Inheritable Skills Tier List 3! Maddening

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hello and welcome to another tier list so it's been a while since I've done one of the inheritable skills tier list for base game so let's do that let's see if anything has changed let's see if things have moved up or down in my opinion based on playing the game for over 1,300 hours on mading mode all right so the very first skill alacrity alacrity as an unlock I think is not good I never get it I don't recommend getting it you're better off taking some ch damage to be honest because if you can consistently one round like if you're already consistently doubling getting a lacity unlocked is just going to waste your SP and you're better off just running more speed more damage more durability so that you can enemy phase better so that you can one round more consistently so that you can enable some kind of build so this only works on Fast units who already double and most of those units want damage fixing and you're much better off running something like caner over this so if you're already doubling and you just have damage fixing as your first passive your second passive should be like caner or some kind of utility alacrity is not going to be very useful and I honestly think it's one of the worst skills in the game unless you're getting it for free from Lynn in which case it's great but outside of that I don't think it's good at all there's there's really no advantage to it it just prevents you from taking damage on the Counterattack that's it so and I've never found this useful across all of my playthroughs the only time it could be is if the rest of your team can't clean up the other enemies in the area otherwise you know you can just heal off the damage maybe you open with a break too maybe you're attacking at two range like there's all these different situations where this isn't very good uh all right so what is this one Arts Mastery or no Arts Focus this one this is terrible you should never use this it's worse than alacrity grants hit plus 30 at the cost of Dodge minus 10 so that's the max rank uh Arts already fairly accurate the characters who are good at using them to have high Dax this is basically useless uh sword Focus definitely better than Arts Focus but not also like similarly pretty bad so hit plus 30 on swords also consider Dodge minus 10 is incoming crit plus 10 so that's not that's pretty terrible actually that's really bad you don't want that and swords already accurate so you just don't need this ever um see this is not bow Focus this is bow agility so bow agility gives you increased void at the cost of crit let me just find it I have the thing over here just so I can reference cuz I'm going for memory but I also have all the passives bow agility here we go so avoid plus 30 crit minus 10 all right so I was worried about that I no avoiding avoid tanking on a bow I'm going to put that in high D tier the bow is not an enemy phase weapon unless you can set up one like two and three range enemy phases consistently against other range units which can be kind of difficult to do because range units are mixed in with melee units you're probably getting smacked by those so the only case this could be useful is if you have an Archer that's getting attacked at range and even then it's like situational there's better things to avoid tank and this is just way too situational for it to be good uh advance so this is from Roy move one space when making a melee attack so let's say you have like five moov move right this lets you move six to melee but it doesn't let you move to do a two range like physical attack with like a bow or you know daggers or something like that uh this I would say is also D I've never used this I've even when I have Roy maybe I've used Advance like once but it's very rarely useful and as an unlocked passive unless there's like a really good reason for using this I just don't see it being helpful at all so I don't recommend using it demolish demolish I also think is D it's just not it does it doesn't do anything really like yes it destroys junk immediately maybe that's useful in LTC but there's very few like after you get this there's very few things that you can actually break and Destroy in Mainline chapters maybe there's a few in some paralogs but mostly there's just not enough things to break that this is ever useful really so I just don't think it's very good uh favorite food I think this is oh wait hold on actually this is decent this is okay so this resets your engage meter yeah favorite food when unit eats a packed lunch fills the engage meter so this is at least decent now there's reasons why I don't think it's that good cuz you know you get to use it once um maybe if you're doing some kind of DLC LTC it's really good because what you could do is burn burn through an adal guard ring you know use all of your attacks use like Hazard unite plus raging storm and then atrocity to get like three kills and then use this in which case it would move up but for General play I would say it's it's okay it could be used on certain builds to like speed up your general play like maybe you want to reset your bth dancer immediately but you could also just have like a brave weapon or just get attacked a bunch of times there's different ways to reset uh fortify also can like reset a unit like in one turn if you heal you know six things you'll reset your bar and you can do that every time six things are damaged on your team so there's other ways of resetting but this could be okay I don't think it would be good because it's too situational and unless you're doing some kind of fast level of play it's not really the best thing it's availability is also questionable you can only get it like early game on some of the early units so it's not really the best thing but depending on how fast you want to play I could see it being good uh just for resetting one engage meter now the build with boet