Try Not To Eat Challenge - Disney Food #3 | People Vs. Food

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- I can hold out for-- you-- - I'm stressing out. - Pizza now is better than pizza later. ♪ (French accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) Today, the FBE Super Fam asked us to bring in our biggest Disney fans to watch famous scenes from Disney movies. - Ooh. I just think of Disney watching movies when I was little and not having a worry in the world. - When I first moved to the States when I was five, I knew no English. Cinderella was the first movie I watched and I just loved the Disney cartoons so much and that's how I slowly learned English. - That's dope. - (FBE) Then we'll be presenting you with a tasty dish from that scene recreated by a professional chef. - I love this. - Ooh. - Finally, food. I have never gotten food, so this is very exciting for me. - You're in for a literal treat. - Wait, wait. Tell me this isn't a try not to eat challenge. - (FBE) If you didn't know already, the Super Fam is an awesome group of people supporting this channel and all of FBE through YouTube's membership program. They're why we can make awesome episodes like this one. - I have heard of it. It's a newer thing that they're doing, right, where there's brackets and memberships and stuff. I've been seeing it on YouTube and I think it's really cool. - We have heard about Super Fam and you guys are the best. We love you. - (FBE) So, there is a catch to this magical experience. This is a try not to eat challenge like you guessed. So there are four rounds of food and whoever can get through all four rounds without trying anything gets a special dish at the end, but if you do break and have a bite, there's a punishment per food you eat. - Per food? I feel like the Disney punishments would be extra bad for some reason. - They can pull from some gross places. There's a lot of bugs in Disney history. - Oh God. - Would the Super Fam really like that though? Why not just a try to eat challenge? - I'm not worried. Just don't eat it. - Clearly this is gonna be a lot harder for me than it is for him. - I feel like I'm gonna try and stay strong so I can have the dish at the end, but we'll see how it goes. - That's good. I have no will power. - (FBE) Here's your first scene. - All right. - Okay, okay. - Oh, is it gonna be a pizza? - It's the first one. Pizza Planet. - Look at that, that's so cool. - I wanna be at Pizza Planet now. - I forgot how bad the animation was. - Yeah, looks pretty dated. - Yeah. - Considering. - Oh God, his eyes are kinda scary. - (Buzz) Space port. Good work, Woody. - I've always wanted to just go to this arcade though. That alien slime, just that, I wanted to drink it. - I'll be honest, when I see Toy Story, my favorite scene is when he had his nervous breakdown and he realized that his life was just a total lie. That's art, that's art. - (FBE) So straight from Pizza Planet we have this out of this world personal pizza and refreshing alien slime soda. I'm sure trying this dish will leave you eternally grateful. - Pizza, pizza. - It says Pizza Planet! - You don't have alien slime. - Wow. - ♪ Da na na na ♪ - Oh, that's a thick pizza. - Thick. - It looks so good. - I always smell it and I always regret it. I can't do that. I gotta stop. - I can hold out for-- you-- - I'm stressing out, okay. - We're gonna make it. We're gonna make it. - The thing is, you can get this in real life. If you want pizza, you can just go buy pizza. - Pizza now is better than pizza later. - That's a valid point, though. - Guys, I'm really struggling. I'm like, I'm gonna stay strong and the first one, I'm dying already. - You gonna hold off? - I'm gonna just close it. - Yeah, I can't-- thank you. - This is what's hurting me right now. - Really? - The slime, I wanted to drink that as a kid so bad. - What are you gonna do? - Well you're the one that wants it more than I do, so I'm gonna see what you do first. - I'm gonna have a slice. [Bleep] it. Worth it. (buzzer) - It looks so greasy. I gotta have one. - That's good. It reminds me of a specific pizza chain. (buzzer) - Mm, baby. I'm gonna take the slime, too. - Why not? We already failed. - Ooh, you can taste the electrolytes. (buzzer) - We don't need it. We don't need delicious pizza. - No, I'm-- why'd you gotta call it delicious? No, I'm done. I don't want it. I don't want it. - I think I'll survive this one. I think I'ma go ahead and