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breaking news a second son God has hit the one piece World her name is jewelry Bonnie and her abilities are seemingly Limitless I can honestly say that I never expected to like Bonnie as much as I do now or Kuma or rehead Island as an arc we pick up with Kuma visiting the Goa Kingdom and I loved seeing Luffy training especially with the alligator and the tiger because it's like a mini rusina which also featured Luffy making friends with an alligator and a tiger just much much bigger so Ry took Luffy to this island packed with hundreds of God strength animals and Luffy would have just been like yeah yeah I know the drill beat up the animals eat a couple of them for nourishment and keep the wimps alive for company I love seeing this because it reminds me that Luffy's devil fruit was abysmal when he first ate it and did genuinely took him a decade of work just to get into shape and acquire the skill to use it because before that it was like trying to slap people with a wet noodle so what we're seeing is Luffy one year before he leaves perfecting his East blue move set and the attack he's using is the same one that he used to finish all so there's a fun line where Luffy says I'll save this for when I'm up against a strong enemy although I will say that erder is definitely retconning some Luffy ABS here when he first set out to see his physique was nowhere near this ried Luffy goes on to say I've got to be ready for when someone tries to take my crew away which is sort of what Al did with nami but not really and it seems like more of a reference to when Kuma eventually separates the crew and I'm not quite sure how I feel about this it's a fun line but it's a bit too coincidental that he says this while the one person who would eventually take his crew away is watching in secret I loved the crew Dragon interaction though which is a flashback within a flashback I always love seeing Oda do stuff like this because his device for flashbacks is to transition into a black page format but then to have a flashback within the flashback we transition to this sort of gray because he can't use white that's mon day and he can't use black because we're already doing that so I wonder what would happen if he ever needed to go to a flashback within a flashback within a flashback but one Dragon line that hit me particularly hard was the whole hey if you continue to talk about this then you may as well kill me yourself a child is their parents weak spot and obviously no one in this world would know that better than Bol yukuma and it's a really interesting dichotomy that we have Happening Here dragon is presented as a man who has given up on being a father for the sake of the world whereas Kuma goes on to give up the world for the sake of being a father to Bonnie being all prepared to make a deal with the devil and such to produce a series of Unstoppable killing machines that could potentially Doom the world so these are two men that decided to walk down completely opposite paths and I love that neither can really judge the other both choices of you is perfectly valid by the other and there's this mutual respect between them in fact dragon is probably the only character in the world who fully understands Kuma and Kuma is SL I guess was probably the only one who understood Dragon I have to say though this is very weird timing because I very recently did a video ranking the worst fars in one piece and dragon was obviously there and after the chapter spoilers came out it got a barrage of comments saying well that didn't age well but then I read the chapter and I'm like yeah at age perfectly fine Dragon does care for Luffy and that was quite sweet TW that we saw that but he's made the choice to abandon that in his words weak spot for the sake of changing the world around him I'm not saying he's a bad person definitely not but even with this chapter nothing I said in that tier list was wrong so Kuma has known about Luffy for quite some time and I think it's quite touching that he was checking in on Luffy in Le of dragon I think this scene also gets tied up very nicely later on in the chapter because Dragon says I'm sure he has his reasons for keeping us in the dark and you can tell that dragon 100% knows that Kuma's reasons are Bonnie because that's what dragon would do and has done keep everyone in the dark about his personal life because knowing about Luffy would only put Luffy in danger and dragon in a compromised position although it is kind of ironic that one of the people he needed to keep most in the dark was Sabo the dragon diagnoses Kuma's condition immediately and prescribes everyone shutting the hell up about it to the SB Kingdom and this is where things get a bit wild firstly alfur is another example of OD to speed running his antagonist finding the most optimized possible route for me to completely despise her which was achieved by tearing up all of the letters to Bonnie and what really rubs it in is seeing the bucket full of previously torn up letters we see that bucket as we also read the words one last thing Bonnie you're probably sick of me saying this but I love you and no Bonnie is not sick of hearing it and you Kuma you're not sick of saying it but Alpha is sick of reading it and the bucket is probably sick of being filled with it here's the thing though this was part of the deal with st sattin Kuma agreed that he would be forbidden from contacting Bonnie and sattin even said that if he violates that order Bonnie would be turned turned into a slave so Kumer is really playing with fire by sending these letters then again he's also doing a lot of undesirable activities because we see that he pops in to help the Revolutionary Army every now and