What Weird Trends Have Gone Through Your School? (r/AskReddit)

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what weird trends have gone through your school back in high school the guys would call each other by their mom's names so you would be at your locker and from down the hall you hear a loud obnoxious slur a eieio followed by some comment about her sexual abilities and questions about her plans for her mouth later my school was doing this with middle names everybody would refer to each other by their middle names the wider the better since mine is Russian it was always a treat we had a trend of bag fights everyone in the playground would form a huge circle with two school bags in the middle next to each other and chant fight fight fight teachers would then come running out to break up the fight only to discover it had been nothing but a bag fight all along my school did something similar except instead of bags in the middle of the circle it was two people thumb wrestling wearing 3d glasses as sunglasses some girls in my class started eating baby food tenth grade Germany here for whatever reason some girls in my class are doing this because it tastes like a smoothie Rubik's cubes for some reason everyone eventually learned how to solve them and people would then compete to see who could solve it faster same in 2010 so I was about 15 people would lubricate them with Vaseline so they could do it with one hand throwing firecrackers at freshmen that didn't last long piercing is with paper clips girls in my seventh-grade class back in 2003 used to carry around purses shaped like corsets my mom made me take one of those to school she said it would help make new mature friends in HS there was an odd group of girls who had credit card each other by quickly slipping their hand up someone's built crack all down the front of a girl's chest it was weird my group of friends did this in mid school ages 11 - 14 and a lot of us ended up being lesbians it was our way of awkwardly copping feels I guess not that weird but if you want to be cool you have to wear a raincoat 90% of people wear a raincoat no matter the weather cool kids make all the girls wet they came prepared the weirdest thing I remember was the introduction of a game called watching all it involved was flicking someone's nose as hard as possible before they could react some of the best watches did result in nosebleeds all right grandpa it's time for your nap soon someone started a thing at my school where you'd take someone's rucksack backpack school bag when they weren't looking and tee it out turn it inside out put everything in and zip it back up it was called Papoose for some reason we do this but we call it nugget Inge one day in my math class so many people got nugget of that everybody who hadn't was basically sitting on their backpacks to protect them lawyer since sixth grade 1998 everyone was yelling so much in the hall that we had a few minor injuries and lawyers were banned we would spend the whole lesson when we were supposed to be listening stabbing each other in the thigh with stationery to see who would Yelp and get in trouble math was the worst with the compasses there was a weird point in like 2007 stroke eight where all the rough kids in my North England school got really into golf you'd be sat in maths and some labs in the back would be discussing their handicap really odd the sadistic mechanistic game of knuckles where one player puts their knuckles on a table and the other player flicks a coin until they bleed we had a sadistic game too basically everyone placed their hands on a flat surface one on top the other then the guy whose hand is right at the bottom of the pile would swing down with a piece of stick the other players could pull away from the pile at any moment during the swing the idea is to pull away fast enough to get the guy with the stick to hit his own hand the blow dart game yell someone's name to get their attention then pretend to blow an air dart at their face if you get hit you have to go completely limp until someone pulls the dirt out of your neck unfortunately it was banned because one time a kid actually passed out in the hallway and no one it also someone collapsed in the middle of a math class and didn't move seriously freaking out the teacher in eighth grade the girls would swap one shoe with their friends at the start of the day and walk around with odd shoes all day after school they'd swap back and then swap with a different friend the next morning in ninth grade the girls would grow their fingernails disgustingly long and then put earrings through them in ninth grade all of the guys started bringing pet mice to school and keeping them in their pockets backpacks shoes and then pulling them out at random times in class in tenth grade the guys started shaving bald patches into the tops of each other's heads we had a girl who was instagram famous and there was a time where everyone harassed her for autographs and stuff like that someone even started an account of her in her natural state and took candid photos of her in school there's an Instagram famous girl at my University right now around 350 K real IG followers and every time I see her she's surrounded by other girls that seem to be laughing at nothing it almost looks like a cartoon we had a thing called a foot he cut which was where the person would have all of their hair flat except for the back of the head where the hair was all fluffed up and sticking outwards it was a crap year that game where you would hold you hand in like a rock a sign and if your friend looked you gotta punch him I believe the rules dictated the sign had to be below the waist you could win by breaking the circle without looking at it sponging to prank people we would put a little piece off sponges on their shoulders without their awareness it was just an art class but it went all around the school in three days school of 1500 it got better when my awesome math teacher taped a piece of sponge to my Civic stitches back the next day she came in telling us about how the people remodeling her house were laughing at her all day because she had not known until her husband came home and asked her about her pet sponge girls at my school used to suck on baby pacifiers I remember my older sister had a pacifier apparently it was cool to have them in her high school this was in like 2002 or 2003 technics my friend and I sold them for like seven dollars apiece man what a stupid trend but I was a rich 7th grader anyone in the UK remember those unite against racism wristbands they consisted of two intertwined bands one black and one white anyway a group of lads in my 99.9% white school in rural North Wales took to cutting off the white band in order to be more Street any way to combat this another group of lads decided to cut off the black band thus beginning the first and only all-white race war in my white high school all the neo-nazi kids and all the punk kids would engage in what I guess you could call a race war or at least all the punk kids would beat up the Nazi kids for being racists you know that s thing yeh that never seemed to get old and it was everywhere vote for Pedro t-shirts dominated my middle school for a while I didn't see the movie so I was confused as to who Pedro was and why I should have voted for him it's alright he lacked political experience