Mock Checkride LIVE

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you started here just given a few shoutouts to everybody that's over to you too first streaming simultaneously to YouTube and to a Facebook here hey on YouTube to Cory Jamie Todd Kevin William great to see you all as well David Richard great to see you Joel Josh on Facebook Zach Chris James Shane nice to see you Jim nice to see you we'll be getting started here in about two minutes so I'll cut back to the countdown we back the guys in about two minutes you hey everyone Jason Schappert here of m0a dot-com so excited to be live with you all tonight here in m0 a world headquarters in Ocala Florida welcome into the m0 studio we're streaming the simultaneously tonight on YouTube and on Facebook bringing you a fantastic mock checkride tonight tonight I'm gonna be asking you all ten actual FAA checkride questions from both private and instrument pilot check rides I'm gonna be waiting for a bit you're gonna type in your best answers in the chat now I can see my chat here in front me by the way so let's give some shoutouts first over on YouTube let me head over to YouTube and pull up that chat real quick hey Christian Brian and Brad marca great to see you Scott Richard David Richard M Tanya great to see Hugh Matt Matthew Fabian great to see who's Lots coming I saw someone had a Green Bay Packer avatar there nice to see you I saw that go by real quick Nick Ryan Alex Issac great to see you Mike and Michael George over there Josh John on YouTube let's head over to Facebook now give some shoutouts over on the MCA Facebook Gretchen and great to see you Ron Frank Todd Reese Olaf Sebastian nice to see y'all Sebastian Fort Lauderdale great to see you hey my buddy Nick Lam and congratulations on what you just accomplished Nick as well Tom Tyler always great to see you Neal Michael great great fantastic thank you Steve Franks nice to see you over on a Facebook as well Scott Indiana great to see you so blessed so truly excited to be with you all this evening so again a little bit about how this is going to work is I'm gonna present and ask those ten actual FAA checkride questions and this is a great chance maybe have a check ride coming up maybe your check ride was a while ago but this is a chance to kind of brush up and not let that principle of disuse sneak up on us we're gonna do these 10 questions then at the end I'm giving away some great m0 gear including a Bose headset as well so I'll be watching the chat when I ask the questions you're gonna type in your best answers and I'm gonna go ahead and say no I would say this instead of this Dan no Rob you should say this instead of this and we're gonna go ahead and work through it all that way so it'll be fantastic now you'll see some of the great m0a comm team on Facebook on YouTube moderating some of that great m0 comm team is here in the studio over on the Russ cam we have russ and matt making it all happen our online ground school members know them from every Monday night John's work in the TriCaster in the back of the studio making all that magic happen and bringing you this fantastic broadcast and live stream feel free to ask questions at any time as we dive into this I saw a few compliment if you thank yous on the steve-o one Knievel live stream on Tuesday thank you what a fantastic pilot SIBO as I mean that from the bottom of my heart we flew the Technium twin our tech them twin we also flew my j-3 cub and he didn't unreal I'm just awesome I said those videos will be in the next coming months so we watch those over on steve-o's channel I'll be sharing those with you all as well anyways tonight we're talking about what to expect on your check ride there's a lot of fear here that I'm gonna work to eliminate tonight there's the fear of the unknown what to expect on that check ride well that's what we're going to dive in here together this evening and let's dive into the Mach check ride let's start with question number 1 of 10 and these are going to have and I wouldn't before we'd go there one more rule I want you to answer this question to the best of your ability if you see this first question for example the first question is in F C G is it a faster or slower cruise speed is it more stable or less stable if you're a private pilot give me a private pilot answer but if you're a commercial plant or CFI I want a CFI level answer let's look at question number one one more time here in aft CG is it a faster or slower cruise speed and is it more stable or is it less stable in fcg faster or slower cruise speed and more stable or less stable here look at Facebook Brandon Rai and Chris great answers Chad great answers Colton Peter that was the Green Bay Packer avatar great answers here and again we do these I see a lot of our online ground school members on here as well we do mock check rides on once a month with our online ground school members this is you're getting a little taste of what it's like to be an M zero online ground school member as well great answer Lyle wouldn't expect anything less from you my friend over on Facebook great to see you here Chris good answer yes Jeremy on Facebook great great answers you all right i'ma work through these relatively quickly I'm sorry I can't give everybody read everybody's answers but we're all on the right track here the answer is why though an app CG allows for a faster cruise speed but is a far less stable aircraft let's talk about why for a second here here is two three Mike Zulu all right the center of gravity is the point at which this aircraft wants to balance around right think of it like like a pen I don't have a pen here I depend it would balance right like a fulcrum it would balance around a certain point eventually sometimes more forward sometimes more at an airplane is the exact same way if I have an aft CG let's say back over here of the baggage compartment I am said to be inherently less stable why am i less stable let's use the most extreme example let's say if it were a spin condition if I need to recover from a spin what are my proper spin recovery procedures that's a check ride question in itself right power back ailerons neutral rudder opposite elevator down my last two steps involve my tail section now my center of