How to Buy an Airplane Facebook LIVE - MzeroA Flight Training

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hey everyone Jason here so excited to have you all on the presentation tonight we're talking about how to buy an airplane this evening we're doing it on Facebook so you all can see you all can hang out with us and this is you know once a quarter we're trying to get out and do more public type webinars Facebook live events like this to really share with you all so just so thankful that you all are taking time out of your Thursday evening to really be with us here so welcome first off to the m0a comm world headquarters we're on the intercom hangar set right here when you see me look out this way it's because I'm looking at what you guys are seeing so I can say hey Tim Mike Brian Scott my buddy Joseph Mike Derick Andrew I can see all you guys over there I can see how many people are hopping on here Christian James so be sure to say hi to everyone there so not only can I see this but also we have some members of the great m0a comm team here that are hanging out with us tonight you can see those guys and gals the Russ cam Rossi I told you you'd make an appearance over there world-famous Jamie Beckett from AOPA is going to be joining us a little bit later so you'll be able to hear some of Jamie's wisdom as well that we're going to be sharing with you all this evening so just very blessed very thankful to be with you all this evening the topic of how to buy an airplane I imagine you all are here because of that very topic what do I look for well how am I going to secure financing what about insurance can I even afford this endeavor those are all the questions we're going to answer tonight but before we get into that I know a lot of you been asking about where I'm going to be this year as far as my seminar speaking schedule here it is for y'all showed up on your screen real quick for you I leave actually this week we're doing seminars London England and Aero Expo UK Engles Bock Germany Dublin Ireland Hawaii Missouri you can see all the dates more specific locations will come as they get closer to these but well certainly coming back to New York so Joseph I'll be watching for that do a big homecoming at the Williston Airport here in Florida a chance to come see everything we do out here at m0a comm so of course we'll still be at Ashe Kosh will be at I'll personally be at two of the AOPA fly-ins I'll be at the one in Connecticut as well as of course the Tampa flying to see those I won't be at the one in Oklahoma but the ends Roy comm team will be out there to be able to check that out but very excited to have you all on board again how this works I can see everything you're saying over there so I can also see when likes and everything else go across the screen so if you're liking what we're saying you can press that little like button make those likes go across that screen and everything else too I can see Caleb and James and George and Roger and Martin and Ashley there's my beautiful wife Ashley as well so be sure to say hi to all those guys because without further ado let's dive into it let's talk now about how to buy an airplane what we're going to cover tonight is the following we're going to share and talk about which airplane is right for you I would then share with you where to look and really what we're going to look for most importantly i'ma share with you what to absolutely run away from and then I'll share how to secure financing insurance and we're going to talk about doing a title search so all of that will be there for you as well to chat about a little bit about myself over 8,000 hours of flight instruction number one online grounds food creator author of eight aviation tells my beautiful daughter Ella and our brand-new one month old just a few days ago a little Gavin as well so very excited about that you saw my beautiful wife Ashley was leaving some comments in there to Ty Matt's a good pilot tour I can see some of those comments in there as well AOPA outstanding flight instructor now three years in a row so very thankful for that and that's actually done by you although through a voting process so just so thankful for those votes for you all making that happen let's get started I want to start I teach so much through stories I believe that if you've been at ground school member of ours for any amount of time you've heard me say that sometimes what happens in a book what happens in the real world are two totally different things so I'm here to teach you and Jamie's going to talk to you about these what happens in the real world when it comes to purchasing an aircraft and my story started out very young when I was getting into aviation I was 18 years old and I was a flight instructor I knew I didn't really want to go the airline route I really loved this teaching thing and I was trying to find a way to make it work I had taught a gentleman to fly this very airplane you're seeing right here in November 5 1 2 Romeo his name is Jim Roach Jim and I are still friends this day's lived up in the Jacksonville southern Georgia area and he ended up selling the airplane locally he was asking eighteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars as an 18 year old kid I have 18,000 $999 so I had just finished I read this big book on negotiating and said well you have to go in there and you have to lowball him and that's how we start the negotiation process so I went in there and I gave him my offer I offered him $15,000 well needless to say it's a miracle Jim and I are still friends because he actually never even returned my phone call when I offered him $15,000 for five one to Romeo months went by I was still flight instructing really kind of saving up my money and eBay sent an email out saying that they had just announced aircraft for eBay Motors I thought well that's really interesting so curious I clicked on the link and I went to ebay motors the aircraft category there were two aircraft on there one of them was November 5 1 2 Romeo and remember seeing that going this is interesting it's a seven day auction it's no reserve the price right now is less than the $15,000 I offered them and I have an advantage because I know the airplane one other person can move on an airplane in seven days get a provide done get all this stuff done to secure this airplane I was the only bidder on that aircraft the aircraft had no reserve on the eBay listing end up purchasing the aircraft for less than the fifteen thousand dollars I had originally offered him I told you to miracle Jim and I are still four to this day I went to check out eBay just a little bit ago