Grenade Found While Magnet Fishing! (Public Emergency)

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oh my god this is a legit grenade what's up guys jake here today we're in florida we're actually at a place called the st john's river i've never been here before but we're gonna be magnet fishing off this pier if you're new to magnet fishing you don't really know what it is it's pretty simple all you do is you tie a magnet to the end of a rope and you toss it out to find anything magnetic we're looking for guns or just crazy stuff like that but you just never know what you're gonna find i'm teaming up with my friends chris and kyle hopefully we get lucky so let's go ahead toss the magnet out there and see what we can find hey getting ready find the gun they're ready to find a gun before we get this adventure going this video is sponsored by raycon let me show you how i use their wireless earbuds in my day-to-day life [Music] right off the bat what's great about raycon earbuds is they actually start about half the price of any other premium earbuds on the market their everyday e25 earbuds are their best model yet with six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and more of a compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit it also comes in new cool colors recons are great for working from home working out listening to music or even podcasts without driving your friends or significant others crazy they sound just as amazing or even better in my opinion than other top audio brands on the market so with that said if you want to buy the same raycon earbuds that i use you can click the link in description box below that's d almighty you can save 15 off your order if you click that link so with that state of recon thank you so much for sponsoring this adventure let's go ahead and get out there to see what we can come across all right guys i'm so excited we got the magnet set up all hooked up all we got to do is drop it in the water here and then the boys they'll start dragging it their way all right y'all go for it that's kind of deep down there this is the first go hopefully we get lucky it'd be crazy if we found a gun on the first one that's a perfectly good working double-a battery battery some nails that we can use to build a house that's right it works it's a real magnet look at this i was skeptical it's so gross all this like the mud down there yeah it's a little cool how deep 10 or 15 probably it feels so weird like i can tell it's moving through like sludge oh i feel like hit hitting stuff guns the sludge guns people threw in the sludge i feel like this is where the creature of the black lagoon came from it was birthed from that cosmic ooze at the bottom of the river what do we got more nails wait that's like oh it's pliers that's old pair of pliers right there that's all messed up it's like just totally fused together and natures and natives and sludge i think i got something pretty big right here it keeps bubbling up like every time we attach the magnet to it a ton of bubbles start popping up so there's something half buried in the sludge down there and i'm on it right now and it keeps getting off but i can feel it it feels super heavy yeah it feels way heavier than normal whoa a grill yes we're making hamburgers later i'm so excited about the grill sludge burger sludge burger i can't wait to have a sludge burger on my sludge grill i found in the sludge river it's gonna be a great time all right i'm gonna pull my way a little bit i don't know if i feel it now i feel like i look to something for a minute i don't know all right let's see feels like there might be something on it oh what is that it's a grenade it's a grenade we're all gonna blow up i'm not teasing yeah there was a person killed over there with that oh you see what happened it's been there so long it's rusting you tanker with it wrong it might cool off okay no no you don't have to pull it see it doesn't bend in that water and hit a little mess up okay i i let's set it down dude i feel impending doom should we rip it back one more time so here's the thing there's a really good chance that they're going to tell us we can't do this here if it is real so we should probably do more like i was i would say like we should cover that up and that's the end of your video or later on you know what i mean but i don't think you are you never know what you're gonna find ew that's just cool so what are you going to do with that little prize guys i'm real curious well i don't know if we know yet we're gonna have to call somebody i'd like to uh have been a little bird when y'all first found it when you came brought it up and said oh my god we were freaking out no doubt i was like holy cow yeah that's that's pretty cool i have to say that's probably the neatest thing that i know oh no i gotta take a picture of it pick it up come on pick it up come on there's two of them on there oh my god seriously two of them on there that's incredible what is happening [Music] oh my god what's up with the holes on the bottom notice how the bottom is hollow what does that mean i don't know oh [Laughter] [Applause] no way i'd be throwing grenades at you you see the holes on the bottom these are like made for like paper weights or they're replicas of what the real ones are this is like a pineapple grenade i'm not too sure exactly what that is but they're real but they're just replicas man i thought we found a grenade i was surprised by his reaction at first because he's like whoa but he was all like kind of calm i would be freaking out if i found a grenade uh i did after the first one chris didn't know at first and then i filled him in because he's researching i'm like shoot if he researches he's gonna immediately know and he's gonna tell kyle so i didn't want him to ruin it so i told him like in the middle of it all but i had you for a second you had me you had me at the beginning definitely but kyle what does it feel like man it's pretty good i guess [Laughter] all right so like i said yeah obviously these are fake but it is a real thing that we could find out there people have found if you look it up on youtube it's been done but i've never done it so let's get back out there see if we can find any guns or any other cool stuff but let's get a shot man that's pretty funny i had to prank y'all dude that's amazing that's the best prank ever hello these are so funny oh my gosh dude when he started throwing them i was like crazy you still got it i got it i got it man what is that is that safe dude that's a box or something i don't think i feel away i don't think i can lift it dude we're gonna have to have someone reach it or something is the other magnet maybe it was way out there like throwing distance too so someone threw it i think so someone has something in there that they don't want us to see yeah you got it no i think this was like a thing to an old safe maybe is it or like uh oh what's in there dude somebody pried it open like forcefully dude this is definitely something they took the money out of it man you never know really though yeah there's some sludge in there oh yeah i did see a bug there oh is there like any coins in there inside yes yeah i feel something really yeah for real no way what is it uh you got a metal a rock or something there's some good slimy stuff what else is in there that looks like a coin i don't know i have a piece of mine no this is pretty exciting like this is a this is something like i'd hope to find no no no coins or anything man i got everything but weird that's exactly what they did there was some this was for some to collect coins somehow yeah and they pried it open and got the money out and tossed what does the bottom look like so what do you think it is ah something somebody stole and tried to pour it open and got the money out this is what we hold the coins right here right yep that was this whole thing right here yeah nice to pour it open oh yeah that's freaking cool that's crazy all right it's been pretty fun man i watch uh do you like them he's like i watched this guy named jake deal muddy magnet fishes i remember when y'all were uh where were y'all at y'all were like in the swanny river or something i mean i found a gun you know called the officers yeah yeah yeah that was me so if you guys doubted my magnet check it out come on come on [Music] all right so kyle's a guy with a long hair ended up pranking him really good and he doesn't know i'm doing this but i want to surprise him i'm telling you guys that he just uploaded a new album of his music called all it does is rain he got over a thousand views the other day and he was freaking out but if we can break like 10 000 views he would go completely nuts so if you can click the link in the description box below tell him jake sent you and just check out his music he would love it but i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you guys did make sure you guys like this video big thumbs up also don't forget to subscribe to my friends youtube channels i'm gonna put their channels in the description box below tell them jake sent you they got some really cool stuff make sure you check them out but to my next adventure i'll see you guys [Music] you
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 4,423,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, magnet fishing for guns, found grenade while maget fishing, grenade found, magnet fishing grenade, what will my giant magnet pull from deep lake, magnet fishing gun, found knife magnet fishing, best magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing videos, river treasure, best river treasure finds, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing setup, worlds strongest magnet, gun magnet fishing, how to magnet fish, dallmyd, fishing, grenade magnet fishing
Id: 3eQ4MzjJ_yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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