Hilariously Dumb Supports in Fire Emblem Engage

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hello everyone it's been quite a while since I've talked exclusively about support conversation moments in Fire Emblem but with engages cast and me having recently completed watching every single support in the game the character slash support slash lore era of video content is going to be christened with this video here a ways back I published a video of a similar topic like a year ago I guess maybe more at this point hilariously stupid recruitments silly moments and supports and general light-hearted character content in the series Fire Emblem dialogue has always been so fun to read up because the series is loaded with really serious and dark moments hidden behind lore and character dialogue but the very same character may have a side-splitting hilarious and or dumb interaction with another cast member Fire Emblem engage also falls into that camp granted it's no surprise that this game leans more into the good and enjoyable supports with light-hearted and Goofy moments more than it does serious and Arc but there are nonetheless some very funny moments with these characters that have the unique distinction of being so silly and light-hearted that it actually made me burst out laughing on the same level of quality as its predecessors this video focuses on the supports that in my opinion are genuinely hilarious and spurred a reaction more than just a simple chuckle or smirk Fire Emblem as a Series has never shied away from absurd situations purely for the sake of having fun so today's video answers the simple question how dumb do these characters get in a good way let's see before this video starts though I have a special announcement to make for the channel for the first time I've opened up Channel memberships on this channel before now channel memberships were on the streaming Channel and were personally a good way for me to experiment with streaming on YouTube but I've decided to bring it to the main Channel instead Channel memberships currently give you the following perks a member badge next to your name custom emotes member only status updates behind the scenes videos and exclusive q and A's this is a great way to support my channel directly please consider becoming a member thanks now on to the video Marin and Rosado the first support on this list to have given a rise out of me is Marin and rosado's support chain to those uninitiated Rosado retainer to Hortensia is the Bastion of cute he strives to be his best cutest self searches for the cutest things and helps his allies find the cuteness laying dormant within them Marin meanwhile is a devout follower of the rule of cool uttering cool battle lines is an Enthusiast of cool objects and loves cool creatures especially dragons because you guessed it they are cool in a duel of the two extremes these two unlikely allies are at a Crossroads went face to face ah Rosado this was always Meant To Be Our Fate I know this had to happen the last thing I want to do is fight a friend but our destiny is inescapable agreed we have no choice but to battle it out here and now fair and square let's do this cool versus cute the superior style wins these Rivals have a simple battle whoever's object is more captivating to the other they're the winner you're on I'm gonna bring something so cute your heart will explode do your worst whatever incredibly cool object I bring it's going to blow your mind my favorite part is Marin's delivery of the blow your mind line it just feels like Baron's voice actor was having a really fun time with the dialogue the just took me by surprise and made me burst out laughing I'm sure we've all seen some form of media do that Pew thing with this very similar context but to see it in Fire Emblem in a very light-hearted and Goofy support was great the whole support itself is just very silly the B support is the contest itself and I can respect the fierce passion these two share for their respective field of expertise and once again both characters voice actors just sound like they're having an amazing time oh no no no take a closer look this is a drawing to scale of none other than the northern illusion miniature woolly hair what no the northern illusion miniature woolly hair is so tiny and so fluffy and so double [Music] looks like I win the day so fast you haven't seen what I brought it's an ornamental hairpin and there in late among the filigree is a detailed wyvern design oh no oh no oh it's the coolest thing I've ever seen I know what a big wyvern fan you are your heart didn't stand a chance the ace support opens intensely as the pair are panting clearly exhausted from the numerous battles against one another but it ends on a positive note they agree that there's no clear winner and encourage one another to be their best selves and best foes the fun behind watching these supports especially the voiced ones in recent games is being able to tell the support writers and voice Talent are having a good time not taking their characters seriously and a support like this makes a great example of both but what else do we have Jade and Rosado while we aren't actually done with Rosado just yet engages cast has quite a bit of characters that follow a similar logic to their characterization they follow the looks can be deceiving type of rule zelkov looks creepy and intimidating but many of his supports are about his partner being creeped out only to discover that zelkov is a quirky guy who likes knickknacks and likes to help others especially kids in his own unique way Boucheron is the most jacked massive dude in the Army but he's naturally built that way doesn't do any extra training and in fact is an