Are these Emblems BROKEN? COMPLETE Analysis & Review of Hector, Camilla & Soren. Fire Emblem Engage

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last evening intelligent systems just decided to surprise us with a colossal update for Fire Emblem engage Wave 2 of the DLC literally dropped yesterday night during the Nintendo Direct this Wave 2 DLC includes an unadvertised DLC class called the enchanter new items called the novice Adept and expert book and the big topic of this video emblem bracelet Hector Soren and Camilla today I will provide a quick yet comprehensive breakdown of the three new emblems from their weapons emblem skills and heritables type bonuses optimal skill combinations and ideal wielders of these emblems and whatever else Under the Sun this is meant to be a relevant guide that will help you understand exactly what these emblems actually do and whether they're actually good for you but before we do that a message from today's sponsor honkai star rail is an up-and-coming free-to-play multi-platform space fantasy in the honkai series and has plenty of content to provide players in the form of a turn-based combat system large worlds and maps for hours of Exploration and challenging puzzle solving punkai star rail published by hoyovers the makers of gentian impact is the fourth game in the series dating back a decade ago in 2011. this game delivers a beautifully vibrant art style Stellar sound design music and voiceover of which there are four languages covered and great characterization paired up with its established anime sci-fi themes and excitedly changes the formula from an action-based RPG that you may be familiar with from Genji impact into a turn-based one which is more of my cup of tea the giant train is called the astral Express you the protagonist are implanted with a stellaron an unknown matter known for corrupting worlds now recognized as a symbol for Destruction climb aboard the space traveling vessel alongside a group of passengers who have claimed they've inherited the will of the trailblaze pursuing the trails of the enigmatic Aeons beings within the universe who preside over the Galaxy in other words hop aboard anime space Express because you and your friends want to explore the universe in an earth its Secrets therein honkai star rail is currently in its closed beta period check the pinned comment and Link in my description to glean more about it and thank you hoyovers for sponsoring this video [Music] I was not expecting this update to come the day of so if there are any inaccuracies with this guide and breakdown you'll need to forgive me I have not stopped working on this video since the moment the DLC was dropped and if you end up learning something from this video please leave a like and comment down below your thoughts on the three emblems or some cool applications for them you found I seriously busted my butt to get this out in a timely manner it would go a long way and a like on this video would help boost this video in searches so other people can find it in their recommended tab now without further Ado Sauron foreign is an emblem that specializes in debuffs and kind of absurd tanking capabilities as many of his skills have to do with the pressing and restricting enemies and debuffing and he literally brings back Nosferatu tanking but with the added Twist of 100 HP restoration instead of the 50 restoration of damage dealt his equipped skill boosts are magic dexterity and res for emblem weapons he provides bolting a 3 to 10 range Thunder Tome which does not follow up but can strike from a very far distance reflect is a staff that lets allies within two spaces gain deals 50 of magic damage taken back to Foe for one turn andrex caliber which is a powerful wind magic with some nice added critical four engravements soaring boosts might buy two at the cost of -10 avoid and -20 Dodge for inheritables he gives assigned decoy used to make one chosen Ally more likely to be targeted by enemies for one turn effect is removed after Ally is targeted by or otherwise damaged by foe three times anima focus when using tomes unit inflicts defense -3 with fire hit -20 with thunder or move -2 with wind magic for one turn Keen Insight when unit deals effective damage deals plus 5 damage or plus 10 damage for the plus variant block recovery when attacking a foe with atome grants a chance the foe will remain broken chance increases with high speed magic slash res one through five and Magic Guard 1-5 which if foe is equipped with a Tome unit takes one to five less damage during combat four engage skills and attacks flare when attacking with tomes inflix res -20 on foe and unit recovers 50 of damage dealt with the following type bonuses and cataclysm used to attack foes in an area with fire Thunder and wind magic at 40 damage wind is effective against flying and cataclysm plus is when triggered next to Ike increases the area of effect to hit and diagonals as well with the following type bonuses the inheritables to look out for are assigned decoy and anima Focus 1500 SP for a skill that does actually break AI even on maddening for three combats could be very very helpful you see in maddening enemies will not attack a unit if they can't damage or hit it but a sign decoy actually makes them do it this would otherwise be completely broken were not for the targeting limitation of three still