- Whoa. - You are not having fun. You are not having fun, correct? - I'm having so much fun. (quick beat music) - [Audrey] Hey, I'm here, I'm here. - [Man] Hi, you guys. - [All] Hi. - [Man] Do you know why you're here? - 'Cause we're doing a game. - Yeah?
- A gameshow. - [Man] We're gonna have
things to distract you and if you don't move
for the next five rounds, you win a hoverboard. (screaming) - I need it. - [Man] This is the hoverboard. - Can you teach me? (giggling) - [Man] And just so you guys know, we have your parents
watching from the other room. - Audrey's taking this really seriously. She's like started
playing already, she like. - [Man] Are you guys
ready for the first round? - Let me shake it all out. (bell dings) - [Man] Okay, don't move. (classical music) Don't move, nobody move. (laughing)
- Oh my gosh. - Right next to them. - [Man] Nobody move, whoa. - My armpits are itching, can I itch them? - [Man] Cavalli, and. (bell dings) All right, the rounds over. You guys can move.
(beeping) - Man, I really wanted to move so I could play with that. (squeals) I'm a ballerina. - [Man] Everybody remember,
you're gonna stay still. - This is the funnest game in the world. (bell dings) - [Man] The round has now started, guys. (classical music) - Can we go in the bouncy house? - [Man] If you want to lose the round, you can play in the bouncy house. - No, after the film. - [Man] Nope, this is
your only opportunity. Does anybody want to
bounce in the bouncy house? - Me. - [Man] If you want to play in
the bouncy house, you got it. - Okay (giggles). (laughing) - She's tempting me. - You are not having fun. You are not having fun, correct? - I'm having so much fun. (laughing) You could have fun. - [Man] Does anybody else want to join her and lose the round?
- Me. - [Man] You do? - But I really want the hoverboard. (bell dings) - [Man] All right, we gonna
turn off the bouncy castle. We're taking it to the dump.
- No. - [Man] You guys can move,
that was the end of the round. - Just so you know, you
lost the hoverboard. - [Girl] I don't really want a hoverboard. I'm scared anyway. (screaming) - Ow, ow. - Let's bring out--
- Uh-oh. - [Man] Our next distraction. Nobody move, we're watching you guys. Any move, don't move, don't move. (bell dings)
Ready, it's started. - [Man And Girl] Oh. (giggling) - Cavalli is gonna freak out. - He doesn't like dogs?
- Mm-mm. - Oh, hey puppies. Can you actually put them on my lap because that's-- - Sorry, it's just too much fun. - Here ya puppy, here ya puppy. - I can't put anything on anybody's lap. They're playing with me. - [Man] Anybody wanna
play with the puppies? - Okay, I do. (laughing) - [Girl] You don't hold her. - No, leave me alone.
(squealing) (laughing)
- Oh my god. - I'll just sit right here with Baby Blue. Baby Blueberry. - And she still didn't move. - Baby Blue comes.
(bell dings) - [Man] Okay, you guys, you
guys, the round is over. - High five.
- Yeah. - We might both get the hoverboard. - If we're patient. (barking) (grunts)
- My god. It's really disappointing
that you two lost. (bell dings) - [Man] The round has started, don't move. (classical music) - [Man] All right. - Geronimo. (giggling) - [Man] You guys, what is that? - It's a pool of candy. - Yummy, yummy candy. - [Man] How are you
guys feeling right now? - Not tempted. Candy is one of my least favorite things. - Candy, candy, candy, candy's mine. - Really, you guys are
all just making a mess. - Hey, no, I love it. (bell dings) - [Man] The round is over. Audrey and Austin are still in. You guys, guess what, we
only have one more round. (clacking music) (screams)
- Lookit, no candy. - We're gonna rock it. Unless it's super tempting. (squeals) - [Man] Okay guys, final round. Audrey, Austin, how you guys doing? - [Both] Good. - [Man] We haven't started yet. - Okay.
(gasps) - Oh my God. - [Man] Has this been easy? - Will you actually
give us the hoverboard? - [Man] You're gonna win
a hoverboard at the end. - Are we gonna actually get it? - [Man] Yeah. Let's begin the round.
(bell dings) Don't move. Here we go. Go ahead. (screaming) - [Cavalli] Ice cream. - Oh no, Austin's weakness.
(laughing) (classical music) - Can I have this one? - I want Sour Power. - [Woman] How you guys doing? - Good, I don't like ice cream. - I love it. - Yes. - [Man] Are you guys
sure you don't wanna move and come and get ice cream? - I'm sure. I'll go to enough birthday parties. - Thank you.
- You're welcome. - Oh no, they have watermelon. - Sour Power.
- I got yummy cookie cream. - Austin, don't move. - I'm gonna become sick. - I want the bubblegum. - [Woman] Austin, what's going
through your head right now? - And they lost.
- Yeah, who cares, I can't even ride it. (laughing) - Austin. - Watermelon and straw,
watermelon and Spongebob. - [Man] Oh boy. - I want this one, this one, this one. - Want one?
- No, I want watermelon. - [Austin] Spongebob. - [Girl] This one, this one, this one. (bell dings) - [Man] Audrey, the round
is over, you won, Audrey. - Yay. - [Man] Yay. Should Audrey get ice cream? - Yes. I don't even know how to go on a hoverboard, so it's fine. - [Man] Audrey, you won. - Winner, winner, chicken
dinner, in your face. - Whoo hoo girlfriend,
you got you a hoverboard. - [Man] Audrey? - Yeah? - [Man] Well? - Well, I won. - [Man] All right, you won a hoverboard. - Whee, how will I learn to ride it? - [Man] Well, you're gonna have to learn. (whines)
(laughing) Are you regretting winning? - Kind of. - I'll ride it, I'll
ride it, I'll ride it. - No. (screaming) (bells chiming music) - I'm in heaven. (giggling)