Getting Over a Broken Heart | Sermon by Pastor David Crank

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I have a sermon that I had prepared that I was going to preach and I have one of those moments on the front row a second ago where God began to speak to me just share with you what I don't know as a sermon I don't know what I'm gonna preach that's a weird spot to be in because there's a lot of people wondering what are you gonna say having y'all pretty sure that I'm not gonna laugh or anything say even without the Holy Spirit I wouldn't laugh or anything to say but I'm telling you the Holy Spirit already drops the stuff in my heart and by the end of this tonight you're gonna have mental clarity and you're gonna understand where it is you need to go and you're gonna know where the ball needs to go like what's the goal we're where we're at so first we're going to go to Isaiah 61 in multimedia good luck staying with me actually I shouldn't say good luck because I don't believe it luck comes from the word Lucifer and we don't believe in that around in Florida by the way congratulations when I'm looking at you right now I can't believe how packed out that place is and it was raining to beat the band and you guys made it come on Royal Palm Beach in the house so pretty actually Ryan he's so pretty he was Jesus on the cross and he he was texting me I'm praying for you PD and I appreciate that Isaiah 61 says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor and he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted that would be my text I want to talk about going through a broken heart I know what it's like to have a broken heart I know what it's like to love somebody more than they love you I know what it's like to have somebody that you really love walk away and no matter how much money that you have money won't fix it now if I am brokenhearted I'd rather have money than be broke and brokenhearted because you can look for happiness in a convertible can I get amen so if you had a choice go with that but I'm just telling you it won't fix it Jesus said through the prophet Isaiah he is prophesying foretelling what Jesus would be to you now Jesus isn't gonna heal your heart because you were good and chances are you know you did wrong and you know in this scenario in this situation that you had a lot to play in it please give me that camera and so while you are doing this thing called life you've got a lot of guilt because you know you shouldn't have said that and if you could go back you would not have sent the email if you went back your witness hid the text if you went back but we can't go back but we can go forward asking God to heal us and asking God to heal the relationship so in my case I want to give you a few scenarios I got married when I was 18 and I loved that girl and and I think she loved me but not the way I loved her that's a horrible spot to be in and we got married and we made it work but it was just a struggle the whole time I would say this is a dad to you because I'm 48 and I know what you're thinking you don't look a day over 47 thanks for saying that but as a dad talking to you and I might even be younger than you but I might be a father figure in your life I would say be careful trying to make love work like you know we're gonna make it work if we get counseling we'll make it work I mean I don't like that I think that you're gonna discover through time that if you're not very very compatible and you you're living on love and love is blind for you then chances are marriage will be a real eye-opener for you and then Tom it'll be worse than you expected just as a dad now realize you may never listen to me and you'll go through the pain I went through but I'm telling ya man it hurts I remember living in she's coming she's going she's coming she's going she's leaving she's coming back and I remember this is a good person too I I want you to know something you might know this girl he you know he surfaces she lives in this town she's a good person but we weren't supposed to be together this was man-made and what man has to make man has to try to sustain so I was saying here at churches that we build and Royal Palm Beach as well what you build you must maintain and be careful if you ever get rich be careful because what you want to do is keep up with the Joneses and so you want a bigger pool and you want a bigger house and you want a bigger barn and I've done all that and then all of a sudden you become a caretaker even though you can afford to have people do it now you're kind of tied how many jetski batteries do you want to tenderize and if you don't know what I'm talking about good for you but it all boils down to are you going to be happy can you sleep at night do you love this person because there's gonna be a point to where God brings a person into your life and you're gonna love them more than life itself and if you've ever had a baby you know what I'm talking about you never knew you can love something like that when Ashlyn was born I never thought I could fall in love with a bald-headed to salute those woman but I did I know told Nicole I wasn't going to the zoo I wasn't that kind of guy ride motorcycles she's not gonna impair my life and then all of a sudden I took her everywhere and I don't like doing life without her and her name is tattooed on my arm and and her my daughter and love is tattooed on my arm and my son because what really matters to me is I went through hell alone with somebody that didn't love me like I love