this pseudo acts as a Terrain impediment since at least three enemies will not progress further than the target they are after Keen Insight I can see being nice to add 5 damage or 10 if you double against foes that you deal effective damage to as all too often I've been annoyed at just not being strong enough though 1500 SP for bass Keen Insight I think your SP may be better off being saved or just refining a weapon or making sure that you are properly buffed before the fight starts anima focus is really sick though it's relatively cheap for 800 SP and its debuffs can be pretty handy a -3 defense buff can go a long way against bosses and this plus wind magic and Cantor can make for pretty good hit and runs and also Stacks with draconic hex meaning the defense debuff can go down to -7 he doesn't offer much to the wing Tamers or Mage Knights since they are not qualified as mystical units Chia depths like Jean can run Rex caliber and quite literally nosferaku tank while engaged as a history lesson NOS tanging refers to taking on a ton of enemies with Nosferatu equipped constantly retaliating and dealing damage and healing half of it back it's full on 100 of damage dealt getting restored back as HP as you can see I made use of these skill point books and gave Jon both pair up and hold out and yes he is quite literally soloing this map pair up and hold out our 4K SP in total which is virtually unattainable without these books but you can at least get pair up I can't help but wonder how viable this could be on maddening at least with one of these two skills Jon is only running this at 40 HP so his window for being in hold out range is quite low but the idea is there especially if you can pump up his HP that said the flyer Effectiveness does make Rex tanking hordes of Flyers very consistent time will tell I suppose but this being an option for Chi adepts is unique and potentially very broken with the proper setup you can do a lot of damage in four turns with a very high hit rate Rex caliber while being engaged sore and Supremacy I guess [Music] Dragon bonuses really only apply for one unit in the roster not named a leer but this still requires a forged tone for crit and crits aren't very common with magic tomes you can engrave a Tome for up to 35 to 40 depending on the base crit of that Tome and with flair doubling the rate that's up to 80 before anything like luck skill and so on I'd try something like Excalibur with it since 5 crit for one to two range is a decent trade-off and for Mystics whether it's -10 to foes res or plus 10 damage it's just more damage for Mystics in the end as for engage weapons bolting is good regardless of who it's on it can pair with Ivy to fly over terrain and zap truly distant enemies or on mystical class units who might lag behind a bit to give them a way to still contribute even though bolting has a poor hit rate bailiff's Divine pulse plus if you can acquire it can really help in this case in spite of bolting not being able to follow up Divine pulse plus can still turn a Miss into a hit anyway so if you want to try comboing that together I'd say go for it Divine pulse plus isn't available until Level 18 bond for bilot though still it's an option to make bolting much more reliable reflect is a neat ability because it can provide retaliation damage on enemies one may otherwise not hit not only if the reflected unit is using a one range weapon but also if the magic enemy is using one to three range Thunder magic cataclysm naturally combines perfectly with anima Focus since it will stack all three effects the hit movement and defense debuff in an AOE the range is also really convenient as it's long enough to keep the unit away from the front lines while still dealing noticeable damage and potentially clutch debuffs and with Ike support it increases the AOE even greater making this a fantastic crowd control option that deals good damage and debuffs a ton Mike Soren are we done here here are some skill combinations we thought of divine pulse plus plus bolting momentum plus bolting draconic hex plus cataclysm for AOE and defense debuff stacking and bolting for long range debuffs draconic hex and anima Focus Canter and bolting slash cataclysm reflect and just general res tanking using a signed Decoy for the storm's eye user especially with Lin next to him or assign decoy plus being a fog with coverts and decisive strike plus which is from Camilla which we'll talk about in a second and flare and finally of course pair up and or hold out for Qi adepts for Rex tanking [Music] thank you [Music] Hector is an emblem that provides a lot of defensive and offensive stats and abilities to the table providing ample raw stats and defense and strength and skills that emphasize enemy phase tanking with lots of damage reduction and follow-ups on enemy phase his equipped stat Buffs are build strength and defense and provides wolf Beale and acts effective against armors and Cavs a rune sword a one to two range magic weapon which restores HP equal to 50 of damage dealt and are mods a dragon effective lightning ax which grants plus five defense for weapon engraves Hector provides plus 3 might at the cost of plus 3 weight and -30 avoid in Dodge for inheritable skills quicker post if units HP is 80 or 60 for QR plus and faux initiates combat unit will always follow up if weapon allows adaptability when hit