What WTF Thing Have You Slept Through? [AskReddit]

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NSFW reddit what was the WTF thing you slept through a guy jumping in front of the train I was in according to guy sitting next to me I slept through the impact the hysteria that followed the ambulance the firefighters the coroner everything I had a lovely two-hour nap I was sleeping in the same room as mites her brothers who had a bunk bed my brother on the top bunk rolled off and fell and snapped his arm he was screaming and my mom and sister came in and brought him to the hospital I found this all out the next morning as I had somehow managed to sleep through the whole thing remember the massive tornado outbreak in April 2011 across the southeast e.g the one that destroyed Tuscaloosa I was recovering from jetlag and was sound asleep in my parents basement in North gap we had multiple f3 and f4 tornadoes all around us I woke up several hours later wondering why no one bothered to wake me up for the apocalypse my family figured I was fine since I was already in the basement slept through my then-boyfriend getting set on fire being carried through my room screaming and sitting in my bathtub for 45 minutes until the ambulance arrived my mom woke me up at 4:00 a.m. and told me I didn't believe her edit my taste in men at the ripe age of 16 was very poor to say the least and this guy was no different it was the middle of winter so we had about three enough snow on the ground my brother and my then-boyfriend were really good friends and they had decided to go into the woods in our backyard and have a little fire guy stuff it was cold as [ __ ] and I was exhausted so I just went to bed turns out they were huffing gas and they both passed out near the fire with the gas can my brother woke up to the fire almost out he decided to take the gas can and throws him onto the fire since he was messed up he ended up smashing the gas on the fire and on my then-boyfriend he goes up in flames he's running around screaming his head off and my brother is freaking out my brother waits for him to make a loop and he pushes then-boyfriend into the creek brother said he waited forever for to come up he finally did and they were figuring out how to get then-boyfriend out of the creek to put in perspective how badly he was burned he grabbed my brother's hand and his skins left off and he fell back into the creek also at some point between getting set on fire and being pushed in the creek he had dropped down to his underwear they walked back to the house and decided to use my bathtub to put him in the ambulance took so long because I lived out in the bodies it's a 30 minute drive to the nearest anything and about an hour to the hospital it might have taken less than that I'm guessing since I was asleep that's pretty much it the ambulance came and he was taken to a big hospital outside of our podunk town because ours wasn't equipped to handle it second and third-degree burns on his thighs and then his hand had mostly third-degree burns and a couple spots that had reached fourth degree he almost had to get skin grafted but he lucked out and that's all folks edit now my brother can't say I said a last boyfriend on fire you have been warned to all future boyfriends he still does my younger sister Kay out because she tried to force a burp out for so long that she fainted from lack of oxygen stepmom called an ambulance well when she went down she had a glass of milk in her hand so milk sprayed everywhere and the glass was on the floor at the time our two caps were pissing on everything and then hiding under rock ouches to escape so the furniture was all turned over paramedics walk into my house and it basically looks like my stepmom was chasing my sister around overturning furniture and making a general mess and now she's mysteriously passed out I was napping woke up to my step-mom saying there was a paramedic here to ask me some questions younger / sleepy me didn't give a [ __ ] so I half-asleep was just like yeah okay with my eyes still closed the paramedic just casually asks hey does your stepmom abuse and beat you sometimes my eyes shot wide open and almost fell out of my face as I snapped my head to look at him and just said no he believed me still really weird to wake up to and then find out why sister was fine - bTW bus driver exposing himself I was 18 on the bus to high school it was an hour trip so I slept every morning one kid was making fun of the driver who didn't speak great English to get the kid to behave he thought exposing his [ __ ] were do it at school he calls the Dean to the bus to get the kid in trouble in the dean's office the kid says in his defense he whipped out his [ __ ] kid did not get in trouble everyone was called into the office for accounts of the story and I just go I was asleep Dean looks to everyone else whither is he messing with me look everyone shrugs and says yeah he's always asleep the next year I run into some younger kids and they said something happened on the bus and someone said they were sleeping and the Dean says oftenly is not here anymore no one can claim they were sleeping any more credit to you / I