them if somebody ever loves you be loyal to them be a knight in shining armor to them be honorable to them and you're gonna do enough screwed-up stuff on your own to make their life miserable at least love them back the way they love you because at the end of the day all that really matters is you and not you alone being happy but you being with somebody that is a companion to you and that might even look like the church for you talking about getting over broken heart so I'll with you that scenario and thought I'd never love again so then I started eating self-sabotaging and then there was this piano player at my daddy's Church who was uh he was always telling me you're gonna live again you're gonna love again you're gonna be happy again I was like shut up anybody ever had met a Christian person that was way too Christianese this cat was saved and in with all due respect he's amazing man but I really didn't even want to hear it anybody wanted to slap a Christian come on somebody like shut up it's easy for you to say your life is perfect because you just quote scriptures and hallelujah praise the Lord you've never done anything wrong I'm jacked up I deserved to be in this situation because I'm a bad man and eventually one day that scripture came alive to me that the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because he's anointed me to preach the good tidings to the poor he's sent me to heal the brokenhearted and to claim it to proclaim Liberty to those that are captive and opened the prison to those who are bound and I decided what I was going to do and I want to encourage you to do this you just take charge of your life where you're at right now if you're hurting don't hurt alone go to church that's typically what we do is we pray jailhouse prayers and we go to church and then we normalize and then we get our life back together and then we kind of in a and not necessarily even in an intentional way we go ahead and hos God again and God standing there going well I'll be waiting when you need me again and he's so loving he's so kind he'll always be there for you thank God we have a revelation to this church that we don't get what we deserve we get what Jesus deserved and he loved us so much that he's going to help us through this difficult time right now even if we're the ones who screwed it up and so you know I I start you know living life again and I stopped abusing food in other words what I did is before I was just eating ice cream like crazy and I didn't even worry about like I'm gonna get more steps by this is before an iPhone where it counted your steps and so it didn't matter to me so I would go to the refrigerator and get the the hef gallon of ice cream and then I didn't even worry about like I'm gonna put it in a bowl like I'm alone doesn't matter it's me and my cat it's just gonna be roll up my sleeves stick my hand in it anybody not talk about have you ever had chocolate all over he didn't care I was watching my stories and then one day I decided I'm gonna have to get my life together I don't have to go back to my dad's house and even though my dad told me not to marry her I'm went back to church almost started walking and drinking loads of water not nobody I didn't know dog strains or any health people I knew nothing about this but come to find out if you drink a lot of water you have to pee a lot so you walk a lot and you lose weight can I get a Amen and so I started feeling better I'm hydrated and then I started going out and I met some people and these weren't even the best people to tell you the truth and they were good people but they were sinners and but at the time I was I was enjoying sin and it was a friend and carbs and a friend were they helped me through some times can I be honest with ya so carbs helped me a lot of time they were there for me in the midnight hour and so were these people that I wasn't necessarily doing the right thing with because I was hurting by the way when people are going through a divorce or a hard time please don't judge them for 12 to 24 months because within those 12 to 24 months you got rejected you're hurt so you might dress a little weird you might try to get some attention you might do some stupid stuff but until you've lived through 12 to 24 months of hell I don't judge people nor will I write a book about how to raise perfect children until we see how Ashton turns out so far so good I'm proud of her am i making sense to you so while you're walking through these scenarios don't be judgmental towards other people because you might find yourself where I found myself many times where the thing I said I'd never do I did and then in the midst of this mess God leads me to Nicole and I meet a girl and to be truthful just I'll just tell you as I saw her I thought she's beautiful I mean I'm not I've just was a I've always been attracted to pretty girls well can I get a man and she said yeah I've never seen a really ugly woman I thought man I want to ask her out I just I'm not saying that there's somebody for everybody okay and by the way I was just kind of kidding there beauty is only skin-deep sometimes the prettiest people can be the meanest people and you ought to give everybody a shot it was just unnecessary to try to get attention and this obviously was a sermon that has not been rehearsed or ever preached before it may never be preached again but at least laughter helps so I'm eating the coal ask her out no ask her out no because she had been abused here's the interesting thing about abused women