on this you know trying to keep the packed launch based on his luck that's kind of a meme it's too unreliable and unpredictable you could try to fix the numbers on that but I don't think it's very good uh lost and found as a passive you're unlocking it just builds support between units it's like here um mentorship this can be useful to speed up the rate at which things level up but outside of that it's at most you'll be like plus one level on other things maybe two if you level up if you get enough XP it does scale the amount of XP you get I used to use this before the well there wasn't really much else but it's kind of not worth it kind of worth it for some units uh what is this or not un yielding perceptive so if unit attacks grants a void plus 30 increases with high speed and that's plus one avoid per four speed I think so perceptive is kind of like a void plus but really it's like player phase only so I'll put it in C tier it's okay uh let's see bow Focus bow Focus I don't know it's like we'll put it in low C here there's some units who use bows that want the accuracy uh you do get an incoming crit rate which is questionable so let's see yeah it's the same as the others up to hit plus 30 it is cheap so if you want cheap bow accuracy like this is your ticket essentially a break defense I'll say is good it's kind of expensive but breaking something and then getting an extra attack is at least decent because it it improves your damage right so it's a it's pretty decent damage increase uh arm Shield I think is okay it could be better so the problem with arm Shield is that it doesn't hit that many things like depending on what class you're running what weapons you're running you need weapon Advantage right so here let me just pull it up all right arm Shield when unit has weapon Advantage unit takes less damage now one thing that could be interesting but only the all right so here's the problem with this the best weapon that has the most advantages is Marshall Master like fists so you get reduc damage from daggers bows and TOS but you don't get reduced damage from anything else and arm Shield I'm pretty sure arm Shield plus plus costs like 2K SP so it's basically just like um resolve let's see oh it's only 600 okay it's very cheap actually so it's 600 SP so it is cheap H so it's cheap but it's very situational so like let's say you're on like I don't know like a great night or something and you have lances and swords so you could you could situationally tank certain enemies a little bit better but that's basically just worse than gentility it is very cheap though so situationally on certain units they could tank slightly better it's it's too I think it's too specific I think that's its problem cuz like as soon as you start encountering things that you don't get damage reduction against you just start taking way too much damage and that's really the problem with it now on Leaf as a free passive when he changes your weapons to give you advantage that's where it can become good because then he can actually actively switch your weapons which would help you tank so in that situation it's probably better but if you're running Leaf you get this for free uh Divine pulse some people swear by this thing personally I think it's terrible and I think builds that rely on it tend to be terrible but it at least has a use case I'll put it in C tier people use it to hit fix like offensive staves in base game and then they also use it to hit fix like Mage Canon ear but if your unit's so inaccurate they need to rely on this just run a different unit all right Dodge plus 30 I'll put this in low C tier this just gives you crit avoid so if you want to reduce crits or tank better that's what this does uh healing light as a passive to unlock I think is like d tier it heals you when you heal things which can be useful but your healer shouldn't really be getting hits uh so it's whatever uh Health Plus actually I think Health Plus is pretty good it's kind of underrated getting like Health Plus 15 is a pretty big deal it just increases your durability now maybe it's B tier let me put it down to like low B tier because like you're better off reducing damage and the reason for that is if you get hit like five times and you reduce damage by five that's essentially plus 25 health so there's there's better things but it's still useful and the early ranks of it are very cheap to get like plus 10 Health this is really good on like Hortensia who's already really fast and if she gets hit she dies this prevents her from getting one shot so that way she doesn't get doubled from her base speed and then she doesn't get one shot because she now has enough health so that's like a good thing for her Dex plus this is very expensive honestly it's just okay it's really good on certain deck builds it also gives you hit increase and a little bit of crit but it's just decent it's it's just okay it's not even good because it's very expensive if it was cheaper I'd put it in B tier maybe a tier luck plus so this is mostly used for like Anna or luck triggers I would say this is also okay it's not overpowered it's not really good it's just it just increases the rate at which Anna makes you money basically and there's better passives for her but if you really want her to be making you money uh you can run just run bth on her her and that's usually enough it gives you enough luck just from equipping B all right res plus five or I'm sorry is this defense plus five or res or that's defense all right so res plus five res plus five so this is quite cheap uh could be good on some tanks I'll put it in low beats here now defense plus five I think is kind of similar maybe it's a little bit better I feel like there's more physical damage than magical damage in this game more things hit you with physical so defense plus five is very cheap res plus 5 is like I think the same cost but this is generally going to be more useful and more threats the double like there's