What Would Happen If Hisoka Fought Kite?

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hisoka vs kite who would win in a fight battle it's actually quite a close match but I think we have the answer to be clear our contenders in this match are pre-death kite and also pre-death hisoka because post-death kite and post death hisoka are out of this world powerful and currently impossible to quantify now statistically speak English just put this out there hisoka starts this discussion with a clear advantage and the stats I'm referring to are the ones detailed in the data book which assign characters a score out of five in the areas of Mind skill body Nan Ingenuity and intelligence so what you do is you add those six fives together and you get a total score out of 30. with hisoka's most recent stats from Greed Island giving him a stat score of 25 out of 30 whereas kite lands at 23 out of 30. and that Gap pretty much comes down to a single area the difference between hisoka and kite is the Ingenuity category kite's most recent score is a kind of mid three out of five whilst hisokas is a perfect five and in fact it's hisoka's only perfect score which is what gives hisokus such an edge in high level nen combat he's dangerously creative and never runs out of ideas the only area where kite is superior to hisoka is that of Mind here hisoka has a three and kite has a four but do note that mind is not intelligence intelligence has its own separate category mind is more like the ability to remain calm and collected so no wonder hisoka doesn't have a high score because that becomes increasingly difficult as the battle erection sets in however in every other category skill body nen and intelligence kite and hisoka are completely equal so the initial conclusion is that kite is more composed than hisoka but hisoka is significantly more creative and this is probably one of the least straightforward match-ups in Hunter Hunter because no one is just outright stronger smarter or has more Oro than the other the outcome of this fight could go either way at least on paper which means that a lot of this is going to come down to attrition who can last the longest and who has the best end game options and that's what makes this matchup quite exciting because both combatants have abilities innately designed to be versatile so much so that theoretically both kite and hisoka can be in any situation and always have the right tool for the job guide of course makes use of crazy slots and through the power of restrictions he managed to turn a single net ability into nine separate net abilities the only problem being that kite doesn't get to choose which one he uses at any given time and he also has to put up with a wisecracking clown which means that he'll have to deal with two clowns in this particular fight meanwhile hisoka struts gloriously into our Arena equipped with bungee gum the net equivalent of handing clay to a sculptor because hisoka can turn this into just about anything both heartsu a weirdly versatile but in opposite ways hisoko for all intents and purposes has one known ability that he can use in a ton of different ways whereas kite effectively has a whole ton of nen abilities however each can only be used in a super specific way like silent Waltz for example there is literally only one way that kite can use the scythe and not only that but it must be used to dispel the scythe and be able to roll again and this I think is where I'm starting to see a big problem because realistically I don't think hisoka is ever getting hit by this attack as soon as it was summoned both gone and kilowa started their Nan pants because they knew that something was very very wrong however it's worth noting that if kite hadn't told them how to avoid it by jumping straight up in exactly three seconds then gone and killer may very well have died but also that's because they're inexperienced because most 11 year olds are whereas I think that hisoka is experienced enough not only to sense this feeling but also put two and two together with the Scythe you know what's he gonna do with that probably swing it because that's the only way you can use a scythe so let's get out of any sort of swingy trajectory and just not get hit sound like a good plan hisoka sounds like a great plan of the hisoka you always have the best plans hisoka I Think I Love You other hisoka come here hisoka that's an often forgotten aspect of kite's abilities he has a lot of them but they tend to function in pretty or most painfully straightforward ways it's the same with carbine I don't think hisoka is ever getting hit by a projectile with a predictable trajectory which is good very good because to kite's credit I don't think hisoka could block any of these attacks with bungee gum something we need to acknowledge is that all of kite's attacks pack an insane output due to their heavy restrictions so hisoka isn't going to be blocking these bullets as easily as say goto's coins but when it comes to sheer versatility fighting hisoka using kite's moveset would scare me and I imagine that for hisoka the whole Affair kind of turns into an RPG boss battle where after a while you learn all of kite's moves and understand how to anticipate them because kite can only use them in particular set ways meanwhile kite is always on edge constantly trying to predict what kind of wacky way hisoka is going to use bungee gum next I feel like if kite is to win it would need to be immediately which is possible if kite can land a hit off any of his weapons hisoka is going to take Serious potentially even fatal damage the problem being that the weapons we've seen so far are so easily telegraphed a scythe that acts like a scythe and a gun that acts like a gun so it would need to be be with a weapon that we haven't seen yet something ideally less predictable in technique as well because if the other slots are all simple weapons and they'll probably function similarly to said weapons we've already seen hisoka needs to be caught off guard by one of the weapons and terminated because every weapon hisoku survives is going to be a dead weapon in the future so kite's got a grand total of nine bites at this horny clown Apple whereas hisoka has as many bites as his gum-based imagination will allow so in terms of intelligence hisoka has an undeniable Edge not because he's smarter than kite they're both about equal but because kite isn't allowed to plan because he never knows what weapon he's going to be allowed to use meanwhile hisoka can play it safe by it his time enjoy the battle and as soon as he sees a repeat weapon pop-up Implement a counter in a battle of attrition I can't see kite winning and a lot of that comes down to the key idea of Ingenuity hisoka isn't going to run out of ideas whereas kite has a set limit of ideas that are forced upon him it's not so much that kite isn't creative although his points and creativity are not good but it's more that he's heavily restricted in how he can express his creativity now one