What To Do If You Miss The Rapture!? Pastor Terry Fox

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hello everyone this is Pastor Terry Fox and I'm excited to be bringing this message with you to you and to share it with you today God has been giving me these powerful messages to encourage people especially in all the things that's going on in our crazy world I I know with the epidemic that's going on and the coronavirus and all the other issues it seems like there's always a storm raging around us and right now in America it just seems like there's such a a craziness you know everything is so chaotic very chaotic and and there's just there's just chaos all around us well I want to tell you the Bible tells us to be aware when these times come I encourage people to study the Bible and read the Bible I want you to take your Bibles and turn if you would to 1st Thessalonians first Thessalonians and we're going to be reading in chapter 4 and a little bit in chapter 5 and because of all the chaos and all the craziness going on in America right now the pandemic and other things that are happening to us I want to share with you I believe one of the most important messages that I've ever preached I want to share with you today on this subject what to do if you miss the rapture you say pastor Terry I cannot I can't even wrap my mind around that if you're a believer the Bible tells us that God has told us in the scriptures that that there's going to be a thing called the rapture where those that are alive those that are saved are going to be caught up to be to meet the Lord in the air the Bible also tells us for those that have already died they too are in heaven and we're going to be brought together someday you know a lot of times when Death Comes to someone we say oh man I'll never get to see them again well that may be true but it may not be true do you realize that if somebody dies in the Lord that means they're in heaven that means they're with Jesus that also means that we get to see them again someday oh I've got so many loved ones that are already in heaven and you talk about a great celebration I love my hometown in Greenwood Arkansas where my home is and and and I just my family's my family lived there and when we go back to Arkansas we all get together and we fellowship and I mean we just have a great time and then all of us have to travel and go do our jobs or go to where we live or something like that and we don't get to see each other we're separate did for a season well let me tell you then it's exciting when we get to be back together the same is true as Christians the Bible tells us as Christians that we are going to be together in heaven someday I want to read to you this scripture found in 1st Thessalonians it's in the New Testament and it's in chapter 4 by the way I encourage you to study your Bible read your Bible every day make sure that you have a Bible app on your phone and maybe some commentary apps on your phone so that you can stay in the Word of God it strengthens you by studying the Word of God specially with everything going on in America today and the Bible talks about this thing called the rapture that's why I want to share with you today what to do if you miss the rapture but look what he what he says here it says for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord no means will precede those who are asleep for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first listen to that those who have gone to be with the Lord those that are Christians that have died are with the Lord they're gonna rise first there's going to be a great reunion then look in verse 17 then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the air in the clouds to meet the lord boy look at that we're going to be caught up together to with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air that this this reunion is going to happen you say well I thought those people who died already went to heaven they did their souls are with the Lord but they're gonna be given brand new bodies and there's going to be an amazing reunion remember what I said about when we go to Arkansas and everybody gets together and we have a meal together and then we have to separate awhile then we come back together that's that's what this is a picture is that all believers in Jesus Christ are gonna be brought back together someday and all let me tell you what a celebration that is I can't imagine anyone not knowing the Lord I can't imagine anyone out there who's listening to me who's not saying yes I want to be saved I want to get Jesus amah because you don't want to miss this reunion if you have a grandmother who's already died and that knew the Lord you're going to see grandma again now we'll tell you this if if grandma was saved and you were not saved if grandma was a believer in Jesus and you're not a believer in Jesus then when you die you're going to a place called hell if there's a heaven then there must be a hell but the Bible says that everyone in Christ is going to be joined together and not only be joined together the Bible says we're going to be brought together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and thus we listen what he says and thus we shall always be with the Lord not only when we get to heaven are we gonna be glad we're there but we get to stay there forever and ever just another exciting reason to put your faith and your trust alone in Jesus Christ you don't want to miss this great reunion you don't want to miss this place called heaven people ask me all the time well how wonderful is heaven gonna be more wonderful than you can imagine the book of Revelation talks about heaven as a holy city and the Bible talks about we're gonna have a Welling place we're gonna have a mansion there and all of God's people are gonna be into heaven together and we're gonna be there forever listen to me in heaven there is no more death in heaven there is no more cemeteries there's no need for cemetery and by the way in heaven there's not going to be any more epidemics and pandemics and there's not get any more sickness no more cancer no more heart attacks all these former things are passed away we're going to have total bodies we're going to have total perfect bodies think about that I always tease and tell everybody when we get to heaven my body I'm gonna have a perfect body I'm gonna be tall and