What to Expect On Your Private Pilot Checkride Facebook LIVE - MzeroA Flight Training

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hey Facebook Jason here so excited to have you all on the livestream this evening tonight we're going to be talking about what to expect on your private pilot check ride we're now I'm going to talk about what to expect on your private pilot check ride but I'm going to work and do my best to take you through a mock check ride as well and share with you some of those actual FAA check ride questions we have a great evening planned and really we're it's going to work and do our best to get you prepped for that private pilot check right so you go into it feeling great and go into it realizing that this check ride it's really just a formality it's really just your first flight with a passenger it happens to be a designated pilot examiner but it all works out all the same that's we're going to talk about this evening let's dive into it as well get some formalities out of the way so we're all on the same page I really some of you may not know who I am so I'll give you just a quick little about me overview here so I was named AOPA is outstanding flight instructor now three years in a row 2014 2015 2016 nearly 10,000 hours of dual given and every month 1200 pilots per month we help them with their written their knowledge tests and their chakras just like we're going to help you all with this evening we're up to three courses now in our private pilot our online ground school private instrument commercial pilot online ground schools helping you with your written with your check ride prep and most importantly making you that safe real-world pilot up to you see six of them here now we're up to eight books I'm actually giving away all eight of our books as a bonus as well be sharing with you more at the end of this Facebook livestream on how we can make that happen as well so you can get those into your current online ground school member of ours you can get access to those as well so a little bit about myself about what we do kind of the 30-second summary let's dive into some content before we do that how this were this evening first off I'm going to do a presentation just very quickly on really what to expect on that Private Pilot checker now you all can ask your questions at any time whenever you see me looking this way it's because I'm looking over these questions so hey clay hey Waylon hey Nathan hey Tony good to see you all Andrew Matt Russ George Marc with a seed Daryl Rodney Timothy Dennis Michael another Michael Leroy awesome awesome Raphael more good to see you guys Kendall Bryan good to see you guys so not only can I see those but Matt who's sitting over here can see those my wife Ashley you sitting back at home with Ella can see those Billie's on here hunters on here Larry's on here Tom's on here they're all watching this so they can chime if you have questions by the way it's Billy's birthday so wish Billy a happy birthday with that so as well too when you you know I'm saying something that you like you can press these little thumbs going across the screen you can give it a like give it a heart whatever it may be you can send those across the screen to give some affirmation as it's kind like a virtual applause we'll call it as to see what we're saying to also be giving away some great prizes Matt I forgot to tell you about this parts important um well I'll pick a winner whoever gets the question right or third answer that's correct right you know I'm going to send you a Thames recom t-shirt so I don't think Stacy's on some Matt will need to take down those names and follow up with that as well so we'll be giving away some great t-shirts as well so when somebody wins something be sure to give them some likes give them some hearts to show them that you congratulating them for winning that t-shirt when we get to the mock checkride portion now how the mock check ride works is I'm going to be asking actual FAA check ride questions I'll ask the question I'll do my best to be quiet which my wife will tell you is tough sometimes I'll be quiet let you guys think about it you'll type in your best answers and it will go on and go through it there so you all be be there and again if you're you're in this chat here you are eligible to win let's give away some MJ wacom t-shirts this evening so let's dive into it let's chat about what to expect on that Private Pilot check ride by a show of everyone on here you can just type in me you can throw up some like some hearts it doesn't matter who here has a private pilot shack ride coming up just so I kind of know who's in the audience and everything else I know a lot I see Brian Ross I see a lot of others here who I know have some check rides done already they're just living out that good pot is always learning mantra I measure this alladia but how many of you here I see a lot coming through here how many of you have a a private pilot Shack ride coming up now out of those how many of you still need to get the knowledge test the written test done so some things to think about there we'll talk about that a little bit I see Michael Patrick shame awesome John says Sunday Dustin says coming up Austin Darrell's coming up awesome to be announced as Zak a Lauren says rich me as well we got I always called the Private Pilot written test the monkey on your back sometimes right so we just need to get it done it it holds us back from getting that checker ID done so often doesn't it so I see a few written that need to get done hey Dave good to see you Tristram glad you got the written done so I'm not going to gauge of who were chatting with tonight so this give me a fun night we're going to have a great opportunity to share some awesome knowledge with you all so let's dive into since we're dealing with people coming from all walks of life in aviation let's let me start with the basics then we'll kind of work up to the more advanced of them into the mock checkride I won't take the 30 or 45 minutes of your evening so let's dive into it first I'm sure we understand that the checkride is broken up into two parts there is the oral examination or the verbal examination where we're sitting down you know one-on-one with the check write examiner this is the part that kind of scares everybody the most is we're sitting down one-on-one and this is where they ask the questions and who knows what they're going to ask they could ask anything right well that's what i'ma prepare you for tonight with that mock check ride because the questions do have a rhyme and a reason especially now with the new ACS which we'll talk about but it starts with really even before the oral exam it starts with do I have the paperwork done do I need requirements to even apply to take this test we're going to talk more about that paperwork in a moment from there assuming all that's good we go out we do the flying portion where you are to