What Would Your Kid Do: SERIES 2 - Episode 5 (Part 1)

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really babe how are you fine thanks nice to see you where have you come from today okay the questions might get harder with you Millie may my and my stepdad Jack lovely stuff and you know what they do for jobs Jack and he works away and I understand that when you're older you'd like to be two things that right what the two things you'd like to be a unicorn under that's you well I hope you follow one of those dreams at some point I hope you're either a vet or a unicorn or maybe a vet unicorn that would be a surprise with you turned up with you had a real-life unicorn at your birthday party yeah that is unbelievable I mean literally unbelievable [Laughter] got some magic and said I wish I wish and then all of a sudden a unicorn amazing that magikarp ox five times [Laughter] you paid for five times around the cow I just want to get to the boxes of pride surprises yeah well we get through the way I'm gonna pick the holiday you think so so no co-chief from Zoey and Jaclyn it's all right we would all do the same thing I can only imagine she's been locked in the room for the last two months holiday holiday holiday let's move on to Casey hello Casey hi wherever you come from today honey fact who've you brought with you my dad and my mom Sarah what do they do for jobs my dad is a vendor's okay that's alright that's fine Katie she works for a bank is that Craster's - yeah because she thinks my job's boring she gives me other job since she's right just the dull job as she's thought how could I live in this'll densest been an artist a dentist I mean not even a stuntman a dentist is more exciting than what you actually do that's impressive and what about you when you're older what would you like to be a drama as I walk through that and a lady on a plane oh like a stewardess okay have you got a drum kit at home I won't mind me one I will do I and the star wars producer Wow who's your favorite characters I know there's the fellow in their black mask Darth Vader in Si and Pilar these people I just watched Peppa Pig most days what are the kids are all worn up but you two certainly practices being a stewardess on a plane thank you I wander around the house giving out Pringles let's move on to aya hello pal you all right how are you doing oh don't be nervous there's not that many people looking at ya I mean it's about 3 million at home don't let that get ya these have just come out for a free afternoon out the rain don't be talking about that so I do be brought with you tonight Oh mummy and I brought my it buddy how he works for our newspaper called Daily Telegraph did you all have introduced your own name yeah my name is nur oh how about Swami's name Rasheeda I want this mushy to do she just sits at home Oh much to you that's why she when I don't do that to you when you're at sleep hotel you wake her up there first thing in the morning want to eat that will speak don't imagine crikey those nerves have subsided so how well do you guys think you know I am I would say I would know him quite well but he's so unpredictable get away yeah yes I think you will be surprised to see that already oh that's the belt we know what that means [Applause] [Music] so for our little ones it's just a regular day at school but for you grown-ups the competition is now on because remember this is not about the kids being good or bad or right or wrong it's all about you and how well you can predict what they'll do in these various situations that you're about to see whoever can most accurately predict their child's behavior will get to play for some amazing family prizes at the end of the show right first up it's time for a biology lesson where we'll be putting the kids bravery to the test let's take a look [Music] okay guys settle down please we're going to be looking at which animals are the most dangerous when you're seven years old life can be a little bit scary but if they think their pictures are scary wait till you see what the teachers got in store for them next I've organized for a little friends to come in and see yesterday meet Steve the snake and his handler mark according to the experts were actually born with only two fears falling and loud noises the rest are learnt along the way well he does not like spiders all the big ones which I absolutely hate and wonders we saw a daddy longlegs is it daddy I'll show you Steve Steve is a milk snake to make sure not to cry or be scared or anything the kids think they're going to help the teacher tidy up if you could concentrate on the pictures can you put the spiders with the spiders the Tigers with the Tigers yeah it's fine but really we've set up a scary test to find out if our kids have a fear of snakes you haven't seen my pattern of you you know the big pink one with all the nice colors you must have dropped it somewhere what what is the pan [Music] it's snakes time so we'll Millie may iron and Katy overcome their fears and reach in to retrieve the pen or is it back down to the stationers for a new one you feeling brave so will your kid be brave enough to put their hand in the snake pit to get that pen back for the seeker families let's lock in our answers so Millie mate you think she will be brave enough you may proceed oh yeah she got around animals you think he won't be brave enough to do it no cause he's scared off any little thing that moves in the house a snake is not he would definitely not so Casey's family she's really dramatic so she'll just love the whole drama of screaming she wanted to show the other kids are thin they she's not scared I think that what that would drive more than a fear I think yeah all right well let's see if you're right I hope you feel about snakes I don't really like them I don't think I can put my hand in there I think I'm brave enough what do you think we should do I think we should get it certain if I can sure try do you like snakes yeah satire it's your decision oh yeah I'll I'll do it you are absolutely amazing device the bravest thing I've seen today I don't think I can do I don't really want to put my hand in there me neither one dink yeah come on then thank you very much for your help [Music] [Applause] well you weren't wrong there was more drama from k2 than an episode of Cory yeah actually now that was two hours Wow at least you know now next time there's a spider in