Would God Heal Me? - Pastor Nicole

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well I tell you what I have some good news for you are you ready for that the news for you is God as a healer the Bible says he is the same yesterday today and forever and if he healed yesterday that means he heals today how many of you need a healing from God say Amen how many are prepared to receive it today say Amen well that's what we're gonna be talking about the enemy tries to talk us out Weldon Spring online my TV friends the enemy tries to talk us out of the fact that healing happens today he tries to tell us we're not good enough he tries to tell us we don't deserve it he tries to tell us God's trying to teach you something never heard they have you ever heard God's trying to teach you something ah God's trying to teach us that he's good in the devil's bad know so I'm gonna tell you today out of the Word of God my job today is to be an attorney on the side of heaven and show you how the devil has been given you some misinformation trying to steal your health your happiness and your wholeness I tell you what we serve a God who gave us so so it's like one of the only Greek words I can pronounce I'm excited about it it's four whole letters and it is so-so which has happened when you get saved if you're saved you're so zode what is so-so it is safety soundness wholeness wholeness nothing missing and nothing broken the same word that healed you is the same word that saves you how many of you are going to heaven say Amen for the same folks that can believe for healing and the enemies a liar I know the Bible says he's the father of lies but the enemy is a liar because John 10:10 says for the thief comes to steal kill and destroy then it goes on to say but I have come to give you sickness No oh sorry I have come to give you disease no I have come to give you suffering because it's gonna teach you something no no what's the word say I have come to give you well then life I have come to give you life and life more abundantly now I challenge you go find yourself a dictionary Google anywhere you want on Google for the word life and find one place that life is described as sickness disease and suffering God did not come to give us those things the enemy everybody say the enemy the enemy is a jerk the enemy is a liar and sickness isn't from God sickness is from the enemy and I'm gonna go ahead and give you enough scripture today to help you prove that are you ready for that today now the enemy will come and try and bring you stuff at the most inconvenient times and he'll try and blame God for it you see back in the day we used to have I am woman meetings like every month like every month one of those things came around this was about 11 years ago Ashton was three and every month right on time I'd wake up on Friday morning be ready to study be ready to pray little Ashton with Tyler and mummy I don't feel good and I think about three-year-olds they don't understand the fact of what not feeling good means and they don't know when they're gonna vomit so they just do it anywhere and everywhere and anybody a parent in here say Amen so it's in my hair it's on my clothes it's dripping down the front of me and I'm thinking I can't get sick today not today well instead of thinking that as a parent I needed to go ahead and just start declaring not today Satan not just not today not today Satan and tomorrow doesn't look good either you see I'm fully booked on my calendar with the promises of God well I'm not sure that sickness in from God I'm not sure he doesn't use it as a tool well let's take his own word and find out shall we we go to acts 10 verse 38 and in acts 10:38 it says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost mmm and power and he went about doing good and healing who did he heal He healed all if you're wondering how they're getting the words the words are on the screen and I hope they're on the TV screen right now he went about healing whoo oh and here it catch these next words that were oppressed of the devil people who needed healing why did they need healing because they were because they were oppressed of the devil now I like two things in there one it said that He healed all did he say that he heals only the Saints did he say he heals only the people who are good enough only the people who have fasted only the people who qualified only if you were born in the right zip code in the right year only if you're in the Old Testament only if you're a pastor now who does he say he healed oh so right now if you're wondering if God is willing to heal you if you're wondering if God if you are qualified as a person for God to heal you here is your homework go ahead and get about your notebook real quick there's just a couple pages I want you to read and it's Matthew 8 and Matthew 9 and I want you to take a highlighter to Matthew 8 in Matthew 9 and I want you to highlight it Jesus will Jesus would willing Jesus said I will I will I will I will I will I will and story after story account after account biblical history after biblical history it will tell you Jesus will heal the person you thought he was gonna heal Jesus will heal the Roman