now there 129 listings on eBay right now good looking aircraft - how about a Duke a bonanza and our 44 good aircraft are on there and again you think who would ever think to look on eBay for an airplane but there can be an advantages to this especially through the bidding process and we're going to really talk about that and share it let's start with first what I believe is most important and that is choosing the right aircraft how do you choose an aircraft that's right for you and right for your mission so you have to first define your mission and then you buy an aircraft that checks 80% of those boxes you may say to me you know Jason I really want to fly the Bahamas so I'm thinking a bonanza mooney or something like that I say that's great how often you can go to the Bahamas well I'm going to go maybe once or twice a year okay what are you going to do with the airplane the other times well it's probably just bumming around getting $100 hamburger or whatever it may be so you don't want to go out and buy the bonanza for the flight you're going to be once or twice a year when you can get away with say it 180 - even a 172 for your primary thing and then yeah it's it's not the best plane for going the Bahamas but it still gets the job done by the aircraft that's right for 80 percent of your missions but you have to define that so ask yourself you know what is your mission going to be with this I want to go visit the grandkids and kind of see well you're going to you know if you're going to be doing that once a month using the aircraft it checks those boxes some points to remember with this now just because it has four seats doesn't mean it's a four-seater airplane I cannot stress this enough I see individuals out there who go oh well until it's a 172 Jason's got four seats well just because it has four seats doesn't make it a four see airplane anybody here and you can just type in me if this is you and the chat so I can see that anybody here were flown a Cherokee 140 and if you flown a Cherokee 140 before do you think you get four adults in an airplane you would probably be sitting there wondering how can I get you know myself my wife and our two-year-old in that back seat because the back seat of a Cherokee 140 with me sat 6 foot 4 sit in there you don't have any legroom in that back see I see uh Chris and John and Jason yeah absolutely SATA bunch of you know exactly what there's my buddy janessa absolutely know what I'm talking about just because it has four seats doesn't make it a true four seater aircraft another point to remember here is this these performance numbers and we've all done this before you go on Google you type in a Cessna 172 P model specs right and it comes up with all these different sites to give you all these different numbers but you're forgetting that when those numbers were created those performance numbers they were based on a new aircraft it didn't have any dents in it that the prop was perfect didn't look like this kind of old bent up prop sitting over here now it does it the the paint was perfect the engine was brand new the test pilot was probably a hundred and fifty pounds it was on a standard day everything was perfect when they tested that aircraft and then you come along thirty years later and buy that aircraft that the prop hasn't been overhauled when it should have been the engines been overhauled four times that still got eighteen hundred hours on it now it's coming close to the others it's got a some hail damage over on this wing here and you're expecting the same range the same fuel burn the same speed out of that aircraft when it's no longer the same aircraft anymore so when you're basing those numbers and no to that the marketing department works very hard to make those numbers very advantageous so just maybe take ten percent towards the unfavorable side of all those numbers just to be safe really the secret is to do your research and fly as many aircraft act as possible be that Airport bomb that says I want to fly 172 and I want to fly an archer I hear this high wing lowing debate and people you know plead their case I want to experience it for myself I want to fly 182 I want to fly 182 RG get your hands on as many aircraft as possible that's what we're really after because how can you know what works for you and then by the way - I imagine you're not buying this airplane to go fly around all by yourself you probably buy this airplane to take your friend your spouse significant other whatever it may be it might be a good idea to get them up in the airplane and make sure they're comfortable in it as well just something else to ponder and think about it where are some places we can look for aircraft screenshot this if you want to remember it here controller controller comm trade a plane ASO aircraft shop for online Barnstormers is great eBay like I said your local FBO has some sort of cork board where they're putting everything up I've seen airplanes on Craigslist before there are plenty of places to find aircraft for sale and if you're selling one to list your aircraft now as well so these are the points to ponder here now I want to share now we know you know where to look and we're picking an aircraft for mission I want to share with you what's most important to me which is what to look for now I have what I call five must-haves and really to nice-to-haves let's get started here let's get started with the must-haves now first must-haves number one for me a low engine or low engine time less than 50% of tbo tbo is time before overhaul I'm gonna go over all acronyms here in just a bit what is tbo for that engine well for some like lean engines it's 2,000 hours for my continental Oh 200 it's 1800 hours does the engine have to be overhauled at that time no it could go beyond that it could also fall short of that that's just the manufacturer's recommended time there's no in in our private aviation sector you just own this aircraft privately there's no rule that says Jason you have to overhaul at this point your mechanical tell you how that engine is doing in its lifecycle is it going to make it beyond tbo is it going to fall short of tbo so that's something important to know and realize and then a popular question you have to add to your list of things to ask is when was it overhauled very good friend of mine local guy here in town bought a 182 out in Missouri went out with him to pick it up great airplane had 600 hours on the engine it was overhauled in 1986 so you're thinking wow it's got 600 hours on but do the math on when it last flew you know it was overhaul Navy 6 how often had that aircraft flown if you do the division