the house at the end of that round iron and Millie marries families have no points but Katie's parents are in the lead with one cow it's time to put the kids empathy to the test empathy is the ability to understand or feel what another person is feeling for example I feel empathy towards all the parents here tonight with what they're about to discover about their kids when you're 7 it seems everyone is old but to find out what it's really like the kids have a special visitor everybody here is pat whatever you like to say hello to Pat hello everybody when I was this age we loved the Cowboys and we used to gallop around going what do you know about elderly people Katie your hair goes all gray face good because they could eat like sweets and everything all day the oldest person is probably the queen all the months though that is a thousand if you like over 65 you need to go to the tyrant she just doesn't use this Vic and she's naughty my grandma goes to bingo every Wednesday and she tries to Emily but she never does what do you think is important to be kind or nice to old people it's around the age of 7 kids begin to understand how what they say and do can affect other people to test this Pat's has baked up a cake with a surprise while we have our Tea Party Pat is gonna go next door and one by one you can go and say goodbye thank you very much who would like some cake Pat has made the cake to our special recipe swapping icing sugar for pongy pilchard paste I'm sorry cake I don't like you should we go and say goodbye to pack because I think it's time to go now okay so now they've all had a bite of the seafood sponge will iron Katie and Millie may be honest and tell Pat they didn't like it or lie to spare her feelings did you like it was actually a fish cake the kids have tried Pat's special cake and have been taken to say goodbye to her will they be honest to Pat about the cake families lock in your answers ion will tell the truth he will eat anything and everything and what he doesn't like he will be very honest about it oh really yeah if it doesn't like it straight you say that song so what we're saying is that the iron and Millie may will be honest about her cake two paths and Katie might show a bit of empathy and lie all right let's see if you're right here we go Pat each other nice time strap you did and did you like the cake over there the jam didn't taste like jam room oh I'm so sorry baby did one of the recipe just say yes I think perhaps I did because normally in cake there would be sugar quite a lot usually yes he has to see you to say goodbye did you like the cake I didn't really like the jamming with me oh that's a shame did you like the cake that I baked for you [Music] yes oh I just said yes because idea was he upset huh needs to go when he's about to lie he's like I loved it I loved it and Milly mate you certainly know your daughter she was straight in there yeah messing about I think I could have got parts of Christ it is noble I think about a cake right let's do it onto this course I am family it's still on zero but Milly Mays family joins Katie with one point time for a history lesson now as the kids learn about the 1980s remember that guys for that bygone age just after the French Revolution we didn't need smartphones or the Internet we had fingerless gloves and mr. potato heads good times let's up a look [Music] come and find something in this box [Music] my mom was with 1985 Wow and I'm wearing good girl swagger stretchy I'm going to hand out some objects to you all see if you can work out what they might be and how you might use them how long ago do you think the nineteen eighties were Millie think it's 50 years ago there wasn't any technology may have cameras or phones or microphones either hello 2019 yeah tell your classmates we definitely did have technology in the 80s I'm by the way you holding the phone by the wrong end at the age of seven kids are filled with curiosity taken on their own investigations to satisfy their thirst for knowledge Katie what have you got there Reagan what do you all think about the 1980s now you've seen all these objects so to find out just how curious this current generation of kids actually are the teacher has dug up three boxes these are buried by the children who were at this school in the 1980s the kids think they're playing a simple guessing game to win some 80s toys hidden in the time capsules it's a long coiled spring it's not a telephone is it no type of swinging let's have a look well it is a puzzle in the shape of a cube boom lifts cube have a look so far so good but now for the big prize should I give you the clue for this one right so come in hi sorry to interrupt but there's somebody here from Ofsted expecting them our way oh my goodness so when iron Millie Mae and Katie are left alone in the room think about what's in that box okay I'll give you the clue when I get back no peeking will they sit and wait or will their curiosity get the better of her no not [Music] the test is very simple the teachers left them alone in the classroom for 10 minutes and told them not to peek what I want to know is did your kid pink Families lock in your answers no no one a yes so many maids family you think she will look yeah but no one's gonna know that's the key isn't it no one will find out I mean obviously we'll cuz we've got a family let's see what happened [Music] No [Music] I would like to welcome it I had a little peek you saw that they would have picked a lidded because of the Skeksis probably did it and Zoey and Jack Billy May you said she would peek and she absolutely did you know her very well yeah no surprises there well one point for you guys well done that let's have a peek at the leaderboard Millie Mays family you're currently in pole position with two points [Applause]
Channel: What would your kid do? Fan Page
Views: 421,031
Rating: 4.7921801 out of 5
Keywords: what would your kid do tv show, kids pick between, kids challenge, kids vs parents, vida secreta de los niños, niños, comportamiento infantil, niños y padresl, what would your kid do?, what will your kid do?, what would your kid do full episode, family trip to mexico, mexico, spanish songs, spanish, Very sweet! Trailer, Too Cute, What Would Your Kid Do Full Episode, Çok Tatlı!, Bölüm Fragmanı
Id: pvvh8-XBHak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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