almost no Mages that double you unless you're very slow so the most of the threats that double you are physical and most of the threats in general are physical and the biggest Maj threats are like bulanon uh I don't think there's very many Excalibur it's mostly banon and thoron late game uh silence Ward prevents you from being silenced uh this is a good utility I'll put this in I'll put this in like high B tier this is good because it's like 200 SP and you can just equip it as needed for like the the few Maps you need it so it's there if you want it if not you can ignore it but it's a good utility uh Tome Precision so this one's interesting the problem with it is I feel like Ivy wants this the most so you get up to hit aoid plus 15 when using a toome and it's it's on celic so Ivy can't use Celica until late so you kind of miss out on this like really good tool to help Ivy who's like the best toome user in the game and pandre doesn't need this honestly I'm going to put this in C here I can see the value for void tanking later but it's availability is really poor maybe I'll put in low B to be fair like if pandre used this he would be using it for the avoid tanking it would help him avoid tank and pandre can avoid tank pretty well so his passive enables it this would enable it give him some other avoid things and he's good to go unyielding I think this is bad it's probably better than some of these though like high D tier you just get health so here's here's what it does if you're at 20% 30% and 40% Health if you're below that you get that much health back so if you're at like 30% health and you have unyielding plus plus you get 40% Health back when your turn starts so it just heals you when your turn starts which is okay I would say it's just good to have for free on Mar but outside of that it's not really that useful uh build plus five I think this is a tier it's really useful because you can get build plus 4 very early on certain units that need it for like Le swords like Anna as an example build plus 4 and eventually build plus 5 is the same as running speed plus 5 on units whose weapon weight is always going to be four to five higher than their their build stat so getting build plus four on like Anna early if she's going to be on 11 sword it's actually pretty decent so you can't go wrong with that uh is this headstrong or no what is this headlong rush I don't know I thought was headstrong all right headlong Rush immunity to freeze this I would say is a tier there's a lot of maps where freeze is a huge pain to deal with and this just removes it from you and it's very cheap I believe it's only 200 SP so even just unlocking this on certain units early yeah it's 200 SP unlocking this early and just equipping it on some of the maps where that's annoyance can be very useful like chapter 23 comes to mind where there's just a bunch of things that spam freeze chapter 16 has some things that spam freeze corin's paralog has some things that spam freeze some other paralogs have have freeze enemies and there's some other endgame maps that have freeze enemies so granting immunity to freeze is useful for 200 SP it's pretty cheap especially with the well this is like a pretty this is a really good utility that you use it on certain maps and that's it but it's better than the silence because there's more freeze things and this affects more units so this is just a little bit more value uh what is this hit plus 30 hit plus 30 I would say is like mid B tier it's kind of expensive and if a unit needs it you're usually better off just going and Engraving routes to get accuracy increase so there's a lot of Engravings that improve hit rates and that's the cheapest way and it also doesn't use a passive slot but if you do use this I would say it's a B tier maybe C tier all right Unholy stance so this one is bad early on you can only get base rank reflect up to 10% damage but at on holy stance plus plus you flip 50% damage back to un I'm sorry to corrupted I would say this is like mid B tier it could be good the problem with it is if you're tanking a lot of damage you're reducing damage so if you're only getting hit for like 5 to 10 you're only flipping back half of that at the highest rank and I think the highest rank is like want to say 1K let's see holy stance plus plus yeah 1K SP nice I remember that so 1K SP to deal half damage back now if you're just taking one big hit on like a unit in general each turn that can help set up kills it's not the best tool but I could see like certain off tank builds that get hit by like two to three enemies for like moderate like 10 to 20 damage and then tank it that could be valuable cuz then you're flipping all that damage back and it's guaranteed damage it always flips it there's no chance for it to fail so it is kind of it's it's interesting the only unfortunate thing is the best builds either Blaze through the end game which is when you'd be using this or they like tank the end game through avoid tanking bondage Shield mitigation tanking and this doesn't really play into any of that but it could still be useful it's still decent and it's cheap so uh dagger Mastery I think that's what it's called it's like it's like the same thing as the toome or no knife Precision the knife Precision yeah knife Precision hit a void plus 15 using a knife and it's tied to Leaf so this say great availability this can be good on your thieves I would say it's like low be tier thieves usually have good hit rates and like like dagger units you could use this on Marin to try to make her a Dodge tank on Wolf Knight but then she needs damage fixing from something and she gets a void plus five from being near two femal so that's a void plus 20 maybe this is low a tier maybe there's maybe there's some wolf Knight builds that leverage this well that are AV void tank builds uh momentum and momentum plus so momentum plus is useless unless you have insane movements because momentum works up to 10 move so if you