right that aircraft was not flying enough now was it so sure enough we flew at home he he flew it for a bit came down to its first annual inspection when the cylinders came back in a 40 did some more research found some more meddling in the engine turns out it needs to be overhauled the question is how could an engine only 600 hours on it need to be overhauled and it's at you don't want to buy an aircraft that is a ramp queen or a hangar Queen you want an aircraft that flies look for an an engine an aircraft with at least half of its useful life recommended by the manufacturer left that's been flying regularly that's what we really want here all right must have number two now I'm sorry let me go over these acronyms here real quick with you first you're going to see a lot of these when you're shopping here if there were ever a slide to take a screenshot of or get your phone out take a picture of it it's this one right here what do all these mean SM o H since major overhaul sometimes expressed as with a tee in front of it just meaning time since major overhaul these two essentially mean the same thing just expressed differently how many hours on that inch and these are tak hours on this engine sin it's been overhauled third one since factory remanufacture you actually took that engine off we're trying to do this with the 150 and send it back to Continental to get a factory Romania factored engine it's still an overhaul it's just was it done by your local A&P or your local IA mechanic since major hole a field overhaul they call it or was it done by the actual factory getting factory new parts and everything else you know you're going to pay a premium to have it done at the factory how about sto H since top overhaul there's a top and a bottom of the ancient make it simple we have our our cylinders at the top our crank case at the bottom a complete overhaul does all of that a top overhaul just does our cylinders my Cessna 150 had a top overhaul when I bought it so it had about half of its engine life left and had a top overhaul a few hours before I purchased it and it helped extend the life of that engine well beyond tbo in that case which is impressive for a continental Oh 200 if you know anything about aircraft engines they normally don't go over tbo here TT AF total time airframe how much time again we're talking tack time is on the actual airframe since it left the factory every tak hour that a cruise goes towards the total time on the airframe total time since new self-explanatory and then like we said tbo time before overhaul screenshot that write that down very very valuable valuable slide there all right let's talk must-have number two we just talked about total time airframe I like I prefer low total time airframe or of course total time since new when I say low I'm looking for less than 5,000 now I will make an exception and it's ironic on the slide I'm using seven one five nine go back now - 3 Mike Zulu you've seen some images of it back and forth I'll show you more here in a bit because uh nine Quebec Center one find out the backer - 3 Mike Zulu has eight thousand hours on the airframe you say Jason why would you buy an airplane that exceeds your limitation just have here it's because the type of time that's on it I don't want an aircraft that has above five thousand hours it's been a trainer its whole life please let me ask you this when you were learning to fly how did you treat that airplane you had some hard landings you just had some touch and goes you were stalling it you're spinning it you were doing everything to it right you just beat the snot out of that airplane now we're going to pass that on to somebody else and we sell it right whereas seven one five nine Quebec was a traffic airplane I did most that's why I got so much flight time I did most of traffic in it four hours a day every day and literally was flying just this the Beltway around Jacksonville Florida and we report traffic accidents to a local radio station and that's what we would do so it's higher airframe time but it would fly for two hours of the day you're two hours from the morning two hours the evening with one landing yeah you built the airframe time that way but that's how it was done a pipeline aircraft is the same way they fly they look at the pipelines and they have one landing I can accept higher total time airframe then that I could one that's a trainer makes it much more difficult here must have number three modern avionics for my mission avionics are expensive do you see where I'm getting with this beam here though an engine is expensive even a Garmin 430 you know have you shot a 650 or 750 yet they are expensive to install here if you can find an aircraft it already has the avionics you want or you can get by with again for your mission you'd be ok do you want to do hard IFR in it are you ok with basic can you get away with just a Garmin 430 how much longer do you think Garmin is going to keep supporting the 4 30s for these are the points you have to ponder but I can tell you we've we inquired about installing two g5s we're still going to do it to g5s and a 750 in two three Mike Zulu and I assure you the avionics cost more than the acquisition cost of the aircraft and unfortunately it's tough to get that money back out of it you can spend 35 grand in avionics but you're not going to get that same 35 grand back out of it when you sell it avionics depreciate so quickly so find an aircraft that has the avionics you want don't think it's as easy as I'm going to get a 430 because you also need the indicator you also need the antenna you also need to pay the avionics tech to install it it's an expensive endeavor buying the 430 for 8 grand on eBay is half the battle it's another four or five grand to get everything done out the door after that these are the points to ponder what is your mission and what would you say is a minimum standard avionics for that mission set that and start shopping with that in mind must-have number four no damage history I prefer to have an aircraft without damaged history there's there's only one way that I know of they can devalue an aircraft faster it's must have number 5 it's coming up then damage history it hurts the value of the aircraft now if you look at it and say you know Jason I know the repairs I did I know the mechanic or it happened way back in the 70s it was so long ago I'm ok with that maybe if you're ok with it that's fine but what's the extent of the damage history was it did they hit a wing and replace a wing spar that's pretty serious or did they just have a gear up landing and didn't hit the proper like that just replace some belly