by a foes attack grants defense plus two for a physical attack or res plus 2 for a magical attack after combat lasts until end of battle or until activated again heavy attack if weapon weight is greater than build as excess as damage up to 5 axgard which reduces the damage received from a foe with axes equipped during combat by one to five and strength slash defense plus three plus four and plus five for his engage skills and attacks he has piercing glare an uninheritable skill which at the cost of 20 hp is a command skill that prevents foes from entering the four spaces diagonally adjacent to unit for one turn impenetrable if foe initiates combat grants defense slash res plus 30 during combat and provides the following type bonuses Storm's eye grants immunity to break foe cannot follow up unit follows up lasts one turn and storms I plus triggers when Lin is next to him and gives advantage on the first hit and this is sword and ax only with the following type bonuses with quick repost always being on an enemy phase this allows even the slowest units like armors to guarantee follow-up now so long as they meet the HP threshold keep in mind smash weapons still prevent follow-ups heavy attack does as advertised basically giving free damage when there's a negative difference in build and weapon weight piercing glare is a neat command skill that basically acts as obstructs in the directions you see here it basically acts as a mini Corridor that not only blocks enemy movement but can filter only one unit to the user at a time if used carefully interestingly this can't be danced out of so you can't try setting up two glares or anything like that impenetrable has pretty crazy applications in combination with certain class types and weapons for Dragons the Dodge boost is pretty insane and now you can safely wield a killer ax or killing edge with Erica's or Camilla's engrave as any anything that gives negative Dodge is erased completely when this is on armors and flyers also win for their greater damage reduction for defense and resistance respectively for Storm's eye backups gain an extra 20 crit when it's used which when combined with killer weapons and a critical engravement cranks up rates to around the high 70s I'm sure those who've recruited all the characters know who would love to meme crits with this but I won't say anything it would make for a nice experiment though dragons preventing one critical hit is alright but pretty situational since you're basically crit proofing one round of combat Storm's eye plus grants Vantage if Lynn is adjacent to Hector which is pretty cool in combination with crit stacking as you can run absurdly High critical hit rates and strike first although I would suggest incorporating assigned decoy which I'll talk about later from Soren as Lin must be next to Hector and that alone would put the line user in potential danger a signed decoy will at least pull three enemies into Hector instead which could be all you need let's go Lynn Hector gutsy aren't you [Music] overall armors and flyers who struggle to level speed should get a ton of mileage off this with quicker post on all the time it makes tanking stronger dragons can run negative Dodge weapons safely when engaged evidently this actually makes the hector engravement not even that bad as you get a net plus 20 Dodge if using a Hector engravement and dragon typing when engaged and backups can have an easier time enemy phasing into a critical hit as they'll follow up on their attacks prevent from getting doubled and cannot be weapon broken at all which is honestly one of the more underrated and honestly pretty crazy parts of Hector tanking this is an extremely powerful enemy phase option and opens up retaliation and taking capabilities that certain unitypes just couldn't use before Leaf is crying in the background as there is a new enemy phase emblem in town he is competing with Ike as functionally their engage attacks act quite similarly but Hector provides plenty of unique defensive options that Ike doesn't at the moment I'm not sure if one is better than the other as they feel like more like side grades to each other Hector relies more on maintaining a threshold being over a certain amount of HP while Ike has skills that trigger at thresholds being under certain HP here are some skill combinations that we thought of that were pretty cool arms Shield plus Storm's eye geosphere plus Storm's eye assigned decoy plus Storm's eye plus life sphere and just waiting for enemy phase tanking gentility for the extra damage reduction and impenetrable and pair up plus storms I slash just for General enemy phase tanking [Music] thank you Camilla Camilla is an emblem that specializes in terrain changing just like her baby's sister Corin interestingly despite many similar vein effects they have different aoes and Camilla comes with different effects for coverts and chia depths coverts create smoke that reduces defense and devoid and chia depths create ice floors that boost movement she's also focused on movement Buffs as Sor has pretty incredible movement Buffs especially for mounted units hybrid units will work great with her when equipped Camilla provides HP res and speed she provides the following weapons when engaged bolt acts a 14 might 65 hit and one two range magic ax lightning a three-mite 75 hit Tome that comes with a brave effect and