and there are a lot of them and we're gonna do more to help them women want to trust a man but if they've been hurt and violated by men or always sized up by men then you tend to alienate men so Nicole's hurt she eventually goes out with me and first date there was such chemistry between us and and that's when she asked me to marry her and I was like I don't know [Music] that part's not true but but what was happening was that God was doing something and I didn't even know God was doing it was just a girl is gonna go out with I didn't know that in the midst of even some of my sin with some other girl who introduced me to her that God was going to take our lives which were horrible sinners and put me in the ministry and put her in the ministry I didn't know it and I'm kind of glad I didn't know it cuz I would be scared I'd be like oh my god what screws up neither one of us knew who we would be right now let's fast forward she has a son he's there who's my son and him I'm well pleased you know I I love him I would die for him he's phenomenal and he had a lot of pain he had to get over and there Nicole had a lot of pains he had to get over now let's fast-forward okay now we get married and she's making good money she told me right away the first month we were gonna get married she made $100,000 a month what's the top and you heard me joke that's when I said I love you and it's not because of just I just love you I do not believe in prenuptials because a good way to fail a marriage we go into this and whatever I have is yours and whatever you have is mine [Music] seems smart at the time and I remember one day we were doing good and then we were kind of jogging together this little country road by this house and that we were kind of in a fight we like to call it now intense times of fellowship because it sounds better doesn't it but but we were in a fight and I said my ex-wife's name to her I said well so what so and that set her off that's why now I to turn a minim arm so I can always be there they called but Titus I am she took off running back to the house she's got a 34 inch inseam and I tried to catch her but I couldn't she was gone then when I went back to talk to her she was so mad that she's so angry and it really wasn't about that it was about all the stuff prior to me and all of that comes out real quick it's all you know Nicole was short with me there and rightfully so you shouldn't do that but I mean if you were married to somebody for there were somebody for 10 years that could happen and we worked through that well my point is is that sometimes when you marry somebody they're gonna have some baggage and it's gonna take time thank God Nicole was patient and we worked through that and obviously the good news is how many y'all know how it ended I mean we stayed together you're like what happened well hey you Brainiac it worked out come on somebody give it up for Nicole she's a great nanny so my point is is that God uses people sometimes to mend our broken heart but you have to have the patience to not be so short that you run out in the flesh and think that this person whether you stay married to them or not are you date them or not or you get married to them or not or you stay in business with them or not you can't think that this person's gonna change overnight a lot of people have a lot of reasons why they're acting the way they're acting but will you be patient enough to give him space I had a lot of things I had to be patient nepali to be patient with me about and vice versa because she was an abused and abnormally used woman one time I moved my hand just for a second you know it's like I've never hit a woman in my life nor would I because I'm not sure I would win you got a lot of fire in you your arms are kind of long your work got it have you ever seen her preach and you're like oh my gosh she's ripped I'm gonna fight somebody it's not gonna be you but why did she do that because she'd been hurt by somebody else so sometimes the people that you love you got to be patient with them you ever heard a part of your body and all of a sudden you rendered it really quick well the same is true with people's emotions so God might be bringing you into the church right now or you're drawing near to God right now and in a big way and the reason why is it God's drawn you here tonight with his love to say hey the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has anointed me to heal the brokenhearted so just this message tonight can do more for you than a counselor and I'm all for Christian counselors and it's great I mean all for anything that helps you and makes you happy but I'm telling you what is happening right now is God is healing your heart and a couple of things you have to do is realize no matter who you marry or who you date are you getting business with people are gonna hurt you sometimes here's dad talking again it's good just to tell people and I did it today and staff meeting Ryan Potter come here Ryan was in staff meeting I've seen many staff members here and I stood on this stage today and streamed to Florida today and come here Ryan and I said this to them Ryan Josh Adrian Phil Nolan I want to let you guys know that it's my first time being a leader I don't know what I'm doing but I know sometimes I don't do it right but will you forgive me if I ever do it wrong cuz I know I do sorry because if I offends you and you can't do your ministry and what you do for this church man I can't sleep at night knowing that I did that to you so I'll