then and at the moment Kuma is the MVP of the entire Army whenever he enters the battlefield even for just a few seconds it's over we have yet to see a single person push conscious Kuma to any kind of limit and there's a genuine discussion to be had about whether or not he may be one of the strongest characters in the series and all of this without the use of hockey mind you we still have yet to see a single example of Kuma using any kind of haky but his devil fruit combined with the buccaneer body just doesn't seem to need it also his pacifism probably prevents the haky from blooming in battle so with the letters I know that Kuma later on says that he wants to write Bonnie a lifetime's worth of love which is frustratingly beautiful with this whole flashback Oda has never missed an opportunity to really push and twist that knife of tragedy in further but part of me wonders if deep down or even shallow up that Kuma knows that Bonnie will never read them and perhaps this is just a way of expressing his own feelings with a sliver of hope that maybe Bonnie will receive one of them which is the sort of thing that Kuma has been doing his entire life even in the darkest of situations he's always clung on to a very obscure and Far Away hope I'm also only now just realizing that Kuma using a news coup to deliver letters probably isn't a rare thing to do in fact there's probably no other way to get written messages across the world which means that big news Morgans doesn't just control the news he controls a whole new sphere of information as well absolutely everything goes through his bird system although Kuma's letters may not have been in vain at all now that Bonnie has seen Kuma's memories she may have gotten to read or hear or even write each and every one of those letters so it's less that Kuma was writing them on paper and more that he was marking them in his mind for her to see later so back to alfha I can understand her intercepting the letters but she tears them up with such disgust and frustration which is such a great way of making me absolutely hate her but I have to say that Alpha is also a pretty terrible agent because apparently she and the other agents completely blew their cover whilst out drinking and this this right here is why Alpha only made it to cp8 because I could never imagine Califa or any of the cp9 agents who were posted on water 7 slipping up this terribly but one of my unexpected hits of this chapter and I guess his flashback in general is Queen da jaon she's had a bit of a slow burn over the last three chapters which has been a pretty great life lesson about the elderly in the first chapter she was introduced Connie was portrayed as a withered prune with very little agency of her own constantly being lifted up by people thinking she was Bonnie with no objections then in the one after that Connie opened up and we saw how much of a kind and empathetic figure she was acting as a standin parent for Bonnie and in this chapter another layer was pulled back which shows her to be incredibly clever and cunning it's Connie who makes the decision to hide Bonnie's powers and it's also Connie who has her network of information letting them know about Alpha and the disease and all of that Sly cunning is masked by pretending to be a decrepit old woman who may or may not be losing her mind I love that part at the end where Al discovers Connie in Bonnie's clothes and she's putting on the ACT pretending to be Bonnie it's such a good full circle joke because Connie was introduced with everyone mistaking her for Bonnie and it also made me think as a a relatively young person relative to the old people not relative to the really young people but we have such a weird perspective on the elderly we don't have the experience of what it's like to be old and so we make a lot of assumptions about them based on knowledge that we can't possibly have until we reach that age it's quite arrogant really as displayed by Alpha so never ever underestimate the elderly especially in a world like this because there's a reason that they've lived this long so seeing Stuy in this chapter was also a big surprise she's in her underworld Emperor outfit as well which gives me Nostalgia for hul Kake Island although a thought I've started to have ever since it was revealed that she was a clone is how did nobody ever suspect anything I mean she looks exactly like Buckingham duy and even has her name and look maybe not everyone had the unfortunate experience of dealing with the rock Pirates but you know who did Charlotte Lin Lin she dealt very intimately with them and she even invited Stuy to sanji's wedding and apparently didn't even suspect a thing despite the fact that big mom was on the same crew as the original Stuy linlin must have known that Stuy was a clone she she just has to have surely although with all of the cloning stuff some people have suggested that Alpha was a clone of Califa or that both Alpha and Califa are clones again I think that Alpha was just the thicker old a sister because I just can't see Califa being this bad at her job but now one of my favorite parts of the chapter is is when Stuy fap Punk and Kuma have a brief yet profound discussion about losing individuality which I think is brushed by pretty quickly considering that all three people in this room are struggling with just that from three completely different perspectives Kumer is obviously about to lose all sense of agency and become a completely Hollow cyborg whereas Stuy has to reckon with the idea that a lot of her individuality was decided by the original Stuy and as a clone is it even possible to be an individual a role of her character traits desires thoughts and feelings dictated by bucking duy and Vega Punk himself also needs