centurion who was the Roman centurion was the head of a part of the army who was oppressing the Jews and Jesus was Jewish jesus healed his own oppressor jesus healed the Sarah Phoenician woman if you read a different type of Bible the New King James calls her a Canaanite another version calls her a Syrian Phoenician woman the Syrian Phoenician serial Phoenician Canaanite Sara Phoenicians and Jews did not get along they killed each other they hated each other he called her a dog to her face and then he healed her now have you ever thought about calling somebody a dog Oh tell the truth in charge now if you want to call somebody a dog do you feel like making them better jesus healed the people that he didn't even agree with Jesus is a healer he heals all because sickness is of the devil well you only showed me that in one scripture well why don't I take you to Luke certein 16 then say I see Luke 13 16 and it said ought not the woman a daughter of Abraham now if you're a somewhat biblical you might be saying but I'm not Jewish I'm not a daughter Abraham I don't qualify there's a whole 30-minute a dissertation I could give you about how when Jesus died on the tree and he was hung on the cross the Bible says we were engrafted in another section says we were adopted into the family that's when the veil was torn the Old Covenant was fulfilled and the New Covenant was made available to us and us as Gentiles were now available to receive the promise of the Jew so say right now say say I'm a daughter I'm a son of Abraham and ought not this woman a daughter a son of Abraham shoot this was a daughter whom Satan bound for eighteen years for 18 years she was bound by who God wasn't trying to teach her something for 18 years Satan bound her for 18 years you can live with something a long time and God can heal you from it I got glasses when I was in fourth grade because I was having trouble seeing the board and so my mom took me and I got glasses and and I didn't like him any more so I got contacts and as time went on I started having trouble with my eyes so I had to go to an ophthalmologist and the ophthalmologist said I was just getting this thing called GPC which I'm allergic to my own eye enzyme so I had to go to disposable contacts and I had to go to daily disposable contacts and in a so I I had to wear these things all the time and they hurt and every year I had to go get a new prescription so I could get some more so I get married to David and I'm wearing my contacts and I finally got to go get a new prescription and I head off to the optometrist and the optometrist examines my eyes and he looks at me and he says ah who told you you meet glasses as if I was stupid so well not just one person I said I've been wearing them since fourth grade he says you've been wearing glasses since you were in fourth grade said obviously this guy needs an audiologist and a hearing aid I've been wearing glasses since I was in fourth grade he said your vision is 20/20 your vision is 20/20 obviously you guys don't mind wearing contacts they hurt me that was when I was I don't remember the year but I was probably 27 or 28 years old my vision is 20/20 when I'm 38 years old and today I'm 46 years old I want to tell you my vision is 20/20 I don't need glasses I don't need reading glasses there's another story goes like that when I'm 48 years old my visions gonna be 20/20 I had to wear glasses for 20 years but that's okay God can heal you of an issue you had for 18 or 20 years you might be thinking well that that doesn't count mind you I don't feel like right if I would be praying to God to heal my astigmatism I don't feel like I'd be right you see I have an ingrown hairs and they caused these lumps I wouldn't feel right pretty I have acne I wouldn't feel right praying for I have this condition mixed makes me sweat I wouldn't feel right well did the Bible say you got to feel right about it to pray about it No matter of fact I'm going to tell you something I haven't told Pastor Dave yet so keep your lips zipped would you I was in the mirror the other day and I found four gray hairs I hadn't found a gray hair before so they were hairs number one two three and four all in the same day at the same time I'm telling you that's a lot to take I'm only 46 years old I'm not ready for gray hair well that is so trivial pastor you shouldn't be proud oh my goodness vanity vanity uh-uh promise promises you see I was promised Psalm 91 verse 16 and he said with long life if your life is not long you go ahead and claim that right now will i satisfy you i don't want to dye my hair and i don't want to be gray-headed I don't have time to dye my hair so I'm gonna be satisfied with long life will i satisfy you and show you my salvation if you're not satisfied with whatever condition it is that makes you uncomfortable if it's in your body it's not the enemy's property you go ahead and just declare my youth is renewed like PE go because that is Bible and I do that now my mouth is satisfied with good things and my youth is renewed like the Eagle I will always look act and feel at least twenty years younger than I am otherwise I can't be up here at 80 moving around like I do today all