act as pee I see the entire time I always say that a check ride is especially the private pilot arena is really just your first flight with a passenger if you look at it that way is it kind of like okay this this guy or gal is really just there my first passenger that we're going flying with so think about that now there's three possible outcomes on a check ride in approval so we're all shooting for a disapproval and so I prefer not to see and then a discontinuance the three pause let's talk about a discontinuance here discontinuance could be hey we can get the oral portion the check ride done but the weather's not so great so we get issued a discontinuance meaning that all right this part of the check ride is satisfactory we're done we're not able to continue because of weather or because of maintenance there's nothing wrong with getting a discontinuance it means we're going to continue this check ride at a later date and we'll pick up where we left off this continuance is fine approval to are going for disapproval I don't think we have to explain that one we kind of understand where we're coming from with that now I want to work you into what I refer to as our check ride checklist and if you are a note taker write this down if screenshots are better for you take some screenshots of this because I want to make sure you check all these boxes before you go into that check ride you talk to any cheque write examiner they will tell you that most of their applicants they send away empty-handed they don't even start the test because they're missing this one hour in their logbook or this one piece of paperwork or something they're missing and they're not even ready to take the test they're ready up here mentally and skill wise flying the airplane but they're missing just a little bit you know 0.5 here whatever it may be so we want to make sure we cover all those bases so it starts really with our logbook on the check ride checklist are all the fireman's net do you meet the experience requirements for day for night for a hood time for cross countries for solo time there's so many different avenues there right what about all your endorsements do you have all the needed endorsements for solo for your knowledge test a common one instructors forget is that TSA security endorsement they forget that one a lot and then do your hours add up correctly it's like a balance sheet everything has to what's on the balance sheet and what's in the bank account has to match right so ours add up correctly is do the hours add up column through column do they add up correctly for example you're if you're a student pilot you're solo time and your P I see time should be the same until after you become a private pilot that'll start to vary but initially those numbers should match and there's some numbers that just need to be met that need to match make sure everything gets carryover properly from page to page you have to keep that logbook so neat and I don't care if you do it electronically paper it doesn't matter it has to be done right though and to an electronic logbook is a great option most examiner's are fine with you coming in with an electronic logbook nowadays it's just it's the sign of the times it's coming so everyone's okay with that let's talk about some items now you have current and in your hand current sectional charts okay I know we're moving to a digital cockpit you can have paper sectional charts you can have digital sectional charts as well on for flight on your iPad whatever you choose to use but they have to be current charts the fastest way to fail a check ride is to show up with expired charts right off the bat you're saying hey I really just I didn't put a whole lot of effort into this it's kind of what you're saying unfortunately show up make sure it's current a current US chart supplement formally called an AF D airport facilities directory make sure that is current current far and we just switched to 2017 there's no excuse you can get it digitally right now on their on your iPad on your tablet your written test bring the actual you know the official written test with you you're going to plug it all in tie a currents going to be done and you're probably done with that piece of paper but please bring it with you on your check ride just in case there's a malfunction or I've been in on check rides where I Accra the system they use which we'll talk about in the next slide goes down the internet goes down we have to do it the old-school way which is pen and paper on an 87 10 jul 2015 18 min certification standards I once heard an examiner say it is the the worst you could do and still pass a check ride like getting a 70% of the written right these are the basics you have to at least be able to do it to this standard we want you up here but you gotta at least be this or greater right what we're striving for they want you to have a copy of what you're being tested on so you know so you can look stuff up this is what people don't realize about a chacra especially your first the Private Pilot check ride oftentimes you'll realize is you are able to look some things up now you're not able to sit there and go every question go okay I you know let me look that up next question let me look that up you can't continue to it over and over but what you can do is you say hey mister miss examiner you know I I used to know that I got a lot of knowledge in my head right now but most importantly I know where to find it you see when you can be resourceful and don't try to make up an answer and I'm going to dig yourself into what I call a check ride pitfall which were you volunteer more information than you actually should right if you know how to look it up if you know how to use the resources you have like the far aim like the US chart supplement on your charts on your past year Private Pilot check ride book whatever it may be if you have the resources and can show that listen I know I don't know everything and I can admit to that I know where to find the answers I'm willing to find the answers you can do that one two maybe three times on a check ride that's really about it you get a few get-out-of-jail-free cards like that right they want to see you being resourceful so we have Kernan and hand all those sectional charts all those items as well here next thing here is I Accra complete I Accra as well just explained to you it is that digital paperwork we used to do a thing called an 8710 form we'd fill out my hand or type and print out and mail it actually in to Oklahoma City where everything really got done with the FAA and they send your certificate back now it's all done electronically through I Accra I Accra is great and because it speeds up the paperwork process you get a certificate much faster than you used to and everything else however it is very complex as you've ever done it I've helped hundreds of students and and and other individuals prepare at forms and applications