get 10 move you get plus 10 damage and momentum plus just extends it so any excess Beyond 10 move so really just you're looking at momentum momentum I would say [Music] is like B tier I'll put it near like break defense I feel like it's similar to break defense and that you get let me try zooming out there we go it's similar to break defense and that you get some bonus damage but it's kind of conditional it's easy to get the bonus damage but there's better sources of bonus damage so it kind of just wastes a slot it can be useful on thoron pokers to boost their damage Dage up a little bit or en or units like single hits uh it's a pretty cheap damage boost roughly speaking you're getting plus five damage whatever your move is and however tiles you move is how much damage you get and if an enemy is right next to you you can always move four you can wrap around them and it counts so like you move four tiles around them you go up one over two down one counts as four move plus four damage if you have one to two range you can easily wrap around enemies and move an extra tile after you get behind them that's five move so there's ways to get the damage to squeeze the damage out even if you know you don't want to move a lot you just want to like move in like a circle that's like a way to get it so it's not bad I think there's just better options though uh paup I I feel like it's kind of similar it can be good and some builds do benefit from it just you know nullifying chain attack damage I don't think it's really that useful though I feel like if you're getting killed by Chain attacks your enemy phase build just isn't killing and the chain attackers are living and that's really issue cuz all you have to do if your enemy phase build kills is just move the unit back at tile cuz then when they get attacked by a chain attacker you kill them and then when more things attack you the chain attackers are dying as they're attacking you that's what you want to be doing so I've never had this issue where I needed pair up ever in all the tanking builds I've run across multiple units with different emblems uh resonance plus this is okay uh so all right so here's what what it does it gives you plus damage it's true damage it's TOS only if your HP is two or more lose one HP at the start of combat this includes enemy phase deal plus two damage and then resonance plus is plus three damage and you still lose one HP now resonance plus is 3K SP magic plus is also 3K SP for magic plus three and that just doesn't lose you health so now reducing the health could be useful for someone like Catrine who can use items and then it AOE heals so that could be useful but by the time you would even like get this I mean you could unlock it on her early if you really wanted it so that is an option but I don't think it's really that good I think it's just okay staff Mastery so this increases hit rate with offensive staves and also increases heal I think this is like high B tier maybe like here it's definitely valuable it's it's cheap you can get it early on some like staff units like Fram or something so staff Mastery I think is the name you get up to you get up to hit plus 30 with offensive staves and then plus 15 health so what I would do is I would get staff Mastery three so you heal for an additional seven and then hit plus 20 so that way your offensive staffs if you're using them are pretty good and then you healing is also much better and this also affects fortify too so if you're looking to make a fortify build and you want to reset a lot of damage units getting staff Mastery five and using fortify would heal them for base 15 plus like what whatever 45 heals for so that's pretty good uh sword agility honestly I think this I think this could be considered metag game I think all the avoid stuff I think these could be considered metagame because they're so broken they trivialize the game not getting hit in a game where dying matters not getting hit is really good and these enable some of the dumbest most brainless builds that allow you to just send a unit in enemies refuse to attack them or if they do they have like 5 to 10 hit rate and just tank anything and just kill anything and their downside of like this has no downside except for availability same with this uh but you can get a void you can get sort of void plus 20 or general void plus 20 early game with dwelling and you can get this from Erica mid game it has great availability so you could run this on any Lance unit you can run this on like maybe one or two early units but avoid plus 30 and avoid plus 20 early and then eventually they cap out at plus 30 it's pretty crazy like avoid plus 20 on like Fram or AER and then making that a bondage Shield unit makes it unhitable pretty easily so that in in of itself breaks the game but these are really strong um all right so let's go to magic magic plus I think it's low a tier magic is one of the best sources of damage in the game uh Toms are really strong Len sword is really strong radiant bow is really strong all these things are really strong and boosting magic damage now it does cost I think magic plus 5 is 5 K SP but there isn't a tone power so if you just want plus five damage 5K XP on your M on your Mages on your TOS this is pretty much like the only way to get it now obviously is after chapter 20 when you get Celica back but it's still pretty good still pretty pretty easy to get reposition I'll put this in high eight here so if you're like an LTC or you're concerned with like efficient plays it's probably s tier but if you're just like a general player and you just want some utility it's cheap and it's great it just moves a unit over a unit so if you have a unit on your left side you want to flip them over to your right side you can do that it moves them two tiles effectively so you can basically accelerate a unit's position by two uh and have and then you can also Kanto afterwards so you want to do some repositioning games it