say no. - Okay, I think I'm gonna pass just because it's pizza and I feel like that is something you can get often even though if it's not Pizza Planet pizza. - I really wanna eat that, but I also really wanna wait for the final prize at the end. - Right. - And I'm just gonna pretend this is just some random soda, so I'm gonna say no. Self control. - It'll be all right. It's just pizza. Order some pizza when you get home. - (gasps) What did I tell you? - Oh my God. - This is Mulan, yeah. - It's the-- - I can't wait for the live action Mulan. - Yeah. - I can't wait for that. - Gonna eat dragon? Crickets? - Oh my gosh, Mulan. - Okay. I'm gonna be eating this one. - Do you know what it is already? - Well anything from Mulan is gonna be great. - Is this gonna be military stew? - What? What food is in this? Oh, is it dumplings? It might be dumplings. - Ooh. - (Mushu) One of the other kids wanna fight, then you have to kick the other kid's butt. - I don't wanna kick other kid's butt. - (Mushu) Don't talk with your mouth full. Now let's see your war face. - That's Eddie Murphy, right? What a great voice for cartoon. - Wow. - Dude, if Eddie Murphy is as good a chef as he is an actor, we're in for a treat. - (FBE) Rise and shine with this comforting dish from Mulan. Here we have a hearty porridge topped with fried eggs and bacon. This dish is sure to leave you smiling. - Ooh, with bacon and eggs. Look at it. It's so smiley. - Okay, I love that it's in a smile. That is so cute. - I love bacon, but I'm not too much for an egg-- that yolky person. - It smells really good. I skipped breakfast this morning, which was a mistake. - You decide first. - I hate this game. I don't wanna lose two in a row but also, I just want the bacon. I'm gonna be honest with you. Bacon spoon. (buzzer) - I'm gonna eat it. - What? - Because I love Mulan so much and this bowl has a lot of significance to me. - I get it, I get it. Oh man. - Where's Mushu? He should be feeding me. (buzzer) - I'm gonna eat it. I've never had porridge, so I have to eat it. This is just-- I don't know when I'm gonna get another opportunity. - This is round two, man. You're already going down. - Sorry. You're on your own. - I should put this down. (buzzer) - I'm good. - I'm good. - I feel like I can pass just because I've never tried it before so I don't know that I'd love it, so I don't wanna risk it. - I think I'm good. - Two for two. We're killing it. - You could eat it. - I could eat it if I was not so weak willed. - Feed that to you. Now go kick the other kid's butt. - But I don't wanna kick the other kid's butt. - Don't talk with your mouth full. - (Yeti) Welcome to the Himalayas. - Is this yellow snow? - (Yeti) Abominable. - What food do they have here? - Oh, he's an adorable snowman. - (Yeti) I'm a nice guy. - What you got? - (Yeti) Snow cone? - Yellow snow? You're gonna give us pee snow cones? - It's lemon. I can't wait. - You see? You get that? That's adult humor. Ha, it's lemon. - (Sully) You see the way she looked at me? - Aw. - He's over here having an existential crisis. - And the adorable snowman's just like, "Ah, snow cone?" - (FBE) Straight from the Himalayas, we have a refreshing snow cone from the adorable snowman himself. - Well. How did you make them look so pretty? - Smells like ice. - Ooh, smells lemony. - It looks so good and I love lemon and I just love that part where he says, "Don't worry, it's lemon." - My problem is I've already eaten two and I wanna pass at least one. I can't 100% fail, so it's either gonna be this one or the next one. - Can I try the yeti pee? - How dare you. - Yeti pee tastes amazing by the way. (buzzer) - I haven't had a snow cone in years, so I'm actually really excited about this. Mm. (buzzer) - I'm struggling. I'm really considering it. Pass. - I'm gonna pass just 'cause I'm gonna assume the next one is gonna be better. - Okay, I think I'm gonna pass. I'm staying so strong. I feel like I can do it. - I think I'm gonna pass hoping that the next one I'm gonna pass, so I get a really good one at the end. - Yes. - Yeah, it's a no. - I mean, if this had tequila in it, then I'd be out the door right now. - I'm real excited about what else we got coming. I can hold back on this one. - One more bite. - Mouse? - Is this Dumbo? - Wow, nice read. How do you remember Dumbo? - I watched this all the time as a kid. - (mouse) You gotta come out first. - Is it peanuts? - He almost eats as fast as me. - Is it just