What To Expect Playing Palworld | Early Access Overview

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[Music] welcome aboard everyone in this video we're going to talk about what you can expect once you start playing power world and my first impression on the game so let's dive in power has officially launched January 19 2024 on Steam and Xbox exclusively as of now the game has seen much success with over 8 million copies sold as of January 24th 2024 it is also a top seller on Steam at the time of this recording now the game is in Early Access so there are not too many features but that's not to say it isn't Fun a Wii and I have a few hours into the game and I will say pocket pair has delivered and I cannot stop playing this game power world is a survival crafting game with a Twist you can capture creatures called Pals you can use these Pals to battle build work gather and much more now let's get into starting the game you have the option to play single player or join Co-op note that whichever you choose is important as you cannot use the same character and Pals interchangeably as of now if you are choosing to co-op the one hosting will have to set up the World the game will give you the option to name your Island choose between single or multiplayer and choose the difficulty of your Island if in Co-op you will need to give an invite code for the players you want to join your world and the original host is the only one that can start the game the other players won't be able to actually play without a host afterwards you head into the character creation screen here you can create your character with some preset options the customization is not in depth and kept simple there is a note stating they might Implement more to character customization in the future but as of now once you finalize your character there's no changing it of course we decided on Co-op so my perspective will be based on the co-op feature which is similar to single player once you are ready the game automatically drops you into the world and this is is where the fun begins you can now go out and explore and really play the game at your own pace and do what you want with some limitations of course there is no story to follow and the only thing given to you is a tutorial to help teach you how to play the game the tutorial also lets you know there is a survival guide in the main menu which can help you with the game too just like any other survival crafting Time game the game will want you to start by gathering some resources with your bare fists like wood or stone so you can craft your first few items and be watchful for your stamina once you exhaust it you won't be able to use any actions temporarily note that in Co-op we notice when one is gathered in resource the one initiating the Gathering is the only one that will obtain any drops as well as any items found in the field once a player picks up the item no other player will be able to pick up the same item you can share the items if you choose to but the items picked up will go into the player's inventory of whoever picked it up you can share items by dropping it and letting the other player pick it up now to unlock the craftable items you will need technology points which you can get as you level up you can go to the technology screen in the main menu to see what you can unlock using these points every time you level up you will also be giving stat points in the players menu you can see your stats on the right side you will start off with base level stats and every level you get points to add to your stats you can use these points to enhance HP stamina strength attack work speed and weight each stat is beneficial and to one's own build depending how you want to play the game and what you want to prioritize at this time you cannot put points into the fence but the stat is determined by the gear you are wearing and pal pass with skills some interesting features I noticed with the small details put into creating a survival type game the game does have a day and night system and since you start off with nothing on you at night you will get cold you will need a fire Source like a campfire or torch to keep you warm or you will take damage after a center level you'll be able to craft gear which will help you keep warm and the Fire won't be as necessary unless you want to Traverse the land at night as it is very dark and a torch will help you light the way you'll also have to be mindful when your character gets hungry you can pick up wild berries around the area or even kill certain Pals that will drop meat you can cook over a campfire you also obtain specific resources that certain Pals drop for certain crafts don't forget to arrest your character after a battle to regenerate your HP as there are no actual items to heal your character and if you die you will need to respa to a location given for your base in Co-op other players can revive you before the countdown to your death you'll also be able to craft axes and pickaxes that can help you gather more resources efficiently with enough resources you can start building your own base the game also has a guild system as of now in Co-op other players can join your guild which gives them the benefit of sharing items in storages build a base base together and be able to see each other on the map The Guild acts like a party system this also means you share the base level and can only have up to one pobox until you reach a specific level to create more you and other players do not have to join a guild and with that each player will be able to have their own pobox / Bas of operations but if you do not care about productivity and just want to have fun with other players then joining a guild is no big deal now again you can go out and Adventure the game on your own but if you are following the tutorial one of the things that will have you do is craft a pal box the pal box is a storage device for the pals you capture and serves as your base of operations in the beginning you'll only be able to construct one p box but as you level up your base you will have the opportunity to create more bases you can also use the base for fast traveling between the statues you have already unlocked in other base locations once you have placed your PO Box you will notice it creates a sphere in which your base operates that means anything within the the sphere your pals can interact with now this is the part where I spent a lot of time you can also start crafting a home with the foundation pieces given to you with the correct resources you can make a bed so you can rest in a repair station for your tools a workbench to craft a berry Plantation bed for your pals boxes so you can store items and much more as you keep unlocking new craftables a cool feature of the game is that in the pal box you can assign any pal you have caught and put it to work that falls within your B radius depending on the pal skill set they can be put to help you plant water gather and more they can gather certain resources within their base's radius they can help you craft which increases the speed and time it takes you to craft an item in Co-op other players can also assist you with crafting to speed up the process you can always put points in your work speed stat to increase your character's work speed too now Pals also require you to feed them so make sure to leave them food and a bed so they can comfortably work in the base you created note that in Co-op as I said before you can share items to an extent meaning with a storage