can be quite good dual assist plus I think it's high a tier I don't think it's metagame I don't think it's the best thing in the game or one of the best things but it is really strong and if you on a bunch of these any attack can turn into a kill or just high damage but yeah it's and also like if you're doing like high like super aggressive play these still have to be within range it has to be within attack range like if it can move an attack to like the enemy unit so if you have your team split up and your dual assist isn't close enough like they're too far away for this to trigger it can be whatever and also you generally want to be at full health cuz I'm assuming you're going for the brave assist on hero that's usually who uses this so you have to manage health so it's not as good as it seems but it is still decent when used correctly resolve plus I think is metag game as well I think it's a little bit better than these so if you're playing like hyper aggressive maybe this isn't S tier but if you're just playing like 10 to 20 turns per map which I would say is like the average this is really good it allows your tanky units to become more tanky and it's relatively cheap so you get plus five defense and res at 75% HP or lower or plus seven defense and res at that threshold so if you have tanky units or units that are on tanky classes this enables them to tank even more reducing the damage even further as they start taking damage and with the right build it can make you take like one to five damage per hit and tank like 5 to 10 enemies at a time and it's really cracked uh strength plus I'll put below magic plus because magic is a little bit better uh but it does go up to six and I think it cost you 6K X XP SP though gentility plus I think is one of the best skills in the game so this gives you tanking and damage so the way it works is for 2K SP you get minus three damage taken and this includes enemy engage attacks like load star rush and stuff like this it reduces any damage Source no matter what it is except for like maybe fire damage when you're standing in fire uh but it reduces damage taken at for 2ks and then if the Erica unit you have on your team switches modes they deal plus three damage at all times so for 2kp you have an optional mode of minus three damage and plus or plus three damage you can flip like a switch permanently like when you switch from Erica to efim mode you always have bravery and if that Erica unit is engaged or constantly engages like if they're using like a brave weapon and they can reset and just keep engaging like they're let's say they have like one to two turns of downtime so they're usually engaged four out of six turns you're always minus three damage taken Plus plus three damage de and it gets even better when you get gentility Plus for 3K SP which is also quite cheap you get plus five damage minus five damage so when you have your Erica unit engaged like four like at least three well let's say four to like four out of six to four out of seven turns even if it was half the time you're you're looking at like plus five damage minus 5 damage half the time or minus 5 damage plus 5 damage 100% of the time like you're always going to be one you're always either going to be on ER or eim mode so depending on if you need more tanking or if you need more damage you can always have the damage you can always have the tanking but the advantage here is when that unit engages you get both and if that unit is engaged if you use if you dance the Erica unit and has a brave sword you can keep it engaged like four to five out of six turns it's really stupid like you can easily do that because what you do is you have an attack get a kill uh you have it you dance it you have it attack get a kill if it's Brave sorting or like Brave attacking you get one bar built like you get one meter per hit so a single Brave attack gives you four out of like the six bars and then if you dance you just hit twice also if you get hit you get a bar so if you hit twice then get hit hit twice kill that's five of your meter recharge for Erica then you dance that unit then they just need to hit anything or use a St or whatever build up that last meter and then engage next turn so you can have like five out of six or I'm sorry four out of five I should say cuz you can only be engaged four turns so you're engage four turns and then your downtime is one turn so you can keep this up like with basic play and every gentility unit benefits it's also really it's good on tanks it's good on Mages it's good on Wolf Knights it's good on literally every build in the game it gives you damage and tanking it's really good uh bravery it's the same thing I'll just put it next to it well actually no let keep it clean all right caner definitely one of the best skills in the game uh repositioning after taking action is really good very often just by virtue of moving like one or two tiles you either avoid getting counterattacked or you drastically reduce the amount of enemies that can Counterattack so units that can't tank can get in hit get out safely get in hit get out and then just tank one enemy and most units can tank one enemy also with Flyers it'll allows you to get out of bounds like for flyer only tiles so hit something go to flyer only tiles laugh at the enemies who can't hit you hold out plus plus plus plus plus hold out as a passive not on Roy I would say is like high a tier I don't recommend getting it honestly I know some people like it if you're doing an Iron Man I could see it being really good but for like General play it is strong but it's not something maybe it's a little bit worse than dual assist it's not something I recommend getting all right Lance power Lance power let me do all the powers just to get this we'll address this all right so which is best all right I think this is the order I think sword power is the best because of leeven Sword I think Lance power is the second best because lances tend to