Missed the Rapture - Survival Guide by Brian Steiner

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uh my message today is going to be it's it's about missing the rapture and what are you going to be doing to survive that so i'm going to um i'm going to be directing most of my comments will be toward the camera okay um so i'm assuming that most of you are are saved in here that'd be correct i mean there's probably a couple of you that aren't i'm not sure who they are but you you can work that out um so this message is missing the ratch the rapture it's your survival guide to get through i'm gonna go through eight categories that i think you need in order to survive this okay category number one is the rapture details so we're talking about on our chart here this dispensation is now over and we're just going to talk about the rapture details that take place in the event that this happens you need to understand what just happened so you're probably going to see either one of two things it'd be my guess is either there's going to be a lot of bodies around they may remain my thinking is that the bodies are going to be gone they're going to vanish so and this is going to be a global event and the government and the media are going to try to explain this and you think about how technology is today the technology will be even better depending on if it if it takes longer before this event happens so the the ability to cover it up and to create fake news and stuff is going to be a lot greater than it is now you won't be able to tell truth from fiction but you've got to understand what took place and so i'm going to try to give you an idea of what it says in the bible what the rapture is and what took place so i'm thinking that if the bodies remain the government and the media are going to try to explain it as what do we have going on today a virus so it could be that a big global virus took out a lot of people if the bodies remain if the bodies are gone then i'm thinking that the government and the media is going to be thinking alien abductions do we hear reports in the news of of ufos they're not really flying so i don't know if is it uos i don't know what they're called now but they're actually releasing stuff that that stuff maybe it exists so it could be all pre-course cursors to this great lie that takes place um and then i was thinking it's like what about the women that have babies that are carrying babies in the womb now if the baby's still is there that might be a little more explainable but if the baby is gone how are you gonna explain that there's gonna be a lot of people out there where the babies are just gone so let's look in the bible and some of these verses we're going to go over and somewhere they're not but ephesians 4 tells us that it's it's not the rapture the rapture is not in the bible in ephesians 4 it says it's the day of redemption so the bible says that's that's the actual title of it is day of redemption i do want you to go to first corinthians 15. first corinthians 15. so we're just seeing what what does the bible how does the bible describe this event so first corinthians 15 we're going to go to 51 and 52 it says behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed go to first thessalonians first first thessalonians chapter 4 and we're going to look at 16 and 17. it says for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord so this rapture event is going to be instant it's going to be loud it's going our bodies are going to change the lord himself is going to come down and capture us up catch us up into the heavenly places category two is the immediate steps you need to take so at this point this great event took place you're probably crying and panicking that's gotta stop you've gotta take drastic actions you're gonna have a couple of choices really to make is one you've either got to go somewhere that you can survive maybe off-grid where you can have water food shelter or something like that if you have time if you know of anybody that's a prepper that happens to get raptured out that would be a good place to go especially if you have family that do that and then if you don't and you're here and you're in town something like that you've got a shelter in place and gather your supplies at that point okay now a lot of this is going to have to do with do you have family or are you by yourself what what what is your circumstances if you have family you probably are not going to be able to get anywhere if you're by yourself or just your just your wife then you have maybe some more mobility that you can do the other thing is you've got to be with people that you trust we'll get more into that but it's going to be crucial for you you're going to need to get yourself a hard copy of the king james bible don't trust in technology you need a hard copy technology might still be there it might still allow you to have access to a king james bible but don't bet on it so you're going to need to have a hard copy this chart behind me if you can find that on a hard copy or download it and print it something like that where you can help you understand what's going on that's going to be uh needed any any place that you can uh like on our website our youtube channel or but now.org if you can download videos that help you explain what just took place and what you're about to go through to help you endure through that time you're going to need that information as well but you need to guard it you can't just show anybody that you have a king james bible with you at this time okay again only be with people that you trust because your your soul your eternity is going to depend on them category three is how do you get saved in this time period it's no longer the same right this king the kingdom program is back and you need to realize that you're you're going you are destined for hell eternity hell if you don't learn how to get saved in this time period that's just happened that you're now in salvation is no longer a free gift you just don't believe that christ died for your sins and then you're saved for eternity it's and there's no works included now works are included you got to believe that christ died for you you got to believe that he paid the full the full penalty for your sins and now you got to back that up with works we hear that today that uh works are included but they're not salvation is just believing alone in the kingdom time after the rapture you have to do works or you're not going to be saved matthew 28 19 you don't need to go there just talks about the great commission this this is the actual great commission when this tax takes place is in the great tribulation there's a group in there called the little flock they're the believing remnant i have little flock is a little harder for me to say so i'm going to be saying