Camilla's ax a 19 might 80 hit ax which grants res plus 10 and Deals extra damage of the foes res minus defense for her engraved she provides plus one might and 30 crit at the cost of plus one weight and -20 avoid and minus 20 Dodge for her inheritable skills she provides speed slash res 1-5 lansguard one to five if foe is equipped with a lance you unit takes one to five less damage during combat decisive strike if unit initiates combat and lands a critical DLS 5 or 10 for the plus version damage to foe after combat ground swell after unit Acts or weights inflames miasma or a similar terrain effect unit clears the effect and recovers 10 HP and detoxify cures poison at the start of turn for her engage skills and attacks dragonvane used to add a special effect on certain spaces soar grants move plus 2 unit can cross terrain as if flying with the following type bonuses and dark Inferno used to deal damage to foes on certain spaces near unit and set those spaces on fire with dark Inferno plus when next to emblem corn grayly increases the range with the following type bonuses Camilla is a pretty cool hybrid of terrain manipulation offense and Mobility like I mentioned before her Dragon veins have different AOE than corn and she comes with two new ones in Frost and smoke Frost is fantastic for mobility and smoke is going to be a viable option to debuff a lot of her AOE covers around her but it's fine for her since Groundswell and detoxify will take care of any negative status effects for her her engrave is really strong too as it provides Mite and crit boosts at the cost of hidden Dodge though so you'll need to combo a Camilla engraved with certain emblems and unit types like Dragon Hector to negate the Dodge penalty or just attack into everything for a very very high crit rate decisive strike is an incredibly strong skill that is very cost effective to boot it essentially adds 5 or 10 true damage that kills after combat if the user landed a critical hit and it's inheritable this is functionally a power boost as if your crits do not kill the after effect might as you can see in my demonstration for sore and dark Inferno the winners here are mounted mixed offense units but more specifically mounted mixed offense units who can wield axes dragons may enjoy the Savage blue effect but the problem is they don't inherently wield axes and will be forced to use either the bolt ax or Camilla's ax neither of which actually scale that well for their low default might they still make good on the boosted AOE for dark Inferno but there are other classes that can thrive in my opinion better mystical and Qi adep units are in the same boat but they're locked to Camilla's axis for damage and literally nothing else an ax wielding Mage Knight not only gets access to incredible movement Buffs in fact Cavaliers literally become 10 movement Flyers but they also get to use Camilla's ax which not only boosts res by 10 which is massive but deals extra damage based on the difference of foes res minus defense which in some cases can actually be significantly high amounts of damage tacked on other ax units can use this but mounted units still even have more benefits than this because dark Inferno can be used with smash axes like steel grade axes for extremely powerful widespread AOE damage finally with this size of strike and a plus 5 killer weapon and a crit engraved like corin's lens erikas or Camilla herself the user will deal extra true damage at the end of combat if the crit didn't kill which further adds to the chance of just a kill all the same for High magic physical units these characters in my opinion benefit the most and class wise Mage knights with axes since they do everything I just listed and Chaos style will absolutely Thrive with Camilla hurry up and dance [Music] foreign here are some skill combinations we thought of ignis from vidam and vain of flame and Camilla's offense in general Mage Knight and steal great ax for damage scaling on dark Inferno momentum plus soar Cantor plus sore lunar brace and Camillus ax if you're willing to spend 3000 SP draconic hex and dark Inferno for massive AOE Divine pulse plus and lightning to make up for Lightning's low hit rate and decisive strike plus and critical weapons and that's my initial guide for emblem Hector Camilla and Soren overall they're all extremely good but Soren just feels like he has the most potential broken setups and just kit in general as he's basically extremely great at everything he does from AI manipulation to incredible debuff stacking and long range damage and enemy phase tanking I'm very curious to see what you all think in the comments though I worked extremely hard to get this out in a timely manner and haven't really rested since that DLC came out all the while doing experimentation on my own so I would sincerely appreciate it if you interacted with this video and left a like as usual if you have any creative and fun skill ideas or setups let me know down below thanks as always for watching and I'll see you in the next one deuces [Music]
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 56,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem Engage, FE17, Fire Emblem, FE Engage, Engage, Alear, Veyle, Alfred, Timerra, Diamant, Ivy, Emblems
Id: vlgOXoP-S0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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