have good accuracy weight and might so they tend to be really good on units that don't have really high con or build and axes of these are the worst because very few axe units are also fast and most of the good axes outside of like the well Axe and the hero axe um are light enough for these fast units to double with consistently without seeing a speed penalty the only units who can really double with axes without speed penalty are like bueron diamont maybe pandre his build is high enough maybe I haven't tried him on a physical class not sure how it would go but those other two for sure uh but this is like the order so all right so why are these SS here plus 10 damage per hit if you hit twice it's plus 20 damage if you hit four times the brave Weapon It's plus 40 damage it's it's completely insane these are like some of the best killing tools in the game I put them below cancer because caner is good on pretty much everything whereas these are only good on combat units same thing with gentility cuz gentility also increases tanking while like it it it helps scale the damage of things like you know ivy on toome pandre on TOS an on TOS on like Mage Knights uh lindorm and so on also gives Ivy more tanking which allows her to be more bulky which she already has high Health High defense and high res so this just really enables one of the best units in the game as well as you know like pandre and Anna also other things anything using Len sword could could run this now obviously sword power would be better this does have better availability though sword power you have to get Roy back so that's like one of the big issues right so depending on what how much damage you need this could be better but this I think you get more value it's also cheaper 3K SP for plus five damage uh it would be 3K SP for plus six damage but you also lose 10 AV void so this is also better for dodging I think uh lunar brace I think lunar brace is just a tier player phase only physical damage booster damage can enable one rounding on certain builds and certain units but all of like these are enemy phase this is enemy phase so it's it's more flexible so that's what boosts it up in my opinion speed plus five I think this is like one of the best things in the game speed plus five is just really good you get plus 10 of void which is already good and you get more speed you know more speed means better doubling more doubling uh in some cases you can double really fast enemies or at the very least avoid being doubled by everything and then double medium speed and slow enemies and it's quite strong it's very good speed taker actually I'm sorry I skip quality time quality time I think quality time is s tier it's it's good on utilities so use it on let's say you have like a thoron unit right you have let's say a citrine and like I don't know some other staff bot like let's say you have citrine and saline and you want them to be thoron units that have crit Engravings crit SL hit Engraving on their thoron so like a bth and like a Lyn on one and the other and you give them one draconic hex you give one caner um and then you can give them quality time so quality time is just free chip healing it heals for five to all adjacent it's really good on caner units so if you have like caner quality time uh you can attack something like with a thoron unit or a longbow unit debuff it so you could run like sigard sigur draconic hex quality time on a thoron poker debuff an enemy caner and then heal for five and then if you get quality time plus you heal for 10 so this healing for 10 resets chain guards so if you're using chain guarders it resets them but if you have like two to three units constantly healing adjacent allies for 5 to 10 Health a turn that adds up especially when you add in Curious dance which is 10% within 1 to two range per turn from your dancer and especially good on the dancer because you dance something caner out quality time and then you curious dance so he he can heal like 10 Health to up to four adjacent and then 10% uh up to whatever the you know 1 to two range would be I think it's like 9 or 12 or something but he can heal a lot of things and you can use this on your utilities and your staff Bots it's just a constant source of healing and if you have like three of these things you can heal units to full health without ever actually using the heal command and that saves you turns that's just efficient that's just really good that's very useful passive it's also cheap uh speed taker I think it's safe to say speed taker's s tier I haven't been using it lately but there is a huge advantage over speed taker versus speed plus 5 and that Advantage is S cost or I'm sorry the SP cost is the same the advantage is the bond fragment cost getting speed plus 5 all right there's there's first of all there's two things one you need to do Lin paralog which is a hard paralog especially if you're new to the the game if you're not it's not that bad but you have to complete lens paralog and you have to get your bond level up to like 19 or 18 to get speed plus 5 the SP cost is the same the cap the potential is better on speed taker but you shouldn't run too many of them I would say at most you should run two to three and one of those should be your Lin unit so really should run like two plus a Lin uh and it should be your main combat units cuz you get up to speed plus 10 which is aoid plus 20 and speed plus 10 is better than speed plus 5 but the startup cost of setting up kill is why I think speed plus 5 is overall better but this is still really good and honestly I should probably start using it more it's really good because you do eventually run into a bond fragments unless you do a ton of fishing which I find so mind-numbingly boring I can't do it cuz every time I fish I get like 50 Bond fragment uh fish so like in order so all right so here's the difference in bond fragments 500 Bond fragments several thousand Bond fragments like 6 to 7,000 Bond fragments