believing remnant that's easier but they are the believing jews of the nation of israel they actually recognize that jesus is their messiah and they're waiting for his second coming to return so now we're going to go through some verses on what it's going to take for you to get saved in this great tribulation after the rapture go to first timothy 3 16. first timothy 3 16 says and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world and received up in into glory so recognize that god was manifest in the flesh okay go to first corinthians 15. first corinthians 15 and i'm gonna read three and four it says for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scripture and that he was buried and then he rose again the third day according to scripture so you're going to need to believe that that christ died for your sins was buried and rose again go to first john 1 9. says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so after the rapture you're going to now have to confess your sins in order for your sins to be forgiven before rapture your sins are forgiven when you're when you believe all your sins are forgiven after the rapture you've got to confess them james 2 and it's verse 17 through 26 i'm just going to read 17 that pretty much gives the the point it says even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone so your faith must include works category four is going to be what to avoid during this time period the biggest thing is going to be the mark of the beast so the mark of the beast we find that in um revelations 13 14 through 18. you don't need to go there but the mark of the beast is going to take place in your right hand or in your forehead or it might be upon your forehead i don't know most of the verses say it's in the right hand on the forehead it says in the forehead and it also says upon the forehead so take it for what that is but you can also worship the beast or his image his image the image of the beast has the ability to speak and it also has the ability to kill so be be ready for that in revelation 16 2 it says that this mark is going to leave a sore it's going to be open and it's going to be raw so it's not going to be a pleasant thing if you take it i don't know if it's going to be a tattoo or a chip or anything like that doesn't really matter but it will what it will do is keep you from buying or selling goods now i i believe that this mark is going to take place about halfway through the great tribulation so you may have some time to gather your supplies or you may not but be prepared be on the lookout for this mark whatever it is if you do take this mark there is no going back you are doomed to hell at this point so you cannot take the mark i can't stress that enough and and today's religions and the only reason why i bring this up for people uh who are watching is is that today's religions kind of condition already for taking a mark i think of hinduism catholicism right islam has prayer bumps and if you know what that is there's a prayer bump that ends up on their forehead and on their wrists and then the biggest one is is the jewish religion already has it's called i think it's i don't pronounce it right but it's like a teflon is what they call it it's a box on their head and on their wrist and inside the box on their head has parchments of the torah for remembrance of when they came out of egypt so i think that that religions in that time are already going to accept this mark because one they're going to be fooled that the antichrist is their messiah and so they're going to receive that mark as a religious a religious thing and that's what's going to allow them to buy and sell goods okay let's go to mark 13. so mark 13 says now the brother shall betray the brother to death and the father the son and children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to put to be put to death and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved there's going to be people out there they're going to be family friends and whatnot and they're going to turn you in for their gain they're going to find out you're a believer and they're going to turn you in so you got to be on the lookout for them you've got to be able to test someone that's around you if they are friend or enemy so you can't get deceived matthew you don't need to go here matthew 24 4 and 5 and 23 and 24 tells us that there's going to be many false prophets there's going to be many false christs so you have to be on the lookout for that and these false prophets in christ are going to be doing signs and wonders it's going to look like they're the messiah and i also i also suspect that before the rapture on how to get saved paul's message that people are going to be preaching paul's message after the rapture and so they're going to be trying to deceive you saying that no no the only thing you need to do to be to be saved is to just believe in what christ did for you at the cross you can't believe that either that time's done that that was the easy way you're you're trying to get saved now through the hard way okay category five is uh how to test whether their friend or enemy on anybody that you encounter so and i'm using the book we're not going to go through all these verses but first john is a book that will give you a lot of tests that you can test someone that you encounter whether they are friend or enemy so and i'm just going to kind of break it down chapter 1 verse 5 to chapter 2 verse 11 is a test of profession this is we're talking about light versus darkness so you're going to observe people are they keeping the commandments are they confessing their sins are they sinning at all chapter 2 verse 12 to 17 is a test of desire love of father versus love of the world so are they loving the world the worldly things their cars their jewelry their clothing stuff like that or do they love the father so you observe them chapter 2 verse 18 to 28 is a test of doctrine antichrist versus christ this is where you can ask someone if they come to your door who is christ they need to say jesus that's the only answer chapter 2 verse 29 to 3 24 is a test of conduct are you observing are they doing good works or bad works okay chapter 4 verse 1 to 6 is a test of discernment truth versus error you're going to ask them it's like hey who came in the flesh it has to be jesus okay chapter 4 verse 7 to 21 is test of motive loving one another so we're talking about loving your believing brethren not your physical brother but your your believing brethren and taking care of their needs water food water shelter stuff like that test of new birth that's uh chapter 5 verse 1 through 21. it's like do they believe and love jesus as christ this is where you can ask them how do you show your love of god and it's like well the answers could be by keeping the commandments not sinning