skins I can accept that you know it all depends on the extent of this damage history Jamie and I were talking earlier that he had a 172 that in the logbook it didn't say anything about damage history or anything like that but he went and tracked down an NTSB report that involved that aircraft but nothing was reflected in the logbooks so these are the things you need to look for then talk about getting a report on your aircraft towards the end as well so that's we're going to talk about here just a bit let's do must have number 5 now must have number 5 for me is complete logbooks if you've ever watched airplane repo what do kevin lacey mike kennedy what do they always go back for they need to get the airplane but they always go back for the logbooks don't they the logbooks are the entire value of that aircraft if you look I mean it is so hard to sell an airplane without logbooks it's so hard to sell an airplane without complete logbooks as well logbooks are the history of that airplane every engine overhaul every oil change everything that's been done it's a complete you know history report on everything that's happened on airplane you should be obtaining these logbooks or an interesting-looking an airplane having your mechanic go through them asking the right questions I want an airplane with complete logbooks there's only one time I make an exception to this obviously if it's up if you're looking for a historic aircraft you want to buy a Piper Cub or some some old warbird it's probably not going to have complete logbooks you can accept that back and from the 40s or the 30s it's probably not going to have it be amazing if it did but not likely the other exception would be is if you buy this airplane knowing it doesn't have complete logbooks and you say I'm just going to keep it in my family I'm gonna pass this down to my kids one day whatever it may be because not having complete logbooks can actually get you a great deal on an airplane if you make a big deal about it you know I really I got cash I really want to buy your Cessna 172 but you're missing the entire engine log from you know 1980 to 1982 I just don't even know what happened this aircraft I know you're asking 35 but because it's missing logbooks I'll give you twenty eight and and hit it with that and that's why you're give them a low offer because it doesn't have the logbooks and if you're fine with that and and you're going to keep the airplane because someone can do the same thing to you down the rotor to go to sell it you understand you're not going to be able to recreate those logs in any way so if you're okay with that you could certainly do it and keep it in the family it's one way to get a good deal on an aircraft as well so again to recap my five must-haves low engine time low total time airframe modern avionics no damage history complete logbook screenshot this right the style leave it up there for just other second for you to take action on that I promise you you nail these things down it's going to save you time and money in the long run here I'm gonna move forward here now let's keep going here too nice to have items now they are new paint new interior they're just nice to have I did this webinar similar style a few years ago now and I use the phrase I like buying ugly airplanes if the aircraft has you know 300 hours on the engine and is still Cessna 1970 Green Bay Packer green and yellow and kind of corroded and the interior still the old kind of Paisley fabric I am a ok with that because it's got a 430 in it and so I got 300 hours on that engine paint interior is cheap let me give you an example here what you're seeing here before and after five nine come back when I bought it and later I change the tail number became two three Mike Zulu new paint new interior would you like I'll give somebody will get away in m0 a calm t-shirt whoever can get closest we did we didn't do real leather it's it's it's faux leather inside you can't see the inside the picture new paint new interior what do you think we actually paid roughly let's see if somebody can get close here I'll have Stacey send you an mg recom t-shirt in the morning here waiting for some here Greg Oh Chris Marshall nailed it spot-on $8,000 is what we paid give or take it may like you know eight point one is whether that really ended up being for new paint new interior and then do yourself a favor if you're an AOP a member you get a free service called V R f2 value that airplane what do you think when you get to check that new paint that new interior box does well new it gives you about a five grand boost new interior gives you about a three and a half grand boost there so we end up making money on that deal but it wasn't a paint over it was a stripped down to nothing it was to paint it and doing the interior new headliner new side panels new seats carpet everything else done told you I like buy an ugly airplanes if I can find an utterly airplane it scares most people away because it looks nasty because of the the interior and everything else I'll buy excites cheap by the way Chris Marshall sends Stacey and email sta Cey at M zero a comm she's on here as well and tell her your shipping address t-shirt size and she'll get you a t-shirt sent out to you in the morning good excellent guess on that a little before and after for you let's talk a little bit about now want to run away from and then I'll have my good friend Jamie Beckett come up here in just a bit here's what to run away from I like this picture this is a screenshot from us doing spins what to run away from here aircraft that have sat I don't want an aircraft that's flown less than 30 hours a year it's just it's going to be a maintenance headache for you you wanted an aircraft it flies you ever owned a boat it's the exact same thing you want a boat that operates you on a regular basis it just has to be done I don't want an aircraft that's set I don't want an aircraft second bullet point here that's been a life time trainer how did you treat an airplane back in your early flight training days you beat the snot out of it right you had a landing so hard once you probably blew a tire you are rough on the controls everything else I don't I don't mind an aircraft that's been a trainer in a past life because it's hard to find a GA aircraft it didn't have some training at one point or another but I don't want an aircraft that's been a life time trainer in complete logbooks I run away from incomplete logbooks I try to also run away from a damaged history these are two things I don't want to mess around with one last point here though I ask my good friend Jamie Beckett to come on here