gravity has everything to do with the effectiveness of this tail you see when I have center of gravity back here my distance or my arm to use a weight and balance word from the center of gravity back to my tail is very short making my rudder and my tail section less effective because it's less leverage think of it this way look at a door in the room that you're in or wherever yet the door handle is far away from the hinges right it's nice and leverage it's like having a forward CG having the door handle away from the hinges is a nice forward CG there's long leverage take that same door handle and put it in the middle of the door now will it open yeah but it's gonna take a lot more force to open that same door now isn't it that's like taking a nap CG we've taken the door handle and we put it back here in the middle of the door for a shorter distance a shorter arm back to the tail it's less leverage that's why a nap CG is less stable because it's gonna take more rudder control to get the same level of effectiveness does that make sense think about that door example handle away from the hinges a nice long arm middle and aft CG much shorter arm less leverage great let's continue here question two give me two reasons why a pilot must file a flight plan give me two reasons why a pilot must file a flight plan is what I'm looking for here two reasons why two reasons why fantastic Thank You Tiffany for the nice the kind words on YouTube thank you Thank You Daryl I don't like that analogy thank you mariusz Levi yes some great answers Jamie said so CIP knows where to look for you absolutely absolutely here all right Anthony my buddy Brian Pratt on Facebook one of our top fans yes thank you great Maur that's part of it absolutely let's look at some more here interest yet cult you're onto something there you go Daniel yes yes absolutely here let's reveal our answer here so we can keep moving forward I don't want to keep you guys up too terribly late here answer number two two reasons why a pilot must a lot of you guys gave me good good advice like it's a good insurance policy so c.a.p knows where to look for you absolutely but I want to know must why would we legally have to according the farm here or answer International flying right crossing over the ADA is the air defense identification zone ADIS or what about when weather conditions require it IFR flying there's some other things in there there's the DC freeze there's a lot of other things you could have given and you know what I don't have a problem with the answer of there's a search and rescue side of this that in my playbook and my personal minimums I feel I must file in IFR flight putter I'm sorry file a VFR flight plan so that's why we have it there let's continue moving forward now with question number three you're flying and a circuit breaker pops how many times can you reset it and how long should you wait before you reset it you're flying and a circuit breaker pops how many times can you reset it and how long should you wait before you reset it mark Chambers on YouTube beautiful answers absolutely some great great answers coming in here Mason yeah that will certainly works certainly works as a little more time than then I have listed here and again this is this is from from the aim great Kyle wood on Facebook great Joey done quite that long Gretchen on Facebook great answers Rafael who's one of our top fans on Facebook here great great answer fantastic we're on Facebook scroll up and look at Rafael's answer if necessary I like that a lot we're gonna talk about that here question number three you're flying and a circuit breaker pops how many times can you reset it and how long should you wait before you reset it our answer once and wait one minute but honestly why would we this why loved Rafael's answer Rafael's answer says once and only if necessary if that we understand well enough how the electrical system works how circuit breakers work if we pop a circuit breaker there is a serious issue here the last emergency I want to deal with in a cockpit is an in-flight fire honestly the I would rather deal with engine failure all these things before I would deal with an in-flight fire so it's once you can reset at once after waiting for one minute if it's necessary because because why would you and that's just sound advice there and you just have to troubleshoot is this something I need my strobe lights pop well you know I really don't need those I'm just gonna leave this out and I'm gonna tell somebody about it let them troubleshoot it later there's a very very sad unfortunately NTSB report there was a flight school operation and they were getting ready to depart and the check ride was coming up so they had to get this flight in they're trying to make it happen and on taxi out I can't or which circuit breaker but one of the breakers just kept popping and they pushed it back in and pop in and push it back in and this happened time and time again what they found in the unfortunate wreckage is they found tape they had actually taken the circuit breaker that had popped we're tired of it popping so they literally taped the circuit breaker down can't make this stuff up on takeoff they caught on fire and crashed and what they found in the wreckage was just that the tape on the circuit breaker showing that again once you can reset it wait one minute but honestly why would we right let's continue on here question number four you're on takeoff you're passing through a thousand feet and approaching a few birds what should you do you're on takeoff pass into a thousand feet and approaching a few Birds what should you do in this case what would you all do good answers Dominic good good some funny answers good answers John M great here great some great a lot of answers coming on YouTube yes great answers David great answers continuing on Facebook Jason yes Megan yes some said blow the horn did work that way right Brian yes great answer Sam really great answer on Facebook Jackson over on YouTube great great answers here question before you're on takeoff you're passing through a thousand feet you encounter some birds what should you do the answer is if you are able get above them all you said continue to climb or write birds have a tendency a natural