What To Do If You Don't Know What To Do. Jocko Willink.

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this is the Joo underground podcast number 94 sitting here with Eko Charles and we're going to talk about [Music] zugzwang you know what this is I do not know what this is no this is a German word I guess technically it's two words in German but German I think combines words together to make one big word sometimes but it comes from two different words Zug which means move and Zang which means compulsion so zugang means a compulsion to move meaning you have to make a move and this will make a little more sense when I tell you that this is a term that comes from the game of chess so in chess there are times where you are you have to make a move and no matter what move you make it's going to put you in a worst position that just happens sometimes in chess but guess what it does happen from time to time in life as well we get stuck in positions where we are going to be forced to make a bad move you've got to make a move and you don't have any good choices so what should you do when you get in those situations and the first one real obvious and this is sort of like the Jiu-Jitsu answer you get sometimes avoid it right when someone's like how do you get out of a rear naked choke you got to avoid it right are there escapes from rear naked chokes sure kind of I mean if someone locks up a RNC on you you're look people get out of them from time to time yeah but it's unreliable very unreliable you're very unreliable you're in a bad way so the primary thing to do is to pay attention to your surroundings and by surroundings I mean what's going on in your world what's going on in your life pay attention to what's going on and don't allow yourself to be painted into a corner where you're going to have to walk into that paint you have to you have to I mean I guess you could wa wait until the paint dries but then like whatever there's something going on that you need to stop there you know the the the oven's on with the chicken in there now you painted yourself in a corner you're either going to have to mess up the paint or you're going to have to let the the chicken burn burn the chicken like you know and probably get a fire yeah so pay attention look around be sitching way situationally aware be detached enough to make sure that you don't get flanked on four different sides and now you've got no good way to go okay so that's number one don't let it happen number two if it happens take a step back detach and realize the situation that you're in because sometimes people won't accept the fact that they've got to do something that they don't want to do and that they have no option they can either do this bad thing or this bad thing they got to do one of them you've got it so then they end up doing nothing and that ends up being worse worse than doing one of these two bad things that you have the opportunity to do so detach recognize the situation for what it is don't panic obviously stay calm look for look for opportunities reframe it a little bit look for some opportunities maybe it's an opportunity for you to get rid of something that you don't actually want right maybe there's a positive sacrifice that you can make maybe in a leadership situation you can take one on the chin and kind of prove as an example a Val highly valuable example how you're going to handle taking one on the chin so you can look at things and you can frame them in a way in your mind to go oh okay I have to make a bad move but here's a bunch of benefits that I can get out of this bad move this other bad move I'll get no none of these additional benefits okay I'm going to go with this bad move a instead of bad move B yeah you also have to make sure you're thinking about things from a strategic perspective and not a tactical perspective because sometimes the Tactical bad move seems better cuz it's going to give you some immediate relief yeah and the the the Strategic bad mve seems going to like be painful more painful some prolonged pain or something but you realize when you get done with that prolonged pain you're going to be out of it you're going to be a totally different better spot yeah than that short-term pain that you get over it real quick and you're like okay cool but now you didn't improve your position at all so pay attention to that as well as well and here's what I think is the I don't know if I don't necessarily say this is a black belt move sure but I think there are opportunities that I have taken in my life when I was caught into a bad versus bad decision I had to make do something unexpected do something unexpected sometimes you have a bad choice and a bad choice and you've got the choice that no one even thought of it's totally unexpected M it's so unexpected that people aren't thinking about it you're not even thinking about it so you don't see you don't see this unexpected choice if you only think about the two choices and which one is going to be the the best of two bad choices if that's all you're thinking about you might not see this other unexpected thing which may actually give you an option that you didn't think of so try and look to do something unexpected that's my point be you know we did that one podcast where we talk about being a contrarian just because it opens up your mind yeah this is a similar thing think to yourself I'm going to do something no one expects me to do and that will at least open up your mind hopefully you can see some possibilities the other thing is totally unexpected if you're in a comp competitive environment you know if you're in a competition of some kind you're you're in a Marketplace trying to sell something or you're in a Jiu-Jitsu match you do something that that's unexpected you ever catch somebody with just an unexpected move that they didn't expect yes I think I arm locked you one time and you just did not expect it and you were bummed out yes I remember that too yeah very much so straight arm lock why didn't you expect that cuz I'm just such a Cima person yeah especially at the time and and I remember that very specifically