skinny when I get to heaven I can I can eat all the food I want to eat I can have to worry about carbs and we're gonna have the perfect body and by the way I believe the bible does teach that there's going to be two things in heaven I think there's gonna be food in heaven amen that's a good reason gets saved right there you talk about heavenly food it's gonna be in heaven also not only are humans that have been saving them but I believe many of our special pets are gonna be in heaven I believe that the Bible talks about animals if you go back to Genesis on the ark that the Lord made sure that the animals could get on the ark and as you read about the millennial reign of Christ in the book of Revelation there's there's pictures there of animals and I believe that animals will be in heaven some days special animals and I can't wait for that but also as you reading the scripture talking about this chapter 5 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 says but concerning these times and seasons brethren you have no need that I should write to you in other words I don't have to tell you that things are bad around you if you're living in a storm if you're the middle of a chaos then it's obvious we're in chaos listen you'd have to be blinded to not realize that something is strange is happening in America weather is changing people are changing economics are changing the way that we live our lives is changing everything is changing us and the Bible says that you don't you don't need to be told this you can see this and then it says in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 2 for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord you hear that the day of the Lord that's talking about in prophecy or eschatology which is a study of last days that means the day of the Lord means that the Lord is going to be coming back that the that there's gonna be a lot of things happening on this earth like you've never seen before and he says for the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night now this is why this is important when it talks about the rapture we don't know when the rapture is going to happen when the day of the Lord is going to come and he says here that he's going to come as a thief if we knew that someone was going to break in our home at 6 o'clock and still all of our stuff then we'd be at home we'd be there if you're at the Fox house I'd be there I'd have all my guns loaded and I have a lot of them and I would be prepared for that thief but he says it's going to come like a thief you don't know when a thief is going to come thief can show up at any time then and it comes when you least expect the thief to come that's why I said the Bible many times is a book of warning it is warning us it is warning you out there what it's saying to all of us to all of you that are hearing this message right now is that you don't want to be left behind now unfortunately some people are going to be left behind you see when the rapture comes all the Christians are gonna be taken away I believe all the babies will be taken because I think they're saved and they they're they're saved until they reach a point where they know they're sinner and and they can't repent so I think that all children are going to be safe if those have not reached the age of accountability I believe that everybody who's accepted Jesus can go to heaven but unfortunately the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 24 in Matthew chapter 25 that some are going to be left behind one will stay working in the build one will be taken two people will be in bed sleeping together one will be taken one will be left in that bed you say well well who's the one taken the one taken are those who have accepted Jesus Christ those who are left behind are those who have rejected Jesus you see well I said the Bible it is to be taken seriously here the Bible is a book a warning it is warning all people that a rapture is going to come when's it going to come we have no idea nobody knows when the day of the Lord is going to be if you hear somebody put a date and tell you when Jesus is coming or the rapture is coming then you automatically know they're a false prophet jesus said that no one knows but the father even Jesus didn't know at that time when when the Lord was going to say this is the time that's why he says he's like a thief in the night you say well how are we gonna be ready that means we must be ready all the time if you don't know when it's going to happen then you have to be ready for the Lord at anytime and I want to tell you my goal for you today before we finish this message is for everybody who's watching this everybody who's listening this especially with all the chaos that's in the world right now I my prayer is that everybody gets ready to meet the Lord you don't want to be caught off guard the Bible says that that it's going to come as a thief and in the night when you least expect it boom Christians are gonna be taken and by the way as crazy as people are acting today you know with the the virus the coronavirus and it doesn't really matter what tragedies going on or what's happening around as people panic and they they go buy all the toilet paper or they buy all the 2-page they buy all the underarms the order and I mean just crazy I mean everybody just hoards everything they describe I mean it's just sure panic out there I know our president and the mayors and the governor's and and all the people that that are over people are saying don't panic don't go hoard things don't it well let me tell you that's just human nature there's going to be panic well I'm going to tell you we've seen some panic in America recently but you've never seen the kind of panic that's going to happen when the rapture happens just imagine millions of people take it away one minute somebody's here the next minute they're not here and and and we've seen how unstable the world is now with this virus can you imagine someday how unstable the world's going to be the Bible tells us that some people are going to be left behind the Bible says that some are going to be living in the last days and some are going to be taken away well the rapture is an event now somebody told me well I you can't find the word rapture in the Bible you can't it's a latin word and it means to be snatched up it literally means to be caught up and here's