hyper and ready and full of the word ready to pour it out with passion my husband married him a passionate woman I'm like if I'm gonna keep up with him I got act like I'm 20 I don't want him being 40 in exchange of me for 220 matter of fact he ain't wired for that electrocute him so I got act like on two 20s Amen I'm gonna keep going don't you see the enemy will talk you into slowing down the enemy will tell you that you can't make it and then there's folks that that things happen suddenly everybody say suddenly right now there's a man at the welding spring campus his name is Tom Jones Tom would you mind standing up at the weld and spring campus and waving to everybody just so they know who you are you see the story of Tom and I probably shouldn't have told you he was there I should probably should have held that for the end you see tom was standing in his driveway at his home while back he thought he put his car in park but but it didn't get all the way into Park and when he got out of the car the car ran over him he had been run over in his driveway and he wasn't with anybody so here he is laying there and finally somebody found him praise God they got him to the emergency room and the emergency room doctor said he'll never make it out of this emerge see room alive well I'm here to tell you Tom made it out of the emergency room alive oh wait there's more when they finally got him into a hospital room they said he won't make it out of this hospital room in 24 hours if he well he won't live for 24 hours he got out of here but he's only got 24 hours left family you better get here and say your goodbyes I want to let you know Tom made it more than 24 hours come on he had multiple broken bones and a collapsed lung they said well he might make it he might make it but he's never gonna have any quality of life Tom's not gonna walk Tom's not gonna be strong yeah I mean I'm not even sure you want him to make it his life's not gonna be good I want to let you know Tom's having a birthday today and every Sunday he walks himself into Weldon Spring campus walking talking moving praises lifting up his hands giving glory to God God healed Tom Jones and God's gonna heal you but we're gonna believe him for it everybody say believe him well what do we believe I don't know what the promises are well let's go over a couple of those psalm 107:20 said he sends forth his word and it heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction Exodus 23 25 if you're note-taker write this down if somebody's sick in your family write this down if there's a generational problem in your family everybody's got stomach issues in my family I got something no write this down it says you shall serve the Lord your God he will bless your bread in your water and he will take sickness from your midst and you're in the middle of sickness God will pluck you out of the middle of that problem isaiah 53:5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace is upon him and by His stripes we are healed come on somebody we are healed we were healed have been healed could have been healed no it's not a future tense word it's not a past tense word it is a present tense word it is a right now word is it a it as they claim it and believe it and challenge God with it word it's the don't let the devil talk you out of it word it's a come on somebody have dare to have faith in God word you have a God of miracles so why aren't we asking him for one I got nothing against doctors up I like doctors I think they're valuable but doctors will tell you the wrong thing there's a woman at this campus her brother had a tree fall accident and when the when the tree fell and it hurt him so badly his name is Levi and Levi went into the hospital and he was in a coma for 20 days he's in the coma he's not breathing on his own he's not swallowing his on his own he's not conscious the doctor said Levi's not coming out of this I want to tell you Levi on days 21 he started breathing again and Levi's on day 21 started opening his eyes again and on Levi on day 21 started swallowing again and I'm telling you Levi came out of the coma and you need to know this because last night when I was preaching this message there's a 16 year old girl in a car accident her name is Lexi now she's been in a coma for 40 something days and as I was preaching this message our youth pastor Ari was saying I wish Lexi's parents were here I wish Lexi's parents were here Lexi's parents need to hear this if you've got any friends who are sick in the hospital deal with anything again I'm here next service they need to hear this and sure enough guess who was there last night Lexi's parents and they were so glad to hear just those things that would that we got the report and the testimony from Levi about because they said well she's been in a coma for over 40 days it's not 21 days they said they said she'll never wake up they said she'll never breathe they said she'll never swallow I said well that's what they said about Levi and then she said yeah but you see she has been opening her eyes and a couple days ago they took the breathing tube out and they said she'd never swallow again as she swallowing and I said Lexi is gonna