tendency to dive when frightened birds have a natural tendency to dive when frightened so we want to continue that climb to the best of our abilities here question number five this is a tough one but don't overthink it what is the first instrument you look at when recovering from spatial disorientation and if you are an online ground school member of mine past or present we're gonna get this question right because I know I say it multiple times inside the online ground school what's the first instrument I'm going to look at when we recovered from spatial disorientation maybe you saw the unusual attitude video I did with rust snot to long ago as well we talked about that this YouTube video what's the first one we're going to look at Bradley on YouTube yes Jonathan on YouTube yes ed on YouTube yes let me see Thank You Gretchen over on Facebook you're absolutely right absolutely let's see some here absolutely let's look at some more I'm not there we go RJ over on YouTube great answer we are all over the place with some of these answers I'm glad we are covering this no doubt Gabriel on YouTube yes all right let's look at this what's the first instrument you look at when recovering from spatial disorientation it's our airspeed indicator our air speed indicator I know that sounds crazy but hear me out let me explain here if I am in a climbing attitude what's my airspeed going to be it's gonna be quite slow or getting quite slow I'm gonna add power I'm gonna work to lower that nose that's necessary if I can hear the airplane getting faster I can see the airplane getting faster on my airspeed indicator I'm in a dive I can slowly bring bring power back and shallow that out slowly to avoid too many unnecessary G's and come out of that it's really only two what's the worst-case scenario I stall right I'm too slow or I test the structural integrity of my airplane in a dive let's solve for one of those two things and then we'll get the wings level then we'll work on everything else right airspeed indicator try it next time you do unusual attitudes look at the airspeed indicator first fix the nose then fix everything else question number six back to weight and balance a heavily loaded airplane will stall at a faster or slower indicated airspeed not grounds be not true airspeed indicated a heavier heavy heavily loaded airplane will stall at a faster or slower indicated airspeed let's look through that here a heavily loaded airplane will stall at a faster or slower UKaid speed all great answers on YouTube Dominic Nick Lynn Richard great answer Sebastian great answers Brian Pratt great answer Gretchen wouldn't expect anything less great answer Chris great Rodney answers coming in here awesome awesome yes Josh bring some good points to the plank install any speed you're right we talked about that we're talking about in weight and balance characteristics you're you're certainly on to something there we're also talking about weight and balance characteristics the tendency of a heavily loaded airplane is to stall remember as weight increases so does our stall speed write that down take a screenshot of that please as weight increases stall speed also increases remember lift must oppose weight I have to fly faster to generate the lift needed to oppose that weight increase its use a football analogy right it takes more force to knock the bigger football player out of the way to displace that but it's the same as turbulence VA all these things have to do with weight more weight higher stall speed remember it that way let's keep moving forward here we're gonna start getting to dancing some IFR related questions now so private pilot's do your best at this and we'll work through it this is a tough one what's a graveyard spiral this is one of our eight illusions when it comes to spatial disorientation we have eight of them if you've read my book past your private or past your instrument or past your commercial pilot checkride we talked about the eight types of spatial disorientation and graveyard spiral is one of those what is a grave yard spiral here close I'm just trying to read some here Peter you were pretty close um David on you to sit not good you were right judging by the name yep you're right about that Scott set a very bad thing Victor said the end you're sure you're right you are all right about this hey Eric Torino great to see you you are all right about that it is a tight spiral I see someone put Marshall on YouTube you're onto something there you getting close there are going really fast and this is a longer response so I'm missing a few here no it's not a spin it's not a spin there is a graveyard spin this is a graveyard spiral okay Thank You Eddie on Facebook fantastic answer has to do the tightening of a turn right has to the tighten dammit turn let's talk about so we can keep moving forward to get to those giveaways as well while turning picture this while turning you notice you've lost some altitude you're in IFR conditions disorientation is kicking in here your sensory system makes you feel as though you're in level flight so what would you do if you see yourself descend him will you pitch back although you're really in a turn so what is pitching back in a turn do it just tightens the turn which shows the vsi dipping even further so what do you do you pitch back even more which tightens the turn even more and this process repeats itself over and over can you see how vicious this cycle is of this graveyard spiral I'm an IFR conditions I'm in a turn I don't really realize it in the turn the graveyard spiral doesn't have to start out like this it can start out standard rate and all of a sudden I'm descending a little bit so I pitched back but if I pitch back in a turn what happens well I can started to set a little bit more so what do I do is I pitch back more it tightens the turn and it tightens the turn it tightens a turn until you end up as the name alludes to in the graveyard a graveyard spiral somebody alluded to a graveyard spin a graveyard spin is where I enter a spin in one direction initiate a recovery and on that recovery I whip back to level flight so abruptly it makes me believe I've entered into a spin to the right even though I really have it it's all about the flu and eustachian tube