so you kept okay so we went through a phase not to go too far deep we went to a phase where you would get me with Kimura or a guillotine right every every time like pretty reliably for a long time and I remember thinking man let me at least like find it within my skill set or improve my skill set to at least mitigate one of these you know so the kimuro I remember I went for a long period of time with you never camuro me you only guillotined me the whole time and I remember thinking I think I got it down like the defense and I said it like after you guillotined me one day I said it I was like something along the line of like I I finally got to the point where you can only get the guillotine I said something like that then you did that on literally the next time and it was kind of a flying one but you're right like just like how you're saying that's a perfect example because um sure I wasn't expecting it and I remember thinking oh that was unexpected I remember think that a little bit but the more prevailing thought was like okay he he had to prove to me and hey you did it too I there I wasn't mad took it personal I was took it personal I was it was the opposite I actually learned from it like it's not all you know like in your mind and this goes for you just said yourself damn he actually can get me with a bunch of other things just doing whatever he wants yeah like don't start telling yourself and this goes for outside of jiujitsu to don't start telling yourself this big elaborate story just cuz you have one little proving Point very small proving Point too you know and then so yeah it was just a little humbling reminder that oh okay like don't don't look at it like that look at there's a big picture here you I don't know what's going on with you probably trained more than me anyway like what the hell am I thinking about I'm just like that's my litmus test well what's interesting I'd already been down that whole road with Dean Lis I understand so like you know I would get Dean Lis with the Camira and then you know he just is able to defend it and then one day I just hosted out that straight arm lock he was unexpecting and it's like there you go D and Dean Dean list did that with uh heel hooks to me heel hook heel hook heel hook hook and finally I started like okay I can turn out of this I learned a good pretty good defense then one day he goes back four years worth of training straight foot lock cuz the the defense is opposite brings it back just just straight foot lock unexpected yeah so that's what we're talking about here doing something that's unexpected doing something that's bold here's here's one you get caught in L-shaped Ambush do you know what that is get caught in an L-shaped Ambush what you need to do is assault you need to do the unexpected which is we're oh we're caught an L-shaped amb we are going to assault the enemy right now that's what we're going to do it's unexpected it's highly aggressive and you can get the upper hand quickly I mean look you're cell shape Ambush you're in a bad freaking spot you don't have too many options but doing something bold and unexpected is a good mindset to have when you have two bad choices think okay what else could I do what freaking crazy move could I make by the way how much risk is there like like I have a lose lose situation can I take a high risk what am I what do I stand to lose anyways I'm going to lose right it's like you if you're in a Jiu-Jitsu match and you're getting just smashed and you try and toss some foot lock at the end of the match like you're already on the bottom is a no-risk move you're already down n you know nine points to zero you're going to lose might as well try it yeah right do something but don't try and pass anymore you haven't been able to pass the guard for seven minutes heel hook like that's that's the type of attitude mhm um and of course don't give up that's also important you can find a way there are ways to win yeah if you have that mindset as well there's a way to win mhm there's a way to win and sometimes you got to take a loss to win sometimes that happens sometimes you got to take a loss to win yeah but there are ways to win go find one yep that's what I got that's what I got for for today so the l-shape Ambush is that does it matter where they're coming from or as long as it's just in the shape of L they're in the shape of an L okay so it can be the side and behind you the side in front of you kind of it's either going to be one of those two yeah cuz they can't be they can't be in front of you and behind you yeah what do you call that interlocking and it's not in the shape of an L either no that would be the H yeah but they're shooting at each other so people well the mo would set up ambushes like that like on both sides of a road unexpected it's unexpected for sure but we came to expect it but see they don't care if they're shooting each other collateral they don't care if they have a blue on BL they don't care that is a little excerpt of what we are doing on the Joo underground podcast so if you want to continue to listen go to Joo underground.com And subscribe and we're doing this to mitigate our Reliance on external platforms so we are not subject to their control and we're doing it so we can give you more control more interaction more direct connections better Communications with us strengthen this Legion of Troopers that are in the game with us so thank you it's Joo underground.com it cost $818 cents a month and if you can't afford to support us we can still support you just email assistance atjo underground.com and we'll get you taken care of until then we will see you mobilized Underground
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 157,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jocko willink, podcast, discipline, defcor, fredom, leadership, extreme ownership, author, navy seal, usa, military, echelon front, dichotomy of leadership, jiu jitsu, bjj, mma, jocko, victory, echo charles, flixpoint, underground
Id: SogmlN4NUEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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