let you know that I'm proud of you guys and I know that I know that I know that you love me and that you don't have to get me a card to say that you love me I know that you love me so I know sometimes when you guys fail and you do and I see it that you didn't do it on purpose that you just didn't know how to do it so don't think that you can't win I don't think that you're not cut out for it and that makes guys like Runyan or Austin or MJ in Florida or radiance or Tim and all our team in Florida who's given their life to doing this loading in and loading out every Sunday morning setting up what is their offices during the day and making a church out of it at night time how could this be that they would do this they do it because they love you so here's my point to you if you love somebody don't let the Sun go down tonight without telling them you're wrong you're sorry what can I do better and no matter what know that I love you and I'm gonna stay with you forever and you can't ever ever change that no matter what because if you leave I'm going with you come on somebody ought to give God praise tonight because we have to be the people who heal the brokenhearted we have to bring the recovery of the sights of the blind so Nicole was blind that there was a guy there was a good guy that would love her so for you to say that all men are bad or all women are bad or all this ethnicity is bad or this person is bad you don't know why that person acts that way but when they share your heart they share their heart with you it makes you love them more raise your hand if it's making sense to you right now so in Florida Angie right next to you right now is a lady named Cynthia who's wearing that beautiful teal top and Cynthia came up to me Sunday at the church in Florida she grabbed me well first of all I'm sitting in the front row Florida she sit behind me and I was worshiping God and Titus was killing it and the team was killing it and it was just an anointed moment and all the said I put my hand out and I feel her grab it and kiss it I kind of grabbed her hand and Cynthia at the end of the church service Cynthia grabbed me and she said you know what I'll love you said he had an eating disorder as a child because he was sexually abused by somebody that she loved and then her dad abused her and fed her dog food a girl right there and that lady she told me that again two or three people around to Catholics first time to ever come to the church and they're standing there and she says they're saying I love this church it's great I loved it I watched on television he said 70% of your church is Catholic and Lutheran so we knew we could come here and not go to hell and we loved it and we felt good and they came and and Cynthia tells the story in front of him she said you changed my life as a note Cynthia Jesus changed your life and she said yes I know but I'm just telling you that Jesus has been around a long time but I I was bound till I met you and I get it all the glory goes to Jesus but I'm just telling you Jesus is going to use you to heal the brokenhearted Jesus is going to use you Aric to heal the brokenhearted so why do I do what I do because of Cynthia why do I want you to be evangelistic because of the Cynthia you don't know at the mall that you passed who was going to commit suicide why do we need to do more to help people because lo Austin was eight years old and his mother was being beaten by a drug addict not her father because Nicole never married Austin's dad that was the thing that happened with a football player then she met a guy with all the right initials behind his name and then he's a drug addict and he beats her in the town of flourescent and the cops would come and rescue her and Austin's crying because he's watching his mom be thrown through the wall and this drug addicts taking his video games and pawning them you see her on stage and think wow it's just she beautiful and probably nothing ever happened to her she went through hell is a battered woman but there's a whole lot of battered men and women and we're the church and we're supposed to rescue those people and bring the love of Jesus to them build buildings come on somebody ought to help me right now rescue people who might be doing this because they were beaten by their dad because dad said of dog food because Uncle Bob molested them I'm telling you we are the church and we are building heal the brokenhearted we're supposed to bring recovery in size to the block and we're going to do everything in our power to minister the love of Jesus to st. Louis and to Palm Beach and then take it to the whole wide world come on somebody how to get that bracelet I am I want to go to Luke 19 and I'm just gonna read first one it says in Jesus entered in pass through Jericho and now behold there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector and he was rich and he sought to see Jesus and who Jesus was but he could not see him because the crowd was so great and he was so short in stature he was so short in stature he was rich and he was short pay attention I'm almost done he was rich and he was short I say that because here's what I know about rich people they're short in an area of their life they've come up short all the time they feel like they're short with their kids make a lot of money and I make them really happy but I just I'm short the kids the shorter temper every rich person feels short in an area and most likely they are Jesus walks through if you read the passage see all these people