uh and uh asking for forgiveness loving your brother okay now go to ii john ii john 1 10. there's only one chapter so verse 10 and 11. it says if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house that means don't answer the door don't open the door to him neither bid him god speed don't even say have a good day if they don't pass these tests for he that abideth who for he that biteth him god's speed is partaker of his evil deeds category six is how to act so obviously you should be you should be applying all these tests to yourself as well you should be able to meet every one of those categories i'm going to give you a few other verses as well let's go to james 1. james 1 23 says for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was but who but whosoever looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continue therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deeds if any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is in vain pure religion and undefiled before god and the father is this to visit the fought to visit the fatherless and the widowless than the widows in their affliction so who are they they're the people there that didn't deny christ and and got killed for doing so so now you have kids and and women out there that are widows so and those are the people you need to take care of it says and to keep himself unspotted from the world those are the people those those need to be you out there not taking the mark of the beast third john third john 1 because that's the only chapter and verse 11 says beloved follow not that which is evil but that which is good he that doeth good is of god but he that doeth evil hath not seen god do good matthew 25 you don't need to go here verse 31 through 46 just talks about blessing the believing remnant and your believing brothers bless them take care of their needs if they come to you matthew 10 you can go there matthew 10 33 it says but but whosoever shall deny me before men him while i also deny before my father which is in heaven so if someone asks you who is christ who came in the flesh you need to say jesus you can't deny him at this point you got to be willing to be killed for saying it mark 9 let's go to mark 9. and this is really verse 39 through 50. i'm just going to read verse 47 and 48 so it's mark 9 47 and 48. it says and if thine i offend thee pluck it out it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of god with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire where their worm dieth not and the fire not be quenched so don't take your life be ready mentally to die if called upon so that you can enter the kingdom that's going to be established here on earth category seven uh these are books of the bible that i think you should concentrate on first now there's other books that you you should be looking at as well matthew mark luke and john are going to give you great details of the tribulation going through and the second coming daniel job let's see isaiah and i think ezekiel are great books for identifying who the the antichrist is but i think you should be concentrating on hebrews through revelations okay so let's understand what the book of hebrews hebrews is about hebrews is a is about the doctrine of the cross for israel it's a transition book from the old covenant to where you're at now which is the new covenant the old covenant is the if then statements the new covenant is the i will statements god will do this now the book of james is israel's book for reproof of bad behavior first peter is israel's book for correction of bad doctrine second peter focuses on the church of the believing remnant it's their doctrinal book first john we went over that it's the church of the believing remnant it's the seven tests it's a reproof for bad behavior second john deals with the attack in the home of the believing remnant third john deals with the attack of the assembly of the believing remnant jude is going to be the church of the believing remnants correction of their bad doctrine and then revelation is a doctrine of the great tribulation up into the second coming okay category eight uh these are basically five markers that i've identified to keep you motivated to go through these seven years okay so the first part is we've had this rapture that just take place there is a gap period that's going to happen before the great tribulation starts i don't know how long that gap period is i pray that it's short for you it could just be a month obviously something's gotta something's gotta get set up we gotta go from this this a major event to people understanding what just happened the government uh covering it up the media covering it up and then we know that the start of this great tribulation happens it with an event where the antichrist will confirm the covenant that's it found in daniel 9 27. you don't need to go there but that's the start so if you can recognize the start of the antichrist confirming the cover covenant now you know you're on the clock for seven years okay marker two is going to be the temple the temple is going to get built 220 days in to the great tribulation that's another good marker for you to know that now you've made it through 220 days when this happens the antichrist is going to sit as king and the sacrifices will start back up okay marker three second thessalonians is going to be details of the antichrist second thessalonians you don't need to go there uh chapter two verse three to 12 tells us that the antichrist will be doing signs and wonders be careful though there are other antichrists false antichrists out there doing the same thing but know that the antichrist will be doing that daniel 11 verses 21 through 32 we know that he's going to obtain the kingdom with flatteries okay daniel 11 37 we also know the antichrist will not desire women in isaiah the book of isaiah we learn that the antichrist is called the assyrian we also learn in the book of isaiah that he comes from syria okay marker number four so at about halfway through the great tribulation so three and a half years in there's going to be two witnesses that show up in front of this temple and they're going to be protected from god by god nobody can touch them everyone around them is going to hate these two witnesses in front of the temple the only time they're going to get killed but they only get killed when the antichrist is killed they get killed their bodies are going to lay there for three and a half days everybody is going to rejoice they don't like them they want them dead they're happy now that they're dead after the three and a half day days god's gonna take them up at that point the antichrist is killed obviously he's gonna take a wound in the head some say it's in the eye don't know but then he's gonna be healed for the whole world to see they're going