a peanut? - A single peanut. - Delicious. - Wait, you are not serving us liquor. - Oh. - There's no way. - Oh. - (mouse) Hold your breath. - He said "hold your breath." - Poor kid. - (mouse) I'm gonna be proud of you, too. - He gets the Asian glow. - Does Dumbo get drunk? - I guess Dumbo gets sauced. I didn't know what it was as a kid, so... - Oh my God. - (mouse) I guess you had one more left over. - Nice. - What is it? - (FBE) Here we have yummy roasted peanuts, Dumbo's favorite snack and a flute of champagne. This snack combo is sure to make you see pink elephants. - Champagne. - Champagne. - I almost-- I do wanna do it. - Literally, it's just Sunday brunch right in front of me. - How is it? What year is this? - See, I've never had a roasted peanut like this. I feel like it would be very, very good. - Are you gonna give in? - Cheers. It's just so good. (buzzer) - Let's do it. - Yeah, okay. - I'm not gonna have the champagne. (buzzer) How is it? - That's a peanut all right. I don't know what else we were expecting. (buzzer) - I think I can hold off on this one. - Yeah, me too. - I think I can pass. - Yeah, I'm fine. - Okay, I'ma keep it classy even though this is very classy. - This smells so good. - I wanna see the end. - I'm gonna say no, also. - You know, I find it really surprising that you were able to say no to all the food, but not to this. - (FBE) Both of you lost, so I'm gonna show you what you could have had. - Oh no. - (Lilo) Dessert. - The chocolate cake. I love Lilo and Stitch. - Wow, I haven't seen this in so long. - Oh, is it the ice cream? - Do you remember what she eats? - Yeah, she eats coconut cake. - Do they do a luau? Oh, it's just cake, okay. - Yay, cake. - I remember this always grossed me out, 'cause he spits it back out. - Don't forgot the cherry. - If someone backwashed this cake, I'm gonna be so pissed. - (FBE) So, here we have a decadent chocolate cake and don't worry, Stitch didn't get to this. - You got lucky. - All right. - And then mine is just gonna be the cake but it's all slobbered on. - No. I love chocolate cake. - All right. - You know what sucks? I don't like cake. - You don't like cake? - No. - What do you like? - I'm chilling. Wow. - Taste of victory. Cheers. - Cheers - I can't believe we both won. - I know. I did not think I would win. - It was worth it. Although I do want the cherry That's probably not the part-- - That's the part you want? - Listen, cherries are good. - I have regrets. I wanted to try the pizza. - (FBE) Ooh, cheddar whizzy. - Oh no. The leaning tower of Cheesa. - (Bobby) It's the leaning tower of Cheeza. - (FBE) So, for every dish you tried, you have to add a swirl of cheese whiz to your hand to make the leaning tower of Cheeza from the Goofy Movie. - Totally okay with this. I love the Goofy Movie and the leaning tower of Cheeza. - That's the best part of the movie. What do you mean? That's a punishment? - Oh. - Yeah, I hear. - Look at that. The leaning tower of Cheeza. - Have you ever eaten this? - I've never had Easy Cheese. Is it actual cheese, right? - Three, two, one. - Yours is really pretty. Do you regret it now? Can I wash it down with some champagne please? - Can we please, 'cause that was a lot. - It's not appetizing. - This is just as good as cake and I will take that to the grave. - What, what? - A pile of cheese, are you kidding me? - 100% worth it. I love cheese. - Totally worth it. - Even if it comes out of a can. - Making my childhood dreams come true and I've always wanted to say, "Leaning tower of Cheeza." - Thanks for watching me try not to eat Disney food on the React Channel. - If you like this episode, hit the Like button. - Subscribe for new shows every week. - What foods do you wanna see me try not to eat next time? Let me know in the comments. - Bye, guys. - Hey guys, Caprice here, your React Channel producer. If you'd like to make episodes like this or just support us here at FBE, click the Join button below. Thanks.
Channel: REACT
Views: 10,569,158
Rating: 4.8719645 out of 5
Keywords: try not to eat, disney food, toy story, Try Not To Eat Challenge - Disney Food #3, try not to eat disney, react try not to eat, fbe try not to eat, goofy movie, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, do they know it, staff reacts, the 10s, guess that, YTM1904, lilo and stitch, mulan, dumbo
Id: 1_-dZJ_4_Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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