oversensitive person who cries a lot yunaka is a happy-go-lucky Thief who is actually a former brodian assassin who went by the name larimar panette tries her hardest to reform as a polite well-mannered retainer but is actually a former rabble Rouser who tries to bury who she really is you get the idea you look one way you are actually the opposite mileage varies on how well these are executed one of my favorites of this type is Jade Jade Presents as this Stone Cold extremely serious person who is all business defending her Lord Diamond at all costs but is actually a famously known comedy writer in brodia and her supports tend to involve her books in some way whether her work is being praised by her partner or she's trying to find inspiration with the help of her partner rosado's support as the latter the sea support is about Jade Consulting Rosado for help she's trying to find out how Rosado is able to have Boundless Energy in spite of staying up all night and it turns out his energy comes from as you guessed it cuteness it's actually more accurate to say it's because he's from the village of the fair folk an actual magical place that is the source of his strange power Jade then asks him to help her be cute and so that is what they try in the B support Rosado tells her to just be herself and do what comes naturally and so she drops the catchphrase strike a pose say a phrase no wrong answers be you very well uh Shucks Doodles perfect yes you're beautiful really that did it really now introduce yourself to me tell me who you are shots of Doodles I'm Jimmy Jammy Jade Jade I promise I don't say this to everyone you're unnatural over the top a door it does nothing for sustaining her energy but it does inspire her on the writing front and in the a support Jay does in fact in her stalwart manner drop more cute jadisms for fun hey yo Rosie Rosado having a Shucks a doodly day Jade you're incredible every greeting you give me is cuter than the last I must admit this is a bit addictive it's fun to turn this on without warning thank you it's liberating to relax and be silly like this I know I don't look the type that mysterious air is exactly what's unique about you don't you dare hide it well Shucks the Doodles I won't you are the essence of cute the way your true feelings shine through like a Sunbeam pure and radiant thanks to Doodles but I still have a lot to learn from Rosie Posey Rosado cuteness Maestro the joke is obvious take Jade a serious and Majestic Warrior Knight and have her say silly phrases now I know it's not on the dumb level of the previous support but it did crack me up it is meant to be a silly wholesome support that showcases Jade exploring her sillier side in person as opposed to her Partners laughing at her books and gags I think I like this support because Jade is acting silly Rosado is dead serious about everything she's doing and it's completely feasible that these actual catchphrases and Whimsical Rhymes would fit in with a children's book it's something that I feel could be cold right out of like things you would watch on Playhouse or with your kids or whatever anyways like Jade I like this support so it goes on the list Hortensia and Celine Celine is a pretty cool character the princess of fiorinae is not just a girl who loves sipping tea all day despite what one may suspect from her initial early game c supports like with Louis and Chloe she's a fiercely determined protector of her people and will pragmatically deal with threats to her kingdom with a steel heart but this support between her and her illusion counterpart Hortensia has more to do with cuteness again rather than the harsh reality of being a princess in a war-waged world wow you know when I was jotting down these supports to highlight for this video I wasn't anticipating three chains all having to do with cuteness but I guess we are dealing with illusia so here we are princess saline hmm yeah yep you're gonna be tough but I won't lose princess you are no match for me I will defeat you in cuteness and while I'm at it everything else Hortensia views Celine as a threat to her title of being the cutest in the Army and so this chain is everything to do with her trying to out cute Celine in these cuteness offs Celine fighting the entire thing Pleasant and adorable in of itself goes along with hortensia's Gambit Hortensia definitely has a competitive streak when it comes to being the best at cuteness which is comedically contrasted by celine's Amusement over her behavior and instead hoping to invite her to tea the B support is where the competition kicks off and the first contest is of softness we meet again princess Hortensia we do indeed meet princess saline let the competition commence the first event will be the softness contest who will be softer you or me let's try you first poop that tickles the softness contest is hereby canceled [Music] it turns out to be a grave miscalculation for the pinstriped princess and so she needs to retreat hortensia's fatal flaw is despite trying to constantly out cute her opponents she tends to end up being Charmed by them in spite of keeping her guard up which leads to her getting flustered and bailing as soon as possible it is at the a support where Hortensia realizes she simply met her match and is in fact forced to concede defeat As celine's Natural Charisma and kindness overwhelm cuteness for her and she becomes a puddle after Celine compliments her on her own charm when she's happy little do you realize what a comfort those two things are to those around you you really think so I do and never mind my charms you have unique charms all your own I dare say a smile suits you better than a pout when you say things like that I oh it all makes me like