be just like Levi and Lexi is coming back to this church she's gonna walk in these doors just like Tom did miracles are not past miracles our presents last service I was in at Sunset Hills I had a guy stand up his name is Doug Clayton and I said Doug how many years ago was that motorcycle accident he said 18 years ago I was in the hospital when his face was peeled off he was not in the hospital for days he wasn't in the hospital for weeks he was in the hospital for months for months his abdomen was cut down the center and laid open and his organs were open to the outside because he was so diseased and sick and broken they didn't know if they'd ever be able to close him up again I want to let you know that Doug has been coming to church here every week for years and he doesn't have some soft cushy desk job that he walks with a limp he owns his own construction company and goes out and does construction every single day Prince I'm here to tell you God is a healer God heals next oh somebody better praise him God is a healer God heals extreme cases and God will heal your minor cases he'll heal somebody out of a coma he'll heal the collapsed lung he'll heal multiple broken lungs he'll heal internal energies in injuries he'll heal gray hair he'll heal your eyes from glasses there is nothing too big and nothing too small we serve a God of the improbable and a god of the impossible I'm telling you right now if you think it's too good to be true God made a promise that he'd keep his promise in Joshua 21 it says every single good promise every single good promise that the Lord has given the nation of Israel came true so for the last few minutes of this mess because I haven't been able to tell every story or get into everything and for the last few minutes of this message I want to go ahead and I want to tell you how to get healed it's right there in the Bible so I'm gonna lead you through that are you ready well first of all we got to keep our mouths off of what God's doing I want you to write this down when you resign your words just like when you resign from your job right when you resign your words you resign your faith well why would you say that because Luke 6:45 says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks it's here in here before it's here so what we start saying is well my momma had it my sister had it I'm wearing the pink ribbon but I just know one day don't say it well you know the doctor says it's I'm gonna have to take this medicine for the rest of my don't say it well you know the prognosis says six months we're believing for not don't say twelve you better say we're believing for long life that I will be satisfied and shown my salvation we have to dare to believe that God is big enough to handle whatever the situation and whatever you do don't give God's miracle the name of misdiagnosis I don't say that again don't give God's miracle the name of misdiagnosis you know cuz people get healed all the time I had somebody Tuesday night or two ago come up and I forget it was a meniscus ACL something was torn in their knee and it was all wrapped up and had a thing on it and they were gonna have to have surgery and they got prayer there I connect group came around them which is why you need an I connect group let me just share that for a minute you don't need a knock on that group until you day then you need an I connect group and the day you need an I can that group is the day you need a knock in a group right you need people around you that know how to pray then are gonna say well God if it's your will well it is you know well god I love you there's teaching us up no let's just rebuke the enemy Matthew eight 18 and 19 if you want to write some scriptures down Matthew 18 18 and 19 whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven so you need to bind the enemy tell them to get off God's property tell him this is the temple of the Holy Spirit that we are the church the church the mighty mighty Church sickness disease viruses flu they are not welcome in the church so they have to go say enemy you are about and help in healing I'll loose you in the name of Jesus go back to the doctor have him documented and then don't let him tell you well show her knee she said oh well the doctor said it was a misdiagnosis no that's how the doctor understands first it was torn and then it wasn't what you had was a miracle not a misdiagnosis I'm gonna try and get you one story and then we'll go right into that how you see it was about sixteen and a half years ago that I went to the doctor and they found some abnormal cells in my body so they wanted to do some testing as they're doing the testing we developed a treatment plan because they said hey we really want to do this procedure but there's a chance you might not be able to have children after the procedure and I said well um I'm a woman of Prayer my family believes in healing so if we could let's let's develop a treatment plan together we'll pray and we'll see what happens she said okay we can do that so my doctor was pregnant and she went off and she had a baby and left me all by myself so they sent in a new doctor I told her about the treatment plan and she said no you need