for Accra and I still stumble sometimes picking out the aircraft types from some other things in there this is something your flight instructor should do I am blown away and we deal with over 3,000 support tickets a month through m0a comm it is through live chat phone support emails for everything and I'm always amazed at sometimes online ground school members sometimes it's an individual who's not a customer of ours we try to help everybody they say Jason listen my checkride is tomorrow and I need to get I Accra done here I am thinking like your chick rides tomorrow you need to either be studying or just relaxing and taking a mental break and preparing for the check right that way you don't need to be fussing with dealing with a government website try to get your information in there your flight instructor should do I Accra for you a great flight instructor does I Accra for you it's a pain now you can be there with them and follow along but if you know your check rides coming up like for those of you who said you've got a check ride Sunday or whatever it may be coming up like hopefully I acura is done already unless you plan squeezing in a flight like obviously after your last flight before the check ride my Accra needs to be done because you're not going to add any more hours so sometimes it is the night before but I spent many late nights as the flight instructor do a NIACC reforms from IC for my students so they can get a good night's sleep for their check ride and that's just a sacrifice a flight instructor should make so please encourage your flight instructors to do your ayack reforms for you if they want to charge you for it that's fine trust me it is a headache pay them 20 bucks to do it they should do it for free because they're good CF eyes but either way let them do it I can't say that enough and you don't realize it until you really experience it let's talk now about what an ACS checkride is like and then we're going to dive into the actual mock checkride portion we'll quiz you guys and then we'll go ahead and we'll give away some great prizes and everything else here so what is an ACS Chara first off what is the ACS ACS is airman certification standards we used to have the pts practical test standards we've now switched from that right so those of you who are going out and taking your check rides here soon well listen you're going to take an ACS check right and what's really changed well big-picture stuff has changed like slow flight those are you especially those of you who are coming up like in the coming month to take a check ride you need to before the check ride even starts ask the examiner this is so important I can't say this enough please ask the examiner what version of slow flight would you like to see I kid you not because they are summing standards I know we're supposed to standardized and everything else but some examiner's and you probably have been taught both ways right we're slow flight where we take it or hang in the airplane by the notes of Saul Warren horns Auto we're holding the airplane there that's minimum controllable airspeed and now new ACS slow flight says actually you will fail the check ride if the stall warning horn comes on talk about two totally different things right please March into your check ride and say hey I have a question before we start which slow flight do you want to see pts slow flight or ACS slow flight I can show you both but just let me know what you want to see I don't want to fail because of a stupid miscommunication I thought you wanted full flight this way so I brought the stall warning horn on you want it the other way and you failed me because of it I'm very very serious every student who's gone for a checker I've told them that right now so please make sure you do that if you have no clue what I'm talking like you say Jason I've always done slow flight by hanging up by the stall warning horn and just you know we're just a moment away from a stall or holding it right there you need to have a serious top of your flight instructions say hey listen I know there's new slow flight out there can you show it to me real quick it's very easy I mean literally just lower the nose a bit and don't allow the stall Warren horn - come on hold it at 80 instead of 65 it's it's safer it's easier we can explain why they want that and other things later on top the scope of this Facebook live tonight but please make sure you know how to do slow flight in both circumstances pts and ACS that goes for clean dirty slow flight flaps up flaps down type stuff so please make sure you understand that as well that's really the big thing that's changed with ACS now the other big change is everything is very scenario based and I like to say that good and great CF ice and DP es designated pilot examiner's the individuals administering your check rides have been doing ACS check rides for years an ACS check ride is simply just more scenario-based with the pts we had special emphasis items which said hey bill tell me about wire strike avoidance or hey Joe tell me about runway incursions now if you would just tell them next it's a special emphasis area rather now a question would be hey Joe give me three ways you work in the cockpit to prevent runway incursions and you would list those down oh well I always write down and read back and I don't understand what they're saying I'm not afraid to ask for clarification and I always have my taxiway diagram out on my knee board I'm always when I get my clearance I love the taxiway diagram I have for flight so I just highlight it and I draw where I'm going and I fall with that I also have a g1000 so all zoom in and just list the things you do it's much more scenario-based rather than talking about runway incursions it's given me some real-world ways you're working every day to prevent real runway incursions do you see how it is it's it's same kind of questions we're just changing the phrase all a little bit and getting you know more articulate answers from you the applicants to really they just want to hear your thought process this by the way the this idea of talking out loud while you're flying designate a pilot examiner's love it and big actually very quiet because and I've been to dpe school in Oklahoma City so and they tell you like you have to sit there as a check write exam would just be quiet let the students work through it we're told not to help not to teach and which goes against everything I want to do I want to help you I want to teach you're told us sit there and be quiet so when your check right examiner is just sitting there passively in the cockpit them not talking is actually a good thing because if they're talking that means they're going to have to like take the thing they're going to take the controls whatever it may be then being quiets a good thing they want to hear your thought process though so when you're doing Steve turns talk to him okay I'm gonna