What Was The Tipping Point Of Your Last Relationship? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what was the tipping point of your last relationship turns out she never actually left her ex-boyfriend and I found out when she blew up about me adding a picture of us together to my facebook I was in a similar situation I was dating this girl who I was positive was dating other guys so she emailed me once and it had like 30 other people on the email so I did reply all saying hey I'm this girl's boyfriend is anyone else dating her it turned out the parents of the guy she was also dating was on that email list she started telling me how she had to defend me to my friends after I had to miss watching a show with them to go into work my friends told me that wasn't true and she spent the entire time crap talking me ah and I bet she hated drama like a lot first in last tipping point they were married to a whole other person at least it wasn't just half another person when she finally started to sober up from the years worth of prescription meds and immediately said I don't want to be married anymore it's weirdly common for people to get divorced right after they get sober I got tired of carrying her to bed after her nightly binge drinking also her complete denial of being an alcoholic and refusing to get help that sounds like the girl I currently have living with me no relationship but she's adamant she's not an alcoholic but falls asleep on the couch after drinking all night and I have to drag her ass to her bed he was on a five-day bender ignoring every single one of my messages until I said I'm leaving you then he said he was gonna kill himself if I leave him something he said every time I tried to leave I simply said okay blocked him and sent an ambulance to his house when the ambulance got there his friend sent me a ton of abusive messages saying why the Frick would you do that act turns out the paramedics walked in on her sucking his dong I'm sorry but I genuinely found this super funny I wish there had been a tipping point but our relationship just died a very slow death because she had gradually been losing interest just happened me after four years it's just as brutal as anything sudden she wouldn't stop sleeping with her ex-boyfriend and then decided to marry him she told me this via text sounds to me like he never stopped being her boyfriend at least in practice when we went on a 16 hour each way road trip and didn't kill each other knew I was going to marry her after that trip yeah happy tipping point we were doing long-distance and had been having problems for a long time and had been trying to work through them or staying together despite how overdue a breakup was which ever anyways I flew home to visit him for his day and felt like I was going to have a panic attack the whole time I was there we had some fun and didn't fight a Tong but I was super tense finally I get back and it just felt like such a relief a couple months later he was just about to visit me and we got in a fight and he threatened to cancel his trip and not come something he did frequently when he visited at first I argued against the idea but then actually considered it and realized what to weight off it was honestly that's the worst when you realize you just rather not be around them anymore nothing personal but just yet to go away she would threaten me with physical violence and self-harm for years if I ever left her I was made to choose between my friends or her certain threats made if I'd choose friends over her etc having to be in contact with her at all times if I wasn't with her going through my phone and years of messages with my closest friends whilst I'm asleep et Cie deciding who I could follow on Instagram be friends with on Facebook based off how attractive they were or if she deemed them as a threat etc even if they were long-term friends makes me feel sick thinking about it all again crazy crap I was younger and didn't realize how abusive she really was lost a lot of friends because of her she eventually did another one of her fake breakups and I decided not to crawl back to the person that would always tell me that no one else would ever love me etc said okay I'll pick up my stuff tomorrow or something along those lines and then she obviously freaked out realizing I wasn't falling for her tricks and playing into her usual games haven't seen or heard from her in four years now I dealt with that same kind of thing a while back it's crazy and frustrating much they managed to wrap you around your finger with that one I'm glad you're out of that one man it sucks her us she just kept getting drunk and going crazy I had to call the police on her because she took a bunch of pills when I left during one of her binges she would call me at night often drunk as heck and yell at me and then threatened to cut herself when I refused to come over at 1:00 in the morning she still drinks to this day month after month after month excuses why he couldn't pay rent and yet he would spend all his income on eating out online gaming memberships etc would also try to guilt-trip me into getting him stuff constantly one day we went to visit relatives in another state during the week before Christmas and my uncle snapped he told him off about how he is manipulative and can see that what he does has dragged me down as a serious burden I didn't attempt to intervene he was absolutely right and after we left ex bitched me out for not stepping up for him we broke up the day after and suddenly I felt like I could breathe again we went to a new country for both of us Netherlands I'm Portuguese she is polish I got a job she didn't she became P and started stressing I got a better job she got an average one stress continued so in order to get an even better job she applied to work in another country Italy got accepted and soon our relationship was over she pulled a knife on me during intercourse it was one time Adam we had been together for five years she started dating someone else for the last five months of our relationship I work night shift as a police officer and I only found out because I realized I left something at home when I left for work and went home to get it around midnight and this random guy was sleeping in my bed and my girlfriend was nowhere to be found she was making a run to Walgreens I would not want to be a random guy waking up to a police officer I bet you put some serious fear in that guy his crack addiction reared its ugly head after he was clean for more than a year comma crack addiction if anything says take pot shots over your shoulder while you fly away at Mach 4 this standing in the kitchen early in the morning trying to work out if