to ask this question because if he hasn't already he's about to divide his individuality up into six distinct and separate entities so on some weird level there isn't a single person in this room who could be described as a true individual which is something that I've really appreciated about egad in general I don't think that odor is going to truly dive into these discussions but he is bringing a lot of uncharacteristically deep ideas to the table and it makes me wonder if Oda himself is going through a bit of an existential crisis at the moment asking himself a lot of questions about the nature of existence and such because he's a 48-year-old man who's conquered his chosen field and a master Fortune of over2 million Us doll edu and after having reached that point in the hierarchy of needs he's probably becoming a lot more inquisitive about the more abstract aspects of life but then we have as we all expected Bonnie's escape from the SB Kingdom and also we finally have an explanation for Bonnie ship the big Theory back in the day was that Bonnie was one of big mom's relatives due to the pink hair the lipstick the uncontrollable fluty and the fact that they both had food Focus ships I never expected the answer to the ship to be this touching though they made the ship into a pizza because Bonnie is a 9-year-old child and they didn't want her stuck on some stuffy boring boat that's what her whole life has already been so let's make something inviting something exciting and something to breede some much needed fun into Bonnie's childhood also Bonnie setting out to see is very reminiscent of Luffy in chapter 1 it's time to start her Adventure but there's still one antagonist standing in the way so we need to prove that we're ready to tackle the challeng challenges of this world and knock them out with a single punch it is fearsome yet adorable like a mini gear third and this is where od's villain speedr running pays off tremendously in the space of a chapter and a half he made me despise Alpha to my core so it's so unbelievably satisfying to see her get hit and it's a pretty brutal hit as well if we're talking about this versus the punch that Luffy gave to the lord of the coast I feel like I'd rather take Luffy's punch and then just imagine Alpha trying to report this back to the world government you were outsmarted by a barely functional like drct generian lady and then you were overpowered by a 9-year-old child yeah there's probably a reason why we haven't seen Alpha in the modern day but this is of course the most insane moment of the chapter which has unlocked a whole new level of potential for Bonnie because she's just managed to access a distorted future which essentially gives her Luffy's devil fruit abilities and if she can do that what's to stop her mimicking every other power out there or even taking on other fruit classes like a distorted future where she becomes kaido's Dragon Zen or a distorted future where she becomes a loia Bonnie's devil fruit is the perfect multi-tool at this stage the only real limitation is that she's a child although actually I don't know if that's a limitation in Luffy's case the childlike imagination is a huge benefit for his fruit and key to unlocking it and I think it's very similar with Bonnie it takes a very active imagination to conjure these wacky distorted Futures and this fruit is probably much more dangerous in the possession of a 9-year-old girl than it would be in say a sensible 40-year-old accountant named Simon I also wonder if the fruit gets weaker as you get older and the perhaps one of the reason reasons why Bonnie can do so many amazing things is because she's only nine which means that she has so much unknown potential ahead of her but once she does age to become more con like does the fruit become much more limited because to be blunt there isn't a whole lot of future left to access I guess you could Aid Yourself back down but then could you use distorted future in conjunction with age restoration I I do not know and in theory could Bonnie also use distorted future on others and turn anyone she wants into na if so we could end up with an entire Army of rubber people but this chap have to showcas as one of the greatest strengths of the series which is that every character feels like the protagonist of their own story throughout this whole flashback Kuma has been compelling enough that I would be more than happy to follow a whole story just about him meanwhile I also think that Bonnie could definitely carry her own story as well in fact were it not for the existence of Luffy there would be a great argument to make that Bonnie will become the joy boy we're looking for she has everything the inherited will and the power to do so and really the only thing stopping her is that this is Luffy's story and then there's the central question that we need to raise every AR will Bonnie become a straw hat could she take up The Apprentice role on the ship like Shanks and buggy did for the Roger Pirates a random child that the crew stumbled upon and incidentally found themselves raising because right now The Apprentice role is the only standard one missing from the straw hats that influence on the Next Generation even if bnny is considered part of this generation but surely at some point if she hasn't already Bonnie will realize that Luffy is NAA and what more could she possibly want to do than make her father's dream come true so you let me know in the comments what do you think of jewry Bunny's chances of joining the crew
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 323,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KQe9GeWx02E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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