live a seraph aureum last time this question was asked I'm an ER nurse I cared for a patient that came in because she woke up with a severe headache and a knot on her head she went to court for a head scan and had two bullets in her head one had gone in at the top of her head just past her hairline and traveled under the skin but on top of her skull to the back of her head the other went straight in but just fractured the skull behind her ear didn't go all the way through the skull there were smaller caliber bullets apparently she went to sleep the night before after taking an ambien and there was a drive-by shooting on her Street the bullets went through her window and she slept right through it fire alarm the dogs jumped and hit the stove dials on which then caused her pot of beans to heat up and burn making the houses smoky but not firing mess my parents were amazed at my ability to sleep through it as Maru not only had the door open but was the closest room in the house to set fire alarm for a less wTF is that and more wTF is wrong with you I fell asleep at the circus when I was in fourth grade the lady next to me not a part of the school trip was horrified that I could just sleep during it seeing as how colorful exciting and it was I didn't get a whole lot of sleep as it was a school field trip and I was excited to not school so I mostly just slept through the whole damn thing ten tenths though way better than that show they put on my mom used to live below me my girlfriend and I slept through her dogs literally killing one another they apparently fought for 15 plus minutes she screamed for us to help lots of barking things got broken etc but we heard man of it ironically her dogs / I usually woke us up easily the one snoring would sometimes be enough to wake me up my own dog getting out of my room and destroying my kitchen oh man I can't believe it a question I actually have a good answer for I was 7 to 8 years old slept through two periods of a Red Wings game we were at the game three rows from the ice it was a Stanley Cup final match and there were three or four goals while I was sleeping the couple sitting behind us were worried for my health I was living in Singapore and my family had maids apparently one maid went nuts one day declared she must kill everyone grabbed a knife from the kitchen and tried to go on a stabbing spree my cousins and Grandma managed to subdue her well mostly my grandma after I was told about what happened the next day I asked my older cousin about it and he just looked at me and went don't piss off grandma I kinda upset I slept through it even though my mom kept going on and on about how lucky I was not to witness it my grandma's awesome one time I had a few friends over for a sleepover I was super tired and wanted to go to sleep while my friends wanted to stay up we were cool with that and I just warned them to not wake up my mom and then went to sleep I don't remember anything but this is what they told me one of my friends was quietly playing my violin when all of a sudden i sat straight up in bed and shot her the death glare of all death glares my friends all just kind of froze not really knowing what was going on they couldn't tell if I was awake or not so they started talking about me and French which I don't speak apparently after this I stirred up stormed off to my bathroom and vigorously brushed my teeth I then returned to the room sneered at them again and promptly collapsed onto the bed TL DR hardcore sleep PMS when I was a kid maybe five my little brother and I were obsessed with our family's new pull out couch in our den one weekend my mother agreed to sleep on this couch with us and watch movies like a little sleepover we all dozed off but something woke my mom in the middle of the night she looked down to the foot of the couch and lying there was a big 200-pound strange man my mom is about 110 pounds and a very sweet woman that she sat up grabbed the slumbering man by his shirt-collar and growled into his ear what the [ __ ] are you doing here sternly but quietly enough not to waken frighten us the man sat up confused and terrified and fled our house without issues it turned out that a woman my mother knew also knew this man so we found out later that he was drunkenly returning home from the bar in a taxi and mistook our house for his my brother and I have always thought my mom is a pretty big baddest since that incident though some drunk dick holes in my neighborhood were shooting off gums this was about three blocks away I woke up at about 1:00 a.m. and there was a bullet hole above my dad's head about four inches and went through his window and through my wall and about three inches above my head I woke up to the sound of cops in my house I thought they were there cause I had a weed those guys ended up being raided about a month later and sent to prison for a large meth production lab and also had been charged for firing off guns in the middle of the [ __ ] night they're lucky they didn't kill my dad if they would have and I would have survived it would have been the end of them living alone at my cabin last summer woke up one morning and wondered why there was garbage