you more good I was already quite fond of you who can you just stand there being all calm and perfect it could just be me but it feels like at the end it's just Hortensia happy that she's getting the Celine seal of approval and sounds honored that she got the tea invite despite Celine having tried to extend the invitation for like three conversations the reason why I put this on the list is because the central conflict is purely on Hortensia for such an on-brand Hortensia reason cuteness contests are ultimately meaningless but she's getting bodied at it regardless while Celine is just playing the whole thing straight Hortensia surprising even me is actually one of my favorite characters in the game because her characterization goes in thought-provoking places having conflicts over befriending the girl who killed her father and dealing with her self-worth because of her feelings over being unnoticed by her father and just the pressure of being a princess here though she's just being a little brat with funny line delivery Vander and pendreo Vander as a unit is as jagen as we're going to get as per the archetype character-wise he he's a sagacious man that the younger soldiers look up to as a serious and dutiful Steward to the Divine Dragon his most interesting character moments are those where we see the man beneath the armor so to speak so don't let the white beard and old man satisfully you because he's got a lot of vigor left and that much is shown with his support with pendreo the holy man who defies convention instead of your typical wild-mannered priest pendreo is a party animal who is legitimately legitimizing faith into Psalm by turning Church into raving dance parties so when you take Mr serious old man Knight and the party priest expect the unexpected the sea support begins with pendrio praising vander's position as lumera's attendant and the priest enthusiastically invites his counterpart to attend his next party to recount stories about Lumera and his battles he fought in her name Vander is convinced to join as he interprets pendreo's Church Gatherings as worship through song and dance which is technically right thank you for coming to the party today servander you really elevated the proceedings andreo did my ears deceive me or were you and the other guests howling you spoke of Pious songs and dances I was expecting something rather solemn instead it was a circus everyone hopping about and yelping like rabid dogs not exactly what Vander had assumed at all to the point where he is perturbed by the boisterous song dance and Howling upon him telling his stories he was expecting a lithos type beat and definitely not what Psalm Gatherings are he didn't opt to participate in the dancing and singing due to his lingering old man back but he goes from dismissive into appreciative of pendreo's methods because in spite of the untraditional means it gets results the way this ends is kind of like an a support already there's a teachable moment here pendreo teaches Van Der an important lesson and it clearly sticks with him so I didn't know what to expect for the a support but go off come on Xander mustn't let those young folks show you up Vander what's going on is this a training technique you learned in lethos no it's nothing no go away oh I was just checking in as a friend sorry to disturb you ventreo Waits I was trying to learn how to dance oh okay you're learning how to dance wait a minute learning how to dance the silliness of the support comes out as Vander regardless of his age and physical condition displays a handful of examples of not only trying to bridge the generational Gap but trying his best to understand it you're nothing if not steadfast I admire that he's not one of those ironic compliments you young people enjoy so much no really though you and I are from different Generations we share beliefs as holy men I think learning from each other's experiences can only benefit us both to that end I will Master this dance so that I may boogie down at your next party [Music] my back oh sweet mother of how is it built like that man is just trying to understand what's hip with the Next Generation and yeah he's struggling but you gotta give props to the old asterisk man trying to rise up to the challenge I was taken aback and just chuckling at the line delivery this support reminds me of the classic Garcia dasla support from Sacred Stones just two old guys having a fun time trying something new placed in a comedic situation that showed a different side to both of them support conversations are meant to let characters shine outside of the main story and they don't always have to be this deep cutting and serious conversation Vander has several serious supports but this he's just trying to Boogie Down with the pious Soul Zoomers with these four supports covered that will conclude this segment of hilariously dumb supports in fire emblemen gauge I have a whole list of supports in this game that I've placed in wholesome funny lore and the serious category and I hope you liked this video because I want to talk about these supports more in the future so if you do enjoy this type of video please let me know with a like and comment and here's my question what are some of your favorite silly supports in the game and it supports in particular you want me to highlight in a future video and finally if you haven't subscribed yet but you want to see more engaged story and character content Please Subscribe thanks for watching deuces foreign [Music]
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 36,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pjUs11hGSoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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