do my clearing turns first I'm looking I'm checking here I'm checking there hey would you mind checking out your side and using them as that passenger right because they're effectively your first passenger so working through it running through your ideas out loud confessing mistakes hey I've got a little bit of a sink rate going on right now but what I'm going to do is I'm gonna give it a little bit of power to fix that maybe take out just a degree or two of Bank the reason I was thinking is because I was over banking just a little bit catching your mistakes chekura examiners love to see this they want to see that thought process don't be afraid to think out loud if that's your style and all the times I find it works when you think out loud because you catch yourself sometimes making mistakes or a possible mistake when you once you hear it back as well so just important things to think about with that let's now dive into the portion you all have been waiting for which is the mock checkride what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask you five actual FAA checkride questions all of these checkride questions came from those checkers literally I was sitting in the back of the room or in the court of the room when the exam was taking place and I write down every question that's how we came up with our book pass your private pilot chequered every question in this book was asked on actual FAA checkride by the way this book will be yours our ground school members free tonight I'll share with you how at the end of this or do stay tuned to the end here but these questions are from the book they're from actual SAH Aykroyd's you're going to notice they're very scenario based as well because we're geared more towards the ACS so I'll ask the questions and I'm going to give away [Music] for the most correct answer first correct answer will determine for each one how we're going to give away some t-shirts for some correct answers as well so I'm going to give away a t-shirt to my first correct answer on question number one question number one has two parts so don't give me one part and then type it up I want to know is one so I can actually see it because there's 300 something people on here you see so I need as one both answers in one response so let's go ahead let's do question number one in aft CG is it faster or slower for cruise speed more stable or less stable you can just give me the word you can give me faster slower more stable less stable but that's one thing I'm going to sit down here while you guys type some answers in here faster or slower more stable or less stable is an act C G let's see math if you could go back to my very first answer if you could actually I can scroll sorry might you keep doing what you're doing here let me see so these are the most recent ones let me come on down here so they're coming in let's see and one always be the first person don't worry there will be plenty of opportunities here John Sanford congratulations John you're our first winner here Matt can you make just like a running list with Stacey knows who to check off and confirm John email stacey stacey SP AC e y @ m 0 a calm the spelled out version like you see in the lower third there m 0 a calm like that stacey sta cey then is eerily calm shipping info t-shirt size and she'll get that out to you and then Matt will confirm all that the answer by the way the on put in there so perfectly and fast typer award to the answer and app cg allows for a faster cruise what is a far less stable aircraft now let me let me expand on this yes it is faster but what I say faster I'm talking a not - in general aviation - not to not maybe three nuts and the reason is they're not going to get into this on a private pilot check right but the answer is why because it requires less tail down force is the answer the big thing is it is far less stable why is it less stable it all comes down to leverage you see CG is the center of gravity of where the aircraft would balance I like to do an example here holding up a pen so I'm a hold of my pen here and the CG of this pen right where everything wants to balance I found the CG of the pen now let's pretend the top of this pen here is my rudder if I were to enter into a spin right my ailerons aren't doing much I use my rudder to recover my the arm when you hear the term arm with weight and balance is a distance from the center of gravity in this case back to the tail the rudder it's all about leverage so that rudder pivots around this point like you see there you follow me it pivots around that point I have leverage it's like why the door handle is away from the door hinges it's easier to open the door I grab the wrench at the back to give myself leverage when I have an axe eg when I move that CG back here closer to my fictitious rudder over here right when I move that CG back here look how short my arm is the distance from the CG to the rudder in this case it is much less effective I have to swing the airplane so much more to get the same amount of force applied it's like I just took the door handle on my door and put it in the middle of the door it's or closer to the hinges let's say it's much harder open that door when the door handle is right next to the hinges I have less leverage thus making my rudder less effective right which makes me less stable if I have an axe eg and enter into a spin scenario well I'm in trouble because the one device I have to bail me out of that which is my rudder is not effective it's or does effective as it could be if I had a forward CG so when loading an airplane I'm always and you have to be the bad guy sometimes sometimes the bigger guys and the heavier baggage it has to go up front maybe have a friend it's been dying to fly with you it's two guys and and you know once 200 pounds 150 pounds well you need the heavier person to sit up front I want a more forward CG how it is I rarely use the baggage compartment unless we're really going somewhere and even so most up sits on the back seat and the baggage compartment just the lightweight stuff that goes back there I want the weight more forward because of stability so rant on that let's look at the next question now here together again this question has two parts I want two reasons I need them both in the in the same same comments so I can see it this one I'm going to give it to the tough one but I'm going to give it to the third correct answer here okay so y'all hit enter at the same time and it'll just it'll kind of work out how it works out anyways but third correct answers can win an M 0 Wacom t-shirt give me two reasons why a pilot must file a flight plan why must you file a flight plan there's more than more than two reasons but this is why you must file a flight by not I said it's a good idea or anything like that why you must file a flight plan and remember I know we're doing a private pond check right here but they're going to ask some questions