What Was The Most Genius War Tactic In History? (r/AskReddit)

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what was the most interesting war tactic ever performed in history the Romans led pigs on fire to scare Hannibal's elephants on the other hand Hannibal had the balls to march across the Alps with [ __ ] elephants Bal see all-around Julius Caesar's victory at Alesia after which Vercingetorix famously surrendered and all of Gaul all have go all know became a Roman province was actually pretty crazy the girls had been doing relatively well thus far in the war and played to their strengths that were finally cornered in a little fortified hilltop town called Alesia Caesar knew that vercingetorix would run out of supplies pretty quickly so instead of attacking the town he laid siege to it by building a wooden wall complete with towers and ditches and traps around the entire town about 18 kilometers in total vercingetorix knowing he was [ __ ] if he didn't get help managed to send messengers out to his allies and soon enough a Gaulish army outnumbering the Romans was marching on Alesia and now it was caesar's turn to be [ __ ] but instead of giving up on the siege he ordered another wooden wall to be built around the entire first wall so now he had the Gauls surrounded in Alesia and was himself surrounded by more goals what followed were a couple of days of intense fighting with the girls almost managing to break through the wall in several places Marc Antony who would go on to bang Cleopatra let her charge to save one section and Caesar himself took command of the last reserves personally threw himself into the Millay and turned the tide of battle apparently he grabbed his own fleeing men by the collar and hurled them back into combat and his personal bravery inspired his legions to endure er eventually the ghoulish reinforcements routed and fled the fields and verse in chat Oryx out of supplies and still surrounded through his shield at Caesars feet I think the double circum valachia must be the craziest tactic that actually worked this is a tactic the Gurkhas used in Afghanistan in the recent conflict there if they were to attack a Taliban outpost they'd sneak ahead and kill the outer perimeter guards then they'd cut off the gods heads and reattach them with sticks when the guard change happened the new guards would tap their friends on the shoulder and crap themselves as their friends heads would fall off generally they didn't put up a fight after that meaning the Gurkhas avoided having to do an assault that could cost lives Gurkhas are crazy awesome but crazy Scipio africanus used a great tactic against the Carthaginians at the Battle of Aleppo the simplified version both the Romans and the Carthaginians had armed is composed of their well-trained homegrown soldiers and not so reliable Iberian allies roughly half / half reach for a few days the two armies were camped close to each other and would come out during the day for math and then the other to attack Scipio always put his Legionnaires in the center and positioned his Iberian zon the Winx the Carthaginians were like that makes sense and did the same with their army so they stared at each other like that for a couple of days on the day of the battle Sapir had his men eat well before dawn get ready and form up outside the camp but this time he reversed his formation and put the weaker Iberian in the center and the Legionnaires on the wings then he signaled for attack and the surprised Carthaginians ran out of their camps and automatically formed up the way they had the last few days assuming that Scipio was up to his usual shenanigans by the time anyone saw the change in tactics it was way too late and the Legionnaires tore through the weaker Carthaginian wings and turned on the enemy center before the Roman center had even closed with its counterpart the Carthaginians were all rooting and surrounded before their generals could do anything to save a day Scipio africanus went on to be the only general to defeat Hannibal in a land battle project Fugo was a weird one during the I Japan launched six thousand plus paper balloons attached to incendiary bombs in hopes that they would float across a Pacific air stream and catch American Forests on fire quite a few made it here they found one in Canada in 2014 but they didn't do a lot of damage and it was kept very hush-hush by the u.s government so almost no one heard about it except a few hundred people in the Pacific Northwest who spotted the mysterious jellyfish in the sky slowly floating by the UK air dropped matchbooks into enemy lines which contained instructions on how a soldier could fake illnesses to get sent home once the Nazi leader's caught wind of this they stopped sending their troops home who claimed to have said illnesses not only did this get healthy enemy troops sent home it eventually ended with genuinely ill troops being sent back into combat spreading real disease amongst their acts in New Guinea the Australian commander at gonna Rai believe it was decided when attacking a Japanese fortified position to tell the troops that the artillery would cease one minute earlier than he actually planned it this would be so his troops would reach the Japanese defensive position with one minute left in the artillery barrage his reasoning was that the friendly artillery would cause fewer casualties among his forces than the Japanese would if given a chance to get back in position one of the officers actually leading the attack came to the same conclusion and had his men attack one minute earlier it resulted in them attacking through their own artillery barrage for two minutes it worked the Japanese were slaughtered by the Australian infantry who went in a bayonet in a fuckload of Japanese who had no idea what was going on the Celts are said to have got into combat on a few occasions completely naked it's freaky enough to face off against a large army of big screaming men decked out in armor waving swords but it had totally [ __ ] with your rice lash brain if they are totally buck-ass nude just ask general butt naked from the Liberian Civil War I like the Finnish defence against subject by using snowshoes and skis they are mounted with the larger mobile battalions for years and constantly cut off supply lines Finland was small and nowhere near the military might of the mighty Soviets but hild 15 enemies for every fallen and delayed their advancement for years knowing the environment and being dressed for the occasion really helped personally the camp Isis I used cats to defeat an Egyptian army he had his soldiers paint cats on their shields and brought hundreds of cats and other animals that the Egyptians held sacred to the frontlines the Egyptians refused to fight the cat army and were easily defeated because of it in feudal Japan an army of samurai once laid siege to a ninja fortress for several months sieges take long as [ __ ] because unlike in movies it usually boils down to the attackers camping outside of the castle until the people inside stuff to death however then and just actually sneaks out of their fortress early on in the siege a small number of them stayed behind loaded with a ton of provisions that would last a while and made it look like the fortress was full of activity the main group of ninjas hiding in the forests nearby began picking apart the samurai war