this radical procedure I said I don't want the radical procedure I could not have a baby she said no you're having this rad radical procedure or you're going to be against medical advice and then your insurance company won't even pay for anything that happens I said well I need a second opinion let me check with myself I'm my second opinion and I said I want to go see another doctor I need my medical records they wouldn't send him over to the doctor's office so the new doctor sent me to go get them and I had to hand carry them to the new doctor so I got them and while I'm in the car I do what all of us do when nobody else is looking and we got something I looked at what that said you know I'm like how much do I weigh well they said my blood pressure is when the doctor says Oh tell me more about and write stuff down what is he writing down and I couldn't read a lot of the handwriting but I could see the pathology reports and I saw on the pathology report it said stage for cervical cancer well that's the kind of thing that'll make you have to pull over off the side of the road because you're driving but suddenly you're swimming right because all you can see is water and pulled over and called David said what we gonna do and he said well first you're gonna go to the doctor then you're gonna come home and we're gonna pray so I went to the new doctor told him what I had found told him what I didn't know told him the beginning treatment plan and he said okay we'll walk through that together we'll start at the very beginning so we go in and we do the very first test and it comes back no cancer cells so I'm like okay God what's going on here you know you're excited and still trepidatious can I be honest so he said let's go ahead and do a second test to confirm it so they want to do this big biopsy I'm like okay well let's do it and we go in and we do it and it takes two to three weeks for this biopsy to come back how many of you know those are the longest two or three weeks of your life and the biopsy finally comes back I go into the doctor's office and they said there are no cancer cells to be found in your body he says here's what we're gonna do we're gonna test you every month if that works out good we're gonna test you every other month if that works out okay we're gonna test you every quarter if that works out okay we're gonna test you every twice a year if that works over okay we'll test you every year and I want to let you know 16 and a half years later I never had radiation I never had chemotherapy I never had the procedure I had myself a baby and they have not found one cancer cell in I am cats are free we serve of God that is a healer yes Jesus oh now you're gonna get me in trouble I got three minutes and 14 seconds to tell them how to get healed and what to do so here we go here's what you do proverbs 4 verse 20 through 23 it says my son attend to my word son attend to my word consent and submit to my sayings consent and submit and some ninety one 16 consent and submit to isaiah 53:5 consent and submit to psalm 107:20 consent and submit to i shall not die but shall live and declare the works of the Lord consent and submit to his promise he said let them not depart from your sight that means we got to read those promises every single day if you're in a fight for your life it's okay to take the ibuprofen it's okay to take the chemotherapy it's okay to take the radiation it's okay to take the physical therapy it's okay to take the blood pressure medicine but don't take that without this it says let them not depart from your sight keep them in the midst of your hearts why before I tell you why let me tell you what it looks like you read those promises every single day you get the podcast they're free from faith church on the on the app or on iTunes the podcasts are free pump them in your head we have a whole years worth of youtubes of sermons on there you pump those into your ears you go ahead and you get on the church website there's like 20 sermons on there you pump those into you you don't listen to anybody who says doubt you don't listen to your grandmama you don't listen your grandpa you know this new your daddy you don't listen to your doctor nobody who's telling you doubt and unbelief you can take the medicine from the doctor but the doubt he's gonna have to leave at home you pump that in you why because the next part of this scripture if you put it up for me it's as for though I are to those that find them and health to all their flesh and the amplified version it says they are healing and health how do you get healing in health you get it from the word you get it from the promise you put it in you and then the Bible also says in mark 16 verse 18 it says to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover in Luke 4 verse 40 it says and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them in Matthew 10 verse 8 he gave that he charged the Apostles now this isn't Jesus heal and he said I need y'all to send people and the Apostles charged the Deacons there is a charge that goes out and he says heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers because that's the thing that couldn't happen back in the