beyond the scope a little bit that's kind of giving you a little bit of a hint there as well I'll be quiet for a second let you guys get some questions in there let's see here one two my third correct answer is Luke waters Luke congratulations on that your spot oh I see a lot of great answers to a lot of correct answers Luke is my my correct answer there so Matt if you want to go ahead and get Luke's name down so we have that congratulations Luke on that nice work two reasons why we must file a flight plan no as I didn't say VFR flight plan right be very careful kind of like the written test how they word these questions answer how about crossing over the aid is International flying you want to fly internationally you have to be on a flight plan a D VFR flight plan if you want to be VFR do I saw some of those or an IFR flight plan to fly internationally you happy on that we can talk about ICAO flight plans later I have some videos coming out on that when that's public more public than it is as well and then when weather conditions require it an IFR flight I know we are going and we're this is a private pilot what's you expecting a private pilot checkride webinar but they're going to ask you basic things like this so make sure you understand that listen when the weather is bad you got to be IFR that's what they're really after with that one here all right let's see how do I want to do this this next question here I think this is going to be a tough one so I'm just going to give this one to the first correct answer I think this is going to be a tough question for first for you guys this is this came up on a recent check ride too actually the last check ride private hot checker I did with student ACS check ride this is on his check ride question number three you ready for it first correct answer question number three you're flying and a circuit breaker pops how many times can you reset it and how long should you wait before you reset it how many times can you Reese set a popped circuit breaker and how long should you wait before you actually reset it is the question like I said this is a tough one some of you this came up on your checker ID you'd like you know I I don't know you know you me where I find this in a book where and this is what I always say that the difference between what happens in a book you won't find types of questions like this in a block you'll find out our online crown school because it's real world that's what I mean what happens in a book and what happens in the real world two different things the reason this came up is this examiner was actually a part of a he was a court expert in an accident that happened because of this gentleman a very unfortunate situation circuit breaker popped cap pop and they kept resetting kept popping they kept researchers over and over and over finally they decided they are tired of circuit breaker popping because they needed that GPS or whatever that radio whatever it was to use they taped it's a circuit breaker down do you think happened after that well a circuit breakers pop for a reason right in-flight fire started and that's how our NTSB reports started as well our check run examiner we use he was one of the experts you know for that court case when that came came up and so he was sharing that with us okay you're flying a circuit breaker pops how many times can you reset it how long should you wait before you reset it Matt do we have a thank you for scroll informing that did you see take it back to the beginning Matt I'll go from there yeah I can scroll from here let's see Roger you're close who the so I said ah there we go Mike ham Mike congratulations you're the winner of the end recom t-shirt I love what he said here once if it's required for safety and wait one minute that's exactly the answer once and wait one minute beautiful Mike awesome awesome answer there I loved how he warded that Mike that's perfect on checkride you said listen if I need it like if it's required for safety like is it my primary GPS I'm in IFR conditions and I need that thing right if it's com2 and that circuit breaker pops for com2 and come ones working fine I don't need come to I'm just going to let that thing sit out circuit breakers pop for a reason right there's something wrong so just know that by the way our winners again email stacy stacy sta Cey at m0 a calm like you see in the corner of your screen right there Stacy den Joey calm tell you won a t-shirt tonight give her your mailing address and your shirt size as well we're going to get those shirts sent out to you first thing tomorrow when she comes in so and then Matt will be cross checking that list as well let's see here question at number four a sort of easy one if you're familiar with this I'm going to go ahead I'm going to take the fifth correct answer that way the fastest typers don't just always win even though that last one you saw I had a dig quite a ways here to find that first correct answer so question number four fifth correct answer gets it are you ready you're on take off passing through 1,000 feet and approaching a few birds what should you do very scenario base type question you're on takeoff you're passing through a thousand feet you're approaching a few birds what should you do in this case I'll let some answers come on in here all right I'm gonna start counting now one correct I'm kind of just correct not just any answers I'm counting five correct answer so so no one can kind of wait and then press ENTER here one two okay Jim good to see you Jim I like that Sully was a good movie three hey Louise good to see you hey Mike good to see you for Dustin sweet you my friend are getting an M zero a calm t-shirt again email Stacey on that you guys are right on that one birds naturally have a tendency to dive so the answer is this if able get above them obviously a perfect world you have to get above them but birds when they're frightened their natural instinct is to dive away from danger diving is their fastest way to get out of there to pick up airspeed to get away from a situation birds have a tendency to dive I'm not saying they're going to dive every single time I'm just telling you their natural tendency when frightened is to die so if I'm at a thousand feet and I'm climbing on out and I see birds in front of me my goal is to climb above them it's a pen I mean obviously there's so many situations it could be a climbing right turn of climbing left turn to avoid it it's been so bad at the Ocala Airport lately they're just in these these vultures of Justin circling and you can't I mean they're there that you know it's cyclone of vultures you can't climb away from it says I understand their situations but typically what a check read examine be looking for and this type of question is understand that birds have a tendency to dive I want to get up and away from them so congratulations to our winner on that one again do email stacey on that one v final