right it makes me believe I understand to the right although I didn't so i initiate a spin recovery procedure to the right which is unnecessary and i ended the same original spin back to the left again these wouldn't have names if these things didn't happen that's why we're covering all this tonight my goal my dream is is not to just help you pass a check ride our entire mission here at m0 is to make you a safer smarter pilot that's why we want to teach real-world applicability yeah you're gonna pass your written test yes you're gonna pass your check are the flying colors my goal at the end of the day is to make you that safer smarter pilot so let's keep moving forward these questions here question eight should be an easy one for my IFR pilots please define MEA I don't want no I mean if use one tell me what the acronym is that that's great but what is MEA guarantee me what are the benefits of an M II a why is MEA better than some of the others out there as well what does it stand for we can start with that but really let's break down to what does the MEA guarantee me that's what I really want to know with a more lengthy type of answer here all right Kimberly I just saw your answer on Facebook I like that I like that let's see I'll write some good answers hey Adam nice to see you on YouTube Brian great lotta IFR pilots fantastic michael lloyd great answer I mean these as fast as I can here hey Dean on YouTube hey Joel nice to see you on Facebook great to see you Jeff great let's see em ei as it relates to IFR flight let's define it here together M ei is our minimum enroute altitude M EA minimum enroute altitude it represents the lowest altitude between Radio fixes that allows for a good signal from the navigational aids this altitude now serves as a base altitude between which navigational signal coverage is assured as well as meeting obstacle clearance requirements M ei in the IFR terms minimum enroute altitude I'll leave this up for a second screenshot this so you can write this down later here I give you are taking an IFR check rod and anyone who's taken an IFR check I'll tell you this will be on your instrument check right it's just that this is the the foundational type knowledge that you have to have here IFR pilots aspired I have our pilots please make sure that gets in your notes somehow the power retention when we write things down is exponential I'll put that up just a little bit longer here for you to write this down it's that important I promise take a picture a screenshot real quick all right I'm moving for if you need me come back that slide at the end I can let's go question number nine now two more and we're wrapping this thing up what do you the pilot what do you mean if you use the phrase minimum fuel over the radios talking to ATC what does that mean if you use the phrase minimum fuel what is it what message are you communicating to ATC is that like declaring an emergency or not those are the things I'm kind of leading you a little bit and I apologize for that but what does that really mean is it truly an emergency give me a paper work after this what are you thinking minimum fuel Dan watt on Facebook great Frank on YouTube you're right Ryan you're right you're right - Rob yeah you're right on that Sebastian on YouTube great answer great great answers minimum fuel Brian yes great answers Chris yes Megan on Facebook perfect answers great absolutely David you're right almost right you are absolutely right what does it mean if you use the phrase a minimum fuel over the radios are answer you're indicating that you may you haven't yet but you may declare an emergency due to the insufficient fuel if there are any deviations in transit now this is not declaring an emergency I want to be very clear you're not declaring an emergency yet this is simply just informing ATC of your situation and letting them know that I need to continue straight ahead I can't afford any deviations or any delays I need to find the nearest airport really I it's as nearest airport with fuel if it's desperate enough just kidding me the nearest airport and I'll find some fuel right get me on the ground safely here that's what it means when I'm saying minimum fuel I'm alluding them to it may be an issue here it was anybody on my livestream of United flight 173 last month minimum fuel would have been a very a great thing for them to say regarding United flight 173 but it just didn't happen unfortunately one more question there and get to our Bose giveaway here one more question for you question 10 how do you determine this is IFR related how do you determine which aircraft approach category is for your aircraft IFR pilots VFR posses don't take a stab at it I have our pots how do you determine which aircraft approach category is for your aircraft which approach category thank you username I was are two caps along this lines on YouTube Isaac on YouTube yes Frank on YouTube yes come see F I was the username on YouTube yes thank you great : Jeff Nick simmer on Facebook Carol on Facebook yes main flyer 97 s the username on YouTube yes perfect perfect answer here perfect perfect answer absolutely Tyler you're right but Tyler how do I know which category I personally follow how do I know which category to choose in that approach plate what is that based off of that's what we're truly asking here that's what we're asking here nothing to do with equipment I know I know you think but nothing to do with equipment here how do we determine aircraft approach category is for our aircraft here is your tenth answer each aircraft category is equal to 1.3 times the stall speed of the aircraft in the landing configuration at maximum certified gross landing weight period serious that's a mouthful but that's what you need to be able to say on a check ride my category is based on one point three times the stall speed of the aircraft in landing configuration at the maximum certificated gross landing weight specifically now the category a encompasses speeds of less than 91 knots while category B is 91 to 120 knots it's based on that speed little formulation that we have to calculate there fantastic stuff so let me ask you a question real quick how'd you do if you got 10 out of 10 I'd imagine you're probably already instructor