so important have an unbiased a and P mechanic perform the Prix by inspection a quick story I was looking on ebay again this was this had to be six seven years ago now to buy another Mooney it's a G model is based out in Mississippi and again eBay can be tricky because if it's an auction you need to move relatively quickly and get a good deal but you want to assess the airplane as soon as possible so we were going through and I had a mechanic come out I said listen I called him he was local to the area said here's this airplanes based on this Airport here's the guy's number can he coordinate with him go to his pre buy for me and he did it he called me up and he said mister Jason I'm looking at the ad on eBay and I'm looking at the airplane here right now and I'm just not seeing what he's saying here he's calling to the paint and eight out of ten and the guys going he'd be lucky if it's a three out of ten at this point the ad was all marketing and nothing to back it up and I remember thinking like I paid 500 bucks for this pre buy I'm thinking how can I just pay 500 bucks for a pre buy I was a young kid the time to barely spend 500 bucks on a pre buy and I'm just give it to this guy buying the airplane I'm so thankful I didn't it's cheap insurance we can look at it that way because now I'm saying I didn't end up buying that airplane and having just all the maintenance headaches and all the money it would have costed me from there have an unbiased mechanic you know you don't want the mechanic who's been doing the annual inspections for the last five years to do the pre buy because of course his or her work is the best they're not going to find anything wrong with that airplane because they've been doing the annuals they be just telling on themselves right you want an unbiased mechanic to come in there and do that so on that note two of saving money and venturing into I've asked my good friend Jamie Jamie come on over here to make his big appearance I'm fine here very much appreciate it appreciate you and Jane me is in charge I mean nine dinars I can't world-famous Alisha uptick today I'm not in charge right but really I mean but you can fly program with AOPA and talk to me about what you're doing flying clubs talk to the person out there saying Jason everything you're saying great but I don't know if I can afford to do this on my own what about a flying club we'll get our ship that's how I got into a flying club to tell you the truth because I had this exact problem and I figured I'm not the only guy to have this I've got a family I've got kids I've got a mortgage I can't justify buying an airplane but I can justify getting involved with a group that buys an airplane now that could be a partnership or a club the difference being a partnership is just a financial commitment you and me and the whole m0a crew might form a partnership to buy an airplane we may never talk to each other we just put our cards on file we all share the expenses and that's okay in a club environment and this is my personal favorite I belong to a club Central Florida Flying Club and it's a bunch of beyond here mhm thanks guys yeah it's great because you know you have a social organization you have a social network and one of the things that's important I think in aviation is that we recognize you and I have different experience yeah we both have a lot of time we both have we're CF I smell but we have different experiences and we learn from each other and we have great situations in the club where because we can gather together and share the expenses and afford that airplane we can get commercial pilots and corporate pilots and high time recreational pilots and student pilots all in the same room and they all benefit from each other because I'll tell you and I'm sure you notice that guy who flies left seat in the 747 transatlantic yeah may not know how to get a 172 out of a hangar and off the ground at a non towered Airport yes and that seventeen year old students good at it he does it all the time yeah now one thing we haven't talked about because we're talking about buying airplanes there's an interesting component you can do with a club you can lease an airplane which does allow you to get access to the airplane and it's an exclusive lease it's your clubs they're playing you essentially have ownership but instead of buying it you're just paying a portion of the cost maintaining that housing and everything it's a great way to get access to an airplane and it really can lower the cost down and spread out your social network enough this really makes it worthwhile sure what is I mean you do this all the time with AOPA what does I can get a real job I mess around in general I get it you people on my level right absolutely what is that next step though I mean do they have to have the big-money guy that comes in and says I'll put the airplane up and you guys can be my partners or that's one sometimes yeah yeah that's the great thing you know if it's you're looking for an airplane or I'm looking for an airplane is that we need a big checkbook balance or a good relationship with a bank or AOPA finance or somebody like that if we're in a club we've got a bunch of options it could be one of us buys an airplane and leases into the club sure it could be that six of the ten club members say we can afford to buy the plane and we'll finance it for the club and the club can pay it back or it might actually be everybody in the club says fifteen people let's put in two thousand dollars a piece now we've got thirty thousand dollars let's go buy an airplane that fits our budget yeah it's really the great thing because it gives you all this latitude and just like you started off pick the airplane to fix your mission pick the budget to fix your wallet and then go out and find that airplane because we do have a tremendous advantage right now there's thousands and thousands of airframes out there that have been around for a long time they're tested and like your 172 you can completely redo it I did that with a 150 on it it really is and you end up with the airplane you want yeah so it's doable yeah no I totally good I totally good so we could have someone that's so it maybe there's someone on this presentation now it says you know I want to buy an airplane but I don't know if I'll use it enough that are a perfect thing for the aircraft getting used and they're able to offset to this cost well you know I was working on one flying club that they could not find the airplanes they wanted and they were worried because they also couldn't find hanger spaces you know here in Florida it's tough they tend to be full and they