to be mar they're going to be marveled at the fact that this antichrist is healed at this point the sacrifices are going to stop because he is going to put himself in the temple and now he's going to be as god things are going to be very drastic it's not going to be good at this point but know that you only have three and a half years left to go okay marker number five let's go to matt matthew 24. i couldn't find another marker for you to go from the the three and a half to the end so now this is marker 24 which or marker number five matthew 24 this is the details of the second coming matthew 24 verse 27 says for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be for whosoever so for wheresoever the carcass is there will the eagles be gathered together immediately after the tribulation of those days shall shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory so now luke 21 as well as the whole chapter of mark 24 gives us great details of the great tribulation and the second coming but know that this this event is going to be a little different than the rapture it's going to be long it's going to be loud and it's going to be very visible everyone will know what is taking place at the second coming so if you're going through this great tribulation and you make it to the second coming just know that in what what is your hope it's the second coming let's go to revelation 20. revelation 20 verse 4. so people people are gonna get saved during this great tribulation even as hard as it's going to be so it says and i saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus they didn't deny him and for the word of god and which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years so don't give up people get through this you can get saved and go into the kingdom that's going to get established here on this earth but you need to you need to if this just happened for you you've got to run you've got to hide you have that choice that's an option for you and endure but don't deny who jesus is or you know i'm thinking if it's me and i'm by myself i don't have my wife anymore some no kids something like that i'm going out there preaching and i'm going to take it in the neck because i don't think i can last you know you have one or two choices i think if i have a family and kids i'm going to endure i'm going to hide i'm going to run i'm going to survive through that time period if i'm by myself i'm probably going to preach and take it in the neck you know but you decide you you decide your eternity you decide whether you're going to spend eternity in the kingdom established here on earth or whether you're going to spend your eternity in hell you know after the rapture so finally for those that are still waiting for the rapture for us here and those still that are that are watching this can you can you imagine what people are are going to endure through this great tribulation i think of i think of i was thinking about it it's like there's two places on earth that comes close to me to what i think of i think of the middle east for christians who are beheaded or killed for not converting i think of china i mean christians over in china get you know get it a raw deal there too but how about the falun gong do you know the uyghurs in china so here's people that because of their faith it's not our faith but it's their faith and they're they're sent to prison or re-education camps right and they're tortured their organs are harvested so you know if you're going to get a transplant you better make sure it's not made in china because it's probably an unwilling participant in this and they're they're killed and their families never see them again you know so i kind of imagine those places here on earth that that people during the great tribulation are going to go through it's going to be somewhat like that you're going to have to hide your faith you know or hide from people and test it whether they're friend or foe and then you know it's like today you know we i can't think of a time maybe you know your older folk can but it's like i can't think of a time where we've been more divided as a country right we have a presidential election coming up where we have two different candidates two different ideas of where our country should go but you know what it's not really going to matter we're going to be divided even more right at some point at the at the rapture there's going to be ha there's going to be a lot of people that are going to get divided and they're going to get raptured up and taken into heaven right and then there's going to be people divided and left here on this earth to have to go through that so you know and then they tell us it's like hey the world's going to end in 10 days or 10 years 12 12 years i think we're down to 10 now you know whatever but it's like we shouldn't get worked up about that i know i do sometimes you know it's not really that the world's gonna end we know how the world's gonna end but you know it's not gonna be why they think it is you know it's gonna be the rapture that's what's gonna make it sound like the world's going to end to them so let's avoid let's avoid being left behind right let's get saved today how are we going to get saved we're going to believe what first corinthians 15 says that christ died and was buried rose again he died for our sins he paid the full penalty let's believe what ephesians tells us in i think it's 2 8 9 that it's not by our grace it's it's the faith of christ it's not faith in christ it's faith of christ he did everything for us it's not our works that's that's if you get left behind and then let's believe ephesians 1 13 that says that you are sealed for eternity if you believe that you're sealed there's nothing you can do now before the rapture that that is going to keep you from being raptured up into the heavenly places if you believe all that you're saved for eternity all right let's pray father i pray that if if there's someone here watching this video and the rapture already happened that they find this information to be useful and they make it into the kingdom that will be established here on earth and if you are here watching this and the rapture has not happened then i pray that you get saved today so that you will be raptured with us into the heavenly places amen
Channel: SWBibleFellowship
Views: 5,704
Rating: 4.7027025 out of 5
Keywords: Southwest, Bible, Fellowship, Rightly, Dividing, Apostle, Paul, Rick, Jordan, southwest, bible, fellowship, kingjamesbible, Rightly Dividing, King james bible, Christ, King, James, KJV, southwest bible fellowship, Word of God, Jesus, grace school of the bible, grace, school, shorewood, church, shorewood bible church, helpers of your joy
Id: VFRo9Pfexes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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