day so he had dressed a head on he said cleanse the lepers drive out the demons freely you have received freely you give James five verses 14 through 16 I'm giving you a lot of scripture because people will try and fill you with doubt and unbelief so I need to fill you with the Word of God if there was doubt and unbelief in the book I would preach doubt and unbelief but there's not doubt and unbelief in the book there's certainty in the book so I'm gonna preach the promise James 5:14 3:16 says anybody among you sick if you're sick go ahead and stand up if you've got something in your body that you want heals stand up because we're gonna pray for you today is anyone among you sick what do you do it says let us call for the elders of the church and let them pray over them anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord and in verse 16 it says pray for one another that you may be healed now before we pray for each other here's what we're gonna do I'll tell you one more story I know I'm out of time you're gonna tell Sunset Hills just tell them stretch for one minute seeing one extra song I'll be there y'all might have to sing an extra song at 12:30 you trust me alright you get one more song out of the deal so I I had Ashton and she was a baby and I was at a conference with David he was on the front row they had me like three or four rows back on the edge in case she started and sure enough she did and I didn't want the hussars to come get me so as soon as she started acting up or in this big arena soon as she starts acting up I get up grab the diaper bag grab my Bible grab my purse I turned the corner or what I did but I went too fast and all I knew is the floor was coming at my face fast so I hold the baby out of the way I fall and I'm embarrassed my prides hurt and I try and get up and I realize I can't get up I can't walk so sure enough they have a wheelchair and they get a wheelchair out there they put me in a wheelchair I'm causing a big commotion they take me to a back room where's your husband the front row okay just wait here we were supposed to have dinner with brother Copeland after that I felt so bad sure enough I'm waiting back there for my husband and here comes brother Copeland himself they had placed me in his private dressing room Oh wonderful Here I am with my foot up in a wheelchair my ankle is this big and just looked nasty my daughter is playing on the floor he came back to use his restroom he said girl what have you done I said well number one I made a mess in your dressing room but III believe I broke in my ankle he said well let's fix this he lays hands on my ankle and he prays over it and he says well that's done and he walks away goes into the bathroom does his business and leaves now he went into the bathroom my ankle was swollen he came out of the bathroom into my ankle was swollen David came out after the service he saw me my ankle was swollen and hurting bad I said but he said man I'd love to go to that dinner I said let's go to the dinner I'll go in the wheelchair and just take me to the hospital after we go to the dinner it gets over like midnight he heads back to the hotel and he's like ok let's go I said sugar I still need a hospital so oh oh ok ok so we get back and he gets back in the car he was gonna help me out or whatever he was gonna do he takes me to the hospital they x-ray my ankle and they asked me when did you break your ankle so I'm trying to figure it out I'm like well I think it was three o'clock maybe it was 3:30 they said what I said oh it could have been 4 or 2:30 I'm not sure they said no no no no when did you break your ankle I said well 3:00 3:30 to 4:00 I'm not sure they said no the break that we have x-rayed in your ankle is several years old I said I've never broken my ankle they said yes you have I said no I have never broken my ankle you see in a matter of hours a number of years had healing in my ankle and on Friday I was in a wheelchair and on Sunday I was in my heels prancing around charged walking around just fun on an ankle that had been broken years before so right now and invite you I know there's several other people who are taking medicine if you're on medicine please stand up if you've taken tums in the last week please stand up if you're taking stuff for arthritis because your back your neck your elbow your wrist your shoulder any of that hurts please stand up if you have migraines but you haven't had one lately but you don't want to have them anymore please stand up if you have stress and tension headaches and you don't want to have them anymore please stand up all right now we're getting our expectation on if anybody else has anything that they don't want to have anymore please stand up we're about to make a withdrawal out of heaven I know Chris is freaking out right now til sunset he'll sing two songs those thing two songs at the 12:30 it'll be all right is it worth it if I invited you over to my house for a Thanksgiving dinner and we had out turkey and stuffing and dressing and green bean casserole which I do well the stuffing would be cornbread and there would be four sticks of butter by the time the whole situation was done it is worth the eatin