what's going to happen we're going to be we're going to be on airplanes we're going to be at home we're going to be sleeping we're going to be working and all of a sudden and the twinkle of an eye of the Bible says in that when the Bible talks about in the twinkle of the eye the Lord is going to come now you know that's 1/32 of a second that we're twinkle means 1/32 of a second now you know how fast a second is just imagine 1/32 of a second in other words a twinkle of an eye one person is going to be here and all of a sudden they're going to be gone now the Bible also tells us that those of us that are called that that in the rapture those vet are safe are going to go to meet the Lord in the air all those who died before us they're going to be given new bodies and so we're going to be with the Lord forever and then the Bible tells us a little bit later a few years later we're going to come back with the Lord that's called the second coming and the word rapture means to be caught up to me it means to be resurrected take it away to be with the Lord some people confuse that the rapture with the second coming of the Lord don't do that don't do that there are two separate events the rapture is when we're called to meet the Lord in the air all the dead in Christ are going to meet there - we're all going to be with Jesus and then when we come back later in the Battle of Armageddon then we're that's called the second coming but there's a great difference and when the rapture of the church versus the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ so don't get confused because some people say well the Bible says there's certain things and Israel and Jerusalem that has to happen before the Second Coming that's true but by the way those things are already happening right now and I'm telling you it's all coming together but there's nothing that has to happen before the rapture happens so you say okay preacher let me let me let me wrap this up what what are you really saying today I'm saying that the Lord is going to send a rapture he's gonna call us to meet the Lord and by the way you ever wondered - how how crazy it's going to get in the last days the Bible tells us you know in the Bible as Christians we know that there's a Trinity there's the Holy Trinity God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and they're all holy they're all holy that's why we call the Holy Trinity because God the father's holy God the Son is holy God the Holy Spirit three all three different yet all one together now you know that in the last days I don't have a lot of time to preach this but I want to remind you just as there is a Holy Trinity you know that when the church is taken away then the unholy trinity is going to come along yeah yeah because Satan likes to he likes to do everything that God did he wants to he he wants to do whatever God did he just tries to follow up and because he always wanted to be God so when the Holy Trinity is going off the earth some day the unholy trinity is going to come Satan is a part of that unholy trinity and just like we have God the Father going to have Satan Jesus is a part of the Holy Trinity then I want you to see that the Antichrist that word Antichrist means instead of Christ he's going to kind of be the replacement for Jesus he's the he's the Antichrist and then the Holy Spirit's a part of the Holy Trinity will be gone as we know him then the false prophets going to come and so there's a Holy Trinity that's working in the world right now that's why this is the day to be saved the Bible says that now is the time of salvation you don't want to put off salvation the rapture can come you say well can someone be saved after the rapture we're not sure about that maybe they will be but I want to tell you it is a horrible time and because the Holy Trinity is working now we're in the era of grace then after the rapture the unholy trinity is going to be here the Antichrist the mark of the beast and all these things and so evil is going to come across this land like we've never seen before why because remember all the Christians all the church has been taken away and the only things going to be left on this earth are people that did not know the Lord people who rejected the Lord and Satan and all the demons the demons are going to have free reign and the Bible talks about all these evil evil things that's going to happen let me tell you something if you love someone and you're a Christian you better encourage them to be saved anybody that you love anyone you care about you don't want them to be left behind because the Antichrist is going to come they're going to have to take to mark the 666 and it's going to be awful you're going to have to have the mark of the beast to be able to buy food to be able to survive we're already seeing that the nation's already shifting to a cashless society and I'm going to tell you something we've never seen evil there may be some evil in America right now but I want to tell you something you've never seen evil you've never seen panic you've never seen all the horrible things that's going to happen man's going to turn against man in fact the Bible says it's going to be so bad here that men are going to be crying out to God to die they're gonna say God I don't want to be here God kill me kill me kill me that's how bad it's going to be after the rapture of the church and when all of the Lord's going and the Holy Trinity is not here and the unholy trinity is on this earth it's going to be hell like you could never imagine you say preacher how do you know all this because the Bible is so clear that all of these terrible things are going to happen and it's not going to get any better because when you die without Jesus you still go to hell and the Bible says that hell is a real place and the people in Hell are going to suffer for eternity you say well why why is there a hell because God put a Hell there yeah and you said well why did God create hell do you know the Bible says he created hell for Satan and all his demons but the Bible also says those who reject Jesus Christ those who are not saved those who say no man I don't want God and by the way we got a lot of God haters today and they're a lot of people say I hate God they're a lot of Satanists today say man I don't want to be a part of God's kingdom and I I don't ever want to go to heaven and they're going to