camp over the course of months they sneaked in and poisoned communal water and food they set fire to clusters of tents during a dry summer they broke the small dam slash storage built to hold the armored [ __ ] in the latrine system they placed dead animal carcasses in key points to spread rats and plague this went on for months the samurai army rotting away from the inside camped outside of a virtually empty castle a battle from an old Korean Japanese war alright so the Battle of my yarn i am lee sunsin was an admiral until all of this intrigue in the court had him arrested for some non-existing treason charge court then tells a guy to replace him and attack someplace based on false information fed by Japanese guy falls into trap losers dies and some hundred ships are destroyed lee sunsin is freed because he's the only guy they can use he takes the remaining 13 ships the king orders the navy to dissolve and join the land units since it's so small old Lee he sends him a letter telling that as long as he has breath Korea has a navy the Japanese sends 133 ships to attack the tiny Korean Navy he picks a narrow strait with a fast current to stand his ground the Japanese ships at this point aren't as advanced as the Korean ships as they weren't as experienced in naval warfare they had a design that was less fitted for turning they didn't have many cannons and they relied mainly on their muskets and boarding for combat also the Strait makes sure that the Japanese Navy can only come ten ships abreast the fast current flowing towards the Korean navy gives the Japanese speed but makes it hard to maneuver the Korean force fires first sinking some three or four ships then Lee goes out to fight them but since they are outnumbered by more than ten times the Korean Force is reluctant to join him his ship stands its ground water by itself for a good while against a ton of ships one general described his ship seeming like a fortress on water this went on for forty minutes before he raised his charge forward flaggers away to keine tell his commanders to go forward while reprimanding / aiming them they follow his orders and there's a dogged battle for a while they eventually managed to sink the Japanese leadership and Lee orders his men to fish for Japanese leader out of the water they then cut him to pieces on board the morale swings in the favor of the Koreans they keep stalling until the tide turns the tide turns on the Japanese the ships get swept backwards and crash into each other the Japanese are routed and get away with only around 10 ships not one Korean ship is lost this is fictional level perfect warfare lee sunsin later dies in the final naval battle in the war after he gets hit by a stray bullet during battle as he dies his last words are the battle is in the full of its heat do not let my death be known what a guy during the AI the Nazis had weapons factor is being powered by hydroelectric plants of private England tried to bomb the dams but couldn't get a direct hit they couldn't use torpedoes because the dams had an T bond netting they're engineers design bouncing bombs that would skip on the water and over the nets before exploding it was mostly a success the dams broke and flooded the factories downstream one of the reasons the plague was spread to Europe was because of a battle where the Mongols were trying to conquer this city called kafir their troops were dying due to the plague so they launched the bodies into the city using catapults I find this interesting because it is one of the first accounts of biological warfare a lot of retreat burn the big city surprise turn around in winter that our army can handle but the enemy's army can't kind of Russian wars take the patriotic war of 1812 general Kutuzov is so badass he burns down the Moscow to ashes then wrecks Napoleon's army in the winter and goes for them up to [ __ ] Paris his balls must have been made of steel damn the capture of the Dutch fleet at Den Helder might be one of the most ridiculous and effective attacks of all time a large number of Dutch warships were doctored Den Helder during a particularly cold winter rather suddenly the dot froze over and the ships were trapped a French cavalry regiment saw this and decided that they would charge the ships they wrapped cloth around the hooves of the horses to soften their blow against the ice and charge the Dutch as they slept they took every ship with no casualties this is the only instance in history of a cavalry charge against a naval fleet one interesting tactic employed by the Russians in the early stages of winter was the idea of parasite fighters basically smaller fighter aircraft have limited range due to small fuel tanks solution have a bigger aircraft carry them there the Vino SBB was a tb3 heavy bomber modified to carry two i-16 light fighter aircraft arming both fighters with two x 250 kilogram bombs and having them dine form enemy bridges and factories this had many advantages such as allowing the fighters to carry a heavier load than they could take off with under normal conditions allowed the fighters to go farther than they could under normal circumstances the fighter aircraft could be refueled midair and could dock back on the mothership once detached it was used to a degree of success in this configuration bombing out Romanian oil fields with concentrated dive bomber strikes however that wasn't all the tb-3 could carry there were many configurations for the mothership such as the AVM at Koror airborne mothership to i-16 fighters under the wings to i5 fighters on top of the wings one izd fighter under the aircraft attached after takeoff however despite numerous highly successful raids there were clear flaws in the design the tb-3 couldn't carry more modern fighter aircraft like the Yak one or AG three and the i-16 was starting to show its age against the new german BF 109 fighters and the tb-3 itself proved unreliable and vulnerable to attack raids using Savino SBB carriers ended in 1942 due to high vulnerability of the obsolete TB threes and i6 teams against more advanced German fighters while perhaps not as exciting the mongols were fascinating because for all their reputation for barbarism they were one of the most successful peoples of the use of diplomacy in history time and time again from the Song Dynasty to the humans to the Russian princes the Mongols were masters at finding political weak points in alliances and coalition's and exploiting them to rip them apart and then pick off the remains piece by piece another interesting warfare tactic was unlike many armies of the day avoiding killing civilians in the countryside and allowing them to instead stream toward the capital cities of their enemies as refugees the refugees would so panic in the populations of the cities and further strain resources making taking the cities are much easier tasks honestly you could put down pretty much everything the Mongol armies every did on here [Music] you
Channel: ToadFilms
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Keywords: most interesting, most, genius, war tactic, genius war tactic, war, tactic, best war tactics in history, history, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: _b42O7A8EkU
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Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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