and it was all sitting in there and I invited everybody at the table but you're like oh I don't know I don't know if I'm invited I don't know if I should have it I don't know if you really want me to have it how many of know you would probably hurt my feelings but not it by not eating my food anybody ever made a Thanksgiving dinner if anybody turned down your Thanksgiving dinner would your feelings be hurt [Applause] that's what we're doing to God he has laid out this buffet of promises Psalm 103 bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all of his benefits psalm 103:3 says who forgives all my iniquities and heals all thy diseases he has laid out a buffet of salvation and healing he says I have these gifts for you please come take them I made these for you and yet here we stand sick and suffering and God's wanting us to come eat from the table I have prepared a table before you in the presence of your disease because the disease is your enemy in the presence of your sickness and the presence of your virus he's prepared a table before you let's eat from the table so I'd like to go ahead and stretch out across the aisles so we can touch one another and lay hands on one another you can join hands you can you can join hands if you want or you can touch him on the shoulder you can touch him on the elbow you can touch him on the back of the arm just don't touch him anywhere anywhere weird this is not a Christian dating service if he's cute tell him later all right and if you have a serious condition I want you to place your hand on the serious condition on yourself so don't be ashamed but nobody okay my heart I need a healing in my heart I need I need a healing in my knee I need a healing in my low back I need a healing in my neck I need a healing of migraines I need a healing in my brain go ahead and don't feel bad about holding on to yourself in a certain area because you are anointed lay hands on yourself I have you done this well then are you ready to go okay here we go father God in the name of Jesus oh the Holy Ghost and power God we put a demand on your grace well how do you do that I'd do that because that's what the word tells me to do the word tells us to believe the word tells us to have faith and the world tells us to step out in faith and faith doesn't begin until our ability ends I speak to terminal situations right now I speak to accidents I speak to incidents I speak to lagging disease I speak to generational curses I speak to arthritis and I speak to God I speak to emphysema and I speak to psoriasis I speak to liver cirrhosis I speak to to to tendonitis to then the carpal tunnel syndrome I speak to that hair loss that is happening in the patches they say it's because of stress I speak to migraines I speak to brain abnormalities I speak to a nervous system that's not functioning correctly I speak to depression and I speak to schizophrenia I speak to a torn ACL in the knee and I speak to a dislocated shoulder that keeps causing issues I speak to a left arm that doesn't have the strength of the other arm and we can't figure out why I speak to every condition under the Sun because we are seated with Jesus in heavenly places in Christ and the authority that God has given us through the name of Jesus I bond up the enemy of sickness disease I tell you you have no place here you're trespassing on God's property and I lose the healing of God I lose the favor of I lose the mercy of God I lose the grace of God and enemy it's not because we're good enough to get it it's because our God is good enough to give it and we receive it in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] so many worship and my teachers gave you a miracle you just believe me right now [Music] so I'll tell you one more story tell Sunset Hills do three songs I've locked eyes with Weldon Spring I've locked eyes on TV right now one more story to tell you my ankle was the same when he went in the bathroom my ankle was the same when he went out of the bathroom don't expect it to change or no no no no no no I changed those words forget I ever said that expected to change immediately I'm apologize expect it to change immediately but don't think it didn't work if it takes time to manifest you don't get healed in the physical medical healing happens in the physical you get healed in your spirits you receive it in your spirit it transitions to your physical body what does that mean you're three-part being you are a physical body you have a body you possess a soul and you are a spirit your soul is your mind your will and your emotions from God he heals you in your spirit and then it moves into your body and don't forget to worship Him when the healing manifests because sometimes we forget to notice there's a guy who went to a meeting you okay standing for two more minutes I'll tell you this last story and then I'm out I promise go ahead and tell Sunset Hills they're gonna have to they're gonna have to stream because this is too good the power of God is flowin and I want everybody to receive it just my quota is receiving it right now just like they're receiving it on TV Sunset Hill is receiving it so I forgot what I was saying I got worried about