be in hell but I'm gonna tell you the tragedy or not those kind of people the tragedy is going to be for all the people who really didn't hate God but I just put it off well I believe in God I'm just not saved yet do you know what that's not gonna make any difference you're gonna you're gonna be left behind and even though you may not hate God and you may say well I just wasn't ready to be saved yet alright I was enjoying my sin too much to be saying it's not gonna matter you're gonna be doomed just like everyone else I'm telling you the Bible says that today is a day of salvation now I want to I want to wrap this message up how I started it what to do if you missed the rapture because when that time comes I can promise you this all the safe people are gone mom and daddys that are saved or gone the children are gone and and the preachers that are true for now they're going to be some preachers because I know a lot of preachers in my opinion never been saved in the first place a lot of church members gonna be let my own church this will probably still meet there'll be some preaching but I'm gonna tell you not this preacher the true Christians will all be gone the true pastors will all be gone and and so we better get ready for this event so I want to share with you right now real quickly what to do if you miss the rapture ah you better hold on to this message many of you will hear this message after Terry Fox has gone and all the Christians are going what I want you to be prepared for what's coming alright this is why I'm gonna tell you today this is what you need to do if you miss the rapture you're ready for this number one don't be surprised don't be surprised you say preacher what shouldn't I be surprised he's going to come as a thief in the night no because you have been warned I am warning you right now everyone that's watching this video right now this is your time of warning and God never promised his second and third and fourth and fifth chances sometimes he gives them but this may be your last chance everyone will have a less chance to be saved is this your last chance it could be don't be surprised you've been warned number two don't try to explain it away boy I'll tell you people are going to be you think people act silly and crazy now can you imagine CNN and Fox News y'all Fox News will be around can you imagine all these new stations trying to come on and say well you know they're in panic mode now over the virus can you imagine when millions of Christmas they're gonna be trying to say well outer space be a came in and people went outer space and aliens came down in spaceships from outer space still come away don't try to explain it away you've been warned you know what the Bible says number three don't expect mercy you know people say well well don't you think I will still be here know God's not gonna be here God God's gonna come back here but remember the Holy Trinity is going don't you expect mercy I had a friend one time tell me he says well I'm not gonna get saved right now I'm gonna wait and see if the rapture happens and then I'm gonna get saved well you might be able to be saved then but let me tell you this it'll be hard it'll be hard you know why because all of those who don't take the mark of the beast the 666 the Bible talks about on their forehead of the four hand on their forehead or their hand you'll have to have the 666 everything's gonna be operated with a number during that time okay the Bible says that they will be beheaded they will be killed that's right when I tell you you said man you mean it's going to be that crazy out there and I tell people all the time if you're not willing to get saved right now when it's easy what makes you think you're gonna get set what makes you think okay I'm not gonna take the mark the beast just go ahead and just chop my head off oh no no get real that's why now's the time to be saved not then now is a time to be saved what have I said to do if you miss the rapture don't be surprised you've been warned don't try to explain it away you know the truth don't expect mercy and grace is over with number 4 don't take the mark of the beast that I'd rather be killed then take the mark the beast I'd rather accept it to the Lord there because if you take the mark of the beast you're sealed your soul has been sealed for eternity you can't say well I'll take the mark for a little while and if I don't like it and it don't work out I'll just change my mind nope nope you will have made your decision the Bible says you choose to be saved or lost and then number five I hate to say this but it's very important don't trust anyone don't be surprised don't try to explain it away don't expect mercy don't take the mark in number five don't trust anyone because the satanic agenda will be in process like you've never seen before and people will trick you people who you think would be your friends I'll guarantee you're not going to be your friends I've told you Evil's coming to this earth the good news is God's made a way out of it the rapture is going to be a way out you remember how he how he made an ark for those that that wanted to be saved from the flood you remember while they were building the ark how people laughed at Noah and it took him some say at least 120 years to build the Ark and some scholars say longer than that or shorten that but for many many years he built that Ark in you know what people did they laughed they didn't realize that that boat was their only salvation well let me tell you the Bible says that there's only one way of salvation the Bible tells us and in John chapter 14 verse 6 it says jesus said I am the way the truth in the life there's no two ways to be saved there's no two or three ways to go to heaven being a good person won't take you to heaven there's only one way to go to heaven according to John 14 verse 6 and Jesus is that way the only way to be taken in the rapture is to call upon the Lord there's no other name being baptized being Catholic being a Baptist being a member of church that I'm going to help you you have to be saved are you going to be left behind for the devil in the demons and the ungodly agenda that you can imagine it's gonna be more horrible than I could ever say and teach you in 1 message I'm praying today that everybody here wants to go to heaven you don't want to miss the rapture you don't want to miss