certainly at least already an instrument pilot that last question was tough there but how did you do not out of 10 you should be feeling pretty good about 8 out of 10 you should honestly be feeling pretty good about yourself here but this is why I always say if you're saying listen I didn't do as good as I wonder he came in late this recording will be up within minutes after we after we shut down here and we something give away so please don't go anywhere if you didn't do that great listen this is what we're here for right this is what we're here for to better serve you I would rather you get a question wrong here with me on a free YouTube or Facebook live stream then we just put down four or five six hundred bucks for a check ride wouldn't you rather just get it wrong here with me then on the day of the check ride that is what we're truly here for we're truly here to serve you all so thank you for that one quick thing that we'll get to the giveaway please put these dates on your calendar February 9th and 10th February 9th and 10th I'm doing an event called aviation mastery in Orlando Florida it is a two-day immersive aviation event I'll be unveiling a new product that no one has seen before there as well as you're going to truly enjoy I with my good friend Gary Reeves we're doing an entire courses on four flight avid I'm training Garmin training I mean do an in-flight emergencies all these things aviation mastery org aviation mastery org to purchase your tickets it is a paid event but it's two days two full days of immersion training truly it's in Orlando Florida you can airline in or fly GA in or certainly drive it as well to gorgeous holiday and they just renovated their we we've sold a ton tickets that can only fit about 300 people in the room so please get your tickets now February 9th and 10th I hope you'll join us for aviation mastery live a 2-day immersive aviation education experience obviously wings credits and more but you will you will walk out of there learning things about for flight about your Garmin about your avid ein that you truly never knew was even possible as for students of all levels from student pilots to rusty pots or having an AOP a rusty pilot seminar there as well there'll be a lot of breakout sessions there's something truly for pilots of all levels aviation master org I hope you'll check that out but anyways let get into the actual giveaway and if we can better serve you for our check ride prep please make sure you subscribe to us on youtube you like us on Facebook we're posting new videos every week if you love these free videos you'll obviously love the paid videos as well inside our online ground school we're just we are truly blessed that we get to do this for a living and it's because of amazing fans customers and the n0e nation as you all are so thank you so much for that let's get into our giveaway thank you so much for everything you all do for us this is my chance our chance truly to give back to you and give back to the aviation community here let's let me show you how this giveaway is gonna work I have from all of you who entered and if you've entered previously you are still entered don't you worry just one bit let me make this big here so we can all see this you've been on the giveaways before you know I have my magical Excel spreadsheet showing how things work here and how I basically explore the entire especially I know with latency and bandwidth issues man you'll see everything I'll happily read it to you here I've exported everybody stuff again no spam nothing from us we'll never sell your names or anything like that so please don't think that I've got a random generator here basically says hey from this cell from this column pull any cell and it shows me an email address and that is our winner let's go ahead and let's give away some stuff let me grab my shirts let's start with my shirts here pardon me one second when I step off camera let's grab our shirts and start with our shirts have you don't win and you want to buy any of the stuff it's in the M's recom store classic m0a calm blue where it all started in the blue with the m0 logo our winner of that is Benjamin G Richardson at Ben you need to email Sara Sara at m0a dot-com for all my winners please reach out to us we will come hunt you down and find you but please reach out to Sara make our job a little bit easier Sara at m0 and send her your shipping information and your t-shirt size so she can get that all sent to you tomorrow let's do another one here here's we have three new ones that we launched just a month ago I'm biased to this one here there's Sara's email by the way and bias to this one two three Mike Zulu t-shirt supersoft who here has them Zuri calm t-shirt and can vouch for how amazing it is right these things are super super soft already preshrunk really really nice shirts here - they're Mike zoom this one's one of my i'ma calls from my favorite eyes have a bias I love my guru so much although flying the cub lately I've been falling in love with the cub 2 to 3 Mike Zulu where is my winner let's click on our magical Excel spreadsheet here oops pardon me one sec I did that last time click on the email too much and enter Gavin V W at epsilon ing comm - 3 Mike zoo shirt coming your way my friend please email Sarah Sarah at M 0 is coming your way alright next one also from the new collection m0a on the front and it wouldn't be an mga comm video if we didn't have a good pilot is always learning on the back here M 0 a left chest a good pile is always learning prop logo on the back there let's go ahead and look at it here click on my magical formula run it on through dr dr prosky at you my friend have a good pilot is always learning shirt coming your way congratulations on that one here's a favorite of mine as well if some great Under Armour shirt so we fly in Florida so it's hot so we need Under Armour shirts right m0 a good pilot is always learning printed on an awesome Under Armour heat gear t-shirt great great for flying in the summer these are available for sale as well let's see who's got this one coming on over that's going to Ryan Shawn M at my friend please email Sarah Sarah at m0 because you've got an Under Armor m0 shirt in your size coming your way please email