around is that kiyose really wants to see Jesus but the problem is nobody wants to see him because he's a tax collector and nobody liked them then and nobody likes them now and so but he is smart so he climbs at the top of the tree when everybody else is down here just looking at the back of people's heads he goes and he is not tall but he makes himself tall by elevating himself in a tree Jesus walks you know the story he sees him in the tree and he says Zach he freaks out because he can't believe he knows my name he knows your name come down and if I have everybody which had to feel really really good because nobody liked him jesus says today I'm going to your house for lunch how many y'all know now he's feeling about 12 foot tall and bulletproof and some going to your house for lunch he was a sinner and he goes on to say immediately in front of Jesus hey if I've taken anything from anybody I want to make sure that I restore it and not only that I will restore it with interest and hey you know what I want to make this right here's what happens when you get right with Jesus you automatically want to make the things right that are wrong so if God gave you resources and you have a job then you want to take the resources you have to make something right that's wrong talking about if you haven't seen the movie trafficked you should I know it's bad for a preacher to tell you that because there's some nasty scenes and there's some cussing in and but I mean I see that all the time and our dream team so it's not a big deal but do you know that there's girls being sucked traffic like crazy right now in America the some of our senators are being bought off I have a man in the room right now who is with the CIA that knows all of this and I know things that you don't know it's a nasty corrupt United States of America and I love it I love the United States of America I've been all over the world I wouldn't trade anything for it but it's telling you we're not all or cracked up to be because we've taken God out of school we've taken God out of the government are we taking everywhere you take God out you're gonna invite the devil in come on somebody ought to give God praise today we all think of this a political statement it's not it is real and there's a lot of corruption so we have to use what we have and give it back so if you have resources your time your talent your treasure there is a day in your life and as you get older you're gonna understand this you start kind of doing the math on your life and you realize there's less Christmases left and you really had ever anticipated and you might only have ten left you might only have five left I met a guy today that only has one left maybe so when are you gonna ask yourself a question am I gonna give back what am I gonna do to make the world a better place what am I gonna personally do to reach people for Jesus to make a difference because everybody has pain and everybody's looking for somebody to say I know your name people need to be known and needed write that down if you could take that that he'd be known and needed known and needed there's a guy right now I see him back there in the back forget his name but I always call him like he wears cool glasses and he owns a bunch of rental properties and Austin would know his name but I'm sorry I don't know his name he's a very good-looking guy tall and cool he reminds me a lot of myself I tell you I just but I was at the mall and in Royal Palm Beach and I was walking through the mall look some shoes there's really good-looking Spanish guy real lean tight little suit sales guy no socks on cool shoes says Pastor David yeah how you doing says his name he said you know me he said I I saw you one day when you were with one of my heroes of a baseball player you guys were out hanging out and I forget his name your buddy the baseball st. Louis legend Keith Hernandez so me and the caller Keith Hernandez we're friends with people and I can't remember their name obviously we know about my challenges with names we spent a lot of holidays of Keith and so on and he's a st. Louis Cardinal Legend and I know nothing about sports so he never impressed me other than I did see him on Seinfeld and a rerun and I thought oh my gosh I know that guy that is a kickin mustache go but so odd so so he knew be from there he said I remember meeting me there Bob awesome yeah I think I do because there's a guy at your church and he said the guy's name who's there in the blue shirt he said he's my landlord he said he's always inviting me to church I said why don't you come let's do it and then Austin came over and hugged him and we talked but here's what I'm saying I was so proud of him because the Bible says that one plants another waters and the Lord gives the increase so so this Sunday here at this church I'm almost done give me one minute this church and st. Louis you know Weldon Saturday night here Earth City Florida when I'm at the store or I'm somewhere this week who's gonna come up to me and go hey I know you so one so goes to your church and they invited me then you plant them to see I watered it and then the Lord brought the increase so for you to sit here tonight or you watching online or you in Florida and think that this week is about I can't wait to hear the next sermon that really makes me cry it makes me feel better by Sunday please stop that please know people's name please join a dream team please serve in the coffee ministry there's a lady I met while ago she's a military lady she met through