feature anyone can access the items if anyone needs to if they have joined your guild also get ready to defend your base because there will come a time where you will get raided by humans and wild Pals and if you're not prepared then get ready to see your base burn to the ground pals are the creatures you can capture in the game which can Aid you on your adventure and survival in many ways in the beginning the game will want you to unlock the pal sphere with the tech points and then craft the item using the Primitive workbench once you craft the pal sphere you cannot use this item to go out and capture your first pal you can weaken the pal by fighting it with your bare hands or crafted weapon once they're at low Health you can throw the P sphere and try to capture it there will be an animation it will go through which indicates how close you are to capturing it once it hits 100% you have caught it you can only have up to five Pals in your party any other Pals captured will be sent to your pal box there you and other players can switch your pals around or even assign them to your base so they can do some work we discovered if you have joined the same Guild you do not share the pals in the pal box but the pals assigned to work can be taken out by any player meaning your pals can be mistakenly taken away from you so be mindful of which pal you take out from the base in Co-op only one player can capture the P engaged but does not mean there's not plenty to go around and catch each pal has a unique partner skill which can Aid you out in Exploration battle or your base like using a pal as a flamethrower increase your carrying weight for items or the chicken pal that can lay eggs if you have a farm or even use them as a ground or flying amount also make sure to check out your Pal's pass with skills because they can also affect you out in Exploration or at your base you can also do battle with your pals to Aid you against enemies whether it be pal or human Pals will drop special resources needed for specific crafts as your pals level they also learn new moves which can be beneficial when it comes to battle type matchups against other Pals if your pal dies in battle you can put them into the pal box to recover each pal also has a specific work trait they can do around your base meaning some Pals can water your plants some start up a fire they can lend you a helpy hand when you are crafting to speed up the work or even carry things into your storage containers the pals will also be able to defend your base from incoming raids and don't forget just as you get hungry and tired of work so do your pals so don't forget to feed them and give them a break so they don't get overworked unless you want to Pals can also be sold and butchered if that is to your liking you encounter many Pals along your survival Journey some come out during the day and some at night you may come across some special Pals boss Pals and eggs which you can incubate to hatch out in the world it is free rain you can go out and explore catch a pal and fill up your pal deck capture humans gather materials sell your pals sell humans or battle bosses again as this game has no story you can do whatever you want we don't have to follow the tutorial either you can start off however you want in the beginning of the game you will encounter a bird-like statue that is glowing red you can go up to the Statue and unlock it for fast travel as you explore the island you'll come across many more of these that can be unlocked out in the world you will find treasure chests which hold gold coins that you can use to buy items or even Pals from Merchants you may also come across a black market dealer in Co-op pal it will show as sold out and so the other player cannot buy the same pal so decide to get wisely you can collect traveler diaries that you may find along the way there are green iges you can collect out in the world which will help increase your chances of catching Pals as you give them to the Statue of power you can find special fruits that can teach your pals special moves you will encounter Bandit camps and may find an Engaged pal you can rescue and add to your collection in Co-op only one player can obtain this pal but you can return later and it will respond back in the cage there will be dungeons you can enter Solo or together with other players and you encounter different types of Pals materials treasure and a boss battle you'll find boss Pals you can fight and capture and are bigger in size these are important as they give you ancient technology points and parts that are needed for special craftables once you get your base to a certain level you can also build another base in any location to your liking if you have followed through the tutorial to the end another thing you encounter in the world are Tower boss battles here you will challenge other Tamers and their Pals as a test of your skill in Co-op you and other players can join together to take down the boss of the tower note you cannot capture the tower bosses but recently there was a glitch found that will allow you to do so I do not know if this has yet been patched at the time of this recording but this was not a part of the developer design but also be prepared since there are no healing items if you take on more than you can handle you will lose everything on you if you die and you will have to go back to where you died to collect your belongings remember you can't be revived if playing with other players my thoughts overall and impression on the game are positive we have had so much fun playing the game with time escaping our notice I enjoy the little details of survival almost as if you yourself were out in the wilderness whether you choose Solo or Co-op I believe you will not be disappointed the game delivers I know there's a lot of hate going around for this game from people to Industries but I'll tell you as a gamer who has played the catching creature type genre this definitely has a different feel to other games even though the game gives you the fun of capturing adorable and cool Pals it still holds its main focus as a survival and crafting game this is a game I would definitely recommend you give a try with an affordable price of $29.99 even with the game being in Early Access the developers have given us a road map to upcoming features and updates so there's much more to come sure the game is not perfect with it having some bugs here and there but I believe they created a game that everyone can enjoy and have fun with whether you enjoy crafting building capturing battles or fights exploring dungeons bosses leveling co-op with other players or survival this game has a bit of something you can enjoy poweroll gets 11 out of 10 stars from me I hope this video gives you some insight on what you can expect from playing Power this is my first time making this type of video any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated So I myself can grow and do better if you did enjoy it don't forget to like And subscribe so this video can be pushed out and be shared to others also stream on Twitch a variety of games feel free to stop by anytime thank you everyone happy gaming
Channel: DonFydel
Views: 37
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworldgame, palworldtutorial, palworldearlyaccess, palworldgameplay, palworldguide, overview, reaction, steam, earlyaccess, streamer, twitchstreamer, twitch, donfydel
Id: s9_kOOC7-0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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