came up with a great idea they started going out and marketing to say we be willing to lease is there anybody who's got an airplane just like you said it's not going to use them sure enough they find two airplanes on the field with hangars will the owners are willing to lease them so all of a sudden you've got access down to two airplanes not one yeah at an affordable cost with hangars yeah so sometimes it's just get creative and start looking around at your real options network with people yeah and we do have those people who they've owned an airplane for thirty years forty years they really love it but not there I'm down to fly in 20 hours a year and I'm paying for the annual and I'm paying for the hangars or I'm paying for the insurance you know if I let ten other people use it with me yeah now I'm just paying a little piece of that and I still have used to my airplanes know that I like it if you want to put up on your screen here you want to get in touch with Jamie glasses AOP email there that's one two screen shot one to say for sure you say listen I want to sort this Flying Club thing but I don't know how to do bylaws or set this LLC or anything else like that like you're the man to go wow let me say it's not just me the great thing a PA has put together this you can fly initiative it's just fantastic and it's really it's creating results because we're out there helping people make their dreams come true but it's not just me there's K sunroom in California there's Pat Brown in Texas normal is up in New York Annie Miller's up in the Great Lakes region we just got a new guy into the into the home office in Frederick who's just in charge of clubs so as cuddly as I am if you're out in another place there's somebody to help you so trust me even if all you got to do is call the AOPA main number and say can I talk to the Ambassador for my area somebody will be on the phone or on the email to you pretty quickly and whatever your questions are whatever your problem is we'll help you find a solution yeah no absolutely few more things I want to share and we're going to kind of Jamie and I are gonna stamp you're going to take your questions everything else too if you need help with aircraft financing I did a great series on finance aircraft it took another hour just to get into all that it's aircraft banking calm stuff on your screen there - it's a five-part video series we go through with a good friend of mine Dave Mann we talk about what credit scores you need we get into what he's going to want to see tax return wise how much down how long what kind of terms are we technically seeing we cover all that aircraft you can check that out there and kind of see that video series I want to get all into that but you have that there as well so a few other resources again this is your thing - screenshot right here if you want say Jamie's email aircraft all my aircraft are insurance through AOPA both Jamie and I we're not getting kickbacks from none I use them as well yeah exactly this is because I've been lazy it's easy one phone number I get a bunch of clips a little bit absolutely so AOPA insurance we use good friend of mine well built doors he always says just you know you don't have a hangar till you have a door and iron right and the hardest hardest times water right now is find this hangar oh yeah so leaves mark very very local to us as well well-built doors coms you want to learn more and say listen okay I've got this plane now where am I going to keep it where am I going to store it well marks the guy to consult and talk to about that very good personal friend of mine and then to a recent new friend of ours you use the service plain facts report they sell one over yeah and it's a it's a title search it's a lien search it's NTSB report law and that's worth it because I mentioned when I bought my cub it's a 1940 cub and there was a lien on there from decades ago crazy and it really is work because that can affect this the purchase price of an airplane if you find out oh I really like this it's great but oh there's a lien for $20,000 for 30 years ago yes so that might affect my offer so exactly get all of that done plain facts report calm for that Jonathan put that there one more time screenshot this write this down whatever it takes that is there for you all l post this maybe so the guys can post this in the chat if somebody's looking for something directly as well so they have it here the smartest thing you can do as we wrap this thing up here is earn your instrument rating or pursue another certificate lower those insurance cost you see it all the time with flying clubs like right now you have the super experienced guys and you have the newcomer that comes in what does that do to insurance well it can also be a lifelong process here on my club and I'm very proud of this I didn't do this the club president did we have a a wings safety seminar every month yes and if you make education part of the program it's not just you it's everybody in it and we all start sharing information because you know from doing presentations it doesn't matter what the topic you bring up if you've got 40 people in the room three people have a story to share that's really pertinent and we learn from it and we're safer because of it absolutely so if that's something you want to do I just want to remind you not a sales pitch name by any means but ground school academy comm don't forget we have a complete private instrument commercial just about CFI or the process wrap that up foi is done we just need to get a few the flying videos done and we're wrapping that up as well online ground school its knowledge test prep check ride prep I always say it's real-world practicality like I started this presentation saying what happened in the book what happens in the real world to totally two very different times it seeks through the story so you have it we do weekly webinars like this if you decide man I really like this interacting with Jason and Ezra comm team we do this once a week so it's cool stuff and we have the crazy guarantee pass your check ride or we'll pay for it so you can check that out as well and with that let's move to some questions now Matt's kind of going to pick and pull some questions for us as well first question I see David H hey David they was asking how many hours do you like to see an airplane flown per year Jaime what about you as a you know a ter crafts owner Adam you know in a club and everything else you know for me it's not per year its per month because I don't want it to sit there for six months and do nothing and it is 100 hours in the nine six months I'd rather see routine