shipping information as well as your size so we can get that out there to you let's give away some more stuff and let's get to that Bose headset that everyone is waiting for how about three months in our on line ground school or online ground school is subscription-based but for one subscription you get access to all the courses private instrument commercial and FOI course we have finished about 99% of the retake of the private pot we're on the cycle of redoing all our videos we want to always have fresh new up-to-date content for you all that's something we're working on three months of our online ground school you get access to all of those courses in their written test prep check ride prep but again always most importantly making you that safe real world pilot here let's go ahead let's go through it the winner of that is Sebastian Sant 7 at hotmail cough you saw a few Sebastian's on YouTube and on Facebook hopefully it's one of you guys as well so absolutely congratulations please email Sarah and she will set that up and make that happen for you so three months of our online ground school for you let's get to the Bose headset one last thing if you're an aspiring Private Pilot and you need some help this book is totally free for anybody all I ask is that you pay shipping it's the Private Pilot blueprint it's everything I wish someone would have told me before I started my flight training how to save time and money in the process this book is yours for free all I ask you pay 695 for me to put it in an envelope ship it out I mean that we lose money literally when these we ship these but we win in the end because we're gaining pilots in aviation so this is a totally free book all I asked is you just pay the shipping cost that's a little bit more shipping for international but 695 Stickley here in the United States Private Pilot blueprint comm is Thank You Jonathan putting that up on the screen okay everybody kind of feels like they leave with something as well let's go ahead let's give away the Bose headset then I'll remind you I'll be doing another live stream next month I'm gonna finalize those dates for you and topics everything else I'll put a Facebook event down an email out I'll be mentioned so please make sure you like us on Facebook please make sure you're already subscribed on YouTube so you get all these alerts so you don't ever miss another live stream or a great video we're producing videos weekly and been doing so for years let's give away the Bose headsets you are one lucky winner and then if you want to stick around I'll answer any questions about aviation I'll do my best if you want to head out that's fine but if you have questions stick around towards after this and I'll answer any questions you all have here our Bose headset winner let's give it away here we go our Bose headset winner is Express music MSR 6:13 at my friend you just won yourself a brand new Bose a20 headset the headset I fly with its headset the entire team here flies with as well congratulations my friend all my winners please email Sarah Sarah at m0 your shipping information your sizes if you need it so she can send that out as well but listen thank you so much let's open it up now for questions any questions you all have I am more than happy to take those questions at this time anything flight trainer related I am more than happy to answer any of those questions we'll just take a few minutes to answer some questions and then we'll kind of go through it from there here anything flying related he let me scroll back down here thank you for everyone for sticking around let's see Jim yes we do have a full FOI course inside the online ground schools would love to have you back in there to check that out and great to see you Jim hope to see its Sun and fun as well someone asked what's the best bose headset of the 8 20s the 820 are meant for general aviation a new headsets meant more for turbine operations here on Facebook to have a video tutorial on how to use the e6b absolutely we do you can find that just by search in East 6b we take our giant we have a camera and let's show on the Chinese 6b no yes that's not a big deal it's fine camera angles show and don't worry about it I'll bring the Chinese 6b over so crazy it's my favorite tool let's bring this over this needs to be like in every shop we do have the giant e6b and I have a lot of great video tutorials showing it I was actually the reason it's out as I was doing a lot in the online ground school my little X's and everything else I'm a big fan of learning things the old-fashioned way and I mean so I'm still teaching the manual East 6b I know how you're really going to use stuff you're gonna use the the iPad and everything else I totally get that but you know what for your knowledge tests for everything else you're gonna want to know how to use the manual East 6b so we're still teaching manual flight plan and everything else and kind of helping you through that process so we're just working on some of those videos here alright let's let's see here so that's where they can buy a giant a 6b I'm not sure but I do know I want to make like a spoof video one day try to get it in the 172 and do like a cross-country deviation I think that'd be a good a good video someone asked about lifetime membership see online ground school again email Sarah about that Sarah Dems really calm she can tell you more about that as well comm CFI great answering your questions by the way you're spot on with a lot of those questions I don't have an airline interview prep course unfortunately it's not something I see in the in kind of our future mistake more with the flight training aspect of it here Bradley our studio is located in Ocala Florida the planes are based between ocf and x-ray 60 anyone pass into the Ocala area is always welcome to come and do a studio tour and see em Zurich comp rolled headquarters again that's a Sarah question email Sarah and she will work that for you let's see looking in some more Josh asks what made me fall in love with flying the story is I don't remember this my grandmother used to take me out to the airport I was very young to watch airplanes just take off and land and spend on me my first time in an airplane I was 12 years old and just kind of