heaven we want you to go to heaven we want you to be saved so you get to go to heaven when you die I'm gonna ask you to do this I'm gonna ask you to pray this prayer with me right now this prayer will make the difference and where you go for eternity think about that it comes down to a prayer you ever heard that saying has it come down to this I was watching a basketball game the other day and it was kansas jayhawks and playing basketball man are they great basketball players they were praying they were playing Oklahoma and the score was not settled the ball game didn't end until three overtimes three overtimes but it still came down to one shot it came down to one event and I'm gonna tell you something where you spend eternity comes down to this prayer there has to be a time that you receive the Lord the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved not might be saved the Bible says these things are written that you may know that you have eternal life don't you listen to some preacher say well you need a hope so salvation maybe you're saying maybe you're not saved there's some people say well I don't think you never know if you're saved or not baloney the Bible says you can absolutely know if you're saved or not and the jhen God is not a liar this book is not a liar and God says whoever calls on his name shall be saved call on him right now to be your Lord and Savior dear Jesus just pray this prayer dear Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for my just telling it Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for my sins Lord I know I can't save myself and I need you to save me would you just tell him that Lord I know I'm a sinner I can't save myself I need you Jesus come into my life right now and be my Savior just pray that prayer Jesus come into my life right now everybody's watching this video everybody who's listening this I mean all all the families get your whole family and and if you're watching this and someone of your family's not saved get all your family together get to invite people over in small groups or whatever you have to do and I and I want them to pray this prayer Jesus I know I can't save myself Lord I want you to save me I want you Jesus to come into my heart and be my Lord and be my Savior now you say preacher is it that easy it's that easy but it's not that simple Jesus had to die on the cross simply say this Jesus thank you for dying on the cross for my sins thank you Jesus for taking care of my sin just telling them thank you Jesus taking care of my sin on the cross thank you Jesus that you're alive today thank you Jesus for coming alive again and that's exactly what he did on the third day thank you Jesus for coming alive again and thank you Jesus for making a place for me in your heaven just thank him right now for that thank you Jesus for making a place for me in your heaven I'd ask you to pray this all of us to pray this to Lord Jesus help me to share with others the truth of the gospel Lord helped me to share with my family Lord helped me to share with my friends how to be saved so they won't miss the rapture and they won't be left behind for the evil agenda that Satan has planned help me to be bold and help me to share this truth with everyone in Jesus name I believe that hundreds of people have prayed this prayer if you've accepted the Lord as your Savior I want you to let us know message us we want you to dialogue with us about what God is doing in your life we want to hear from you here at Summa Church Texas our media ministry is alive and strong let me tell you God's doing amazing things and God loves you you wouldn't be able to watch this message sometimes people say what do you think God cares for us especially in the middle of a crisis and all these things are gonna you bet he cares the fact that you were able to watch this or hear this message right now means that God loves you and he doesn't want you to miss the rapture and those five things boy how tragic that gonna be think about it just think about when there's no mercy left anymore when people are gonna be forced to take a mark so they can go the grocery store and and get food or go to the hospital and all those things you're not you don't want people to have to go through that think how wonderful it is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved I know here at Summa Church Texas and also our ministry telling the truth ministry and Wichita Kansas is growing we got over 200 people that are involved in our ministry and Wichita through telling the truth ministries I am so thankful for all of you guys I want you to share this message so people know what it means to be saved we want everybody in Wichita to be saved and Greenwood Arkansas my hometown we all ready to be saved here in Corpus Christi we want everyone to be safe I want to challenge you share this message share it the you can share it on Facebook you can share it in all kinds of ways but make sure everybody hears what God's Word says today about what to do if you miss the rapture also that many of you have asked about giving if you can help us here and at Summit Church we're not able to meet in person with all the stuff that's going on in the world right now and but you can give online you can go to summit Church Texas com summit Church Texas calm and you can do /give /give and you can give your tithes and offerings online that's what many people are doing you can also mail a check here to summit Church Texas here in Corpus Christi but however that you can do it we want to make sure the ministry stays strong especially with all the things are going on in the world we're not able to meet like we used to meet and we're not able to do some of the things but the ministry needs to continue in fact I believe the church is more active too now I believe God is using his people more than ever and remember this a church is not a building it's a people it's a family and we're all connected through the blood of Jesus Christ god bless you this is pastor terry fox share this message with everyone you know and know that Jesus is alive and he's coming back soon we love you here at summit Texas and I love all of you across America god bless you
Channel: Summit Church Texas
Views: 35,505
Rating: 4.7437859 out of 5
Id: Z_5aXov1DAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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