to get speed plus 5 versus speed taker so running speed taker saves you Bond fragments so that you can you know invest in other things because you know these high Lance powers and this stuff like this this cost high levels of bond fragments to unlock if the unit isn't using the emblem so something to keep in mind now you can pass lound to get to speed plus 5 for cheap to get those Bond levels up for cheap but then you're constantly switching builds need to remember you're switching Lin around and that can mess you up up so I kind of don't recommend that uh this is just part of lunar brace uh let's see dual assist dual assist is better than the other avoid things because it scale is better it's kind of cheap I think it's like Bond level 14 so it's fragment cost is a little bit lower actually than these because you don't have to max out the bond um so it's like Bond level 13 14 and what it does is every a rank support the unit has gives a void plus 20 so if you're sitting next to four a rank supports your avoid plus 80 also known as not going to get hit ever especially if you're fast so I used this in my flyer only run and it was completely broken I was able to dodge tank pretty much anything the game threw at me and the best they had was like 10 to 20 hit rate with like 160 to 180 hit enemies so it's pretty cracked it's pretty cheap too I think it's only 2K so it's basically the best avoid tanking option in the game and it's probably even better than like running thieves cuz the problem with thieves is it's like thieves aren't the best combat class like wolf Knight is better than them but the damage on both is quite low even when factoring in the extra damage from Forge daggers so like it's it basically enables anything to become an avoid tank as long as it's near the right allies and you start adding in things like quality time and it it just starts getting really silly like the game starts playing itself U all right and then all right that's aity this is Vantage advantage Vantage I think is strong I don't think it's as good as avoid tanking or mitigation tanking but it is still really good the problem with Vantage all right so here's the Vantage build wrath hold out Vantage crit build typically Panet sometimes seir sometimes rafall those are like the main targets of this build maybe there's some ketu build out there it runs it as well generally if you're not on Leaf it's a one range enemy phase build and and there are situations where you can one range enemy phase however if you start getting hit by two and three range when using this build you're going to die because you won't the the way the build survives is that you stay at low HP you get crit from wrath you have hold out as a ja like a get out of jail free card just in case they do hit you so you can at least survive one hit and you can also use hold out to get to low health so you can die on purpose get to like one HP and then just like heal up to like roughly a little bit below half so that way you have your plus 30 crit from wrath or whatever you need and then for Vantage you need to be at certain Health thresholds to attack before the enemy does so when they attack you you hit them first you hit them with a crit they die that's the idea however if you are using Roy or Ike as your main emblems when doing this uh Roy gives you hold out for free he also gives you increased stats Ike gives you half damage so Ike you have more survivability if you do get hit at two and three range and then Roy you have the hold out for free so if you do get hit you can at least survive one combat and get put at one HP and then the second range attack will kill you this is less reliable than most enemy phase builds that use power gentility uh void tanking whatever because those have you know really high void so you never get hits or really high stats so even if you do get hit you take like no damage it can also one to two range now the one to two range version of this you run a killer Axe and a Killer Bow and it's generally a pet build and you run leaf and you keep the bond level low so that she adapt abilities in between those and then she can one to two range but she still needs to be at low thresholds and she she can still get poked by thoron and killed or long bows depending on what she has now you could also put a crit Longbow on her but it would be like 60 to 70 crit roughly because longbow has no inate crit so you'd crit you would crit engrave it you'd get plus 30 from uh wrath plus 10 from her passive and she would be like 50 to 70 crit maybe even 40 at sometimes but that would be like the best enemy phase build it's also kind of conditional and would require you to manage her health and positioning well I still think chain attack I don't know if chain attacks kill you I think you do hit before those so but it's it's definitely not as strong as just sending a unit in and the build just takes care of everything for you there's more maintenance to it so I I can't put it an S tier as a result like if it was super brainless and it was easy to use and the result was as good like the result can be as good as these but it's harder to use so that just makes it worse in my opinion draconic hex uh easy s tier let's put it like here this sets up boss kills this sets up kills in general uh if you have draconic hex and you're using something like Cur and you override it hexes every single thing you hit any multi-hit including like Ike AOE any AOE attack with draconic hex applies draconic hex to every enemy that's struck by it which is pretty sick also you can do something that's really cool with Lynn where you can Astra draconic hex so I actually did this and I think my second maddening run I had a unit on Lynn with draconic hex use astrostorm on Lumera in chapter 25 or 25 or whatever and it debuffed her so it works with all engage abilities I think it work works with like warp Ragnarok so you can debuff at range you can AOE debuff uh generally speaking as soon