been going ever since very very blessed a bunch of thank you thank you so much Jonathan said most common mistake on a private pilot checkride most common mistake is digging yourself into what I call a checkride pitfall this goes for any check ride a check ride pitfall is the following the examiner asks Jason what are the aviation oxygen requirements and you go okay well met 12,500 for more than this and you're the 14,000 require you go through the entire oxygen 15,000 had offered to the passengers you give this beautiful answer at the end you go because we could get hypoxic right and then he goes that's so interesting tell me about the four types of hypoxia now and you go there's four types hypoxia you see how you led yourself into that if the examiner of he or she asks you what are the aviation oxygen requirements 12 5 14,000 15,000 give them that and stop don't say because I could get hypoxic just stop if they want to go into hypoxia they'll go into hypoxia but don't lead them into it don't be like the person who just reads the headlines of the newspaper but doesn't know the real story behind it do you understand I'm saying don't volunteer more information he needs to a check right I know one who's taking a checker will tell you this it's gonna feel like a really awkward conversation because you're gonna say something and you're gonna zip it and they might just sit there and fiddle with their book or look on their iPad or whatever it is while they're getting ready for the next question don't and a lot of that is intentional we as humans don't like to have an awkward silence so some of us want to fill it with more words and we dig ourselves into checkride pitfall just answer the question and zip it all right let's look at some more hey James fellows great to see you James asked is it worth it to join a club or shy Cantina rent for my fly school it all depends on the economics of it I am a big big fan of flying club so if the economics work out for you absolutely the reason I like a club is it it gives you a chance if it's a smaller club or even a bigger club to be in the same airplane every single time build that consistency with it here all right let's looks more here mark it's a fantastic idea Thank You Dennis from Brazil thank you thank you mark I appreciate you and I appreciate you Thai bring some a great question will the cheque right be easier or harder if I use my iPad and for flight but what do I can expect from the dpe if I use it here's how it works please please PLEASE plan out a manual by hand fictitious cross country and then also plan it in for flight go in and try to use for flight they may ask you use the manual one it just depends here now understand this please you have to demonstrate inability to use all resources all things in the cockpit if your airplane has an autopilot and you don't know how to use it you better learn how to use it if you bring for flight along and the only thing you can do on it is direct enter direct - you gotta learn a whole lot more that because they're gonna ask you questions about that that's why we're doing this aviation mastery 2-day immersion course on on for flight mastery and these these other big topics in flight emergencies and and integrating technology into the cockpit because of situations like this if you're bringing along with you you better know how to use it and use it well type in an identifier and hitting direct - is not how to use for flight right there's your you've unlocked one percent of what that can really do and we're just as guilty of that with these beautiful stacks in our airplane with our autopilot systems with all these systems it's beautiful technology but you have to invest the time to truly understand it so please please understand that let me see here mark that may be in the works with something along those here alright let's see some other ones here let me see Kyle same same thing says with the g1000 annex I package how in depth I need to know the system it's a private pond checkride you know one on a private pilot level direct enter enter is not known enough now private pilot we haven't get too terribly deep with it but honestly if you're taking an IFR check ride with that G 1000 you better know how to enter a flight plan you better know that when ATC says to dear Mike Zulu I have an amendment to your routing advisory at a copy you're not just ready to copy you're ready to program it and know how to program it and delete waypoints and add waypoints and make those adjustments and set up unpublished Holtz you need to know IFR finds me the hardest for that knowing and mash assist that's why I gave James fellows the previous advice of I love a club because you can stay the same airplane every single time sometimes flight schools just assign you to different airplanes and everything's just a little bit different it's nice being the same airplane and master in that particular avionics suite with that let me see someone asked about the commercial audio book no not yet actually did just finish the IFR audio book though the new IFR audiobook today thanks to Russ so thank you for us for that Russell give me a hard time about it you're tired of wondering where it was hidden someone in Facebook just posted as though you're laughing about Russ so opposed that yes it has done it officially finished today so next week we'll work on send that to audible so yes I won't repost these slides James but this this recording will be up on Facebook and on YouTube within seconds of being done with this here Bob cam great to see you Bob I said you a message to at least I hope I said it to you so shoot me a message back please if you get a chance here let's see here how applicable is our ground school to Canadian pulse we have a big international membership as well in there George you just have to be mindful airplane still flies the same weather still the same there's one airspace difference and there's some regulatory differences you should be mindful of that but aerodynamics don't change based on where you're at so a lot of international people as well yes I'll be at Ashe Kosh I'll be at Sun and fun and I'll be at all the AOPA fly-ins next year I don't even know where this are at yet but I'm committing to being there with my zoo