anyways not weird it's in middle school in the US the most annoying fricking trend came about if you guys have been hit with a paper wasp you know my pain paper wasps wear a tiny piece of paper folded up too it could sit on a rubber band then they would pull back the rubber band the paper would fly at Mach nine speed and if stung like a bee when it hit hence the name paper wasp but finally the principal stopped that crap when some kid was hit in the neck multiple times and went to the nurse people that my middle school would put staples and duct tape on theirs it got really brutal it all ended when a kid got one stuck in his eye from what I remember post-it notes made for the best Hornets as we called them kid sniff those sniff pencils they got banned from school one kid was found with two of them stuck under his nose behind the school they sniffed them to get high the school sold them in the library so essentially my school was a drug dealer at one point we had the same with scented gel pens people used to shoplift all the time and trade sell them it's was so stupid formal attire in middle school boys wore a suit and tighter geometry class what a bunch of squares in my brother's high school it was considered weak to wipe your butt after pooping that seems a bit weird to me that's the most insane crap I've ever heard I'm 100% certain that your brother was the victim of some criminal conspiracy of practical jokers trying to trick him into walking around with poop in his pants those frickin yo-yos in fifth grade man there was this game that was pretty popular to the boys at our school for a while called hide-and-go crap basically whenever someone took a crap they would send a picture message of their crap to every guy on their phone and everyone who got it would have to somehow gets out of class and find the crap the most popular excuse with the players was to ask to go take a crap themselves which resulted in a lot of frustration from the teachers for having so many dang kids taking shoots as a guy I personally never played but I received many crap pics on my phone I must admit some were pretty impressive teacher here my students eat those Asian noodle soup things dry I feel like it could be very unhealthy to eat 2-3 packs a day haha we did that to over 15 years ago but only occasionally it wasn't a trend or anything I'm in Germany as well I should probably also confess that I am now an adult and have definitely done this at least once within the last three years for two years in my little private middle school all of this guys would sack tap each other sack tapping is when you flick your wrist and smack a guy in the junk with the back of your hand for about a year the guys in our class would stand around cupping our junk wherever we were standing together if a guy forgot to cup he'd be sacked tapped the school finally satis down and told us to stop being frickin weird I'm paraphrasing that but you get the idea this app called Yik yak where you can anonymously post messages to everyone in the area got really popular one day people were insulting each other and harassing teachers halfway through the day a girl ran down the hallway screaming because she'd been called in dumbest my favorite quote of the day was don't nobody want to freak her and her bat wings bag halfway through the day all the teachers found out called the app developers and made them block it on our campus formspring was similarly popular when my brother was in high school it was hilarious because a kid got expelled over death threats he was making over it he argued build it's anonymous it's illegal to find out that I was the one doing it on the downside the government thought that the child with a lack of education is best removed from the educational system middle school wearing many layers of t-shirts and collared shirts like 5-7 I think it was a short-lived preppy fad high school carrying a large one stroke to a gallon jug of Bojangles sweet iced tea around after lunch it let everyone know that you drove all the way to the next city ever to get it there was no time to actually eat there you had to eat it on the way back in your car college everyone started carrying knowledge in water bottles to class at some point that caught on pretty much everywhere after winter break one year everybody had a Palm Pilot and was I are transferring their business cards to their classmates everyone masters being the valedictorian of some large university back in Korea India China PhD pretending to be dumb saying things like your advisor said you don't have to do research anymore people would try to smoke Smarties the candy eventually Smarties were banned and if you were caught with them it would led to a referral a referral for candy dang middle schoolers we had this weird trend in high school where everyone was getting frickin pregnant everyone in my school waited until the year after high school then the pregnancies started it was like they had a goal of not getting pregnant in HS so they decided the year after was totally different the trend that my uni right now is protesting anything oh man on my uni Facebook page a girl posted stating she knew were a politician lived and she was starting a protest a guy asks what about and she I crap you not said she wasn't sure but thought it would be a good idea anyway we had a fad called called nano chair we would put banana peels under our chairs and we could slide around it was actually a lot of fun teachers would get peed but we could just slide away from them right after Columbine the people in my school had this weird trend of giving me a wide breadth in the halls and being a lot more polite really weird I'd say I got picked on a lot less after Columbine - I went to a Christian school and one day they gave everyone a personal Bible Bible was commenced we just beat each other with Bibles this went on for a week until the school had to ban them that's right my Christian school banned personal Bibles adds another layer to bible thumpers there was a weird game going around at one point if you call someone's name while you were making finger glasses and that person turns to look at you that person would have to put their head to a wall and go full for ten seconds if on the other hand the person predicted that you would have finger glasses they would turn a look at you with a finger on their nose then you had to go to the nearest doorknob and touch it with your knee it was the stupidest crap ever but sort of fun every once and a while an iPhone game will sweep the entire school and everyone will be playing it for a week or so until someone discovers the next one right now everybody is obsessed with 2048 work 2048 is so may the word troll that teacher trolled you so hard I wish I was as troll as Jessica that so troll trolling so hard right now most of the time it wasn't even about being troll you had been visited by the party pug he just wants you to celebrate with him comment woohoo to celebrate with the party Park thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 32,875
Rating: 4.8690476 out of 5
Keywords: school stories, reddit school, weird things, weird school, weird trends, weird trends in school, school trends, school, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: JpnQafHIixs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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