question last chance to win an M 0 a calm t-shirt at least until Thursday I'll do this again for my instrument guys and gals as well so if you're up to doing an instrument mock checkride be ready for that as well this one if you're an online ground school member please I know you're going to get this one right because I have I feel like I use this question every mock check right by the way every the last Monday of every month with our online ground school members we do live mock check rides just like this and I do a webinar every Monday night with our online ground members teach on various topics we do want a basic med last or yesterday mock check rides kind of our ask questions it's a fun opportunity John put it up there ground school Academy calm if you need help with that but anyways this question geez Lewis and the guys and gals all tell you that this question probably comes up every other month it's just it's such a popular question because it deals with spatial disorientation and loss of control I'm anticipating a lot of correct answers I'm going to take for the sake in case there's any slow internet connections out there I'm going to take the tenth correct answer because there's gonna be a few correct answers here the tenth correct answer wins names really calm t-shirt here is the question what is the first instrument you look at when recovering from spatial disorientation imagine you are under the fog allow in your either you are doing it or your instructor is spatial disorientation setting in your fly and they're flying doesn't matter how they actually simulate it they tell you recover what is the very first instrument you're going to actually look at and it may not be what you're thinking of here as well Jim I like that answer a lot let's see here let me scroll on down I said ten right let me scroll on down Roger says where the big price is coming and next seven one five nine Quebec is actually really mad wouldn't she all right let's see here looking for my correct answers first instrument first and I might maybe ten was too many okay let me scroll back through I don't see a correct answer yet online ground crew members dive in there excite know you guys know this everyone's waiting for Canada literature it really is madam I'm not him until he hits it okay I'm not seeing a correct answer maybe we can't get wear t-shirt then ever maybe ten minutes too many men everyone's just as I'm wait until if I see like seven then I'm pushing enter here this is uh this is a stalemate we can livestream all night this isn't costing us anything here so we could do this all night here everyone says waiting yeah thanks John I appreciate that jobs over here run the cameras typing in correct answers jeez alright put some stuff in here alright I'm going to go I'm just going to start them oh wait here let me pay I'm not I'm all right everybody if you have your answer and they're just press ENTER I'm just going to pick one then since we're all holding out this is like you know game of Texas Hold'em or or a really intense game of Go Fish or something like that I feel like for John you're to win the t-shirt John do you anymore enjoy calm t-shirts or anything like that you do less laundry no I you need go back and guys look at John's comment John - oh yeah John's my only correct comment here that is crazy oh I can't Tom Tom you Tom works for us Tom I can't give you a t-shirt either this is fun this is this is great this is great I can't give any other Schappert one either but that's three we're getting closer we're getting closer here I'm just waiting for somebody I don't know to put a correct answer and I'll give him a t-shirt I'm a really shuffling guy I mean cheese hmm let's see nope nope thank you Ron Frank please give that man two t-shirts Matt run two t-shirts a blue one and a grey one write that one down Stacy Adams recom email her I'm just giving it to Ron because there's too much of a stalemate there we'd be live-streaming all night if that was the case Ron Frank you're cut my correct answer the answer is the airspeed indicator there's some mad faces here I feel badly people are mad at me because I didn't wait all the way to 10 Ron for some happy faces and there to offset the mad faces let me explain why fun let me explain why it's the airspeed indicator here first okay there's two things that can go wrong right I'm either way too slow and I'm going to risk stalling the airplane I'm too slow my nose is up I need to lower that nose and give it some power here and recover from that situation or I'm too fast and I'm going to test the structural integrity of my airplane and that's really how it how it works with that so the first place I look is my airspeed indicator why don't I look at my attitude indicator here first why not my answer indicator first because an attitude indicator is said to only be reliable up to really 59 degrees beyond that at 60 degree mark it has a tendency to tumble do I have I haven't added an indicator here as a matter of fact an attitude indicator is a gyroscopic instrument okay thank you John so this just for visual eyes this one's kind of falling apart but my artificial horizon be here this is the actual bar that moves right here that you can see a little bit I can move it there we go the actual bar that moves so this gyroscope here really works just like a top it's doing everything it can to stay level here as you can see now beyond 60 degrees this top and what does a top do ants on a table you put the top on a table it's going to work to stay upright even when I put it on this table it's going to do its best to stay upright even though the table is changing right but eventually it's going to tumble and when it tumbles it's no longer giving you the correct indication you could put the airplane in a dangerous attitude that is incorrect so you can cross check with the attitude indicator but do realize that it has a tendency to tumble beyond 60 degrees so you need to be ready for that as well airspeed indicator is where we start with everything so make sure we understand that there's two things to go wrong I'm too slow I need to lower the nose and give it some power I'm too fast I need a bring power back and then slowly bring the nose up then cross-reference my other instruments from there okay all good stuff so listen how did you guys do by the way how'd you do listen if you got five out of five you need to be feeling pretty good going into your check ride you are certainly more than ready for that check ride so four out of five not bad three out of five maybe we know some areas we need to work on now that's what we're really here for so listen let us help you with your check ride prep if this is something you're struggling with we do Mach check rides like this once a month any of our ground crew members Louise all the guys and gals out there you know will tell you the power of our online ground school and all this month we're giving