right and we bringing my kazoo to all of them Mike Zulu will be at Sun and fun at Ashe Kosh and at all the AOPA clients the guys are really hoping there's one like in Washington States they really get to long some hours way out there so they're hoping for all right absolutely Willard says ok ask the DP'd reference the far aim a hundred percent that's ok it shows you know how to utilize all available resources nothing wrong with asking to double-check something with that junior said what's the hardest topic that I had trouble with to overcome first things first not topic I struggled with nausea very early autumn I trained my first flight lessons were 15 20 minutes because I felt like I was gonna throw up Green was a Cherokee 140 in May in Florida so it was quite hot anyways but I started with nausea very early on in my flight trained a 15 minute lesson became a 20 minute lesson him in 25 minute lesson and we slowly worked our way up from there that's something I really really struggled with early on so nice garment or Abidine you've seen 2 3 Mike zuly we've seen the panel I am all-in on avid EIN and when you when you put them side by side when you see the difference I actually just completed my avid EIN mastery training as well so I could as well become a master Gary who did my training is going to be at aviation mastery as well it's it's hands down a superior product you truly can tell but actually their motto is pilots who know the difference and that is there couldn't be a better motto you can truly tell the difference in that IFR environment here alright let's let's continue let's just take a few more guys than I'm gonna let you all get back to enjoying your evenings here paper charts verse electronic both is the appropriate answer I mean I'm neurotic I will actually have my iPad I'll take screenshots on my phone of the approach plates as well as a backup as well as having paper backups and just just backups on backups on BET look at two three Mike Zulu at any given time I can pull up like six attitude indicators on that airplane I like backups I like redundancy someone said high wing or low wing look at our fleet I got a Piper Cub 172 150 and a Tecna min I got a high wing bias it's just how I grew up flying high I mean I started on Cherokee 140 it's it's all personal preference I'm sure it will own a lowing airplane in the near future if I had my way I'd be a citationjet right now we're guess and rust a citation school to work on it so let's see josh absolute out to kwd are all right fmy Keith great to see you here big Bo's headset advocate Josh asked on Facebook all right let's see here last questions last question I'm a breeze to a few these Zack said personal minimums for amount of sleep that has been an individual basis some people need more some people need less that has to be has to be that here someone asked if I did the knowledge that you knowledge of medication or patches and I didn't do anything I just slowly built up that tolerance literally 15 minte lesson to a lap around the pattern it's what it was just to build up to it here besides Mike Zulu it's my favorite airplane I've flown right now I'm really in love with that with that Cup it is a lot of fun you'll see the video with steve-o we're doing some more great videos assumed as well some I don't have the farm and playing English as an audio book I apologize that's not on the docket of things to do so I apologize for that that's a short book though it's a very easy read how many hours for astute normally to complete Private Pilot cassius depends on so much geography where you're at how much time you're able to put into it national average is around 68 hours and it's probably the Passover 70 hours here soon let me see some more Reynaldo hey from Utah great to see you as well Bryan said how did steve-o do hand prop in the j-3 I'm let you ask steve-o Josh Cooper thank you my friend thank you appreciate you and the commercial check Redbook is literally done it's just a matter of hitting hitting print on it and that will be out last question my take is from Jay it's any tips on the CFI initial check ride please remember the CFI check ride is the most difficult check ride you will take I don't want to share scary stats with you because I'm here to eliminate fear but has an 80% first-time failure rate it is that hard of a check ride dps are instructed that if they do that the oral exam in in less than four or five hours they're gonna make you read do it because there's no way you can cover it all it's to check right it's a private check right and it's an instrument check right out of CF I level so the oral exam alone is a day it's four to five hours bring lots of snacks lots of water plan taking lots of breaks and asking for breaks the flights usually the next day please my best tip I have for you and any aspiring ste CF I make your own lesson plans there are things you can buy online that I will sell you our lesson plans that's great but every deep you know is that you're not learning anything by buying someone else's lesson plans well in a friend give you their lesson plans make your own less it's gonna take you a month it's a lot of work but make your own lesson plans listen thank you so much for all that you do for this great m0 nation this great m0 team thank you for being such a blessing to myself and this great team here at m0 a calm we are truly here to serve you we are truly here to make you a safer smarter pilot that is our goal each and every day so there's anything anything at all we can do today this week this month this year next year to make you a safer smarter pilot please please please don't hesitate to reach out we have live support on and support until about 11 o'clock Eastern time tonight hunters the gentlemen will be helping you tonight so feel free to reach out to hunter with any questions you may have we're truly here to serve you to make aviation a safer place enjoy the rest of your evening and most importantly remember that a good pilot is always learning have a great night guys we'll see you you
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 15,910
Rating: 4.924933 out of 5
Id: gHFhOXauKus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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