the Copeland networker if you're not embarrassed would you raise your hand the lady I met out in the hallway rep for Church in the original yeah are you here I know you're here with your skin duration can you could you mosey on down maybe somebody can help you I promise you all wanna embarrass you oh because I already out right she's walking down and I'm ready to close I was out front and hanging out with some forensic she comes up and she's so excited to meet me she goes I saw you with Kenneth Copeland and you and Nicole has changed my life this church has changed my life and she's going through come over here sweetheart she's going through the whole story and scenario of how his church changed her life and I enjoyed hearing it I think you said you brought me that bought me a hockey puck right yeah so she bought me a hockey puck because she said you and Nicole always put the puck where it needs to be and you helped me through some difficult times and seasons and I didn't know her I don't know anything about her but I know I love her and I know there's a whole lot of people like her and maybe it's you tonight watching and you've been watching online because you're afraid to go to church because you're hiding behind the screen because you feel like well man I'm too fat I'm too short I'm too old I'm I'm straight I'm gay I'm lesbian I'm abused I was fed dog food I was I was manipulated by men I've got to hide behind the screen I'm begging you tonight to come to this church and let us love you back to health let us get you healthy again let us repeat the you set me back I'm telling you I promise you nobody's gonna judge you at this church and me know about it they might but they won't be here long because we just don't like that I told the pastor today I had meetings with two pastors my worship guy come here a minute I had had meetings with two pastors this week one today one yesterday African American brothers in the city and Oh Lord told me to reach out to him and love on them and it's kind of interesting talking to those guys and their take on what we do and how we do it and what we're doing a lot of it they don't understand what we're doing but I the one kind of freaked out when I said all you have to worry about us because we don't go for church people you know we're ganas come in your neighborhood because like we don't we don't do Church people like church people don't go to our church fight for real like they don't know who you know a lot of the names are like if I said for instance we're having Craig Rochelle you wouldn't know who they were you'd know Joel because Joel's another guy who's not really for church people subsequently most church people don't like Joel well we love church people which just wasn't who always called to help and my point in that is this I want to make sure you guys stay evangelistic and I want you to make sure that you notice people so when I saw him over there what's your name buddy Chris so always watching Chris worship tonight and and Chris was so worshipping God and I looked around the room and I felt ashamed of some of you because he really weren't where it's been God you were just don't with emotions or you were looking at the lights or you thinking about what you had to do or whatever and I turned to Mary and I said Mary she was looking at him going and see do you feel like a sinner right now we're not really worse than God like we should and she said yeah and I said Mary if we make it to heaven we'll see him there because he just put his worship on display and so when I looked at Chris he looked at me and I went and he was dancing and then he was doing this and I'm like yeah he's just whitmore he was worse than more and he was ristmas stronger he was seeing louder he just when I know this felt it made him like Petey likes will do it really do it cause he like do it nobody out worshipped em tonight nobody out sing him tonight then there might have been a better singer but there were the better singer there might have been a better dancer but there wasn't a better dancer that's Chris right here yeah do we ever like she wants to say something good evening I just passed my first test I wasn't doing well for a meal to touch me [Applause] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God we love you [Music] we yield our lives to you Jesus pray for every person who felt like tonight that I was talking directly to them you'll help them through this difficult time [Music] God that you will do for them what you've done for our broken lives Nicole and I you will touch them you will touch our family in West Palm Beach and I know some of their stories and some of them I know once you spoke to me to to do Church this way when they turned the lights on at West Palm and I saw them and I knew the issue that they were going through I thought wow it makes perfect sense because you know everything God and God as they leave to go home in West Palm and are gonna be safe some of them I know drew for an hour some to as a church the lives worth the drive God as they did the same thing here I know my friend that I met today from Troy that drives all the way here from Troy this [Music] touching him and everyone else got as they go home safe pray this in the name of Jesus [Music]
Channel: Roma Downey x LightWorkers
Views: 17,159
Rating: 4.8894472 out of 5
Keywords: lightworkers, light workers, faith, christianity, christian faith, church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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