being somewhere else somebody tell me what I was saying wait there was a man there was a man okay so there was a man he wasn't even a believer not only he wanted to believe her he didn't like God how many of you were in a better position than that today so his wife with her Christian she want to go this conference really bad and he wouldn't let her go to stuff and he let her go to church but he would let her good she want to go this conference really bad and God dropped in her heart he loves to fish it's a region of fish and tell him that you will go fishing with him if he will go to just one session with you so she went it's my friend who is teaching this conference she went to the conference he went with her to one session hey halfway I fell asleep he tore up the preacher that got out to the car he was long he was boring he talks like a hick I don't like him I don't like what he was saying it's a whole bunch of math he was so frustrated his arms were flailing and he goes to grab his head and his hand lands about right here and he goes you see he had a tumor the size of his fist on the back of his neck and when he was raging on about that preacher he reached back there and he couldn't feel it so he grabbed the rearview mirror and he adjusted it and he looked back there and the tumour wasn't there so he grabs his wife's hand and she's like what are you doing and he grabs her hand and he throws it on the back of the net his neck and he said is there a tumor back there and she said no it's gone he said what time is that meeting tomorrow you don't have to be good enough but you also might not realize the moment that the healing comes so don't forget to praise them when the knee pain is finally gone don't forget to praise them when you can walk up the steps and not huff and puff don't forget to praise Him barb I don't know where you're at cuz barb is now cancer-free she's here at her city she was walking with a lover it's a standard right here [Music] so don't don't don't misunderstand don't let it go don't forget when he sealed you but you know what makes him happier than that he says I will not die but I shall live and declare the works of the Lord it pleases him when you give him glory and praise for what has happened to you but everybody say but do you know what pleases them more it pleases and more when we walk by faith and not by size so I just wonder whatever diagnosis they gave you whatever the problem was what would it sound like if you saw the report from the doctor today that said you'll never have to do that again can you praise my face for one minute like it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] more more MORE I believe God is bringing us more more healings than ever before there was another couple I'm going to tell you one more story since I've already blown it I think I'm gonna try to go to Sunset Hills at least for the end can you guys tell me if they're gonna play this one cuz this is the one I wanted sunset they're doing it okay so I'm gonna tell you one more story then so on the second row at Sunset Hills right there where they're sitting there's a couple called the Jay Cox's they've been coming to the church for quite a while and it was almost 11 years ago they got a report that Abby was pregnant and when she was pregnant the baby had a brain tumor while she was pregnant with the baby and they didn't know what to do all they knew to do was pray that's funny how we say all all we need to do was pray so so we prayed and we prayed over that baby and they said well you know kind of best-case scenario your baby will have Down syndrome well they just wasn't going to receive a report like that about their child so they started clearing the works of the Lord before they had happened they started declaring the works of the Lord before they had happened and so I asked him on the front row I said hey how old is your baby right now she said they said from the second row she's 10 years old she's in faith kids she's healthy as a horse there's nothing wrong with her she [Music] I'm telling you right now yesterday today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] instrument [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody bless God well it felt like at 12:30 and I'm sorry that I kept you longer than usual I don't intend to do that very often but it just came up in me that lives were hanging in the balance quality of life Levi Lexy Tom Jones the J Cox's bar me Doug Clayton so many miracles at Weldon spring on Oh Jane Chris was not there today but Jane Chris well miracle after miracle so I'm here to tell you as you're seated you serve a God of miracles believe that God does miracles because he wants to do a miracle it needs today [Applause]
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 3,960
Rating: 4.8677688 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole, Nicole Crank, Faith Church, faithchurch.com, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, church in Florida, tall woman preacher, super Saturday, healing, miracle, word, faith, health, abundant life
Id: oReaMgXnUGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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