usage throughout the year whatever that value is I'd rather have that airplane flown for an hour a week throughout the year and only get fifty two hours then have it fly a hundred in the last three months and it's it's yeah the rest of the time though I tell you it likely used the analogy of a boat the aircraft just has to run it has to fly I mean yeah that's why if you don't believe you can be able to fly it enough this is the guy to talk to and think think let's go to claw Brown let's just do you can do a club with you know three four people don't have to be a big you know absolutely small it could be three or four clubs Bend in Florida where I work I know clubs that have four people I know clubs with a hundred and fifty people whatever works for you you can make that happen and one person just one person just you saying I want to have a club but I really am not quite sure to do it people like me and my peers we have the resources and we can point you in the right direction but if just you're there and want to do it you can do it there are a lot of clubs and started with one person with an idea next questions wrap your alley Michael asks two clubs have instructors to teach you they can but they don't have doing here's a little weird thing for instance that in the club I belong to and I refer to it a lot because it's my powerful experience in it we have three flight instructors in the club but say you join the club and you say you know what I really want my buddy teach me because I'm going to go after a rating and they're the one sure as long as your buddy checks out with our instructors and gets signed up so that they're an approved instructor even though they're not a member of the club absolutely it's all about getting people in getting them safe and in really appealing to their comfort level so you can use a club instructor you can use one from the local flight school or you can use one that's just some guy you know who's a really good instructor whatever works do it there's a reason clubs are a part of the you can fly initiative they look everyone yeah I am that's a little I get it let's see oh I love this yes absolutely milena and asked does it makes sense to buy an airplane as a student pilot and do your training in it I just talked to a woman today about this she wants to become a career pilot somebody told me this when I started I thought they were crazy I was wrong they were right yes I've actually advised my own daughter about this if you want to be a career pilot now may be the cheapest easiest most comfortable way to do it go out and find a low-cost trainer to buy get your ticket in that and just start building time get in comfort go out and doing a cross-country every couple days yes it really does lower your cost and the great thing is if you spent twenty thousand dollars on that plane and you fly it for a year and you get a couple hundred hours you can probably get $20,000 so yeah absolutely I'll give you my opinion is very similar with a with a different twist to it what I typically like to see people do let's do our private we can rent for private because I want you to first off see what you like you know fly some different planes everything else and then what I love people to do is buy an airplane and do their instrument in it because what are you going to be doing all your instrument flying in in that same airplane so I trained in it I did and the same is true too I just worry back to that point of an airplane for your mission yeah they're going to buy a Cessna 150 but then they'll be selling again for instrument timing is probably not up to well you know you were talking earlier about what airplanes cost I think people get intimidated I've owned six airplanes yeah the least expensive flyable airplane I ever bought was eleven thousand eleven flyable that's a project okay but it was eleven thousand dollars and I put work into it but that plane was just fine you could have flown it away so this really can be a lot more affordable than you thinking for a student pilot I agree with you whichever way you know it's a great way to cut your cost and you're going to learn a lot when you own an airplane because suddenly you're responsible for getting me all done absolutely but when you're doing the knowledge test and says is it the owner/operator pilot camille is responsible for this you think it doesn't matter I almost things right I've only the knowledge test knew that right let's see what's F M has to say what can I do to get into aviation and start learning let me kick this one off first off set and you don't have a copy of our book the Private Pilot blueprints everything I wish someone would have told me before I started my flight training how to save time and money and your flight train talks about flying clubs in here as well so something I'll say about the free book use pay 6 bucks shipping I ship it to you um but if I thought if I was talking to Seth right here like we are I mean it's there's a lot of people who started their aviation career with a with a broom in their hand sweeping out the hangars you're an airport it get you handy absolutely you have to get you in you start learning how the culture works you start learning the language suddenly somebody says hey can you help me with this oil change yes hey do you want to go on this maintenance flight and before you know it you're doing what you dreamed of doing and it wasn't that hard yeah well that's the thing to like when I go over and look at my career so far as a pilot I was a traffic pilot I was a banner tower did you know I was a ladies grocery boy who had her own Island on the Bahamas and I would call second one I know who did that she would call on a satellite phone ago go to Publix get me this bottle of wine this steak this we buy the groceries and fly it down to her but that job isn't posted on knows that that's word-of-mouth you're a theater you have to be at the airport to find these kind of gigs yeah I was an airport pup I literally lived in a hangar for a month another one I saw requests I literally lived in anger for a little while so it you have to be an airport bub sometimes of that it's the best way to go and seriously I mean I have a similar story I've been a flight instructor but a mechanic I've been a writer but there's an awful lot of people who are flying airliners flying corporate gigs instructing who started out just helping out around the hangar yeah and if you show up on a regular basis and help out and all of a sudden opportunities start happening yeah you're right Roy t any tips or thoughts on purchasing experimental um actually I just got my first excited metal