My Number 1 Checkride Tip - Cross Country Diversions

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hey everyone Jason Schappert here of m0a calm and today I'm going to share with you guys literally my number one checkride tip related to the flight portion of that this video probably a little bit longer than what I normally do give me an extra you know six to seven minutes of your time all very very solid content so set aside that time right now to take action on this video because it's gonna help you a ton as you approach your check right what I'm talking about first off is one of the biggest fears of the flight portion and that is the cross-country diversion you've got this beautiful cross-country planned up that you're going to fictitiously fly for your check ride you're not actually going to go to that destination on your check ride oh you're gonna get diverted somewhere usually around your first or your second checkpoint you will get diverted so let's say we're flying along here leaving the marryin counting to L an airport x-ray 35 we get to our first checkpoint this little private airstrip right here and all of a sudden the examiner says sorry Jason there is a terrible storm in front of you you got divert divert me to the Leesburg Airport or divert me to the Inverness Airport down here and you were going to have to make some quick decisions now to add insult to injury you will not be able to use your GPS or your iPad etc knowing that stuff I love fly off my GPS I love using my iPad in flight you guys know I do a lot of videos on using the iPad in the cockpit that will not be an option these examiners want to see you do it the old-fashioned way because yes they love technology yes the FAA now endorses using an iPad in the cockpit however if everything hits the fan if you know batteries died all this sort of stuff okay they want to see you navigate the old-fashioned way so you need to answer these three questions during your cross-country diversion and you must do it using your e6000 chart or even your plotter you even know what heading you should fly how long will it take me and will I make it okay so heading easy how long will it take me I'm gonna show you a cool way to do that and will I make it talking fuel wise so let's start what heading you should fly get heading that direction I'm not saying you need to be throwing your plot or down lining up with longitude and latitude and do all this stuff the most important thing is to what is to fly that airplane when all else fails fly that airplane your head needs to be on a swivel the examiner will be disappointed if you just have your head down the cockpit the entire time especially as you're approaching this fictitious thunderstorm or other traffic or whatever it is okay so I want you to get heading that direction let's use this example I came right about here to this little private Airport and they want me to divert to the Leesburg Airport I am just going to guesstimate I'm not gonna get that perfectly one five two heading okay I want to guesstimate so I'm gonna say for my location roughly straight down is one eight zero due south okay roughly out this way is my zero nine zero let's kind of split it up a little bit here Leesburg is gonna be like a one five zero one four zero okay again I'm not getting nitty-gritty with it let's just get heading that right direction that's the most important thing we can do right now we can use these big checkpoints like this town and this lake and these lakes as we approach the airport to help us we can use those checkpoints but the most important thing to do is get heading the right direction now we need to answer the question how long will it take me well maybe you guys have seen this before but this is called a wind card I've talked about this before really I must say there's a cutting-edge idea it's nothing nothing fancy but what you need to do before you leave the ground is calculate at altitude what your ground speed will be in all directions then take this little wind card or that we got to post-it note or whatever stick it to your new board stick it to your flight plan so now you know okay if I was to head roughly a 1/4 zero one five zero I'll be traveling in a hundred knots ground speed you've already calculated it so now you're not fumbling around in the with your east 6p you know in that wooden computer side making your little pencil dot and sliding it here and doing all that stuff you don't have time for that your head needs to be on a swivel so you need to be able to look straight down and go o on one four zero head a I'm going 100 knots so on a320 head a I'm going 116 knots so no matter what heading you choose to fly on you will always know your ground speed specifically for that diversion check reading examiner's love this stuff it shows number one that you were super prepared and it makes you way more efficient in the cockpit so don't forget to do an ad out that you don't use a surface meter it does you no good if you're not at the surface you'll be at 3,000 feet plus okay so you use the winds aloft and calculate the ground speed for all those various headings on the ground before you leave this is called a wind card okay pause that if you want to look at it a little bit longer we're gonna keep moving forward here and the last question is will you make it so now you're gonna solve a simple equation traveling at ABC ground speed whatever that ground speed was 116 whatever we said it was gonna be for XYZ miles do I have enough fuel to make it there so traveling at this speed for this distance do I have enough fuel to make it there and every single e six be on the side of it has that that ruler make sure you're using it in nautical miles for a sectional chart some of them also have a WAC chart a world aeronautical chart some of them also do it in statute and nautical miles so make sure it's sectional chart nautical miles and measure it out you know I've seen some people literally take it where they know that hey my thumb is five nautical miles and width on a sectional chart you know and they just take your thumb one two you know 5 10 15 20 it's 20 miles away you know or two fingers you know something like that again does it have to be exact to the decimal point no but you need to know what heading to get flying how fast you're gonna be going how long it'll take you and the most important question is do you have enough fuel to make it there the answer nine times out of ten is gonna be yes I mean you really wouldn't hopefully put yourself in that situation we you're not gonna have enough fuel in de verte okay I know the VFR you know fuel requirements are personally my opinion not stringent enough but your chances are yes the answer is gonna be yes that question if not you did some poor flight plan along the way but do you have enough fuel to make it there so that is the cross-country diversion in a nutshell do as much planning on the ground ahead of time as you can and answer those three questions so now if you guys loved that checkride tip I want to remind you I'm doing webinars all this week and next week on your examiner's favorite 15 checkride questions on the oral exam go to checkride right now to sign up and reserve your seat for that webinar it'll be a mock check ride style I'll ask the question you guys have a chance to type in your answer we're gonna work to formulate your answers to make sure you excel on your check ride so it's check ride also individuals registrants on that webinar I'm gonna give you guys an opportunity to also get a copy of an actual FAA check ride recording I mean no one out there has this sort of stuff you'll get a chance to get that a copy of my past year Private Pilot check ride book and audio book and also the transcriptions the script of what actually happened on the flight portion of a check ride so literally making this thing like an open book test for you guys first step is data check ride sign up for the webinar on the webinar at the end of it I'll share with you how to get those extra bonuses but regardless get on that webinar learn the examiners 15 favorite questions in that great mock check read format I'm doing a ton of webinars cuz last time we we maxed out our capacity of all of it of the webinar software so I'm doing a few different dates and times for you guys to get in there check right check that out now best luck on your check ride guys emailed me after it's all said and done with how you did I cannot wait to hear from you guys see you in the webinar and most importantly remember that a good is always learning have a great day guys see ya
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 164,020
Rating: 4.9309764 out of 5
Keywords: Private Pilot Checkride, Cross Country Deviations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2012
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