away all eight of our books totally free for you as a bonus just for signing up pass your private pilot's check ride you see all the books there on your screen now plus our in-flight emergencies video course you can download everything as ebooks or as video files so you have it there then you have access to the entire online ground school just go to ground school academy.com just like you see there to get started if you're a current online ground school member of ours you need a login and go to ground school Academy comm /a books plural Bo okay s to take action on that sort of download all those books so you have them because January 31st that goes away so make sure you have that it's ground school academy.com you can see all the books listed out there some of the benefits we are a complete private instrument commercial pilot online ground school courses we do weekly member-only webinars we have the crazy for our Gold Members pass your check right or I'll pay for it guarantee it's full written full check ride prep and most importantly it's a flight training mentorship and community you can sign up whenever you want it's self-paced you can start and stop and ever you want if you want to hop in there for a month by all means do it if you're close to a checker and Sigma I just want to brush up on airspace and systems by all means do it and then download all the great books as well as you have it you can we've had people you know the average person knocks it out in a month to two months to get through that course so it's great stuff there for you guys it's ground school academy.com and you get all those books yours for free as a bonus just for signing up in during the month of January January 31st we take that deal down so we do this promotion every time this year or every time in January you know once a year we do this I will not do a promotion like this again so do make sure you take advantage of that ground school academy combats for all membership levels from P I see all the way up to gold so you have that there sign up for what's right for you and work through it that way so with that let's open it up let's take some questions now and we can go through it there any questions you have yes Jay our course is totally ACS so new Private Pilot written ACS check writes everything is covered in there so you have access to that our course that's why it's online because when something changes we update it when I ko flight plans come out we updated when they got rid of world aeronautical charts we change that area forecast we change that we're always we're in the studio every day people think I just fly everywhere every day I don't I spend most of my time here in the studio on this set you see behind me updating videos for you all and any of our online ground school members you can certainly chime in too to share you know the experience that you've had with it as well so cool stuff with that thank you for all to use those who enjoyed the seminar Neil yeah I'll be back in Ireland Neil I'm coming back for the whatever the flying is the beginning of July it's when I'll be back so so plan on playing on that so looking forward to seeing you out there the same airport we flew about it was at Weston whatever the big flying they're doing out there in July I'll be out there again and we're doing like London I think Germany and maybe Switzerland this year too for our European speaking tour as well so good good stuff there CFI ground school 2 coming soon so don't you worry as well you can't use a PT s book remember everything is ACS so some of whoever's asking I saw some last pts you have to be doing that hey David good to see you David was on the aviation seminar at sea with us do they require the e6 beyond the check right even if you have other options such as electronic calculator if you have an electronic key 6b they'll be okay with it should you know how to use the male a 6b absolutely but having the electronic one the thing is whatever tools you bring with you you need to know how to use so David don't bring the electronic one just to you know have it make sure you know how to use it because they want to see that you use it I would prefer it's not on the iPad though because you know examiner's could have a tendency I don't want you to use your iPad today I want to see you do it manually and you just want to have a backup there go your iPad battery died what do you do now just what I always have backup with that so uh things to things to kind of think about here I see some other people asking about that as well yeah then I kind of I like the manual a 6b as well how long is are probably ground school take Hector ask it depends if you have a regular nine-to-five job the average person does it in a month and a half two months if you sign for online ground school gold plan on spending three hundred bucks and if you can cancel you can start and cancel at any time if you want to make it your life and commit to it you could do it a month if you really wanted to so that's that Chris they're starting to do that now with the new ACS code so they actually will make a bit of sense so that'll be nice let's let's see here Valerie says I'd know about the special flight rules area process Valerie if you're in that area in near DC with a special flight rules area is absolutely I would know it forwards and backwards Valerie if you're in California I wouldn't sweat it one bit but if you're in you know Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia you're you're in that general area Delaware you need to know the special flight rules area but if you're out in somewhere else I you wouldn't sweat you know it exists yes and but other than that you wouldn't need to to know it let me see here Leroy yes thank you Leroy get in and get those bonuses to my friend let's see place the flight plan portion still required to be on paper charts Oh clay yes and no I plan it both ways so I will plan it out on paper charts but I'll also have it on for flight or whatever I'm going to use I like to plant both ways because here's what they're going to do if you show up with just your iPad and I had a add a a check right I set in on the student did this and like the air was taken out of the room when the examiner goes oh so you only plan it on for flight you didn't do a paper one he's like I don't really like that too much but we'll see if we can work with it and you saw the applicant just go white like this isn't a very good start and he may do with it but it was not getting off to a good start they still want to see you planning out both ways on the premise of if the iPad battery dies what are you going to do you need to always have that backup and clay you know I talked to us at the Atlanta seminar - you saw like technology is great but technology can fail as well we need to always have that contingency plan that backup you also need to be able to say that when they put their finger down a number