obscure factor that may actually help kite is that in chapter 1 he carried a katana however this weapon isn't present when he appears again during the Chimera Antarctic there are two theories for this number one is that the katana itself is actually a crazy thoughts role a basic sword that didn't make sense and number this one is that Togashi either forgot or didn't care and just omitted it in favor of a better idea considering that when drawing chapter one he hadn't even come close to fully conceiving of nen yet and I suppose an in-world explanation would probably be that crazy slots has another restriction that only allows the use of weapons it creates but I only bring it up though because if kite did have a sword as a separate non-crazy slots option then it would make him slightly more versatile and slightly more able to plan against hisoka something that also works well for kite his range from what we've seen hisoka almost always has an advantage in close range combat because even in the one fight hisoka did lose in the series crolo always had to keep his distance and from what we've seen kite is a naturally long range combatant so he doesn't have to fight against hisoka in his preferred Arena however this is what makes hisoka so insanely dangerous though because he's very capable at fighting to Mid to long range as well bungee gum is said to have a maximum stretch limit of 10 meters so anywhere within a 10 meter radius of hisoka is his territory and it's a very dangerous range and so this is one match where we should seriously consider physicality primarily due to how even they both are in almost everything else so kite admittedly does look pretty scrawny but he's not to be underestimated physically or is he his feets are problematic because in the 2011 anime he did show a high level of martial arts skill against yunju but that never happened in the manga also allegedly shoot had a very difficult time fighting against kite's corpse which is notable because the corpse couldn't use none at all so it was completely vulnerable and still a formidable Fighter the problem is we don't know how much of this if any was kite and how much of it was pito's puppeteering ability speaking of Pito we do know that kite was a fighter so proficient that even though Peter won they wanted to go at it again and with that in mind it's hard to see kite as anything less than a world-class fighter which is good for him because that's literally what hisoker is a floor master of Heaven's Arena and one of the most skilled battle clowns in the world so one question you could ask is would hisoka have fought so well against Peter which is probably best saved for another video but I think hisoka would have done at least just as well as kite did we also know that hisoka is a bit of a raw power beast in the Phantom troop arm wrestling rankings hisoka was third in the entire group only uvgen and Finks were physically stronger than him and to be clear that makes hisoka stronger than the Hulk that is Franklin who was fourth in strength both are probably roughly equal but uh then again if I had to choose I would almost certainly give it to hisoka kite is super skinny and in the world of Nan combat look that's fine because whoever can 10 renko and all of the other things better kind of makes physicality irrelevant however if we have two nen users of equal skill intelligence and or reserves then that becomes a different matter physicality all of a sudden becomes very relevant again and I'd also say that kite has a rather unfortunate net affinity for any physical based combat against hisoka hisoka is a transmuter and kite is a conjurer thus making them nen ring neighbors however hisoka's natural Affinity is one step closer to enhancement so when needed his Aura investment in general enhancement is going to be more cost effective than kites so if they both had equal Aura reserves then kites would be depleted more rapidly again in a battle of attrition if it did unfortunately come down to a bit of a sogfest kite is in a terrible situation because physically and even with nen hisoka has the advantage and you know I'm actually starting to think that hisoka might be one of the worst possible opponents for Kai so let's examine the field of mind because I think that holds kite's only real chance at Victory consider this situation should kite put up a good fight which I think he would hisoka would naturally get aroused and potentially become vulnerable due to doing less thinking up here and more thinking down here however that's a bit of a trade-off because when aroused yes hisoka's intelligence does drop however his instincts sharpen presenting an entirely new problem for the opponent to deal with but a problem that might not necessarily be a problem for kite because kite is a proper hunter in the more traditional sense and is exceptionally skilled with dealing with instinctual beasts it's his entire area of expertise and kite's whole heart to his geared towards survival in the wild against dangerous instinctual Powers so the best case scenario is that with hisoka in the state kite could use his Superior calm and intimate experience to get the better of hisoko while he's not thinking at 100 but even then I think it's a stretch when I first started researching this video I thought that it would be a lot more difficult to pick a winner than it is and I'm still shocked because when I look at these discussions online I still see the majority of people weighing in in kite's favor most of the arguments I see are something like well we don't know the rest of kite's crazy slot moves which yeah it's true but we've got to go based on what we know and from what we know what I would expect a more basic web weapons with very straightforward functions they can't be anything too complex or versatile because that's the whole point of having the crazy thoughts restriction kite almost certainly has an array of single function weapons which while immensely powerful don't work well against an experienced veteran like hisoka and so I come back to this kite's moveset seems developed for his hunting style which is encountering beasts in the wild but hisoka's moveset is designed specifically for combat his whole life is dedicated to fighting they have different priorities hisoka is geared for PVP where his kite is geared for PVE which I think is always going to give hisoka the edge in this sort of hypothetical matchup in my opinion hisoka is stronger more versatile and more likely to win with each passing second of the fight and while it's not 100 guaranteed to go hisoka's way yes he could get caught off guard I do still think that the odds are very much in his favor and I would bet on hisoka but what about you let me know who you think would win in the comments below
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 215,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: bcgK0Q2RvMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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