself cory's very small number of living allies call out to him giving him the inspiration he needs to return to the world of the living takumi shows up apparently having already died in chapter 23 and tells korin that his corpse is being pocketed by a mysterious entity but he won't say any more unless corn pays 20 for the revelation dlc he then expresses his true heartfelt feelings that korra never did anything wrong and that's all of the legitimate grievances he had were completely unjustified lilith also returns from the dead to collect rent so coron decides to skedaddle immediately korran wakes up and the yato that he cannot use because of his class set has been restored using the energy from kumi's fuchin yumi sensing an opportunity azura sings the forbidden song to weaken takumi pondering over if she could have saved him had corn paid 20 dollars to play a different route takumi's eardrums rupture in pain and the battle begins the last map in fire emblem fates conquest is notoriously difficult especially on lunatic difficulty we pick up from the same map in chapter 27 except now we go in the opposite direction we must fight through several defensive lines of strong enemies infinite reinforcements from the sides several infinite used status staff users and stacking debuffs takumi will also periodically charge and launch energy waves damaging every character for half of their maximum hp these attacks can be blocked by using dragon vanes to create cover this map is hard enough that skipping it by using rescue staff to get a dedicated boss killer into the range of takumi is one of the most popular means of victory on limited difficulty throughout this run i have been accumulating resources and building characters specifically for this purpose i have a zura re-class back into a dancer for the first time since her joining chapter a bow knights nina with high movement and past and moved through enemies and chiguri and the generic adventure of reinhard as rescue staff users i use siegbert as a parabot because his personal skill simp gives plus 2 damage or a pair of vivo character and my boss killer is a merchant mozu with count strength and speed equipped with a crescent bow and armed with the skills quick draw life and death search and blow both air and spend thrift these skills give her 100 hit and a total of 29 additional damage in addition to plus 2 damage from her weapon rank and 41 total strength after tonics rallies and pair up bonuses she can do 80 damage per hit just above the needed 76 damage in one round takumi with a brave weapon she gets just enough speed to quadruple him with a speed rally on turn 1 i line up everyone right outside of enemy's staff range and prepare to defeat takumi on turn 2. i use rally man to give moses the strength and speed she needs to defeat the boss and then pair her up with siegbert siegbert moves up and swaps omozo so she can attack and gain shield gauge i move up azura and dance to give mozu an additional action and then move shigure down to use the rescue staff to work down nina and reinhardt nina moves through enemy alliance with her past skill and then swaps reinhardt to rescue mozu into range of takumi before i get the kill i of course need to sacrifice as many unneeded characters as i reasonably can i get midori selena and guns are killed but unfortunately because of insufficient preparation jacob does not have a weapon equipped and is unable to die on player phase resulting in his unfortunate survival now that i have done the most i can to achieve the greater victory i attack takumi with mozu this ridiculous overkill damage is necessary because takumi's dragon skin skill reduces damage by half since the fourth attack to always be blocked by takumi's shield gauge we only have three hits to do enough damage the first two hits strike taku for 27 damage each and the shield gauge i charged up earlier protects moses from being instantly killed by vengeance with the third strike it is done mozu defeats takumi once and for all standing over his slain not blood-related brother's body corn and xander wonder out loud about the mysterious force that possessed bulgarian and takumi and caused its entire tragedy but alas they will never find out as corn do not pay 20 dollars for the revelation dlc azura also mysteriously disappears for reasons not elaborated on in this route and you can only save her by paying 28 for the revelation ralph dlc by revelation today to get the golden route ending where everyone lives except for the ones that don't find revelation today by rep today buyer of today buy the dlc i swear to god buy it please please don't you want to see all your favorite characters happy buy it now buy it buy it in a following cutscene xander is crowned king and gives a speech about how war benefits nobody immediately after conducting a war of aggression that has exclusively benefited nor hinoka and sakura forgive corn for invading their country and killing their brothers because it wasn't his fault and he can do no wrong to celebrate the tremendous loss of life nor will have a grand banquet for everyone in the capital admits the jubilant celebration corn wanders off and finds azura whose life he could have saved for the low low price of twenty dollars her illusory phantom tells corn that to achieve his true epic victory royale she needs his credit card number expiration date and the three numbers on the back before he can be the victim of supernatural financial fraud he gets whisked back inside elise grabs corn's hand and leads him into the throne room where he collides with camilla's tits and fractures his skull and neck killing him instantly the end [Music] snake snake this concludes my fire emblem fates lunatic conquest iron man this has been my most ambitious project yet both in terms of challenge and video production with 18 total streams and nearly 50 summary installments i have achieved a nearly perfect victory after only five attempts at the mere 45 deaths i just have to say though why do all of the characters retire in their endings even when they have unambiguously died literally unplayable 0 out of 10 game uninstalled right now another mildly entertaining inconsistency is that the azura corn pairing implies that azera is alive and well even though she obviously isn't anyway if you like this series please subscribe to my youtube channel for semi-comedic musings check out my twitter and if you want to support future video production consider becoming a youtube member or contribute to my patreon thanks for watching everyone and see you in the next one
Channel: Excelblem
Views: 231,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZiCSp8wO30Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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