and say how did you come to this number here you need to be able to do that so just something else to think about here Jaden great point bringing that back up battery what should I be reading the farce for Private Pilot says Ryan so Ryan if you're a customer of ours and you get that book I have a book called the far aim in plain English it's everything you need to know for sport and Private Pilot it's in there so if you don't become a member you can buy the book it's only 20 bucks I believe you can pick that up if not it's a very front of the far aim they list the regulations that are related to Private Pilot it's the big 91 stuff that you need to really know the 61 stops just what's required of you focus really on 91 and focus on the aim you'd be good but obviously the farm in plain English breaks down that legal speak of that regulation and then gives it to you in plain English so you can actually understand it for you yeah been your spot all I said checkride required him those systems nose to nose to tail and he's right absolutely correct Leroy thank you for the kind words on the far I'm in plain English how long does it pass my checkride take Oh Derrick I saw that course chief the past my checkride course can be done relatively quickly that could be done in a a long evening a week abbreviated weekend even if you just want to go that route just kind of touch up on some stuff you can do that there let's see Chris asks we have any affiliations with schools we offer our courses you absolutely do so we have a full CFI partner program we deal with a lot of flight schools all around the country we have a collegiate aviation program through National American University all 37 of their campuses use our ground school exclusively so we're not just we sell direct to consumer like we're doing here tonight but we have a lot of enterprise stuff that flight schools resale of ours colleges resale of ours as well so that's that James not this moment can you download the videos you download the books you can download some videos but not the entire course and the reason I have is because the course is always changing so much that's why it's online but everything streams so easy everything's mobile-friendly so you can do it on the iPad doing this on even the quizzes we made the buttons big on the quizzes so you hit a B or C much easier just taking the quiz on your phone even to do that so you have that books or ebooks Larry so you have that mark the the books that you'll download will be available to you afterwards and some of the videos the ability of ldt afterwards but the rest is subscription here's how the ground school works its subscription-based for one membership price you could access all the courses you get private you get instrument and you get commercial so maybe if you're knocking out private you want to go into instrument well you're already paying for it you have access to the instrument courses well you might as well dive into that and knock that out as well so it's not just we sell you one product you it's a membership because it's community it's always evolving you get access to all those courses it's just how we do it so definitely different here all this all be recorded so for those you can have an issues and that sort of stuff so absolutely Steve I thought of you today we need to we need to chat via email so we can get that set up as well my friend get that back on the calendar excited about that so let's see let's take a few more questions here then we'll wrap this thing up congratulations to our t-shirt winners as well if you make sure you email stacy sta Cey and m0a calm so she can get you those and I'll take a few more yeah James James H email email my wife Ashley ashl ey @ m0 a comm ashley @ m0 a comm email Ashley it should be more unhappy to get your flight school set up to do a resale we we pay flight schools 30% or whatever whatever business you send us so it's a great margin you don't hold any product or any inventory since it's delivered electronically it's yours my friends so let's have that conversation email Ashley she's in charge of all that it can make that happen Neal 3 a.m. in Ireland and the man's on I appreciate that Neil see you in July out when we come out to Ireland do that seminar we're excited about that thank you Steve I appreciate that great great stuff let's see you don't see Kendal helping your videos chanting awesome Kendall congratulations mark yeah I personally may or may not be at Sebring the team will be at Sebring so the team will be out the Sebring Expo with the tech numb to in will be out there and if I am there I'll be coming and going I'll be there for a day and maybe not there for a day but the team Matt and Russ will be out there as well so you can do do that yeah Jaden quizzes are saved so you can go back and look and see how you did review incorrect answers Hector it's a monthly subscription with that I don't see anything else but thanks for jumping on guys if you want to do some instrument pilot stuff Thursday at 9 p.m. I'm doing the same thing life but geared towards instrument pilot in talking what's coming with instrument ACS which is still something it's in the work so we'll be during that as well than doing a mock check right for instrument as well so that'll be cool this recording for those of you came in late literally as soon as I sign off this is the extreme cuts Facebook will process this and it'll be on our Facebook Timeline just like that so I wouldn't say but little bits processes as we record so I would say we're two three minutes away from having a recording for you as well yes I'll be up a TA Oshkosh Thank You Ben someone's asked on Naples I have a Florida tour coming up as well so that'll be I'll be posting that public as well we have a real big speaking tour after April coming up that I'll be I'll be posting for you guys so so that'll be great but listen guys thanks so much for taking time I know it is late for a lot of you thanks so much for taking time out of your busy nights to just learn more and better yourself as poets we you're really living out that good pilot is always learning mantra and we just truly appreciate it so much do check out the URL below this ground school academy.com to learn more just put your trust in us for your written test prep for your check ride prep and most importantly for making you that safe real world pilot we just you are such a blessing to us and allow us to be now a blessing to you so listen and enjoy the rest of your evening and most importantly remember that a good pilot is always learning have a great night guys see ya
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 47,095
Rating: 4.8381877 out of 5
Keywords: private pilot checkride, MzeroA Flight Training
Id: vganpkKWcIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 9sec (3549 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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