I would get more told off for taking my boyfriend now X is T up in the wrong mug not his favorite one or for making a noise washing up his favorite one freaking narcissist control freak with misophonia he was going out during the night to see two other girls too and when I saw him during the morning he would be tired as heck because obviously he was out and tell me he had sleeping issues I found out he was cheating on me with the two girls when they both saw me hugging him and went to scream at me for the Karma part the three of us agreed to leave him and not talk to him again and I'm still a friend with one of them when my now ex-wife was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of her female students he told me his ex was the only person he'd missed WWE Monday Night Raw for he told me Lee had to go to Minnesota for a couple months on business but actually bought a house there and was planning on tricking me into moving there with him when she drove for hours to meet me at the hospital where my mom was dying we had not been together for long but she comforted me in such a way that I could never forget I knew I loved her and I married her one year later yes a good tipping point I was leaving the gym and told her I would be over to her apartment in about 45 minutes after I showered I kid you not at the 45 minute mark she was texting me upset that I wasn't there yet I apologized and told her I had to go to the bathroom so it's taking a little longer but I was on my way and almost there I showed up at about the 15 minute mark she would not open the door beyond leaving the security latch attached and only to tell me to freak off and so after about five minutes of trying to reason with her to let me in' and her responding that she didn't want to hang out anymore because I took too long because I was probably talking to some ho at the gym I decided to leave when I got back to my apartment I figured might as well entertain myself and play some video games about 40 minutes later she shows up to my place banging on the door I happily opened the door thinking she changed her mind she sees that I was clearly playing video games and enjoy a glass of wine walks over and picks up the wine and throws it on the ground P Offit I found something to do other than stare at the wall because she didn't want to hang out with me she sees how in shock I am at her reaction and tries to brush up the broken wineglass with her bare hands she is bleeding and crying and I am in shock and pleading with her to stop because she is tearing her hands up I suggest she leaves and that was the last time we were in the same room together what a whirlwind off a relationship that on was we moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks but I figured I could work a little harder and she would too I had my doubts if she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value really saw that later on after we split we had a huge fight about the living room paint color she said it was just awful and couldn't put up with it we went round and round about it for a week or so until I finally just decided I could concede on this one but that I got to choose the bedroom color but she described it as a cream color but like adding too much creamer to coffee disgust it was a word for it I want to say in a ho I'm standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week off work and remodeling I'm dead-ass tired and she's combing through the paint swatches she finds the color and we get it mixed we end up in an argument in the car as I'm opting for bed and she wants to paint I told her it is better to do it during the day so we can open the windows and let it air out better it was currently raining and I didn't want water marks it escalated and grew until she finally just got so P that she left I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts but I got it all mixed up and dipped the roller rolled over once and it all hit me at the exact same time I was sick of her and her controlling attitude I was done feeling like Ann asked for things I didn't do wrong I was tired of living her dream life you know why it hit me that paint was the exact same thing color as the wall he kept treating his dance partner better than me would take her out for drinks to try she hadn't before took her shopping with him post photos of her online et Cie they wouldn't hold my hand in nothing about me on social media whatsoever totes fine but if you go on and on about how great your dance partner isn't making it seem like your girlfriend doesn't exist it doesn't feel great etc I have no issue with female friends or dance partners but don't pay for dinner and drinks with them and then have your girlfriend pays for every single date night I dropped $70 for a movie night $40 off between his drinks dude still hits me up whining about how we could have worked out how he misses my cat etc I dumped him over a year ago things had been going downhill for a long time and we ended up in marriage counseling which was actually what did us in sitting in a room with her refusing to listen to me and her own counselor about things going on in our relationship really clued me into fact that things weren't going to get better a few weeks after we started dating I caught a really bad sickness I was lying in bed and coughing for days the entire time she brought me soup and a steady supply of cough drops and tissues this might seem small but how thing could set the tone of our relationship and I'll always remember that we have been together for three years going strong we went on a trip to Boston together she had kids so this was our first chance to get away together just the two of us we were at a Red Sox game and I noticed she was acting strange being quiet and distant normally she was always a bubbly happy person for the rest of the trip she just shut down and was no longer present she wouldn't talk about what was bothering her the next day after getting home we talked on the phone and I finally got it out of her that it was over found out later from a mutual friend that I bought her and she only realized it when we finally spent an exam of time together you have been visited by the coffee cat subscribe for many mornings of easy awakenings if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: UE Studios
Views: 76,557
Rating: 4.9174314 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, karma, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, chill, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, relationship, breakup, last straw, tipping point, break up
Id: c7y4hr7_Lc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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