I just got an AirCam I'm a huge believer in using the resources that are available on the Internet certainly EAA if you're if you're going to do an experimental there are some different rules go with them and if you can find a user's group like you know if you're getting Oh rands or whatever find other people fly that airplane because there's a lot of just little esoteric information you get it's huge it's worth there's nothing wrong with experimental at all as I say I own one now and I'm real happy to have it but go find some people will have some experience with that absolutely I have an owner an experimental Jamie's the newly minted experimental guy of AirCam which he needs to pawn floats I don't want to mind Jamie to put that on floats yeah please bring that up is off this potty Michael s can you do any maintenance yourself on a certified aircraft well yeah you can you sure it's in part forty three you can do a lot of preventative maintenance to change tires you new oil changes with the supervision of an A&P mechanic you can do pretty much anything yeah so as a matter of fact a MP airframe and powerplant mechanics license you can actually earn that through experience working on your own airplane under the supervision of the name T or an I yeah so yeah you you absolutely can do it just don't go out and do it on your own have somebody showing you how to do it the right way because it will matter yeah and we're in the process to of actually filming an A&P course let's prep this guy over here we flash the rust camera quick we gotta get the rust cam lower third up there it makes it so much better narrow to do that now we're all over all over the place with stuff but there it is who the rust cam I made that I'm the best Photoshop work I've ever done Russ is our AMT mechanic and also in charge of our am P course so when you're wondering hey Jason went I am T course going to be done ruff Anna Russell and I Missouri comm right that's we need to email you asked about that so that's I like that nothing I we can talk about it but you're absolutely right the preventative maintenance stuff you can do and make happen cleaning gapping spark flow yeah oil change is all I can be done well even if you're doing an owner assisted annual to take it off all those inspection plate taking the interior out you can save yourself hundreds of dollars now if you learn a lot of how the airplane works you learn so much like i I've never been that handy so systems are something I struggled with when it came down to there become a commercial see if I like draw for me know the way to here yeah there's a wheel you actually get in there and do it you know and you're getting your hamster you learn so much and that helps you if you ever have a problem in the air where you talk about book work in real life all that if you've been in there and you've worked on these systems and you've helped do some work and you have a problem in the air it makes it much easier for you to figure out can I fix this or not do I need to be distracted by this or do I just focus on the rest of my flight and live without that yeah a great question from Ivan you what is the cost comparison renting versus owning is kind of rough numbers cool that that's a really interesting one short term I'm going to say your example of I want to buy this airplane so I can go to the Bahamas if I'm not only going to do that twice here I'd rather rent that airplane yeah and I'd own the 172 or something that's more practical than my day-to-day use yeah the general rule is if you fly more than 100 years probably cheaper to own if you fly less it's probably cheaper to rent I'm going to go out on my you can fly limb either way it's cheaper to be in a club because in a club you might have access to a 150 and a 172 and a 182 because your club population is big enough to support that and you get trained in them but you're not paying the full boat on all yeah so there's a lot of lot of leeway you can really direct yourself and save yourself some money and get some real value on your ticket and there's something to own either being a part of a club when you know you get that same airplane every time how many times you should some big flight school and oh you're this one day they are this one tomorrow you're known and different tail numbers and the tachometer was here but now it's here's it's so nice to have an airplane you get familiar with I love on the airplane now I'll eat my headset seven like Anjali just or I'll tell you oh it's in my club oh four or five members own airplanes outside of the club they belong because they enjoy the camaraderie yeah but we all take people flying in them yeah so just being in that Club expose you those in some really cool classic yeah I mean really neat stuff so really worth it that's awesome all guys gals I appreciate you taking time out of your thirst and I appreciate Jaime coming all the way thanks for having me here world headquarters yeah I made that I appreciate it again Jamie's information if you need it let me pull it up there just one more time I'll get to that slide just so you guys can have that gear they wrap this up his email all the other links everything else I mentioned so you have it you can be an aircraft owner it's not as far-fetched as you think people spend more money on their vehicles then some people have more on golf than you do on 500 steps you can buy a Cessna 150 for a 15 grand I promise it can be done right okay I'm not talking to crusty time that one well that's going to last you you know quite a few hundred hours so these are the things to think about when you do become an aircraft owner you have my email you have Jamie's you know maybe you want to set up a flying club reach out to Jamie he's a point of contact but thank you so much just for being such a blessing not only to myself this great team here my beautiful wife Ashley our gorgeous daughter Ella our you handsome son Gavin cool little guy he is earlier like oh we just store just so thankful for you all and everything we do well we do it for you all to help make you safer smarter pilot if there's anything anything at all we can do this week to help make you a safer smarter pilot help you get closer to aircraft ownership don't hesitate to reach out enjoy the rest of your evening and most importantly remember a good pilot is always learning have a great night guys see ya
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 55,461
Rating: 4.8965921 out of 5
Keywords: How to buy an airplane, MzeroA Flight Training
Id: yEy2oQ3pQrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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