all over the floor raccoons got in and trashed the place started to clean up the trail of garbage out to the window when I noticed the screen had been ripped off the window frame had been bent and there was claw marks in the all the screens around the cabin followed the trail of garbage and saw a track in the mud it wasn't raccoons a [ __ ] bear had been in the cabin and passed by not five feet from my bedroom door I'm glad I had slept through it though pretty sure I would have [ __ ] my pants if I woke up in high school my chemistry teacher slash football coach had about he had stenciled with Punisher if a kid fell asleep in class he would give them a little bit to fall deeply asleep then whack the desk near their head making them wake up in terror he admitted on day one of every class his bill was to see a stupid wet themselves wow this makes him sound like a dick but he was an amazing teacher and hilarious guy anyway I finished a test and fell asleep was having a very pleasant dream about walking down some Street suddenly a building next to me exploded in my dream I was having a lucid dream at the time and remember thinking WTF was that wait where did I fall asleep oh yeah chemistry [ __ ] that means that was the Punisher that thought woke me up but it was almost a full 10 seconds after the bat hit everyone was staring at me in shock that I had slept through that ok this is a bit embarrassing but I slept through labor no drugs just really tired I guess so said it was creepy watching me snoring then tensing up and moaning through the contractions apparently the Midwife said she hadn't seen anyone do that before I did wake up for the birth edit 1 2 all you bastards saying I've got a bag like a clown's pocket I said I was in labor labor not delivery there are different stages and it was way past my bedtime so that's why I fell asleep edit - yes Rebecca hotdogs was much more tired after the event for it was I who had the foresight to have a nice refreshing nap Cheers when I was a kid at camp I slept through getting trucks this is when your bunk mates hold two flashlights right in front of your eyes turn them on and everyone yells truck the next day they told me I didn't react at all another time I was at a sleepover at a friend's house I think it was fourth grade for his birthday party and there were five or six of us in sleeping bags on his living room floor may at one end during the night I started rolling over in my sleep and rolled on top of and over everyone else they all woke up of course got up on the couch and watched me roll back and forth for a while until I finally stopped and they could go back to sleep I had memory of it at all yeah I was pretty good at sleeping an Arabic helicopter landing in our yard actually the field next to the house they had been circling for a while and not until my son came into our bedroom and a full-fledged panic did we hear a thing we live in the mountains so our field was the best they could do I'm alike sleeper to normally last year I was living in a slightly sketchy part of town a little backstory my housemates and I lived in an apartment that was two floors the bottom floor was in the basement of the building four of us girls lived in the basement floor and three people lived on the top floor the basement floor had a door that is connected to the hallway where one could access the garage and the outside area one morning I woke up and my three basement floor roommates looked shaken my room was pretty close approximate 10 feet to the door that accessed the hallway to the garage apparently someone had tried to break into our apartment at 8 a.m. in the morning on a Saturday they had been prying at the door with a crowbar my three roommates two of them had rooms that were further from the door than my room came out of their rooms and yelled at the guy to [ __ ] off I didn't hear any of it he probably didn't know that the bottom floor was an apartment and probably thought it was a storage unit or something I can't even imagine what would have happened if he got in and saw that he enter the house so yeah attempted break-in didn't wake up I used to live in New Orleans I lived in a decent area but you still had to lock up your house my dad forgot to lock the back door late at night some guy enters our house goes into my parents room steals money jewelry whatever while my parents pretend to be asleep they call the cops and he moves towards and my brother's room Tim being a criminal tried to hide when he heard the cops come in the house because I was a messy five-year-old he couldn't fit underneath my bed because I had way too much crap stuff down there I guess a bunch of cops were in there pointing guns at the edge of my bed and yelling move and I'll blow your [ __ ] head off and I didn't notice anything my older brother was sleeping in the same room and woke up when the lights were turned on
Channel: Humor Studios
Views: 13,753
Rating: 4.9511652 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, EmKay, GioFilms
Id: QaiFIePwZ0o
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Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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