as you debuff something it takes four more damage from Magic and physical it has it loses four speed and it loses like hit rate and it loses damage so you tank it better it tanks you worse you double it better it doubles you worse it's really good it's definitely one of the best passives you should run at least one unit plus a Corin that has this and their whole job should just be debuffing things uh for the most part like there's different ways to play you don't need it you don't need any of these but it's really nice to have and it always helps you kill bosses all right wrath I would say wrath is a passive for me personally I think it's high a tier all right these are just like the opposite modes of gentility and lunar brace I think it's a tier here like the builds that use it typically just player phase one round which is very achievable by a lot of different builds if like to me player phase one rounding is like A/B tier that's like that's like the the Baseline of what a build should do if it's a killing build now if it does other things like tanks Dives uh debuffs adds utility like some of these things I think it's better but I feel like it's more I think I think it's easier to get kills with these than it is to get kills with this for the most part like leev sword sword power is like one of the strongest things in the game and it's just so effortlessly good on Griffin Knight on Mage Knight that I think it just outperforms wrath builds because it does everything the Wrath build does in that it one rounds on player phase and enemy phase but just enemy phase is better and it's just more reliable and you don't have to hit fix or I'm sorry HP fix the unit you don't have to constantly worry about uh if curious dance is hitting your wrath unit if quality time is hitting your wrath unit uh if you're going to use a fortify for a turn to like build up an engage meter if that's going to hit your wrath unit I just don't like playing around this condition now if you really like playing around wrath that's fine there are builds that are good I think the leaf build is probably the best use case because it can enemy phase and player phase if you're just going for like super fast play I don't even think it's good because like how do you hit fix like if you're one- turning if you're going for one turns for like endgame stuff I don't even think gets used in there so like I would rather have just like raw damage and speed if I was just going for one rounding like killing on the first turn or something this is where I think WRA is it is really good there are builds that leverage it I think there's fewer builds that leverage this than there are that leverage this cuz these are so Universal these are so generic too like any axe any Lance any sword doesn't matter what it is benefits from these and it's plus 10 damage a hit so if you're doubling you're dealing plus 20 damage now obviously crit is three times damage um but the might on most crit weapons is low except for like the well axe which does have really high might so that's like an exception to the rule but the killer ax is might is whatever it's decent it's not the best typically only high strength units can really one shot anyways uh but this I I find these way more reliable than this for sure and I would rather even have gentility because if you're doubling it's plus 10 damage versus this uh you know the crit's nice I don't like crit builds as much but I I haven't found them to be as effective either like when they work they're decent but they just seem more player phase oriented and the only enemy phase one is like this really specific like Leaf Panet build or Leaf Rafal build you're on DLC but that's it for this one uh here is my updated lists I think these are the best or like General combat this is utility this is good because it's weapon agnostic plus 5 damage minus 5 damage taken these are good because I think speed is one of the best stats in the game uh doubling avoiding getting hit at the same time just really stupid plus 20 avoid and 10 speed is really broken this lets you double like wolf Knights and Griffin Knights and things you have no business doubling which is very fun to use so if you run this on like CH Griffin or something on L sword with sword power you can get her like early sword power like at least one to two you can get a early sword power two sometimes three if your tier four Wells pop off early you might have to drop the DLC silver weapons in though uh there is a way to get you'll have to buy weapons there is a way to get tier four Wells from buying weapons on base game so there is that uh tier four brodia usually is achievable you get a brave sword that can help you uh get your tier four Wells so you donate to bodia level four that can help uh but yeah I think this is the list a lot of these utilities are bad I do like this distribution this is more even there's more things in the middle there's a lot of s tiers I think maybe sword maybe sword of void's a little bit worse maybe it's like here I think that's fair resolve plus I do think is really good I think this is a thing people sleep on I think the rest of this is is quite good so yeah that's it for this one definitely let me know if you agree disagree with these and why and I will see you in the next one peace
Channel: Iced Coffee Gaming
Views: 5,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire, emblem, engage, fire emblem, fire emblem engage, maddening, fire emblem engage maddening, fe engage, fe, fe engage maddening, lets play, playthrough, live commentary, chapter, fragment, bond, fe engage skill, skill, skills, inherit, emblem ring, fe engage emblem ring, emblem ring skills, fe engage inherit, fire emblem engage inherit, inheritable skills, inheritable skill, fire emblem engage passive, fire emblem engage emblem skill, fe engage emblem skills
Id: 9gs-TGMob50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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